Index: M

Pages 382-390

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 36, 1669-1670. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1937.

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Maastricht, Mastrich [Prov. Limburg, Netherlands]: Dutch reinforce garrison of, 270.

Macassar, Dutch treaty with Sultan of, 63, 231; a stimulus to Anglo - French commercial treaty, 66–7; Dutch success in, 215, 231.

Madame. See Henrietta Anne, duchess of Orleans.

Madrid, Spain: 39, 138, 158, 181, 198, 204, 285.
-, news from, 214.
-, despatches dated at, 46, 62, 74, 77, 112, 127, 137, 157, 161, 164, 172, 177, 201, 236, 279, 302, 321.
-, question of precedence at, 57; Godolphin arrives at, 74.
-, Velasco may go to consult at, 107; Velasco receives secret despatches from, 109; Velasco wishes to consult, about Lisola's proposals, 125.
-, archbishop of Toulouse arrives at, 164; Molina leaving, for England, 176; Molina arranges treaty at, 251.
-, fresh representations to, about mediation, 244; assurances to be given at, 259.
-, Molina presents rare things from, to queen, 286.

Maffei, Count, envoy of Savoy to England:
-, offers condolences on death of Queen Henrietta, 132; discussing commercial matters, 140; uncertain of result of negotiations, 150.
-, soliciting use of royal title for duke, 143, 148, 151; lack of success, 154–5.
-, relations with colleagues, 148, 155; takes leave, 151, 154; leaves for France, 155.

Mahomet IV, Sultan of Turkey, Grand Signior, the Grand Turk: 183.
-, Venice believed to be treating with, 15; guaranteed treaty with Algiers, 43; war may prevent Algerines helping, 44; orders false luigini to be called in, 54n.
-, sorry position of, 54–5; return to Constantinople uncertain, 277.

Maitland, John, earl of Lauderdale, Auderdaile, secretary for Scotland; will recall Douglas and Hamilton if ordered to Candia, 23; will go to Scottish parliament as king's representative, 73; speech to Scottish parliament, 128.
-, doubtful about answer upon sects, 128; likely to squeeze them hard, 131; success with Scottish parliament, 140, 148; gives account of proceedings to king, 160.
-, considers union of infinite importance to Scots, 160; in Scotland to wind up parliament, 244.

Majorca, island of:
-, Allen going to, to refit fleet, 143.

Malaga, Spain: 316.
-, news from, 201.
-, encounter of English frigate with French warship off, 56, 68; English fleet sails from, 216.

Malines [Prov. Anvers, Belgium]:
-, Lisola leaves for Hague, 9, 11.

Malta, island of:
-, assistance for Candia, 1; Turkish designs on, 55.
-, Winchelsea lands at, 45.

Manchester, earl of. See Montagu, Edward.

Mandeville, viscount. See Montagu, Robert.

Manners, Anne, wife of lord Ros, 169, 177; petition of, 170n.

-, John, earl of Rutland, 169n.

-, John, lord Ros: divorce case in Lords, 169, 170n, 175, 177; act passed for, 180.

king's interest in case, 175, 177, 207.

Manton, Thomas, Presbyterian divine: king orders arrest of, 174; remains in prison, 175.

Mantua, duke of. See Charles, duke of Nevers and.

manufacturers, proposal to prohibit foreign, 311.

Maracaibo, Gulf of, River Maracabia [Venezuela, S. America]: English attack in, 104.

Marcello, Zuane, senior councillor, answers for doge, 268.

Marchesini Giovanni Francesco, Venetian Secretary in the Netherlands: 4, 36.
-, Mocenigo keeps informed, 2; recalled, 35.

-, Nicolo, sent to read office to Falcombridge, 264.

Mareschal, Mareschel, Swedish envoy at the Hague: powers to sign triple alliance sent to, 41; says money must be paid first, 43, 47; hopes to have money soon, 101; becoming more importunate, 109; has to give assurance about succour, 153.

