Treasury Books and Papers: December 1729

Pages 162-178

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 1, 1729-1730. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1897.

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December 1729

December 1. 658. Carteret, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to the Lords of the Treasury, from Dublin Castle, transmitting the petition of Sir Warren Crosby, to the Irish House of Commons, desiring relief. Recommends his being restored to the pension of 200l. per annum granted by the late King on the Civil Establishment of Ireland by warrant, dated 1727, June 3, which ceased upon the said King's demise. 1 page.
—(a.) Crosby's petition to the Irish House of Commons. His ancestors had been possessed of an estate in Ireland now set at 10,000l. per annum. He himself had served as an ensign in the army for three years and afterwards during the whole war in Flanders, and ever since as a lieutenant of foot, in which station he still continues. 1 page.
(b.) A resolution of the Irish House of Commons, dated 1729, March 25, for an address to the Lord Lieutenant, asking him to consider petitioner's circumstances. 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXII. No. 58.]
December 2. 659. Order for the preparation of asign manual for 100l. bounty to Alexander Forester. [Treasury Minute Book XXVI. p. 273.]
December 2. 660. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury to the Commissioners of Customs for the passing, duty free, of 178 sword blades imported from Hamburg by Lord Shannon, Captain General of His Majesty's troop of Horse Guards, for his said troop.
[Custom Book XII. p. 441.]
December 2. 661. Same from same to the King's Remembrancer for the delivery up to Dame Anne, widow and sole executrix of Wm. Powlett, Esq. commonly called Wm. Lord Powlett, late one of the four Tellers of the Exchequer, his bonds of surety, his accounts in the Exchequer having been passed in the usual form.
[Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 211.]
December 3. 662. On Mr. Cracherode's report of November 29 last, on a petition of Edward Elwall for the reward of 40l. for apprehending a felon returned from transportation before his time, and for losses and charges in pursuing the prosecution, their Lordships allow 40l. reward, and 40l. for expenses, &c.
Mr. Hampden to attend on Tuesday next to give account of proceedings made towards the exchange of estates between the family and the trustees for the sale of the late Mr. Hampden's estates.
Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer informs their Lordships of the King's consent to his palace at Greenwich, now inhabited by Sir John Jennings, Governor of the Hospital, being maintained at the King's charge and not the hospital's, from Christmas next. Intimation thereof to be sent to the Board of Works, so that it may be placed on the head of ordinary in that office. The King also declared his pleasure that from the same date 150l. per annum should be paid by the Surveyor of Woods and Chaces for the maintenance of the gardens and park, park keepers and deer, and for the releasing of the hospital from all charge in respect thereof.
The Board of Works to be requested to take care that the part of the park at the end of Prince's Court, where the wall is lately tumbled down, be fenced till the proper season for rebuilding same, and to draw an estimate of the charge of rebuilding.
Petition of Judith, widow of Josiah Thwaites, read, praying that part of 2,800l. now in the hands of the Receiver of Customs, and paid ever since 1725, as a composition for Thwaites' offences in running goods, may be remitted to her. Their Lordships adhere to their former minutes of 1726, June 8, and 1728, June 18.
John Dent, at the recommendation of Lord Lonsdale, appointed tidewaiter at Whitehaven, vice John Senhouse, deceased.
The representation from the Commissioners of Excise of November 27 last, for the Auditor of the Accounts to be authorised to allow the amounts of some vouchers well testified by affidavits, read, and warrant ordered accordingly.
The report of the Surveyor General of November 28 last, on Sir John Norris's petition for a reversionary lease of Cranbrook, Berkeley, and other hundreds of Kent for 29 years from Michaelmas, 1731, at the ancient rent of 40s. per annum, read and agreed to.
Mr. Cracherode's report of the 2nd instant on Francis Gery's petition to be discharged from his imprisonment in the Fleet for contempt, read and agreed to.
Lord Townshend's letter of the 29th November last, signifying the King's pleasure that a present be sent by Admiral Cavendish to the Dey of Algiers, read. Their Lordships' order John Wyat to provide the things necessary for the said present, not to exceed 500l. [Treasury Minute Book XXVI. pp. 274–5.]
December 4. 663. J. Scrope to the Board of Works directing that the part of the park at the end of Prince's Court where the wall is lately fallen down be fenced up until the proper season for rebuilding the same. [Letter Book XVIII. p. 419.]
December 5. 664. Report from the Commissioners of the Board of Works to the Lords of the Treasury on the case of Ruth Carpenter, widow. The prices charged by Mr. Carpenter for watering and preserving the plants at Kensington, 1727, July 31, to 1728, June 23, are agreeable to the prices usually paid. But as the work was not done under the inspection of any officer of the works, cannot now ascertain the number of men, carts, &c. employed. Recommend 296l. 3s. 4d. in settlement of her whole demand. Whitehall, Office of Works, 1729, December 5. 1 page.
