Oct. 1. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. |
686. Hieronimo Lippomano, Venetian Ambassador in France, to the Signory. |
The English Ambassador has put great pressure upon his Majesty to release the English vessels which were lately taken by de Lansac, asserting that they were the property of private merchants and manned by ordinary seamen, and had no object except to load salt. Some hope has been given to the Ambassador of compliance with his demands, but first what has to be alleged on the other side will have to be heard. |
Poitiers, 1st October 1577. |
[Italian.] |
Oct. 6. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. |
687. Alberto Badoer, Venetian Ambassador in Spain, to the Signory. |
All the thoughts of his Majesty are turned to the affairs of Flanders, and no other business is considered; but what makes matters worse is that a few days ago the President of the royal Council died, and as the Duke of Alva and nearly all the other councillors are indisposed, the Council has not been called together. |
Here, although peace in Flanders is desired, it is nevertheless greatly feared that war will have to be made. If the States are to conclude peace with his Majesty, Don John will have to be removed from the government, and it is said that the Duchess of Parma, who is much beloved in Flanders, will be sent thither; but if war ensues, I am informed that, after much discussion, Don John will remain, although his Highness in every way shows a great desire to return. Escovedo, his secretary, has been sent forward, and new loans of money are daily made in Augsburg and Paris. |
Madrid, 6th October 1577. |
[Italian.] |
Oct. 19. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. |
688. Alberto Badoer, Venetian Ambassador in Spain, to the Signory. |
The King desires peace with Flanders at any price, and although by reason of the relations which exist between Don John and the States, there is but little hope of it, nevertheless, while his Majesty has ordered Don John to do his utmost for peace, he has at any rate lately remitted two hundred thousand crowns by way of Paris in the event of hostilities being found unavoidable. |
Madrid, 19th October 1577. |
[Italian.] |
Oct. 30. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. |
689. Alberto Badoer, Venetian Ambassador in Spain, to the Signory. |
The condition of affairs of Flanders is daily growing worse, and since the news arrived of the retirement of Don John, and of the attempt made by the States to seize Namur, while they were negotiating for an agreement between the Germans, the Walloons, and Mons. de Ciampani, and a new confederation between the Queen of England and themselves, it is held for certain that war must ensue. |
Madrid, 30th October 1577. |
[Italian.] |