Warrants for the Payment of Money: 1732, July-September

Pages 334-343

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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1732, July–September

July 1 John Hedges - - 2,000 0 0 Prince of Wales - - Order Book XV. p. 12.
South Sea Company - - 6,937 1 11 Expenses of management for three-quarter's of a year ended 1732, June 24. Ibid, p. 196.
Bank of England - 1,423 12 7 Same - Ibid.
James Osborne 375 0 0 Royal bounty Ibid, p. 197.
Arthur Collins - 100 0 0 Same - - - Ibid.
Duke of Newcastle 3,000 0 0 Secret service - - Ibid.
Lord Harrington 3,000 0 0 Same - - Ibid.
John Seaton - 200 0 0 Royal bounty - - - Ibid, p. 195.
July 18 Robert Smith - 37 10 0 1732, Midsummer quarter, as Master of Mechanics. Money Book XXXVI. p. 53
Earl of Buchan and 6 others. 200 0 0 Same quarter as Commissioners of Police. Ibid, p. 347.
George Lord Mordington. 50 0 0 Same quarter's allowance - Ibid, pp. 347–8.
Captain George Munro 100 0 0 Same quarter's annuity - Ibid, p. 348.
Wine License Office 28 0 11½ Same quarter's incidents - Ibid.
July 18 Hawkers and Pedlars Office. 85 15 9 1732, Lady Day quarter's incidents. Money Book XXXVI. p. 349.
Hawkers and Pedlars Commissioners. 432 10 0 Salary bill, Midsummer quarter. Ibid, p. 204.
Gertrude Countess Dowager of Albemarle. 750 0 0 Three quarters' pension, due 1732, June 24. Ibid, p. 127.
Charles Fitzroy - 66 1 4 Half year, due Midsummer, as Keeper of His Majesty's Tennis Courts. Ibid, p. 94.
Henry Masterman - 25 0 0 Same as King's Clerk in the Crown Office. Ibid.
Edward Harley and Thos. Foley. 33 6 8 Same as Auditors of His Majesty's Imprests and Foreign Accounts. Ibid, p. 95.
David Casley - 41 0 0 Same as deputy keeper of the Cotton Library. Ibid.
Henry Holt Henley 53 12 1 Same as Clerk of the Pipe - Ibid.
Leonard Thompson - 64 2 1 One year, due Midsummer, as Treasurer's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 96.
Treasurer of Christ's Hospital. 185 5 0 Half year's annuity, due Midsummer, to the Mayor, &c. of London, for children of that foundation. Ibid.
Samuel Edwards - 250 0 0 Same as surviving trustee for the place of keeper of Windsor Great Park. Ibid.
Officers of the Pipe, detailed. 60 0 0 One year's salary to same date. Ibid, p. 97.
Keepers of Cranborne Chase. 10 0 0 Half-year's same to same date. Ibid.
Marmaduke Lilly and John Allen. 26 13 4 Same as apothecaries to His Majesty's Household. Ibid.
Daniel Graham - 28 15 0 Midsummer quarter as apothecary in ordinary to His Majesty. Ibid p., 100.
John Cooke - - 24 3 4 Same as Clerk of Foreign Estreats. Ibid.
Provost and Fellows of Eton College. 10 10 0 Same quarter's perpetuity Ibid.
Keepers of Council Chamber. 22 15 0 Same- Ibid, pp. 100–1.
18 5 0 Same - Ibid, pp. 100–1.
Corporation of Dartmouth. 10 0 0 Same - Ibid, p. 101.
Richard Bentley - 50 0 0 Same quarter as keeper of His Majesty's libraries. Ibid.
Corporation of Berwick 25 0 0 Same quarter's allowance for Tweed Bridge. Ibid, p. 102.
Corporation of Lyme Regis. 25 0 0 Same quarter, keeping “Cobb” Pier. Ibid, p. 104.
Heirs of Col. Fairfax 25 0 0 Same quarter's perpetuity - Ibid.
Dr. Francis Dickens - 10 0 0 Same quarter as professor and reader of laws, Cambridge. Ibid.
Dr. James Bouchier 10 0 0 Same as same, Oxford Ibid, p. 105.
Dr. Wm. Woodford 10 0 0 Same as same of physic, Oxford. Ibid.
Dr. Green - - 10 0 0 Same as same, Cambridge - Ibid.
