Warrants, Letters, etc.: 1731, July-December

Pages 132-151

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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1731, July–December

July 1 Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. For acceptance of smuggling compositions from George Selby, Gerard Selby, and Rob. Taylor. Customs Book XIII. pp. 209–10.
J. Scrope to same - - Concerning Mr. Munn's baggage, “who was sent into France about the wool affair.” Letter Book XIX. p. 48.
July 2 Petition of Eliz. Ormes, et al. for proclamation reward. Referred to Mr. Paxton - Reference Book IX. p. 437.
July 3 J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Customs, Scotland. For a distinct account of customs and salt there. North Britain Book X. pp. 132–2.
Same to Commissioners of Excise, Scotland. For same - - - - - Ibid, p. 132.
July 5 Certificate to the Treasury by Thos. Sanderson, Deputy Receiver in the Alienation Office. Of the receipts in that office for one month to June 80 last (total, 511l. 10s.). 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 25.
Earl of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to the Lords of the Treasury. Praying 2,479l. 17s. in the usual manner, being deficiency of the fees of licences for exporting wool from Ireland to Great Britain, 1730, June 23, to 1731, June 22, below the 4,000l. a year fixed as his fee according to the medium of the last seven years of Charles II. 1½ pages.
—Abstract of the produce of the said licences for said period. 1 page.
Ibid, No. 26.
July 6 Treasury warrant to the Commissioners of Customs, Scotland. To give rewards for discoveries of fraudulent claims with respect to debentures for foreign salt, and to proceed in the payment of genuine bonds.
Appending:—A report from said Commissioners concerning said frauds.
North Britain Book X. pp. 137–8.
Petitions of Wm. Surtees, Thos. Eyre, and Carr Brackenbury to be appointed Receivers General. Referred to Taxes Commissioners - Register of Papers VI. p. 200; Affairs of Taxes III. p. 330.
Memorial of Mathias Hickeringill, under steward of Otford honour. Referred to Auditor of Land Revenues - Register of Papers VI. p. 200; Reference Book IX. p. 440.
J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Army Account. Forwarding Missing's victualling lists for Gibraltar garrison. Letter Book XIX. p. 49.
Treasury commissions - - To Receivers General, Land Tax, 1731 Affairs of Taxes III. p. 367.
July 7 Treasury warrants - - To take securities of same - Ibid, p. 361.
J. Scrope to Dr. Exton Sayer Concerning Sir Griffith Williams petition for mines in North Wales. Crown Lease Book II. p. 248.
Articles of agreement between King and Margaret Tyson, of St. Christophers. For purchase of land in Basse Terre town Ibid, pp. 263–5.
Same with Thos. Tyson - For same - - - Ibid, pp. 266–9.
Same with Thos, Guerne - For same in Basse Terre quarter - Ibid, pp. 269–72.
Same with John Daniel - For same - - - Ibid, pp. 273–6.
Treasury warrant to Auditor of Receipt. For payment of purchase money for lands in St. Christopher by Thos. Guerne et al. Money Book XXXV. p. 20.
Royal warrant to Attorney or Solicitor General. To grant Stede Bonnet's debts to Henry Hole, of Barbados. King's Warrant Book XXX. pp. 260–1.
Treasury warrant to King's Remembrancer. To stay process against Wm. Cobbe, late Receiver General for Cheshire. Affairs of Taxes III. pp. 378–9.
Same to same - - To change a surety of Andrew Wilkinson, Receiver General for part of York. Ibid, p. 379.
July 7 J. Scrope to Mr. Paxton - Concerning Wm. Barnesley's complaint against Sir Humphrey Howorth. Letter Book XIX. p. 49.
Same to Auditor Lowndes - About accounts of the Savoy rents - - Ibid.
Petition of Wm. Kilbury and Wm. Booth, smugglers. Referred to Customs Commissioners - Reference Book IX. p. 438.
July 8 Petition of Elizabeth Lady Coleraine. For lease of marsh land in the manors of West Walton and Walsoken, Norfolk. Crown Lease Book II. p. 208.
Royal warrant to Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. To make good to himself the deficiencies of wool licences for year ended 1731, June 22. Irish Book VIII. pp. 897–8.
Treasury warrant to Stamp Commissioners. For stay of process against Ventrice Columbine. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 417–8.
Petition of Anne Bowes for leases in Jermyn Street and Piccadilly. Referred to Dr. Exton Sayer Crown Least Book II. p. 209.
Same of Edward Owen - For same in High Holborn. Same - Ibid.
July 9 Treasury warrant to Surveyor General. For a particular of lands at Richmond petitioned for by Sir Matthew Decker. Ibid, pp. 254–5.
July 12 Holles Duke of Newcastle to the Treasury. As to detention of the “Subtil,” Captain Peter Maupin, John Baptist Fossecave, merchant, of Calais, owner, about which M. Chammorel, the French Secretary, is very pressing. Hampton Court. Minuted with reference to Customs Commissioners. 1 page. Appending:—(a.) Fossecave's petition to the Lords of the Treasury for compensation. 2 pages.
(b.) Extract of a letter from M. Chammorel to the Duke of Newcastle, 1731, July 5, on the case. French. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 27.
July 20 Same to same - Communicating His Majesty's pleasure for 300l. royal bounty to be given to Mr. Monier for bringing over the Grand Signior's and Grand Vizier's letters to the King on the Grand Signior's accession to the throne.
Minuted:—“Prepare a warrant.” 1 page.
Ibid, No. 29.
July 23 Certificate by Auditor Wm. Lowndes [to same]. Of the state of the accounts of Samuel Burton and Henry Howorth, successively Receivers General of the rents of the Savoy Hospital. 1¼ page. Ibid No. 31.
July 24 Memorial of Nicholas Paxton to same. Praying issue of 1,500l. for rewards and expenses of prosecutions. 1 page. Ibid, No. 32.
Treasury endorsement Of the Bank of England's contract for circulating Exchequer bills. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 233.
July 26 Report from the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, to the Treasury. On the memorial of Wm. late Earl of Seaforth, praying grant of the feu duties of the Island of Lewis. 1 page.
—The memorial in question to the King, with order of reference, dated 1731, May 29, from the Lords of the Treasury to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 34.
July 27 J. Scrope to the Bishop of London. Concerning a minister to be sent to South Carolina who can preach in both the English and the Preach tongues. Letter Book XIX. p. 50.
Petition of Missing for victualling Placentia, &c. Referred to Comptrollers of Army Accounts. Reference Book IX. p. 441.
July 28 Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To accept smuggling compositions from John Heaviside and Edward Nansum. Customs Book XIII. pp. 220, 221–2.
Same to Auditors of Imprests To allow incidents bill, 1731, of Paymasters of Exchequer bills. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 401.
July 28 Treasury warrant - For taking sureties of Receivers, Land Tax, 1731. Affairs of Taxes III. p. 380.
