Index: A

Pages 501-507

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 38, 1673-1675. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1947.

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Aardenburg, Andenburg [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands], Louis may attack, 50.

Acuña, Pedro de, marquis of Asentar, Assentar, maitre du camp, Flemings opposed to, 72.

Admiralty, considering base against Tripoli, 408; sending more ships to Mediterranean, 411.

-, Secretary to. See Pepys, Samuel.

Adriatic Sea, the Gulf, 223.
-, alleged attack on English ship in, 207, 213.
-, English ships expected in, 207.
-, Venetian concern for safe navigation of, 208, 213–4; German troops turned back in, 453, 464, 483, 497; offices about, 496.
-, French flout Venetian claim over, 456–7; French offer Venice advantages in, 492.

Africana, merchantman, 96.
-, memorial about, 115.

-, expedition fitting out for, 300.
-, Guinea Co. given monopoly of trade on W. coast, 324.

agents. See under ambassadors.

Ailes. See Hailes.

Aire, Er [Pas de Calais, France], 487.

Aix la Chapelle [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire]:
-, peace of, 6, 266, 434, 453; Spaniards accused of breaking, 65.
-, appointed for peace congress, 36; plenipotentiaries for, 38.

Albemarle, duke of. See Monk, Christopher.

Alberini, Monsignor Pietro, appointed nuncio to Spain, 465.

Alberti, Girolamo, Venetian Secretary in England, 136, 388, 405, 414.
-, despatches to the Senate, 1, 3–5, 8–11, 13–4, 16–7, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26–9, 31–5, 37–8, 40, 42–3, 47, 49–55, 57, 59, 64, 67–8, 70, 73, 75–6, 79, 83, 85, 90, 92, 96, 101, 105, 114–5, 121, 124, 127, 129, 137–8, 143–4, 154–5, 161–2, 168–9, 173–4, 176–8, 181–5, 187–8, 190, 192, 194–5, 197–200, 202, 204–5, 209, 211, 214–6, 218–9, 221, 227, 229, 232–3, 235, 238, 241–2, 245–6, 249, 252–4, 256, 258, 261–2, 264, 266, 268, 270, 272, 274, 276, 278, 281–2, 284–5, 287, 290, 294–6, 299, 302–3, 305–8. 311, 313, 315, 317, 319, 323, 326–7, 330–1, 336–7, 339, 341–3, 345–8, 350–1, 353, 355, 357, 359, 360, 362, 364, 366, 369, 371, 374–5, 377, 379, 381, 383–4, 386, 388, 390, 392, 394, 397, 399, 401, 403, 406, 409, 412, 415, 419.
-, despatches to the Inquisitors of State, 2, 115, 122, 195.
-, instructions to, 2, 4, 12, 15, 21, 23, 26, 34, 39, 42, 46, 48, 66, 77, 79, 82, 96, 103, 105, 112, 118, 120, 130, 141, 156, 163, 178, 181, 203, 208, 213, 223, 234, 237, 243, 251, 255, 258, 260, 273, 280, 284, 290, 292, 294, 298, 304, 307, 314, 321, 338, 369, 373, 378, 385, 396. 400, 403.
-, letters to, 93, 102, 265.
-, married to Margaret Paston, 38n.
-, 1673:
-,-, and the glass trade, 5, 7, 14, 38, 122, 195; report of Savii alla Mercanzia on proposals of, 7, 8.
-,-, sees Dodington, 11, 18; discusses consulage, 12; speaks to Arlington about trade, 15, 17.
-,-, and consulage, 16, 36, 38, 54–5, 82, 102, 112.
-,-, asks for appointment of a successor, 34; successor chosen, 39; informed about, 48; gratitude, 55.
-,-, asks leave to retain priest, expenditure on chapel, 35; keeps chapel open for Catholics, 53; told to be prudent about priests, 66.
-,-, appeals for assistance for travelling, 65; goes with king to fleet, 79.
-,-, to speak to king about Sta. Giustina affair, 79; Charles and York speak to about 92, 108; sees Arlington and king about, 101–2; information given by, 113–5; hopes to settle matter, 129; office of, 138–9; memorial upon, 140.
-,-, spoken to about Amity, 111; instructions about, 113, 156–7.
-,-, to impress king with regard of Signory for the English, 120–1; dealings with Arlington about Sta. Giustina, 138–40, 145, 181, 184, 195.
-,-, reports offer of new metal for coins, like silver, 123, 195.
-,-, laments calls on his purse, 129; asks for relief, 156; relief voted, 163, 184.
-,-, offers congratulations on Modena match, 144; avoids committing himself with duchess, 195.
-,-, consideration of expenses promised to, 156.
-, 1674:
-,-, and the consulage question, 226, 242–4, 260, 263, 313, 321, 329, 338–9; drops hint about trade restrictions to York and to Higgons, 230; Higgons sees before leaving, 250.
-,-, nothing said to about Concord, 230, 233, 242; speaks to Higgons about the Sta. Giustina, 243.
-,-, to promote currant trade, 244, 285; speaks to king about trade, 313.
-,-, and the glass trade, 246, 313.
-,-, goes to Newmarket, 246; will follow the Court to country, 257; visits to Windsor, 282, 284.
-,-, efforts on behalf of chaplain arrested, 287–8, 291, 293–4, 306–8, 314, 325, 327–9.
-,-, asked republic's opinion about mediation, reply, 288.
-,-, meets leader of Presbyterians, 311; admitted to conversations with non-conformists, 327.
-, 1675:
-,-, efforts about, consulage, 331–2, 343, 347, 351, 354, 359, 366, 371, 420; memorial upon, 333–4.
-,-, efforts for chaplain, 333, 343, 354, 359, 420; Catholics frequent chapel of, 387.
-,-, ill, 343; compliments queen, 369; attends comedy, 371.
-,-, chapel due to generosity of, 396, 420; cost of chapel to, 417.
-,-, York speaks to about base against Tripoli, 408; reply approved, 418.
-,-, still in London, 408; reviews his services, 420; king commends, 422; state appreciation communicated to, 427; notified that employment and salary ended, 433.
-,-, detained in London by financial difficulties, 420, 442.
-,-, asked for particulars about trade, 451, 458; response, 461.

