Warrants, Letters, etc.: 1732, July-December

Pages 290-307

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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1732, July–December

July 1 Treasury warrant to King's Remembrancer or his deputy. To take Lewis Elstob and John Watson's security. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 469.
July 7 M. Frecker to Postmasters General. Concerning the merchants' demand to import diamonds in the mail. Letter Book XIX. p. 107.
July 13 Memorial of the Commissioners of Taxes to the Treasury. For payment of 276l. 18s.d. to themselves for salary out of the Civil List, from 1726, Christmas, to 1727, June 11. 1 page Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 21.
July 18 Tho. Tomkyns to [? J. Scrope]. Concerning his composition for his public debt as by the Act of Parliament, 1 page.
—(a.) Same to same, July 17. 1 page.
(b.) and (c.) Two petitions of same to the Treasury, the latter minuted as under July 19, supra, p. 242. 2 pages.
Ibid, No. 24.
Treasury warrant to Edward Harley and Thos. Foley, Auditors of Imprests. To allow 99l. 18s. 6d. as incidents in the accounts of the Paymasters of Exchequer bills for one year, ended Lady Day last. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 472–3.
Same to the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer and the sworn attorneys in that office, and to the Commissioners for Taxes. To consult together for establishing a method in returning and executing bonds by dedimus reconcileable to the practice of the Exchequer Court. Affairs of Taxes IV. pp. 4–5.
July 19 Same to the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. For stay of process against sureties of Wm. Allen. Ibid, pp. 2–3.
Petition of Edward Clarke For leave to compound for smuggling - Reference Book IX. p. 465.
July 19 Petition of Thos. Jones For costs of a journey to Aberystwith to detect smugglers. Reference Book IX. p. 465.
July 20 Commissioners of Customs to the Treasury. On the petition of Abraham Coleman, of London, broker, concerning his public debt. 2 pages.
—Said petition, with order of references, dated 1731, August 27. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 25.
J. Scrope to Christopher Tower. Concerning his father's bonds on the ship “Joseph,” as deputy to the collector inwards, London port. Letter Book XIX. p. 107.
Same to Mr. Paxton - About Sir Humphrey Howorth's debt - Ibid, p. 106.
Same to Salt Commissioners, Scotland. With the Treasury approval of their list of officers. North Britain Book X. p. 277.
Petition of Thos. Spence - For allowance of 85l. 6s. 8d. incidents in account as Paymaster of Lotteries. Reference Book IX. p. 465.
July 21 Representation to the Treasury from the Commissioners of Salt. Pray directions concerning the disposal of 9,925l. 4s.d. in the hands of Joseph Windham, cashier to said Commissioners, being money received on account of the salt duties determined 1730, December 25. 2 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 26.
July 25 Petition of Hubert Guichard Concerning his plantation in St. Christopher. Reference Book IX. p. 465.
Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To enlarge from prison John Watkins, surety for Peter and John Williams, merchants, Exeter. Customs Book XIII. pp. 317–9
Same to same and to Attorney General. To accept smuggling composition from Thos. Jones. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer. For stay of process against sureties of Henry Nash. Affairs of Taxes IV. pp. 5–6.
Same to same - For same against same of John Shermer - Ibid, p. 6.
Same confirming a Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For furniture for the “Dublin” yacht, Captain Lawson, to cost 299l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 397.
Same to the Commissioners of Excise. To allow taxes to Excise officers of under 100l. salary. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 473.
July 26 J. Scrope to Sir Richard Lane For his attendance at the Treasury tomorrow. Letter Book XIX. p. 107.
Same to Commissioners of Taxes. For same with state of Richard Lane's accounts. Ibid, p. 108.
Same to Mr. Paxton For an account from Mathew White of the arrears on the pension of 200l. settled on Charles Radcliffe out of the Derwentwater estates. Ibid.
July 27 Same to Mr. Cowper, Receiver General of Northampton, and Mr. Hartley, same of Bucks. To attend the Treasury on Thursday next Ibid.
Same to Commissioners of Taxes and Sir Richard Lane. For same on August 1 - Ibid, pp. 108–9.
Same to Comptrollers of Army Accounts. With Missing's list, detailed, of men victualled at Gibraltar, 1732, May 1–28. Ibid, p. 109.
July 27 Petition of Thos. Missing For 819l. for victualling 360 men in Placentia, Annapolis Royal and Canso, 1732, April 1 to June 30. Reference Book IX. p. 466.
July 28 Royal sign manual by the Queen, as Guardian, &c. [to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland]. To make good to himself ont of the revenues, Ireland, the deficiency of the wool licenses for year ended 1732, June 22. Irish Book VIII. p. 430.
July 31 Petition to the Treasury by Thos. Tomkyns, prisoner in the Poultry Compter. Concerning his liberation under the Act for compounding his public debt. 3 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 28.
Edmund Bishop of London to same. For 20l. passage money to Patrick Henry, a minister, to Virginia. 1 page. Ibid, No. 29.
J. Schicke to John Scrope - For one year, due Midsummer last, on the annual allowance of 50l. to Mr. Renard at Amsterdam for corresponding. 1 page. Ibid, No. 30.
[Before Aug. 1.] Memorial to the Treasury from Thos. Viscount Gage. For the balance of his expenses of 290l. on the discovery of fraudulent sales of the late Earl of Derwentwater's estate. 1 page.
—As under August 1, supra, p. 244.
Ibid, No. 31.
Petition of Sir Humphrey Howorth to the Treasury. Concerning the accounts of the receivership of the land revenues of the Crown, North Wales.
Minuted:— “Sir H. Howarth and Mr. Paxton to meet and adjust his proposal.” 1 page.
—Affidavit of Howorth, dated 1732, July 31. 1 page.
Ibid, No. 32.
Aug. 1 Report to the Treasury from the Commissioners for Taxes. On the accounts of Richard Lane, Receiver General of Worcestershire. 3 page. Ibid, No. 33.
Same from the Mint officials On John Rollos' bill for engraving a seal for New Jersey. 2 pages. Ibid, No. 34.
Treasury warrant to Francis Whitworth. To pay for works at Richmond, and Mr. Negus's allowance for Swinley Walk out of Navy bills. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 478–9.
J. Scrope to Commissioners of Excise. To subsist Lieutenant General Whetham's regiment of foot in or about Newark, Lincoln. Letter Book XIX. p. 109.
Treasury warrant to the Board of Works. To contract with Fryer Walker for lighting the Parliament lamps. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 398.
Same Customs Commissioners. To repay land tax, 1732, to officers of Customs of under 60l. salary. Customs Book XIII. p. 323–4.
