Index: M

Pages 572-581

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 38, 1673-1675. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1947.

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Maastricht, Mastrich [Prov. Limburg, Netherlands], 120, 302.
-, English awaiting result of siege, 67, 71; account of operations, 70; Monmouth distinguishes himself at, 78, 87.
-, Orange wants French to restore, 383; Dutch ask for restitution, 434; proposed cession, 451, 453, 487.
-, Castlehaven at siege of, 399n.

-, governor of. See Estrades, comte d'.

Madrid, 11, 29, 154, 269, 299, 344–5, 395, 477.
-, news from, 302.
-, letters dated at, 3, 6, 15, 21, 42, 57, 67, 181, 190, 209, 231, 242, 248, 252, 256, 261, 263, 292, 302, 326, 336, 360, 369, 388, 430, 439, 453, 487, 494.
-, unsuitable for peace negotiations, 314.
-, the Retiro, Buen Retiro, 66.

Magalotti, Lorenzo, 10.

Maginn, Patrick Father, queen's almoner, withdraws to France, 138.

Mainz, Mayence [German Empire], 3n, 379.
-, envoy from, in London, 202.

-, archbishop elector of. See Metternich, Lothair Frederick von.

Maitland, John, duke of Lauderdale:
-, examines Dutch spies 11n; at debate on indulgence, sets forth urgent need of money, 27.
-, king dissuaded from appointing commissioner to Cologne, 33n; pro French policy of, 227.
-, supports break with France and peace with Dutch, 101.
-, goes to Scotland, for parliament, 128; thinks himself safe there, 162; prorogues parliament to avoid further mischief, 179.
-, charges against, in Scotland, speech by, 189; Hamilton brings charges against, 194; trouble in Scotland due to enmity with Hamilton, 200.
-, losing ground daily, 197; attack on by Commons, 200; dismissal of, 204; would despair but supported by York, 236.
-, returning from Scotland, 205; enemies of removed from Council, 261–2, 271.
-, may appeal to Commons, 205; Commons petition for banishment, 216, 220, 262, 324–5.
-, continues to enjoy king's confidence, 262; made earl of Guildford, 264.
-, supported by York, heads numerous party, 263, 279; wavering in fidelity to York, 324.
-, replaced Presbyterian ministers by Episcopalian, 271; says Presbyterians will collapse without support from England, 279; Presbyterians parley with, 307.
-, Lockhart has influence with Scottish opponents of, 281.
-, commissioner to treat with Spaar, 286; has little hope of peace, 330, 374.
-, would like to secure Presbyterian faction, 308; forming confidential relations with the bishops, 327, 330; suspicion that acting by king's orders, without York's knowledge, 331.
-, alarmed by recall of Shaftesbury, 346; union with bishops to postpone meeting of parliament, 350; at Lambeth conference, 354; supports enforcement of penal laws, 357.
-, York disapproves of action, 357–8, 391; accused of misleading bishops, 363.
-, Presbyterians swear revenge on, 359; tries to win over confederate peers, 366; Presbyterians plotting against, 376.
-, York refused consent to plan that would have ruined, 368; saved in last session, 372.
-, urges king to prorogue parliament, 371; plan for new session, 390.
-, York will not listen to complaints from Scotland against, 372; Scots submit to, 384.
-, inclined to attack popery to get votes, 376; intends to get government into own hands, 390–1.
-, Commons resume attack on, 393, 398, 401, 404; fresh means sought to destroy, 407; ask king to dismiss, 416.

Malaga [Prov. Malaga, Spain], consulage at, 333.

Malines [Prov. Antwerp, Belgium], 73, 76.
-, conference between Orange and Monterey at, 80.

Malta, island of:
-, offered as base against Tripoli, 408; chosen, 441; magazines and dock established at, 479.
-, a French knight of, 61.
-, knights of, grand master of, 159, 408.

Mamut. See James duke of Monmouth.

Mancera, Mansera, marquis of. See Toledo, Sebastian Antonio de.

Mancini, the. See Martinozzi, Margaret wife of.

Mans, Sieur du, galleys under, at Genoa, 127n.

Mantua [Prov. Mantova, Italy], suspicion of Dangeau's visit to, 119, 120, 133.

