Index: O, P

Pages 396-401

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 36, 1669-1670. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1937.

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Obson. See Hobson.

Ognate. See Oñate.

-, fleet sends to Leghorn for, 216n.

Ollier, Charles François, marquis of Nointel, French ambassador to the Porte:
-, expected at Constantinople, 232; time of his arrival, 232n.

Oñate, Ognate, Don Marco, envoy from Flanders:
-, not left in charge by Molina, 28; Velasco chooses to go to England, 145; likely to bring Velasco's views about alliance, 156.
-, sees king incognito and calls on ministers, 158; has public audience and presents credentials, 197.
-, relations with Mocenigo, 198; says reference for mediation not arrived, 220.
-, van Beuningen cultivates, 233; Molina staying with, 280, 282.

-, -, Ognate, commissioner of finance in Flanders: governor has arrested, 103.

Opdam, Opdan, baron of:
-, mission of, to congratulate Louis, 186, 192; received by king, 205.

Oran, Uram [Algeria]:
-, Moors raise siege of, 121.

Orange, house of, Dutch express regard for, 288; complaints of incivility to, will be heard sympathetically, 291.
-, prince of, See Nassau, William II and III of.
-, princess of. See Mary, daughter of Charles I.

Orleans, duke of. See Philip.
-, duchess of. See Henrietta Anne.
-, dukes of, title used by Venice with, 246.

Ormonde, duke of. See Butler, James.

Orrery, earl of. See Boyle, Roger.

Ossery, earl of. See Butler, Thomas.

Ostend [Prov. W. Flanders, Belgium]: letters to be sent to Spain from, by sea, 118; Velasco sends letters via, 125.

Ottoman Empire. See Turkey.

-, pirates. See Barbary corsairs.

Ottone, Agostino:
-, chosen as consul for Genoa in London, 148; arrives in London, 199.

Ouard, Ovvardi. See Howard.

Oxenstierna, Oxesterne, Count, Swedish minister to Portugal:
-, brings letters for Charles thinks of proceeding to Lisbon, 3; speaks of claims for supplying troops to Flanders, 25.

Oxford: university of, prince of Tuscany goes to see, 53.

Oxford, royal navy. destroyed by fire, 38, 104.


Padavin, —, secretary to the Collegio: 262.

Padua [prov. Padova, Italy]:
-, despatches dated at, 271, 277.
-, John Finch in pay of Venice at, 69n; John Finch studied at, 88.
-, Mocenigo family and government of, 155.
-, Falcombridge to put up at, 205; he goes to, pending official reception, 211; he waives ceremonial at, 222; courtesies offered at, 277, 290.
-, Falcombridge leaving for, 269; he arrives at, 271; his stay at, 272; leaving, 273, 277; he writes to Senate from, 281.
-, district of the Santo, Arundel's house in, 271.
-, Rectors of, instructions to, 269, 290.

Palatine, Elector. See Charles Louis; Frederick V.

-, Prince. See Edward; Rupert.

papal nuncios. See under ambassadors.

papists. See Catholics, English.

Pargiter, Samuel:
-, wants to set up house at Villefranche and be consul there, 138n.

Paris, France, 14, 33, 57, 68, 143, 148, 158, 219, 285, 293, 296.
-, despatches dated at, 19, 29, 32, 34, 40, 46, 52, 55–6, 72, 81, 100, 120, 136, 148, 161, 171, 176, 179, 205–6, 208, 212, 218, 226–7, 235, 242–3, 248, 258, 264, 269, 273, 278, 283, 289, 292, 295, 297, 302, 321.
-, mission of Sidney Godolphin to, 39; Winchelsea at, on way home, 72.
-, hitch over Montagu's entry to, 41, 45; entry arranged, 45.
-, St. Albans returns to, 111; Falcombridge going to, 154, 156; he reaches, 161.
-, commissioners to wind up queen mother's affairs, sent to, 111n; arrive at, 116.
-, Madame leaving, 178; Louis leaves Versailles for, at Madame's death, 218.
-, Turkish envoy leaves, 232n; Buckingham sent to cultivate Court at, 239; interest in Buckingham's transactions at, 281–2.
-, Sautin's case referred to, 265.
-, ambassador sent from, to Stockholm, 276.
-, plan of Lorraine to invade France up to, 284; Windisgratz sent to, to protest about Lorraine, 296.
-, English will not risk another repulse from, 306.