—The memorial of Ruth Carpenter to the Lords of the Treasury, and reference, dated 1729, March 25, of same from the Treasury to the Board of Works. 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXII. No. 59.]
665. Same from the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of Thomas Forbes, of Echt. By letters under the Privy Seal of Scotland of 1661, May 25, Charles II. granted to John Maitland, of Eccles, the chaplainries, altarages, and prebends enumerated in the schedule attached to Forbes's petition. Queen Anne ratified this by letters under the Privy Seal, dated 1704, October 12, confirming them to William Duff, of Drummuir, to whom they had been transferred, and who held them till his death, about 1726, September 1. The duties from the said chaplainries, &c. have never been accounted for, but may amount to 50l. They may be granted to petitioner, who remarkably distinguished himself in 1715, but on the proviso of his exhibiting a true rental of the duties and profits into the Exchequer. 2½ pages.
—(a.) Petition of Thomas Forbes to the Lords of the Treasury, praying as above, with reference, dated 1729, August 5, of same from the Treasury to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland. 1 page.
(b.) Schedule of the chaplainries and prebends contained in Her late Majesty's grant to William Duff, of Drummuir, of 1704, October 12. 1 page. [Ibid, No. 61.]
Dec. 5.]
666. A series of six papers relating to the proceedings of the French smugglers, and entitled “A schedule of papers referred to in the annexed report, showing the manner of carrying on frauds by the smugglers”:—
(a.) Extract of a letter from the Collector and Comptroller of the Customs at Boston, dated 1729, September 3, giving notice of advice from Captain Jewell and the coast officers of two French snows, with about 30 men each and eight guns, lying between Saltfleet and Skegness. They send their boats on shore with goods, and 12 or 14 men with pistols and swords, and sell brandy, and guard the people that buy them into the country, threatening to shoot any officer that opposes them. They told John Jewell, commander of the sloop in the service here, that if he opposes them they would take him and the sloop to France. The country people are terribly afraid of them, and dare not assist the officers. In short, the French are masters of the coast. 1 page.
(b.) Copy of the affidavit of William Stonebanks, of Mablethorpe, Lincoln, labourer, and Francis Willerton, of Theddlethorpe, Lincoln, gentleman, dated 1729, October 8, concerning French snows off Sutton, and a French ship of 24 guns off Mablethorpe, which sent ashore offering to sell brandy, cards, “pruants,” and scissors. 4 pages.
(c.) Copy of the affidavit of John Jewell, master of the sloop in the service of the Customs in the port of Boston, dated 1729, October 24. Had information on the 20th August last, at Wainfleet, from William Chapman, officer of the Customs, of two French snows on the coast to the north carrying off wool. Found the French snows much superior in strength, he having only five men and a boy. On advice with Mr. Pierrepoint, a riding officer of the Customs at Anderby, learned that the day before two boats from the French vessels were landing goods, and sold several half-anchors before the officers' faces, and the Frenchmen would not let them stir till those that had bought them had rid away with them. 1½ pages.
(d.) Copy of the affidavit of William Leigh, officer of the Customs at Saltfleet, dated 1729, October 24, to effect as above, and that there has been all the summer, when wind permitted, snows hovering along the coast and running brandy. 1 page.
(e.) Copy of a letter from John Cowcher, the Comptroller of Hull, dated 17 November, 1729, enclosing two affidavits (1) of the purchase of brandy from the French shallop, “Amiable,” of Calais, Noel Wm. Dennis, master, then lying within half a mile of the shore off Flamborough Head; (2) affidavit of Noel Wm. Dennis, master, Alexander Baillieux, linguister, of the “Amiable,” of Calais, burthen 50 tons, that he sailed from Calais on the 10th with 400 half-anchors of brandy. Being met off Flamborough Head by His Majesty's ship “Rye,” Captain Edwards, commander, after an hour's chase, were boarded and taken. 3 pages.