-, duke of. See Gonzaga, Charles II.

manufactures, fear of parliament passing act against foreign, 296.

Marcello, Ferigo, Savio alia Mercanzia, 80.

Marescotti, Galeazzo, papal nuncio in Spain, 369, 462.
-, promoted cardinal, 411.

Margaret Louise, of Orleans, grand duchess of Tuscany, 81.

Margaret Teresa, wife of Leopold I, the empress, 6.
-, death of, 24, 32, 70.

Maria Anna, queen regent of Spain, 365.
-, 1673:
-,-, expected to give satisfaction to France, 3; decision awaited, 5; excuses offered by, 6; denies responsibility for Charleroi, 65.
-,-, Dutch urged to make war on France, 29.
-,-, incident with Godolphin in the country, 66–7; did not approve first visit of Salinas, 121.
-,-, fear of move of England and France to prevent Genoa assisting, 95.
-,-, suspected of interfering against York-Modena match, 118.
-,-, time for signing treaty with Dutch, 128; unlikely to disapprove of treaty, 143.
-,-, Godolphin to ask to observe treaty, 154; hope that will not risk a rupture, 162.
-,-, alleged willingness to force Dutch to make peace, 177.
-,-, Villars takes congé of, 181; likely to avoid war, 188.
-,-, Fresno intimates to Charles obligation of to Dutch, 187; does not wish for war at any price, 192.
-, 1674:
-,-, Fresno shows Charles letter from, 199; Godolphin offers mediation to, 248; reply of, 256; mediation pressed on, 278.
-,-, letter of, to Charles, 256, 258–9.
-,-, gives Fresno leave to return, 269.
-, 1675:
-,-, reasons for persisting in war, 344; accepts Venetian mediation, 425, 430–1, 450.
-,-, desires Monterey to resign command to Orange, 345.
-,-, and English mediation, 356, 369, 383, 435; desires best relations with England, 399.
-,-, and Ostend corsairs, 384.
-,-, Ronquillo asserts desire for peace, 428; reply about mediation, 430–1.
-,-, appoints Ronquillo for congress, 450; Ronquillo reports to and asks instructions, 477; informs him of orders for plenipotentiaries, 482–3.
-,-, written to about congress, 485.

Maria Anna, daughter of Philip III, infanta of Spain, negotiations for marriage, 125.

Maria Anna Josepha, sister of the Emperor Leopold, daughter of Ferdinand III, suggested bride for Orange, 350, 352.

Maria Theresa, queen of France, 154.
-, Mary of Modena and, 161, 167.

Marie Jeanne Baptiste (of Nemours), duchess of Savoy, avoids seeing Mary of Modena, 143.

Marie Rose, royal navy, in Narborough's squadron, 300n.

mariners. See sailors.

maritime code, English considered best in the world, 301.

Marliani, Giovanni Agostino, bishop of Reggio, in favour of English match, 135.

-, between York and Archduchess Claudia, 6.
-, referred back to Spain, 9; Gascoigne to make last attempt and leave if fails, 11.
-, York begins to despair of, 14, 21; negotiations broken by death of the empress, 24, 36.
-, king takes no interest in, many ministers oppose, 23.
-, French not sorry to see broken off, 30; Gascoigne to make representations to emperor about, 39.
-, Peterborough going to Vienna about, 36.
-, York would not purchase by breaking alliance with France, 320.

-, between York and princess of Modena, 156.

Peterborough ordered to Modena to negotiate, 83; Spaniards exclaim about, of French contriving, 85.

Madame de Deffans to inform Grand Duke of reasons for, 90.

Charles urges, 91; reported settled, 94; Dangeau sent to Modena about, 95; Charles grants facilities for, 98.

Peterborough expected in Italy about, 99; reported upset by Spaniards, 104; report of, at Rome, 107.

reported broken off, 108; objections of duchess to, 109; Osuna's opinion of, 110.

reported settled, 109; France has no reply about, 117; Louis not pleased at rebuff, 118.

Abbé Dangeau sent to promote, 119; Peterborough helped by Dangeau's representations in favour of, 119; settled, 123.

dealings with Rome about, 125–6, 130–1, 141–2; pope said to have arranged, 138.

objections of mother to, overcome, York rejoices at conclusion, 129; duchess consults theologians and decides on, 131.

preparations in England for celebrating, 129.

celebrations at Modena, 131; nuptials celebrated, 134; account of, 135.

must be approved by parliament, 132; congratulations on, 155.

