Pages 652-656
Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 1, 1729-1730. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1897.
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Gale, Roger, Commissioner of Excise, England, 303.
Gallow (hundred, Norfolk), 501.
Galvao, Count, Envoy Extraordinary from Portugal, 139.
Galway, 433.
Galwey, Nicholas, 82.
Gambier, James, Warden of the Mint, 203, 408, 409, 451, 452, 591.
Gaols, committee to inquire into state of, 67, 71, 203, 259. See Oglethorpe, Mr.
Garden next the Thames, 35.
Gardener, Gardens, His Majesty's. See Royal.
Gardiner, Sir Brocas, a Commissioner of Stamp Duties, 68.
-, George, 312.
-, Gregory, 264, 277.
-, John, 12.
-, Luke, Deputy Receiver General of Ireland, 38, 394, 476, 489.
Gardner, John, 299, 614.
-, Richard, 562.
-, Robert, deputy clerk of the Pipe, 222, 319, 327, 354, 399, 543, 618.
-, Stephen, 189.
Garland, John, 209.
-, Joseph, 209.
Garret, George, 312.
Garrisons in North Britain, 65.
-, See Placentia, Annapolis Royal, Gibraltar, Minorcá.
Garry river (Perthshire), 361.
Garstang (Lancashire), 79.
Gartaverton, alias Gartartan (lands in Port, Perthshire), 329.
Garter, Order of, 378.
-, Chancellor of. See Hoadley, Benj., 254, 280, 559, 593.
-, Chapter of the Order of the, 392.
-, insiginia of, 381.
-, King at Arms (see John Anstis), 273, 391, 572, 574.
-, Register of the Order of the. See Booth, Peniston.
Gartmore (Perthshire), 329.
Gartrell, John, 199.
Gascoigne, Joseph, Receiver General of revenues of Minorca, 72, 128, 131, 153, 393, 395, 522. See Minorca (revenues).
Gastaldi, John Baptista, Genoese Secretary, 63, 80, 187, 200, 203, 211, 453.
Gatcombe, Francis, 302.
Gatehill, Wm., 614.
Gatehouse, Nicholas, 107, 307.
Gates, Bernard, 142, 459.
-, Robert, 107, 197, 477.
Gateway in Kings Street, Westminster, 36.
-, New Palace Yard, 1.
Gatton, Nathaniel, 310.
“Gazette,” The London, 5, 10, 19, 21, 27, 29, 37, 111, 112, 160, 161, 162, 198.
Geere, Thomas, 302.
Gelloy, James, 611.
Gemmill, John, Rev., 277.
General Assembly of the Church in Scotland, 51, 56, 358.
-, Royal Commissioner to. See Buchan, Earl of; Loudoun, Earl of.
-, -, of Virginia, agent for. See Virginia and Randolph, John.
-, fund, 38, 103, 144, 179, 191, 212, 226, 239, 344, 456, 510, 523, 531, 538.
-, Post Office. See Post Office.
Geneu'r Glynn (Cardigan), 68.
Genoa, 230, 453, 285.
-, damask, 455, 468.
Genoese Secretary. See Gastaldi, Monsieur.
Gentleman Usher, Black Rod, 276. See Dalton, Sir Charles.
Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. See Bedchamber.
-, of the Chapel. See Chapel Royal.
-, pensioners. See pensioners.
George I. and II. See King.
-, George, 298.
-, Paul, Lieutenant Governor of Montserrat, 432.
-, Robert, Yeoman Sadler, and Storekeeper, 183.
Georgia, trustees for, 448.
German captives in Morocco, 400.
-, Reformed Protestant Church in the Savoy, 412.
Germany, 68, 315, 319, 339.
-, Emperor of, 96, Ambassador from, 40. See Ambassadors.
-, -, Ambassadors to, 244, 259, 274, 287, 548, 555, 568, 570, 581, 594, 599. See Ambassadors.
-, -, subsidies of war to, 100.
-, transporting poor Palatines from. See Palatinate.
Germoe (Cornwall), 392.
Gery, Francis, 164.
Gibbins, Richard, 493.
Gibbon, Charles. See Gybbon, Charles.
Gibbons, Thomas, 296.
Gibbs, John, 301.
-, Richard, 308.
Gibraltar, 84, 87, 90, 145, 152, 323, 415, 435, 450, 461, 491, 498.
