Treasury Books and Papers: January 1732

Pages 208-211

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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January 1732

January 4.
1. Present: — Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir George Oxenden.
Order for the issue of 25,920l. to the Cofferer of the Household to clear 1731, Christmas quarter, and 6,000l. for advance to purveyors on account of 1732, Lady Day quarter.
Same for same of 6,383l. 4s. 11d. to the Treasurer of the Chamber, established allowances for Christmas quarter.
Same for same of 11,120l. 15s. 9d. to Mr. Stewart, Paymaster of Pensions, to clear establishment thereof for same quarter, and 4,295l. 10s. for half a year to the French Protestants to same date. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 87.]
January 5.
2. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
The memorial of the Treasurer of the Navy, of 31 December ultimo, for 3,198l. to pay the ship “Salisbury” read and ordered out of supplies, 1731.
Order for 262l. 10s. to Mr. Wilkins out of the King's money in Mr. Lowther's hands for “London Journals” delivered to the Post Office, 1731, June 5 to November 4, including 100l. for writing.
Order for a fiat for John Wolrige, collector of Customs at Plymouth, to be comptroller of same there, loco Edward Ash, deceased. [Ibid, p. 88.]
January 11.
3. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Order for the Exchequer to prepare Exchequer bills to complete the credit on the land tax, 1731, in place of leaving that credit open for a loan of 34,000l. or thereabouts for the Chancery money.
“Obtain for Mr. Chancellor a copy of the treaty with Sweden or that article thereof which relates to the subsidy payable by England, as also the like treaty or the article thereof which relates to the subsidy payable by France.”
Order for a copy of the first warrant signed by the late King for making the deduction of 6d. per £ from the pay of the Hessians, as also a state of those deductions and how the same have been applied.
Wm. Williams to be removed from the inferior to the superior list of tidesmen [London port] on the first vacancy.
A petition of Benjamin and Samuel Longuett, importers of fruit to London, read, concerning the tare of 4d. per basket. Referred to Customs Commissioners.
A letter signed J. Johnson concerning clandestine trade, to be transmitted to same. [Ibid, p. 89.]
January 12.
4. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Oxenden, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Order for the issue of 10,431l. 4s. 2d. to the Treasurer of the Navy, out of funds, 1731, to complete the appropriation to the navy for that year.
The Lord Chamberlain's letter of the 7th instant read, communicating the King's pleasure that Elhadge Mohamed Assayd and Hadge Ali, Envoys from Algiers, should have an allowance of 15l. per week for diet, &c. from December 11 last, during their stay here. Said allowance ordered to be issued to the Cofferer of the Household for Sir Clement Cotterell, Master of the Ceremonies.
Order for a sign manual for the allowance of 3d. per day from 1731, June 30 to December 17, to Sir Charles Wager, in consideration of his being appointed a plenipotentiary on his late expedition and he having succeeded in his negotiation entirely to His Majesty's approbation.
A letter from the Commissioners of the Navy, of 29 September ultimo, read, for directions for felling the timber annually delivered for the Navy. Order for a power writ for the woodward to execute the warrant directed to the late Surveyor General, deceased.
Mr. Popple's letter of December 21 ultimo to the Lords of Trade and Plantations read, concerning the charge of prosecuting an appeal in the Admiralty Court here from a sentence passed in Boston, New England, in a case which greatly regards His Majesty's woods there, together with Mr. Burchett's letter concerning same. Mr. Popple to transmit to the Treasury the exemplification of the case and the act of appeal thereupon.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 90.]
January 12. 5. Report from the Customs Commissioners, London, to the Treasury, on the petition of the inhabitants of the Isle of Thanet and Margate, praying the establishment of a Customs officer at Margate. In January 1727–8, ordered an inquiry into the conduct of the collector of Sandwich in granting sufferances for landing wines and other fineable goods at Margate, a creek belonging to Sandwich. Abuses were discovered, and the collector was ordered to permit no foreign goods, except timber, deal boards, hemp, and other “gruff” goods, to be landed, except at the lawful quays. There is no restraint on the shipping of fish, if English taken. As to the coast trade, the abuses of the “let pass” or “transires” necessitated the order of 1728, December 24, obliging all coasters loading foreign goods to take out a coast cocquet and give bond. It will not be safe to comply with the petition without appointing a new set of lawful officers, with a custom house and lawful quay, distinct from Sandwich. This would be a great expense. 7 pages.