Treasury warrant for execution of Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For furniture, detailed, for His Majesty's service at Hampton Court. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. pp. 354–6.
Same - - For necessaries for the Removing Wardrobe. Ibid, p. 536,
Same - For furniture for His Majesty's service at Kew and Hampton Court. Ibid, p. 357.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease of three messuages in St. James's bailiwick to Nicholas Rouse, of St. James's, coffee man. Crown Lease Book II. pp. 277–81.
Same - - - For same of the several farms, holdings, and promises, detailed, in the manor of Rosedale (Yorks.), to Edward Watson, junior, and 14 others. Ibid, pp. 282–310.
Same - - - For same of three messuages in King Street, St. James's bailiwick, to Richard Snow. Ibid, pp. 314–8.
July 29 Jos. Andrews [in the absence of Henry Pelham] to the Treasury. Transmitting Sir Joseph Eyles's proposal for bills for remitting the subsistence to the forces in Minorca and Gibraltar, 1731, August 25 to October 24. Pay Office, Horse Guards. 1 page.
—Eyles's proposal. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 36.
Treasury warrant for execution of Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For furniture for His Majesty's service at Hampton Court, estimated at 5,300l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. pp. 358–69.
Petition of Mr. Corbet, cashier to the Transport Office. Referred to Navy Commissioners Reference Book IX. p. 438.
Same of Laurence Prince, smuggler. Referred to Customs Commissioners Ibid.
Same of John Hatch, smuggler, in the fleet. Same - Ibid, p. 439.
Same of the Denia merchants, concerning currants. Same - Ibid.
Same of Thomas Barker - Same - Ibid, p. 445.
J. Scrope to the Attorney and Solicitor General. Concerning William Huck's petition for reversionary lease of several houses in Old Soho. Letter Book XIX. p. 50.
Same to the Commissioners of Customs. Concerning John Baptist Fossecave's petition. Ibid, p. 51
July 30 Report from the Commissioners of the Navy to the Treasury. On the memorial of William Corbett, praying a balance of 149l. 17s.d. on his accounts, 1720–4, as a gratuity to him as cashier to the Transport Office. Prefixing:—Corbett's petition to the Treasury, dated 1731, July 27, with order of reference. 2 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 37.
Earl of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to the Treasury. Requesting preparation of the proper instrument for the restitution of the profits of the bishopric of Ossory sede vacante to Dr. Edward Tenison, present bishop thereof.
Endorsed:—Writ drawn. l¼ pages.
Ibid, No. 38.
Petition of Priscilla, widow of Edward Burt, chief clerk in Admiralty Office. Referred to Principal Officers and Navy Commissioners. Reference Book IX. p. 438.
J. Scrope to the Auditors of Imprests. Concerning negligence of the Receivers of the Prize Office. Letter Book XIX. p. 50.
Same to same - Concerning final account of transport service, temp. William III. Ibid, pp. 50–1.
July 31 Petition of Peter Burrell, Esq. to the Treasury. Desiring the use of three cutters for sizing and cutting copper bars with blanks for twenty tons of copper, to be exported to Lisbon.
Minuted: — With minute of reference, dated August 4, from the Treasury to the Officers of the Mint. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 39; Reference IX. p. 440.
Aug. 3 Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. For establishing from Midsummer 1731, a list of salt officers in the service of the Customs. Customs Book XIII. pp. 212–5.
Same - To accept smuggling compositions from John Hannam, mate of the “Francis,” and George Moore, of Sunderland, John Moores, master of the “Moores,” Daniel Seale, mate of the “Craggs,” and Nicholas Clare, late master of the “Elizabeth.” Ibid, pp. 219, 221, 229–31.
Same to Surveyor General - For a particular of mines in Denbigh, prayed for by George Wynne, Esq. Crown Lease Book II. pp. 311–3.
Articles of agreement between King and Anthony Fahi, of St. Christopher. For purchase of land in Cabeca Terre quarter. Ibid, pp. 326–30.
Same between King and Nicholas Gallwey of same. For same in Basse Terre quarter Ibid, pp. 331–5.
Same between King and James Ward, junior. For same - - Ibid, pp. 336–40.
Treasury warrant to Auditor of Receipt. For payment of purchase money for lands in St. Christopher by Joseph Estridge el al. Money Book XXXV. p. 20.
Petition of William Taff, merchant in London. Referred to Customs Commissioners - Reference Book IX. p. 439.
Petition of John Fuller, Comptroller of Customs at Port Glasgow, against his deputy at Greenock. Referred to Commissioners of Customs, Scotland. North Britain Book X. p. 140.
J. Scrope to the Auditor of Land Revenues. Concerning the memorial of Edward Younge, late Surveyor General of Woods. Letter Book XIX. p. 52.
Aug. 4 J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Taxes. Concerning payments by Samuel Burridge, Receiver General for part of Devonshire. Letter Book XIX. p. 52.
Same to the Commissioners of Customs, Scotland. Leave of absence to John Fuller - North Britain Book X. p. 146.
Petition of John Savage, smuggler, in the Fleet. Referred to Customs Commissioners - Reference Book IX. p. 440.
Treasury warrant to Thos. Foley, an Auditor of Imprests. To allow incidents bill of Thos. Spence, Paymaster of Lotteries, 1723, February 17, to 1782, March 25. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 401–2.
Petition of Daniel Trench for lease on south side of Piccadilly. Referred to Dr. Exton Sayer - Crown Lease Book II. p. 209.
Report to the Treasury from the Commissioners for Taxes. On the payments by Mr. Burridge, Receiver General for part of Devon, since he was respited. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 41.
[After Aug. 4] Memorial to Sir Robert Walpole, from Joseph Day, engineer employed in the demolition of Dunkirk. Praying allowance for service - -
Endorsed:—The engineers had 20s. a day each, paid by the Office of Ordnance. Lascelles, as commissary, had 3l. a day, paid at the Exchequer, on signification of His Majesty's pleasure, by the Secretary of State. 1 page.
Ibid, No. 42.
Aug. 5 J. Scrope to Charles Wither Concerning Navy timber from the royal forests. Letter Book XIX. p. 52.
Same to Mr. Pelham - Concerning the remittances from Ireland for pay of the regiments. Ibid, p. 53.
Same to Mr. Cary - For an abstract of the receipts and payments in His Majesty's Treasury in Ireland, from 1729, March 28. Ibid.
Aug. 7 Certificate by Charles Wither to the Treasury. Of the sums in bills received from the commissioners of the Navy, and of the bills expected to be received for timber of this present year. 1½ pages, faded. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 43.
Aug. 9 Royal warrant to Attorney or Solicitor General. To renew Commission of Customs, inserting Sir Robert Baylis in place of Sir Walter Yonge. King's Warrant Book XXX. pp. 268–71.