(f.) Copy of a letter from the Collector and Comptroller of the Customs of Yarmouth, dated 1729, December 5 [to the Commissioners of Customs, London], concerning the French brandy trade on the English coast. Before receipt of the Commissioners' letter of November 3rd, directing an examination of the French crews lately brought into Yarmouth by Captain Edwards, the Frenchmen had left this place, so they could not be examined. “But by other information which we have gained we find the French trade from Calais with brandy on the English coast is as under, viz.:—There is at Calais 4 merchants in company, whose affairs are chiefly transacted by one Peter Live, of Calais, who fit out every summer 10 snows, from 40 to 60 tons. They provide the snows with good number of men and ammunition of war to make a vigorous defence in case of attack. When they are fit for sea then the distillers and other traders put in what brandy they please. Some 40, some 50, some 100 casks. The snows take, one with another, about 400 casks each. When loaded they come on the coast and keep within 7 or 8 leagues one of another to be ready to assist each other. The first that has sold his cargo speaks with all the rest, and takes from them what money they have received, and goes for Calais and loads again and comes on the coast. So they keep a constant round of coming with brandy and going with money. The manner of accounting with those that put on the brandy is thus: if they sell and get off well, then the several adventurers allow the merchants so much per cask for the vessel, and also allow so much per cask to the men. If the vessels are stopped by the men-of-war or Custom House boats, and they only take the goods and discharge the vessel, then the men have no pay for that voyage. They always go no purchase no pay. There are 4 other merchants that fit out 2 snows of about 30–40 tons, but the adventure is their own, and they pay the sailors in brandy, and to make them the more desperate they are to have such a number of casks of brandy after they have sold so many for their employers. They don't give their men orders to kill, but if any is taken cowardly (as they term not resisting the King's officers) they are turned out of all employ for the future.” In number of men and build and manner of sailing they are superior to the stationed ships of war built to suppress them. Two 20-gun ships will do more to suppress them than 10 that are now appointed. Advises the condemning of the vessels when taken as the only way, as the loss of the brandy is not thought of. By computation there are 49,000 half-anchors of brandy yearly from France sold on this and the northern coast, besides what is sold by the Dutch doggers, who are very great traders that way. 3 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXII. No. 62, a-f.]
Dec. 8.]
667. The petition of the magistrates and town council of Cupar, with concourse of such of the inhabitants as are heritors of the cornfields or acres lying about the town of Cupar. The late Duke of Rothes obtained, 1713, June 22, a tack or lease from the Barons of the Exchequer of the teinds of certain cornfields, lands, and acres, lying about the town of Cupar, the greatest part of which belong to the town in property, and the remainder to some inhabitants heritors thereof. Pray a grant of the same tack or lease on its expiry at Lammas, 1730, it being customary to grant the teinds of lands to the heritors thereof by reason of the great hardships they would lie under if granted to any other person.
Minuted:—With order of reference, dated 1729, December 8, from the Lords of the Treasury to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland. 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXII. No. 63, and North Britain Book IX. p. 353.]
668. John Scrope to the Board of Works, communicating His Majesty's pleasure that his palace at Greenwich, now inhabited by Sir John Jennings, governor of the Hospital there, shall from Christmas next be maintained, upheld and repaired at his own charge, and not at that of the hospital as hitherto.
[Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 311.]
December 9. 669. The memorial of the Treasurer of the Navy of the 8th instant for 185,515l. for several uses read and agreed to. 3,072l. 7s. 10d. of it ordered out of Mr. Hampden's effects in the Exchequer, remainder to be issued out of the funds for 1729.
Mr. Hampden attended. Their Lordships having the Attorney General's opinion, dated 1729, August 1, on the case stated, whether the manor and borough of Wendover may be demanded by the family from the trustees for the sale of the late Mr. Hampden's estates. Judge that the trustees will be well justified by the opinion of the Attorney General in permitting the said manor to be made part of the exchange allowed by Act of Parliament, provided the family of the Hampdens do allow a price for the same to the satisfaction of the trustees. The family are to signify their request to the trustees for making the said exchange accordingly.
Order for an inspection as to what letters exist in the office from Mr. Gray relating to the sale of [French] lands in Nevis and St. Christopher, and for the laying an abstract of the whole proceedings relating to the said sales before their Lordships.
Order for the issue of 2,000l. out of the late King's arrears to Baskett, the printer, in part of so much of his debt as became due at or before Midsummer, 1726, the time to which public offices have been paid
The memorial of the Board of Works of December 5th instant allowing 296l. 3s. 4d. to Mrs. Carpenter in lieu of her whole demands for watering and preserving the plantations at Kensington, read and agreed to.
The memorial of the same of the 3rd instant, for 300l. to be paid Mr. Kent for restoring the paintings of the two great staircases at Windsor Castle, read and agreed to.
The Report of the Commissioners of the Stamp Duty of the 4th instant, on Samuel Ross's petition for reward for extraordinary services relating to these duties in Scotland, read. Their Lordships agree to 60l. as a reasonable allowance, and order the preparation of a warrant accordingly.
Richard Bradford's petition for relief against a Custom House prosecution for running goods, read and referred to the Commissioners of Customs for report.
The Commissioners of Customs to hasten their report touching Josiah Colebrook's affairs.
Samuel Walter appointed distributor of stamps at Wells, in case the office is now vacant by death.