-, Commander-in-Chief at, 156, 217, 417, 421. See Portmore, Earl of.
-, Exchange rates with. See Exchange.
-, export of coals to, 23.
-, forces and garrisons in, 26, 31, 54, 172, 372, 417, 418, 439, 501.
-, Governor of, 131, 389, 391.
-, Hospital, 386.
-, officers at, 496.
-, provisions, ill state of, 380.
-, regiments at. See regiments.
-, siege of, 131, 143, 156, 217, 229, 387.
-, storehouses for provisions, 382, 417, 421, 498.
-, subsistence money for the forces in, 171, 409, 410.
-, victualling of. See Missing, Thos., and insurance, 9, 13, 45, 51, 93, 105, 126, 131, 143, 171, 174, 181, 188, 191, 192, 204, 212, 221, 226, 228, 230, 246, 249, 250, 253, 264, 279, 380, 381, 387, 389, 391, 406, 485, 506, 509, 511, 512, 516, 529, 530, 533, 535, 536, 539, 546, 560, 573, 579, 598, 605.
Gibson, Edmund, Bishop of London, a Commissioner for building new churches in London and Westminster, 37, 43, 44, 77, 321, 323, 350, 356, 378, 402, 403, 418, 434, 481, 492.
-, Francis, 148.
-, James, 300.
-, John, 184.
-, Robert, 525, 532, 537.
-, Thomas, 9, 409, 416, 430, 521.
Gilbert, John, 212.
-, Samuel, J.P., Cornwall, 559.
Gildart, Richard, 440, 530.
Gilfoot. See Ellenfoot.
Gill, Captain, 155.
-, Daniel, Under Sheriff of Coventry, 250.
-, Lycott, 616.
Gillies, John, 295.
Gillingham (Dorset), Forest of, 316, 365.
Gilman, John, army contractor, 87, 88, 95, 114, 123, 128, 157, 201.
Gilmore, Thomas, 226.
Gilmour, Allan, 303.
Glamorganshire, 68, 78, 137, 448.
-, Chief Justice of, 285.
Glan Cothi (“Glyngothy”), 68.
Glasford, Alexander, 25, 219.
-, Duncan, 25, 219.
Glasgow, 304, 613, 615, 618.
-, University of, grant of 210l. per annum to, 46, 47.
-, -, yearly revenues and expenses of, 127, 391.
Glaspool, Thomas, 300.
Glassenburg, Mr., 355, 375, 517.
Glass lights, 180, 196.
Glastermuir alias Glasterbury (Peterculter), 399.
Glegg, Thomas, 118.
Glencairn, lands of, 340.
Glendale (ward Northumberland), 192.
Glenorchy, John Lord. See Campbell, John.
Gloucester King of Arms, 583.
Gloucester County, 143, 225, 361, 365.
-, Sheriffs of, 264, 266, 289, 542.
Glover, Henry, senior, 200.
-, -, 516.
-, Thomas, 617.
Gloves, 63, 200, 203.
Goater, Andrew, 232.
Goble, Thomas, 311.
Godard (Goddard), Edward, 608.
-, Henry, 67, 211.
-, John, a Commissary to treat with those of Spain, on matters arising under the Treaty of Seville, 367, 383, 387, 388, 562, 598.
-, William, 308.
Godfrey, Sherman, 506.
Godolphin, Francis, second Earl of Godolphin, Groom of the Stole, first Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 4, 240, 260, 272, 283, 375, 449, 540, 558, 578, 595.
-, Sidney, auditor of land revenues, 189, 190, 195, 216, 223, 258, 404, 414, 435, 437, 473, 479, 489, 512, 520, 522, 529; a director of Royal Hospital, Greenwich, 494.
Godscroft (? Berwickshire), 330.
Goffe, Arthur, Receiver General of North Carolina, 122.
Gold bars, 223.
-, coinage by East India Company, 153, 154, 155, 159.
-, crown. See Prince of Wales.
-, sceptre, 189.
-, to silver ratio. See Ratio.
-, trial pieces of 1688, 107. See Mint (trial pieces).
-, wrought, proposed duty on, 162.
Goldham, John, 610.
Goldney, Henry, 6.
Goldsmiths, His Majesty's. See Royal; Tysoe, John.
-, practices of, 502.
Goldwire, Ann, 327, 370.