Venetian congratulations on, 141; ambassadors offer congratulations on, 144.

allowance to Alberti for expenses over, 156, 163–4, 184; Venice not officially informed of, 178.

attacked in Commons, 161, 167; king says too far committed to, 161, 169; Commons petition king to stop, 169, 173.

possible consequences to York after, 169; unpopularity in the city, 174n.

reasons for opposition to, 174, 182; Peterborough and Dangeau not rewarded for share in, 193.

pronounced by bishop of Oxford, 181; papal approval of, 385, 400.

Marseilles [Bouches du Rhone, France], 127n, 134, 480.

marshal, the earl. See Howard, Henry, earl of Norwich.

Marsin, Jean Gaspar Ferdinand, count of, maitre du camp, blamed for failure at Charleroi, 1; Assentar comes to replace, 72n.

Martel, M., French vice admiral:
-, with convoy at Cadiz, 15n.; going to Cadiz, 18; returning from Spain, expected in Channel, 51.
-, to publish paper about Texel battle, 117; sent to Bastille, 154.
-, no news of, after storm, 124, 127.

Martinique, island of, W. Indies, Dutch attack on repulsed, 295n.

Martinozzi, Girolamo, a Roman gentleman, 83n, 109n.

-, -, Margaret wife of (née Mazarini) “the Mancini,” 109n.

-, -, Anne Marie, daughter of, princess of Conti, 109.

-, Laura, daughter of. See under Este.

Marvell, Andrew, satire on king's speech to parliament, 366.

Mary, daughter of Charles I, princess of Orange, claim for portion promised to, 351; died of smallpox, 387.

Mary, daughter of James, duke of York:
-, proposed marriage to prince of Orange, 192, 197, 303, 305, 310, 312, 321, 346; may be removed from father's custody, 212, 229.
-, marriage to Orange reason for breaking French alliance, 215; marriage to be negotiated at leisure, 219, 228; negotiations for increase French misgivings, 225; projects for marriage sleep, 269.
-, next in succession if father excluded, 318; godmother to sister, 347.
-, performs in comedy, 371; Sarotti pays respects to, 422, 425; goes to Windsor, 436; back in London, 455.

Massue, Henri de, marquis of Ruvigny, Rouvigni, Rovigni, Ruvigni, 257, 469.
-, to go to England for occasion of parliament, 173; expected in London, 174.
-, expected to succeed Colbert, 175, 196; arrives, 177, 179.
-, offers subsidy if king will dissolve parliament, 183; stays as envoy extraordinary, 200.
-, satisfied with king's good will but complains of hostility of people, 200; supposed instructions to keep king staunch to alliance, 203.
-, representations to king, prepares memorial for parliament, 211; king allows publication, 214; the memorial, 215.
-, disgusted but not leaving, 211; sees renewal of alliance hopeless, 214.
-, threatens to publish list of those in Dutch pay, and of French pensioners also, 215; says Dutch will not listen to peace, 243.
-, bears out Lockhart's explanations, 217; stricken with amazement, neither acts nor speaks, 219.
-, thinks he can manage English government, 234; dissatisfied with English submissiveness to Spain, 243, 259; fear of parliament acting in favour of Spain, 297.
-, Charles imparts suspicions of Skelton to, 248n; complains of levies allowed to Dutch, 252; anxiety about overtures to Orange, 345.
-, intervenes on behalf of Burnett, 287; will not attend Court comedy, 371.
-, says France does not want separate treaties, 291; Charles speaks to, about, 297.
-, insists on demanding Furstemberg's release, 299; has news of Turenne's victory, 342.
-, stops complaint about French corsair, 308.
-, reports willingness to facilitate peace, 343; against holding congress in London, 360.
-, Arlington with every day, 345, 347; ministers in pay of, 346.
-, opinion on Spanish attitude, 356; opinion about place for congress, 365.
-, speaks of mediation, 366; on policy with Dutch and peace prospects, 383.
-, Berkeley gives banquet to, 377.
-, king's reply to representations against assembling parliament, 392n; presses him to dismiss, 397n; rejoices at prorogation, 424, 426; applauded for issue, 425.
-, reports commotion among parliamentarians, 396; fears Commons may force war, 407, 410.
-, frequent conferences with king, 403; offers king support against parliament, 404.
-, tightens up negotiations with Court, 410; sees fresh storm brewing, 411.
-, calls on Sarotti, 425; says Spain does not desire peace, 426.
-, version of flag incident, 428; demands release of French ship, 428–9.
-, easy relations with Ronquillo, 435; loses no opportunity of cultivating king and ministers, 437.
-, long conferences with Spaar, 435; conferences with other foreign ministers, 440.
-, courier reaches, 439, 441; warns Charles against peace proposals of allies, 440.
-, urges further prorogation of parliament, 452; says parliament will not be fomented by foreign ministers, 468.
-, says king will not yield about Furstenberg, 456; complains of Spain obstructing peace, 460.
-, explains Austrian's objection to Nijmegen for congress, 465; says France not soliciting peace, 470.
-, Ronquillo asked for passport for secretary, 466; not at Ronquillo's banquet, 477.
-, report, on parliament and king's attitude, 479; tries to prevent parliament vote to recall troops in France, 488.
-, growing reputation of, 479; Luzancy in service of, 486.
-, states conditions for.French issue of passports, 482; says will do without Spanish, 484.
-, asks about Venetian minister for congress, 496; says ministers may go to congress by ship, 497.