Mr. Halls, the Comptroller of the Great Wardrobe, attended, and his report of the 9th instant on the demands of the Wardrobe to clear the debt in that office, Michaelmas quarter, 1729, read. Halls abates 501l. 3s. 6d. for work not done or done not in the manner charged. The tradesmen concerned are heard on their petition against the Comptroller's judgment, but the facts charged by the Comptroller being owned by them, and the Comptroller taking notice to their Lordships of many other irregular and unwarrantable practices of theirs, when surveys are taken and repairs to be made, they were ordered to withdraw. The matter ordered to be laid before the King, and their Lordships are of opinion the said tradesmen should be totally dismissed, and never employed again in His Majesty's business, and that no survey for the future be made but with the presence of the Comptroller, and no warrant for repairs or new furniture passed till a particular be signed by him, and that no warrant for such repairs or furniture be confirmed by the Treasury until the estimate of the charge be underwrit by the Comptroller and Master's Deputy.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVI. pp. 276–8.]
December 10. 670. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury to the Surveyor General for a particular of the hundreds of Cranbrook, Berkeley, Blackbourne, Selbrittenden, Rolvenden, and Barnfield Magna, in Kent and for the rating same in order to the passing a new lease under the Exchequer Seal to Sir John Norris, for 29 years from Michaelmas, 1731, without fine, at the ancient rent of 40s. per annum.
Appending:—Report of the Surveyor General on the aforesaid to the Lords of the Treasury, dated 1729, November 28.
[Crown Lease Book II. p. 3.]
December 11. 671. Letters patent in Latin appointing John Birch, of the Middle Temple, one of the Barons of the Exchequer in place of Sir William Thompson, [King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 10.]
December 11. 672. The Lords of the Treasury to the Commissioners of Customs, enclosing an order made in council, of date 1729, December 8, for the taking off the quarantine for ships coming from Zante.
Appending:—Report of a Committee of the Privy Council, appointed to examine the question on the complaint of the London merchants trading with Venice. Zante has been free from all manner of contagious distempers for a considerable time, and the quarantine has been removed in Holland and at Hamburg.
[Custom Book XIII. pp. 17–8.]
December 15. 673. Royal sign manual, directed to the Lords of the Treasury for the issue of 157l. to John Snow, Esq. in satisfaction of his allowance of 20 shillings per day, “which we were pleased to make him, as he was appointed Secretary for our affairs in Sweden, on the departure from thence of Isaac Leheup, Esq. our late envoy extraordinary and plenipotentiary there” for 157 days from 1728, September, to 1728–9, February 23, when he entered the service of Edward Finch, Esq. present envoy extraordinary there. Given at the Court at St. James's.
[King's Warrant Book XXIX. pp. 432–3
December 16. 674. Report of the King's counsel, viz. Serjeant Cheshire, Sir Philip Yorke, Mr. Talbot,and Mr. Reeves, dated the 13th instant, on the case touching the surplus of the fund for 35,000l. per annum for the Civil List Lottery, anno 1713, read, their Lordships concur therein and order that proper directions be given to the officers of the Exchequer for applying moneys now remaining in the Exchequer upon the said surplus fund, as well as what shall arise thereby for the future to the uses of His Majesty's civil government.
Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer acquaints their Lordships of the King's decision, on the report of Comptroller of the Wardrobe, that the Master of the Great Wardrobe be notified to take care that Elizabeth Gumley and William Turin, cabinet makers, and Richard Roberts, joiner and chairmaker, be no more employed in the King's service.
Order for the issue to the Master of the Great Wardrobe of 8,004l. 5s. to clear the debt in that office to Michaelmas, 1729, after abatement of 501l. 3s. 6d. according to the Comptroller's report.
Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer acquaints my Lords that His Majesty has agreed to give the executors of the late Portman Seymour 2,500l. for the house called the lodge in Hyde Park with the gardens, outhouses, water engine and other things thereto belonging. Order for the preparation of a warrant for payment of same on a sufficient surrender.
The report of the Board of Works of the 11th instant relating to Lord Ashburnham's house near Westminster Abbey being made a repository for the King's and Cotton libraries, read. The Chancellor will lay same before the King for his pleasure therein.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVI. p. 279.]
December 17. 675. Letters patent under the Privy Seal appointing Stephen Martin Leake Norroy King-at-Arms in the place of Peter Neve, deceased, at a salary of 40l. per annum.
[King's Warrant Book XXIX. pp. 458–9.]
December 17. 676. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury to Thomas Spence, Esq. and George Dennis, Esq. Comptrollers of the Lotteries, authorising the payment to Conrad de Gols, Esq. cashier to the trustees for raising money on the estates of the late directors of the South Sea Company, 192l. 16s. to satisfy principal and interest on the orders in the lottery called the Queen's Lottery, 1713, being due in arrear for interest upon 5,190l. principal money subscribed into South Sea Stock, in orders charged on the fund for the said lottery by persons whose titles thereto became vested in the said Trustees.
[Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 224.]
December 17. 677. Order for the issue to Mr. Negus out of the late King's arrears in the Exchequer, of 2,219l. 13s. 10d. to be by him employed in paying the arrears due in the stables accounts, of which he was Commissioner, to Richard Marshall, deceased, at the time of the late King's demise as Master of the Stud to the late King.
