Treasury Books and Papers: September 1732

Pages 250-254

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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September 1732

September 1. 117. Warrant under the royal sign manual, by the Queen, as Guardian of the Kingdom, to Sir Wm. Sanderson, Deputy Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, Thos. Spence, Sergeant-at-Arms, and John Lawton, for the delivery to Lawton of sundry records, books and papers of the proceedings of the Court of Wards and Liveries and of the Court of Requests, improperly placed and decaying in certain rooms of His Majesty's Palace at Westminster, in the custody of Sanderson, and divers other records, books, and papers relating to the proceedings of the King's Bench and Common Pleas, now laying in dust and rubbish in a room over the House of Commons in the custody of Spence; all to be removed to the Chapter House at Westminster, there to be reposited for public use, and to be methodized and digested, to the end that calendars and indices may be thereunto made.
[King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 458.]
September 1. 118. Sir Humphry Howorth and Mr. Wright, the deputy auditor of Wales, attend. Mr. Chancellor advises Howorth to pursue the passing of his accounts with diligence, and that a special receiver must be appointed to take care of the King's revenues in the interim. Order for a draft constitution for same accordingly. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 150.]
September 6. 119. The case of the Swedish ship “Unity” transmitted in the Duke of Newcastle's letter of the 31st August last, with Baron Sparre's letter, referred to the Customs Commissioners.
Letters relating to Mr. Elstob's accounts as receiver of the Derwentwater estates, read and order taken thereupon.
“See what other receivers of the forfeited estates were appointed by the Treasury, and know of Mr. Turbill whether they accounted or what proceedings the Commissioners had concerning them.”
Order for a sign manual for 200l. in the name of Charles De Sailly as usual. [Ibid, p. 151.]
September 7. 120. Order for a sign manual for the issue of 2,000l. to Mr. Scrope for His Majesty's Secret Service. [Ibid.]
September 12. 121. The memorial of the Board of Works, of the 5th instant, for cleansing the canal in the garden at Hampton Court of mud, agreed to at the estimate of 62l. 12s.
Same of same of same date for necessary conveniences in the Chapter House for preserving the records lately ordered into Mr. Lawton's custody, agreed to at the estimated 120l.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 151.]
September 14.
At Mr.
House in
Arlington Street.
122. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton.
The return of the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, of August 22 last, on the Prizage duties and the lease thereof to the Crown, read. Mr. Medlycott, one of the said Commissioners now in town, ordered to attend on Tuesday next.
Abraham de Kwer and Charles Nicholls to be tidesmen, London port, on a vacancy.
The Customs Commissioner' report of the 12th instant, concerning the seizure of the Swedish ship “Unity” under the Act of Navigation, read, and to be transmitted to the Duke of Newcastle with the Attorney General's opinion.
Edward Burton to be Receiver General of North Wales and County Palatine of Chester, for the interim of Sir Humphrey Howorth's being forbidden intermeddling in same. An authority to be prepared for that purpose to be signed by Mr. Chancellor.
[Ibid, p. 152.]
September 19.
At Mr.
House in
Arlington Street.
123. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
The Attorney and Solicitor General's report, of August 11 last, read on the petition of Lord and Lady Petre for 20,000l. principal and arrears on 500l. per annum, charged on the late Earl of Derwentwater's estate. Mr. Paxton to wait on Lord and Lady Petre to know if “they will forbear giving the King's receivers any disturbance in the execution of their commission in case their Lordships do give warrant to them to pay the arrears of the said 500l. per annum, and interest for the said 20,000l. till the principal shall be paid,” as advised by Mr. Attorney and Solicitor General.
Mr. Elstob to attend October 10 next, concerning his accounting for the moneys received out of the Forfeited Estates under the authority of a Treasury Commission.
Mr. Turbill to attend Thursday next with the names of the Receivers for Forfeitures under the Treasury Commission, and an account of their receipts, payments and remains.
The Customs Commissioners to forbear giving orders to the officers at Sandwich to admit the deputies appointed by the customer and comptroller there to do duty at Margate, until consideration is had of their report of 12th January last concerning a custom house at Margate.
Sir Richard Lane attends with Mr. Cardonnel, one of the Salt Commissioners. Lane is to pursue the order made at the last assizes at Bristol on a case in dispute between him and said Commissioners, “for my Lords will not intermeddle therein.”
The memorial of the Board of Works, of August 29 last for repairs at the Banqueting House, read and agreed to at the estimated 650l.
John Bury to be receiver of land tax and house duty for Nottinghamshire, on approval of his annuity by the Agents for Taxes. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 153.]
September 21.
At Mr.
House in
Arlington Street.
124. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton.
Letters read from the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, of 7th and 22nd August, relating to the lease of the Prizage and Butlerage of wines. The collectors of the revenue to be ordered by said Commissioners to continue the receipt of the said duties from Michaelmas next till His Majesty's pleasure as to the new lease is known. The opinion of the Attorney and Solicitor General to be taken as to recovering the duties of Excise and other additional duties on such prize wines, in case the collecting thereof be in the hands of a private person.