-, Henri de, de Ruvigny, the son:

French envoy to England, 459; mission connected with congress, 461.

later earl of Galway, 459n.

Masters, Sir Edward, M.P., report about corruption in House, 215n.

Mastrich. See Maastricht.

match, laded at Venice for Amsterdam, 213.

Matfelt, Franz, Hamburg deputy to London, 2.

Maximilian Henry of Bavaria, archbishop elector of Cologne, 244n.
-, accepted mediation of England, 244; will need to seek adjustment, 245.

Mayence. See Mainz.

Maynard, William, lord, lord Menars, comptroller of the Household, 242.

Mazarini, Giulio, Cardinal, 83n, 109n.

-, -, Laura, sister of, 109n.

-, Margarita, cousin of the cardinal, 83n.

medal, struck at Amsterdam against France and England, 194.

Medelin. See Mödling.

mediation, 301, 369.
-, Spaar's efforts for, 243, 245, 257; difficulties over increase, 252; nothing more said about, 254; hopes of vanishing, 281.
-, efforts still made for, but with scant success, 282; France only wants that of England and Sweden, 283; little hope of progress with, 285.
-, Gremonville's opinion about, 292; Charles trying to keep together, 297.
-, emperor's conditional acceptance of, 292.
-, fear that disorder of allies may interfere with, 297; Spaniards and Dutch listening to projects of, 299; Spanish attitude to, 335.
-, Sarotti to report on, 408.

-, by England, 325, 369.

French attitude to, 235; likely to be left to, 240; French ready to open negotiations for, 285.

Lockhart suggests that the only possible, 240; argues that armistice must precede, 245; king took great pains to start, 249.

hoped to perform in the autumn, 246; indifference about, 247; put off until the winter, 264.

Godolphin offers to Spain, 248; he presses offer, 256; awaits reply, 260.

Spanish dilemma over, 251; their suspicion of, 248–9, 259, 263.

king does not despair of having but procedure leisurely, 250; report of Spanish acceptance untrue, 256.

king offers to emperor, reply, 260; distrust of, 276, 288.

ministers question king's policy about, 275; considered at an end, 277.

only way to restore prestige, 277; ministers will do everything to get, 277–8, 308.

hope of vanishing, 288.

Dutch urged to accept, 278–9; Dutch delay in accepting, 284; allies will only accept from necessity, 288.

Spain unlikely to accept, 301; emperor and Spain accept, 319, 322; suspect to Spaniards and allies, 488, 493.

Lockhart's views about, 314.

accepted with tacit consent of France, 462.

London waiting to hear from Denmark and Brandenburg about, 479; accepted by Sweden and Denmark, 492.

-, by the pope, 235, 240, 252, 260, 276–7, 280, 292, 355, 428, 430, 485.

offer of, 252, 260; Spain favours, 248; emperor would favour, 260; accepted by him, 277.

