Index: A

Pages 335-340

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 37, 1671-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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Abreu de Freitas, Gaspar de Habreu, Portuguese resident in England:
-, chapel for Catholics, 76; takes leave, going as minister to Rome, 86.

Acquisgrana. See Aix la Chapelle.

Adelind. See Oatlands.

Adriatic Sea, the Gulf:
-, suggestion to bring produce of to England under Venetian flag, 303.

Adventure, royal navy, in squadron at the Nore, 219n.

act of alliance, between Spain and the Dutch, 140.
-, orders sent to Sunderland about, 142.

Advice, royal navy
-, in action against Algerians, 78.

Aelst, John van, Giovanni Vanost, appeal on behalf of, 209, 253.

-, England holds important fortresses in, 55; English trading with, 57, 71.
-, news from, 322.

agents. See under ambassadors.

Aix la Chapelle Acquisgrana [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire]:
-, treaty of, 3, 173, 179.
-, king's obligations under, 4, 115; Charles only concerned about upholding, 9; English commitments under, 12; England joint guarantor of, 191.
-, question of emperor entering, 13, 15; emperor's interest confined to maintaining, 14.
-, Trevor engaged upon, 68; England served Spain by, 70, 189; Spanish sacrifice at, 192.
-, world convinced of validity of, 117.
-, declaration of war has clause to guarantee observance of, 188.

Albemarle, duke of. See Monk, Christopher and George.