Ministers of the Isle of Man. 25 0 0 Same quarter's annuity - Ibid p. 106.
July 18 Ministers of the Savoy 30 0 0 Half year's annuity due 1732, Midsummer. Money Book XXXVI. p. 106.
George Turbill - 50 0 0 1732, Midsummer quarter, as Keeper of Records relating to Forfeited Estates, England. Ibid.
Jane Kien - 75 0 0 Same as housekeeper and wardrobe keeper, Kensington Palace. Ibid, p. 107.
John Inglis - - 25 0 0 Same as Marshal of the Ceremonies and Assistant Master of the Ceremonies. Ibid.
30 6 8 Same as Marshal of the Ceremonies and Assistant Master of the Ceremonies. Ibid.
Sir Clement Cotterell - 25 0 0 Same quarter as Master of the Ceremonies. Ibid, p. 108.
50 0 0 Same quarter as Master of the Ceremonies. Ibid, p. 108.
Lord Masham - 27 18 8 Half year, due 1732, Midsummer, as King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. Ibid.
Earl of Harborough 25 0 0 1732, Midsummer quarter, as Chief Justice in Eyre, Trent North. Ibid, p. 109.
Cambridge University - 10 0 0 One year, due June 24, Henry VII.'s perpetuity for a preacher. Ibid, 110.
Same 10 0 0 Same, Henry VII.'s perpetuity Ibid.
Same - - 13 6 8 Same, perpetuity for divinity lecturer. Ibid.
University of Oxford - 10 0 0 Same, Henry VII.'s perpetuity for a preacher. Ibid.
Same 13 6 8 Same Lady Magaret's perpetuity for a divinity lecturer. Ibid, p. 111.
Nathaniel Blackerby - 9 2 6 Same as His Majesty's housekeeper at Westminster. Ibid.
Emanuel College, Cambridge. 16 13 4 Same, perpetuity to master and fellows. Ibid.
Thos. Bishop of Bangor 37 6 8 Same, fee as Master of the Temple. Ibid.
Earl of Arran - 5 6 8 Same, Ranger of Bagshot Park. Ibid, p. 112.
Poor of St. John Baptist. 7 13 4 Same, perpetuity - Ibid.
Same of St. Botolph - 7 0 0 Same - Ibid.
Poor of St. Magnus 21 4 8 Same - Ibid, p. 113
Same of St. Michael, Cornhill. 12 4 0 Same - - Ibid.
Vicar of the Tower of London. 6 13 4 Same - Ibid, p. 114.
Schoolmaster of Southwell, Nottingham. 10 0 0 Same - - - Ibid.
Dean and Chapter of Lichfield. 15 0 0 Same - Ibid.
Vicars of Lichfield Cathedral. 15 0 0 Same - Ibid.
Grey Longueville - 40 0 0 Same year's salary as Gloucester King of Arms. Ibid, p. 115.
Wm. Cowper 48 16 8 1732, Midsummer quarter, as Knight Harbinger. Ibid.
Wm. Earl of Denbigh - 150 0 0 Same quarter's pension - Ibid, p. 136.
Earl of Crawford and 12 others, ut supra, p. 170. 750 0 0 Same quarter's salary Ibid, p. 2.
July 18 Sir Patrick and Martha Johnston. 37 10 0 1732, Midsummer quarter's annuities. Money Book XXXVI. p. 5.
12 10 0 1732, Midsummer quarter's annuities. Money Book XXXVI. p. 5.
Wine License Office 577 10 0 Same quarters salary bill - Ibid, p. 12.
James and Arthur Moore 1,500 0 0 Same quarter for Band of Gentlemen Pensioners. Ibid, p. 288.
Earl of Essex, Keeper of Hyde Park. 100 0 0 Same quarter for self and underkeepers, &c. of said park. Ibid,p. 294.
Same, Ranger of St. James's Park. 223 1 3 Same for same of said park - Ibid.
Same - 100 0 0 Same quarter's annuity for Lady Catherine Hyde and Lady Charlotte Hyde. Ibid, p. 295.
Lord Cornwallis - - 416 13 4 Same quarter as Chief Justice in Eyre, Trent South. Ibid.
Charles Lord Lynn 175 0 0 Same quarter's annuity as Master of His Majesty's Jewels. Ibid, p. 220.
