Index: J

Pages 384-387

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 37, 1671-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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Jamaica, island of, 56.
-, cultivation of, developed, 60.
-, buccaneers from, attack on Panama, 89.
-, Modiford to answer for deeds at, 136.

-, governor of. See Lynch, Sir Thomas; Modyford, Sir Thomas.

James I, king of Great Britain:
-, Commons control of supply dates from time of, 24; doubled pension of knights of Windsor, 89n.

James, duke of Monmouth, Mommut, natural son of Charles II:
-, Sandys in troop of, 6n.; no special privilege at Court, a knight of the Garter, 64.
-, concerned in murder of Virnill, 40n.
-, Louis makes much of, at Dunkirk, 51, 53; back in England, 52.
-, said to be joining French army, 142; to command troops for France, 156; regiment of getting ready to cross, 165; recruits levied for, 170–1; reported slackness over, 172; regiment still incomplete, 197.
-, preparing to go to France, 184; Colbert urges to cross, 185; regiment leaving, will follow at Easter, 196.
-, gets convoy to protect crossing, 197; arrives at Paris, received by king and queen, 200.
-, hastens to join regiment, 200–1; reaches army, given precedence over guards, 227.
-, joined in embassy with Buckingham and Arlington, 249, 256.
-, returns to London, leaving regiment at Dunkirk, 269; will return after delivery of wife, 271.
-, will join French army as volunteer under Turenne, 275; new drafts sent for regiment, 321; aversion from French service, 326.
-, cannot tear himself away from the Court, 326; leaves in haste for his regiment, 329.

-, duke of York, Hiorch, Jorch, 253.

-, letter to doge commending Mocenigo, 6, 13; present to Grand Duke of Tuscany, 34.
-, distress at loss of wife, 35; condolences offered to, 37, 44, 47, 54.
-, question of titles in writing to Venice, 37, 43, 54, 79.
-, negotiations for re-marriage started at once, 38; marriage projects will always be thwarted, 44; question static, 76.
-, sentiments of, about re-marriage, 38; domestic jealousies over, 41; king watching proceedings narrowly, 44.
-, lost popularity by marriage with Anne Hyde, 44, 114; Mocenigo's account of, 63.
-, Ragny has audience of, 46; Clarendon hoped much from alliance with, 64.
-, leaves London for Windsor, 74; returning to London by sea, 91, 93.
-, grief at death of son, 79; entertains Seignelay, 96.
-, arrives in Thames after stormy voyage, 96.
-, ordered captain of Merlin to insist on salute, 104; rerenewed order for return journey, id.
-, visits Norwich, 110; proposed matches for disapproved, 114.
-, king gives permission to marry at pleasure, 112; king's sentiments about re-marriage changed, 114; king has no jealousy of, 123.
-, returns to London, 115; attends lord mayor's banquet, 120.
-, negotiations preparing for Innsbruck match, 123; portrait of sent to the lady, 132.
-, speaks of equipment of fleet and economy practised, 138; gentlemen volunteer to serve under, 145.
-, death of daughter of, 138.