:—(a.) Petition referred to, with Treasury order of reference, dated 1730–1, March 20. 1 sheel with signatures.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVIII. No. 4.]
January 17.
6. Present:— Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Oxenden, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Order for the issue of the sums now unissued or unapplied to the public services out of supplies, 1731.
Mr. Turbill, late secretary to the Commissioners for Forfeited Estates, to transmit to the Treasury a state of all proceedings had before said Commissioners in relation to any the estates of the late Earl of Derwentwater.
Order for a sign manual for 100l. to Arthur Collins as royal bounty.
His Majesty agrees to an allowance of 20l. per annum for hay for the red deer in Old Windsor Walk.
Mr. Arnall is to be paid by Mr. Lowther, out of the King's money in his hands, 568l. 16s. 8d. for the “Free Britons,” &c. delivered to the Post Office, 1731, October 14 to January 13 following, and for writing.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 91.]
January 18.
7. Present:— Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Oxenden, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Morgan Vane, Esq. to succeed Wm. Ashurst, deceased, as Controller of Stamp Duties.
Some principal officers of the Board of Ordnance lay before their Lordships the estimates for that office for 1732, amounting to 86,091l. 17s. 3d.
Order for a sign manual for 50l. royal bounty to Robert Millar, in consideration of a book called, “The History of the Church under the Old Testament,” written by him and dedicated to His Majesty.
Order for a statement of the income of the Sinking Fund for Christmas quarter last, with the remains undisposed at Michaelmas, “so as my Lords may see what is now disposable thereupon.”
John Walthoe, junior, is to be paid by Mr. Lowther, out of the King's money in his hands, 243l. 15s. for 750 double “Courants” sent to the Post Office every post day from 1721 [sic? 1731], August 22 to November 22. [Ibid, p. 92.]
January 21. 8. Treasury order for execution of Lord Chamberlain's warrant for furniture for His Majesty's service at Hampton Court, including inter al. items for Mrs. Delabing, Mrs. Rupton, Mrs. Dearing, and the Prince of Wales. Likewise for same for St. James. [Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 380–1.]
January 22. 9. The Commissioners of Excise to the Treasury, proposing a clause to be added to the next Malt Bill for preventing the wetting, &c. corn to be made into malt, upon the couch or floor, or any other place than the cistern or uting fats, to remedy the omission of the word couch from the Malt Act of 6 Geo. I. 1 page.
—The draft clause as proposed. 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVIII. No. 7.]
January 24. 10. An account, certified by M. Frecker, showing how the money for the service of 1731 has been disposed of, with the parts remaining unsatisfied and the overplus thereupon. (Total grant, 2,902,985l. 15s. 11¼d.; total payments, 2,884,235l. 15s. 11¼d.; remains to be paid, 18,750l. Residue of ways and means undisposed, 123,580l. 2s.d.) 1 sheet.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVIII. No. 9.]
January 25.
11. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Geo. Oxenden, Mr. Dodington, Sir Wm. Yonge.
The representation of the South Sea Company read, concerning the trade lately carried on by them in whale fishing in Greenland and Davis' Straits, and praying that the encouragement thereof may be proposed in Parliament. Their Lordships have no objection to the Company bringing same before Parliament.
A memorial of the Excise Commissioners of 22nd instant, for reducing the duty on sweet or made wines, now at 36s. per barrel, read and approved. The Commissioners to prepare a clause to be offered to Parliament to that purpose.
Petitions read and referred as follows:—
Inhabitants of Gravesend, on behalf of Edward Thomas, in the Fleet, for smuggling: to the Customs Commissioners.
John Watkins, of Exeter, mariner, for release from prison: to same.
Rebecca Stephenson, widow of Thos. Stephenson, for a debt of 48l. 8s.d. on her husband's account, as a late collector of salt duties: to Salt Commissioners.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 93.]
January 26. 12. The Earl of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to the Treasury, transmitting the resolutions of the House of Commons, Ireland, for payment of 7,267l. 12s. 7d. to Edward Lovet Pearce to discharge the debt for completing the Parliament House, and a further 1,000l. to him for the pains he shall take in finishing same. Prays His Majesty's royal letter empowering payment of same out of the royal revenues at large. Dublin Castle, January 26. 1½ pages. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVIII. No. 10.]