The Customs Commissioners' report, of the 14th instant, on the cases of John Hyder and eight others named, prisoners in the Fleet for smuggling, read and agreed to.
The Taxes Commissioners to attend on Tuesday next with an account of the receiverships of the land tax that are not yet supplied. Lord Halifax's letter giving an account of the death of Mr. Cowper, Receiver for Northampton, and recommending Mr. Benjamin Hill in his place to be transmitted to them.
The Excise Commissioners' representation of August 18 last, concerning the behaviour of James Jennings, a J.P. near Henley, Oxford, read and referred to my Lord Chancellor for his consideration.
The Salt Commissioners' memorial, of August 11 last, for return of land tax assessments on their officers of under 100l. salary, read and agreed to.
Mr. Auditor Harley's state of Mr. Missing's account as contractor for victualling Gibraltar from 1725, December 20 to 1730, March 7, read and agreed to.
The Excise Commissioners' representation of August 16 last for an increase of salary to the six surveyors of the London Distillery and the examiner, in view of the great increase of business by the duty on compound waters and spirits and the licensing retailers of same, read, and agreed to.
The petition of three late under sheriffs of Wales for the Parliament allowance for passing accounts, they having administered the office of sheriff on the deaths of their respective principals, read, and referred to Mr. Paxton.
“Petition of John Grant, herald painter, pretending a debt of 208l. 17s. 2d. for painting work at the installation of the Knights of the Bath, anno 1725, is read and nothing done thereupon, but know who employed him, and if any report be made touching this debt.” [Ibid, 154–.5]
September 26. 125. Treasury warrant to George Wright, deputy to Sidney Godolphin, deceased, as late Auditor of Wales and the County Palatine of Chester, for Wright to proceed to hold the audits for Wales and Cheshire on the days proclaimed before auditor Godolphin's death.
[Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 482.]
September 26.
At Mr.
House in
Arlington Street.
126. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Oxenden, Mr. Clayton.
Sir Humphrey Howorth to attend on Thursday next with Mr. Wright, deputy of the late auditor Godolphin, with all Howorth's accounts that are ready for declaration.
“My Lords intend to consider certain papers now before them relating to South Carolina, and the opinion of the Attorney General thereupon on this day sennight.”
Mr. Turbill examined concerning Elstob's accounts. To give in a statement in writing of same from the books and papers in his custody belonging to the late Commissioners for Forfeitures.
On the Taxes Commissioners' memorial of this day, Richard Lane continued receiver for Worcestershire: a successor to Mr. Hartley in Bucks to be appointed.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 156.]
September 28. 127. The Treasury to the Duke of Newcastle, concerning the demands made by the King of Portugal's secretary for subsidies for auxiliary troops during the late war. The Parliament of Great Britain by repeated Acts appointed Commissioners to examine, state and determine the demands of foreign princes and States for subsidies during the late war. The power of the said Commissioners subsisted from 1715, September 10, to 1721–2, March 10. Their determinations are declared by the said Acts to be final. They determined on the King of Portugal's demands, and such their determinations were allowed and approved by warrant under His late Majesty's royal sign manual of 1719, September 9, according to the directions of the Act. Under the circumstances it will be impossible to revive any further claims without unravelling what has been already determined and opening accounts already settled, “Besides it must be well known to your Grace that affairs of this nature are not to be stirred without the authority of Parliament.” [Warrants not relating to Money XXIV. p. 490.]
September 28.
At Mr.
House at
Arlington Street.
128. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Oxenden, Mr. Clayton.
The representation read from the Acting Commissioners of the Land Tax, 1730, for part of Norfolk, relating to the in super of 4, 412l. 6s. 11¾d. set on several hundreds there, being money paid to Wm. Allen, defaulting receiver. The Taxes Commissioners to procure, if possible, the original receipts.
Order for the issue of 3,500l. to the Treasurer of the Chamber upon account for clearing the messengers on their bills for travelling charges to Midsummer, 1732.
Mr. Ridley appears on behalf of Mr. Elstob, and acquaints their Lordships that the family of the late Earl of Derwentwater claim as their due the money of forfeitures heretofore received by Elstob, and said to be unaccounted for. Elstob to attend October 10 next.
Mr. Radburn appears on behalf of Lord and Lady Petre, and accepts their Lordships' proposal of September 19 last.
John Walthoe, Junior, is to be paid by Mr. Lowther, out of the King's money in his hands, 257l. 10s. for Double Courants sent to the Post Office every day from 1732, May 22 to August 22.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 157.]
September 30. 129. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt for 105l. for Michaelmas quarter, 1732, to John Lawton and three clerks for sorting. &c. records and writings in the Court of the Receipt of the Exchequer.
Appending:—Lawton's certificate. “Since Midsummer last, the three clerks, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Smart, and Mr. Whiston, have placed in order in the Chapter House, the writs of entry, summons, and seisin of the reigns of King Charles II. and James II. which were brought in October last from the office of the Custos Brevium. They have likewise been going on in sorting the Star Chamber records into reigns.” [Money Book XXXVI. p. 376.]