Same to Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. For restitution of temporalities to Bishop of Ossory sede vacante. Irish Book VIII. pp. 402–3.
Aug. 10 Petition of Philip Herman Nott, keeper of pheasants in Bushey Park. Referred to Surveyor of Woods - Register of Papers VI. p. 201.
Same of Samuel Artis - Referred to Taxes Commissioners - Affairs of Taxes III. p. 381.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease of a messuage in St. Alban Street to Nathaniel Blackerby, of Westminster. Crown Lease Book II. pp. 353–6.
Same to same - - - For same of same in St. Alban Street, to Wm. Lyddenham. Ibid, pp. 356–9.
Same to Surveyor General - For a particular of lands in Lincolnshire, petitioned for by John Craven. Ibid, p. 360.
Articles of agreement between King and John Douglas of St. Christopher. For purchase of land in Basse Terre quarter. Ibid, pp. 341–5.
Treasury warrant to Excise Commisioners. For allowances to John Peele, collector, Norwich. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 402.
Aug. 10 Treasury warrant to Excise Commissioners. For allowance to Stephen Poyntz, cashier of Excise. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 403.
Same to Charles Wither For works in Dean Forest, including removing Little Dean Lodge, repairing the Speech House, Ruar Dean, Parkend, Worcester and Blakney lodges. Ibid, pp. 404–5.
J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Customs, Scotland. Conveying leave of absence to John Pargiter, Comptroller General of Customs. North Britain Book X. p. 147.
Aug. 11 Treasury warrant to Surveyor General. To rate an inquisition taken of the escheated estate of John Blandford. Crown Lease Book II. pp, 346–51.
Petition of Edward Harley - For re-lease of certain tolls, herriots, &c. in lordship of Maelienydd (“Cantermalenith”), Radnor. Ibid, p. 276.
Aug. 12 J. Scrope to Henry Howarth, receiver of Savoy rents. Directing payments of 553l. 13s.d. balance of the accounts for the Savoy rents to 1728, September 29. Letter Book XIX. p. 52.
Same to Henry Finch, receiver of Minorca revenues. Concerning allowing 100l. per annum to James Auchmuty as chaplain. Ibid, p. 53.
Same to Sir Clement Cotterell. Concerning Casper Bergman's bill for lodging the Algiers Ambassador. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General. Concerning the petition of Nathaniel St. André and Lady Elizabeth his wife. Ibid, p. 54.
Same to the Board of Works Concerning Dougal Cuthbert's petition for a lease. Ibid.
Aug. 13 Petition of John Newton, Esq. of Tiverton. Referred to Taxes Commissioners - - Affairs of Taxes III. p. 381.
Same of Samuel Burridge, Receiver General for part of Devon. Same - - Ibid.
Aug. 17 Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or deputy. For a lease of messuages on south side of Pall Mall to executors of Jeremiah Hancock. Crown Lease Book II. pp. 365–8.
Petition of Lady Jane Holt and Lady Lucy Wharton. For the title of the late Duke of Wharton, their brother, to his estate forfeited to the Crown. Ibid, p. 351.
J. Scrope to the Commissioners of the Navy. For an account of indentures for Navy timber out of royal forests. Letter Book XIX. p. 54.
Treasury warrant to the Commissioners of Customs Scotland. For allowance to Alexander Erskine, late collector at Inverness of moneys stolen by the rebels in 1715. North Britain Book X. pp. 147–50.
Aug. 18 Commissioners of the Navy to John Scrope. Concerning indentures between the officers of the Navy and the Surveyor General of the Woods, for delivery of Navy timber out of the royal forests. Are hastening said accounts. Navy Office. 1½ pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 46.
J. Scrope to Cornwallis, Tilson, Rhodes and Manning. To issue certificates for certain lottery tickets taken in, in the name of John Shepherd. Letter Book XIX. p. 54.
Same to Mr. Andrewes - Concerning Mr. Gore's bills of exchange for Copenhagen. Ibid, p. 55.
Same to Mr. Paxton - Concerning Sir Humphrey Howarth's accounts. Ibid.
Aug. 18 Petition of Henry Popple, Paymaster of the regiment at Jamaica. Referred to the King's Remembrancer Reference Book IX. p. 441.
Aug. 19 J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Customs. Concerning the proposed free quays at Dover. Letter Book XIX. pp. 55–6.
Same to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts. Transmitting Missing's victualling lists for Gibraltar garrison, 1731, from May 21 to June 27. Ibid, p. 57.
Petition of executors of Thos. Penny, late Receiver General of Somerset. Referred to Taxes Commissioners - Affairs of Taxes III. p. 382.
Report from the Commissioners of Customs to the Treasury. Concerning the seizure of the sloop “Subtil,” John Baptist Fossecave, owner.
Minuted:—With minute of 27 August 1731. 2 pages.
—Extract of a letter from Capt. Wm. Jans, dated 1731, August 13, concerning cargoes run from said vessel. 1½pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 47.
Aug. 20 Treasury warrant to King's Remembrancer. To change surety of Carr Brackenbury - Affairs of Taxes III. p. 383.
Same - - To take John Newton's surety - - Ibid, p. 381.
Treasury commission - To Receivers General, Land Tax, 1731 - Ibid, p. 367.
Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To appoint several additional officers at Yarmouth. Customs Book XIII. pp. 216–7.
Same - - - To accept smuggling composition from George Robinson, of Sunderland. Ibid, p. 218.
Aug. 21 Same to Surveyor General For a particular of a messuage called the “Waterhouse” in the field called the “Six Acres,” in parish of St. James's, petitioned for by Wm. Sharp, junior. Crown Lease Book II. pp. 369–70.
Hen. Howorth to — - - Concerning the accounts for the Savoy rents ending Michaelmas, 1728. ½ page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 48.
J. Scrope to Mr. Mathew and Mr. Mann. To attend the Lords of the Treasury - Letter Book XIX. p. 56.
Same to the Commissioners of Customs. Concerning the Duchess of Newcastle's luggage, now on her return from the Spain Germany, where she has been for the recovery of her health. Ibid.
Aug. 23 Same to the Commissioners of Taxes. To hasten arrears of land tax, 1729 - Ibid, p. 57.
Petition of Gwynne Vaughan Referred to Auditors of Imprests - Reference Book IX. p. 441.
Report of Exton Sayer, Surveyor General, to the Treasury. On the petition of John Wood, Esq. for a lease of a tenement, &c. at Middlethorpe and Dringhouses, Yorkshire, and on the petition of Francis Barlow for same on behalf of John Hood, an infant. 2½pages.
—Wood's petition. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 49.
Aug. 24]
Two petitions, (a.) and (b.), to the Lords of the Treasury from Walter O'Neal, planter, of the island of St. Christopher. Concerning the contract for the purchase of the estate of his father, John O'Neal, in the French quarter of that island.