-, Marthas, 327, 370.
-, Mary, 327, 370.
Gols, Conrade de, a cashier of the Bank of England, 81, 170, 315.
Gooch, Major William, Governor of Virginia, 80, 85, 119.
Goodchild, John, 83, 304, 611.
Goodge, Thomas, 607.
Goodwyn, John, 147.
-, -, senior, Receiver of Land Tax for Norfolk, 528, 530, 454, 457, 458, 460.
Gordon, George, 182.
-, John (afterwards Sutherland), Earl of Sutherland, 4, 72, 73, 113, 116, 242, 246, 258, 267, 288, 356, 410, 543, 550, 558, 580, 585, 593, 599.
-, Gilbert, 128.
-, William, 307.
-, -, Lord Strathnaver, afterwards Earl of Sutherland, 396, 403, 451, 456, 457, 458.
Gore, Colonel, regiment of, 367.
-, John, 151, 220, 227, 282, 548.
Gosdin, John, 144.
Gosling (Goselyn), William, 450, 530.
Gosport (Hants), 231.
Goudet, P., Treasurer of the Bahamas, 3.
Gouffin, Marquess de, 362.
Gould, Sir Edward, 48.
-, George, 388, 507, 532.
-, William, 133–4.
Governor, Governors. See Bahamas, Bank of England, Massachusetts Bay, Minorca, New York, Carolina, Queen Anne's bounty.
Gowneruik (? Berwickshire), 330.
Goxhill (Lincolnshire), 512.
Graeme, Mungo, 179.
Grafton, Duke of. See FitzRoy, Charles.
Graham (Grahame), Daniel, 287, 554, 566, 587, 593.
-, Hector, 313, 613, 618.
-, James, 613.
-, John, 322.
-, Nicol, 329.
Grainger, John, 363, 373, 375, 533.
Granard, Viscount. See Forbes, George.
Granary lodgings, Scotland Yard, 422.
Grand Marshal, 455.
-, Seignior, 430, 581.
-, Vizier, 430.
Grange, 13, 98, 213.
-, over Sands, 66.
-, Lord, petition of, 73.
Granger, Joseph, 612.
-, Thomas, Cashier of Wine License Office, 49, 54.
Grant, James, 340.
-, of lands in Scotland, 328, 329, 330.
Grantham, Earl of. See D'Auverquerque, Henry.
Grape, Richard, 535.
Gravenor, Cooper, 617.
Graver to the Mint. See Tanner, John Sigismund.
Graverol, John, Rev., 128.
Graves, George, 307, 570.
-, John, 223.
Gravesend, 27, 28.
Gray, Mr., 167.
-, Edward, 305.
-, John, 301, 306.
-, Samuel, messenger of the Press, 43, 142, 237, 284, 359, 477, 526, 534, 545, 576.
-, Wm., 536,
Gray's Inn, 120, 425.
Great and Little Swallow Streets. See Streets.
-, and Small Customs. See Customs.
-, Britain (see Army; Ambassadors; Establishment; Exchequer; Parliament), 100, 172, 323, 438, 462, 472, 501, 520.
Great Britain and Government of Barbary, treaties between, 347.
-, Bugles, 369.
-, Chamber. See Chamber.
-, Court, Windsor Castle. See Windsor.
-, -, Yard, Windsor. See Windsor.
Guardroom, Scotland yard. See Scotland yard.
-, Hampden, 85.
-, Master of the Household in Scotland. See Household.
-, new plantations at Kensington. See Kensington gardens, 73, 74.
-, Park at Windsor. See Windsor.
-, Seal, 13, 67, 68, 69, 107, 160, 189, 190, 319, 328, 329, 334, 349, 350, 368, 366, 398, 410, 429, 446, 448, 450, 459, 463, 467, 494, 524, 532, 569.
-, -, of Ireland, 50, 154, 193, 489.
-, -, of Scotland, 13, 101, 328, 329.
-, Staircase, Kensington. See Kensington.
-, -, Windsor Castle. See Windsor.
-, Terrace at Windsor. See Windsor.
-, wardrobe. See Wardrobe, Great.
-, Yarmouth, 247.
Green, Anthony, 514.
-, Charles, Lancaster Herald, 171, 175, 574.
-, Dr., Professor of Physic at Cambridge, 255, 274, 288, 551, 568, 586, 595.