-, speaks of necessity of humbling Dutch, 145; to put to sea with sixty ships, 156.
-, tells Alberti of punishment of Jennings, 158, 170; further punishment rests with, 158.
-, Spain favours Innsbruck match for, sounds emperor about, 164, 170; importance of marriage because of succession, 168; reports at Madrid about, 198.
-, Gascoigne sent to Vienna about match, 170; Council at Vienna examining the matter, 196; Gascoigne hopeful of success for, 214.
-, Fresno presented to, 171; receives Dutch ambassador, 182.
-, Alberti to urge for orders for good treatment of Venetian subjects, 171, 198.
-, goes to inspect ships, 180, 182; given command of all the naval forces, 181; Rupert may succeed, 201.
-, meets Meerman arriving, offended that did not come on board, 182.
-, king going with, to inspect fleet, 185, 189; goes on board Prince, said to have sailed, 195.
-, speaks of Spanish relations, 188–9.
-, inspects fleet at Chatham, 197, 199; report about sailing, 199; leaves suddenly for fleet, 201.
-, busy in London over equipment of fleet, 201; presence with fleet not needed, 204.
-, Gjöe has audience of, 202; foreign ministers go to fleet to pay respects to, 205, 207.
-, proposed advances to Neuburg for match, 203.
-, king entrusts command of fleet to, to further his plans, 206; pleased with French squadron, 215.
-, with fleet, expecting the French squadron, 207; anchors off Deal, 208; queen goes to Deal to compliment, 212.
-, instructions for putting army in order of battle, 207; nearly surprised by Dutch in Downs, 217.
-, puts to sea to effect junction with French, 212; uses tides to beat up Channel, 213, 215; tries to get weather gauge, 216.
-, receives Alberti on board and shows him round fleet, 215; warned of danger from Dutch fireships, 217.
-, wanted to fight Dutch in Downs, but dissuaded, 217, 219; ordered by king not to expose himself, 218; king moved by danger to, 224.
-, large number of nobility and volunteers serving under, 218.
-, eager to atone for failure in last war, 218; Ruyter surprises in Solebay, 223.
-, sends express to king with news of fleet, 219; the Howards volunteers with, 247; Savile with in Solebay fight, 305.
-, never approved of Dodington's mission, 220; likely to be more favourably disposed to Venice, 221; Alberti to cultivate good will, 222, 234.
-, negotiations for Innsbruck match continue, portrait received, 222; Gascoigne ready to open negotiations for, 226–7; match seems stranded, 227; Gascoigne hopeful about, 252.
-, sends report of battle, 224.
-, accused of urging king to revive Popery, 225; more determined than king about Catholicism, 226; believes his action will force king to declare himself, 226n.
-, king sends Clifford to, with fresh instructions, 228; wished to renew fight, 229; hard pressed in fight, 259.
-, courage and prudence in the fight, 229; exculpates himself from being surprised, 232; annoyed by king's view of case, will not give up command, 233.
-, Vienna replies in generalities about match, 234; Fresno claims to have all the instructions for, 237.
-, queen goes to visit, at fleet, 235; ambitious for some signal action, 244.
-, politic attitude about French behaviour in battle, 235; French relations reason for not yielding command to Rupert, 236.
-, Dutch will always make for, in a fight, 236; not known when will return from fleet, 252.
-, cruising off Meuse, expected to make a landing, 251; at Texel, waiting for India fleet, 257, 264.
-, Charles writes to empress about Innsbruck match for, 252; Peterborough to demand archduchess for, 265, 267; negotiations proceed slowly, 267; difficulties dishearten, 285.
-, hopeful of capturing E. Indiamen in the Ems, 267; lack of success, any other commander would be suspected of treachery, 268; full of courage and skill but thwarted by accidents, 271.
-, off the coast of Norfolk, to water, 269; goes to Bridlington for water, and returns to meet Ruyter, 271.
-, king and ministers ready to meet on return, 274; met at Sheerness, 277.
-, hastens preparations, eager for a victory, 277; king persuades to relinquish the command, 290–1.
-, sends report on fleet to king, 281; conference with and officers of fleet, 285.
-, returns to London, foreign ministers pay respects to, 291; king shows great kindness to and confidence in, 295.
-, king goes with to the fleet, 295; goes with king to Newmarket, 300.
-, marriage articles of, settled at Vienna, 303; marriage believed settled, 306; expecting news, 307.
-, informs Alberti about Orange, 304; Alberti informed of advices about marriage, 307.
-, Spragge reports success against herring busses to, 304; busy sending out convoys, 305–6.
-, country house of, at Culford, 306; question of new marriage for, 321.
-, tells Alberti marriage settled, 309; various reports about match, 317; conclusion expected, 323.
-, promises to urge brother to continue to support France, 318; indignation at attack on Charleroi, 328.
-, proposed marriage makes war with Spain unlikely, 323; distressed at delays over treaty, but trusts brother implicitly, 326; hopes deferred, 327.
-, speaks of naval preparations, 328.
-, daughters of. See Anne; Katharine.
-, secretary of. See Wren, Matthew.
-, son of. See Edgar.

Jennings, Ginings, Ginins, Ginnigs, Yennes, Ezekiel, commander of Alice fireship, killed at Solebay, 232.

-, Sir William, 170.

arrives at Leghorn in Princess, 33n.; conduct at Civita Vecchia, 124–5; expected back, 133.

punishment of, 158.

high-handed treatment of French ship, 158.

Jermyn, Henry, earl of St. Albans:
-, made lord chamberlain of the household, 50; king confers garter on, 231.
-, Court goes to country house of (Rushbrooke), 306.

Jersey, royal navy:
-, in Mediterranean convoy, 315n.

-, proclamation for banishing, 32; oppose appointment of bishop for the Catholics, 246.

-, a Burgundian, in England about appointment of a bishop, 246.

jewels, the crown:
-, attempt to steal, 49; mystery about, 74.

-, merchants reluctant to compete with for salt fish trade, 11; cargo of Falcon, East Indiaman, belonged to, of London, 268, 271.

John, Don, of Austria, natural son of Philip IV:
-, source of difficulty to the regent, 166.

John George II, elector of Saxony:
-, sends complimentary mission to England, 47; installed as knight of the garter, 75.
-, emperor's alliance with, 308n.

Jones, Sir Henry, levying cavalry regiment for France, 116.

Jorch. See James, duke of York.

Juliers [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire], 148.