Minuted:—1721, August 24, “My Lords agree that O'Neal have the 38 acres and Osborne the 12, unless cause is shown to the contrary by this day se'night.” 3 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 53.
Aug. 24 Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To repay land tax assessments, 1731, on salaries of Customs officers under 60l. Customs Book XIII. p. 252.
Same to Salt Commissioners. For same to officers under 100l. salary - Money Book XXXV. pp. 116–7.
Same to Hawkers' Commissioners. To discharge Mary Champion et al. of costs as sureties for Jame s Helliwell. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 409–10.
J. Scrope to the Governors of Greenwich Hospital. Concerning the accounts of the receivers of the Prize Office. Letter Book XIX. p. 57.
Aug. 25 Petition of Papillon Ball, of St. Christopher. Referred to Customs Commissioners - Reference Book IX. p. 440.
Treasury warrant to John Conduitt. To deliver three cutters to Peter Burrell Warrants not relating to money XXIV p. 408.
Aug. 26 J. Scrope to the Governor, &c. of the Africa Company. Concerning the present from the Emperor of Popo (“Paw Paw”) in Africa. Letter Book XIX. p. 57.
Aug. 27]
Petition of Casper Bergman to the Treasury. For 150l. for the expenses of lodging the last ambassador from Algier, at his house in Suffolk Street for seven months.
Minuted:—With minute as under date 1731, August 27, supra. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 56.
Aug. 27 Petition of Abraham Coleman, broker, of London. Referred to Customs Commissioners Reference Book IX. p. 442.
Aug. 28 Statement of opinion by the Attorney General. On the cases of Henry Combs, of Bristol, for flax imported 23 June, 1731, the day before the duties were taken off, and of the ship “Devonshire,” Captain Stoneham, belonging to the South Sea Company, for snuff imported before 1726, June 1. 2½pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 57.
Aug. 30 J. Scrope to George Tilson - Concerning the French King's subvention to the King of Denmark. Letter Book XIX. p. 58.
Same to the Commissioners of Customs. Concerning some French wines for Count Degenfeldt. Ibid.
Aug. 21 Treasury warrant to Charles Wither. For works in Windsor Forest Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 411–2.
Same to King's Remembrancer. For Henry Popple's surety as agent for regiment, late under Col. Robt. Hayes. Ibid, p. 412.
Aug. 31 Memorial of Colonel John Armstrong to Sir Robert Walpole. Praying an allowance for his mission to the French Court for 468 days ending 1731, May 20, at 5l. per day.
Endorsed:—Letter signed. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 58.
Petition of Sir Griffiths Williams. For mines in Nant Conway hundred, Carnarvon. Referred to Dr. Exton Sayer. Crown Lease Book II. p. 351.
J. Scrope to Charles Delafaye Concerning the seizure of the “Subtil” sloop. Letter Book XIX. p. 59.
Aug. 31 Petition of John Harries concerning purchase of Lady Stapleton's plantation in St. Christopher. Referred to Wm. Mathew and Edward Mann. Reference Book IX. p. 442.
Same of Richard Misener, smuggler. Referred to Customs Commissioners Ibid.
Same of Walter Chetwynde For 849l. 4s. 6d. fees and incidents, 1730–1, as Paymaster of pensions. Ibid.
Sept. 1 Royal warrant to Gilbert Fleming. To allow rewards, &c. to the Commissioners for sale of French lands in St. Christopher. King's Warrant Book XXX. pp. 279–80.
The Commissioners of Customs to the Treasury. Forwarding a draft of a commission for making quays at Dover free.
Endorsed:—Warrant drawn. 1 page.
—The representation of the warden and assistants of Dover Harbour praying the above. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 2.
Petition of Wm. Fazakerley and Samuel Skinner. Referring to Customs Commissioners - Reference Book IX. p. 443.
Same of Seawen Lloyd, smuggler. Same - - Ibid.
J. Scrope to Nicholas Paxton To defray Gray's bills as Messenger of the Press. Letter Book XIX. p. 58.
Same to same - To enter a caveat with the Bishop of London about the presentation to All Hallows the Less. Ibid, p. 59.
Sept. 2 Same to Gilbert Fleming - Concerning Thauvet's and Boyd's applications for lands in St. Christopher. Ibid.
Petition of John Hammerton, Receiver General of Carolina. Referred to King's Remembrancer Reference Book IX. p. 442.
Richard Spence, from the African House, to John Scrope. Acknowledging Scrope's letter of the 26th ultimo.
Endorsed: — “Lre writ, 22 September 1731.” 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 3.
Sept. 3 Memorial of the Commissioners of Customs to the Treasury. Concerning the ship “Nile,” from Alexandria, reported to be infected with the plague. There was no contagion at Alexandria when the ship sailed. 2½ pages. Ibid, No. 4.
Certificate of Thos. Sanderson, deputy receiver in the Alienation Office. Of the receipts, payments, and remains in the Alienation Office for two months ending August 31st ultimo. 1 page. Ibid, No. 5.
Sept. 11 C. Tilson to Ant. Reynolds - To return to his post as surveyor of Customs at Piscataway, America. Letter Book XIX. p. 60.
Same to Charles Stanhope, Esq. Concerning arrears to the late King's servants payable by him as late Treasurer of the Chamber. Ibid.
Same to Charles Wither Concerning hay for the red deer in Windsor Forest. Ibid.
Same to Nicholas Paxton Concerning a grant to Mr. Percivall and his lady. Ibid, pp. 60–1.
Same to the receivers of the lottery, 1731. Concerning the 3,000l. remaining unpaid out of 800,000l. Ibid, p. 61.
Sept. 14 Thomas Madockes to Christopher Tilson. Concerning payment of the allowances to the receivers of the present lottery. ½ page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 8.
Petition of receivers, land tax, 1731. Proposing sureties. Referred to Taxes Commissioners - Affairs of Taxes III. p. 358.
Sept. 15 J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Customs in Scotland. For stay of James Hunter's deputation as Commander of the “Princess Caroline” sloop. North Britain Book X. p. 157.
Same to Charles Delafaye - Concerning Thos. Jenkin's petition, master of the “Nelly.” Letter Book XIX. p. 61.
Petition of Wm. Bullock, salt merchant of Worcester. Referred to Salt Commissioners - Reference Book IX. p. 443.
Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To pay John Greenfield, officer, moiety of money seized in the “John” brigantine. Customs Book XIII. p. 234.
Sept. 17 Taxes Commissioners' report on petition of executors of Thos. Penny. Allowance proposed agreed to - Register of Papers VI. p. 204.
Edward Walpole to the Surveyor General. Concerning Edward Southwel's lease Letter Book XIX. p. 63.
Treasury warrant For innovating 13 tallies in the name of John Frampton. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 210.
Same to King's Remembrancer. To take John Hammerton's security - Ibid, 211.