Petition of Thos. Missing - For 1,589l. 2s.d. for extra payments on account of provisions, repairs, &c. at Gibraltar. Reference Book IX, p. 467.
Aug. 2 Same of George Welland and Richard Duffkin. For respite of their recognisance as security for John Forrest. Ibid, p. 466.
Same of Robert Lord Petre, Baron of Writtle, and Anna Maria his wife. Concerning their annuity and 20,000l. charged on the Derwentwater estate. Ibid, pp. 466–7.
Same of Thos. Missing For 460l. 0s. 3d. for one year's insurance of provisions for Gibraltar to 1731, December 12. Ibid, p. 467.
Aug. 3 Representation to the Treasury from the Commissioners of Taxes. Concerning the accounts of Wm. Hartley, Receiver General of Bucks, and John Cowper, same of Northampton. 3 pages.
—(a.) Hartley's petition to the Treasury. 1 page.
(b.) State of Hartley's account. 1 page.
(c.) Same of effects of Wm. Hartley, junior, of Stony Stratford. 1 page.
(d.) Same of bills, &c. in hand unpaid brought up from Northampton by John Cowper. 3 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 36.
Report to the Treasury by Geo. Wright, Deputy Auditor, dated Auditor Godolphin's office, New Palace Yard. On petition of Elizabeth Newton, widow, late widow of Richard Rose, Receiver General of Crown Rents for Lincoln, &c. 1½ pages.
—(a.) Same to same by Wm. Lowndes, auditor. 2 pages.
(b.) Newton's petition to the Treasury, with order of reference, 1732, June 30. 1½ pages.
(c.) and (d.) Affidavits of Thos. Rose and Eliz. Newton. 5 pages.
Ibid, No. 37.
J. Scrope to Auditor of Receipt. To adapt the plate for Exchequer bills on land tax last year to the present year. Letter Book XIX. p. 110.
Petition of Sir John Eyles, Sir Joseph Eyles, and Benjamin Hoskin. Concerning their suretyship for Henry Flower, Receiver General for part of Wilts. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 7.
Warrant under the sign manual by the Queen, as Guardian, &c. For letters patent for grant of certain mines in Scotland to the Duke of Argyll and Greenwich. North Britain Book X. pp. 292–4.
Treasury warrants to Customs Commissioners and Attorney General. To accept smuggling compositions from James Butler, master of the “Dorothy and Mary,” from Cadiz. Customs Book XIII. p. 312.
Aug. 5 Treasury warrant to Auditor of Receipt, &c. To place 400,000l. in Exchequer bills as so much cash in the Teller's Office, chargeable on the land tax, 1732, to register after loans already on same. Money Book XXXVI. p. 358.
J. Scrope to Commissioners of Excise, Scotland. To remit to London the cash remains of the plate duty for year ended 1732, June 24, amounting to 3,558l. 14s.d. North Britain Book X. p 294.
Aug. 8 Report by Nicholas Paxton to the Treasury. Concerning Sir Humphrey Howorth's estate. 2 pages.
:—(a.) Particular of said estate. 3 pages.
(b.) Howorth's affidavit as to his Lewes estate. 1732, August 4. 1 page
(c.) Rental of Lewes estate. 7 pages,
(d.) Same of the Maeslerigh estate. 2 pages
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 41.
Treasury warrant to the Board of Works. To fit up the Lottery Office for the Lords of the Treasury, the Treasury Office being very ruinous and dangerous. To cost 450l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 399.
Same to same - Approving the excess on the works at the new stables at the Mews. Ibid.
Treasury warrant For further stay of process against John Hatch for payment of smuggling composition money. Customs Book XIII. p. 321.
Same to Attorney General - To non pros, the information against John Flower for importing gold from India without entry. Ibid, p. 322.
Aug. 9 Petition of George Douglas, Advocate, His Majesty's Solicitor for the late Bishop's tithes in Scotland. For rewards for his work of inspecting, &c. leases of Bishop's tithes. North Britain Book X. p. 299.
Petition of Ebenezar Hartley, smuggler. For release - Reference Book IX. p. 467.
Same of David Boys, prisoner in the Fleet on a judgment of 25,515l. anno 1726. For same - - Ibid.
Aug. 10 J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Revenue, Ireland. Enclosing a state of the duty on prizage of Wines in Ireland for report. Irish Book VIII. p. 428.
Aug. 11 Treasury warrant to Stamp Commissioners. To allow in account 17l. 13s. 2d. to Samuel Elliott for stamps lost in the fire at Blandford. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 481–2.
Edmund Bishop of London to the Treasury. For 20l. passage money to Hugh Hughes, appointed a minister in New York. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 42.
J. Scrope to Secretary at War About placing soldiers on the coast of Suffolk to prevent smuggling. Letter Book XIX. p. 110.
Same to Auditor of Receipt - To set apart in their accounts and certificates the arrears of the salt duties determined, 1780, December 25. Ibid.
Same to Salt Commissioners To pay above arrears into the Exchequer minus 1,200l. to answer demands. Ibid, p. 111.
Petition of Samuel Elliot, distributor of stamps, Dorset. Concerning' stamps destroyed in the fire at Blandford. Reference Book IX. p. 457.
Same of Edmund Eccles - Concerning his interest in part of the forfeited estate of Gabriel Hesketh of Goosnargh. Ibid, p. 468.
Aug. 14 J. Scrope to Auditor of Receipt. For an account of money paid into the Receipt for the two thirds and interest thereon of the purchase money for French lands in St. Christopher. Letter Book XIX. p. 111.
Aug. 15 Petition of John Parker, successor to Charles Eyre, as solicitor of the Customs. For augmentation of salary - - North Britain Book X. pp. 229–300.
Aug. 16 Report to the Treasury from the late Commissioners for selling French lands in St. Christopher. On the petition of Hubert Guichard, of St. Christopher. 3 pages.
—Said petition to the Treasury, with reference, dated 1782, July 24. 2 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 43.
Memorial of Nicholas Paxton to the Treasury. For 1,000l. upon account of His Majesty's law causes and affairs. 1 page. Ibid, No. 44.
J. Scrope to Excise Commissioners. To subsist Lord Mark Kerr's regiment of dragoons at Stafford, Lichfield, and Uttoxeter. Letter Book XIX. p. 111.
Aug. 17 The Commissioners of Excise, Edinburgh, to the Treasury. Touching remittances to London of the cash balance on the plate duty. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 45.
