Index: C

Pages 632-641

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 1, 1729-1730. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1897.

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Cabeca Terre quarter and town, St. Christopher, 17, 52, 59, 79, 97, 126, 127, 138, 141, 353, 399, 421, 439, 478, 509, 515, 522, 525, 532.

Cadiz, 162, 232, 244, 270, 281, 294, 564, 582, 596.

Cadogan, Charles, second Baron Cadogan, 336, 385.

-, William, first Earl Cadogan, Master of Robes to George I., 336, 377, 385.

Caen, 200.

Caesar's Chapel, records in. See Records.

Cairnes, James, 301.

Cairon, John, 298.

Caithness, 301.

Calais, 165, 166, 511, 514, 526.

Caley, William, Consul at Cadiz, 162.

Calicoes, duties of 15 per cent. on. See Duties (muslins).

Callmen, 50, 63.

Callow, Thomas, 308.

Calthorp, John, surveyor of stamp duties, 141, 224, 617.

Cambray, Congress at, 268, 280, 281, 547, 571.

Cambrics, introduction of manufactory of into Scotland, 173, 380.

Cambridge (county) 474, 492, 530, 568.

-, Receiver General of, 319.

-, Sheriff of, 570.

-, Under Sheriff of, 535.

-, University of, 255, 274, 288, 551, 568, 586, 587, 594, 595.

Cameron, Augus, 309.

-, Daniel, 613.

Camp in Hyde Park, 72.

Campbell, Alexander, 310, 611.

-, Colonel Alexander, of Fanal, 20.

-, Archibald, Earl of Ilay, afterwards third Duke of Argyll, 23

-, Colin, 297, 609.

-, Daniel, 84, 619.

-, Hugh, Earl of Loudoun, 253, 288, 551, 555, 586, 589, 598. Commissioner to General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 351, 593.

-, James, Groom of the Bedchamber, 240, 260, 282, 293, 540, 595.

-, Sir James, Commissioner of Customs for Scotland, 336, 446, 462.

-, John, comptroller at Alloa, 614, 617.

-, -, Treasurer of Edinburgh, 44.

-, -, Groom of the Bedchamber, 260, 282, 293, 398, 595.

-, -, Commissioner of Customs, 336, 446, 462.

-, John, second Duke of Argyll, Duke of Greenwich, and Baron of Chatham, Great Master of the Household, Scotland, 8, 13, 92, 101, 107, 406, 409, 553.

-, -, Lord Glenorchy, afterwards third Earl of Breadalbane and Holland, Envoy to Denmark, 244, 269, 281, 473, 541, 542, 564, 572, 581, 583, 594, 601.

-, -, second Earl of Breadalbane and Holland, 3, 20, 315, 322.

-, -, wife of, 20.

-, Captain John, 289, 552.

-, Mary, housekeeper at Somerset House, 398, 476, 602.

-, Neil, Principal of the University of Glasgow, 127, 391.

-, Patrick, 297.

-, Peter, 311.

-, Robert, Quartermaster of Dragoons, 193.

-, Stephen John, 585.

Canal in St. James's Park, 86.

Canaries, The, 460.

Candles and soap, account of duties on in Scotland, 324.

Cane, Roger, 610.

Canterbury, 311, 616.

-, Archbishop, 324.

Canter, Raymund, 356, 374.

Cape Clear, 433.

-, Fear, 480.

-, of Good Hope, 369.

Capel, Wm. Earl of Essex, Ranger of Hyde Park and St. James's, Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 75, 160, 240, 241, 260, 262–3, 266–7, 280–2, 284, 291, 338, 545, 556, 577, 595.

Capper, Christopher, 466, 599.

Captives in Barbary, redemption of, 382.

-, -, Morocco, redemption of, 400, 413.

Caracas, tobacco from the, 470.

Cards and card tables, 83, 165, 175.

Cardeny, barony of, 364, 426–7.

Cardiff, 311, 313, 441, 619.

Cardigan, county, 489.

-, Chief Justice of, 286.

-, Sheriff of, 247.

Carent, James, 147.

Cargill, Thomas, 610.

Caribbee Islands. See Leeward Islands.

Carkesse, Charles, Secretary to Commissioners of Customs, 15, 57, 94, 96, 160, 349, 451, 470, 471, 495.

Carleton, Lord. See Boyle, Henry.

Carlisle, Charles, Earl of. See Howard, Charles.

-, Road, Barbados, 148.

-, Bishop of. See Waugh, John.

Carlow (“Catherlegh”) county, 160.

Carmarthen (borough), 490.

-, county, 68, 200, 489.

-, Chief Justice of, 286.

-, Sheriff of, 603.

Carmichael, John, 299, 308.

-, James, second Earl of Hyndford, a Commissioner of Police, Scotland, 274, 290, 551, 585.

Carnarvon county, pre and post fines in, 151, 156, 212.

-, Chief Justice of, 263, 286, 299.

-, Sheriff of, 603.

Carolina, 321, 548.

-, Act to vest title of, in the Crown, 4, 5.

-, contract of Lords Proprietors of, with the Crown for sale of, 4, 5, 115, 120, 267.

-, Indian chiefs from, 411, 414, 430.

-, Lords Proprietors of, 118, 120, 122, 123, 215, 450.

-, -, Secretary to. See Shelton, Rich.

-, North and South, survey of, 41.

-, North, 479.

-, -, council of, 107, 109.

-, -, Governor of, 107, 109, 122, 498. See Rob. Johnson, Sir Geo. Barrington.

-, -, quit rents of, 410, 498.

-, -, -, receiver of, 410.

-, -, Receiver-General of revenues in, 450. See Goffe, Arthur.

-, -, separated from South Carolina, 122.

-, -, survey of boundaries between Virginia and, 1711, 80, 85, 119.