Sept. 18 Treasury warrant to Surveyor General. For a particular of lands in Spring Garden, near Charing Cross, petitioned for by Edward Southwel. Crown Lease Book II. pp. 370–5.
Sept. 21 Same to Wm. Lowndes, auditor of taxes, Somerset. For extra allowance to executors of late Thos. Penny. Affairs of Taxes III. pp. 384–5.
Same to King's Remembrancer. For a particular of the extended estate of Wm. Pacey. Ibid, p. 386.
Petition of Joshua Pembroke Referred to Commissioners of Taxes Ibid, p. 383.
Treasury warrant to Clerk of Pipe or deputy. For lease of messuages in Mulghay, alias Dogfield, St. James's bailiwick, to Wm. Sharpe. Crown Lease Book II. pp. 376–8.
Petition of Wm. Morrison, merchant, in Dundee. Concerning estate of Robert Hay of Naughton. Referred to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland. North Britain Book X. p. 157.
Sept. 22 Christopher Tilson to the Court of Assistants of the Royal Africa Company. Concerning the petitions of Bulfinch Lamb and Adomo Tomo concerning Lamb's disbursements for Tomo. Letter Book XIX. p. 61.
Sept. 24 The Commissioners of the Navy to John Scrope. Forwarding account as below. 1 page
—(a.) Account of indentures between the officers of the Navy and the Surveyor General [of the Woods for timber delivered for the Navy out of royal forests. 2 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 10.
Sept. 28 Petition of John Newton Referred to Taxes Commissioners - Affairs of Taxes III. p. 383.
Same of Wm. Hartley, junior Same - - - - Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. For smuggling composition from James Peirce, late master of the “John.” Customs Book XIII. pp. 237–8
J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Customs, Scotland. Concerning informations against Duncan Lamond, Surveyor General of Tobacco in Dumfries port. North Britain Book X. p. 158.
Sept. 29 Treasury warrant - Appointing the residence of the Customs Commissioners England and Scotland. Customs Book XIII. p. 235.
J. Scrope to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts. Concerning Missing's victualling lists of Gibraltar garrison. Letter Book XIX. p. 62.
Sept 30 Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To discharge Thos. Lake, prisoner in the Fleet. Customs Book XIII. p. 236.
J. Scrope to the Auditor of the Receipt. For accounts of land tax, 1729, and duty on victuallers, to 1731, Michaelmas. Letter Book XIX. p. 62.
Same to Excise Commissioners. For supply of subsistence money to Earl Cadogan's regiment at Bristol. Ibid.
Sept. 30 Lords of the Treasury to Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Concerning petition of Joanna Wellesly as to concealed lands formerly in her family in Ireland. Irish Book VIII. p. 404.
Same to same - Concerning Sir Arthur Acheson's memorial. Ibid.
Oct. 2 Two loose slips - Headed respectively, “Lists of officers and their fees” and “Additional lists of attornies.” 2 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 13.
Oct. 4 Petition of Stephen Smith et al. for reward for arrest. Referred to Mr. Paxton - Register of Papers VI. p. 205.
J. Scrope to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts. Enclosing Missing's victualling lists of Gibraltar garrison. Letter Book XIX. p. 63.
Same to Auditor of Receipt - Concerning Lord Lonsdale's bills for safe keeping prisoners in the Tower. Ibid.
Petition of John Hammerton, Receiver for Carolina, for instructions and allowances. Referred to Horatio Walpole, Auditor and Surveyor General of His Majesty's Revenues in America. Reference Book IX. p. 444.
Oct. 5 Treasury warrant to Duke of Montagu. For a rich purse to Lord Privy Seal - Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 370.
Same For liveries for His Majesty's watermen - Ibid.
Same For livery for Mrs. Bell, herbstrewer to His Majesty. Ibid.
Same - For same to Mrs. Stubbs, ratkiller to His Majesty. Ibid, p. 371.
Same - For liveries for Children of the Chapel - Ibid, p. 372.
Same For allowance of Clothes to James Nares, late child of the Chapel. Ibid.
Same - - - For same to James Cleavely - - Ibid, p. 374.
Same to Clerk of Pipe or deputy. For a lease of mines in Denbighshire to Sir George Wynne. Crown Lease Book I. pp. 379–83.
Same to King's Remembrancer For John Newton's sureties as Receiver General House Duty part of Devon. Affairs of Taxes III. p. 383.
Same to Auditor of Receipt - For application and distribution of income of the General Fund, 1731, Michaelmas quarter, with statement of same. Money Book XXXVI. pp. 124–5.
Same to same - - To levy a tally for 1,095l. for Sir George Wynne's baronet fee. Ibid, p. 130.
Same to same - To issue and apply income of the General or Aggregate Fund for Michaelmas quarter, with statement of same. Ibid. pp. 132–3.
Oct. 6 Treasury Commission To same - - Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. For Robert Parker to be instructed in Customs affairs, London port. Customs Book XIII. p. 239.
J. Scrope to same - As to equipage of the Duke of Lorraine, hourly expected from Holland under the title of “Count Blamont,” on board the “Fubs” yacht, Captain Collier. Letter Book XIX. p. 64.
Same to Postmaster General To pay 30l. to Thomas Hudson - Ibid.
Oct. 7 Treasury warrant to Attorney General. To non pros. information against Fazakerly and Skinner. Customs Book XIII. pp. 241–2.
J. Scrope to the Secretary at War. Enclosing letters concerning the species of provisions at Gibraltar. Letter Book XIX. p. 64.
Same to the Court of Assistants of Royal Africa Company. Concerning Adomo Tomo's petition - Ibid, p. 65.
Oct. 8 Petitions of George Bagwell and Phineas Frognall, smugglers. Referred to Customs Commissioners - Reference Book IX. p. 444.
Certificate by Henry Montague, registrar and comptroller. Of the gross and net produce of the duties on moneys given with clerks and apprentices for 1729–31. Comptroller's Office. Half sheet. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 14.
Oct. 12 Petition of Stephen Smith, et al. For proclamation reward. Referred to Mr. Paxton. Reference Book IX. p. 444.
Oct. 13 Same of Robert Randall, smuggler, and Mathew Cassan, administrator of John Sheffield. Referred to Customs Commissioners - Ibid, pp. 444–5.
Certificate by Thos. Sanderson, deputy receiver. Of the receipts &c. of the Alienation Office for the month ended September 30 last. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 16.
Treasury warrant to Clerk of Pipe or deputy. For lease of lands in Stowood, in Forest of Shotover and Stowood, to Bishop of Oxford. Crown Lease Book II. pp. 384–95.
Oct. 15 Petition of Stephen Poyntz, cashier of Excise. Referred to Excise Commissioners - Reference Book IX. p. 445.
Report of the Commissioners of Taxes to the Treasury. On the petition of Charles Wilkinson, late Receiver General of York, Durham, and Northumberland, now a prisoner in Newgate. 1 page.
