Treasury Books and Papers: July 1730, 21-31

Pages 413-427

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 1, 1729-1730. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1897.

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July 1730, 21–31

July 21. 431. Report by Jno. Lawton to the Lords of the Treasury concerning the steps taken by the city of London towards executing the Act lately passed for regulating the coal trade in relation to the sizing and sealing bushels and sacks. Mr. Collier, the hall keeper of Guildhall, the proper officer under the Lord Mayor, stated to Lawton that he had no bushel according to the direction of the Act, and could take no steps till he had one sealed by a standard in the Exchequer and a proper indenture therewith as is usual. “I also inquired of Mr. Walker, predecessor to Mr. Collier, who had served in the office above 40 years, whether he knew any bushel had been made according to the statute of 12 Queen Anne, and he informed me that there had been none, but that the coal-fats had been sized hitherto by the Winchester bushel and quart.” The Commissioners of the Customs on being informed of this, inquired into it and found that they had never had a coal bushel according to the Act of 12 Anne, but had used the Winchester bushel; and were of opinion that a standard bushel was very necessary, and desired a copy sealed and sized thereby. Exchequer, July 21.
Endorsed:—Ordered to be prepared with all speed and public notice to be given when made. 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIV. No. 5.]
July 21. 432. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury to Thomas Foley, Esq. one of the Auditors of Imprests, authorising the passing of the accounts of Richard Earl of Scarborough, Master of the Horse to His Majesty, of the money by him received at the Exchequer from 1727, June 26, the date of the letters patent of his appointment to that office, to 1728, June 30.
Prefacing:—The statement of the accounts referred to of the established expense of His Majesty's stud and the extraordinary expense of the stables. (Charge, 10,000l. discharge, 10,046l. 1s.d.)
[Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 280–3.]
July 21. 433. Royal sign manual directed to the Lords of the Treasury for the issue to William Richards of 1,814l. to answer bills of exchange drawn by John Russell, Consul General at Tetuan, for moneys by him expended there for redemption of British captives. Given at the Court at Windsor Castle.
Memorandum:—Warrant signed 1730, July 28, by the Lords of the Treasury. [[King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 34.]
July 22. 434. Warrant dormant from the Lords of the Treasury to Sidney Godolphin, Esq. Auditor of the Crown Revenues in Wales, authorising him to make out debentures from time to time yearly on the sheriffs or other collectors of the revenue of Green wax in North and South Wales for all such sums as have been imposed since 1727, March 25, towards satisfying arrears of salary due to Nathaniel Booth, appointed surveyor of all fines, issues, amerciaments, &c. commonly called Greenwax money, by letters patent of 1728, January 11.
[Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 283.]
July 22. 435. Like order to July 13, supra, for 110 oz. of plate to Lord Walpole. [[Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. 330.]
July 22. 436. Royal sign manual directed to the Lords of the Treasury for issue of 2,000l. to John Hedges for the use of Frederick Prince of Wales.
Memorandum:—Warrant signed 1730, July 22, by the Lords of the Treasury. [King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 34.]
437. Privy Seal directed to the Lords of the Treasury for the issue to William Lord Harrington, one of the principal Secretaries of State, of 1,850l. yearly, to date from May 16 last. “Which said allowance was formerly payable by the Receiver General and Cashier of the Customs in lieu of the pensions heretofore payable to each of the Secretaries of State. [Ibid, p. 36.]
July 22. 438. Same directed to same for the issue to William Lord Harrington of 3,000l. for the secret service without account.
July 22. 439. The Commissioners of the Navy called in, and their scheme for the disposition of the remainder to be issued for the naval services out of the supplies, anno 1730, and how the deficiencies of that year, being about 152,000l. may be borne discussed. Concluded that the navy might bear 60,000l. in part thereof, and that the issue of 10,000l. for Greenwich Hospital be stayed till the end of the year.
The memorial of the Treasurer of the Navy, of this day's date, for 126,806l. for three months' course to the navy and victualling, due 1727–8, January 31, read, and ordered out of the supplies, anno 1730.
Sir Alexander Cumming's memorial about the Indian Chiefs now here from North Carolina, read. Ordered that bills of 42l. 13s. due to Alexander Irwin for attendance and disbursements, and of 48l. 5s. due to James Crowe for providing the Chiefs with victuals and lodgings, be advanced by Mr. Lowther, but not made part of his bill, because those charges are meant to be defrayed out of the money which His Majesty shall please to order for their maintenance and expense.