J. Scrope to Auditor of Receipt. To prepare a copper plate for Exchequer bills on salt duty. Letter Book XIX. p. 112
Aug. 18 Representation from the Commissioners of Excise, London, to the Treasury. Concerning the behaviour of James Jennings, J.P. at the trial of certain maltsters for treading malt couches, &c.
Minuted:—as under September 21, supra, p. 252. 2 pages.
—(a.) Affidavit by Wm. Toke, collector of Excise for Reading. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 46.
J. Scrope to Commissioners of Excise. To subsist Lieutenant General Tatton's regiment of foot at and near Bristol and Aberystwith. Letter Book XIX. p. 112.
Same to Mr. Paxton - Concerning timber stealers in New Forest Ibid.
Same to Auditor of Imprests To prepare the accounts of the 4½ per cent. duty in the Barbados in the form proposed by the Customs Commissioners, “unless you have another form to propose by which a rule for the better stating these accounts may be made for the future.” Ibid, p. 113.
Same to Customs Commissioners. Concerning the accounts of Samuel Horne, deceased, collector of Customs, Antigua. Ibid, p. 122.
Aug. 22 Report to the Treasury from the Commissioners of Revenue, Ireland. On the case of the Prizage of Wines, Ireland, in lease from the Earl of Arran to the Crown. 2 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 47.
Aug. 23 Memorial of the Earl of Halifax. Concerning the choking up of the river which supplies Hampton Court, “so that the natural course thereof is stopped and no water comes down.” Reference Book IX. p. 468.
Aug. 24 C. Tilson to Commissioners of Hackney Coaches. For Henry Stower to have the vacant chair, No. 320. Letter Book XIX. p. 113.
Treasury warrant to Commissioners of Excise. To allow Drake Pennant, et al. to reduce imported brandy to proof. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 480–1.
Aug. 26 Report to the Treasury by Nicholas Paxton. On the petition of Wm. Powell, of Monks Eleigh, Suffolk, butcher. 2 pages.
—(a.) Said petition, with order of reference, dated 1732, June 28. 2 pages.
(b.) Affidavit of same. 1 page.
(c.) Certificate of the Exchequer process against Samuel Mynns. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 48.
Petition of Samuel Cousens, smuggler. For enlargement from Dorchester Goal - Reference Book IX. p. 467.
Aug. 28 Petition of Mary Aston - For stay of proceedings against John Aston, her husband, for smuggling. Ibid, p. 468.
Aug. 31 Duke of Newcastle to the Treasury, dated Kensington, August 31. Transmitting papers received through Baron Sparre, Envoy Extraordinary from Sweden, relating to the seizure in London of the “Unity,” or “Enigheeden,” a Swedish ship. 1 page.
—(a.) Erich Thierstedt to [Baron Sparre] concerning the above. 1½ pages. (b.) Statement of the case. 2 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 49.
Sept. 6 Christopher Tilson to Mr. Paxton. With letters concerning Elstob's account as receiver of the Derwentwater estates. Letter Book XIX. p. 113.
Sept. 6 Christopher Tilson to Customs Commissioners. About the “Unity,” with tar from Sweden, seized under the Act of Navigation. Letter Book XIX. p. 114.
Sept. 6.]
Petition of Solomon Kelly to Sir Robert Walpole. For an appointment, having lost all in the burning of the “Princess Amelia” sloop in 1728, in which he was second mate. 1 page.
—(a.) and (b.) Certificates of his services from Captain Edward Allen and the Customs officials of Port Glasgow and Greenock. 2 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 50.
Sept. 11 Memorial to the Treasury from Frances, widow of Charles Wither. Concerning her husband's accounts as late Surveyor General of Woods.
Minuted:—Warrant signed for the surplus. 1½pages.
Ibid, No. 51.
Sept. 12 Treasury warrant to Board of Works. To clean the canal at Hampton Court. To cost 62l. 12s. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 408.
Same to same To make the necessary conveniences at the Chapter House for preserving the Records. To cost 120l. Ibid, p. 409.
Sept. 14 Christopher Tilson to Mr. Medlycott, a Commissioner of Revenue, Ireland. To attend the Treasury concerning the account of the prizage duty in Ireland and lease of same. Letter Book XIX. p. 114.
Same to Mr. Delafaye - With the Customs Commissioners' report as to seizure of the Swedish ship. Ibid.
Warrant under the royal sign manual by the Queen, as Guardian, &c. [directed to the Lord Lieutentant of Ireland]. To place on half-pay Captain Theophilus Desbrisay as a reduced captain of horse. Irish Book VIII. pp. 432–3.
Sept. 15 Christopher Tilson to Auditor Godolphin or his deputy. Concerning the proclamation against Sir Humphrey Howorth. Letter Book XIX. p. 115.
Sept 16 Treasury warrant to King's Remembrancer. For stay of process against Wm. Pacy and Robt. Say, Receivers General for part of Norfolk. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 13.
Charles Carkesse to Christopher Tilson. Concerning the demand for a Customs House at Margate. 2½ pages.
—(a.) Extract from Wyatt's and Brooks' reply to the report of the Commissioners of Customs, dated 1731–2, January 12, with said Commissioners' observations on same. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 52.
Sept. 19 Entry of re-lease Of half a virgate of land in Tunningham, Warwick [? Northants], to Thomas Hewett. Crown Lease Book II. p. 383.
Sept. 20 J. Scrope to Mr. Paxton Concerning the petition of Robert Lord Petre and Anna Maria his wife. Letter Book XIX. pp. 115–6.
Same to Mr. Turbill - To attend with lists of receivers of Forfeitures appointed under Treasury commissions. Ibid, p. 116.
Same to Customs Commissioners. To forbear orders meanwhile as to custom house at Margate. Ibid.
Same to Mark Frecker, Robert Manning, Richard Hamond, and Edward St. Hill. To take in and certificate lottery tickets in the names of Wm. Ventris, et al. Ibid, p. 117.
Sept. 20 J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Revenue, Ireland. Inclosing for report the petition of the Bristol merchants and sugar bakers concerning the export of sugars to Ireland. Irish Book VIII. pp. 433–4.
Petition of the Commissioners for sale of French lands in St. Christopher. For 2,062l. 12s. 10¼d. extraordinary expenses in the execution of their trust. Reference Book IX. p. 469.
Sept. 21 Treasury warrant to the Board of Works. For repairs at the beams and lead of the Banqueting House. To cost 650l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 409.
Memorial to the Treasury from Nicholas Paxton. For 1,200l. to carry on His Majesty's law causes. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 53.
Sept. 22 J. Scrope to Comptroller of Army Accounts. With Missing's list, detailed, of men victualled at Gibraltar, 1732, May 28 to June 25. Letter Book XIX. p. 118.
