Index: B

Pages 331-338

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 36, 1669-1670. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1937.

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Balbi, Zuane, Savio alla Mercanzia, 315.

Baldeschi, M., letter to, 294n.

Ball, Giles, deputy consul at Genoa;
-, report on galley building there, 200n.

Baltic Sea:
-, Essex to fly royal standard in, 189.

Bantam, island of Java, E. Indies:
-, ships expected from, 231.

Barbary, W. Africa:
-, ships of go to reinforce Turks, 12.

-, corsairs, Ottoman, Turkish pirates:

proposal to use galleys against, 136; coming out in strength, but avoid encounters with English frigates, 147.

capture English fishing ships, 147n; take advantage of Allen's absence, swarm into ocean, 163.

reported off English coasts, Advice sent to look for, 178n.

van Ghent going against, 181, 186; proposed joint action of English and Dutch against, 226.

insolent answer to Allen, 201; he effects nothing against, 216; English fleet protects Italy from, 274.

Barberino, Cardinal Francesco:
-, sends to England about appointing bishop for Catholics, 105.

Barkel, Barkle. See Berkeley.

Barillon, Paul de, Bariglon, French commissioner at Lille:
-, comes to London for diversion, 84.
-, ambassador extraordinary to England, 84n.

Barry, — de, Dutch naval officer, cashiered, 49n.

Bassano [Prov. Vicenza, Italy]:
-, Falcombridge writes from, 290.

Batavia, Battavia, island of Java, E. Indies:
-, rich Dutch fleet from reaches Holland, 231.

Bath, earl of. See Grenville, John.

Batteville, baron de, Spanish ambassador in England:
-, affray with Estrades, 96.

Beach, Richard, captain of the Hampshire, going to reinforce Allen, 170n; victory over Algerians, 279, 285–6.

Beaufort, duke of. See Vendome, François de.

Beauvilliers, François de, duc de St. Aignan, 108n.

-, Paul do, comte de St. Aignan, St. Angnano:

mission of condolence to England, 108; back in France, 116.

beavers, expected trade in skins of, 144.

beef, salt meat, Irish merchant offers for Candia, 37, 53, 64; Senate's reply about, 77.

beer, fleet sends to Leghorn for, 216n.

Belegno, Catterin, Venetian Ambassador in Spain, despatches to the Senate, 46, 62, 74, 112, 127, 136, 157, 161, 164, 172, 176.

Bellasis, Mary (née Cromwell), viscountess Falcombridge:
-, wealth supports husband, eager to get away from Court, 94; not starting with husband, 133.
-, eager to go to Venice, king reluctant to allow, 237, 239; sends king's leave to husband, 239; anxious for him to get away, 240.

-, Thomas, viscount Falcombridge, 298.

appointed ambassador to Venice, 93; manner of selection, 94, 116.

Mocenigo informed of, and thanks king, 97; he will ask about time of departure, 98; Senate welcomes appointment, 106; king thanked for, 116.

returning to London and starting soon, 104; returns and calls on Mocenigo, his plans, 113; to take letters to duke of Savoy, 117, 133, 140; on Savoy's title, 151.

to superintend all affairs of Italy, 113; reasons for despatch, 116–7.

suggested mediation of peace by, 113, 117; hopes to co-operate for, 126, 139.

expects to start soon, 117; busy with preparations, 122, 128; held up more than expected, 129.

trying for title of extraordinary, 126; welcome promised to, 129; given the title of extraordinary, 133.

to forward instructions to Harvey to work with Venetians, 129; to act in conformity, 139.

baggage sent on, 133, 139; ready to start, 150; starts, 154.

to go to Florence, 133, 139, 210; and to Turin, 139, 143, 154; king gave Dodington to, as secretary, 193.

waiting for instructions from Arlington, 139; takes leave of king, allowance to, 143.

king may want to observe renewal of Venetian trade in Levant, 139; eagerly awaited at Turin, because of trade, 146.

Senate wishes to know of commissions about trade, 148; to offer commercial treaty, 151; commissions only general, 156–7; only definite instructions about currants, 157.

crosses the sea, 156; reaches Paris, special audience of king, 161; at Lyon, 179, 182.

at Turin, only formal duties, 182; wants guidance for dealings with Genoa, 184.

French ambassador shows great courtesy to, 182; visits Servien, wife offended with, 184; not disturbed by her anger, 187.

confidences with Michiel, 182–3; speaks of policy in near East and of triple alliance, 183–4; refers to suspicions of Madame's visit, 187.

discusses Villefranche with duke, 186; conferred with secretary about trade, 190.

duke's entertainment of, 187; leaves Turin, 189.

arrangements for reception at Genoa, 187, 190; not going to Genoa, 190; reception at Genoa, 193, 196, 204.

nephew of, adores holy shroud, 187.

expected at Florence, 190, 196, 200; preparations for reception, 193, 200.

accepted Dodington unwillingly, 192; dismissed Dodington, but retained services, 193n; king promises to write to about Dodington's indiscretion, 195.

business at Genoa, 196–7, 200; sees the sights, 197; leaves for Leghorn, 200.

clash with Michiel, at Turin, 198; poor constitution of, 208n.

going to Florence incognito, 198–9; Finch speaks to Valier about, 202–4.

sick at Leghorn, 203; proposed further movements, 203–5, 211.

reaches Florence, confers with grand Duke, 205; arrived at Venice but Senate not notified, 210.

inquires about ceremonial at reception, 211–2; difficulty about house for, 212–3; house offered to, 219.

asks for hint about exposition, 213; arrival announced in Collegio, 218–9.

has powers to intervene in any treaty between Venice and Turks, 214; letters of credence presented by, 222.