The report from the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland; dated 1729, July 25, touching Sir Robert Sinclair's accounts relating to the forfeited estates, read. Agreed to allow him 3d. per £ on all moneys received on account of the said forfeitures.
Order for the preparation of warrants to be signed by the King for determining his pleasure as to the payment of 1,000l. per annum to the Earl of Chesterfield, as one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber, and' 500l. per annum to John Selwyn, Esq. as one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber, from Midsummer, 1730.
The Earl of Wilmington's memorial, of this day's date, for 13,581l. 15s. to be remitted from Ireland to clear what has been paid here from 1729, December 25, to 1730, June 24, to the three regiments on the Irish establishment now at Gibraltar, read, and warrant ordered. A copy of the memorial to be transmitted to the Lord Lieutenant, on account of Wilmington's great complaints of the slackness of remittances from Ireland.
Mr. Lawton's memorial, of the 21st instant, touching a standard bushel for the coal trade to be kept at the Exchequer, read, and warrant ordered to the officers of the Exchequer to cause such a standard bushel to be made.
Order for the issue of 1,000l. to Mr. Cracherode on his memorial for the payment of the purchase money for lands lately bought and laid into the Great Park at Windsor.
Mr. Cracherode to state what he has paid for rewards on apprehending felons since that business has been put under his care.
The report of the Barons of the Exchequer, dated 1729–30, February 13, on the petition of the Earl of Rothes and the magistrates, of Cupar town in relation to the farm of tithes formerly belonging to the Archbishop of St. Andrews, referred to the Lord Advocate and Solicitor General of Scotland for report.
The report of the Commissioners of Customs of 1729, December 10, on John Stonham's petition to be admitted to a composition of 360l. for running snuff, read and agreed to.
Order for the preparation of a sign manual for the issue of 4,500l. to Mr. Scrope for secret service.
A petition of Mungo, David and Patrick Haldane, for staying an extent against them as security for John Haldane, late Collector of the Customs at Prestonpans, read and referred to the Commissioners of Customs, Scotland.
Bryan Hunt, a clergyman now here and about returning to the Plantations in America, to be paid 20l. by Mr. Lowther out of the King's money by way of charity, “their Lordships determining that passage money to ministers going to the Plantations shall be but once only paid.”
The petition of Thomas Wood, prisoner in Newgate, for a fine of 10 marks, read and referred to Mr. Cracherode.
Order for the issue of 10,169l. 15s. 11¾d. to the Paymaster of the Works to clear the debt in that office for the quarter due 1730, June 30.
The York Buildings Company are to be allowed till next term to pay the money into the Exchequer, in Scotland owing by them on account of the forfeited estates they purchased.
Mr. Arnall to be paid by Mr. Lowther, out of the King's money, 289l. 3s. 4d. for papers called the “Free Briton” delivered to the Post Office from 1730, April 16, to 1730, July 16.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVI. pp. 330–2.]
July 23. 440. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury to the Surveyor General to make forth a constat or to send to the proper auditor for a particular of the manor or reputed manor of Marybone, in the county of Middlesex, and the park or late park desparked, commonly called Marybone Park, and to rate the same in order to the passing a new lease thereof under the Exchequer Seal to Thos. Gibson, John Jacob, and Robert Jacom, Esqrs. for 24½ years from 1736, December 20, at the rent of 36l. 14s. 6d. and fine of 800l.
—Report, dated 1730, July 19, from Exton Sayer, Surveyor General, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Gibson, Jacob, and Jacomb, as above.
[Crown Lease Book XII. pp. 70–3.]
July 24. 441. Abstract of the memorial of the town of Cupar [to the Lords of the Treasury] for the farm of their tithes: referred to His Majesty's Advocate and Solicitor General in Scotland.
[North Britain Book X. p. 1.]