Alberti, Girolamo, Venetian Secretary in England:
-, despatches to the Senate, 1, 5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 16–17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 32, 34, 37–8, 40, 42–3, 45–6, 48, 51, 54, 73–4, 77, 79, 83, 85, 88–90, 92, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106–7, 109, 110, 113–16, 118, 120, 122, 126, 131–2, 135, 137, 140, 142, 145, 147, 156, 165, 168–9, 171, 174, 178, 182, 184, 187, 189, 195, 197, 199, 201–2, 204–7, 212, 215, 217, 219, 221, 223, 225, 228, 232, 235, 237, 243, 245, 250, 252, 255, 257, 260, 263–4, 266, 268, 271–2, 274, 276–7, 279, 281–2, 284, 286, 290, 292, 295–6, 299, 300, 302, 304, 306, 308–9, 313–17, 319–21, 323–6, 328–9.
-, despatch to the Proveditori all' Artigliaria, 163.
-, -, to the Proveditori of the Health Office, 204.
-, instructions to, 9, 23, 39, 48, 79, 86, 92, 100, 103, 110, 133–4, 155, 160, 166, 170, 177, 180, 198, 209, 216, 222, 234, 249, 253, 259, 262, 267, 270, 273, 305, 307, 310, 325, 330.
-, communication with Michiel, 132, 140.
-, communication with Contarini, 146.
-, letter of Hayles to, 298.
-, and Dodington, 16, 37, 42, 97n; Arlington speaks to about treatment of Dodington, 19.
-, takes up question of currant trade, 19–21; Levant Co. approaches about Carob case, 26.
-, Dodington does not want complaint made to, about Gascoigne, 21n.
-, congratulates duchess of York on birth of daughter, 26; mourning for duchess, 37, 54; offers condolences, 54.
-, copy of letter of sent to Five Savii, 33; gives notice to agents of Hayles, 94.
-, deals with questions of titles for York and queen, 43, 54.
-, attends garter ceremony, 54; going into country with other foreign ministers, 108, 110.
-, keeps open chapel for Catholics, 76; commended by Mocenigo, 73.
-, offers condolences at Windsor, on death of Cambridge, 79.
-, Arlington speaks to about currants, 86; prepares to deal with commercial treaty, 148.
-, to complain about Dodington, 86; office upon, 97–8; memorial of about Dodington's behaviour, 99, 100.
-, asks assistance for extraordinary expenses, 92; Senate promises to consider, 100.
-, to find out what Dodington reports and what instructions he receives, 103, 133.
-, to get merchants to take wheat to Levant islands, 110; does so, 120, 133, 146, 158.
-, and claims of Galilee, 121, 133.
-, Dodington answers charges made by, 129; sees Arlington about Dodington's memorials, 141.
-, to pay utmost attention to German politics, 131.
-, forwards letter of Dodington, 141; sees Arlington about Dodington, 146, 148.
-, report about incident at Zante, 152.
-, to complain of Dodington and express desire for good correspondence, 155–6; to inform Arlington and show desire of Venice for good relations, 160–1.
-, Dodington thinks Arlington set him right with, 161n; to cultivate Arlington, 167, 253.
-, inquires about use of fusees for guns, 163; king will not give particulars of ships to, 239.
-, interview with Arlington about Dodington, 175–6; memorial of, on satisfaction given in reply to Dodington's representations, 176–7; tells Arlington about, 237.
-, to cultivate York, 198, 222, 234; visit to neet, 207, 215–7; sees Dutch fleet from Dover, 213.
-, in mourning for French princess, 198; allowance to, for mourning, 209, 210, 225; vote on, 210.
-, informed of Dodington's recall, maintains reserve, 209; warned not to talk about, 220.
-, to support petition for Leonessa, 209; Hailes calls on, 220; asks passport for Leonessa, 238; gets it, 253.
-, back in London, gives king letter from York, 216; hopes for relief, 221.
-, Arlington speaks to about Dodington and commercial treaty, 220; York tells of his disapproval of Dodington, 221.
-, to suggest new minister for Venice, 223; informed of appointment of Higgons, 238; plumes himself on reserve about Dodington, 239.
-, keeps with king and hears of Solebay battle, 224; congratulates York on victory, 232.
-, celebrates king's birthday and restoration, 225; to congratulate Howard on distinction, 262.
-, Arlington suggests commercial treaty to, 238; share of, in proposal, 239; memorial about trade referred to Five Savii, 260.
-, Hailes drops hint to, about vice-consuls, 253; reply about, 258.
-, collecting information for commercial treaty, 258; to assure Arlington of goodwill of republic about, 259.
-, king shows Venetian account of battle of Solebay to, 258; pays respects to York on return, 291.
-, informs Arlington of measures taken about currants, 269; will find out about Arlington's scheme for commercial treaty, 272.
-, to report about duties on goods and to try and get concessions, 270; describes English methods of trading, 282–3.
-, discusses matter of currants with Arlington, 276.
-, deals with Hailes about vice-consuls, 280, 287–9; objections of and answers to, 289, 290.
-, speaks to Arlington about admitting two ships, 283; gets concession, 288.
-, deals with question of consulage, 286, 292, 296–7, 302, 319, 321–2, 329; letter of Hailes to about, 298.
-, suggestion for promoting trade in Venetian glass, 300; left to his discretion, 307; making inquiries, 330.
-, follows Court to Newmarket, 304.
-, to find out attitude to mediation, 307; king criticises Spanish policy to, 320.
-, reassures Falconbridge about supposed slight, 322; instructions to about, 330.
-, discusses trade with Arlington, 327.
-, merchants appeal to about salt fish, 327; Arlington likely to speak to about, 330.

Albon, count of:
-, envoy of duke of Orleans, with condolences, 47.

Alburquerque, Albucherque, duke of. See Fernandez de la Cueva, Francisco.

Aleppo, Syria:
-, trade of Levant Co. at, 58.

Alexandretta, Syria:
-, trade of Levant Co. at, 58.

Alexandria, Egypt:
-, English trade withdrawn from, 58.

Alexius, Grand Duke of Muscovy:
-, withdrew privileges of Muscovy Company, 59; English relations with, 70.

Alfonso VI, king of Portugal, 62, 70.
-, gave Bombay as part of sister's dowry, 56.
-, confinement of, criticised in England, 115.

Algiers, Argier, N. Africa, 78–9.
-, garrison revolts against pasha, 118, 127; Spragge sails away from, 133.
-, governor of, 166.
-, pirates of: fleet serving against, 56; victory over at Bugia, account of, 78–9; Charles speaks of losses of, 80.
-,-, merchants regret Spragge's successes against, 88; report fresh successes over, 102–3.
-,-, gallant fight of Swallow against, 119.
-,-, no peace reported with, 133; Spragge reports peace with, 158; terms of, 166.