Yarbury to act as interpreter for, 214; report about Dodington awaited, 216.

first audience of, 221; ceremony of reception, 222–4; Senate's reply to king about, 224; Senator's report of reception, 227–8.

Senate's reply to first expositions, 224–5; office in Collegio upon reply, 229.

French apprehensions about mission, 227; memorial about maintaining peace, 232.

asks to be supplied with Levant news, 229.

office of Senate read to, 231, 233; Mocenigo tells king of reception, 237.

nothing done about succession to, 237; given permission to take leave, 239, 261; succession to uncertain, 240, 245; supposed to have left, 261, 265.

in no hurry to leave, 240; made lieutenant general of the borders, 246.

exposition of forwarded to Mocenigo, 240; office about trade in salt fish, 241; reply to, 242.

office about debt due to Hailes, 242.

office read to, at house, has letters from king, 245; office of, on death of Madame, 246–8.

letter of York sent by, 249; indisposed, 258.

asks for prompt reply to memorials, 249; memorial about currant trade, 250–1, 254.

reply to about redress of grievances, 254–5.

office of, for Hailes against Fustononi, 255–6; reply to, 261.

pressed for despatch, asks for audience, 256, 258; memorial for trading facilities, tax remission and Harby, 259; reply to, 262.

Arlington has news of office, 261; Senate's readiness in hearing appreciated, 265.

says reply about salt fish does not meet the case, 262; further reply to, 263.

further memorial about Harby, 263; withdraws complaint, 264.

expects special favour at departure, 263; office for a pardon, 267.

office of Senate read to, 264; in Collegio, presents memorial, 266; text of office of leave taking, 267; reply to, 268.

in a hurry to get away, wants salt fish question settled, 265; leaving for Padua, 268.

orders for entertainment at Padua, 269; arrives there, takes purge, 271.

success about salt fish expected in London, 269; Arlington refers to requests made by, 279.

letters from Padua about Fustinoni case, 271–2; secretary asks about other requests of, 272; desires reply before leaving Padua, 273.

desires requests to be pressed, 274; reports to Arlington on leave taking, 281.

entertainment at Padua, 277; letter to Senate from Padua, 281; Senate's letter to, 290; delivered by Mocenigo, 304.

Mocenigo to show courtesy to, 281, 290, 292; Temple envied appointment of, 288.

reply of Customs officials to representations about salt fish, 284.

account of leave taking and thanks returned, 290; Mocenigo tells Arlington of concessions and favours to, 293; notification of recall, 299; king knows of honours to, 303.

displeased by Dodington's behaviour in Collegio, 293; Dodington said to have acted by order of, 300; denies this, 304.

back in London, receives Mocenigo, 303.

Bellefonds, Belefont, marquis de. See Gigault, Bernardin.

-, claim against French, for removing from Franche Comté, 238, 244, 285.