July 24. 442. The Commissioners of the Customs, Ireland, to the Lords of the Treasury. Notwithstanding the fitting out of vessels and the increasing the number of officers appointed to guard the coasts, have not been able to prevent the exporting of wool to foreign parts and the fraudulent importation of other goods of the growth and manufacture of the East and West Indies. “ The vessels made use of for these purposes are so strongly armed that ours have neither power nor authority to deal with them at sea, and when they get into port they are so well guarded by numbers of people rising to assist them upon occasion that it is impossible for our officers to oppose them, and if at any time they make a seizure, which is seldom done without hazard of their lives, it is frequently rescued from them by force.” Recommend the appointing of two small vessels, well armed and manned, and empowered by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to examine ships at sea which may be suspected of carrying out wool, one to be stationed between the Isles of Arran and Baltimore, the other between Baltimore and Kinsale, the parts where this practice most notoriously prevails. 2 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIV. No. 6.]
July 27. 443. “The King allows 1,000l. to be paid the undertakers for the opera towards the discharging their debt, so prepare a sign manual, in the name of John James Heidegger, for that purpose.”
Order for the preparation of a sign manual for 2,400l. in the name of Wm. Richards to answer a list of bounties.
Mr. Missing's letter concerning the King's command to victual three regiments going to Gibraltar, same coming in the hot season when beef and pork cannot be killed and cured, and necessitating the exceeding the contract by purchasing salt provisions where he can, read and acquiesced in on this emergency.
The Commander-in-Chief, Gibraltar, to allow Mr. Missing sufficient store room, Missing complaining that the store houses are not sufficient to hold the provisions for the number already in garrison, nor to keep them from the inclemency of the weather.
A petition of Messrs. Piore and Lovy merchants at Bilbao, to be remitted His Majesty's part of deer skins seized for being imported contrary to the Act of Navigation, read and referred to the Commissioners of Customs.
The Board of Trade, by letter of the 22nd instant, desire the inspection, by the Solicitor to the Treasury, of charters, grants, and purchases, with relation to lands reputed part of His Majesty's province of Nova Scotia, to the end a case may be stated for the opinion of His Majesty's Attorney and Solicitor General, and private pretensions to certain lands brought to an issue, so as some Protestants from Ireland and the Palatinate may be settled thereupon. Mr. Cracherode or his deputy, Mr. Paxton, to attend the Board of Trade accordingly.
Mr. Wither's memorial, of the 27th instant, read, concerning doubts and disputes about the separate jurisdiction of the Lord Warden of Windsor Forest and the Duchess Dowager of Marlborough, since part of the grounds belonging to a walk in the said forest lately purchased by His Majesty have been laid into the said park, of which her Grace is ranger. Referred to the Lord Warden to consult with Mr. Wither.
Cracherode's report, dated the 18th instant, on the memorial of Sir Bybie Lake and Charles Mason, read and deferred.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVI. pp. 333–4.]
July 27. 444. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury to George Earl of Halifax, Auditor of the Receipt, and Robert Lord Walpole, Clerk of the Pells, the Chamberlains of the Exchequer or their deputies, and others the officers of the Receipt, authorising the employment of one or more of the most noted men in the city of London of the trade and mystery of Founders to make a vessel in brass, round with a plain and even bottom, 19½ inches from outside to outside, and to contain one Winchester bushel and one quart of water, according to the standard for the Winchester bushel described by an Act of Parliament of 13 Wm. III. Same to be used as the coal bushel as required by the Act of 12 Anne, the Exchequer not having been hitherto furnished with such a bushel to serve as standard for all persons dealing in coals and using coal bushels. All such coal bushels to be in future taken to the Guildhall or the Exchequer Office at Westminster to be fitted, sealed, and stamped by the proper officer there.
[Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 284–5.]
July 27. 445. Royal sign manual directed to the Lords of Treasury for determining and superseding from 1730, Midsummer, the annuity of 1,000l. per annum to Philip Earl of Chesterfield as one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. Given at the Court at Windsor. [King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 1.]
446. Same directed to same for superseding in like manner the salary of 1,500l. to the Duke of Dorset as Constable of Dover Castle. [Ibid.]
447. Same directed to same for superseding in like manner the annuity of 500l. paid to John Selwyn as a Groom of the Bedchamber. [Ibid.]
448. Same directed to same for the issue of 1,000l. to John James Heidegger to be applied as royal bounty towards enabling the undertakers of the opera to discharge their debts.
Memorandum:—Warrant signed by the Lords of the Treasury, July 28. [Ibid, p. 39]
449. Same directed to same for the issue of 4,600l. to John Scrope for the secret service.
Memorandum:—(Ut supra.) [Ibid, p. 44.]