-, James, 273, 574.
-, Cloth, Board of, 18, 67, 69, 199, 383, 422, 423.
-, -, officers of, 67, 423.
Greenfield, Jonathan, 313.
Greenhalgh, William, Sheriff of Lancaster, 561, 572, 580.
Greenhoe, North, hundred of Norfolk, 501.
Greenly, Edward, 384, 387, 388.
-, Mr., His Majesty's Proctor, 236.
Greenock, 296, 312, 619.
Greenwax, 414; revenue of, 354.
Greenwich, 406, 450. See East Greenwich.
-, and Argyll, Duke of, 107. See Campbell, John.
-, King's house at, 163, 167, 319, 329, 393, 397, 412, 548, 609.
-, manor, 412; grant of, to the Queen, 442.
-, Old Tilt Yard at. See Old Tilt Yard.
-, palace. See Greenwich, King's house.
-, Park, 88, 186, 326, 412, 548.
-, Queen's garden, 412, 429.
-, Royal Hospital, 67, 77, 92, 126, 163, 283, 414, 443, 450, 461, 494.
-, -, Commissioners of, 49, 52, 67, 161, 443, 450.
-, -, Directors of. See Bell Joseph, Collyer Wm., Hanbury John, Lyell B. &c. as on p. 494.
-, -, Governor of. See Jennings, Sir John.
-, -, grant to, of lighthouses on North and South Foreland, 4, 5.
Greenwood, Mr., J. P., Cornwall, 88.
Gregor, Francis, 559.
Gregory, George, 407, 553.
-, Thomas, a cashier of the Bank of England, 81.
Grey, Edward, 619.
-, Henry, first Duke of Kent, 95, 249, 262, 277, 286, 549, 567, 587, 596.
-, Joseph, 611.
-, Samuel, 521.
Grieve, John, 612.
Griffith, William, 607.
Grimaldi, Marquis, 187.
Grime, Mark, 309.
Grimes, Charles, 300.
-, John. See Grymes.
Groom of the Stole (see Godolphin, Francis), 558.
Grooms of the Bedchamber. See Bedchamber.
Grosmenil (Huguenot), 19.
Grossett, Walter, 303, 304. See Crosset.
Grosvenor, Sir John, Sheriff of London, 261.
Grove, Major General, regiment of, 2, 61, 361.
Grueber, Nicholas, powder maker, 25, 194.
Grumbald's Ash (hundred, co. Gloucester) 143, 225.
Grymes, John, Receiver General in Virginia, 36, 93, 119, 235, 475.
Guadaloupe, 147.
Guardhouses, St. James's Park, Surveyor of, 30.
Guardian of the Kingdom, Queen as. See Queen Caroline.
Guard, yeomen of the, petition of, 75. See Yeomen.
Guardroom. See Scotland Yard.
Guards, garrisons and land forces, charges of, 172, 501. See Army and Forces, Paymaster General of.
Guerin, Peter, 511.
Guernsey, 25, 34, 116, 182, 324, 325.
Guest, Joshua, Barrack Master General in North Britain, 65, 66, 369, 508.
Guijbon, Francis, Comptroller of great and small Customs, 197, 224, 313.
Guilders, exchange rate of, 501.
Guildhall, 410, 413, 417.
Guilleman, Lewis, 195.
Guinea, 472.
Guise, J., 424.
Guliland, Alexander, 309.
Gulston, Francis, Sheriff of Hertford, 570.
-, Mr., contractor for furnishing masts for the Navy, 389, 391.
Gumley, Mrs. Elizabeth, 169, 237.
Gunpowder, 25.
-, store, Ireland, 194.
Gunthorpe, George, confectioner to Queen Anne, 183.
-, Jane, 183.
Gurnell, Jonathan, 95, 195.
Gurr, John, 806.
Guy, Captain John, 39, 101.
-, Christopher, 536.
Gwynionydd Youcharden, 68.
Gybbon (Gibbon), Charles, Deputy Surveyor General, 133, 150, 213, 222, 353.
-, Phillips, Surveyor General of land revenues of the Crown, 6, 14, 18, 52, 59, 60, 62, 65, 79, 91, 92, 109, 133, 151, 156, 158, 293, 316, 326, 327, 334, 364, 365, 366, 368, 370, 392, 399, 422, 423, 424, 425, 434, 450, 565.