Index: T

Pages 429-432

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 37, 1671-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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Taback Raiz, Musulaga, at Algiers:
-, takes refuge on English flagship, 118.

Taffilet, king of, Tafilet. See Muley Reshid Sherif.

Tangier, Tanger, N. Africa, 330.
-, English attach great importance to, 56; a charge upon the king, 62.
-, negotiations with Taffilet for sake of, 71; Taffilet appears near, with large force, 103.
-, proposal to keep galleys at, 89.
-, reported out of danger, 108; Gayland supplied with munitions from, 322.

-, governor of. See Middleton, John, earl of.

tapestry: showing Dutch raid on Chatham, 116.

Taranto, prince of. See Tremouille, Henri de la.

taverns, duty on, 2.

-, debates in Commons upon, 1, 2, 15; of incomes and salaries, 8.
-, proposals of commissioners for, 8; 105 new taxes voted, 15; new duties on spirits, coal and wheat, 40.

-, See also aliens' duty; beer; benevolence; coal; customs; hearths; interest; land; salaries; shops; spirits; sugar; taverns; tobacco; wine.

Tellez, Gaspar, duke of Ossuna, called to Council at Madrid, 199.

Temple, Dorothy, lady Temple, yacht Merlin went to fetch, 104n.

-, Sir William, English resident at Brussels, 14, 104.

decision not to send back to Holland, 80, 91; Cobert's opinion about, 80.

Terceiras, Azores:
-, confinement of Alfonso at, 115.

Terestein, Corneille, sieur de Halwin, Dutch envoy for peace:
-, lands at Margate, 229; king did not see, sent to Hampton Court, 230; Clifford and Arlington confer with, 237.
-, says only to learn king's demands, 244; king defrays at Hampton Court, 272.
-, resents being compelled to leave, 272.

Terrible, French navy:
-, Charles goes on board, 214n.

Tetuan, Morocco:
-, Taffilet intends to besiege, 108.

Teves y Cordova, Don Gaspar de, Spanish ambassador at Venice:
-, office in Collegio, 2; and the bread privilege, 53; office on action of England and France, 190.
-, letters to, 2, 3.

Teves, Tello y Guzman, Gaspar de, marquis della Fuente:
-, papers delivered to, 193–4; letter to, 194.

Texel [Prov. N. Holland, Netherlands], 224.
-, ships from bring news, 187; reported loss of Dutch flagship at, 189.
-, York at, waiting for India fleet, 257, 262, 264; Ruyter moves when York leaves, 271.
-, Dutch East Indiamen reach safely, 274; proposed English attack on, 278.

-, England obtains from France, 59.

Thames, River, 141, 223.
-, duke of York arrives in, 96; navy ships being fitted at mouth of, 180.
-, contrary winds might have brought Dutch into, 204; Dutch fleet at mouth of, 216; English not perturbed by Dutch presence in, 217.
-, fleet expected in, 228; fleet must return to, for provisions, 271.
-, Ruyter again appears off, 229.
-, ten E. Indiamen arrive in, 264.
-, 20 ships of fleet ready in, 277; ships brought into, to overawe parliament, 295.

Thetford, baron. See Bennet, Henry, carl of Arlington.

Thompson, Sir William:
-, appointed commissioner of the customs, 108n.

Tidiman, Tudiman, Capt. William, 247n.
-, claim for debt due to, 80, 82–3, 87, 94–5, 110, 120, 130, 243; justice promised to, 248; Dodington thought case of sufficiently elucidated, 254.

Tiger, royal navy:
-, in squadron at the Nore, 219n.; in Mediterranean convoy, 315n.

-, England rich in, 55; Spain imports from England, 59.
-, Levant Co. exports, 58.

Tirlemont, Tillemont [Prov. Brabant, Belgium], 7.

-, duties on, 62.

tokens, private, further use of, forbidden, 265.

Torre, don Diego de la, letters to count of Peñaranda, 191, 193; letter to Marquis della Fuente, 194.

Tot, Claes count of, Swedish ambassador to France:
-, at Brussels, expected at Paris, 296.

Toulouse, archbishop of. See Bonzi, Pierre de.