Same to Taxes Commissioners To attend the Treasury concerning vacant receiverships of land tax, and concerning Cowper, deceased receiver for Northampton. Ibid.
Same to Customs Commissioners. Concerning the baggage lately arrived of the Conde de Montijo. Ibid, p. 119.
Charles Delafaye to John Scrope, from Kensington. Enclosing from the Duke of Newcastle a letter of Tomas Geraldino, dated 1732, Sept 22, concerning landing the baggage of the Conde de Montijo, Ambassador from Spain. 1 page.
—(a.) Said letter. 2 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 54.
Petition of John Lloyd, Hugh Hughes, and Samuel Price. For the sheriffs allowance of 30l. each to them as late Under Sheriffs of Flint, Anglesea, and Brecon, having acted in place of the sheriffs demised. Reference Book IX. p. 469.
Sept. 26 The Treasury Lords to the Lord Chancellor. Concerning the conduct of James Jennings, justice of the peace at Henley, Oxford. Letter Book XIX. p. 119.
J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. Concerning the King's and Lord Harrington's baggage on the “Fubbs” yacht and “Page” sloop, the King's arrival being expected soon. Ibid.
Petition of Michael Jans For stay of prosecution for landing gold from the “Hertford,” from China, without entry. Reference Book IX. p. 409.
Same of Harding and Gibson To reduce imported brandy to proof - Ibid.
J. Scrope to Barons of Exchequer, Scotland. Concerning Kennedy's accounts as paymaster of the salaries of inferior officers, &c. of the Commissioners for Forfeited Estates, Scotland. North Britain Book X. p. 301.
Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners and Attorney General. To accept smuggling compositions from Simon Gowen, of Topsham, and John Clapcot, of Soyley, carpenter. Customs Book XIII. pp. 326–9.
Same to Attorney General - To acknowledge satisfaction on a smuggling judgment on John Hatch. Ibid, pp. 323 and 326.
Sept. 27 Petition of Francis Stevens - Concerning his security for Thos. Kennedy, late collector, Exeter port. Reference Book IX. p. 471.
J. Scrope to Mr. Wright and Sir Humphrey Howorth. Concerning Sir Humphrey Howorth's accounts. Letter Book XIX. p. 120.
Sept. 28 Memorial of Holles Duke of Newcastle to the Treasury, dated Kensington. For further issue of 1,000l. for expenses of messengers sent abroad. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX No. 55.
Treasury warrants to Customs Commissioners and Solicitor General. To accept smuggling composition from John Aston. Customs Book XIII. pp.330–1.
Treasury warrant - For further stay of process against John Hatch for payment of smuggling composition money. Ibid, p. 321.
J. Scrope to Auditor of Receipt. For a certificate of money paid into the Exchequer on the duty on victuallers and retailers of beer and ale for year ended 1732, Michaelmas. Letter Book XIX. p. 120.
Sept. 29.]
Memorial of the Stamp Commissioners to the Treasury. For Michaelmas quarter's salaries for the officers for moneys given with clerks and apprentices. ½ page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 56.
Oct. 3 Treasury warrant to Salt Commissioners. To repay 1732 land tax assessments to Salt officers of under 100l. salary. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 489.
Treasury warrant to Auditor of Receipt. To apply and distribute the 1732 Michaelmas quarter's income of the General Fund.
Appending:—Statement of same.
Money Book XXXVI. pp. 377–8.
Same - - - For same of Aggregate Fund - Ibid, pp. 381–2.
Petition of Peter Lamason, oil leather dresser, Exeter. For stay of an Excise prosecution against him. Reference Book IX. p. 469.
Treasury warrants to Customs Commissioners and to Attorney General. To accept smuggling composition from Lancelot Barton. Customs Book XIII. pp. 334–6.
Warrant under the royal sign manual. To pay Andrew Anderson the arrears of his deceased father's, James Anderson's, pension of 200l. per annum. North Britain Book X. p. 302.
Oct. 4 J. Scrope to Commissioners of Taxes. Concerning the in super of 4,412l. 6s. 11¾ d. on parts of Norfolk, detailed, wrongly taken by Allen, formerly Receiver General. Letter Book XIX. p. 121.
Same to Comptrollers of Army Accounts. With Missing's list, detailed, of men victualled at Gibraltar, 1732, June 26 to July 23. Ibid, p. 122.
Oct. 6 Petition of Andrew Burn, minister at Anstruther Wester, co. Fife. For increase of his stipend of six chalders of victual and the tithes of fish, which latter only average 3l. per annum. North Britain Book X. p. 303.
Same of the Moderator, &c. of the Presbytery of Dundee. For increase of the stipends of the ministers of Abernyte and Benvie, by addition of the feu duties of the Cathedral Church of Dunkeld. Ibid.
J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners, Scotland. Concerning frauds in the Customs there in debentures on tobacco. Ibid.
Same to Alured Popple - Concerning the Act passed last year in South Carolina for remission of the arrears of quit rents. Same is not proper for His Majesty's approbation, the whole tenour encroaching on the royal prerogative and being prejudicial to His Majesty's revenue, said Act also confirming exorbitant grants of land pretended to have been formerly made. Letter Book XIX. p. 123.
Oct. 7 Petition of Stephen Poyntz, Receiver General of Excise. For allowance of 600l. 3s. 11d. disbursed in paying into the Receipt 2,634,089l. 13s. 7d. Excise duties, 1731, June 28, to 1732, June 19. Reference Book IX. p. 470.
Oct. 12 Thos. Moore, late Paymaster General of the Forces abroad [to John Scrope], dated “Queen” Square, Westminster. Concerning an item in his accounts of that service now before Auditor Harley.
Endorsed.—With note of proceedings in his case. 2 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 57.
Oct. 13 Petition to the Customs Commissioners from Wm. Goldsmith, late riding officer at Tarring, in Arundel port. Concerning his dismissal for smuggling. 2 pages.
-(a.) Copy of report to same from Mr. Battine, Surveyor General of Sussex, on the case. 4 pages.
(b.) (c.) (d.) (e.) (f.) Five certificates as to the facts by Richard Knight, Wm. Hy. Janeway, Thomas Chart, James Chart, and Thos. Spencer, Francis Briggs. 5 pages.
Ibid, No. 60.
Oct. 14 Edward Walpole to Commissioners of Taxes. Concerning the hundreds of Bedminster and Portbury, having no warrants for receiving the window tax. Letter Book XIX. p. 125.