-, -, -, Commissioners for, 80, 85.

-, -, Surveyor General of lands in, 478, 479. See Jas. Jenoure.

-, South, 41, 136, 149, 268, 350, 410, 471, 480, 557, 590.

-, -, Attorney-General of, 480.

-, -, Council of, 432.

-, -, Court of Vice-Admiralty, 463, 464. See Whitaker, Benj.

-, -, furniture for His Majesty's Chapel, 337, 338.

-, -, Governor of, 338, 432, 441, 447, 590. See Nicholson, Francis.

-, -, Independent Company of Foot, 135–6.

-, -, President of the Council of, 432.

-, -, seals for, 149.

-, -, surveyor of, 454.

Caroline, Princess. See Princess.

-, Queen. See Queen Caroline.

Carpenter, George Lord Carpenter, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Minorca, 62, 89, 96, 398, 500; memorial of, 78, 84, 120, 121; regiment of, 357.

-, Mr., 164.

-, Ruth, 164, 167, 290.

Carpets, 191.

-, Persian, 142.

-, Turkey worked, 91, 92, 142.

Carr, John, 105, 213.

Carrateels (for currants), 43.

Carter, John, 616.

-, Richard, Attorney-General of the Barbados, 148, 258.

-, -, 248, 258, 264, 285, 561, 572.

-, Robert, 467.

-, William, 115, 202, 204, 213, 216, 306.

Carteret, Edward, Postmaster-General, 75, 397.

-, John, Baron Carteret of Hawnes, afterwards Earl Granville, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 28, 50, 54, 67, 122, 123, 133, 135, 145, 161, 162, 516.

Cartwright, Henry, Receiver General of Stamp Duties, 303, 368, 373, 388.

-, Mr., 212.

-, Ralph, distributor of stamps for Stafford, 311.

Cary, Walter, Clerk of Privy Council, 33, 270, 304, 421, 542, 544, 557, 558.

Casco Bay (Maine, New England), 54, 55.

Cashier of the Bank of England. See Bank of England, and Maddockes Thos., Odams Joshua, Gols Conrade de, Crouch Zer., Collier Joseph, Shenton Wol., Collier James, Gregory Thos.

-, of Customs. See Customs (Receiver General).

-, to the Commissioners of Hawkers and Pedlars. See Hawkers, and Tomkyns, Thomas.

-, wine licence office. See Wine and Granger, Thos.

Cash, weekly paper of, 89.

Casley, David, deputy keeper of the Cotton Library, 256, 274, 552, 588.

Cassel. See Hesse Cassel.

Castle of Edinburgh. See Edinburgh.

-, Street, St. James's. See Streets.

Castlemaine, Viscount. See Child, Richard.

Castleton, Charles, 306, 310.

Castleward duties. See Dues.

Casual revenue or casualties, Scotland, 57. See Crown rents and casualties.

Casualties of infeofments, 32.

Caswell, Sir George, 107, 112.

Catalonia and Spain, late war in, 100.

Catechists, itinerant in the Highlands, 358.

Cathcart, Alan, seventh Lord Cathcart, 289, 551, 585.

-, Charles, (afterwards eighth Lord Cathcart,) Groom of the Bedchamber, 71, 240, 260, 283, 291, 306, 386, 520, 595; Receiver General of His Majesty's rents and Casualties in Scotland, 126.

Catherine of Braganza, late Queen Dowager. See Queen Dowager.

Catholic King. See Spain, King of.

Catlow, Thomas, 608.

Caulfield, William, 560.

Causton, Thomas, Deputy Comptroller of Customs, 139, 350.

Cavalier, Peter, 449.

Cavendish, Philip, Admiral, 164, 378, 400, 494.

-, Wm. second Duke of Devonshire, President of the Council, 120, 268, 559.

-, Wm. Marquis of Harrington, third Duke of Devonshire, 70.

Caversham, Oxford, 120.

Cawood, manor (Yorks), 96, 101.

Cayley, Cornelius, a Commissioner of Alienations, 49, 53.

-, William, Consul at Cadiz, 244, 270, 281, 294, 564, 571, 582, 596.

Cayo, Caio, Carmarthenshire, 68.

Cayron, John, 619.

Cephalonia, 215, 226.

Ceremonies. See Earl Marshal.

-, Marshal of. See Inglis, John.

-, Master of, 72, 542, 587. See Cotterell, Sir Clement.

-, -, to Queen Anne, 182.

Cerne Abbas, Dorset, 209.

Certificates for waste on salt carried coastwise. See Drawback.

-, of drawbacks, 66.

-, of Excise, weekly, 115.

Cethiniog (“Kethinock”), 68.

Chairs and hackney coaches, Commissioners for. See Hackney coaches.

Chalmers, William, Deputy Paymaster of Gibraltar garrison, 174.

Chamber, His Majesty's. (See Bedchamber, Royal Bedchamber), messengers of, 180, 247.

-, -, Treasurer of (see Hobart, Lord John), 14, 54, 72, 95, 116, 126, 142, 149, 158, 172, 198, 201, 212, 224, 240, 246, 249, 250, 251, 257, 259, 267, 270, 279, 280, 285, 291, 338, 339, 377, 409, 419, 465, 549, 564, 572, 576, 579, 580, 591, 596.

-, -, office of, 212, 224.

Chamberlain, Charles, 494.

-, Joseph, 198, 511.

-, Mary, 198, 203, 373.

-, Ralph, 249.

-, Wm., 285, 570, 579.

Chamberlain (Chamberlains) of Dunbar, 14.

-, of the Exchequer. See Exchequer.

-, of Fife. See Leslie, Earl of Rothes.

-, of the household. See Household and Fitz Roy, Duke of Grafton.

-, -, deputy, 118.

-, of London. See London.