-, places in:

Bastille, Marsilly thrown into, 68n.

Palais Royal, palace of Orleans:

attack on English lords in theatre of, 71.

Val de Grace, Madame's heart deposited at, 226.

-, question of currants discussed in, in time of Charles I, 275.

-, the long:

Palatine's attempt to obtain crown from, 79; mischief caused by members absenting selves from, 149.

-, the restoration:

-, prorogued, a case of necessity, 3; Charles reluctant to have recourse to, 4; king's dependence on, 20.
-, scant hope of receiving help from, because of large previous giants, 20; hold over king by his lack of money, 79.
-, king has to ask for money, which resolved to refuse, 49; hoped to supply money in abundance, 60; would object to appointment of Catholic ambassador, 69; plans of Presbyterians for, 84.
-, Council preparing for meeting of, 72; impossible to foresee what will happen in, 75; mystery about, 79.
-, suspicious of king's motives for calling Scottish parliament, 72–3, 79; petition of cloth workers to, 84.
-, liberty of conscience sure to be discussed in, 85; danger to Agretti from, 106, 127.
-, Venetian interest in, 88; ministers preoccupied with, 90; ministers want to know sense of, before committing selves to alliance, 131.
-, king's action under alliance will depend on, 110; king's use of alliance to get money from, 124, 158.
-, reassembling, king's attention called to, 121; position of, opening of, 123.
-, Arlington fearing attack from, 122; earns scant approval from king, 129.
-, king's speech to, at opening, 124; Guldenlow will not appear at, 126.
-, and union with Scotland, 124, 127, 137, 160, 163, 167, 173.
-, hope for co-operation between houses, 127; dispute revived between, 130–1, 133–4; as bad as ever, 141.
-, question of money most pressing for, 127; but not yet discussed, 128.
-, takes up royal accounts, charges against treasurer, 130, 142; only examines part of accounts, 131; Brouncker banished by, 134.
-, thanks king for enforcing laws against sectaries, 131; Molina expects trouble for king from, 136.
-, pleased at news from Algiers, rejoices at all that redounds to national glory, 131.
-, proceedings closely watched in France, 136; high credit of Buckingham in, 258.
-, king's method of handling to attain his end, 137; king likely to grant long sessions to, 140.
-, proposal to reduce rate of interest, 137; regulates duties and wino and spirits, 141, 144.
-, offers grant of 400,000l., 140–1; offer rejected, 144.
-, proceedings against Orrery, 141–2; field of battle for ministers, 151–2.
-, asks king to prolong sessions, 142; king prorogues, 144, 150.

-, affairs of triple alliance will loom large in, 146; all members required to attend, 149.
-, need to support king over triple alliance, 156, 159; dislike of France, 200.
-, reassembling, prospects favour king, 159; opposition views in, 160.
-, reassembles, king's speech to, 162; king forces to discuss subjects proposed by himself, 164; king's prudence in handling, 172–3, 180.
-, king induces to expunge records of dispute between Houses and gets a liberal supply of money from, 165; king well supplied by, 178.
-, dealing with duties on spirits, 166; bishops among few supporters of lady Ros in, 169.
-, considering dealing with conventicles, 167, 173; passes severe laws against, 169, 202.
-, first instance of divorce by act of, 170n; divorce passed by, 180.
-, greatly stirred over religious question, 174–5; members allowed to return home, 180.
-, king prorogues, 185; king enforcing act of, against nonconformists, 215.
-, sole motive for calling, to get money, 185; king issues writs for re-assembling, 265.
-, Orange hopes to profit from generosity of, 264; French action depends on what happens in, 292.
-, nonconformists abusing liberty granted by, 276; nuncio leaving London because of, 294.
-, Buckingham gets publication of trade agreement with France postponed until meeting of, 278; king preparing matters to lay before, 292.
-, commissioners preparing question of union for, 282.
-, king will communicate wishes about arming ships to, 285; approves arming, 295; good effect of request to, to provide money for, 306.
-, reassembles, king's speech at opening, 295; agrees to pay king's debts and to find money for war, 301; dealing with supply, 305; provision for payment of king's debts, 313.
-, king's declaration in, makes great stir in France, 303; prestige of crown depends on, 310; has an eye on French move, 313.
-, king flatters by prolonging sessions, now solely intent on quiet, 310; king's repeated declarations in, in favour of quiet, 317.
-, payment of debt to Orange, may be reserved for, 318.