450. Same directed to same for the issue of 2,537l. 7s. 6d. to John Tysoe for gilt and white plate delivered into the Jewel Office for the quarter ended 1730, Midsummer.
Memorandum:—(Ut supra.)
Appending:—List of the parcels of plate referred to.
[Ibid, pp. 44–5.]
July 27. 451. Warrant under the royal sign manual countersigned by the Lords of the Treasury to Lionel Cranfield, Duke of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant General and General Governor of Ireland, for the issue of orders to the Receivers General and Paymasters of the Revenue in Ireland, to return to Spencer Lord Wilmington, in the speediest and most effectual manner that may be, 13,581l. 15s. for the three regiments on the establishment of Ireland, which continue to serve at Gibraltar, to clear pay of same, 1729, December 25, to 1730, June 24. [Irish Book VIII. pp. 372–3.]
July 27. 452. Petition [to the Lords of the Treasury] from Edmund Bishop of London. The King has granted to him several rooms in Whitehall, for a term of years. Has lately come into the possession of them, but finds them so old and ruinous that he must have considerable repairs done to them: and being too small for his family prays to have the grant of a shed in the possession of Mrs. Marshal and two rooms in the possession of Mrs. Blenner, which lie contiguous to the said rooms granted to him, the said Marshall and Blenner having agreed with him for those places. Further desires that the old lease may be renewed therewith for 50 years. Referred to the Surveyor General. [Crown Lease Book II. p. 59.]
July 28. 453. The Commissioners of the Customs to attend to-morrow with a state of the accounts of Wm. Allen, Receiver of Taxes for part of Norfolk, a writ having been signed against him for withdrawing himself.
Mr. Pelham's memorial of the 28th instant for 11,726l. 8s.d. for the out-pensioners of Chelsea Hospital and 20,000l. for the Hessians read and ordered.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVI. p. 335.]
July 28. 454. J. Scrope to [the Commissioners of Customs] conveying the orders of the Lords of the Treasury for passing the baggage of Count Degenfield arrived here from the King of Prussia.
[Letter Book XVIII. p. 447.]
July 29. 455. The Agents for Taxes attend with the state of Wm. Allen's estate, 37,000l. and debts to the Crown, 22,354l. The agents to take care to secure the said debt.
The Agents for Taxes to attend on Wednesday next with a state of Mr. Wilkinson's debt, and of measures for recovering same.
The memorial of the Commissioners of Customs, dated 23rd instant, for removing Capt. Bowen's vessel from Aldborough to the coast of Essex, and proposing that a sitter and six boatmen be appointed in his room at Aldborough on an establishment of 220l. per annum, read and agreed to.
Order for the issue to the Treasurer of the Chamber 4,769l. 14s. 10d. to clear bills and warrants in that office for the quarter ended Midsummer, 1730.
Order for the preparation of a warrant for the issue of 2,000l. per annum by the Treasurer of the Chamber for the whole establishment and charge of His Majesty's harriers and fox hounds, whereof he is appointed master.
The petition of John Sanden, Comptroller of Chichester, regarding the allowances required to be made by patent officers to their deputies, referred to the Commissioners of Customs.
Robert Belbin to have the first tidesman's place vacant in London, port as reward for services.
Robert Bradshaw to be a tidesman in the port of London.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVI. pp. 336.]
July 29. 456. Anthony Cracherode to the Lords of the Treasury transmitting an account of the moneys paid by him as Solicitor for the Treasury, in accordance with a warrant from the Lords of the Treasury, of date 1728–9, January 24, whereby he was directed to pay the rewards of 100l. given by His Majesty's proclamation, of date 1727–8, February 29, for the apprehending and convicting street robbers. 1 page.
—Account referred to from the date when the matter was put under Cracherode's care, viz. 1728–9, January 24, to the date of making the account. Total being 2,800l. 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIV. No. 7.]
July 29. 457. A note of certain papers, “to be read,” concerning the sales executed by the Commissioners for the Sale of Lands in St. Christopher. The note as follows:—
(1.) Commissioners' letter of date 1728–9, February 18. Have sold all the lands except some salt ponds. Desire a confirmation of contracts of purchasers of small parcels by a general order. Have reserved a parcel of land for a court hall and other public offices, as also 11 acres, on which is a French fort, and about three acres for the use of a small battery. Purchasers desire to have grants made under the seal of the Leeward Islands.