—(a.) Wilkinson's petition for removal to the Fleet, with reference dated 1730, December 17. 1¼ pages.
Treasury Board papers Papers CCLXXVII. No. 17
Oct. 18 Royal warrant to Auditors of Imprests. To pass the allowance of 7,617l. 4s. offreckonings for annuities, reduced in 1729, in the account of Henry Pelham, being for 1730, June 24, to 1731, June 24. King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 309.
Treasury warrant to Auditor of Receipt. To transfer overpayment by Wm. Hartley, Receiver General for Bucks. Affairs of Taxes III. p. 387.
Same to King's Remembrancer. To change surety of Thos. Eyre, Receiver General of Anglesey. Ibid, p. 388.
Same - To take Joshua Pembroke's security - Ibid, p. 382.
Treasury commission - To same as Receiver General for Hertford. Ibid, p. 389.
Oct. 19 Memorial to the Treasury from Nicholas Paxton. For 1,000l. to be imprested to him for His Majesty's law causes. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 18.
J. Scrope to Mr. Carkesse - Concerning the Duke of Lorraine's baggage. Customs Book XIII. p. 243.
Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To stay process against John Barber and Sir John Williams for escape of George Pilborough from Wood Street Compter. Ibid, pp. 244–51.
Same to Auditor of Receipt - For payment of purchase money for lands in St. Christopher by Mansel Franks. Money Book XXXV. p. 20.
Same to King's Remembrancer. To change John Hammerton's securities as receiver of rents and revenues in Carolina. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 413
J. Scrope to the Auditor of the Receipt. For prolonging the subscription time for the 400,000l. in 3½ per cent. annuities. Letter Book XIX. p. 65.
Petition of James Makgill, of Rankeiller, concerning the estate of Robert Hay, of Naughton. Referred to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland. North Britain Book X. p. 176.
Oct. 20 Petition of James Hadow, Principal of St. Mary's College, St. Andrews, concerning the late fire there. Referred to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland. North Britain Book X. p. 177.
J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners. Concerning the affairs of Gilbert Langley, goldsmith, bankrupt. Letter Book XIX. p. 65.
Petition of Robert Coisb, smuggler. Referred to Customs Commissioners - Reference Book IX. p. 445.
Oct. 21 J. Scrope to Auditor Harley Concerning Robert Byng's account of contingent disbursements as Receiver of Rights and Perquisites of Admiralty. Letter Book XIX. p. 66.
Same to Mr. Delafaye - Concerning Bulfinch Lambe - Ibid.
Oct. 22 Same to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts. Enclosing Missing's victualling lists for Gibraltar garrison. Ibid, p. 67.
Oct. 23 Statement of opinion by the Attorney General, Sir P. Yorke. On a case submitted for the Crown against Charles Wilkinson, late Receiver General of Duties on Houses for York, Durham, and Northumberland. 2 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 20.
Oct. 24 Petition to the Treasury from Thos. Wells, riding officer in the Customs at Chine, Isle of Wight. For relief, being in prison in the sheriff's ward at Winchester Gaol. 2½ pages. Ibid, No 21.
Oct. 26 Same to Sir Robert Walpole from John Graham, John Willis, and Thomas Willis. For reward for the arrest of John Wilson for the murder of Tho. Ball. 1 page. Ibid, No. 22.
Report to the Treasury by Nicholas Paxton. On the petition of Thomas Green, of London, tobacconist. 1½pages.
—(a.) Green's petition concerning a debt due from Robert Lane of Spilsby, Lincoln, with reference to Paxton, dated 1731, June 24. 1¼ pages.
(b.) Certificate dated the King's Remembrancer's office, 1731, July 29, by George Arbuthnott as to Lane's outlawry. 1 page.
(c.) Affidavit by Green, dated 1731, October 23. 1 page.
Ibid, No 23.
Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. For smuggling composition from Lawrence Prince. Custom Book XIII. p. 220.
Same to Excise Commissioners. To permit Lopez Diaz and others to reduce brandy to proof. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 413–4.
J. Scrope to Mr. John Cartwright. For delivery of books and papers in his possession belonging to the Surveyor General's office, lately enjoyed by Dr. Exton Sayer. Letter Book XIX. p. 66.
Same to the Commissioners of Taxes. Concerning removing Charles Wilkinson to the Fleet. Ibid, p. 67.
Oct. 27 Treasury warrant to King's Remembrancer. To take John Hammerton's surety us Receiver of His Majesty's Revenues and Rents, Carolina. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 383b.
Oct. 27 J. Scrope to the Auditor of the Receipt. Postponing the subscription time for the 400,000l. 3½ per cent. annuities. Letter Book XIX. pp. 65, 68.
Oct 28 Treasury warrant to Salt Commissioners. To stay process against Sir Rich. Lane and Wm. Bullock. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 414.
J. Scrope to Mr. Carkesse - Concerning General Diemar's luggage on the “Fubbs” yacht, from Holland. Letter Book XIX. p. 68.
Same to Mr. Paxton - Concerning Sir Humphrey Howorth - Ibid.
Same to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland. For a return of grants to others of mines petitioned for by the Duke of Argyll. North Britain Book X. p. 177.
Oct. 29 Letters patent by the King Cancelling the pension of 400l. per annum to Henry Hyde, Esq. commonly called Lord Cornbury. King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 311–2.
J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Excise in Scotland. For stay of proceedings against Mr. Cock- burn for charges of an old commission as Commissioner of Excise. North Britain Book X. p. 177.
Same to Mr. Carkesse Concerning General Diemar's baggage Letter Book XIX. p. 68.
Nov. 9 Statement of opinion by the Attorney General,Sir Philip Yorke. On queries submitted concerning the expiry of the Quarantine Act, 1 Geo. II. 5½pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 25.
Nov. 13 Certificate by Thomas Sanderson, deputy receiver. Of the receipts, &c. in the Alienation Office for October last. 1 page. Ibid, No. 26.
Nov. 18 Royal warrant to Auditors of Imprests. To allow offreckonings for reduced men, 1729, in the accounts of Earl of Wilmington, late Paymaster of the Forces. King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 307–8.
Nov. 23 Petition of Joseph Gace, surety for Langley Banks. Referred to Taxes Commissioners - Affairs of Taxes III. p. 388.
Nov. 27 J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners. Concerning unrated East Indian goods - Letter Book XIX. p. 69.
Nov. 29 Same to Mr. Pelham - Concerning King Gould, appointed agent To the garrison of Placentia, in Newfoundland. Ibid.
Petition of Thos. Missing for insurance for Gibraltar victuals. Referred to Comptrollers of Army Accounts. Reference Book IX. p. 445.
Same of same for victualling Placentia, &c. Same Ibid, p. 446.
Nov. 30 Same of Daniel Seal, smuggler Referred to Customs Commissioners Ibid, p. 445.