The Commissioners of Taxes to be informed that in their representation of 1728–9, January 14, their Lordships order 120l. 6s. 11½d. to be inserted in the next bill of incidents for stationery, &c. for the late king.
Order for 100l. as the King's bounty to Charles King, late chamber keeper to this office, to be paid by Mr. Lowther in like manner it used to be.
James St. John, at the recommendation of Charles Longueville, Esq. appointed collector at Maryland, vice John Brown, lately deceased.
Robert Hewetson, at the recommendation of Christopher Tower, Esq. appointed to succeed Jonathan Fleming as boatman at Poulton, near Lancaster.
William Wilkins, the printer, is to be paid 240l. 16s. 8d. out of the King's money in his hands for London Journals, including 100l. for writing, &c. delivered at the post office, June—November 1729.
The Receiver General of Customs to pay John Oxenford 40l. 4s. for extraordinary assistants taken by him to give despatch to accounts of the quantities and values of goods exported for many years. [Treasury Minute Book XXVI. p. 280.]
December 17. 678. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury allowing the bill of incidents expended at the Post Office for Lady Day quarter. Prefixing:—Bill of same in detail (total, 1,890l. 12s. 6d.)
[Money Book XXXV. pp. 140–2.]
679. Same from same allowing the like bill of incidents expended at the Post Office for the quarter ended 1729, June 24.
Prefixing:—Bill of same in detail (total, 1,361l. 1s.)
[Ibid, pp. 142–3.]
December 18. 680. Letters patent appointing Charles Greene, late Arundel Herald, to be Lancaster Herald, in place of Stephen Martin Leake.
[King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 443. PS.]
December 19. 681. Lord Wilmington, Paymaster General of the Forces to the Lords of the Treasury, with statement of demands for subsistence for the forces in Great Britain, Minorca, Gibraltar and the Plantations, and on which he desires the direction of moneys. Pay Office, Horse Guards, 1729, December 19. 1 page.
—Letter signed for 59,100l. upon account, for uses to be appointed. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXII. No. 65.]
December 20. 682. Memorandum taken from one of the Commissioners of Inquiry, at Edinburgh, 1729, December 20, of allowances received by the Commissioners Peter Haldane and Arthur Ingram, 2,250l. each. The others, viz. Munroe, Bond, Cunningham and Sir Harry Houghton, 750l. each, for their inferior clerks and officers, 3,000l.
N.B.—“It is the opinion of the Lord Advocate that they have already received very great sums and even more than they ought. But that perhaps something might be allowed them to make them easy, about 5,000l. He advised the Government to make it up with them, but that cannot be done by the Comptroller till they know what the Treasury is inclined to do.” 1 page.
[Ibid, No. 66.]
December 20. 683. J. Scrope to [the Comptrollers of Army Accounts] transmitting from the Lords of the Treasury two lists of persons victualled by Missing at Gibraltar, 1729, September 22 to November 16, for examination and report.
[Letter Book XVIII. p. 421.]
December 23. 684. Bounty list, anno 1729, as under date of 1728–9, January 15, supra, agreed to by the Lords of the Treasury in similar form. [Register of Papers VI. pp. 151–2.]
December 23. 685. The King's bounty is to be paid this year as it was in 1728, to the French pensioners struck off Mr. Chetwynd's establishment. Send to Mr. Blagny, by whom they were paid, for a list of their names and what alterations have happened since the last payment.
Order for the issue of 40,000l. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance upon account out of the supplies, anno 1729, towards the demand of that office, as by their letter of the 22nd instant.
The memorial of the Treasurer of the Navy of this day for 10,467l. 10s. 11d. read and ordered out of the effects in the said Treasurer's hand.
The fees for passing the Queen's commission as Guardian of the kingdom, 80l. 10s. are to be paid as fees of the like nature have used to be paid.
Stephen Whatley is to have 60l. as the King's bounty by the hand of Mr. Lowther.
Mr. Cracherode's report of the 23rd instant on Winifred Maxwiney's petition read and agreed to.
Mr. Cracherode's memorial of the 23rd instant apprising their Lordships of 12l. 19s. 7d. for the expenses of the messenger of the press in collecting pamphlets from September 18 to December 11, 1729, read and agreed to.
Auditor Harley's state, dated December 19th instant, on Lord Malpas's account as Master of the Robes to the late King, read and approved. Warrant to be prepared for passing same accordingly.
Order for the issue of 1,000l. to the Treasurer of the Chamber to enable messengers to perform foreign voyages according to Lord Townshend's desire in his letter of the 11th instant.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVI. p. 281.]
December 24.
686. An account of military and commissariat services incurred and not provided for by Parliament; certified by H. Pelham. 1 sheet [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXII. No. 67.]
687. (a.) Estimate of the charge of 2,224 horse, 1,836 dragoons, and 8,034 foot of the troops of His Highness the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel, from 1728, December 25, to 1729, December 24. 1 page.