-, -, Margaret, wife of, 38n, 91n; expecting a second child, 420.

-, -, father and uncle of, 421.

-, -, chaplain of. See Burnett, Alexander.

Albrizio, Albrici, Mario, papal nuncio at Vienna:
-, Charles complains of partiality shown by, 144; promoted cardinal, 411; emperor said to have confided Furstenberg to, 377.

Alburquerque, duke of. See Fernandez de la Cueva, Francisco.

ale, duty on, 222.

Aleppo, Syria:
-, Sta. Giustina laded at, 140; Senate inquires about trade with, 451; Levant Co. pays consul at, 461; exports to, 461.

-, English consul at. See Lannoy.

-, Venetian consul at. See Bembo, Marco.

Alexandretta, Scanderoon, 71.
-, Sta. Giustina sailed from, 60, 63, 79, 93.

-, English vice-consul at. See Broughton, George.

Alexandria, Egypt, Levant Co. trade at, 461.

Alexius, Grand Duke of Muscovy:
-, sends to ask help against the Turk, 32.
-, withdrew privileges of English merchants after beheading of Charles I, 32.

Algiers, N. Africa:
-, Narborough's expedition to, 300n.; change in squadron for, 326.
-, demand for ransom of slaves, 304; reply to king's letter, 337.
-, slaves at, ransomed, 360, 480; peace with ratified, 480.
-, ships of, in Channel, 453.

alien duties:
-, bill for taking off, 54; approved in Venice, 66; restored after war, 255, 263, 359.

aliens, foreigners:
-, protection of, from laws against Catholics, 229; disabilities in selling, 263; plan to encourage settlement of, 310; breaks down, 313.

almoner, the queen's. See Howard, Philip; Maginn, Father Patrick.

Altieri, Pauluzzi, Cardinal, the Cardinal nephew, 151.
-, negotiations with for dispensation for Modena match, 126; wrote to confessor of duchess about match, 131.
-, duchess writes to inform of match, 131; highly incensed, 132, 146; Estrées' representations to, 142; will not listen to Barberino's suggestions, 146.
-, Estrées to settle with about nuncio for France, 134; agrees to Cibo conducting Modena matter, 146–7; dealings with, over dispensation, 148–50; takes matter into own hands, 164.
-, embarrassed by affairs through pope's illness, 157.
-, cardinals promoted not those most desired by, 412; wants help of Cardinal of Norfolk for reconciliation with France, 457–8.

ambassadors, agents, envoys, foreign ministers, papal nuncios, plenipotentiaries, residents, secretaries:
-, ask leave to retain their priests, 35; have to keep them at the embassies, 37, 43.
-, offer congratulations on Modena match, 144; congratulations on birth of York's daughter, 346, 369.
-, chapels of attended by Catholics, 174; cannot be prevented from having what chaplains they choose, 229; no chapel would be open to Catholics without, 303.
-, presents to, 283; king wishes to maintain privileges of, 288; cannot protect traitors, 293; people prone to mortify, 306.
-, expected to obtain pardon for Burnett, 328; proposed notice to, to dismiss British subjects from chapels, 354.
-, compliment queen, 369; condole with York on death of daughter, 464.
-, splendour of, in England, 396; Ronquillo entertains in honour of king's majority, 477.
-, go to Windsor, quarters assigned to, 436; refrain from troubling king, 438.