Oct. 15 E. Walpole to Mr, Watson at Goswick, Northumberland. Concerning his management of the Derwentwater estate. Ibid, p. 123.
Same to Mr. Turbill - Concerning the vouchers for and examination of Elstob's accounts. Ibid, p. 124.
Same to Earl of Halifax, steward of the honour and manor of Hampton Court. Concerning a shed for the Household waggons. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to all the officers of Receipt. To take in loans on the land tax, 1732, not exceeding 14,000l. payable after 486,000l. Money Book XXXVI. p. 298.
Oct. 16 Edward Walpole to Comptrollers of Army Accounts. With Missing's list, detailed, of men victualled at Gibraltar, 1732, July 24 to August 20. Letter Book XIX. p. 128.
Oct. 17 Report to the Treasury from the Commissioners of Excise. On the petition of Peter Lamason, leather dresser, Exeter. 1 page.
—Said petition with order of reference, dated October 3, 1732. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 61.
J. Scrope to Robert Johnson, Governor of South Carolina. For report on the petition of George Morley for a gaol and house for the Provost Marshal to live in in South Carolina. Letter Book XIX. p. 124.
Petition of James Gibbs, late of Dorchester, innholder. Concerning the double duty on rum imported 1729. Reference Book IX. p. 470.
Oct. 18 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. About the piratical practices of Hugh Crouch complained of by Mons. Patino, Governor of the Council of Finances and Secretary of State to the King of Spain. Letter Book XIX. p. 125.
Same to Mark Frecker, Robert Manning, Richard Hamond, and Edward St. Hill. To take in and certificate 585 lottery tickets. Ibid, p. 117.
Oct. 19.]
Memorandum Of the salary overdue and unpaid to Mr. Worsley, as Governor of Barbados, to date of his leaving same. (Total 10,900l.)
Minuted.—As under October 19, supra p. 258. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 64.
Oct. 19 Warrant under the royal sign Manual. For a grant of the lands and barony of Balquholly to Alexander Duff, of Hatton, with remainders specified. North Britain Book X. pp. 328–38.
Oct. 21.]
Petition of Henry Fox to the Treasury. For a new grant of the office of Receiver of Land Revenues, South Wales, granted in trust for Sir Stephen Fox, and by him demised to petitioner.
Endorsed.—“The King is pleased to consent to this request.” 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 65.
Oct. 24 Representation of Thos. Smith and George Johnson. Concerning repairs at the drains, gates, bridges, &c. of Hampton Court House Park. Reference Book IX. p. 470.
Petition of Thos. Wood, Thos. Brown and Roger Pearson, Acting Commissioners for the wards of Bamburgh, Glendale and Coquetdale. Concerning the action of Thos. Billings, deputy to Charles Wilkinson, late Receiver General of Land Tax for Northumberland, in receiving money of the collectors after appointment of another receiver. Affairs of Taxes IV. pp. 13–4.
Oct. 25 J. Scrope to Commissioners of Navy. To attend Treasury concerning sum required for Navy till new supply on March 1 next. Letter Book XIX. p. 125.
Same to Customs Commissioners. To pass baggage of Count de Watzdorff, Envoy Extraordinary to His Majesty from the King of Poland. Ibid, p. 126.
Same to Auditor Harley To state Lewis Elstob's accounts Ibid.
Same to Taxes Commissioners Concerning Samuel Artis's petition - Ibid.
Same to Secretary-at-War - Concerning additional dragoons on the coast of Suffolk against smugglers. Ibid, p. 127.
Same to Customs Commissioners. As to the officer Scot's satisfaction in re the “Unity” seized under the Act of Navigation. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Francis Whitworth. To pay for repairs, detailed, in Bushey and Middle Park out of wood sales in Salcey Forest. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 493–4.
Same to same - For same, detailed, in Greenwich Park out of cuttings of underwood in Dean Forest. Ibid, pp. 494–6.
Oct. 26 Petition of Wm. Town, Robert Lovet, John Birch, Junior, and Rich. Wingrove. For extension of lease of certain woods called St. John's Wood, in Wycombe parish. Crown Lease Book II. p. 428.
Same of John Jackson For same of two old houses in Bury Street and Duke Street, St. James's. Ibid.
Same of Lady Isabella Scott, daughter of the late Duchess of Buccleugh. For same of manors of Whaplode and Moulton Bewsellas, Lincolnshire. Ibid.
Same of Henry Lord Coleraine. For a reversionary grant of 160 acres of salt marsh in West Walton and Walsoken, Norfolk. Ibid.
Same of Duke of Bolton - For a lease of the manors of Mallaen, Caio, Mableview, Mabedrud, Maenordeilo, Kethinock, and the Forest of Glingothy and Penant in Carmarthenshire, of which he holds the stewardship during pleasure, and where he desires to try for coal. Ibid.
Same of James Cholmondley, Esq. and Lady Penelope his wife. For further term in certain rights and grants in the Forest of “Mara and Mondren, alias Mondrein,” in Chester. Ibid, p. 429.
Oct. 27 Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To enlarge from prison John Charles Desmadryl, Edward Sadler, and James Davenport, starving sureties of Edward Randolph. Customs Book XIII. pp. 334.
Oct. 30 Same to Mr. Sayer, executor of Dr. Sayer, late Surveyor General. To deliver to Thos. Walker, Surveyor General, books and papers belonging to the Surveyor General's Office. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 497.
Same to Thos. Walker - To proceed on business directed to Dr. Sayer late Surveyor General. Ibid.
Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Attorney General. Zacheus Duckett to receive from the late Sheriff of Leicester moneys received on the outlawry of Wm. Martin. King's Warrant Book XXX. pp. 476–7.
Treasury warrant to Attorney General. To non pros. the information against Michael Jans for gold brought from China without entry. Customs Book XIII. pp. 337–8.
Oct. 31 Same to King's Remembrancer. To change security of Thos. Parr, Receiver General of Bucks. Affairs of Taxes III. p. 444.
Same confirming a Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For liveries for the watermen of His Majesty's barges for 1732. To cost 342l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 410.
J. Scrope to Nicholas Paxton With a proposition for the guidance of the courts, concerning the proclamation reward of 100l. for robberies. Letter Book XIX. p. 128.
Oct. 31.]
Memorandum of the royal proclamations and other regulations. Touching the above reward of 100l. for apprehending street robbers. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 66.
Nov. 1 Petition of Thos. Hewitt, doctor of physic. For 14l. 12s. bond of Moses Cox, of Eathorpe, co. Warwick, on an outlawry. Reference Book IX. p. 470.