(b.) Estimate of the charge of His Majesty's forces in the Plantations, Minorca and Gibraltar, for the years 1729. 1 page.
(c.) Estimate of the charge of the guards, garrisons and other land forces in Great Britain for the year 1729. 2 pages.
(d.) Estimate of the charge of the out-pensioners of Chelsea Hospital for 1729. 1 page. [Ibid, No. 68a-d.]
December 25. 688. Abstract of the report of the Commissioners and Trustees for fisheries and manufactures in Scotland for the year ending Christmas, 1729, with accounts of the expenditure of the fund arising from the malt tax, in the improvement of fishery and in advancing the manufacture of linen and coarse wool. The scarcity of money and lowness of credit has hindered in a great measure the expected improvement of the fishery. But the fishes caught on the coast are much better cured than formerly. The linen manufacture is much improved. The manufacturers submit generally to the rules established, and the quality of linen cloth is much better than formerly. The cloth stamped for sale in the year came to 3,225,155¾ yards. The 2,000l. laid out in 1728, to encourage undertakers to fit up bleaching fields, has had the desired result. On the 2,000l. granted towards introducing the cambric manufactory they have brought over into Scotland 10 Protestant families of 33 persons. It would much conduce to the improvement of the manufacture if along with each prize that is given to the several housewives that make the best cloth, proper reeds were given to the successful weavers by way of premium, the expense of these reeds on the whole not exceeding 42l. 1s. 8d. by estimate, viz. 3 reeds and 3 shuttles as premiums at each of the 50 stations where stampers are appointed. “They report that though the people of the country come pretty well forward in spinning linen yarn, in working the cloth and in bleaching it yet there are a great many inventions and improvements in the different branches of the trade entirely new to the people and which dry instructions without the assistance of some skilled person to help them can never bring them to. Wherefore they have looked out for a skilful person who for a yearly salary of 130l. is willing to settle in Scotland and to make annual progresses through the manufacturing counties to instruct the people in such parts of the mystery as are hitherto but imperfectly known to them.” The machine for breaking and dressing flax invented by James Spaldin, and for which the Commissioners in 1728 made him a grant of 200l. is of great benefit to all farmers and would be more extensively useful if the Trustees might encourage the setting up those machines in different places of the country, which might be accomplished at a charge of not more than 100l. Further propose the appointment of a skilful stamp officer for inspecting and preventing abuses in the manufacture of cambrics now setting up in Scotland. 3 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXII. No. 69.]
December 25.
689. An abstract of the produce of His Majesty's revenue in Ireland for one year ending Christmas, 1729. Signed Matth. Pennefather, Comptroller & Acct. General. Total of revenue:—
£ s. d.
Hereditary - 314,851 0 97/8
Additional - 110,838 9
425,689 10 15/8
1 page. [Ibid, No. 71.]
December 26. 690. A statement of the Exchequer bills in circulation on the 26th December 1729, of the 1,250,000l. advanced by the Bank under the Act 2 Geo. II. and of the Sinking Fund, to date. 1 sheet [Ibid, No. 72.]
December 28. 691. Warrant under the royal sign manual [directed to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland] for the issue of the necessary warrants to the Receivers General and Paymasters of His Majesty's revenues in Ireland for the payment to Edward Pearce of 1,000l. for the care and pains he has taken in contriving and carrying on the building of the Parliament House in Ireland, pursuant to an address of the Irish House of Commons on his behalf. Given at the Court at St. James's. [Irish Book VIII. p. 348.]
December 28. 692. Royal sign manual directed to the Clerk of the Signet attending, for the preparation of a bill to pass the Privy Seal to authorise the Lords of the Treasury to pay to Thomas Diggs, appointed by a commission under the King's signet and royal sign manual to be Lieutenant Governor of the Island of Montserrat, the allowance of 200l. per annum for maintenance and in lieu of all presents from the Assemblies of the Island, to commence 1729, May 14. Given at the Court at St. James's.
[King's Warrant Book XXIX. pp. 446–7.]
693. Royal warrant directed to the Paymaster of the Forces for the payment of 3,852l. 19s. 1d. to Thomas Missing, Esq. by way of imprest and upon account for victualling the garrison of Gibraltar from 1729, June 2 to July 27, and a further 483l. 4s. 10d. for insurance upon the value of the provisions sent to the said garrison without convoy between 1727, December 18, and 1728, December 15. Given at the Court at St. James's.
Appending:—(a.) Report of James Bruce, dated Comptroller's Office, 1729, December 8, made to the Lords of the Treasury on their order of reference of August 7 last upon Missing's memorial for the 483l. 4s. 10d. for insurance as above.
(b.) Computation of persons victualled at Gibraltar as appears on two monthly lists from 1729, June 2 to July 27, signed by Brigadier Clayton and Wm. Chalmers, the Deputy Paymaster.
[Ibid, pp. 440–1.]