Treasury warrant to Postmaster General. To repay taxes to officers of Post Office under 60l. salary. Money Book XXXVI.p.173.
Dec. 1 Hy. Pelham to the Treasury - With proposals of Sir Joseph Eyles for furnishing bills for the remittance of the subsistence to the forces in Minorca and Gibraltar, 1731, December 25, to 1731–2, February 23. 1 page.
—Said proposals of same date. ½page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 29.
J. Scrope to Auditor of Receipt. To hasten orders for the annuities at 3½ per cent. Letter Book XIX. p. 69.
Same to Board of Works Concerning John Walker, proposed us lamplighter for Parliament in succession to Mrs. Vernatti, deceased. Ibid.
Dec. 1 J. Scrope to Board of Works Concerning the damage from the fire at Lord Ashburnham's house. Letter Book XIX. p. 69.
Dec. 2 Petition of sureties of Henry Nash and of Samuel Burridge. Referred to Taxes Commissioners - Register of Papers VI. p. 206.
J. Scrope to Nicholas Paxton Concerning petition of John Jeane, Under Sheriff of Somerset. Letter Book XIX. p. 70.
Petition of Thos. Moore, Paymaster of Forces abroad under Queen Anne. Referred to Auditors of Imprest - - Reference Book IX. p. 446.
Dec. 3 Treasury warrant to King's Remembrancer. To advertise sale of extended estate of Thos. Mell, a surety of Charles Wilkinson. Affairs of Taxes III. p. 390.
Same - For same of estate of Wm. Pacey Ibid, pp. 390–1.
Dec. 4 Certificate by Thos. Sanderson. Of the receipts, payments, and remains in the Alienation Office for November. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 31.
Dec. 6 Entry of Henry Pelham's letter of attorney to Townsend Andrews, of Coulston, Wilts. In his office as Receiver and Paymaster General of the guards, garrisons, and land forces. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 418–9.
Dec. 7 Memorial of Holles Duke of Newcastle to the Treasury. For the issue of 1,000l. for expenses of the foreign messengers. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 33.
Treasury warrant to Lord Lynn. For present of gilt plate to Duke of Richmond at his child's christening. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 378.
Same to Board of Works - For repair of house of John Wilkinson, Minister of the Savoy. Ibid, p. 377.
Taxes Commissioners' report on Joseph Gace's petition. Agreed to - Register of Papers VI. p. 207.
Petition of Wm. Williams on behalf of Thos. Snow, smuggler. Referred to Customs Commissioners Reference Book IX. p. 446.
Same of King Gould, agent to Placentia garrison, proposing securities. Referred to King's Remembrancer - Ibid, p. 447.
Dec. 8 J. Scrope to Excise Commissioners. Concerning petition of the tanners at Blandford. Letter Book XIX. p. 70.
Dec. 9 Same to Customs Commissioners. Concerning some pictures of Mons. de Winde, Secretary to the Embassy from Denmark. Ibid.
Dec. 13 Petition to the Treasury from George Hawes, prisoner in Newgate on a surety. Praying release. With reference to the Commissioners of Customs, dated 1731–2, February 21. 1¼ pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 37.
J. Scrope to Auditor of Receipt. Concerning the abatement of the annuity to the South Sea Company. Letter Book XIX. p. 71.
Dec. 14 Memorial to the Treasury from G. Rosse, W. G. Westby, and G. Vaughan, Customs Commissioners, Edinburgh. Concerning the salt officers necessary to be continued for bringing in arrears and settling accounts of that duty. 3 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 38.
Dec. 14 Report of the Commissioners of Stamps to the Treasury. On the petition of Audley Bowdler, of Madeley, Salop, surety for Andrew Bowdler, distributor of stamped paper and parchment in Salop and Montgomery. 1 page.
—(a.) Bowdler's petition to the Treasury, with reference, dated 1731, December 1, to the Commissioners for Stamps. 1¼ pages.
(b.) Affidavit, dated 1731, May 1, by Henry Jenks, of Shrewsbury. 1 page.
(c. and d.) Same of Andrew Bowdler, of Shrewsbury. 2 pages.
(e.) Same of Anne Aston, servant to Bowdler. 1 page.
(f.) Same of Andrew Bowdler, dated 1731, April 21. 1 page.
(g.) Note of the sums due from Andrew Bowdler on the general account ending 1731, August 2. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 39; Reference Book IX. p. 446.
J. Scrope to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland. With leave of absence to Robert Herbert, one of their number. Irish Book VIII. p. 404.
Treasury warrant to King's Remembrancer. To take King Gould's security as agent to the garrison of Placentia. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 420.
Dec. 15 Same to the managers of the lottery for 800,000l. To deface the lottery ticket plates, 1731 - Ibid, p. 421.
Petition of Wm. Hutchinson, of Yorks, smuggler. Referred to Customs Commissioners Reference Book IX. p. 447.
Same of Mark Tideman, concerning the 1 per cent. Mediterranean duty on his ship from Zante. Same - - Ibid.
Dec. 16 Same of Daniel Marcon - Referred to Excise Commissioners - Ibid.
J. Scrope to the Navy Commissioners. Concerning the state of Mr. Hampden's debt to the public. Letter Book XIX. p. 71.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Concerning the debt due to the Crown from the East India Company. Ibid, p. 72.
Same to same - For Walter Cole to be instructed in Customs affairs, London. Customs Book XIII. p. 256.
Second report to the Treasury from the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland. On the question of the grant of mines to the Duke of Argyll, in reply to Scrope's letter of October 28th ultimo. Gives an account of the existing grants of mines. 2½ pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 41; North Britain Book X. p. 132.
Dec. 17 Royal warrant to Master of the Horse. Continuing the stud under the care of the Master of the Horse for one year from 1731, October 1. King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 235.
Dec. 18 The Commissioners of the Navy to John Scrope. Concerning the sum remaining in the Exchequer of the money paid in by the trustees for the sale of Mr. Hampden's estate, and proposing to leave out of the state of the debt of the Navy, now preparing, the remainder of Mr. Hampden's debt. 1½ pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 42
Dec. 20 Royal warrant to Duke of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. To remit to Paymaster General 13,656l. 7s. 6d. due for three regiments on Irish establishment, to 1730, December 24. Irish Book VIII. pp. 404–5.
Same to same For same of 27,238l. 2s. 6d. for same to 1731, December 24. Ibid, pp. 405–6.
Report, in triplicate, to the Treasury by Wm. Lowndes. On the memorial of Mathias Hickeringill, under steward of the honor of Otford, Kent, concerning the fee of John Earl of Leicester, high steward of the said honor. 6 pages.
—Said memorial, in triplicate, with reference, dated August 12. 6 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No 43.