(2.) Concerning Captain Thauvet's petition.
(3.) Petition of several purchasers praying grants of their lands.
(4.) Concerning 12 acres of O'Neal's land sold to Captain Osborne.
(5.) Captain Joseph Fleming's bond for Gilbert Fleming as receiver of the interest due on the contracts made.
(6.) John Sharpe, gentleman, on behalf of William Mathew, Gilbert Fleming, and Edward Mann, Commissioners for Sale of the French lands in St. Christopher, craving an allowance for their services in that commission. “Their commission bears date 1726, June 4, Lord Londonderry's 1728, May 1, but did not arrive at St. Kitt's till 1728, November 19.”
(7.) Letter from Mathew and Fleming, dated 1729, November 11, Mr. Mann being in England and Lord Londonderry dead, so that they cannot go on upon the old commission.
Adding:—A note of a memorial of the agent for the Commissioners, craving an allowance to himself for his care and hazard in receiving and paying into the Exchequer the money arising from the sales, the money paid in amounting in all to 66,553l. 9s.d., said money being returned to him by the Commissioners in bills of exchange for small sums as they could be procured at St. Christopher, and having been received by him from the acceptors with great trouble and expense, besides others protested for non-payment. 3 pages.
—(a.) Statement of opinion by Dr. Ex. Sayer on the following questions involved in the grants made by Wm. III. to Captain Andrew Thauvet and Gabriel Papin.
(1.) As King William at the time of his grant had only the right of a “conqueror” liable to reconquest and defeasible by treaty, could that grant vest an inheritance in the grantees?
(2.) Whether by the laws or right of postliminium the lands conquered by William and restored by him on treaty did not on such restitution vest in the former owners as if no conquest had been?
(3.) Whether or not, on the conquest by Queen Anne and the concession or confirmation to her by treaty, the conquered lands vested in the Crown of Great Britain as if no former conquest had been?
(4.) Did any estate or interest or any scintilla juris remain in the grantees of King William after the concession to France, so as to give a right to those grantees upon a reconquest? 1 sheet.
(b.) Statements of opinion by Sergeant John Chesshyre and Sir Philip Yorke on a similar series of questions concerning the grants to Thauvet and Papin, prefacing a statement of the case. 2 sheets. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIV. No. 8.]
July 29. 458. J. Scrope to the Duke of St. Albans transmitting from the Lords of the Treasury Mr. Wither's memorial of the 27th instant, concerning doubts and disputes as to the separate jurisdiction of the Lord Warden of Windsor Forest, and the Duchess Dowager of Marlborough, since part of the grounds belonging to a walk in the said forest lately purchased by His Majesty have been laid into the said park: and desiring his consultation with Wither thereupon. [Letter Book XIX. p. 2.]
459. Same to the Secretary at War conveying the desires of the Lords of the Treasury for the Commander-in-Chief at Gibraltar to assign Missing's agents sufficient store room for provisions sent thither, to avoid damage from the weather, to which they are at present exposed. [Ibid.]
460. Same to Mr. Cracherode conveying the directions of the Lords of the Treasury for his attendance on the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, to take their directions for inspecting charters, grants and purchases relating to lands reputed part of His Majesty's province of Nova Scotia, in order to the ceasing of private pretensions to certain lands, and in order to the settling thereon of some Protestants from Ireland and the Palatinate. [Ibid.]
July 29. 461. Same to Walter Cary, Esq. secretary to the Lord Lieutenant to hasten the remittance of the 13,581l. 15s. to the Earl of Wilmington, late Paymaster General, as by the warrant of date July 27, supra, p. 418. [Irish Book VIII. p. 373.]
July 29. 462. Warrant from the Lords of Treasury confirming articles of agreement between the King and Robert Robertson, clerk, of St. Christopher, for the purchase of 66a. 0r. 24p. in Cabeca Terre quarter.
Appending:—Articles of agreement.
[Crown Lease Book II. pp. 73–4.]
463. Same from same confirming like articles for the purchase by Margaret Bridgwater, of St. Christopher, and Sarah Brown, of the same, spinsters, of 5,000 feet in Basse Terre Town.
Appending:—The articles of agreement. [Ibid, pp. 75–6.]