Maria Anna, queen regent of Spain:
-, Dutch demand satisfaction from, 8; unlikely to make excessive payments demanded by alliance, 14.
-, England gives no reply for Molina to report to, 28; Godolphin offers mediation to, 81.
-, letters to Velasco about French forfeitures, 59; appoints Agropoli as ambassador to England, 162n.
-, orders recall of Walloon troops to Spain, 65; Colbert would assist against Don John, 70.
-, gave authority to Gamarra to pay Sweden, 107; Godolphin reports evasion about alliance, 189.
-, Godolphin speaks to, about mediation, equivocal reply, 172; will accept mediation with power to appoint two others, 177; still undecided about mediation, 188.
-, wants same share in appointment as France, 191; Oñate brings reply of, upon arbitration, 198; decides to accept French nominations, 214, 230.
-, claims compensation for materials taken from Franche Comté, 238, 285.
-, Dutch represent their inclusion as mediators as spontaneous act of, 242; reply of, about Dutch arbitration awaited, 265.
-, cannot settle about boundaries in king's minority, 252; to be urged to remove difficulties about nomination of Dutch, 259; withdraws nomination of Dutch, 285.

Maria Theresa, queen of France:
-, coach at Montagu's entry, 45; Buckhurst presents respects to, 199.

Marie, duchess of Savoy: receives Falcombridge, 183.

Marivaux, Mariva, chevalier de. See l'Isle, Charles de.

Marseilles [Bouches du Rhone, France]: importance of port, 146; Martel sails from, 148n; base money made at, 312.

Marsilly, sieur de. See Roux.

Martel, marquis de, French admiral:
-, commands squadron against Algerines, 148; blockading Tunis, 253.

Martha and Mary, royal ship, Godolphin sails in, 39n.

Mary, daughter of Charles I, princess of Orange, death in London, 289; Orange has precedence of Rupert, as son of, 301.

Mary Rose, royal navy:
-, Lord Howard sails in, 86n; in action with Algerines, 150n.

Mastrich. See Maastricht.

Maulevrier, comte de. See Colbert, Edward François.

Maximilian Henry of Bavaria, bishop of Liêge, archbishop elector of Cologne:
-, demands suppression of new gabelles in Flanders, 65; Louis preparing to help against city of Cologne, 176.
-, talk of treaty with France, 260.

Mayence, German Empire:
-, elector of, claims to be head of electoral college, 103.

Mazarini, duc. See La Meilleraie, Armand de.

medal: struck by Dutch to celebrate raid into Medway, 58.

Medici, Cosimo II de', grand duke of Tuscany, 208n.

-, Cosimo de' (III), grand prince of Tuscany:

lands at Plymouth, expected in London, 39; arrives in London, staying at St. Albans' house, 42; visit referred to, 306.

compliments paid to, 42; avoids publicity, 44; ceremonial visits, 44, 48, 50, 57.

going to see horses racing at Newmarket, 48, 50, 53; visits Oxford and Cambridge and returns to London, 53–4.

York entertains on Thames, 50; king treats with distinction, 53; celebrates king's birthday, 66.

Colbert takes offence at, 57–8; unlikely to go to France because of, 66.

leaves London for Holland, 66; Pomponne reports advances and excuses from, 71; Queen Catherine replies to letters of thanks, 96.

father's thanks for favours to, 96; ceremony with, 97, 293.

-, -, grand duke of Tuscany:

arrangements for reception of Falcombridge, 203; Falcombridge confers with, 205.

may present galley to Charles, 304.

sends word of father's death, 208; Falcombridge to show credentials to, 210.

English desire to cultivate good relations with, 208; mission of Hamilton and Saville to, 245, 286.

complimentary mission from, 297.

-, Ferdinand I, de', built Ambrogiana, 204n.

-, Ferdinand II, de', Grand Duke of Tuscany; 200, 203.

at Leghorn, 31; Finch has audience of, 32.

help for Candia, 42.

tells son to offer excuses to France, 71; thanks Charles for favours to son, 96.

Falcombridge taking letters to, 133, 150, 154; to be ambassador extraordinary to, 161; Falcombridge expected by, 189, 190; orders of, for reception, 193.

death of, 196; mourning for, 203, 208, 210; news of death in England, 208; complimentary mission about, 245, 297.

-, Prince Francesco de': to attend on Falcombridge, 203.

