Index: J

Pages 373-374

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 36, 1669-1670. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1937.

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Jamaica, island of, W. Indies:
-, English of, attack Porto Bello, 3; expedition from, against Cartagena, 22.
-, Dutch want freedom to trade at, 38.
-, Spain will not have peace beyond this line because of, 48; people of, constantly harrying Spain, 236.
-, proposed change in governorship of, 216.
-, offer of peace with, in exchange for facilities in Indies, 236; English possession of, recognised, 252.

-, governor of. See Modyford, Sir Thomas.

James I, king of Great Britain:
-, difficulties over union of England and Scotland, 167, 173.

-, daughter of. See Elizabeth.

James, duke of York, Hiorch, Hyorch, Jorch, Kiorche: 304.
-, 1669:
-,-, Mocenigo speaks to, about help, 4; Molina takes leave of, 63–4.
-,-, congratulated on birth of daughter, 9; Portuguese envoy presented to, 17.
-,-, Colbert entertains, 222; returns to London, 35.
-,-, speaks of expedition against Algiers, 24; discusses Turkish affairs with Mocenigo, 57.
-,-, justifies raid on Portobello, 24, 28; opposes punishment of governor of Jamaica, 61.
-,-, closet rifled, 35, 50; party of, discredits queen's pregnancy, 66.
-,-, intrigue with France unlikely, 35; favours intimate relations with France, 60.
-,-, sends to visit queen mother, 39; condolences on death of daughter, 133.
-,-, sends respects to prince of Tuscany, 42; prince visits, 48; entertains prince on Thames, 50; prince entertains, 66.
-,-, opposes signing of triple alliance, 60; participates in all decisions, 73.
-,-, anxiety about son, 71; anxiety relieved, 73; reported efforts to secure succession for son, against Monmouth, 80.
-,-, Colbert cultivating, entertains at banquet, 76; Guldenlow has private audience of, 78.
-,-, approved Colbert's suggestion about flag, 86; assures Colbert that Temple acted without authority, 99, 114.
-,-, Falcombridge gets, to support appointment to Venice, 94, 116–7; he tries to get title of extraordinary through, 126.
-,-, Colbert appeals to, about Irish levy, 98; attests services of Ewan, 117.
-,-, returns to London, 110; alleged incapability of inheriting from mother, 130n.
-,-, speaks of mediation with Porte, 117; not favourable to royal title for Savoy, 143.
-,-, cannot prevent Lords from rejecting bill from Commons, 131.
-,-, Maffei has audience of, 132; Guidenlow takes leave of, 142.
-,-, Brouncker served under, at Lowestoft, 134.
-, 1670:
-,-, Maffei takes leave of, 154; sends to pay respects to Louis, 199; talk of going to Calais, 204.
-,-, attitude to Ros divorce, 175; opposed to remarriage, 177.
-,-, back in London, 187; goes to meet sister at Dover, 197; goes to Canterbury, 199.
-,-, goes back to London to make provision against disturbance, 202.
-,-, efforts in favour of Clarendon, 206; informed of Madame's death, 219; condolences offered to, 229.
-,-, sends condolences to Florence, 210, 245; Bellefonds and Flamarens take leave of, 238.
-,-, question of Venetian style for, 228, 237, 246, 275; exerts himself against appointment of Saville to Venice, 261.
-,-, letter from, for doge, 228, 246–7; reply to, 248; presentation of, 270.
-,-, will send reply to Monsieur's offices, 237.
-,-, recovered from fever, back in Court, 244; away in the country, 275; back in London, Mocenigo presents letters to, 279.
-,-, Dutch fear may quarrel with Orange, 289; affectionate greeting of Orange, 301.
-,-, Brussels nuncio sees, 294; Pucci has audience of, 297; Mocenigo takes leave of, 303, 305; reply to his credentials, 310.
-,-, prepares fleet of fifty ships, 306.

-, daughters of. See Anne; Henrietta.

-, son of. See Edgar.

James, duke of Monmouth:
-, alleged designs of king to declare legitimate, 80; king gives Monk's seat in Council to, 192.

Jenkins, Dr. Leoline, commissioner to wind up queen mother's affairs, 111n, 116.

Jermyn, Henry, earl of St. Albans, steward of Queen Henrietta:
-, stir caused by arrival in London, 35, 50, 53, 58; takes refuge in silence, 71.
-, came for queen mother's affairs, 35; treating for continuance of her assignments, 71, 80.
-, prince of Tuscany lodges at house of, 42.
-, favours intimate relations with France, 50, 60; reported offer brought by, 58, 73.
-, leaving London, ill pleased with instability of affairs, 80; returns to France, 84, 111.
-, commissioner to wind up queen mother's affairs, 111, 116.
-, sent to attend Madame to Dover, 192; starts, 194; attends her to Calais, 208.

Jersey, island of: surrender to parliament, 134n.

Jersey, royal navy:
-, in victory over Algerians, 279n.

-, in court at Hailes Fustinoni case, 272.

-, may enjoy benefit of reduction of duty on salt fish, 308.

John IV, king of Portugal, duke of Braganza:
-, acknowledged debt to Dutch for improvements in Brazil, 115.

John, Don, of Austria, natural son of Philip IV:
-, Colbert would help queen against, 70.

John George II, elector of Saxony:
-, French fear hostility of, 5; garter conferred on, 89.

Jones, Captain:
-, sent by Howard to Sali, 168n.

Jorch, duke of. See James, duke of York.