Alicante [Prov. Alicante, Spain], 330.

Alice, fireship, royal navy, commander killed at Solebay, 231.

alien's duty, 288.
-, king's modification of, 258; likely to be put on again, 283, 329.

Allen, Alen, Sir Thomas, Vice-Admiral:
-, off Tunis, orders all warships to join him, 44.
-, comptroller and commissioner of the navy, 281.

Ambacht, Hamburgh [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands], 250.

ambassadors, agents, envoys, foreign ministers, papal nuncios, plenipotentiaries, residents, secretaries:
-, entertainment of royalty heavy charges upon, 11; offer condolences on death of duchess of York, 37.
-, privilege of bread for, at Venice, 48, 97.
-, presents to, 48, 50, 73, 216, 311, 317, 324–5.
-, attend garter celebrations at Windsor, 54; congratulate king on return to London, 115.
-, privilege of keeping open chapel, 62.
-, wear mourning for duke of Anjou, 92; offer condolences on death of York's daughter, 138.
-, privilege of wine, reduced by Charles, 92, 97.
-, offer congratulations to queen on birthday, 123.
-, coaches do not attend Melo's entry on first audience, 132.
-, go into mourning for French princess, 186; mourning for duke of Anjou, 317.
-, go to view fleet, 207; go to congratulate York after fight, 228; pay respects to York, 291.
-, follow Court to Newmarket, 304.

-, names of:

Brandenburg, to England. See Crockow, Laurens George de.

Brussels, to England. See Oñate, Marco; Salines, Bernardo de.

Danish, in England. See Gjoe, Marcus Falksen; Lindenow, Christofle.

Dutch, in England. See Beuningen, Conrad van; Boreel, John; Ghemmenich, Paul van; Meerman, Johan; Rhede, heer van; Terestein Corneille, sieur de Halwin; Weede, Everard de, sieur de Dykveldt.

-, to Flanders. See Frederick Magnus, prince of Salm, the Rhinegrave; Ripperda; Schad, Jasper; Vryberghen, Cornelis van; Witt, Cornelis de; Wurtz, Marshal.

-, in France. See Boreel, William; Groot, Henry de; Rumpf, Christian Constantine.

-, in Spain. See Beverningk, Hieronymus.

English, at Brussels. See Southwell, Sir Robert; Temple, Sir William.

-, in Denmark. See Stuart, Charles, duke of Richmond and Lennox.

-, at Florence. See Finch, Sir John.

-, in France. See Butler, Thomas, earl of Ossory; Godolphin, Sidney; Lockhart, Sir William; Montagu, Ralph; Savile, George and Henry; Spencer, Robert, earl of Sunderland; Sylvius, Sir Gabriel.

-, to Germany. See Gascoigne, Sir Bernard; Mordaunt, Henry, earl of Peterborough.

-, at the Hague. See Bennet, Henry, earl of Arlington; Downing, Sir George; Sylvius, Sir Gabriel; Villiers, George, duke of Buckingham.

-, to Morocco. See Howard, Henry.

-, at the Porte. See Finch, Sir John; Harvey, Sir Daniel.

-, in Portugal. See Southwell, Sir Robert.

-, in Spain. See Godolphin, Sir William; Spencer, Robert, earl of Sunderland.

-, in Sweden. See Coventry, Henry; Werden, John.

-, at Venice. See Bellasis, Thomas, viscount Falconbridge; Dodington, John; Higgons, Sir Thomas.

French, to England. See Albon, count of; Colbert, Charles, de Croissy; Colbert, Jean Baptiste, marquis of Seignelay; Crequy, Charles Nicholas de, marquis of Ragny; Guiche, Bernard de la, comte de St. Geran.

-, to Cologne. See Fürstenberg, Wilhelm von.

-, in Germany. See Bretel, Jacques, sieur de Gremonville.

-, at the Hague. See Courtin, Honoré; Massue, Henri de, Marquis de Ruvigny.

-, at Rome. See Estrées, Caesar d', bishop of Laon.