Dec. 21 Report from the Commissioners of Taxes to the Treasury. On the memorial of Richard Evans, Robert Dunsford, and Wm. Burridge, the sureties of Samuel Burridge, late Receiver General for Land Tax and Duties on Houses for part of Devon. 1 page.
—Said memorial, with reference, dated 1731, December 6, to the Commissioners of Taxes, and statement of opinion, dated 1731, December 13, by the Attorney General upon the case. 2¼ pages.
Ibid, No. 45.
J. Scrope to Taxes Commissioners. To delay sale of effects of Joseph Gace till Easter, 1732. Affairs of Taxes III. p. 392.
Taxes Commissioners' report on petition of Henry Nash's surety. Agreed to - Register of Papers VI. p. 208.
Treasury warrant to Duke of Montagu. For standards for the 3rd troop of Horse Guards. Lord Chamberlain's War rant Book I. p. 378.
Same to Charles Lord Lynn - For a collar of the order of St. Andrew, for the Earl of Moray. Ibid, p. 379.
Same to Salt Commissioners To continue or dismiss salt officers from Christmas, 1731. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 424–7.
J. Scrope to Mr. Paxton To defray Gray's expenses as Messenger of the Press. Letter Book XIX. p. 72.
Treasury warrant to the Commissioners of Excise, Scotland. For allowing 125l. 4s. 11d. for passing Excise commission in Scotland in 1717, when Charles Cockburn was appointed. North Britain Book X. pp. 182–3.
Treasury warrant Continuing the Commissioners and other officers of the late salt duties in Scotland for six months further. Ibid, p. 183.
Dec. 22 J. Scope to Mr. Paxton Concerning inquisitions returned into the Petty Bag Office of estates given to Popish uses. Letter Book XIX. p. 72.
Same to Board of Works - Concerning Bridgman's wages. &c. as His Majesty's gardener. Ibid, p. 73.
Same to the Clerk of the Council. Transmitting Lord Lonsdale's bills for keeping prisoners in the Tower. Ibid, p. 74.
Dec. 22 J. Scrope to Comptrollers of Army Accounts. Concerning Missing's accounts for provisions sent to Jamaica. Letter Book XIX. p. 74.
Petition of Henry Cartwright, concerning frauds by Hughes, late chief clerk to him as Receiver General for Stamp Duties. Referred to Commissioners of Stamp Duties. Reference Book IX, pp. 448–9.
Dec. 23 Petition of Thos. Missing Referred to Auditors of Imprests - Ibid, p. 448.
Treasury warrant to Excise Commissioners. To accept composition from Thos. Anstwick, et al. sureties of Gervase Clerk. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 421–4.
Same to King's Remembrancer. For stay of process against Wm. Carter, surety of Hy. Nash. Affairs of Taxes III. p. 393.
Dec. 24 J. Scrope to Mr. Burchet - For Navy estimates for 1732 - Letter Book XIX. p. 73.
Same to Master General of the Ordnance and to Paymaster of Forces. For same for Ordnance and Forces - Ibid.
Dec. 25]
Statement or abbreviat by Allan Whitefoord, Receiver General of His Majesty's rents in Scotland. Of the moneys received and issued by him from 1730, November 28, to 1731, December 25. 13 sheets. Treasury Boar Papers CCLXXVII. No. 49.
Memorial of Augustus Schutz to the Treasury. For the issue of 627l. 1s.d. due to the office of His Majesty's Robes for the quarter ended 1731, Christmas. 1 page. Ibid, No. 53.
Statements of the salary bills of which allowance is craved for the quarter ending 1731, December 24. Dated Stamp Office, Lincoln's Inn. (a.) Officers for the duties on money given with clerks and apprentices. 1 page.
(b.) Same for the duties on vellum, parchment and paper. 2½large pages.
Ibid, No. 54.
Dec. 27 J. Scrope to the Navy Commissioners. For a statement of the debt of the Navy at Christmas, 1731. Letter Book XIX. p. 73.
Dec. 29 Same to Customs Commissioners. Concerning the baggage of the Ambassador lately arrived from the Dey of Algiers. Ibid, p. 74.
Dec. 29 J. Scrope to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts. Transmitting Thomas Missing's accounts of persons victualled in Gibraltar garrison, 1731, September 20 to November 14. Letter Book XIX. p. 75.
Dec. 30 Same to Auditor Godolphin - Concerning Sir Humphrey Howorth's account. Ibid, p. 24.
Dec. 31 Privy Seal to the Lords of the Treasury. To pay to John Earl of Dunmore, appointed a Gentleman of the Bedchamber in place of Henry, late Earl of Deloraine, 1,000l. per annum. King's Warrant Book XXX. pp. 331–2.
Same to same - For delivery to Elizabeth, relict of Robert late Lord Bingley, the remaining vessels of the 1,000 ozs. of silver presented in June 1730 by the King to Bingley, then Treasurer of the Household. Ibid, pp. 332–4.
J. Scrope to Mr. Cockburne Transmitting from the Treasury the report of the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, on the grant of mines desired by the Duke of Argyll. North Britain Book X. p. 185.
[? 1731.] Undated draft copy of Treasury warrant. For making certain quays at Dover free - Customs Book XIII. pp. 260–3.
[? 1731.] Petition of Thomas Roades, John Atheidge and John Muganedg to Sir Robert Walpole. For reward for apprehending Jeremiah Gregory at Hackney. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVII. No. 56.
Four sheets containing lists - Of ships and vessels cleared outwards and entered inwards at the port of New Providence for the quarters ended 1730, Michaelmas and Christmas respectively. Ibid, No. 57.
Narrative of the trial of two soldiers of General Sabine's regiment. For shooting a suspected smuggler at Inverness. 2 pages. Ibid, No, 59.
Account - Of such branches of the Customs whereon allowances are made by law by way of discount for prompt payment, 1 page. Ibid, No. 61.
Memorial of Sir Robert Rich to the Duke of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Concerning bills drawn by General Macartney for the remounting of the regiment lately commanded by the Earl of Deloraine and Macartney, and now under petitioner's command. 1 page. Ibid, No. 62.
Statement - Of the case of John Peter Crettez and two others in relation to the administration of Anthony Sion, deceased. 2¼ pages. Ibid, No. 63.
Jan. 20
Treasury warrant to Commissioners of Revenue, Ireland. For free importation of furniture, detailed, for General Charles Ross's royal regiment of dragoons, Ireland. Irish Book VIII. p. 383.
April 5
Same to Auditor of Receipt, &c. To discharge the baronet fee of Sir John Lade, of Warbleton. Money Book XXXV. p. 475.
Aug. 11 Petition of John Walworth and Peter Shephard to the Treasury. For fresh terms in two messuages in Pall Mall. Crown Lease Book II. p. 209.
Oct. 6 Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To accept smuggling compositions from Robt. Darby, mate of the “Charming Sally,” from Cadiz. Customs Book XIII. p. 219.