Lord Byron - 250 0 0 Same quarter's annuity - Ibid, p. 233.
Civil List, Scotland - 9,774 18 Same quarter's salary bill - North Britain Book X. pp. 272–6.
John Earl of Kintore - 50 0 0 Same quarter's annuity Money Book XXXVI. p.234.
Earl of Hay and George Campbell, goldsmith. 50 0 0 Same for the late Lord Forbes's children. Ibid.
George Middleton, of London, goldsmith. 150 0 0 Same quarter's incidents for the Commissioners of Police. Ibid, p. 235.
Mungo Haldane - 100 0 0 Same quarter's allowances Ibid.
Officers of Board of Works. 152 1 2 Half year's salaries ended 1732, June 24. Ibid, p. 239.
Joseph Lawson and seven others named. 200 4 0 1732, Midsummer quarter's salary or fee as Sergeants-at-arms. Ibid, p. 243.
Duke of St. Albans, Governor and Captain of Windsor Castle. 45 10 0 Same quarter's fee or allowance of 10s. per day as such. Ibid.
James Earl of Berkeley 52 10 0 Same quarter for underkeepers, &c. of Dean Forest. Ibid, p. 244.
Hugh Howard - 40 0 0 Same as Keeper and Register of His Majesty's Papers and Records concerning matters of State and Council, reduced into the form of a library at Whitehall Palace. Ibid.
Richard Earl of Tylney 67 10 0 Same for rangers, &c. of Waltham Forest. Ibid, p. 245.
John Pitt 85 0 0 Same quarter as Lieutenant-Governor, &c. of the Bermudas. Ibid.
John Rollos - 12 10 0 Same as Chief Engraver of Royal Seals, &c. Ibid, p. 246.
Frances Wyndham - 50 0 0 Same quarter's pension Ibid.
Richard Hammond 20 0 0 Half year to 1732, Midsumsummer, as Foreign Apposer in the Exchequer. Ibid.
July 18 John Duke of Montagu 125 0 0 1732, Midsummer quarter, for officers of Order of the Bath. Money Book XXXVI. p. 247.
July 19 Customs officers, Scotland 6,130 6 0 Midsummer quarter's salary bill. North Britain Book X. pp. 278–91.
John Walker, Chief Usher of the Exchequer. 435 10 4 Necessaries delivered, 1732, Trinity Term. Order Book XV. p. 199.
Wm. Earl of Home - 50 0 0 Midsummer quarter's allowance. Ibid, p. 175.
Duke of Kent - 500 0 0 Same quarter's pension - Money Book XXXVI. p. 90.
Thos. Wootton, Sheriff of Herts. 120 0 0 Rewards paid for arrests of felons. Ibid, p. 257.
Sir Rowland Hill, same of Salop. 40 0 0 Same - Ibid.
July 20 Sir Charles Dalton - 50 0 0 Midsummer quarter, as Gentleman Usher Black Rod. Order Book XV. p. 205.
July 24 Hester Abington and 243 more. 3,240 0 0 Royal bounty for wounds and services, &c.; out of savings on half-pay of reduced officers of the land forces and marines. King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 357.
Wm. Fraunceis - 59 4 10¾ Overpayment as Sheriff of Somerset. Order Book XV. p. 54.
Richard Chase 12 5 Same as same of Herts - Ibid.
Thos. Greenwood 36 7 6 Same as same of Oxford - Ibid.
July 25 Cashier of salt duties 500 0 0 Imprest for incidents - Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 474–5.
Randolph Greenway and Warner Perkins. 320 0 0 Rewards paid for arrests of felons. Money Book XXXVI. p. 257.
Officers of General and Penny Post Office, detailed. 2,151 15 8 Salary hill, 1732, Midsummer quarter. Ibid p. 426–8.
529 14 Salary bill, 1732, Midsummer quarter. Ibid p. 426–8.
John Williams, Richard Aldworth, Edward Younge, Wm. Cleland, John Bromfield, Thos. Medlycott. 150 0 0 Salaries same quarter as Commissioners for Taxes. Ibid, p. 64.
Thos. Lowther - 1,000 0 0 His Majesty's service - Ibid, p. 13.
Hawkers and Pedlars Office. 271 4 10 1722, Midsummer quarter's incidents. Ibid, p. 349.