July 29. 464. Report by Sir P. Yorke and C. Talbot, Attorney and Solicitor General, to the Lords of the Treasury on the report of the late Surveyor General of His Majesty's lands, made upon the petition of the Duke of Chandos for renewing a Crown lease of a wharf and buildings in Scotland Yard, &c. as below. There is ground for belief that the passages excepted out of the lease to Sir Stephen Fox and the new passage under the guard room were inserted in the lease to Sir Wm. Aislabie by surprise and without sufficient warrant and a material alteration made in the proviso for determining the said lease without proper authority. By gaining possession of the said passage in this manner lessee has been enabled to convert part of the ground demised into a wharf, to the damage of the Crown. Are of opinion the grant is made void by the Act of 1 Anne, for the better support of Her Majesty's household and that a writ of scire facias may properly be brought in His Majesty's name to repeal said letters patent.
Appending:—(a.) Report,dated 1729–30, March 19,of Phillips Gybbon, Surveyor General, to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of the Duke of Chandos, desiring a reversionary lease of a messuage, ground, outbuildings and passages in or near Scotland Yard, and of the ground called the Wharf Dock and Old Carpenters Yard in North Scotland Yard, to fill up the several terms in being to the respective ones for which certain letters patent (detailed) were granted. The letters patent of 1719, July 7, recite a grant made 4 William and Mary, July 22, to Sir Stephen Fox of a messuage, ground, and other conveniences then in his possession, a little garden contiguous thereto, the ground then used for a public passage not only to and from the said messuage, but also between Scotland Yard and the Woodyard, Watergate, and the rooms called the Old Bakehouse, also of a stable and coachhouse situated near the Guard room, and a piece of ground backwards near the wall of the said woodyard, except so much ground of the premises as would make a passage of six feet wide at least between the said bakehouse, watergate, and Scotland Yard, and the passage behind the said guard room leading to the Granary Lodgings. On surrender of said lease, His late Majesty by the said letters patent of 1719, July 7, granted to Wm. Aislabie said premises, &c. together with the said passages excepted out of the said lease, and also the passage under the Guard room leading from Scotland Yard to the demised premises, under the old rent of 6s. 8d. and a new rent of 5s. provided the Crown might resume on rebuilding the Palace of Whitehall, on paying 3,000l. to lessee.
By letters patent of 1719, August 3, His late Majesty granted to John Child, gent, without fine, for 31 years, the wharf and dock, and Old Carpenters Yard in North Scotland Yard, within the Palace of Whitehall, with reservation to the Crown to use said wharf, dock, and the crane there for royal stores in as free and ample manner as then used. These leased premises are now vested in petitioner by conveyances.
Have taken a survey of the premises and find them not to correspond in some respects with the description in the lease. Represents the objections of the officers of the Board of Greencloth and others as below against the re-grant. Point out the irregularities in the making of the particular and constat for said lease of 1719, and also that at the time of passing the said lease there was no such passage of 11 feet high from the ground under the Guard room as therein granted, and that unless such a passage had been since made, part of the said premises could not thus have been converted into a wharf. 12 pages.
(b.) Copies of correspondence and representations on the above subject as submitted by Surveyor General Phillips Gybbon to the Lords of the Treasury, folios 11–16, as follow:—
(1.) Letter, dated 1729–30, January 19, from T. Read, T. Wynn, Tho. Hales and Robert Bristow, officers of the Board of Greencloth to the Surveyor General of His Majesty's Lands representing the great nuisance and damage the wharf called Benson's Wharf in Middle Scotland Yard is to His Majesty's service and to the Palace of Whitehall. The Board of Green Cloth has been obliged to pay wharfage for His Majesty's own things landing at the said wharf and allowed to land nothing there though for His Majesty's use until such wharfage is paid. Further, that part of the palace called Scotland Yard is often so filled with carts and rubbish brought from the wharf that it is dangerous passing through the yard to the offices of His Majesty's household. The gate leading to the said yard being broken and the pavement thereabouts so torn up by carts loaded from the wharf, the way is often scarce passable for His Majesty's servants. The lodgings for His Majesty's servants are often damaged by lighters and timber belonging to the wharf beating against them. His Majesty's provisions of wood and coal are often hindered from landing at His Majesty's woodyard by reason of the great quantity of lighters and timber at the said wharf. His Majesty now pays for the lease of lodgings for his servants in lieu of those which were where the wharf now is particularly to Mr. Eckersall, a clerk of the kitchen, 50l. per annum. If the wharf is continued, other lodgings may become useless to His Majesty. Folio 11.