-, names of:

Brandenburg to England. See Schwerin, baron a.

Cologne to England, 425.

Danish, in England. See Gjoe, Martin Falksen.

Danish, at the Hague. See Klingenburg, Paul.

Dutch, to the emperor. See Waldeek, George Frederick, count of.

Dutch, in England, 251–2, 257, 259. See also Beuningen, Conrad van; Haren van; Nassau, William Adrian of, heer van Odijk; Reede tot Renswoude, Frederick baron van, heer van de Lier.

Dutch, at Brussels. See Beuningen, Conrad van; Sasburgh, Thomas.

Dutch, in Spain. See Paets, Adrian.

English, to the peace congress. See Berkeley, John baron; Jenkins, Sir Lionel; Spencer, Robert, earl of Sunderland; Temple, Sir William; Williamson, Sir Joseph.

English, to the emperor. See Gascoigne, Sir Bernard; Mordaunt, Henry, earl of Peterborough; Skelton, Capt. Bevill.

English, to Flanders. See Porter, Major Thomas.

English, at Florence. See Finch, Sir John.

English in France. See Berkeley, John baron; Leighton, Sir Ellis; Lockhart, Sir William; Spencer, Robert, earl of Sunderland; Spragge, Sir Edward.

English, at the Hague. See Ashton, Edmund; Bennet, Henry, earl of Arlington; Butler, Thomas, earl of Orrery; Osborne, Edward, lord Latimer; Skelton, Capt. Bevill; Sylvius, Sir Gabriel; Temple, Sir William.

English, to Modena. See Mordaunt, Henry, earl of Peterborough.

English, at the Porte. See Finch, Heneage, earl of Winchelsea; Finch, Sir John.

English to Savoy. See Grenville, Bernard.

English, in Spain. See Godolphin, Sir William; Montagu, Edward, earl of Sandwich.

English, at Venice. See Bellasis, Thomas, viscount Falconbridge; Dodington, John,; Higgons, Sir Thomas.

Flanders, to England. See Barbancon, prince of; Bergeik, baron; Salinas, Bernardo de; Velasco, Francesco Marco de.

Flanders, at the Hague. See Caprara, Count Alberto.

French, in Bavaria. See Haye Vantelet, Denis de la; Hopital, François, Marie de l', duc de Vitry.

French, to Cologne. See Barillon, Paul; Court in, Honoré; Furstenberg, William, prince of.

French, in England. See Colbert, Charles, de Croissy; Gramont, M. de; Massue, Henri de, marquis Ruvigny; Massue, Henri de, the younger.

French, to Modena. See Courcillon, Philip de, marquis of Dangeau.

French, at Rome. See Courcillon, Louis de, abbé Dangeau; Estrées, Francis Hannibal II, due d'.

French, in Spain. See Villars, Pierre, marquis of.

French, at Venice. See Mesmes, Jean Antoine de, comte d'Avaux.

French, at Vienna. See Bretel, Jacques, chevalier de Gremonville.

Genoa, to England. See Salvago, Bernardo.

Hamburg, to England. See Gariners, Vincent; Matfelt, Franz.

imperial, at the Hague and Brussels. See Lisola, Francis Paul, freiherr von.

imperial, in Spain. See Harrach, Ferdinand, count of.

imperial, at Venice. See Federici, Domenico.

Mainz, in England, 202. See also Schonborn, baron de.

Mantua, to England. See Crivelli, Count.

Mantua, in Spain. See Sannazzaro, Count Alessandro.

Modena, in France. See Rizzini, Gaspar.

Neuburg, in England. See Stanfast, J.

Elector Palatine, to England. See Spanheim, Ezechiel von.

papal nuncio, at Brussels. See Falconieri, Ottavio.

papal nuncio, to the congress. See Guinigi, Bernardino.

papal nuncio, with the emperor. See Albrizio, Mario; Bevilaqua, A.

papal nuncio, in France. See Nerli, Francesco; Spada, Fabrizio.

papal nuncio, in Spain. See Alberini, Pietro; Marescotti, Galeazzo.

papal nuncio, at Venice. See Varese, Pompeo.

Portugal, in England. See Melo, Francesco de; Sa e Menezes, Joao Rodriguez de, count of Peneguiao.

Russia, to England. See Vinius, Andrei.