French attitude to, 276, 360; objections to, 279, 286; preferred by Spain, 288.

considered too weak for, 279; insistence upon, 322.

accepted by France, 340; English references to, 395.

-, by Sweden, 241, 252, 269, 279, 292, 400.

cannot be transferred from, 202.

likely to be left to, with England, 240; associated with England, 241.

distrust of, considered at an end, 277; allies will only accept from necessity, 288.

Dutch urged to accept, 279; efforts to be included with England in, 285.

objections to, 292, 301; will be continued without opposition, 319.

-, by Venice, 260, 277, 280, 285, 292, 442, 456, 485.

the only neutral possible for, 124, 144, 163, 194

Senate desires information about, 178; Senate's attitude towards, 280; Spaar asks about, Alberti's reply, 288.

favoured by Spain, 248, 288, 366, 370; emperor would favour, 260; urged to undertake, 277.

considered too weak, 279; still spoken of, 286.

Bergeik's opinion of, 346; Louis accepts, 366.

accepted by emperor, 400; and Spain, 425, 430–1, 450; Dutch favour, 425–6.

England would prefer to do without, 428, 435; ministers profess appreciation of, 468.

affected by incident in Adriatic, 453.

inquiry about appointment of minister, 454, 469; desired by majority, 488.

Medici, Cosimo III de', grand duke of Tuscany:
-, Magalotti a favourite of, 10; efforts to promote silk trade, 78, 80; proposed action, to meet English prohibition of silk, 84.
-, Madame de Deffans to inform of reasons for Modena match, 90.
-, refuses tenth granted by corsairs, 133; ready to concede English claims, 152, 158.
-, entertains Finch, 158; unable to do more for Banckes, 159n.
-, present made by Franceschi to, 159; cannot concede slaves for galleys, 159n.
-, Finch discusses trade matters, 160, 171n; plan for relief of Art of silk, 172.
-, excellent relations with Charles, 171.

-, Prince Francesco de', receives Finch, 152.

Mediterranean Sea:
-, Western powers use convoys in, 84; Charles advised to keep fleet in, to enforce his rights, 139; Alberti alludes to trade to, 230; navigation interrupted during Dutch war, 272.
-, expedition fitting out for, 300; more ships sent to, 411.

Mediterranean, merchantman, taken by a corsair, 133; Grand Duke ready to recognise claims about, 152; complications over, 158; efforts to satisfy Finch about, 171.

Melo, Francesco de, Portuguese ambassador in England:
-, concerned about arrest of Alberti's chaplain, 287, 333; to be deprived of chapel, 357; Catholics frequent chapel of, 387, 396.
-, Sarotti visits, 422, 425.
-, suggested as ambassador to France, 441n; appointed chamberlain to the queen, 443.

Memmo, Bernardo, Savio alla Mercanzia, 8, 80.

Menars. See Maynard, William, lord.

Mendoza, Don Antonio de, marquis de Villagarcia, Spanish ambassador at Genoa, relations with Finch, 107.

merchantmen. See ships.

merchants, 257, 263.
-, views on Florence silk trade, 160.
-, paid in ready money at Venice, 222.
-, relief granted to, at Venice, 258.
-, and glass trade, 272, 295–6.
-, consulage question kept before, 313, 351; and the consulage, 359, 378; opposed to change in Venetian consulage, 332, 334, 354.
-, distressed by shipwrecks, 317.
-, purchase of goods from Dutch prizes, 441; get contract cancelled, 442.
-, payment to Levant Co., for trading, 461.
-, money from for ransoming slaves, 480.

-, Dutch, move about consulage, at Venice, 36.

-, English:

compensated for ships burned in Elbe, 2; hope for restoration of privileges at Archangel, 32.

ask observance of act about salt fish, 4; present petition about consulage, 15; opposed to change in consulage, 45–6, 82, 226, 253, 298, 332; memorials of, 45–6.

at Cadiz, advise against seizure of Hamburger, 74n; at Genoa, 145n.

complaint of treatment by Venice, 92; relief at expectation of convoy, 137.

at Zante, 136; trade at Zante, in currants, 184.

clamour against war with Spain, 137; informed of claim against Ostenders, 379.

not ill treated in Venetian dominions, 184; Alberti drops hint about trade, 230.

attend Finch's entry at Constantinople, 247; refuse money to ransom slaves, 304.

declare Venetian trade considerable and advantageous, 250; dissatisfaction with trade notorious, 296.

getting plate glass from France, 272.

consulted about consulage at Venice, 299; consulage question kept before, 313.

need to convince of advantages of trade with Venice, 313; have several houses at Venice, 359.

mostly nonconformist, penal laws may drive away, 375.

increased offer to king for customs, 380.

good treatment at Venice recommended, 427, 436; ordered, 445.