-, Maria de', queen of France: grandmother of Charles II, 208n.

-, English squadron in, 1, 20; more ships to be sent to, 49, 72; Allen leaves, 163.
-, question of salutes in, 86.
-, fight between Dutch and Algerines in, 100; corsairs in, injure trade, 147.
-, English merchants in, notified of war with Algerines, 126; Martel in, with fleet against corsairs, 148.
-, importance of Marseilles in, 146; French naval activity should cause concern to powers of, 183.
-, interest of Venice in, 183.
-, proposed joint action against corsairs in, 226; king's forces in, against pirates, 273–4.
-, proposed Dutch embassy to Venice about trade in, 235; Tangier at mouth of, of greatest importance to France, 260; merchantmen sailing for, 280.

Medway, River: Dutch raid into, memory of rankles, 257.

Melo, Franceseo di, Portuguese ambassador at the Hague: concludes treaty with Dutch, 115, came over to see sister, 210.
-, returning to Hague, 210; arrives in London, received by queen, waiting for orders, 311.

Melz, Chevalier Goi, a Savoyard: brings despatches for Velasco, 109; sent back to Madrid, 125.

merchantmen. See ships,

-, find advantage in supplying Candia, 77; wealth of, at Marseilles, 146.
-, tired of perfidy of Algerians, 111; relieved by news from Algiers, 131.
-, evasion of wine duty by, 141–2; payment of wine duty by, 164; and duties on spirits, 166–7.
-, and the Levant trade, 152; rumours among, of Venetian attempt to get English cloth banned in Turkish dominions, 280.

-, Dutch:

reprisals on, in Biscay ports, 8; consul sent to Leghorn to support, 24; introduce base money into Turkish dominions, 54n.

-, English:

anticipation of French trade, 22.

and export of salt fish, 34, 241, 261, 308–9; Venice wishes to be encouraged, 44; unlikely to abandon French and Canary wines, 39; likely to make trial of Savoy wines, 73.

Hamburg renews privileges of, 43; king pressing for, 68.

fear of offending Turks, 49, 98; Allen warns of war with Algerines, 126.

complaint of, about exactions on currants, 83, 91, 251; orders to stop extortion from, 91, 112, 254; relief promised to, 102.

preparing to send salt fish to Venice, 83; Venetian assurances to, 119.

facilities granted to, by Denmark, 104, 133.

advantages from commercial treaty with France, 120.

arrangements for trade at Villefranche, 138.

watching renewal of Venetian trade in Levant, 139.

Falcombridge deals with affairs of, at Genoa, 196–7, 200; Falcombridge points to abuses suffered by, in Ionian islands, 250–1.

older for good treatment of, in Ionian islands, 254; interest in currant trade, expect total abolition of abuses, 275.

request for exemption from tax to redeem slaves, 259.

question of salt fish more advantageous to Venetians than to, 261; request that may alone benefit by remission of duty, 308–9.

Venice desires to have best possible treatment, 283; Arlington told about, 293, 300.

disinclined to introduce cloth to Adriatic ports, 297.

-, French:

introduce base money into Turkish dominions, 54n.

harshness of Dutch to, in the East, 61.

subject to strangers' tax in London, 104.

frequent mart of London, 104.

-, Italian:

introduce base money into Turkish dominions, 54n.

-, Spanish, only a small portion of treasure fleet for, 260.

-, names of. See Dryvestein, John; Fustinoni, Rocco; Galilee, Thomas; Hailes, George; Hobson, Thomas; Sautino; Sera, Paolo del and Co.; Warren, Thomas.

Merchant's Delight, merchantman, captured by Algerines, 189.