Thos. Beake - - 200 0 0 Under Clerks of the Council for writing, &c. to the Lords Lieutenants, &c. and public offices for one year to 1731, Christmas. Ibid, p. 352.
July 26 Scroop Viscount Howe 2,000 0 0 Dormant warrant for allowances as Captain General and Governor in Chief of Barbados from 1732, June 6. King's Warrant Book XXX. pp. 446–7.
per annum.
July 26 David Dunbar, Surveyor General of Woods in North America. 0 6 8 Travelling charges for himself and deputies when on service in North America. Money Book XXXVI. pp. 352–3.
per day.
Samuel Buckley - 739 12 0 Disbursements for His Majesty's special purposes, 1731, August 2, to 1732, July 6. Ibid, p. 353.
July 27 Sir Thos. Lombe 14,000 0 0 Discovering and introducing the three capital Italian engines for making Organzine silk. Order Book XV. p. 207.
John Scrope - 6,678 0 0 Secret service - Order Book XV. p. 118; King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 444.
[? 6628 0 0] Secret service - Order Book XV. p. 118; King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 444.
Richard Symonds, Sheriff of Warwick. 63 19 6 Overpayment in account as sheriff. Money Book XXXVI. p.80.
Charles Brune - 58 10 11½ Same as same of Dorset - Ibid.
Nathl. Acton - - 14 14 11¼ Same as same of Suffolk - Ibid.
Sir Isaac Shard and John Fuller. 457 7 4 Same as same of London and Middlesex. Ibid.
July 28 Taxes Commissioners - 190 10 Land tax incidents, 1732, Midsummer quarter. Ibid, p. 354.
Thos. Missing - - 1,647 0 0 Victualling Placentia and Annapolis, 1731, October 1, to 1732, March 31. King's Warrant Book XXX. pp. 447–8.
Same - - - 2,496 5 Victualling Gibraltar, 1731–2, February 7 to March 5. Ibid, pp. 449–50.
July 29 Edward Mundy - 1 17 11 Overpayment as Sheriff of Derby. Order Book XV. p. 54.
Aug. 1 John Hedges - - 2,000 0 0 Prince of Wales - Ibid, p. 12.
Christopher Rhodes and seven others, detailed. 1,600 0 0 Reward for executing Commission as Managers for taking in and certificating Lottery Tickets. Money Book XXXVI. pp. 354–5.
Robert Lord Walpole, Ranger and Keeper of Richmond Park. 89 2 0 Himself and underkeepers of said park for half year due 1732, June 24. Ibid, p. 356.
Sir Philip Yorke - 81 6 8 One year's salary due 1732, June 11, as Attorney General. Ibid.
Charles Talbot - 70 0 0 Same as Solicitor General - Ibid.
Sir Philip Yorke and Charles Talbot. 105 0 0 Same year for service at the Board of Trade. Ibid, p. 357; Order Book XV. p. 209.
(? 115 10 0)
James Earl Waldegrave 1,300 0 0 Quarter's ordinary to June 18, as Ambassador, &c. to France. Ibid.
South Sea Company 1,212,088 2 3 Whole annuity for one year to 1733, Midsummer, and charges of management, same period.
Appending: — Computation of the principal money of said Company, annuities thereon and charges of management.
Money Book XXXVI. pp. 359–62.
17,560 5 Whole annuity for one year to 1733, Midsummer, and charges of management, same period.
Appending: — Computation of the principal money of said Company, annuities thereon and charges of management.
Money Book XXXVI. pp. 359–62.
Aug. 2 Board of Ordnance, Ireland. 1,145 13 For Nicholas Grueber for gunpowder. Irish Book VIII. p. 431.
Aug. 2 Taxes Commissioners - 264 10 Incidents bill, duties on houses, 1732, Midsummer quarter. Money Book XXXVI. p. 355.
Aug. 3 Charles Cole, Sheriff of Southampton. 17 9 4 Overpayment in account as sheriff. Ibid, p. 80.
Richard Green - 17 16 Same as same of Leicester - Ibid.
Roger Melhuish - 3 18 6 Same as same of Devon Ibid.
Excise officers, Scotland 1,794 17 10¼ Midsummer quarter's salary bill. North Britain Book X. pp. 296–7.
Same - - - 357 10 Same, incidents bill. - Ibid, pp. 297–8.