December 29. 694. J. Scrope to the Commissioners of the Navy for an account of the Navy debt as it stood at Christmas, 1729.
[Letter Book XVIII. p. 420.]
December 30. 695. Royal warrant directed to the Attorney or Solicitor General for the preparation of a bill to pass either the Great or the Privy Seal, to contain the grant and confirmation to the Queen of the premises in Leicester Square, St. Martin's in the Fields, mentioned in an indenture of date 1727, October 15, between the executors of the will of Richard Hill, of St. James's parish, Westminster, of the one part, and the Queen of the other, by which the Queen became possessed of the same, it having previously been occupied by Henry Portman of Orchard Portman (Somerset). Given at the Court at St. James's.
[King's Warrant Book XXIX. pp. 438–9.]
December 30. 696. Order from the Lords of the Treasury endorsing a warrant from the Earl of Sussex to the Master of the Great Wardrobe, of date December 20, for the provision and delivery to Stephen Martin Leake, appointed by Letters Patent Norroy King of Arms, loco the late Peter le Neve, a coat of His Majesty's royal arms, embroidered upon velvet, and also a cap of crimson satin turned up with ermine, with a gold tassel thereon, together with a case for the same.
Memorandum.—This warrant will come to 96l. or thereabouts. Tho. Dummer. John Halls, Comptroller.
[Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 311.]
December 30. 697. Order from the Lords of the Treasury endorsing a warrant from the Earl of Sussex to the Master of the Jewel House, dated December 20, for delivery to Stephen Martin Leake, a silver crown gilt, a gold chain with the badge appendant thereto, enamelled on one side with His Majesty's arms, and on the reverse the arms of the office of Norroy, and also a collar of S.S. of silver gilt.
Memorandum:—This warrant will amount to 80l. or thereabouts. R. Sedgwick. [Ibid, p. 312.]
698. Same from same endorsing a warrant, dated December 22, from the Earl of Sussex to the Master of the Great Wardrobe for the provision for Charles Green, Esq. constituted Lancaster Herald, a coat with His Majesty's arms embroidered with cloth of gold upon satin.
Memorandum:—This warrant will amount to 49l. or thereabouts. [Ibid.]
699. Same from same endorsing a warrant, dated 1729, August 12, from the Duke of Grafton to the Master of the Great Wardrobe for the provision and delivery to the Lord Privy Seal a rich purse for 1729.
Memorandum:—This warrant will amount to 21l. Tho. Dummer. John Halls, Comptroller. [Ibid, p. 313.]
700. Same from same endorsing a warrant from the Duke of Grafton to the Master of the Great Wardrobe, dated 1729, November 24, for the provision and delivery to Grey Maynard, Esq. Yeoman of His Majesty's Removing Wardrobe, the following particulars for His Majesty's service at Kensington, viz. a large mahogany table for His Majesty to play on, and a tarpauling to put under the table, 2 wainscot tables, a mahogany “cinquil” card table for His Majesty, a white calico quilt for the Lord of the Bedchamber, a white calico quilt for the Princess Royal's dresser, 4 window curtains for Lady Ann Lumley, 3 false cases for 3 stools for the Duke for Mrs. Swinton's dresser, a bedstead with casters and green camlet furniture with a complete set of bedding and 2 window curtains of the same camlet. Likewise for St. James's, 6 “Christial” receivers for the Queen's silver sconces, 6 leather covers for the Princess Royal's tables, lining a card table with green velvet, and some repairs in the cabinet works; also crimson serge squabs for the forms in the side closets at St. James's Chapel, and 4 small brass screw down pans and nozzels for the Chapel, 4 dozen of strong matted bottom chairs, one oval wainscot table, and 2 flap wainscot tables for the Prince of Wales's valets and the Princess Royal's pages, one square deal table for Mrs. Smith, and a flap wainscot table for Mrs. Howard, scouring and cleaning the furniture and bedding of a 4 post field bed and making up, covering a chair with crimson damask for the Queen, repairing and altering 3 bedsteads and putting up and taking down the umbrellas at St. James's and Kensington.
Memorandum:—This warrant will amount to 20l. or thereabouts. Tho. Dummer. John Halls, Comptroller.
[Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. pp. 312–3.]
December 30. 701. Order from the Lords of the Treasury endorsing a warrant of November 24 from the Duke of Grafton to the Master of the Great Wardrobe for the delivery to Grey Maynard, Esq. the following particulars for furnishing the Council Chamber and rooms thereto belonging in the Cockpit, viz. green cloths to cover the Council table and 4 tables for 10 clerks; green serge curtains for the Council Chamber windows and doors, and a large curtain of the same across the room; green harrateen curtains for the office and rooms below stairs with sash blinds; 2 fire screens for the Council Chamber and Office of worsted braided or corded, 2 single brass branches for the chimney in the Council Chamber and 2 glass sconces for the room for 2 candles each, an elbow chair, 8 back chairs and 2 stools of walnut tree with matted bottoms for the rooms below stairs, and 1 close stool with pewter pans.