Mesia, Antonio Francesco, de Tobar y Paz, conde de Molina, Spanish ambassador in England:
-, relations with Mocenigo, 2, 4, 8, 11–2, 64, 286.
-, relations with Colbert, 2, 12; entertains Colbert, 31.
-, remonstrance at attack on Porto Bello, 3, 11, 28, 31; says Spain will never give way about trade to Indies, 22; claims restitution of plunder, 24.
-, scant confidence in triple alliance, 4; criticises allies, 14.
-, speaks of French designs, 8, 14; not alarmed by reports of English understanding with France, 21.
-, entertained Charles, 22; has leave to depart, 28.
-, closely watching attitude of Sweden, 25; complains of behaviour of English government, 28, 31.
-, departs leaving no successor, 28; on point of departure, 61; takes leave at Court, 63.
-, watching trade negotiations between English and Dutch. 38; told that England only in alliance for good of Christendom, 51.
-, considers loss of Oxford a judgment, 38; spoke strongly about English encroachments beyond the line, 46.
-, relations with princes of Tuscany, 39, 48, 57–8.
-, insists that America included in the peace, 48; loses all hope about getting satisfaction, 61, 63.
-, speaks of courageous defence of Candia, 57.
-, commercial treaty with France progresses after departure, 65.
-, opinion of state of England, expects upheavals, 136; returning to England, 176; awaited with impatience, 181.
-, Mocenigo asks how to deal with, 176; his relations with, 198.
-, to settle finally affair of arbitration, 236; Arlington does not want to see back, for own sake, 238.
-, mediates for treaty between England and Spain, 251; suggests concessions to obtain quiet in America, 252.
-, ship sent to bring to England, 276; expected in London, 280, 283; arrives, 282.
-, opinion about France and Buckingham, 282; confident in permanence of the triple alliance, 291.
-, makes haste to present credentials, 285; rich present to queen, 286; arrangement about visits, 289.
-, French and Dutch ambassadors pay secret visit to, 286; relations with other ambassadors, 291; ceremony with Prince of Orange, 293.
-, thinks England unwilling to commit herself about Lorraine, 289; not sanguine about help for Lorraine, 291.
-, regrets not getting appointment to Venice, 291; Orange narrowly watched by, 311.
-, considering with Dutch ambassadors means to secure peace, 292; rejoiced by decision to arm ships, 295.
-, joint representations with Dutch to Charles to announce continuation of the alliance, 295.
-, wants English support for extension of arbitration, 306.
-, complains of English always holding out fair hopes to France, 311; alarmed by move of French forces to Dunkirk, 313.
-, wants extension of terms for arbitration, 311; has audience of king, 313; represents menace of French move on Flanders, 317; king's reply to, approved in Spain, 321.

-, -, wife of, prince of, Tuscany calls on, 50; trouble with Colbert over, 57–8, 71; Mocenigo pays respects to, 64; present to queen, in name of, 286.

Messina, Sicily, 316.

Michieli, Francesco, Venetian Ambassador in Savoy: despatches to the Senate, 138, 146, 179, 182–4, 186.
-, instructions to, 143, 182.
-, pays respects to Falcombridge, 182; Falcombridge's confidences with, 183–4, 187; clash with Falcombridge over ceremonial, 198.
-, Dodington asks about manner of receiving ambassadors, 184.

Middleton, John earl of, governor of Tangier: departure hastened, 95; Howard advises to extend lines of defence, 239; reports doing so, 245.

Milford, royal navy:
-, encounter with French warship, 56, 68; Colbert's version of, 70–1.
-, in action off Cape Gata, 147n.

Minorca, island of:
-, English fleet off, 216.

Mocenigo, Alvise, attends Falcombridge at reception, 223.

-, -, savio alla Mercanzia, 316.

-, Domenico, Podesta of Padua:

despatches to the Senate, 271, 277.

instructions to, 269.