-, See also Commons, House of; Lords, House of.

parliament of Scotland:
-, king decides to summon, 72; suspicion of king's motives, 73, 79.
-, Lauderdale to attend, hope of getting money from, 73; impossible to foretell happenings at, 75; mystery about, 79.
-, ministers preoccupied with, 90; news of, awaited, 124.
-, questions of union and sects raised in, 128; will not follow line of English about sectaries, 131.
-, consists mostly of Presbyterians, 131; enacts supremacy of royal authority in spiritual matters, 140.
-, act of, for naturalisation of aliens, 147; Lauderdale brings account of, 160.
-, prorogued until June, 160; deluded about union, 173; coming to an end, final business, 244.

-, duke of. See Farnese, Odardo I.
-, prince of. See Farnese, Pietro.

Paull, Jean, left as chargé d'affaires in Denmark, 271.

peace, between Turkey and Venice, 132.
-, report of, 90; Mocenigo discredits reports of, 109, 111; discourages idea of mediation, 113.
-, suggested by king that Falcombridge should mediate, 113; Arlington speaks about mediation, 113, 117; and York, 117.
-, Falcombridge's mission to forward, 117; Venice announces conclusion, 119, 122; Mocenigo informs Charles of, 129; Charles expresses satisfaction at, 135, 237.
-, Candia surrendered as price of, 126; report of, in London, 128; news of ratification, 229.
-, congratulations offered upon, 221–2; Senate confident in duration, 224–5; reply to Falcombridge about, 231; his offer to maintain, 232; he refers to, 277.
-, Venice retains conquests by, 288.

Pearl, royal navy, 68n.

-, -, sent to Leghorn for provisions, 216.

-, merchantman, bound for Smyrna, 280.

Pedro, Pietro, prince regent of Portugal said to have done king to death, 3; Colbert justifies treatment of king, 70.
-, wants good understanding with France, 70; limits French trading in Indies, 121.
-, wants Charles to get peace with Spain ratified, 80, 87, 118.
-, Charles pressing for remainder of queen's dowry, 80, 118; against policy to pay, 87.
-, arrangement with Dutch, 121; Melo ambassador from, in England, 311.

Peñaranda, Pegnoranda, count of. See Bracamonte, Gaspard de.

-, cargoes of, at Venice, 316.

Pera of Constantinople [Turkish Empire]: despatches dated at, 232, 312.

Pesaro, Leonardo, Savio alla Mercanzia, 315.

Philip II, king of Spain:
-, acknowledged English supremacy in Channel, 86.

Philip, duke of Orleans:
-, sends condolences to England, 108, 132.
-, has goods of Queen Henrietta sealed up, 111n; claims her inheritance, 130.
-, opposes wife's visit to England, overruled, 171; may go with her to Dover, 176; submits to king, 179; limits time of visit, 181.
-, Charles sends envoy to pay respects to, 194; Madame speaks to Charles of ill treatment by, 206.
-, would resent wife going to London, 199; dispute with her about taking jewels, 200; offended by extension of her visit, 206.
-, will not go to meet wife on return, 208; estrangement from wife, 217.
-, Madame has long talk with, when dying, 217; prostrated by her death, 218.
-, Flamarens takes condolences to England, 230.
-, style used by Venice with, 246; entertains Buckingham, 264.