Tour d'Auvergne, Henri de la, Vicomte de Turenne:
-, Monmouth to serve as volunteer under, 275; will remain on the defensive, 301.
-, reported surprise of Orange, 323.

Tournai [Prov. Hainaut, Belgium]:
-, Buckingham followed king to, 54.

Tovar Velasco, Pedro Fernandez de, marquis del Fresno, Spanish ambassador in England, 262.
-, appointed to succeed Molina, 46; Oñate to take charge until arrival, 47; gives orders for reception in London, 158.
-, Sunderland to await arrival of, 111; leaves for London, 125, 135.
-, has instructions to soothe the king, 125; at Brussels waiting for Dutch deputies, 148, 157; confers with them, 166, 169.
-, will not proceed to London before hearing from Spain, 162; sends to ask yacht for passage, 170.
-, disagrees with Monterey, 169.
-, arrives, presented at Court, receives visits, 171; to make mischief between people and king, 174.
-, says queen will act boldly, but tries to get declaration that England will not break with Spain, 174; York says Oñate and Fonseca gave false notions to, 188.
-, trying to gain the Court through Innsbruck match, 174–5; reports king's friendly disposition to Catholics, 198.
-, many obstacles, but reception friendly, 179; preparing for entry, 197; public entry and audience, 201.
-, agrees that England right to seize opportunity against the Dutch, 190.
-, to offer mediation with Dutch, 193.
-, Arlington informs of English care for Spanish interests, 199; not stirring from London, 205; warns Arlington of danger of war and breaking off of trade, 207.
-, says Spain bound to support Dutch, 202; says Spain can ruin king, 222.
-, unguarded speech of, undermines influence, 222; gives Alberti his opinion on the situation, 237.
-, complains of Dutch sending to France and England without consulting Spain, 245; opinion about Orange, 260, 263; believes him partisan of Spain, 261.
-, says clause introduced for either king to make peace separately, 261; says war alone can give peace, 285.
-, claims to have all instructions for Innsbruck match, jealous of others interfering, 265.
-, says Charles might modify pretensions of Louis, 301; assured of good will to Spain, 308.
-, favours Spain joining in the war, 313; attitude to attack on Charleroi, 328.

trade, commerce:
-, balance of in favour of England, 5; danger of embarking all capital in, 15.
-, foreign articles needed for improvement of, 5.
-, differences between French and Dutch over, 10; Boreel said to have made great offers about, 116.
-, parliament reluctant to burden with taxation, 30.
-, English methods of, by companies, 57; particulars of English, 57–60; English interest in, 69.
-, injury done to English by Dutch, 70; Colbert makes capital of, 88.
-, Charles looks for increase of, by Dutch war, 139, 168; a cause of Dutch hatred for England, 244.
-, will suffer by suspension of exchequer payments, 146; care of government to prevent injury to, 148.
-, value of English, to Venice, 150.
-, Fresno to impress parliament by injury to through breach with Spain, 174; threat to stop Spanish with England, in event of war, 193, 207.
-, injury to through war, 195, 204; Charles believed that Dutch meant to monopolise, 203.
-, king's concern to preserve, during the war, 208.
-, Arlington wants to know what Venice doing about, 220; he suggests treaty with Venice, 238; Alberti to give Arlington note about, 257; Venice ready to consider, 259, 260.
-, English aim at ruining Dutch, 250, 253; perishes through depredations of Zeeland privateers, 274.
-, Alberti collecting information for treaty about, 258; will get particulars of Arlington's plan about, 272; he speaks to him about, 279.
-, revived by arrival of merchantmen at London, 262.
-, Venice hoping for mutual concessions in, 270; question of treaty with Venice, 309, 327.
-, reasons for English success in, 282–3; methods imitated by Dutch, 283.
-, mart expects revival of, 305.