Mocenigo, Piero, Venetian Ambassador in England: despatches to the Inquisitors of State, 105, 127 294.
-, despatches to the Senate, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7–9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23–5, 27–8, 30, 32, 35, 37, 41–2, 47, 49, 50, 52, 56, 58–9, 61–2, 64, 67, 70, 72, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 86, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 100, 102, 106, 108–10, 113–4, 116–7, 120, 123, 125, 127, 129, 130, 132–3, 137, 139, 140–1, 143–4, 146, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156–7, 159, 162, 164, 166, 169, 172, 174, 177, 180, 184, 187, 191, 193, 197, 201, 206, 208, 214, 219, 229, 233, 237–8, 243, 251, 259, 261, 264, 269, 275, 279, 281, 284, 287, 290, 292, 295, 299, 302–3.
-, instructions to, 13, 19, 26, 29, 32, 35, 37, 44, 64, 74, 85, 88, 91, 106, 112, 119, 122, 142, 148, 186, 210, 219, 224, 235, 240, 248, 254, 268, 280–1, 283, 290.
-, -, from Inquisitors of State, 152.
-, letters of Arlington to, 15, 97.
-, letter of Watson to, 18.
-, 1669:
-,-, asks for help, 1–2, 4, 5, 10, 16, 19, 36; speaks to Boreel, 4, 10, 16; sees king about help, 10.
-,-, relations with Molina, 2, 8, 11–2, 64; relations with Colbert, 11–2.
-,-, loss of packets, 7; pope's brief for queen sent to, 22, 26; presents brief, 44; with office, 49.
-,-, efforts to remove bad impression about Harvey's mediation, 7n.
-,-, efforts to get sequestration in Holland removed, 7, 8, 48; invention communicated by, 27, 39.
-,-, stops complaint of Warren at Court, 27; to pay for gunpowder from Neptune, 35.
-,-, relations with prince of Tuscany, 39, 42, 57; relations with Danish ambassador, 119.
-,-, Arlington tells of mission to Morocco, 56.
-,-, suggests propriety of sending ambassador to Venice, 56–7; attitude to appointment of Finch, 69.
-,-, congratulates king on prospect of an heir, 61; forwards wards queen's letter for pope, 64.
-,-, asks to be recalled, 61; relief promised, 88; asks help for mourning for queen mother, 102; allowance granted for, 112.
-,-, exchanges visits with Guldenlow, 78; calls on Winchelsea, 79; exchange of courtesies with Prince of Denmark, 88, 90, 102.
-,-, assures Howards of republic's regard, 82; to foster Howard family, 91.
-,-, promises relief for Galilee, 82–3, 91; Galilee appeals to, 102; repeats appeal, 133.
-,-, stops merchants appealing to king about currants, 83; promises them exemption from extortion, 102.
-,-, suggests desirability of encouraging import of salt fish, 83.
-,-, gives king news of Candia, 90, 111; and Colbert, 109.
-,-, letter of Arlington to, about Falcombridge, sees king about, 97; and Arlington, 98; to thank king, 106; thanks him, 116; and York, 117.
-,-, calls on Guldenlow, 98; discredits reports of peace with Turk, 109, 111; discourages idea of mediation, 113.
-,-, prince of Parma asks to respect incognito, 102.
-,-, asked to help Roman envoy, with letters for king and queen, 105; unwilling to commit himself without instructions, 106; acts cautiously, 127.
-,-, offers condolences on queen mother's death, 110, 125, 132; instructions upon, 122; allowance to, for mourning, 125.
-,-, encourages speedy despatch of Falcombridge, 117; instructions to, about Catholics, 142.
-,-, thanks Colbert about Irish levy, 117.
-,-, to inform king of peace with Turks, 119, 122; does so, 129.
-,-, to give assurances to merchants, 119.
-,-, relations with Boreel, 122; relations with Guldenlow, 126.
-, 1670:
-,-, Maffei calls on, 148, 155; returns visit, 150; Falcombridge takes leave of, 154.
-,-, Galilee's widow appeals to, 154; recommends her case, 253.
-,-, complains of heavy cost of embassy, 155; appeals for relief, 181.
-,-, asks instructions about ceremonial with Molina, 176; relations with Molina, 198; 282, 286, 289, 291.
-,-, relations with Oñate, 198.
-,-, refers to burden of mourning for Madame, 220; offers condolences, 229, 230, 275; grant to, for mourning, 235.
-,-, Falcombridge asks for Levant news sent by, 229; tells Arlington of special favours shown to Englishmen, 279; and of concessions, 293.
-,-, talk with van Beuningen about Sautin's claims, 234; Senate's letter to Falcombridge sent to, 290; delivers letter, 304.
-,-, appeals for leave to return home, 240, 261; leave granted, 283.
-,-, correspondence with Moresini, 265; lord Howard calls on, on return, 289.
-,-, hands letter to duke of York, 279; houses Brussels nuncio, 294.
-,-, denies report of attempt to ban English cloth in Turkish dominions, 279, 281, 300.
-,-, made Savio del Consiglio, 281; speaks of offence given by Dodington, 293; appeal made to, for Dodington, 300.
-,-, to show courtesies to Falcombridge, 290; ceremony with Prince of Orange, 291.
-,-, king informs of intentions for relief of Catholics, 294; gives warning of consequences of Dodington's behaviour, 310.
-,-, relations with Tuscan envoy, 297; taking leave at Court, 299, 303; takes leave of king, 302–3, 305; knighted 304.
-,-, will try to get promise of Dodington's good behaviour, 301; without king's reply to credentials, 303.
-,-, king's letter in commendation of, 303; king's present to, 305.
-,-, leaves London, 305; replies to credentials of, 310.