Duke of Montagu - 20,000 0 0 Imprest for the Great Wardrobe. King's Warrant Book XXX p. 451.
John Jacob 800 0 0 Royal bounty - Order Book XV. p. 211.
Thos. Viscount Gage - 240 0 0 Expenses in discovery of fraudulent sales of Derwentwater estate. Money Book XXXVI. p. 358.
Aug. 4 Wm. Richards 2,700 0 0 His Majesty's special service Order Book XV. p. 211.
Aug. 8 Scroop, Viscount Howe 1,500 0 0 Services as Governor of Barbados. Ibid, p. 212.
Francis Whitworth, Surveyor General of Woods. 1,000 0 0 Imprest for repairs in Windsor Forest and Windsor Great Park. Money Book XXXVI. p. 363.
Thos. Lowther - 500 0 0 His Majesty's service Ibid, p. 13.
Aug. 10 Wm. Finch - 728 0 0 Ordinary to June 24, as Envoy, &c. to States General. Order Book XV. p. 212.
Percival Lewis, Sheriff of Surrey. 57 16 3 Overpayment in account as sheriff. Money Book XXXVI. p. 80.
Aug. 11 John Scrope - 5,000 0 0 Secret service Order Book XV. p. 118.
Aug. 13 Bank of England - 13,791 14 0 Circulating Exchequer bills, 1732, April 24 to July 24, with statement of bills outstanding at latter date. Money Book XXXVI. p. 364.
Aug. 15 Same - - - 60,000 0 0 One year from 1732, Midsummer, annuity as by 11 Geo. I. reduced. Order Book XV. p. 85.
Same - - 70,000 0 0 Same period on 1,750,000l. - Ibid, p. 87.
Same - - 50,000 0 0 Same period on 1,250,000l. Ibid, p. 88.
Royal Academy of Music. 1,000 0 0 Royal bounty to the under takers of the Opera. King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 455.
Bank of England 160,000 0 0 One year's annuity to 1733, Feast of St. John Baptist, on 4,000,000l. stock purchased from the South Sea Company, and charges of management on same. Money Book XXXVI. pp. 366–8.
1,898 3 One year's annuity to 1733, Feast of St. John Baptist, on 4,000,000l. stock purchased from the South Sea Company, and charges of management on same. Money Book XXXVI. pp. 366–8.
James Earl Waldegrave. 1,448 0 0 Extras, detailed, as Ambassador &c. to France. Ibid, pp. 368–9.
Melchior Guy Dickens 100 0 0 Same as Secretary at Court of King of Prussia. Ibid.
Aug. 15 Thos. Pelham - 140 0 0 Extras, detailed, as Secretary to the Extraordinary Embassy to France. Money Book XXXVI. pp. 368–70.
Wm. Reede 250 0 0 Same as Consul at Tripoli (computed in Spanish dollars = 5s. sterling). Ibid.
Aug. 16 Nicholas Paxton 1,000 0 0 Crown law expenses - Ibid.
Bank of England 24,000 0 0 One year to 1733, June 24, on 800,000l. lottery annuities, 1731. Ibid, p. 371.
Same 30,000 0 0 Same period, annuities on 1,000,000l. 12 Geo. I. Ibid, p. 137.
Owners of the bridge between Fulham and Putney. 100 0 0 Commutation of tolls from 1729–30, January 17. King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 456–7.
per annum and
400 0 0
John Scrope - 5,905 0 0 Secret service - - Order Book XV. p. 118.
Aug. 17 Mayor of Gravesend 25 0 0 Apprehending and committing to gaol in May last some men enlisted for the Pretender's service. Letter Book XIX. p. 136.
Samuel Shute - - 400 0 0 Royal bounty as Captain General and Governor in Chief of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire. Order Book XV. p. 214.
Thos. Lowther 1,000 0 0 His Majesty's service - Money Book XXXVI. p. 13.
Aug. 19 Duke of Bolton, Warden of New Forest. 30 0 0 Repair of His Majesty's house at Lyndhurst and stables there. Ibid, p. 366.
40 0 0 Repair of His Majesty's house at Lyndhurst and stables there. Ibid, p. 366.
Aug. 28 Charles Hatton - 400 0 0 Royal bounty - Order Book XV. p. 215.
Aug. 31 George Draper - 11,000 0 0 Same - Ibid.