J. Scrope to Auditor Harley - About the late Col. Francis Negus's accounts for extraordinaries of the Stables. Letter Book XIX. p. 127.
Nov. 2 Same to Mr. Paxton About the debt of the late Col. Negus to the Crown. Ibid.
Petition of Thos. Missing For 828l. for victualling 360 men in Placentia, Annapolis Royal, and Canso, America, 1732, July 1 to September 30. Reference Book IX. p. 471.
Nov. 3 Same of Frances, widow of John Robinson, deputy searcher, London port. For relief for herself and four small children. Ibid.
Nov. 7 Certificate by Thomas Sanderson, deputy receiver in the Alienation Office. Of the receipts and arrears in said office for August, September, and October. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXX. No. 5.
Nov. 8 Report of the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, to the Treasury. On the draft warrant for granting to Col. John Midleton, of Seytoun, the lands of Seytoun et al. in the sheriffdom of Aberdeen. 2 pages. Ibid, No. 6.
Nov. 20 The Commissioners of the Navy to John Scrope. Concerning the remainder of Mr. Hampden's debt. 1 page. Ibid, No. 7.
Nov. 21 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. To seal the baggage of Viscount Howe, Governor of Barbados, being on his departure thither. Letter Book XIX. p. 129.
Nov. 28 Same to Commissioners of the Navy. Concerning the disposal of the remains of Mr. Hampden's debt. Ibid.
Same to Customs Commissioners. To allow salary of Thos. Doyly, Surveyor of Customs, Dartmouth, during leave of absence. Ibid.
Nov. 29 Articles of agreement between the King and Andrew Audain, of St. Christopher, merchant. For purchase of 100 acres in Basse Terre quarter, St. Christopher. Crown Lease Book II. pp. 430–1.
Same with Michael Arnold, of St. Christopher. For same of 64 acres in same - Ibid, pp. 431–3.
Treasury warrant to Henry Selwyn, Receiver General and Cashier of Customs. To pay the executors of Wm. Taylor, late usher of the Custom House, London, the arrears on his patent fee of 6l. per annum. North Britain Book X. p. 339.
Same to Customs Commissioners. For enlargement of James Bayly, Wm. and George Hawes, bankrupts, on security to surrender. Custom Book XII. pp. 339–42.
Same to Postmaster General - To repay 1732 land tax to officers of General and Penny Post of under 60l. salary. Money Book XXXVI. p. 425.
Same to Edward Harley, an Auditor of Imprests. To make up and pass the accounts, detailed, of the Earl of Scarborough, as Master of the Horse, for one year ended 1731, June 30. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 499–503.
Same to Thomas Foley, an Auditor of Imprests. To pass the salaries, incidents, and other allowances in the Salt officers' accounts, 1730, March 25 to December 25.
Prefixing:—Report on same by Duke Parsons, deputy to Thos. Foley.
Ibid, pp. 503–5.
Same to Francis Whitworth - To repair roads in Dean Forest at a cost of 871l. 2s. 6d. to be raised by wood sales there. Ibid, pp. 505–8.
Nov. 30 Petition of Diana Hosier, relict of Vice-Admiral Hosier. For release from prison, where she has been two years, for money borrowed of John Meredith, who died indebted to the Crown as a receiver of land taxes. Affairs of Taxes III. p. 14.
Treasury warrant confirming a Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For chapel furniture for the use of Scroop Viscount Howe, Governor of Barbados. To cost 106l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 410.
Same - - For liveries for the Children of the Chapel for 1732. To cost 264l. Ibid, p. 411.
Same - For same for Mrs. Bill, herbstrewer to His Majesty. To cost 1l. 10s. Ibid.
Same - For same for gamekeepers at Newmarket. To cost 75l. Ibid.
Same - For same for Mrs. Stubbs, ratkiller in ordinary to His Majesty. To cost 13l. 10s. Ibid, p. 412.
Dec. 4 Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Attorney General. Wm. Powel to receive from the Sheriff of Suffolk moneys received on the outlawry of Samuel Mynns. King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 490.
Dec. 5 Petition of John Phillips, Receiver General of Taxes for Cardigan, et al. For the usual allowance of 3d. per £ on small receiverships. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 14.
J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners, Scotland. For an account of the produce of the duties on tobacco and wines for seven years past. North Britain Book X. pp. 339 and 344.
Petition of Wm. Finch, son and heir of George Finch. For a further term in lands on West Hainault Walk, in Waltham Forest. Crown Lease Book II. p. 429.
Dec. 5 Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Auditors of Imprests. To pass the accounts, detailed, of Hugh Howard, Paymaster of the Works, for year ending 1730, December 31. King's Warrant Book XXX. pp. 487–8.
E. Walpole to Mr. Baskett To send to the Commissioners for Trade and Plantations 100 copies of the Acts desired by him. Letter Book XIX. p. 130.
J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. To give orders for stay of three pictures stolen from the Louvre, if imported hither. Ibid.
Same to same For a list of causes relating to the Customs revenue tried in the last three years. Ibid.
Dec. 6 Treasury warrant to the Commissioners of Excise. To allow Harding and Gibson to reduce imported brandy to proof. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 508–9.
J. Scrope to Mark Frecker, Robert Manning, Richard Hamond, and Edward St. Hill. To take in and certificate 620 lottery tickets. Letter Book XIX. p. 117.
Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To pay to Wm. Wilson and Galfridus Mann His Majesty's moiety of a forfeiture on seizures of woollens. Customs Book XIII. pp. 342–3.
Dec. 7 J. Scrope to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts. With Missing's list, detailed, of men victualled at Gibraltar, 1732, August 21 to October 15. Letter Book XIX. p. 131.
Memorial from the Board of For a further imprest of 4,000l. to the artificers of His Majesty's new buildings in the mews at Charing Cross. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXX. No. 11.
Petition of Ralph Radcliffe of Hitchin [to same]. For payment of an annuity of 200l. and arrears on same to Wm. Radcliffe, fourth son of Francis Earl of Derwentwater, out of said Earl's estates. Reference Book IX. p. 471.
Same of Lady Cat. Radcliffe, second daughter of Francis Earl of Derwentwater. Concerning a like annuity of 100l. per annum. Ibid.
Dec. 9 Abstract of report from the Barons of Exchequer, Scotland, to the Treasury. Concerning George Douglas's allowances for discoveries. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXX. No. 12.
Dec. 11 Treasury warrants to Customs Commissioners, with warrants to the Attorney General in each case to enter a non. pros. To accept smuggling composition from John, Wm. and George Thomas, of Hilton, Dorset, John Blunden, farmer, of Hants, Timothy Smith, Wm. Clack, master of the “Cambridge,” Wm. Loney, master of the “Princess,” Martin Eccles, late surgeon of the “Lynn.” Customs Book XIII. pp. 345–8.