Modyford, Sir Thomas, governor of Jamaica: captures four Spanish galleons, 48; Molina asks for punishment, York opposes, 61; Molina only gets verbal satisfaction about, 63; no instructions to molest Spaniards, 96; proposed substitution of Carlisle for, 216.

Molin, Alvise, Venetian minister at Constantinople, 79.
-, despatches to the Senate, 232, 305, 311.
-, Harvey to conform to wishes of, 1, 232; Harvey to take reserve of, in good part, 15; to be on friendly terms with Harvey, 122, 132.
-, to try and secure release of Galilee, 112.
-, to stay on at Porte, 122; Harvey to give support to, 129, 135; thanks for, 281.
-, alleged instruction to get English cloth banned, 279.
-, instructions to, 143.

Molina, conde de. See Mesia, Antonio Francesco.

Monedi, Gregorio, secretary to Sanità, 316.

-, crowns, 11, 41, 62–3, 92, 95, 118, 268, 284.
-, doubles, 96, 297.
-, ducats, 40, 112, 235, 242, 255–6, 269, 283–4, 290, 301, 308, 315.
-, -, equivalent in sterling, 301.
-, false, “luigini,” 31n, 54, 153, 305, 312.
-, francs, 115.
-, lire, 284, 308.
-, livres, 311.
-, ottavi, 54n.
-, pieces of eight, 43n, 134, 148, 157–8, 167, 231, 250–1.
-, reals, 83, 102, 254, 305, 311.
-, reichsthalers, 157–8, 166–7, 173.
-, sequins, false, 305, 311–2, 319.
-, soldi, 287.
-, temini, 54n.

Monk, Christopher, earl of Torrington, king's favours to, 151; follows at father's funeral, 192.

-, George, duke of Albemarle, death of, 151, funeral of, 192.

Monmouth, duke of. See James, duke of Monmouth.

Monroux, Morosse, Count of, envoy of duke of Savoy: has audience at Court, 282; takes leave, only visited Colbert, 286.

Montagu, Edward, earl of Manchester, lord chamberlain of the household, 43.

-, -, earl of Sandwich, Sciandovich:

Godolphin served at Madrid, 74; suggested sending packets by Bilbao and Plymouth, 107.

sent to attend Madame to Dover, 192; starts, 194; attends her to Calais, 208.

-, Montegu, Ralph, English ambassador in France:

starts Dutch suspicions about, 31, 33; rumours circulating, at arrival, 34.

hitch over public entry, 41, 48; form of entry arranged for, 45.

suggests repurchase of Dunkirk, 46; receives categoric refusal, 62.

to be at St. Germain to watch proceedings, 52; demands justice for attack on Cavendish, 71.

urges peace and observation of treaty of Aix, 53; complains to king of breaches of treaty, 123.

commissioner for queen mother's estate, 111.

asked about titles used with Savoy, 143; going to see king about mediation, 204.

king's reply to, about arbitration, 159; gets consent to London for negotiations, 165–6.

received by Louis, 205; remonstrance against breach of peace and gets consent to appointment of mediators, 236.

present at autopsy on Madame, 217; sends word of her death, 219; changes opinion about poison, 225; sinister insinuations of, 235.