Ronquillo wants forbidden to help Messinese, 427.

grievance of sureties to be found by, in Ionian islands, 444–6, 452, 490.

Signory desires information about, 451.'

regret difficulties with Tripolitans, get order for reinforcements to fleet, 453.

ask facilities for trade in Bologna rope, 496.

-, Flemish, move about consulage at Venice, 36; lading ships at Venice with saltpetre and match, 213.

-, Genoese, Finch demands payment of insurances due by, 95n.

-, names of, Banckes; Coventry, Walter; Duivestein; Eyek, Giusto van; Giffer, John; Hauter, Henry; Joliffe, John; Mordaunt, Henry; Morden, John; Morelli; Moyer, Samuel; Nelthorp, Edward; Pilchinton; Prestard, John; Ravenscroft, George and John; Roberts, Gabriel; Thuroz, Charles; Verdale, Richard; Vernon, Thomas; Vuar.

Merebeck, marquis, accompanied Velasco, 365n.

Meres, Sir Thomas, 431n.
-, chairman of committee for suppressing growth of popery, 393.

Mesia, Antonio Francesco de Tobar y Paz, conde de Molina, Spanish ambassador in France, instructed to conform to articles of peace, 6; predicts a long and universal war, 94.

Mesmes, Jean Antoine de, comte d'Avaux, French ambassador at Venice, 214.
-, offer concerning arming at Venice of Dutch privateer, 213.

Messina, Sicily:
-, news from, 307.
-, desire to submit, 344; Spaniards disturbed by news from, 370.
-, need for Italian powers to move about, 374; Spain said to be raising troops in Venetian territory for, 377.
-, Ronquillo wants help for forbidden, 427; he foretells submission, 434–5.
-, France to withdraw from, 451, 487; French succour for, 457n.

Metternich, Lothair Frederick von, archbishop elector of Mayence, fears violence from the French, 379.

Meuse, river, 276, 304.
-, Sarotti travels by, 382.

Michiel, Francesco, Venetian ambassador in France, 178.
-, despatches to the Senate, 18, 30, 34, 36, 41, 50, 57, 60, 66, 70, 74–5, 78, 86–7, 89, 94–5, 98, 103–4, 106, 108–9, 117, 133, 154, 160, 167, 172, 179.

-, -, Venetian ambassador in Germany, forbidden the Court, 453, 456.

Middelburg, Midelburg [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands], Louis may attack, 50.

Middelton, John lord, governor of Tangier, 286.

Milan [Prov. Milano, Italy], 396, 449.
-, despatches dated at, 95, 99, 110, 120, 124, 134, 143.
-, resident at, choice of new, 44.
-, Dangeau at, 134.
-, state of, French offer advantages to Venice in, 492.

-, governor of. See Tellez, Gaspar, duke of Osuna.

ministers, foreign. See under ambassadors.

-, the king's:

horribly divided, king dissatisfied with, 52; king hopes to balance and rule, 77; king wounded by quarrels of, 106.

disturbances encouraged by, 84; king ill served by, 144.

against persisting with French alliance, 143; try to get king to abandon France and to ruin Arlington, 155.

use of parliamentary machine by, 155; dismissal of the bad must precede supply, 202.

granted a general pardon, 162; Commons demand dismissal of Catholic, 173; Commons call in question, 202.

dissensions among, king mistrusts and mistrust king, 187.

parliament's attempt to control, 206; prestige and tranquillity restored by prorogation, 233.

condemned for engaging in war, 218; king ready to let people vent their wrath on (the Cabal), 220.

cannot commit themselves to another war and unwilling to disoblige France further, 228–9; intent on economy, 236.

king has not the heart to dismiss, 233; attitude to peace, 266–7; fear charge of partiality to France, 267.