(2.) The officers of the Board of Works, Whitehall, to [the Surveyor General?] 1719, January 29, in reply to a letter desiring an account of how much the charge of new paving and repairing the pavements to and from the buildings and ground in the two Scotland Yards leased by the Crown, 1719, July 7 and August 3, has exceeded the expense for the like number of years preceding, and also if any of His Majesty's stores have been since paid for, obstructed or delayed. The accounts for the paving may amount to 30l. per annum. The landing of some of the King's stores met with some obstructions formerly, but not lately. In case the grant is renewed think it highly necessary the right of wharf and crane should be particularly reserved to His Majesty, and that the laying of soil or dung should be prohibited, which is now the common practice, and greatly chokes up the dock and thereby prevents the sewer from discharging itself into it. The neighbours frequently complain of the offensive dung and heavy carriages continually passing to and from the wharfs. Folio 11b.
(3.) The memorial of John Folliot, Ja. St. Clair, J. Guise, majors of His Majesty's three Regiments of Foot Guards, and Samuel Needham, surveyor of the Guards rooms, to — against a re-grant of the grant of Benson's Wharf in Scotland Yard That part of the Great Guardroom where the soldiers lie is raised over 6 feet high, by which a great part of it is rendered useless, and they have not the convenience as formerly of exercising the officers and recruits in rainy weather. The carts and carriages passing to the wharf have so torn up the pavements that it is not possible to parade three regiments as formerly they used to do. The carts frequently in their passing into the wharfs run against the stairs leading up into the Great Guardroom, so as to do damage to both the brick and woodwork, which damages have been twice repaired within this two months at His Majesty's expense by the Surveyor of His Majesty's Guard room. The frequent passing of carts and carriages to the wharf also occasions frequent obstructions to the Members of Parliament in going and returning from the House. Undated. Folio 12.
(4.) Order, dated 1729–30, January 10, from Henry Pelham to the field officer in waiting for His Majesty's three Regiments of Foot Guards. The Speaker of the House of Commons having represented that his own coach and those of the Members of Parliament have been frequently interrupted in their going down to the House by the carts coming from the wharfs out of the two great gates leading from Scotland Yard into Whitehall and Charing Cross, directs the placing of a sentinel at each of those gates, with orders not to permit any cart to pass between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. during session of Parliament. Folio 12b.
(5.) Memorial of 13 persons, His Majesty's tenants or servants inhabiting within the Palace of Whitehall, to Phillips Gybbon, Surveyor General of His Majesty's lands, against the proposed grant of a reversionary lease of the wharfs in Whitehall, and representing the damages and inconveniences they suffer since the present lease of the premises in 1719. At the granting the said lease there was but one passage for carts from the said wharfs to the street, viz. through North Scotland Yard, but soon after a new way was cut through the Great Guardroom, to allow carts to pass through Middle Scotland Yard. Memorialists are much incommoded by the continual noise of carts and drivers from break of day till night, and the frequent unloading and reloading in the laid yard great quantities of stone and sand, which the carters leave there at their pleasure, as well as their empty carts, whereby the inhabitants are obstructed in getting to their own doors, great part of His Majesty's palace being thereby turned into a common wharf. Folios 12b–13.
(6.) H. Henley to Phillips Gybbon, dated Leicester Fields, 1729–30, February 16, enclosing an answer (7 below) from Charles Hornby, for near 40 years clerk of the leases in the Pipe, concerning the lease to Mr. Aislabie, of date 1719, July 7. Folio 13b.
(7.) Charles Hornby to [Henley], dated Pipe Office, Gray's Inn 1729–30, February 14, in reply to the Surveyor General's demand of January 19, desiring to be certified by what authority two passages excepted out of a lease to Sir Stephen Fox, inter alia of buildings and ground in Middle Scotland Yard, and also a passage leading thereto from Scotland Yard, of 8 feet wide, 40 feet long, and 11 feet high, under the guardroom, were included in a grant to Wm. Aislabie of the same premises by letters patent of 1719, July 7. Folios 13b–14b.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIV. No. 9.]