Dec. 12.]
Petition to the Treasury from Wm. Freke, Peter Cox, and Walter Kinneir. Concerning their suretyship for John Shermer, late Receiver General for Berks. 2 sheets. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXX. No. 13.
Petition of Dame Elizabeth Osborne, widow and executrix of James Walsingham, Esq. For a lease of lands in manors of West Walton and Terrington, Norfolk. Crown Lease Book II. p. 429.
Treasury warrant for a lease Of waste lands, coppices, woods, &c. in Shotover Forest to James Tyrrell.
Prefixing:—Particulars of the lands, made out by Wm. Lowndes, together with a schedule of same.
Ibid, pp. 433–43.
Dec. 13 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. For an account of the gross and net produce of the duties on tobacco for seven years last past, with appropriations thereon. Letter Book XIX. p. 131.
Dec. 14 Petition of Sir John Jennings For trees for planting in Greenwich Park and repairs. Reference Book IX. p. 472.
Same of Somerset English, under housekeeper of Hampton Court. For a lease of a piece of ground at Hampton Court, near the ferry, with the under keeper's house thereupon. Crown Lease Book II. p. 429.
Dec. 15 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. For the allowances, usually made to ministers of rank at the Custom House, to the Chevalier Geraldino, agent from the King of Spain. Letter Book XIX. p. 133.
Same to Col. Norton For a copy of Mr. Norton's will - Ibid.
Same to Customs Commissioners. To allow salary of John Snow, an inspector of the river, during leave of absence. Ibid, p. 139.
Petition of Maurice Birchfield, agent for the recovery of Crown debts in Maryland. For 561l. 13s. 7d. due thereon, and for some compensation for extraordinary trouble. Reference Book IX. p. 472.
Same of merchants of London For a drawback on export of Barbary copper refined here. Ibid.
Dec. 18 J. Scrope to Mr. Delafaye The Customs Commissioners find that no allowance, as claimed by the Chevalier Geraldino, agent from the King of Spain, was made to the Chevalier Eon formerly residing here in same capacity. Letter Book XIX, p. 133.
Dec. 20 Petition of Wadham Wyndham, Esq. For further term in Thedington, alias Tiddington farm, in Warwickshire. Crown Lease Book II. p. 443.
Same to the Duke of Buccleuch. For a reversionary lease of certain manors in Spalding, Holbeach, Whaplode, Moulton, Weston and Pinchbeck, in Lincolnshire. Ibid.
Entry of release - Of land and a messuage in Cirencester to Henry Wavell. Ibid.
Royal sign manual directed to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. To exempt from the tax of 4s. per £ Charles Lord Tullamoore, as Muster Master General and Clerk of the Cheque, Ireland. Irish Book VIII. p. 438.
Petition of John Conduitt, Master of the Mint. Proposing a change of his security Reference Book IX. p. 472.
Dec. 21 A statement, certified by R. Wyatt, for George Medcalfe, deceased, Solicitor of Customs. Of law causes, 1729–32, under the care of Medcalfe in London and the Northern ports; and of same under care of R. Wyatt, for the Western ports of England and Wales. 6 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXX. No. 16 (a.) and (b.).
Dec. 22 Royal sign manual [directed to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland]. Exempting from the tax of 4s. in the £ Rear Admiral Charles Stewart, Esq. on his pension of 300l. per annum on the Irish establishment. Irish Book VIII. p. 439.
John Watson to [the Treasury] from Goswick, near Berwick-on-Tweed. Concerning the timber on the Cumberland and Northumberland estates of the Earl of Derwentwater. 2 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXX. No. 17.
Dec. 22.]
Statement of account - - W. Bowyer's bill for parliamentary printing, 1730–2. 1½pages.
—(a.-d.) Four loose papers of same accounts.
Ibid, No. 18.
Dec. 23 Statement, certified by Thos. Brian, Solicitor of the Customs. Of law causes, in the Customs, for bonds and criminal prosecutions, 1729–32. 9 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXX. No. 19.
Dec. 26 J. Scrope to receivers of South Wales. To allow Lord Lisburne his arrears of rent due to His Majesty. Letter Book XIX. p 133.
Dec. 28.]
Memorial to the Treasury from John Moyle, Brigadier General in North Britain. For remission of the 4s. per £ tax on his succeeding the late Brigadier General Du Bourgay in Scotland, under Lieut. Gen. Wade.
Minuted as under December 28, supra p. 268. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXX. No. 21.
Dec. 28 Treasury warrant to the Comptroller General of the accounts of Customs, and to the Auditors of Imprests. To pass Thos. Brooke's accounts as late collector of Bermudas. Customs Book XIII. pp. 354–5.
Same to Customs Commissioners. To accept smuggling compositions from Luke Coleby and John Kerley. Ibid, pp. 349–50 and 361–2.
Treasury warrant to the Master and Officers of the Jewel Office. For a collar of the Order, with an enamelled St. Andrew appendant, for Charles Earl of Portmore, a Knight of the Thistle. To cost 200l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 417.
Articles of agreement between the King and James Mailliard, of St. Christopher, planter. For purchase of lands in Cabeca Terre quarter, St. Christopher. Crown Lease Book II. pp. 444–6 and 483–7.
The Treasury to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Inclosing a copy of the report of the officers of the Mint, Ireland, on the proposal of the Lords Justices in Ireland, for a copper coinage for Ireland, to be made in England. Irish Book VIII. p. 439.
J. Scrope to Comptrollers of of Army Accounts. With memorial of Paymaster of Forces as to contract for clothing the regiment of Invalids, of 10 companies, and the 25 independent companies. Letter Book XIX. p. 133.
Same to Master General of the Ordnance. To transmit the estimates for land and sea services for the Ordnance, 1733, to be laid before Parliament. Ibid, p. 134.
Same to Mr. Burchett, for the Lords of the Admiralty. For same for navy and victualling - - Ibid.
Same to Secretary at War - For same for services of the forces - Ibid.
Same to Paymaster General - For same - - - - Ibid.
Same to Commissioners of Navy. For an account of the debt of the navy as it stood Christmas, 1732. Ibid.
Dec. 29 Petition of Charles Eversfield. Concerning a disputed grant to him of Cheesworth Lodge, Horsham, Sussex. Reference Book IX. p. 472.