all undecided about choice of party, 236; engaged on furtherance of own interests, 238; do not entice king to business, 247.

fear consequences of peace, strive to get mediation, 277–8; exasperated against Orange, 281.

glad of Fresno's going because of parliament, 283; object to pacify parliament and impress need to protect trade against Dutch, 300.

afraid of interfering about Alberti's chaplain, 287, 328; object is to pacify parliament, 300.

advise Spaniards not to be forestalled by Dutch, 297.

policy to support Orange against States General, 306; many favour France, 307.

king's difficulties from failure to control, 309.

panic stricken at Orange's dealings with Louis, 309; hope Arlington will fail in Dutch mission, 315.

a fickle, faithless band of mercenaries, 316; antics of amaze everyone, 319; fear of Shaftesbury, 346, 349.

party leaders mean to blame for violent counsels, 367; king and York ready to satisfy, 368.

king says he will dissolve parliament if attacks, 392n; Commons consider means to prevent illegal exactions by, 471.

Ronquillo enlarges on neglect of business by, 437.

wish to have all the glory of the peace for England, 463; express appreciation of Venetian mediation, 468.

complaints against, in Lords, 481.

mirrors, looking glasses:
-, trade in, 2, 17, 26, 46, 116, 195, 204, 222–3, 295–6.
-, report of Savii alla Mercanzia upon, 7.
-, manufacture of, 38, 116, 222n, 265, 272.

Mocenigo, Alvise, Inquisitor of State, 130, 204.

-, Domenico, Savio alla Mercanzia, 227, 258.

-, Piero, Venetian ambassador at Rome, 163, 273, 385, 400, 416.

despatches to the Senate, 87, 107, 118, 125, 130, 141, 145, 157, 164, 171, 411, 451.

instructions to, 141.

asked to help get dispensation for Modena match, 126; Card. Barberino sees about, 145–6; confers with Card. Cibo, 146–7; returns to Barberino, 147.

negotiations about dispensation, 148–9, 149, 150, 152, 164, 171.

Modena, House of, French desire to control, 110.

Modena, Italy, 118, 129, 132, 143–4, 149, 165, 343.
-, news from, 109, 119, 123.
-, Peterborough sent to, to treat for marriage, 83, 101; he conducts negotiations at, 125; all settled at, 126; marriage celebrated at, 133, 135.
-, proposed envoy to Rome from, 147; present from, 351.
-, promises made at, 362.

-, Cathedral, 135.

-, Corso, 135.

-, Council at, 129.

-, bishop of. See Molza, Ettore.

-, duchess of. See Barberino, Lucretia; Este, Laura of.

-, duke of. See Este, Alfonso IV, Francesco I, Francesco II of.

-, prince of. See Este, Rinaldo of.

-, princess of. See Este, Mary Beatrice of.

-, theologians of, decide in favour of match, 131, 135.

Modiford, Mudiford, Charles, charges Arlington with unlawful detention, 204.

-, Sir Thomas, ex-governor of Jamaica, complaint against Arlington, 204; proposal to send back to Jamaica, 281.

Mödling, Medelin [near Vienna, Austria], despatches dated at, 255, 260.

Mohun, Charles lord, protests against new oath, 401.

Molina, conde de. See Mesia. Antonio Francesco de.

Molza, Ettore, bishop of Modena, 131, 142.
-, asked to return pope's exhortatory brief, 130, 132.
-, will not take part in marriage ceremony, 131.

Monday. See Munday.

-, white metal like silver for making, 123, 195, 254.
-, crowns, 172, 215, 276, 288, 341, 395, 442, 488.
-, doubles, 255, 447.
-, ducats, 35, 39, 45–6, 82, 102, 123, 163, 184, 243, 254, 208, 283, 332–5, 339, 380, 410, 417.
-, ecus, 452n.
-, florins, 351, 383.
-, francs, 105.
-, lire, 225.
-, livres, 17.
-, patacoons, 191, 246.
-, reals, 158–9, 171, 333, 445, 480, 490.
-, rix dollars, 215.
-, thalers, 172.

Monk, Christopher, duke of Albemarle, to command a regiment, 9.

Monmouth. See James, duke of Monmouth.