-, to the Queen, 429.

Chambers, Edward, 302.

-, Gilbert, 312.

-, Joseph, 300.

Chambre, Captain, 369.

Chammorel, Monsieur, Secretary to the French Embassy, 151, 228, 337, 508, 516.

Champagne, regiment de, 76.

Champneys, Richard, 261, 271.

Chancellor of the Exchequer. See Exchequer.

-, of the Garter. See Garter and Hoadley, Benj.

-, to the Queen. See Queen Caroline.

Chancery, 120, 411, 534; masters in, 547, 568.

Chandler, Richard, solicitor of Excise, 231.

Chandos, James Duke of. See Brydges, James.

Chapel Royal.

-, at St. James's, furniture for, 483.

-, at Whitehall, 492, 539.

-, at Windsor, 245, 515.

-, -, children of, 143, 158, 345, 459, 472, 483.

-, -, dean and sub-dean of, 158, 539.

-, -, gentlemen of, 245, 483.

-, Bahamas, 61.

-, New England, 352.

Chapelizod (Dublin), 504.

Chapelries (Scotland), 126. See Chaplainries.

Chaplain duties of Ross, 501.

Chaplainries, grant of, 164, 165. See Chapelries, chaplain duties, prebends.

Chaplin, Thomas, keeper of the tennis courts, 254.

Chapman, James, 516.

-, Lawrence, 208.

-, Simon, 182.

-, William, 165.

Chapple, Richard, 185, 331.

-, Sir William, justice of Carnarvon, 263, 264, 286, 299, 561, 572.

Chapter House, records in, report concerning. See Records.

Charing Cross, 424.

Charity, Bank of. See Bank of Charity.

-, King's, to the poor of London. See London.

Charles I., &c. See King.

-, Prince of Denmark. See Prince.

Charleston, South Carolina, 463.

Charlton, Nicholas, 525.

-, Richard C., Rev., 350, 557.

Charnell, John, 298.

Charter, William, 307.

Chartres (Charteris), Colonel Francis, 342, 367, 375, 405, 459, 461, 509, 524, 525, 532, 534, 537.

Chatfield, Joseph, 617.

Chatham (Kent), 48.

Checque, Clerk of, 255, 545.

Chelmsford Gaol, 186.

Chelsea Royal Hospital. See Outpensioners, 172, 398, 419, 474, 494, 501, 531, 580.

-, -, Lieutenant Governor of. See Norton, Col. James.

-, Waterworks Company, 77, 86, 330.

Chenévière, Louis de, Chevalier de St. Louis, 76.

Cheney, William, 609.

Cherokee Indians, 411, 414, 430, 445, 447, 448, 581, 590.

Chertsey, royal manor of, 26, 56, 192.

Cheshire. See Chester.

-, John. See Chesshyre, John.

Chesshyre, John, King's Sergeant, 109, 110, 160, 169, 421.

Chester (town), 75, 137, 195, 300, 309, 607, 615.

-, county, 195.

-, -, Justices of, 189, 190, 254, 258, 298.

-, -, Receivers General of, 89, 212, 216, 319, 373, 395, 517, 523, 533.

-, -, Sheriffs of, 558.

-, Bishop of, 158, 161, 234, 541.

-, Bishopric of, 65.

-, Earl of. See Prince of Wales.

-, Herald. See Stibbs, Edward.

Chesterfield, Earl of. See Stanhope, Philip Dormer.

Chetham, James, 603.

Chetwynd, Walter, paymaster of pensions, 4, 83, 89, 95, 104, 111, 149, 171, 179, 202, 210, 214, 241, 242, 243, 246, 261, 263, 265, 266, 268, 280, 324, 326, 402, 406, 482, 500, 515, 542, 556, 558, 575, 576, 597, 602.

Chevretel, Joseph, 361.

Cheyne, William, second Viscount Newhaven and Lord Cheyne, 75.

Chichester, 98, 300, 307, 419, 570, 615, 617.

Chichley, William, Rev., 277.

Chicklaw (? Cocklaw Hill, near Oldhamstocks, Haddingtonshire), 330.

Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Scotland, 32. See Exchequer Barons.

-, clerk of the kitchen, 138.

-, graver of the Mint. See Mint.

-, Justice in Eyre. See Cornwallis, Lord.

-, Remembrancer of the Exchequer in Ireland. See Exchequer Court, Ireland.

Child, Alderman Francis, 67, 71, 203, 259, 564.

-, John, 351, 422, 615.

-, Mr., 449.

-, Richard, Viscount Castlemaine, afterwards Earl of Tylney, Lord Ranger of Waltham Forest, 256, 276, 288, 368, 554, 567, 585, 594.

Children of the Chapel. See Chapel Royal.

Chillingham Castle, Northumberland, 316.

China, list of ships from, 350.

Chocke, Alexander, 16, 29, 41, 53, 145, 336.

Chocolate, 40, 146. See Duty.

Cholmley, Hy. Surveyor General of Land Revenues, 225.

Cholmondeley, George, Viscount Malpas, second Earl of Cholmondeley, Master of Robes to Geo. I. 81, 91, 125, 131, 137, 172, 221, 222, 239, 314, 369, 377, 449, 461, 462, 481, 535, 589.

Chopwell manor (Durham), 59.

Chowinghope. See Scray.

Christchurch, Barbados, 147.

-, (Hants), 616.

Christening gifts from the King, George II., 70, 82, 147, 320, 401, 406, 412, 454.

Christ's Hospital, 429, 586.

Church, John, Gentleman of the Chapel, 245.

Church of Scotland. See General Assembly.

Churches in London and Westminster. See New churches.

-, in Scotland, judges appointed for plantation of, 426.

Churchill, Awnsham, 1, 2.