-, See also Africa; Aleppo; Alexandretta; Alexandria; America; Amsterdam; Apulia; Archangel; baizes; Baltic; Barbados; bowels; brandy; Canary Islands; canvas; Cephalonia; China; cinnamon; cloth; companies; Constantinople; copper; Council of Trade; currants; drugs; East India Co.; East Indies; Florida; fruit; Gallipoli; glass; gold; Guinea Co.; Hamburg; Hanse Towns; herrings; Indies; iron; ivory; Jews; lead; Leghorn; Levant; Levant Co.; linen; Lombardy; manufactures; marble; Mediterranean; merchants; mirrors; Morea; Muscovy Co.; New England; oil; Palestine; paper; pepper; pilchards; pitch and tar; potash; puce; ribbons; salmon; salt; salt fish; saltpetre; ships; silk; Smyrna; spices; stockings; sugar; sulphur; textiles; tin; Villefranche; vinegar; Virginia; wheat; wine; wool; Zante.

treasurer, the lord. See Clifford, Thomas, lord.

treasurer of the household. See Clifford, Thomas, lord; Newport, Francis, lord.

Treky, admiral of Algiers squadron at Bougie, 79.

Tremouille, Henri de la, prince of Taranto:
-, garter vacant by death of, 302n.

Trevanion, Trevanian, gentleman usher to York, killed at Solebay, 232.

Treves [German Empire], elector of. See Leyen, Carl Caspar von der.

Trevor, Trevves, Sir John, secretary of state, 203n.
-, Mocenigo's account of, 68.

triple alliance, 86.
-, Molina urges king's duty as author of, 1; Commons consider duty of king to act under, 4.
-, question of emperor entering, 1, 9, 11, 17, 18, 69; emperor asks Charles to introduce him into, 7, 13; reply about, 15.
-, Boreel says pledged to peace, 5; a check on ambition of France, 7; French efforts to break, 113.
-, Spaniards contribute little to, 12; Molina suggests that undesirable to overload with treaties and guarantees, 17.
-, Spaniards distrust England because of attitude to emperor joining, 20; Molina's efforts for inclusion of emperor in, 25.
-, England considered keystone of, 21; England aware of advantage in maintaining, 23; Boreel assured of king's good will to, 39.
-, English government concerned solely with, 49; English policy same as on conclusion of, 85.
-, dissolution possible through internal jealousies, 52.
-, contrary to Clarendon's policy, 65; prestige of Charles as head of, 68–9.
-, Spain cannot promise herself effective aid from, 93; English fear of being drawn into the vortex by, 113.
-, Colbert watching if dispute with Dutch will produce change in, 102.
-, advantages promised to Sweden by continuing in, 106; obligations of England and Sweden under, 328.
-, nature of England's obligation under, 115; dependence of Charles on parliament a guarantee for, 118.
-, Borel urges Charles's obligation to Dutch under, 157; England bound by to resist French attack on Flanders, 169.
-, Spain appeals to, against decision to attack Dutch, 173, 191–3; Spain tries to use Innsbruck match to prop up, 240.
-, Balbases content about duration of, 328.

Triumph, royal navy, captain killed at Solebay, 232.

Tron, Andrea, son of Nicolo:
-, with Mocenigo in England, 73.

Trotti, Lorenzo, papal nuncio at Venice, 53.

Tudiman. See Tidiman.

Tufton, Mr., wounded at Solebay, 232.

Tunis, N. Africa:
-, Allen off, with squadron, 44; Martel commanded squadron against corsairs of, 317n.

Turenne, vicomte de. See Tour d'Auvergne, Henri de la.

Turin [Prov. Turino, Italy]:
-, Finch travelled home by, 51n.

Turkey, Ottoman Porte, 153.
-, English relations with, 71; Harvey instructed to serve Venetian interests in, 72.

Turkey Co. See Levant Co.

Turks, 124:
-, danger of Venetian rupture with, 43; England profited by Venetian war with, 72; Arlington discusses peace with, 86.
-, repulsed at Risano, 43n.
-, England would not keep emperor against because of trade, 69; emperor occupied with, 301.
-, Charles would not allow English ships to serve, 72.
-, captured by the Swallow, taken before the king, 120.
-, Galilee a slave to, 121; Galilee's fight with fleet of, 178.
-, corsairs, peace with, effect on English freights, 293.
-, diversion made by in Poland, 308; war impending with, 318.

Tuscany, Grand Duchess of. See Medici, Vittoria de'.

-, Grand Duke of, appoints consul at Leghorn, 288.

-, -, See also Medici, Cosimo III de'.