Mons [Prov. Hainaut, Belgium], 284n.

Monsieur. See Philip, duke of Orleans.

Montagu, Edward, earl of Sandwich, English ambassador in Spain, Godolphin served as secretary, 248.

Montal, M., maitre du camp, at siege of Maastricht, 70.

Montalto, duke of, takes station at Ypres, 124; charges against Monterey, 344.

Montecuculi, Montecucoli, Raimondo, imperial general, refrains from invading France, 191; officers hope for return, 308; may have to defend Palatine, 460.

Monterey, conde de. See Haro, Juan Domingo Mendez de.

Montesarchio, prince of. See Davalos, Andres.

Montmorency Bouteville, Henri François de, due de Luxembourg, Dutch terrified by successes of, 5.

Moors, ship of, 360.

Mordaunt, Mordent, Henry, earl of Peterborough, Paderboro, Pederboru, Piterbero, Peterborough, to command a regiment, 9, 11.
-, destined ambassador to Vienna, 11; to start at once, 17; waiting for Gascoigne's replies, 21, 23; starts for Vienna, 30; ordered to negotiate in France, 32.
-, arrives at Paris, awaiting instructions, 36; recalled, 59; sends courier from Cologne, 71.
-, Spaniards said to have induced to break off Neuburg negotiations, 73; ordered to Modena to treat for marriage, 83, 98; expected in Italy, 99.
-, York impatient to hear from, 101; recalled to France, 104.
-, Dodington secretary of, 102; York to marry by eyes of, 124.
-, arranges Modena match, 109; news from awaited, 115.
-, lavish expenditure for ceremony, 123; assurances about religious liberty for bride, 125, 131, 362; insists on immediate decision, 135, 165.
-, to arrange ceremony of nuptials, 129; part of in nuptials, 135, 166.
-, astonished at difficulties raised by Rome, 130; objects to wording of brief, 132.
-, leads the way on journey to England, 131, 134; departure delayed, 135.
-, offends duke of Parma, 143.
-, Rome requires guarantee of fulfilment of promises, 148–9, 150–2; instructions received by, 165.
-, charged to conduct bride to England, 168; lands at Dover, 181; complains of not being rewarded, 193.

-, Henry, merchant, 46.

-, John viscount, proposes banishment of Catholics from London, 201; share in recall of Shaftesbury, 349; of party against Court, 390.

Morden, John, treasurer of the Levant Co., 46.

Morea, Greece, Dodington cries up currants of, 102, 115; quality inferior, 253, 296.

Morelli, Venetian merchants, cargo of Sta. Giustina directed to, 118.

-, Alvise, merchant, 226.

-, Bartolomeo, letter of, 265.

Morens, a Dutchman, privateer of, in Adriatic, 213.
-, having ships laded with saltpetre and match, 213.

Moresini, Francesco, Savio alla Mercanzia, 8, 44.

Morley, George, bishop of Winchester:
-, opposes motion for excluding Catholic from throne, 221; opposed to toleration of nonconformists, 312.
-, king's letter to, 317n; reply of, 337n; at Lambeth conference, 354; supports enforcement of penal laws, 357.
-, follower of bishop of Salisbury, 358.

Morosini, Giovanni, Zuane, Venetian ambassador in Germany, 163.
-, despatches to the Senate, 6, 24, 39, 59, 70, 255, 260.
-, instructions to, 23, 74.
-, zealous in furthering adjustment, 124.

Mörs, Murs [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire], Louis refuses for congress, 365.

Most Christian king. See Louis XIV.

Moura y Corte Real, Francesco de, marquis of Castel Rodrigo, ex-governor of Flanders, memory of detested, 73.

Moyer, Samuel, merchant, 46.

Mudiford. See Modiford.

Mulgrave, earl of. See Sheffield, John.

Munday, Monday, Capt. Richard, arrives at Kinsale with convoy and prizes, 105.

Munich [Bavaria, German Empire], 355, 364.

Munster [Westphalia, German Empire], 465.
-, false report of capture, 26.

-, bishop of. See Galen, Christopher Bernard von.

Murano, Venice, glass trade of, 115–7, 122, 195, 295; glass worker of, 265; distress among workers, 272.

Murs. See Mörs.

Muscovy, Grande Duke of. See Alexius.