? 1732 An account presented to the Treasury according to Her Majesty's directions, of date Windsor, 1713, December 16. 1 sheet. Of the ordinary revenues and expenditure of the University of Glasgow for the crops and years 1731 and 1732. 1 sheet. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXX. No. 26.
Memorandum Of the extraordinary expenses connected with Lord Harrington's voyage to Hanover, anno 1732. 1 page. Ibid, No. 27.
Statement Of payments made out of contingencies to Mr. John Gilman, contractor for victualling the forces in Minorca. 1 page. Ibid, No. 28.
1732 ? Petition to the Treasury from Robert Dick. For an abatement in his farm or tack duty for the Excise of Shetland. 1 page.
—Extract of report bearing on same. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXX. No. 29.
Copy of the proceedings in the Common Pleas. In re Sir Richard Lane v. Hopwood, concerning bonds for the salt duty. 6 pages. Ibid, No. 32.
Petition to the Treasury from Alexander Lord Elibank. For remission of arrears of feu duties on his lands of Ballencrieff, Elibank, Prora, and Fentoun. 1 page.
—Account of the charge on petitioner for said duties by the Court of Exchequer, Scotland. 1 page.
Ibid, No. 33.
Memorial to Sir Robert Walpole from Samuel Shute, late Governor of New England. For provision for his services, detailed, his allowance of 400l. per annum having been discontinued for nearly five years past. 1 page. Ibid, No. 34.
Petition to the Treasury from Toby Chauney and Company, brewers. Concerning a house in Fleet Street. 2½ pages. Ibid, No. 35.
Same to the Treasury from Thomas Burdus. Concerning the estates of the late Earl of Derwentwater. 1 page. Ibid, No. 36.
Same to same from Thos. only son and heir of Sir Wm. Calderwood, late a Justice of Session and Justiciary. For his father's expenses in making the Northern Circuits, 1720,1723, and 1732, as by 10 Anne. 1 sheet. Ibid, No. 37.
Same to same from John Ewing, of Craigton. Concerning his collection of the Excise of the island of Shetland. 1 page. Ibid, No. 38.
Same to same from Edmund White. Concerning the affairs of John Manby, deceased, Receiver General of Land Tax for part of Lincoln. 1½pages. Ibid, No. 39.
Memorial to the Treasury from Sir Thos. Lombe. For 14,000l. for discovering and introducing the three capital Italian engines for making Organzine silk. 1 page. Ibid, No. 40.
Feb. 16
Petition of Nathaniel Thorne to the Treasury. To be appointed Receiver General for part of Devon, loco Mr. Newton, lately deceased. Affairs of Taxes III. p. 398.
Mar. 21 Treasury warrant to King's Remembrancer. To take Henry Popple's sureties in 1,000l. as Agent and Paymaster of the Independent Company in the Bahamas. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 449.
Mar. 28
Same to Auditor of Receipt, &c. To renew a lost order for half-year's annuity to Mary Martin, daughter of Robert Brereton. Order Book XV. p. 156.
May 9
Petition to the King from Wm. Toshach, merchant of Placentia. Concerning his house taken up by Col. Gledhill, Lieut.-Governor of Placentia. 2pages.
—(a.) Copy of letter of Col. R. Philipps, Governor of Placentia, dated 1725, May 27, to the Secretary of the Board of Trade. 1 page.
(b.) Copy of a bill of sale of 1719, June 22, from Laplant Faure to Toshach. 1 page.
(c.) Toshach's petition to the Treasury concerning same. 1 page.
(d.) Certificate dated London, 1723–4, March 18, of the seizing of Toshach's house for His Majesty's use. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVIII. No. 53.
May 16
Petition of Major General Rich. Russell to the Treasury. For exemption from the 4s. per £ Tax, Ireland. 1 page. Ibid, No. 57.
May 16 Warrant under the royal sign manual to Wm. Stewart. Cancelling the pension of 800l. to Henry Davenant, and substituting for it a pension of 500l. to him, and 50l. each to his six sisters named. King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 394.
June 13 Treasury warrant to Auditor of Receipt, Clerk of the Pells, &c. To take in 300,000l. in loans at the Exchequer on the revived salt duties, at 3 per cent. Money Book XXXVI. pp. 322–3.
June 19 Same to Auditor of Receipt Renewing lost annuity order in name of Anne Harrison. Order Book p. 199
July 13 Memorandum Of the remains in the hands of the Treasurer of the Navy, and of issues for the Navy still to be made at the Exchequer under the head of wages. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIX. No. 22.
Aug. 7 John Watson to the Treasury, dated from Carlisle. Concerning the rental of the Derwentwater Estate. Ibid, No. 40.
Aug. 15 Treasury warrant (not executed) to Earl of Wilmington. To pay over to Sir Philip Medows arrears of pay due to James Bruce as a Comptroller of Army Accounts. King's Warrant Book XXX. pp. 453–5.
Sept. 19 Same to Auditor of Receipt, &c. To levy a tally to discharge Sir Mark Stuart Pleydel's baronet fee. Money Book XXXVI. p. 372.
Sept. 21 Same to the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. To change the security of James Bayley, Receiver General of Land Tax, Stafford, 1732. Affairs of Taxes III. p. 440.
Sept. 27 Same to Edward Harley - Allowing the passing of Thos. Missing's accounts for victualling Gibraltar garrison, 1725, December 20 to 1730–1, March 7. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 484–8.
Sept. 29 Same to Auditor and other officers of Receipt. Renewing lost order for annuity in name of George Horne. Order Book XV. pp. 218–9.
Oct. 4 Same to same - To take in 40,000l. in loans at the Exchequer on the revived duties on salt. Money Book XXXVI. p. 323.
Oct. 5 Same to same For 100,000l. in Exchequer bills on salt, in course after the 340,000l. already registered, to be placed as so much cash in the office of the Tellers at the Receipt. Ibid, p. 380.
Same to Edward Harley - To pass in the accounts of Thos. Spence, Paymaster of the Lotteries, 78l. 13s. 5d. for incidents, 1728–30. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 491.
Dec. 27 Warrant under the royal sign manual to Horatio Walpole, Auditor and Surveyor General of the Plantations. Allowing incidents bill, detailed, on the sales of French lands in St. Christopher, with allowance to the Auditor thereupon. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 55–62.
[? 1731
Oct. 13]
Treasury re-lease - To James Marchbank of lands, &c. in Uttoxeter, co. Stafford. Crown Lease Book II. p. 395.
1732 ? Statement undated and uncertified. Of the net produce into the Exchequer of the duty upon houses, commonly called the Window Tax, 1703–9 and 1726–32. 1½pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXX. No. 41.