Sept. 2 John Hedges - 2,000 0 0 Prince of Wales - Ibid, p. 12.
Sept. 7 Revs. Hugh Hughes and Patrick Henry. 20 0 0 Passage money as ministers for New York and Virginia respectively. Money Book XXXVI. p. 371.
Sept. 14 John Scrope - 2,000 0 0 Secret service - Order Book XV. p. 118.
Sept. 18 Thos. Lowther - 1,000 0 0 His Majesty's service - Money Book XXXVI. p. 13.
Sept. 19 Randolph Greenway and Warner Perkins. 280 0 0 Rewards paid for arrest of felons. Ibid, p. 258.
Sept. 20 Charles de Sailly - 200 0 0 Royal bounty - Order Book XV. p. 216.
Nicholas Paxton - 1,200 0 0 Crown law expenses - Money Book XXXVI. p. 39.
Sept. 21 Executors of Charles Wither. 794 16 Surplus on an imprest account as late Surveyor General of Woods. Ibid, p. 372.
Sept. 26 Examiner and six surveyors of the London Distillery. 10 0 0 Dormant warrant for additional salary. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 483.
per annum.
John Basket, King's printer. 3,511 12 7 One year ended 1732, June 24, for paper and printing Acts of Parliament, proclamations, &c. &c. Money Book XXXVI. pp. 372–3.
Sept. 28 Executors of Paul George, late Lieut.-Governor of Montserrat. 43 16 8 Salary to day of death, 1728, Sept. 12.
Appending:—Depositions as to P. George's marriage and will.
Money Book XXXVI. pp. 374–5.
Horatio Walpole, Cofferer of the Household. 100,000 0 0 Imprest for ordinary and extraordinary expenses of the Household. Ibid, p. 375.
Sept. 29 Duke of Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe. 20,000 0 0 Imprest for the Great Wardrobe. Ibid, p. 379.
Sept. 29.]
Customs officers, London port 7,986 0 11¼ Salary bill, Michaelmas quarter Customs Book XIII. p. 311.
Same of outports - 12,060 19 3 Same - Ibid.
Sept. 30 Nathaniel Cowdery 12 10 0 Same quarter - Order Book XV. p. 32.
Earl of Godolphin - 50 0 0 Half year, due Michaelmas, as Deputy Ranger of the House Park, Windsor. Ibid, p. 77.
John Lawton 10 0 0 Michaelmas quarter as Senior Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 30.
Horatio Walpole 125 0 0 Half year, due Michaelmas - Ibid, p. 78.
Charles Bettridge - 5 0 0 Michaelmas quarter, attending at the Exchequer Gate. Ibid, p. 154.
John Procter, Sheriff of Somerset. 120 0 0 Rewards paid for arrest of felons. Money Book XXXVI. p. 258.
Lords Commissioners of Treasury. 2,000 0 0 1732, Michaelmas quarter's salaries. Ibid, p. 28.
Henry Fane 50 0 0 Same - - Ibid.
Sir Robert Walpole - 400 0 0 Same as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 29.
John Couraud - 50 0 0 Same as Latin secretary - Ibid.
Thos. Thurkettle - 16 3 4 Same as Messenger of the Chamber. Ibid, p. 30.
16 3 4 Same as Messenger of the Chamber. Ibid, p. 30.
Treasury clerks, detailed. 187 10 0 Same - - Ibid, pp.32, 404.
William Ireland - 25 0 0 Same for services in Auditor of Receipt's office. Ibid, p. 33.
George Holmes - 25 0 0 Same as clerk for digesting, &c. records, &c. in Cæsar's Chapel, &c. in the Tower. Ibid, p. 34.
Charles Valence Jones 50 0 0 Same as a Solicitor for the affairs of the Treasury. Ibid.
David Polhill - 37 10 0 Same as supervisor of the digesting, &c. records, &c. in Cæsar's Chapel, &c. in the Tower. Ibid, p. 35.
Sir Philip Ryley and Thos. Spence. 53 7 0 Same as sergeants-at-arms - Ibid.
Thos. Mann, et al. - 127 10 0 Same as officers of the Treasury, detailed. Ibid., p. 38.
Sept. 30 Earl of Wilmington - 1,000 0 0 1732, Michaelmas quarter, as President of the Privy Council. Money Book XXXVI. p. 41.