Index: O

Pages 590-591

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 38, 1673-1675. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1947.

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oath of allegiance:
-, proposal that peers shall take, 201; peers decide that York must take, 206; new one being drawn up, 220.
-, reported interference of nuncio in Flanders about, 229.

oath, for Commons, against taking bribes, 215, 220.

Odijk, Odik, heer van. See Nassau, William Adrian of.

Ogle, earl of. See Cavendish, Henry.

-, question of exportation, at Venice, 257–8, 263–4.
-, cargo of, 480.

Olifax. See Savile, George, viscount Halifax.

Oliphant, Dutch E. Indiaman, captured, 97, 105n; sale of goods from, 441–2.

Onslow, Mr., M.P., appeal in Lords against, 491n.

Orange, House of, Spanish debt to, 383.

-, prince of. See Nassau, Henry Frederick of, William II of and William III of.

-, princess of. See Mary, daughter of Charles I.

Orcioli, Dr., a Roman lawyer, 159n.

Orleans, duchess of. See Charlotte Elizabeth; Henrietta Anne.

-, duke of. See Gaston; Philip.

Ormonde, duke of. See Butler, James.

Osborne, Hisbord, Edward, lord Latimer, starts for Hague, 311–2; returns to London, 339.

-, Sir Thomas, later earl of Danby, Embi, 312, 308.

appointed lord high treasurer, 73; speech of chancellor on taking oath, 74.

created viscount Latimer, 91.

supports break with France and peace with Dutch, 101; effecting reconciliation of Buckingham with Court, 121, 124.

says war with Spain means suspension of trade, 143.

Shaftesbury trying to displace, 183; with Buckingham seeking to ruin Arlington, 187; seeks king's favour under York's protection, 228; entirely dependent upon York, 312.

representations to king about encroachments of parliament, 206.

commissioner for the peace, 218; commissioner to treat with Spaar, 286.

Lauderdale allied with to head new party, 263, 279; has most influence with the king, 279.

success in making revenue suffice, 291; difficulty in paying for fleet, 344; accused of neglecting fleet, 347.

dealings with bishops encouraged by king and York, 330; joins with bishops to postpone meeting of parliament, 350.

alarmed at return of Shaftesbury, 346; at Lambeth conference, 354; supports enforcement of penal laws, 357; inclined to attack popery, to get votes, 376.

York disapproves of action, 357–8, 391; accused of deluding bishops, 363.

seeks to gain confederate peers, 366; urges king to prorogue parliament, 371.

York raised and defends, 372; Lauderdale ready to break with, 390.

plans for next session, 390; means to get government into own hands, 391.

Commons' attack on postponed, 393; impeached, 402; charges dismissed, 404.

still hopes some good from parliament, 412; advises patience and then an adjournment, 413.

recommendations to Sarotti about promoting trade, 427, 436.

at Council about Irish revenues, 454; close vote about giving custody of money for ships, 474.

Ossery, Ossory, earl of. See Butler, Thomas.

Ostend [Prov. W. Elanders, Belgium], 386, 399, 439.
-, complaints of corsairs of, 308, 336, 383; no redress for, 344, 379, 386–7; Barbary corsairs guided by renegade of, 433.
-, Admiralty at, 379, 383, 387.
-, frigate of, flag incident with, 386, 389, 399.

Osuna, duke of. See Tellez, Gaspar.

Oudenarde. See Audenarde.

Overyssel, province of, Netherlands, ascendancy of Orange in, 341.

Oxenstierna, Oxenstern, Benedict, Swedish ambassador at Vienna, 306.
-, memorial to emperor, 380, 389.

Oxford, bishop of. See Crewe, Nathaniel.

-, earl of. See Vere, Aubrey de.