-, Charles, Groom of the Bed Chamber, 240, 260, 282, 293, 595.

-, John Duke of Marlborough, 77.

-, John, master carpenter, 181, 183.

-, Mary, 183, 246.

-, Sarah, Duchess Dowager of Marlborough, 373, 398, 417, 421.

-, Major, Wm., 377.

Cinque Ports, Warden of, 261, 271, 284, 409, 577. See Sackville, Lionel.

“Cinquil” card table, 175.

Cirencester, 361.

Civil List accounts England, 17, 50, 53, 64, 102, 116, 160, 177, 230, 352, 367, 435.

-, lottery. See Lotteries.

-, pensions, arrears of, 201, 202.

-, revenue, 44, 45, 48, 52, 57, 115, 440, 443, 446, 529.

-, Ireland, 50, 58, 145, 162, 201.

-, Scotland, 4, 45, 46, 47, 104, 149, 323, 408, 453, 466.

-, -, Account of, 323.

Clackclose (hundred), Norfolk, 501.

Claims against Spain under the Treaty of Seville, 367, 402, 404. See Seville.

Clapham, John, 312.

Clare, honour of, 474, 492, 530.

Clarencieux. See Ward, Knox.

Clarendon and Rochester. See Hyde, Lawrence (sic for Henry).

Clark (Clarke, Clerk), Agnes, 6.

-, Edward, 261.

-, Francis, 403.

-, George, 88, 306.

-, Gilbert, 312, 607, 619.

-, James, 609.

-, Sir John, 335.

-, John, 179, 242, 245, 249, 253, 254, 616.

-, -, Villa, 548.

-, Nicholas, 494.

-, Robert, 137.

-, Samuel, 145: widow of, 145.

-, Stephen, 609.

-, William, 222.

Clavell, Mr., 392, 393.

Clayton, Alexius, 120.

-, Brigadier, 143, 174, 387.

-, John, 614.

-, Robert, Receiver-General of the county of Hereford, 95, 190, 191, 211, 212.

-, W. (afterwards Lord Sundon), 4; and passim as a Commissioner of the Treasury.

Clearings. (Army pay), 89.

Cleland, William, Commissioner for Taxes, 242, 367, 575.

Clement, Richard, 28.

-, William, 617.

Clerk. See Clark.

-, (Clerks) of His Majesty's Robes. See Robes.

-, checque. See Checque.

-, copper coinage. See Coinage.

-, Court of Delegates. See Delegates.

-, council. See Privy Council.

-, -, of the Prince of Wales, 349.

-, Crown. See Crown.

-, the deliveries. See Deliveries.

-, Foreign Estreats. See Estreats.

-, House of Lords and Commons. See Commons, Lords.

-, Jewel Office. See Jewel Office.

-, Kitchen. See Chief Clerk.

-, Parliament. See Parliament.

-, Pells. See Pells, and Walpole, Lord Rob.

-, -, Ireland. See Ireland.

-, Petty bag. See Petty bag.

-, Pipe. See Pipe, and Henley, H. H.

-, quit rents, Ireland. See Ireland.

-, Signet. See Signet.

-, Treasury. See Treasury.

-, Works. See Works, 104, 108.

Clerks and apprentices, duty on, 394.

-, Hall, almswomen of, 379.

-, in court bills, 386.

Clerkenwell, 97, 216, 387, 519.

Cleveland, Duke of. See FitzRoy, Wm.

Cley (Norfolk), 201.

Clifford (Clyfford), Thomas, 191, 195, 379, 515, 566.

Clifton, Benjamin, 127.

Climping (Sussex), 607.

Clinton, Henry, seventh Earl of Lincoln, Cofferer of Household to Geo. I Paymaster of the Forces, 13, 14, 40, 131, 192, 198–9, 317.

-, Lucy, Countess Dowager of Lincoln, 199.

-, Lord. See Forteseue, Hugh.

Clippers of coins, 195.

Clock, export of, to St. Petersburg, 525.

Clothes, contract for, 60.

Clough, Thomas, 14.

Clutterbuck, Charles, 367, 612.

-, Roger, 367, 612.

Clyde, Firth of, 87, 380.

Coachmen, licensed. See Hackney coachmen.

Coal and salt works in the Isle of Arran, 176.

-, importation of, duty on, 66.

Coals, 26.

-, free export to Port Mahon and Gibraltar, 23, 26.

-, free importation of, into Scotland, 15.

Coal trade, standard bushel for. See Bushel.

Coast coquets. See Coquets.

Coates, Joshua, 617.

Cobb, Edmund, 95, 607.

-, William, 89, 373, 395, 517, 523, 533.

-, pier (Lyme Regis), 287, 341, 550.

Cobham, Lord. See Temple, Richard.

Cock, Charles, 445.

Cockburne, Adam, justice clerk in Scotland, 129, 300.

-, William, 298.

Cockburnspath (Berwickshire), 330.

Cockbush (Chichester port), 615.

Cockpit (Whitehall), 382, 408, 411, 477, 533.

-, King's Council Chamber at the, 176, 346.

-, tennis court in, 36.

Cockran, Thomas, Commissioner of Excise in Scotland, 350, 448, 449.

Cockerill, William, 299.

Cocks, Robert, 265, 279.

Coell, Sir John, 210.

Coffee, 11, 17, 135, 215; duty on. See Duty.

-, room, formerly part of Court of Wards, 104, 108, 332, 353, 439, 502.

Cofferer of the Household. See Household.

Coggs, John, 231.

Coghill, Dr. Marmaduke, Commissioner of Excise and Commissioner of Revenue in Ireland, 154.

Coin. See Deniers, dollars, dubleros, ducats, livres. moidore, reals, sueldos.

-, counterfeiting, 130. -, English and French, value of, 33.

-, price of, in Jersey, 15.

