Venice: February 1593

Pages 58-59

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 9, 1592-1603. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1897.

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February 1593

Feb. 14. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 131. Matheo Zane, Venetian Ambassador in Constantinople, to the Doge and Senate.
The English Ambassador and the French Agent went together to audience of the Grand Vizir. (fn. 1) The Englishman met with a cold reception on account of the part he had taken in the change of Vaivodes in Bogdania (Moldavia) and Walachia. Nevertheless the Vizir promised him a fleet of two hundred sail in the coming year, and he exhorted M. de Breves to write to the King of Navarre that he will be expected to share the expenses after he has felt the benefit.
Your Serenity will not blame me if in this despatch I report varying rumours on the subject of the fleet; for just in proportion to the importance of the subject I feel myself bound to report everything in order that your Serenity may form a judgment as to what is likely to take place.
Dalle Vigne di Pera, 14th February 1592 [m.v.].
[Italian; deciphered.]
Feb. 22. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 132. Francesco Vendramin, Venetian Ambassador in Spain to the Doge and Senate.
The ships “Stella,” “Vidala,” and “Sumachi,” have been set at liberty. They are putting together as many ships as they can to oppose the English, of whom we hear fresh piracies every day, even right under the walls of Lisbon.
Madrid, 22nd February 1592 [m.v.].
[Italian; the part in italics deciphered.]
Feb. 24. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 133. Francesco Vendramin, Venetian Ambassador in Spain, to the Doge and Senate.
His Majesty has ordered a revision of the accounts for the West Indies, and especially of Mexico, with the result that he finds that he has been robbed of upwards of five millions in gold.
Madrid, 24th February 1592 [m.v.].
Feb. 26. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 134. Matheo Zane, Venetian Ambassador in Constantinople, to the Doge and Senate.
M. de Breves had orders from the French Ambassador in Venice to act in the matter of the Florentine trading privileges as I should direct. He tells me that he has spoken to the English Ambassador who is entrusted with the protection of French interests which are involved in this question of the Florentine traders, because if the privilege is granted to them they will cease to sail under the French flag. The English Ambassador, however, declines to move; says he has no money to spend, and words are worthless against those who employ deeds. But I am fully convinced that the Florentines have not moved in this matter without first securing the English Ambassador and another of his chief councellors, Mariani, both of them in great straits for money, and ready to embrace any party.
M. de Breves and the English Ambassador together continue to press the question of the grain contracts; and they have presented a petition sealed by the Sultan's secretary, the Mufti, by certain preachers, and by the principal Emirs who support the demand, as it is not illegal to make a concession for grain to those who are at war with the enemies of the Sultan. They are waiting the result
(Monsr. Brevi hebbe ordine da cotesto Ambasciatore di Francia di far officio in ciò quando fusse da me ritento, et miha egli detto di haver parlato coll' Ambasciatore Inglese, a chi è raccommandato la prottetione di Francia interessata in questo, che essendo restituito il commercio ai Fiorentini, non navigaranno più sotto la bandiera Francese, ma V Ambasciatore non si vuol moverse; non ha commodità di spendere; non si potendo opporre con parole dove concorrono fatti. Ma lo tengo per certo che Fiorentini non si saranno messi a questo senza guadagnar prima l' Inglese et un altro suo principal consultore, il Mariani; ambidoi in strettissima fortuna, che si appigliariano a qualsivoglia partito. Il medesino Brevi giontamente coll' Inglese insta tuttavia delta tratta de grani et hanno fatto nuovo Arz sigillato dal coza del Re, Mufti, et alcuni predicatori et Emiri principali che approbano la domanda come che non sia contra la legge dare grani a chi fà la guerra con li inimici di questo Impero.)
Dalle Vigne di Pera, 26th February 1592 [m.v.].
[Italian; deciphered.]


  • 1. Sinan Pasha, who succeeded Sciavus Pasha, deposed in January of this year, after a rising of the Janissaries.