-, in Spain. See Villars, Pierre, marquis de.

-, in Sweden. See Andilly, Arnaud d', seigneur de Pomponne; Brulart, Louis Roger, marquis of Sillery.

-, at Venice. See Prunier, Nicolas, seigneur de St. André.

Hamburg, in England. See Campe.

imperial, in France. See Windisgratz, Count.

-, at the Hague. See Kramprich, John; Lisola, Francis Paul, freiherr von.

Lorraine, to England. See Gerbeville, marquis of.

papal nuncio, at Venice. See Trotti, Lorenzo; Varese.

Portuguese, in England. See Abreu de Freitas, Gaspar; Melo, Francesco de; Menezes, Ruy Tellez de.

Portuguese, at the Hague. See Melo, Francesco de.

Saxon, in England. See Haugwitz, Frederick Adolf de.

Spanish, in England. See Mesia, Antonio Francesco, de Tobar y Paz, conde de Molina; Tovar Velasco, Pedro Fernandez de, marquis del Fresno.

-, in France. See Iturrieta, Michiele de; Mesia, Antonio Francesco, conde de Molina.

-, in Germany. See Spinola, Doria, marquis de los Balbases.

-, at the Hague. See Gamarra, Estevan de; Lira, Manuel Francisco de.

-, in Portugal. See Humanes, count of.

-, at Rome. See Astorgas, marquis of.

-, in Sweden. See Fernan-Nunez, conde de.

-, at Venice. See Teves y Cordova, Gaspar de.

Swedish, in England. See Ehrenstein, E.; Gardie, Gustavus Adolphus de la, count de la Garde; Leyonberg, John Barkman; Spaar, baron Peter.

-, in France. See Gardie, Gustavus Adolphus de la; Tot, Claes, count of.

-, at the Hague. See Ehrenstein, E.; Spaar, baron Peter.

Venetian, in England. See Alberti, Girolamo; Mocenigo, Piero.

-, at Florence. See Corniani, Giovanni Giacomo; Valier, Ottaviano.

-, in France. See Michiel, Francesco; Moresini, Giovanni.

-, in Germany. See Moresini, Giovanni.

-, in Spain. See Contarini, Carlo; Rudio, Tomaso.

Amelton. See Bennet, Henry, earl of Arlington.

America, 126.
-, news from, 106.
-, king takes bond from all ships loading in, 17; England extend ing possessions in, 55; disputes with Spain over settled, 70.
-, England obtains sugar from, 58; trade with free to every English subject, 59; progresses steadily, 60.
-, English dislike of French interest in, 69; Molina reports French aggression in, 109.
-, Spain's attempt at permanent agreement with England about, 81; Spain sending troops and ships to, 96–7.
-, peace with Spaniards in, announced, 112; ratification reported, 119; Molina suggests way to preserve peace in, 135.
-, English ships back from, with report of N.W. passage, 119.
-, Portugal on watch to make conquests in, 256; Charles
-, threatens Spain with diversion in, 328.

Amilton. See Hamilton.

Amsterdam [Prov. N. Holland, Netherlands], 163.
-, news from 204.
-, money for Sweden received on exchange at, 106; shortage of money at, run on the bank, 273.
-, ships sailing for, 133; Leonessa at, 209.
-, Pomponne avoids, 147; Capt. Holland at, 220n.
-, Gascoigne going to, to withdraw property of Florentines, 170.
-, suffers from outbreak of war, 195; proposal to divide trade of between England and France, 250.
-, ship of, seized at Dover, 264.
-, goods from India fleet conveyed to by small boats, 271.
-, interested in cargo of Falcon, 271.
-, burgesses of claim ancient privileges, 274.
-, funds for emperor supplied from, 329.

Anabaptists, 61.

Andalusia, Spain:
-, troops taken from garrisons of, to form army, 82.

Andilly, Arnaud d', seigneur de Pompone, Pompona:
-, mission to Sweden, 80; baggage of seized at Antwerp, for debt, 91.
-, avoids Amsterdam in returning, 147.
-, at conference with English ambassadors, 249.