-, puncheons and dies for, 16, 28.

-, reward for seizure of, in exportation, 57.

-, transporting, 199.

Coinage. See Coin, Copper, Gold, Mint, Money, Ratio, Silver.

-, copper, for Minorca, 120, 121.

-, duty on, 150, 549; in Scotland, 467.

-, of copper halfpence and farthings, 5, 27, 29, 30, 34, 103, 107, 108, 111, 112, 113, 115, 118, 119, 127–8, 461, 462, 464, 466. See Copper coinage.

-, -, King's clerk for, 5, 119, 307.

-, of gold by East India Company, 153, 154, 155, 159.

-, -, and silver, 105.

Coke, George Lewis, 225.

-, John, 185, 575.

-, Thomas, Lord Lovel, afterwards Earl of Liecester, 160.

-, Thomas, Sergeant-at-Arms, 275, 550, 567, 575, 584.

-, -, Surveyor General of Customs, 225.

Colby, John, 603.

Colbyn, Sir Thomas, 236.

Colchester, 313, 504, 607.

-, Maynard, 356.

Colcott, William, 610.

Coldingham (Berwickshire), 329.

Coldstream regiment. See Regiment.

Cole, Richard, 218.

Colebrand, Samuel, 301.

Colebrook, Josiah, 6, 120, 131, 133, 157, 168, 216, 219, 230, 363, 377, 518.

Coleman, Abraham, 514.

Colesworthy, Michael, 137, 312.

Collar of S.S. 175, 189.

Collard, George, 311.

Colledge, Edith, 477, 533.

Collier, James, 81.

-, Joseph, 81.

-, Mr., 413.

Colliers of Newcastle, smuggling with, 114.

Collins, Arthur, 162, 193, 253, 461, 540, 560, 597.

-, Thomas, 308.

Collyer, William, a director of Royal Hospital, Greenwich, 494.

Colman, Francis, British Resident with the Duke of Florence, 243, 262, 270, 293, 544, 549, 571, 582, 595.

Colonies. See Plantations.

Colours for regiments, 360, 378. See Regiments.

Colsworthy, John, 507.

Columbine, Ventris, 205, 73.

Colyear, Charles, Earl of Portmore, 156.

-, David Earl of Fortmore, Commander-in-Chief of Gibraltar, 156, 217, 229, 396, 404.

Combs, John, 389.

Comer, Rev. William, 447.

Commelyn, Daniel, 295, 610.

Commendams, 65.

Commissariat services, accounts of, 172.

Commissioners. See Admiralty, Alienations, Army Debts, Boundaries, Customs, Dublin Infirmary, Equivalent, Excise, Fisheries, Forfeitures, General Assembly, Greenwich Hospital, Hackney Coaches, Horse (Master of), Ireland, Lottery, Navy and Victualling, New Churches, Police, Revenue (Ireland), St. Christopher (sale of French lands), Salt, Seville Treaty, Stamp Duties, Taxes, Trade and Plantations, Transport, Wine Licenses, Works.

Common Pleas, clerk of estreats in. See Estreats.

-, -, rolls, 1, 251, 263, 278, 348.

-, Prayer Book, 61, 92.

Commons, House of, England, 2, 16, 18, 29, 36, 52, 53, 56, 57, 108, 142, 151, 152, 162, 260, 293, 315, 321, 326, 330, 332, 335, 339, 340, 345, 502, 350, 484, 564.

-, -, approach to, 424.

-, -, clerks of, 261, 563, 586. See Stables, Edward.

-, -, footmen attending members of, 104, 108, 556.

-, -, furniture for. See Furniture.

-, -, printing reports and votes of, 121, 314, 315.

-, -, records in, 1.

-, -, Serjeant - at - Arms to. See Spence, Thomas, 560.

-, -, Speaker of. See Onslow, Arthur, 11, 151, 189, 208, 225, 261, 262, 280, 422, 424, 558, 579, 600.

-, -, Speaker's chair, 142.

-, -, -, room, 142.

-, -, in Ireland, 28, 50, 51, 58, 162, 163, 174, 503.

Communion plate in St. John the Baptist, Savoy, dispute as to, 177.

Compiègne, 544.

Compositions on signatures, 453.

Compton, Catherine, 65.

-, Sir Spencer, Baron Wilmington, Earl Wilmington, Paymaster General of the Forces, Lord Privy Seal, 34, 36, 41, 42, 45, 51, 60, 65, 67, 99, 119, 156, 171, 187, 195, 204, 217, 220, 227, 230, 247, 317, 323, 332–4, 346, 365–6, 373, 378, 385, 398, 418, 421, 426, 441, 513, 535, 542, 546, 550, 557, 559, 561, 575, 597; memorials of, 157, 332, 341, 415, 472.

Comptroller of Annuities in Exchequer. See Annuities.

-, of Army Accounts. See Medows, P., and Bruce, J., and Army accounts.

-, and Accountant-General (Ireland.) See Ireland.

-, General of Customs (London). See Customs.

-, -, of Accounts of Customs. See Customs.

-, General (Scotland). See Scotland.

-, of General Post Office. See Post Office.

-, of Great Wardrobe. See Wardrobe.

-, of Household. See Household.

-, of Lotteries. See Lotteries.

-, of Pipe. See Pipe.

-, of Revels. See Revels.

-, and Accountant-General of Stamps, England. See Stamps.

-, of Stamp Duties, Scotland. See Stamps.

Comwich (Somerset), 302.

Concordatums, 38, 394, 480. See Army stoppages.

Conduitt, John, Master and Worker of the Mint, 5, 13, 16, 27, 28, 33, 108, 111, 112, 113, 118, 121, 127, 149, 159, 213, 340, 365, 549; memorial of, 27, 41; Report on Intended Copper Coinage, 111; representations concerning trial pieces, 107.