Savoy, to England. See St. Maurice, count of.

Spain, to the congress. See Ronquillo, Pedro.

Spain, in England. See Jovar Velasco, Pedro Fernandez de, marquis del Fresno; Ronquillo, Pedro.

Spain, in France. See Mesia, Antonio Francesco, de Tobar y Paz, conde de Molina.

Spain, at Genoa. See Mendoza Antonio, marquis de Villagarcia.

Spain, in Germany. See Spinola, Doria, marquis de los Balbases.

Spain, at the Hague. See Lira, Manuel Francesco de.

Spain, in Poland. See Ronquillo, Pedro.

Spain, at Venice. See Teves y Cordoba, Gaspar de, marquis de la Fuente.

Strasburg, to England. See Breget; Ducker.

Sweden, in England. See Horn, Count Gustave; Leyonberg, John Barkman; Spaar, Peter, baron.

Sweden, in France. See Konigsmarck, Otto William, count of; Spaar, Peter, baron; Tot, Claes, count of.

Sweden, in Germany. See Oxenstierna, Benedict.

Sweden, at the Hague. See Ehrenstein, E; Silfvercrona, John Philip; Spaar, Peter, baron.

Tuscan (Florence) in England. See Salvetti, Amerigo; Salvetti Antelminelli, Giovanni.

Venetian, to congress. See Nani, Giovanni Battista.

Venetian, in England. See Alberti, Girolamo; Sarotti, Paolo.

Venetian, at Florence. See Corniani, Giovanni Giacomo.

Venetian, in France. See Giustinian, Ascanio; Michiel, Francesco.

Venetian, in Germany. See Michiel, Francesco; Morosini, Giovanni.

Venetian, at Milan. See Sarotti, Paolo.

Venetian, at the Porte. See Ballarino, Giovanni Battista; Quirini, Giacomo.

Venetian, at Rome. See Mocenigo, Piero.

Venetian, in Spain. See Rudio, Tomaso; Zeno, Girolamo.

Ambrogiana villa [Prov. Firenze, Italy], 172.

-, forty ships coming from, 114.
-, negro slaves in, 230; sentences of transporation to, 359.
-, stores for, 321; negroes, gold and ivory conveyed to, 324.

Amity, Amicitia, merchantman:
-, affair at Zante, 103, 107, 139, 163, 184; king's letter about 111.
-, Venetian steps about 112–3; and letter to Charles, 114; Valier's account of, 136, 156.

Ampringen, Gaspar van, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 24.

Amsterdam [Prov. N. Holland, Netherlands], 280.
-, news from, 105.
-, currant trade at, 123.
-, medal struck at against France and England, 194.
-, saltpetre and match laded at Venice for, 213.
-, consulted about Guelders offer, 370.
-, trading company of, 104.
-, burgomaster of, reply to Charles work of, 199.

Amtoncourt. See Hampton Court.

Ancio, Angio. See Courcillon, Philip de, marquis of Dangeau.

Andalusia, Spain, news from, 15.

Andenburg. See Aardenburg.

Anglesey, earl of. See Annesley, Arthur.

Ann and Christopher, fireship, sent to Mediterranean, 411n.; with Narborough, 480.

Anna Maria, daughter of Philip of Orleans, 167.

Annand. Anand. Colonel Thomas, 62.

Anne (Hyde), duchess of York, 197.
-, death showed disorders present in husband, 109.

Anne, daughter of James duke of York:
-, parliament may deprive duke of custody of, 212; lords vote for, 232.
-, godmother to sister, 347; performs in comedy, 371.
-, Sarotti pays respects to, 422, 425;
-, goes to Windsor, 436; back in London, 455.

Anne, royal navy, York goes to Portsmouth in, 431n.

Annesley, Arthur, earl of Anglesey:
-, made lord privy seal by York's favour, 40; advises king to dissolve parliament, 169.
-, commissioners for the peace, 218; opposes motion to exclude Catholics from succession, 221.

Antilles, W. Indies, Ruyter proposes attack on, 295n.

Antwerp [Prow Antwerp, Belgium], 73.
-, placarts issued at, against France, 154n.

apprentices, London:
-, insult coach of Lady Cleveland, 138; burn pope in effigy, 174.

Apulia, Italy, Venice stops emperor sending troops to, 457.

Aragon y Borja, Don Carlos de, duke of Villahermosa, Villa Ermosa, general of Spanish horse, charges against Monterey, 344.