Philip William, duke of Neuburg, Niuburgh: candidate for Polish crown, 5; attached to France, 70; French complain of, over Polish election, 76.
-, France may support pretensions to Aix, 176.

Phoenix, East Indiaman:
-, captured by Algerines, 24.

Pierrepont, Henry, marquis of Dorchester, 169, 170n.

Pietro. See Pedro.

pilchards, duties on, at Venice, report of customs officers, 284.

Pisa [Prov. Pisa, Italy]:
-, ducal court at, 31; John Finch anatomy lecturer at, 69n.
-, Falcombridge travels via, 200.
-, galley building at, ready, 204; slow progress with, 253.

Pisani, Ottavian, proveditore of Zante:
-, Harby writes of good treatment by, 264; reply to ducal missive, 287.
-, despatch to the Senate, 287.

plague, referred to, 85, 160, 162.

Plymouth, Plimout, co. Devon:
-, prince of Tuscany lands at, 39.
-, proposal to send packets from Spain via, 107, 118.

Poggio, —, a lawyer:
-, asks about manner of ambassador's reception, 211.

-, election of king of, 5; French concern in, 8, 70, 76.
-, election favourable to triple alliance, 76; Wyche to proceed to, to congratulate king, 105.

-, king of. See Wisniowiecki, Michael Korybut.

“Politique Française”:
-, book on French policy attributed to Lisola, 92.

Pomerania [German Empire]:
-, states of, make no contribution to defence of empire, 78.

Pompone, signeur de. See Andilly, Arnaud d'.

Pool, il, arrival in Sweden, 60.

pope, the. See Clement IX; Clement X.

Port Mahon [island of Minorca]:
-, English fleet at, 201.

Porte, the. See Turkey.

Portland, royal navy:
-, brings over prince of Tuscany, 39n; appointed to take Molina, 61.

Portobello, Porto Vello [Panama, Central America]:
-, English attack on, 3, 38; Molina remonstrates about, 11; in vain, 63.
-, plate from, reaches London, 22; judged lawful prize, York justifies attack, 24, 28.

-, of Charles II, presented to Guldenlow, 142; presented to Mocenigo and Alberti, 305.
-, of Louis, given to English envoys, 199, 205.

Portsmouth, co. Hants, ship at, for Molina, 61.

Portsmouth, royal navy:
-, in victory over Algerians, 279n.

-, letters for, from Sweden, 3; envoy from, about birth of princess, 17; Swedish minister going to, 25.
-, Dutch squadron sailing for, for trade, 29; encounter between English and French ships off, 56.
-, prince of Tuscany arrives from, 39; incensed by Dutch policy in Indies, 67; settles old claim of Dutch, 115; Dutch pleased at settlement with, 121.
-, Colbert laments misrepresentations about, 70; desire for ratification of peace with Spain, 80, 88, 118.
-, remainder of queen's dowry expected from, 87.
-, threatens union with France, to influence Dutch, 115; Dutch welcome signs of unwillingness to join France, 121.
-, alliance with England and France against Dutch trade, 278.
-, king of. See Alfonso VI; John IV.
-, princess of. See Isabella Maria.
-, regent of. See Pedro.

powder. See gunpowder.

-, arrested, 84.

-, plans to carry liberty of conscience in parliament, 84.
-, Commons entirely favourable to, 84; predominant in Scottish parliament, 128, 131; pass act submitting to royal authority, 140.

Privy Council. See Council.

-, that members of parliament must be in their places, 149.
-, that those who served in Commonwealth armies shall leave London, 216.
-, against authors of outrage on Ormonde, 314.

Protestant Church. See Church of England.

Provence, France:
-, ships from, supplying Candia, 77.
-, preparations for a new company in, 260.

Prunier, Nicolas, seigneur de St. André, French ambassador at Venice:
-, instructed to find out about Falcombridge's negotiations, 227.

Pucci, Marquis, Tuscan envoy in England:
-, his audience, visits ambassadors, 297; departs, 306.

Pyrenees, treaty of the, 39.