Coney skins, duty on. See Duty.

Congress at Cambray. See Cambray.

-, at Soissons. See Soissons.

Congreve, William, 296.

Coniers, Timothy, 505.

Connecticut, 491.

Conner, Robert, 296, 619.

Connu, Le. See Le Connu.

Conolly, William, a Commissioner of Revenue, and a Commissioner of Excise, Ireland, 154.

Constantinople, 430.

Constat, 409, 410, 442 (and see Leases).

Constitution Hill, St. James's Park, 338.

Consular service. See Ambassadors.

Contingencies (Army pay), 38, 394, 430.

Contractor for masts for Royal Navy. See Masts.

-, -, victualling Minorca, 87. See Gilman John.

-, -, Gibraltar. See Missing Thos.

-, -, clothes, 60.

Conyers, Sir Gerard, a Director of Greenwich Hospital, 494.

Cook, Dr., 55.

Cooke, Arnold, 237.

-, James, 94, 95, 207.

-, John, clerk of foreign estreats, 256, 276, 287, 301, 458, 554, 566, 588, 593, 597, 600, 616.

-, Richard, 609.

-, Roger, 303.

-, Thomas, 618.

Cookham (hundred, Berks), 535.

Cooper, Joseph, junior, 296.

-, William, Knight Harbinger, 550.

Cope, Sir John, 367.

Copinger, Edward, 309.

Copleston, Thomas, register of forfeitures, clerk of quit and Crown rents, Ireland, 503.

Copper (Barbary and British), 37, 112.

-, coinage, tenders for supply of copper for Mint, 29, 37, 107, 108, 111. See Coinage.

-, Company in England, 37, 107, 111, 112, 115, 118, 127.

Coquetdale (ward, Northumberland), 192.

Coquets, 519, 525.

-, coast, 441.

-, abuses in signing, 343.

-, paid away as bank notes, 343.

Corbet, Mr., 478.

-, Sir Robert, a Commissioner for Land. Tax at Whitehall and St. James's, 80, 442, 448, 530, 589.

-, William, 149.

Corbière, Anthony, Commissioner for Wine Licenses, 465, 467, 497.

Cork (Ireland), 87, 114, 128, 157.

Corn malted, duty on. See Duty.

-, exports of, 390.

Cornbury, and Clifton, Lord. See Hyde, Edward.

Cornish, Anthony, 535.

Cornwall, John, 308.

-, (County), 130, 152, 216, 219, 345, 392, 559, 576.

-, -, Receivers General of, 371, 513, 565.

-, -, Sheriffs of, 547, 553, 557.

-, -, riotous tinners in, 113.

Cornwallis, Charles, first Earl Cornwallis, Chief Justice in Eyre south of the Trent, 241, 263, 271, 283, 355, 356, 375, 545, 556, 577, 595.

-, Thomas, Lottery Manager or Commissioner for Lottery Tickets, 113, 267, 315, 493.

Coronation, 502.

-, and mourning accounts, Geo. II., 105.

-, of Geo. II., 117, 121.

-, medals, 13.

Coronet of Charles II., pattern of, 9.

-, -, Prince of Wales, 8, 9.

Corphy, Thomas, Rev., 119.

Coruña, Consul at, 427. See Parker, John.

Cosham, co. Wilts, royal manor of, 6, 8.

Cossrig (? Crossrigg, near Hatton, Berwickshire), 329.

Cossum Hojah, Ambasador from Tripoli, 93, 124, 125, 204, 205, 262, 259.

Cotterell, Sir Clement, Master of the Ceremonies, 72, 124, 130, 182, 204, 259, 273, 287, 318, 482, 542, 554, 566, 587, 593.

Cotton, 191; cotton stripes, 213.

-, House, 373.

-, Library (Essex House), 109, 184, 256, 274, 552, 588, 601.

-, -, removed to Lord Ashburnham's house, 170, 333, 472.

-, -, deputy keeper of. See Casley, David.

-, Sir John Hynde, Bart., 562.

Coules, Thomas. 277.

Council for the Plantations, 25.

-, of Carolina, 432. See Carolina.

-, of New York, 155. See New York.

-, Privy. See Privy Council.

-, Chamber, 256, 276, 288, 302, 356, 554, 568, 588, 597.

-, -, keeper of. See Spencer John.

-, -, at the cockpit, 346.

-, -, Whitehall, 356.

-, -, Prince of Wales's, at Somerset House, 390.

-, -, furniture for, 176.

-, -, at St. James's, furniture for, 101.

-, Order in. See Order.

Councillor at law, dignity of, 373.

Counterfeiting coin, 130, 195.

“Courant,” The London, 10.

Couraud, John, Secretary of the Latin tongue, 258, 479, 480, 605, 606.

Course, Thomas, 612.

Court, residence of. See Kensington, St. James's, Windsor, Hampton Court.

-, mourning, 318.

-, of Delegates, Scotland. See Delegates.

-, of Exchequer. See Exchequer.

-, of Jersey. See Jersey.

-, of Record, 391. See Tower.

-, of Requests. See Requests.

-, of Wards and Liveries. See Wards.

-, Roll, copy of, 370.

Coventry, 250.

-, John, 65.

-, Wm., 5th Earl of Coventry, memorial of, 27, 189.

Cowcher John, 165.

Cowdery, Nathaniel, registrar of public loans, 572, 592, 605.

Cowes, 78, 298, 608, 609.

Cowper, William, Knight Harbinger and Clerk of Parliament, 255, 276, 288, 411, 550, 567, 583, 593.

Cox Leasows (Lyndhurst, Hants), 206.

Cox, Peter, 191, 194.

-, Thomas, 514.

Coytmore (Coytmer), George, 527.

-, Griffith, 530.