Memorandum:—This warrant will amount to 135l. or thereabouts. Tho. Dummer. John Halls, Comptroller.
[Ibid, pp. 313–4.]
December 31. 702. The petition of James Duke of Chandos, for a reversionary lease to fill up his terms in being of a messuage and lands in Scotland Yard to those first granted. Read and referred to the Surveyor General. [Treasury Minute Book XXVI. p. 282.]
703. Treasury fees, &c. for the month of December (ut supra January 31), 492l. 4s. 3d. divided equally ut supra ibid (between Horace Walpole, John Scrope, and the clerks).
[Treasury Fee Book VI. pp. 340–7.]
[? 1729.] 704. The memorial of James Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, to the Lords of the Treasury. Has been at great expense in improving his salt and coal works in the Isle of Arran which had been attended by an officer from the port of Irvine, and the duties arising therefrom accounted for to the collector of that port. By reason of the distance of the works from the port of Irvine the masters of ships were obliged by the rules of the customers to attend twice at Irvine to take out the regular clearances. Had therefore, in a previous petition of 1728, October, prayed that the officers residing in Arran might be authorised by the collector or comptroller of the port of Irvine to give proper clearances to all shipping with coals or salt from the port of Lamlash in Arran to Ireland. Their Lordships referred this petition to the Commissioners of Customs in Scotland, but they have hitherto not reported. Begs their Lordships' regulation as above 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXII. No. 75.]
[? 1729.] 705. The representation of Lieutenant General Wade, Commander in Chief of all the forces, castles, forts, and barracks in North Britain, to the Lords of the Treasury. In 1725, he proposed the building of Forts Augustus and George on Loch Ness. In 1726–8 Parliament granted in all 21,000l. but of this only 17,500l. has been issued from the Treasury. 14,000l. is needed to complete them, which he begs. 1 page.
—A statement of the deficiency of payment as above for the year 1726. ½ page. [Ibid, No. 76.]
[? 1729.] 706. The petition of the chapel warden, overseer and inhabitants of St. John Baptist in the Savoy, to the Lords of the Treasury. Soon after the death of Dr. Samuel Pratt, which is upwards of three years, one George Parry, clerk, took possession of the chapel under pretence he should have an order from their Lordships to confirm him in it, but has produced no such order, either from the Treasury, the Bishop of London, or the Lord Chancellor. The said Parry has been and is very vexatious to the poor and has put the inhabitants to great expense. The Communion plate has been lodged in the chapel warden's hands ever since 1682, first by order of Dr. Henry Killigrew, then master of the hospital, to Mr. Lownds then chapel warden, and so since. The chapel warden always took care to clean it against every Sacrament Day, till lately Parry ordered it to be sent to another place, on which the chapel warden refused to let him have it without a note of security, which Parry refused and has brought an action against the chapel warden. Beg directions as to the keeping of the Communion plate. 1 page. [Ibid, No. 77.]
[? 1729.] 707. A deduction of the Bank of England's allowances for circulating Exchequer bills with recital of the various Acts of Parliament relating thereto from 5 Wm. and Mary, &c. until the Aggregate Fund took place. 3 pages. [Ibid, No. 78.]
[? 1729] 708. An examination of the Civil List accounts and of the difference in statement of same between Mr. Scrope and the Commissioners. 4¼ pages. [Ibid., No. 81.]
[? 1729.] 709. A statement with regard to the Bank of England.
£ s. d.
8,959,995l. 14s. 8d. is the capital of the Bank, on which 5½ per cent. is divided, which is - - 492,799 15 6
£ £ s. d.
1,600,000 To this capital the government owe the original debt at 6 per cent. - 96,000 0 0
Management - 4,000 0 0
100,000 0 0
1,500,000 Exchequer bills cancelled at 4 per cent. 60,000 0 0
4,000,000 purchased of the South Sea Company at 4 per cent. - - 160,000 0 0
Management - - - 1,898 3
161,898 3
1,750,000 annuities, anno 1728, at 4 per cent. 70,000 0 0
1,250,000 annuities anno 1729, at 4 per cent. 50,000 0 0
10,100,000 debt. Annuity - - - 441,898 3
By the above account it appears that the Bank capital of 8,959,000l. has a debt due to it of 10,100,000l. that they divide 492,000l. a year and receive only 441,000l. and therefore according to that computation they must divide 51,000l. more than they receive. But to make good this 51,000l. they have the circulating Exchequer bills, which only at 3 per cent. is 60,000l. a year, and their profits by banking, which must be very considerable. Of the 4,000,000l. purchased of the South Sea Company, only 3,400,000l. was made part of the capital and that at 118 per cent.; the 600,000l. remains to be added. 1 sheet.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXII. No. 83.]