-, -, governor of the Spanish Netherlands, 364.

to let Orange command army in Flanders, 345, 352.

means to cultivate best understanding with England, 365; letters with Velasco, 369.

poor opinion of ability, 365; announces coming of Ronquillo, 394.

asked to restore captured ships, 379; upholds sentence, 386–7.

complaint to about flag incident, 386; wished diversion for French, 435.

Temple to ask for passport for Spaar, 409; cannot grant in form requested, 482; ready to give passports for French ministers, 497.

Aranjuez [Prov. Madrid, Spain], 252.

Arbis. See Harby.

Archangel, Russia, merchants hope for restoration of privileges at, 32.

Archimedes, reference of Finch to, 198.

Aremberg, Isabel of, wife of Ulric, prince of Wurtemburg, 118n.

Arimberti, Father, S.J., confessor to the duchess of Modena, 110.

-, -, against York-Modena. match, 119.

aristocracy, English pride in, 182.

Arlington, earl of. See Bennet, Henry.

Arman. See Harman.

Armenians, proposed place of worship for, at Leghorn. 160.

Arminian faction, reviving in Holland, 8.

-, fresh levies raised, 2; troops mustered for meeting of parliament, 9.
-, king raises eight new regiments, 9; no lack of money for levies, talk of new cavalry regiment, 23; cavalry bodyguard for York, 67.
-, king sends 80 companies to fleet, to avoid test, 37; numbers in fleet indicate a landing, 42.
-, troops in France, Monmouth goes to take command of, 41.
-, moving to embark on fleet, 53 4; proposed force for landing, 58; horse to be ready, 59.
-, troops for landing, 07; ten regiments ready and inspected, 71; 2000 put on board fleet rest remain idle in camp, 72; king orders troops to embark, 75.
-, troops encamped at Blackheath, 78–9; king inspects, 79.
-, guards still in France, 87; 2000 for France tinder Monmouth, 122, 124, 128.
-, embark on fleet under Schomberg's command, 89; French think Charles means to remove English captains from command of, 90.
-, troops at Yarmouth to be ready to move, 90; go into quarters, 115, 120.
-, 4000 mustered for France, 137; king allows to go, 144; land in France, 168; disaster to, 180.
-, ministers do not encourage king to make vise of, 144; king suspected of intention to suppress liberty with, 219.
-, Commons ask for disbanding of fresh levies, 173; king listens to proposals for disbanding, 177.
-, arrangement about recall from France, 214, 210; few and ranks much thinned, 215; recruits for, 240, 248.
-, king to disband all troops raised since 1663, 216; Commons petition for, 219.
-, king announces reduction of, 220; Commons voted reduction, 232.
-, king will not recall troops from France, 241, 301; Fresno complains about, 242; question of recall, 251.
-, companies at Wesel, suspicion about, 248; losses at Enzheim, 302n.
-, troops sent to Scotland, 278; king exercising troops in attack and defence of a fort, 286.
-, Osborne succeeds in paying, 291; York aware little trust to be placed in, 353.
-, guards restore order in London, 447, 449; Charles first to have about his person, 449, 450.

Arnauld, Simon, seigneur de Pomponne, Pompona, French minister of foreign affairs:
-, writes to Estrées about dispensation, 171; Lockhart has numerous conferences with, 212, 237, 240; confers with, about mediation, 314; remarks on mediation, 319.
-, waiting to see turn things will take in England, 483; thinks no reason for apprehension, 484.

Arnheim, Doremonda [Prov. Gelderland, Netherlands], 451.

Arton, William, suspected Dutch spy, 20.
-, arrested, 11.

Arundel, earl of. See Howard, Henry Frederick.

Aschaffenburg [Franconia, German Empire], 373, 379.

Ashton, [Edmund]:
-, sent to congratulate Orange on recovery, 389; returns to report, 400.

Assentar, Conde d'. See Acuña, Pedro, marquis of Asentar.

Assistance, royal navy:
-, arrives at Kinsale with convoy and prizes, 105n; with Narborough, 480.

Attorney General. See Finch, Sir Heneage.

Aubusson, Francois d', vicomte de la Feuillade, marshal of France, duke of la Fogliada, at siege of Maastricht, 70.

Audenarde, Oudenarde [Prov. E. Flanders, Belgium]:
-, allies besiege, 294; Condé goes to relieve, 296.

Augsburg [Bavaria, German Empire], 369, 373.
-, despatches dated at, 364, 368.

Auguns. See Higgons.

Austria, House of, 108.
-, piety of, 234.

-, offended by Venetian action in Adriatic, 464.
-, reasons for objection to Nijmegen for congress, 465, 485; England cannot force peace on, 470; Swedish reverses will make less inclined to peace, 477.

Avaux, comte d'. See Mesmes, Jean Antoine de.