-, Richard, 517, 530.

Crabb, John, 306.

Cracherode, Anthony, solicitor for he affairs of the Treasury, 4, 5, 32, 37, 43, 56, 65, 108, 113, 121, 131, 151, 159, 160, 179, 180, 183, 184, 192, 193, 198, 199, 213, 228, 229, 236, 237, 248, 249, 252, 258, 263, 266, 270, 286, 290, 291, 314, 315, 325, 331, 340, 354, 359, 361, 382, 385, 405, 411, 415, 417, 419, 421, 436, 437, 445, 459, 468, 477, 497, 498, 506, 509, 511, 517, 524, 525, 526, 534, 541, 549, 553, 555, 560, 567, 569, 570, 578, 583, 588, 600, 603.

-, -, memorials of, 35, 52, 105, 142, 342, 357, 386, 435, 439, 484.

-, -, reports of, 85, 161, 163, 164, 172, 200, 250, 322, 353, 389, 410, 471, 535.

Crafton, Henry, 57.

Craich, Patrick, 609.

Crail (Fifeshire), 474.

Cranborne Chase, 256, 274, 366, 515, 552, 588.

Cranbrook (hundred, Kent), 164, 168, 230, 327.

Cranfield, Edward, 213, 224.

Crank, Peter, 445, 446, 462.

Cranmer, Samuel, 566, 574.

Cranmore, Dr. Thomas, 447.

Cranwell, John, 57, 63.

Crapp, Peter, 591.

Craven, William, Baron Craven of Hampsted Marshall, 348, 399.

Crawford, James, 304.

-, Earl of. See Lindsay, John.

Cremer, Thomas, Cofferer of the Household, 67, 104, 106, 149, 180, 192, 225, 245, 251, 253, 257, 265, 273, 275, 280, 317, 479, 540, 542, 556.

Cressett, Mrs., 382.

Crew, Joseph, 618, 619.

Crewkerne (Somerset), 209.

Crichton, Robert, 299.

Crickett, John, 301.

Crieff (Perthshire), 361.

Croad, Richard, 208.

Crocker, John, 522.

Crockett, Peter, 612.

Croft, Sir Archer, Commissioner for Trade and Plantations, 407.

Crofton, Major Henry, 72, 128, 131, 132, 227.

Crofts, Major General James, 67, 211.

Croker, Arthur, 301.

-, Captain John, 506.

-, John, chief graver of the Mint, 28.

Crompton, Catherine, petition of, 65.

Cromwell, Leah, 519.

Crook, John, 199.

Crookshanks (Cruickshanks), John, secretary to Godard and Stert, 377, 567, 598.

Croombs, Thomas, 199.

Crosby, Sir Warren, 368, 503, 162.

Cross, Dr., 440.

Crossett, Walter, 71. See Grosset.

Crouch, Zerubbabel, a cashier of the Bank of England, 81.

Crowe, James, 414.

Crowforth, Thomas, 301.

Crown, clerk of, 255, 274, 588. See Masterman Henry, Rous Thos.

-, estate, exchange of, 85. See Hampden family.

-, lands at Harwich, 62.

-, -, Surveyer General of (see Chomeley, Hy.; Pulteney, J.; Gybbon, Phillips; Sayer, Dr. Exton), 4, 5, 6, 8, 18, 49, 51, 73, 75, 77, 88–90, 92, 98, 109, 113–4, 117, 121, 126, 128, 147, 157, 164, 168, 176, 180, 206–7, 210, 212, 215, 218, 223, 230, 314, 316, 327, 334, 348, 351–3, 364–5, 366, 370, 381, 387, 392, 399, 402–3, 409, 412, 416, 418, 421–5, 427–9, 430, 434, 442–3, 449, 450, 461–2, 470–1, 474, 477, 481, 489, 490–2, 494, 505, 512, 519, 521, 524–5, 530–3, 535, 537, 565, 569.

-, -, -, Deputy, 213. See Gybbon, Charles.

-, -, -, office of, 368.

-, -, -, Ireland. See Molesworth, Wm.

-, -, -, office of, records in, 40, 51.

-, leases (see Royal manors, Cupar town fields, Bishops' teinds), 6, 8, 14, 65, 88, 90, 98, 109, 113, 117, 128, 131, 133, 143, 150–1, 153, 157, 206–7, 213, 218, 222–3, 225, 230, 314, 316, 321, 327, 333–4, 348, 352, 353, 364–5, 370–1, 387, 398–9, 400, 408–9, 412, 416, 421–5, 427–9, 430, 434, 449, 461, 462, 470, 471, 474, 477, 481, 490, 492, 494–512, 513, 519, 521, 524, 525, 530, 531, 532, 533, 535, 538. Introduction, xii., xlvi.–vii., xlix.

-, Office, 231. Customs prosecutions in, 25.

-, of gold for Prince of Wales, 8, 9.

-, piece, value of, 33.

-, prosecutions, 481.

-, rents and revenues, England, 89, 122, 215. See Crown lands, Crown leases, Royal manors.

-, -, (and Wales), auditors of, 189, 355, 435, 460, 515, 527. See Godolphin Sidney, Jett Thos., Lowndes Wm.

-, -, Deputy Auditor of, 31, 323, 324, 411. See Wright George.

-, -, Ireland. See Ireland (Revenues).

-, -, and casualties, Scotland, 32, 100, 453; account of, 57, 58; leases under. See Crown leases. See Leslie, John, Earl of Rothes.

-, -, -, Receiver General of, 100, 126, 205, 236, 306, 386, 520, 595. See Cathcart Charles, Whitefoord Allen.

-, -, Wales, North and South (Principality of), 157, 188, 395, 404, 435, 437, 472–3, 493, 522.