Andover, co. Hants, 67.

Anjou, duke of. See Louis François, son of Louis XIV; Philip, of Anjou.

Anne, duchess of York, 64, 114.
-, question of writing to Venice, 13; leaning to Catholicism, 34.
-, gives birth to daughter, 23; receives congratulations upon, 26.
-, has epileptic fit, 26; recovered, 28; grave condition of, 34; death, 35; condolences on death, 37, 44, 47, 54; mourning for, 48.
-, question of successor to started at once, 38; Tuscan Court informed of death, 48.
-, James lost popularity by marrying, 44, 114; his family by, 63.
-, all ambition; suggested new style of address for Venice, 221.

-, daughter of the duke of York:

sent to France for her health, 138n.

Anne, royal navy, captain of, killed at Solebay, 231.

Anthony Ulric, duke of Brunswick Wolffenbüttel, duke of Wolfenbuttel:
-, dispute with bishop of Munster, 14.

Antwerp [Prov. Antwerp, Belgium]:
-, news from, 177.
-, baggage of Pomponne seized at, for debt, 91.
-, Monterey confers with Dutch ministers at, 208, 257.
-, Monterey receives Buckingham and Arlington at, 261; they leave for London, 263.
-, Grotius said to have withdrawn to, 264, 266.
-, church of barefooted Carmelites at, 261.

-, disturbances by, 50.

Apulia: cargoes of oil from, 283, 288.

arbitration on the boundaries in Flanders, 90.
-, Charles asks Louis to prolong term of, 5–7; Louis agrees to, 12, 18.
-, accepted by France on one point, 7, 74; limited to three places, 12.
-, little doing about, 75; Baron Spaar expected, to deal with, 80, 106.
-, Dutch and Spain objected to postponement of, 83; England and Sweden unlikely to hasten, 93.
-, Colbert says makes no progress, 88; difficulties which delay, 93.

Archangel, St. Michael, Russia:
-, privileges of English at, withdrawn, 59.

Ardans, M. de, French captain, killed at Solebay, 232.

Argier, royal navy:
-, in Mediterranean convoy, 315n.

Argier. See Algiers.

Argostoli, island of Cephalonia:
-, letter dated at, 31.
-, accident at, in firing a salute, 30–1.

Arlington, earl of. See Bennet, Henry.

Arlon in Luxemburg
-, Monterey has fortresses in, demolished, 7.

Arma, of Bristol:
-, at Leghorn, 330.

Arminian and Socinian faction, in Netherlands, 301.

-, men being enlisted, troops sent to ports, 43, 45.
-, particulars of standing, 56; a charge upon the king, 62.
-, troops being quietly mustered, 111.
-, some of guards said to be going to France, 142; regiment of foot to go to France under Monmouth, 156; regiment getting ready to cross, 165, 185, 196.
-, recruits being levied for Monmouth's regiment, 170; slackness over, objection to serve against Spain, 172.
-, men to be armed in France, 171; regiment still not completed, 196; Monmouth goes from Paris to join, 201.
-, king easily gets recruits for home service, 197; talk of fresh levies, 329.
-, king tightens discipline of guards, 222.
-, Monmouth joins force in France; given precedence there after guards, 227.
-, considerable force mustering at London, 257; French believe to overawe parliament, 295.
-, Monmouth's regiment left at Dunkirk, 269; drafts for, 321, 326; Monmouth goes to join, 329.
-, Rupert's regiment of dragoons, king reviews, 306.

Arundel, earl of. See Howard, Henry.

ashes. See potash.

Ashley, lord. See Cooper, Anthony Ashley.

-, English possessions in, 55.

Astorgas, marquis of, Spanish ambassador at Rome:
-, pushes claim of Father Nithard to red hat, 227n.

Audenarde, Odenarde [Prov. E. Flanders, Belgium]:
-, Dutch make foray towards, 208.

Austria, House of:
-, Charles would welcome marriage tie with, 38, 132; alliance with makes war with Spain unlikely, 323.

-, -, archduke of. See Ferdinand Charles.

Ayscue, Sir George:
-, court martial held by, 158n.