Bellefonds takes letters from, 218; Louis' reply to, about Dutch arbitration, 237; Lionne conveys absolute refusal, 242.

reports king's decision to limit arbitration to frontiers, 243–4; Molina wants support for extension of arbitration, 306.

-, Robert, viscount Mandeville, son of lord chamberlain, gentleman of the bed chamber, sent to pay respects to prince of Tuscany, 42.

-, Walter, abbot, almoner of Queen Henrietta: commissioner for her estate, 11 In, 116.

Monte Cassino, abbot of. See Airoldi, Francisco.

Montelupo [Prov. Firenze. Italy], 204n.

Monterey, conde de. See Haro, Juan Domingo Mendez de.

Mood, Major (? ) envoy to Russia, 9.

-, Taffilet's army of, 73; preparing to attack Tangier, 94–5, advancing on Tangier, 121; measures to secure Algiers against, 239; begin definite hostilities, 244.
-, raise siege of Oran, 121; preparing fresh attacks on Tangier, 245.
-, escort of, for Howard, 126.

Morea, Greece, 259.

Moresini, Morosini, —, Venetian captain of the ships: takes gunpowder from ship Neptune, 27, 239.

-, Agostino, arrival in London, 176.

-, Alessandro, senior councillor: replies for doge, 306.

-, Alvise, Procurator, 176.

-, Michiel, attends Falcombridge to audience, 221, 223, his account of the function, 227–8.

-, Zuane, Venetian Ambassador in France, 96.

despatches to the Senate, 71, 81, 100, 116, 120, 123, 136, 148, 161, 171, 176, 179, 186, 190, 195, 199, 205, 208, 212, 217, 225–7, 235, 242, 247, 256, 264, 269, 272, 277, 283, 289, 292, 295, 297, 302, 319.

questioned about motives of Falcombridge's mission, 227; correspondence with Mocenigo, 265.

Moreton, Sir John, Mordon, member of parliament: Brouncker committed to Tower for speaking against, 134n.

Morning Star, East Indiaman:
-, bullion taken from, by Turks, 43.

Morocco, N. Africa:
-, Warren went in mission to, 27; mission of Howard to, 56, 68.
-, conquests of Taffilet in, 121, 126; Taffilet escapes to, after defeat, 271.

-, emperor of. See Muley Reshid Sherif.

Morosini. See Moresini.

Morosse, count of. See Monroux.

Moscow, Russia:
-, Heinsius sent to, 120n.

Most Christian. See Louis XIV.

Muley Reshid Sherif, king of Taffilet, Fez and emperor of Morocco, Taffilet, 69.
-, Dutch send van Zaen to, 29; mission to establish peace with, 56, 68, 80, 82; Howard will first observe proceedings of, 115–6.
-, hope to secure Tangier by treaty with, 73, 86, 178; sends force of horse to encounter Howard at Tangier, 104.
-, fortunes in ascendant, 95; conflicting news of losses and successes of, 115; pursuing conquests, 121, 126.
-, Warren sent to, 121; Howard proceeding to meet, 126; Howard to seek alliance against Algerians, 137.
-, quarrel with brother, seriously wounded, 127; sends to Tangier for surgeons, 137; unconfirmed report of death, 144.
-, Howard suspicious of good faith of, 168; Howard encouraged to go and treat with, 170; failure of Howard's mission to, 189.
-, surmounting troubles, 178; trouble with nephews increasing, 189.
-, news of successes, 234.
-, intended treachery against Howard, 234; Warren gone to, 239.
-, no hope of negotiating peace with, 244, 260; does not desire correspondence with Christian princes, 260.
-, rout and narrow escape of, 271.

munitions, Mocenigo to obtain, in England, 10, 19; proposal to grant, 20, 26.

Munster, Westphalia [German Empire]: bishop of. See Galen, Christopher Bernard von.

-, proposed mediation between Sweden and, 3, 21; mission of Wyche to, 9, 104.
-, Livonia inadequate defence against, 78.
-, influence on Swedish share in triple alliance, 115.

-, Grand Duke of. See Alexius.

Mustafa, prince of Turkey, succession would deprive queen mother of authority, 55.

Muta Ferraca, Turkish envoy to France:
-, Vizier suspicious over delay in returning, 232.