July 30. 465. The Duke of Newcastle to the Lords of the Treasury, conveying the King's pleasure for the providing a present to be sent to the Bey of Tunis, to consist of the particulars that have been usually sent to that Government, and not to exceed 500l. in value. Windsor Castle, July 30. 1 page.
—Received 1730, August 4. [Ibid, No. 10.]
July 31. 466. Report from the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of the Synod of Argyle. King William and Queen Anne did make such grants to the Synod of Argyle of the rents and revenues belonging to the late bishops of Argyle and of the Isles as is alleged. But by both the said grants the synods and their members were declared accomptable to the Lords of the Treasury for their management of the said rents and revenues to the pious uses they were given for, of which they do not appear to have ever given in any account, They ought to do so before the expediting of His Majesty's intended grant. Submit a draft of a signature for a new grant of the said revenues to the Synod. 2 pages.
—(a.) The petition of the Synod of Argyle to the King. In 1695 King William gave the Synod of Argyle a grant of the whole rents revenues, &c. of the bishopric of Argyle and the Isles for the settling of schools, repairing of churches educating of young men at universities and qualifying them for the ministry, and for augmenting the stipends of ministers where too small. Queen Anne renewed the grant for the year 1705, and so yearly until or unless recalled by royal writ. The Synod has accordingly been in possession, and has judged it unnecessary to apply for a renewal, but of late many who were liable for payment of these rents begin to impugn the Synod's grant as expired. Therefore beg a renewal.
Minuted with a reference from the Lords of the Treasury to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland, 1730, June 24. 1 page.
(b.) A draft form for the renewal as suggested. 3 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIV. No. 11.]
July 31. 467. Report by the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of Mr. Thomas Mitchell, minister of the Gospel at Abernyte, in Perthshire. The whole parsonage and vicarage teinds of the said parish allocated to Mr. Mitchell by the judges appointed for plantation of churches extends only to 30l. 4s. 8⅓d. sterling. A commission which was issued by the Court to inquire concerning the concealed duties due and payable to the several prebendaries and dignified clergy in the diocese of Dunkeld taking no effect, the Barons of the Exchequer granted Mitchell a particular commission or factory to the same purpose, with power to pursue for same. By his account rendered on the 20th instant he has received by virtue of the said power, of feu and other dues payable to the said chaplainries and other dignified clergy within the diocese of Dunkeld, the sum of 110l. 2s. 51/6d. sterling, and has expended in the pursuit 84l. 7s. sterling. The certain discoveries made by him amount to 26l. 12s. 15/6d. per annum, which His Majesty may grant to petitioner for his better support. 2 pages.
—(a.) The petition of Thomas Mitchell to the Lords of the Treasury. “The church of Abernyte has one of the smallest stipends in Scotland, being but 244 pounds Scots money and 26 bolls of victual, amounting to yearly about 29l. 7s. 22/3d. sterling, out of which the Communion elements are to be furnished.” Prays grants of duties, &c. as above, having been always loyal, and imprisoned by the rebels in the late rebellion.
Minuted with order of reference, dated January 29, from the Lords of the Treasury to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland. 2 pages.
(b.) A schedule of the rental of the small benefices of the late dignified clergy of the chapter or cathedral of Dunkeld. 3 pages.
[Ibid, No. 12.]
July 31. 468. Warrant under the royal sign manual to Henry Pelham, Paymaster General, to pay 11,726l. 8s.d. to Spencer Earl of Wilmington to prevent confusion between Wilmington's and Pelham's account. [King's Warrant Book XXX. pp. 47–8.]
July 31. 469. Report of the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of George Earl of Kinnoull. By the certificate of the Treasurer's Remembrancer his Lordship is chargeable with the sum of 61l. 13s. 4⅓d. sterling for the retoured duties of the lands and barony of Cardenie fallen to His Majesty by the said Earl's infeoffment of the said lands, &c. the 9th April 1730 as heir to the deceased James Viscount of Strathallan. By the affidavit of Mr. Robertson, the said Earl's factor or steward, it appears that the Earl has for 26 years past received the rents of that part of the barony of Cardenie to which he succeeded as heir of the Viscount of Strathallan, being yearly 50 marks Scots or 2l. 15s. 62/3d. sterling. 2pages.
—The representation of the Earl of Kinnoull to the Lords of the Treasury as above. 2 pages.
with minute of reference, dated 1730, May 6, from the Lords of the Treasury to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland. 2½ pages. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIV. No. 13.]