-, -, -, Auditor of, 395, 414, 472, 520. See Godolphin, Sidney.

-, -, -, North, Receiver General of. See Howorth Sir Humphrey.

-, -, -, South, Receiver General of. See Paynton Reeve.

-, rights, 67. In wreck fishing, 25.

-, tenants, 435.

Crowther, Major General Thomas, 195.

Cruickshanks. See Crookshanks.

Culbertson, William, 298.

Culter, lands and barony of, 399.

Cumberland (County), 79.

-, Receivers General of, 186, 187, 189, 290, 531.

-, Sheriffs of, 264, 266, 271, 570, 579.

-, Prince William Augustus, Duke of, 101, 102, 143, 175, 345, 346, 383, 390, 429, 454, 455, 469, 551.

-, -, installation of, 383, 389, 392, 566, 572.

Cumbraes (Buteshire), 306, 613.

Cumming (Cumings), Sir Alexander, 399, 411, 414.

Cuningham, John, 607.

Cunningham, Mr. a Commissioner for Forfeitures, 171.

Cupar town lands and tithes, case as to lease of, 153, 167, 372, 327, 415, 416.

-, lordship of, 364.

Curling, William, 526.

Currant Islands, 42, 231.

Currants, dispute as to tare on, 42, 188, 193, 215, 217, 219, 226, 351, 482.

Curror, John, 614.

Cursitor Baron of the Exchequer, 377. See Thompson, Sir William.

Curteis, William, 525, 526.

Curtis, John, 609.

-, Thomas, 300.

Custom House (London), 17, 63, 80, 196, 200, 275, 331, 342, 350, 358, 376, 495.

-, -, (Edinburgh), 196.

-, -, (Barbados), 344.

-, -, Quay, Harwich, 62. See Harwich.

Customs, 197, 278, 352, 403. See Drawbacks, Aberdeen, Antigua, Boston, Cardiff, Chichester, Ipswich, Nevis, New London, Plymouth, Poole, Sandwich, Southampton, Yarmouth.

-, “book.” Introduction, xii., lii.–iii.

-, (England) accounts, 264, 458, 499.

-, -, Commissioners of (see Evelyn Sir John, Fairfax Bryan, Peers Sir Charles, Stanley Sir John, Walker Thos., Yonge Sir Walter, Hill John), 6, 10, 15, 16, 17, 23, 25, 27, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 48, 52, 53, 57, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 71, 73, 77, 78, 80, 83, 91, 94, 95, 96, 113, 116, 118, 122, 129, 130, 132, 133, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 146, 147, 151, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 162, 163, 168, 169, 180, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 191, 194, 195, 196, 198, 199, 201, 203, 205, 206, 207, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222, 228, 224, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 236, 237, 238, 239, 300, 307, 311, 315, 316, 318, 320, 324, 325, 331, 336, 337, 339, 347, 349, 351, 358, 362, 363, 368, 369, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 382, 391, 393, 395, 396, 397, 401, 404, 407, 410, 412, 413, 415, 417, 419, 428, 440, 441, 442, 443, 446, 448, 449, 451, 452, 453, 454, 458, 460, 462, 471, 472, 477, 480, 482, 484, 486, 490, 491, 492, 493, 495, 496, 497, 499, 503, 504, 505, 506, 508, 509, 510, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 532, 534, 536, 537, 538.

-, -, Comptroller General of, London, 53.

-, -, Comptroller General of accounts of, 53, 58, 143, 174, 304, 401. See Parsons, Robert.

-, -, Deputy Comptrollers of. See Paul Rob. and Causton Thos.

-, -, frauds. See Frauds, Smuggling.

-, -, great and small, 197.

-, -, Comptroller of, 303.

-, -, officers. See Outports, 194, 226, 361, 605.

-, -, prosecutions, 23.

-, -, Receiver General and Cashier of, 12, 40, 53, 102, 163, 170, 180, 185, 186, 190–1, 196, 197, 205, 210, 225, 237, 328, 348, 376, 401, 414, 454, 461, 467, 499, 512, 525. See Selwyn, Hy., Selwyn John.

-, -, salaries, 147, and see Customs officers.

-, -, Secretary, 114, 160. See Carkesse, Charles.

-, -, sloops, 27.

-, -, solicitor of, 25, 139, 146, 218, 229, 461, 617. See Brian Thos., Medcalfe Geo., Wyatt Bichard.

-, -, solicitor for London and the Northern Ports, 218. See Norton, Henry.

-, -, solicitor for the Western Ports, 193.

-, -, Surveyor General of, 225.

-, -, surveyors, 27, 615.

-, Ireland. See Ireland, Commissioners of Revenue.

-, Scotland, 47, 145, 316, 462, 485, 617. See Edinburgh.

-, -, Commissioners of. See Brodrick Allen, Brent Humphrey, Campbell Sir James, Drummond Geo., Vaughan Gwynn, Hale Hy., Campbell John, Ross George, 3, 9, 25, 27, 42, 44, 177, 179, 189, 191, 196, 203, 219, 224, 295, 306, 311, 314, 315, 318, 331, 336, 337, 383, 415, 437, 438, 461, 474, 484, 485, 496, 503, 506, 508, 525, 612.

-, -, Comptroller General of, 467.

-, -, officers of, 4, 104, 147, 316, 408.

-, -, Receiver General and Cashier of, 51, 100, 467.

-, -, Salary, bill of. See Customs (Scotland, officers).

-, -, solicitor. See Scotland.

-, -, Surveyor General on S.W. Coast, 320. See Rae, John.

-, Philadelphia, Receiver General and Cashier of, 210.

-, Plantations, 103, 409.

Cuthbert, Dougall, 203, 407–9, 451–2, 591.

Cutter for the copper coinage, 115, 118, 127, 128.

Czar. See Muscovy.