Bennet, Henry, earl of Arlington, Secretary of State, 14, 214, 276, 292.
-, letters countersigned by, 135, 222, 247, 303.
-, Mocenigo sees about help for Candia, 1, 2, 5–6, 9, 10; letter to Harvey about policy with Venice, 15; Mocenigo to get support of, 26.
-, speaks of jealousy caused by French operations, 1; surprise at Spanish indifference about alliance, 87.
-, opinion of Sweden and triple alliance, 37; sure king will sign alliance, 60.
-, tells Mocenigo of Howard's mission to Morocco, 56; Mocenigo suggests to, propriety of sending an ambassador to Venice, 56–7; to thank him about, 94.
-, refers to bad administration, 57; lengthy proposal to Colbert about trade, 103.
-, prince of Tuscany uses coach of, 66; gives Guldenlow hope of private audience, 76; arranges it, 78.
-, urges relief for Galilee, 82, 91.
-, opinions about Portugal, 87; speaks of other negotiations of Spain, 99.
-, letter to Mocenigo about Falcombridge, 97; Mocenigo sees about, 98.
-, assures Colbert of Temple's impartiality, 110; thinks England ought to hold the balance, 118.
-, suggests mediation with Porte for peace, 113, 117; moved for Falcombridge's appointment, 116; says Falcombridge going soon, 129.
-, tells Mocenigo of operations against Algerines, 113–4; forwardness in Venetian interests, 132.
-, wants to be ambassador, to escape attentions of parliament, 122.
-, sending instructions to Harvey to support Venice, 132; gave Mocenigo king's letter to Harvey, 138.
-, Falcombridge awaiting instructions from, 139; Mocenigo thanks for procuring mission, 154; says Falcombridge going to Florence, 210.
-, tells Mocenigo of conclusion of alliance, 157; and of mediation about frontiers, 158.
-, Godolphin writes to on queen's attitude about mediation, 191.
-, enemy of Dodington because creature of Buckingham, 193n; protector of Dodington, 195; Madame effects reconciliation with Buckingham, 209.
-, Bridgeman a secretary under, 198.
-, king orders to speak with Colbert about commercial treaty, 209; Colbert unable to convince, 215; Colbert fears treaty buried with, 230.
-, criticises Dutch treatment of Orange, 209; cooler about French trade agreement, 234.
-, Mocenigo sounds about Falcombridge's successor and Dodington, 237; has news of Falcombridge's office, 261.
-, speaks of Spain and arbitration, 237; says Spain always raising fresh difficulties, 238.
-, away from London, 245, 253; away again, 265, 269.
-, expresses king's appreciation at abolition of abuses in currant trade, 275; Mocenigo impresses with special favour shown to English, 279.
-, speaks of Venetian attempt to get English cloth banned in Turkish dominions, 279, 281; Mocenigo gives assurances to, about, 300.
-, Falcombridge informs of good treatment, 281; appeal to, for Dodington, 287n.
-, speaks of intention to keep a minister at Venice, 281.
-, Mocenigo informs of favours and concessions to Falcombridge, 293.
-, Mocenigo complains to, of Dodington's behaviour in Collegio, 293–4; Mocenigo's farewell of, 300.
-, introduces Brussels nuncio at Court, 294; friendly greeting to Alberti, 310.
-, appeal to Mocenigo for Dodington promoted by, 300; says king will not suffer any more lapses, 304, 312; pleased at reception of Dodington at Venice, 310, 312.
-, gives Alberti reply to Mocenigo's credentials, 310; Alberti tells of reply to Dodington's credentials, 312.
-, criticises behaviour of Spain over arbitration, 313; letter to Lionne about move to Dunkirk, 320.

Berkeley, Barkel, Barkle, John, baron of Stratton, appointed lord lieutenant of Ireland, 160; despatched, eagerly awaited, 189.

Berlin [Brandenburg, German Empire], mission of Sylvius to, 34n.

Bernardo, —, Venetian Proveditore da Mar, to carry out orders for food treatment of English, 253–4.

Bertie, Robert, earl of Lindsey, lord great chamberlain:
-, introduces Mocenigo to audience, 229; takes Monroux to audience, 282.

Besancon, Bisanzone [Doubs, France], revolt in, against building of forts, 125.

Beuningen, Bonighen, Conrad van, to go to England and stay while Madame there, 186, 203–4; Colbert's opinion about, 188, 215; not started, 202.
-, may have instructions to keep watch on proposals about Orange, 188–9; Venetian interest in negotiations, 219.
-, arrived in London, staying with Boreel, 207; received by king, 209; not visiting ministers, professed private capacity, 221, 230.
-, will be interested to hear king about Orange, 209.
-, watching moves about mediation, 214; watching opportunity to use Madame's death for Dutch interests, 220, 226.
-, instructed to conclude maritime treaty, 215; speaks of trade of the Indies, 221; report on fleet and trade negotiations, 226.
-, speaks of success at Macassar, 215; says peace there not lasting, 231.
-, talk with Mocenigo, on alliance and Flanders, 220; cultivates Oñate, 233.
-, French impressed by efforts to make trouble over Madame, 225, 235; Colbert sends intercepted letter of, to Paris, 226.
-, gives up talking of joint action against corsairs, 230.
-, says Dutch not anxious to be mediators, 233, 239, 252.
-, evidence of importance attached to mission, 233; irregularity of choice obliges to be careful, 234.
-, watching Colbert's trade negotiations, 234; and question of trade in Indies, 239.
-, talk with Mocenigo about Sautin's claims, 234–5; thanked about Sautin affair, 265.
-, expresses wish for revival of diplomatic relations with Venice, 235.
-, very suspicious of Buckingham's mission, 239; to stay in London till Buckingham's return, 260.
-, Dutch may recall and send to Spain, 242; preparing to go, 252.
-, wants distinction made about frontiers, 252; jealous of English treaty with Spain about America, 260.
-, suspicious of sale of Tangier to France, 260.
-, says Dutch will keep eye on Cologne, 260; to urge admission of emperor to alliance, 283.
-, may have to defend action in Indies, says Dutch alone can trade profitably there, 266.
-, raises alarm at French action in Lorraine, 270, 280; comments on French aggressiveness, 276; intent on Lorraine affair, 288.
-, not to leave London without unanimous consent of Provinces, 283.
-, pays secret visit to Molina, 286; wants Spain to join in protest against French encroachments, 293.
-, closely watching movements of Orange, 291; may act with Orange for closer union with England, 296.
-, annoyed at Spain's reluctance to take resolute action, 292–3; pleased at English decision to arm ships, 295.
-, takes leave, 317–8; comforted by king's perseverance in the alliance, 318.

Beziers, bishop of. See Bonsy, Pierre de.

Bilbao, Vizcaya, Spain, proposal to send packets via, 107, 118.

Bisanzone. See Besancon.

Biscay. See Vizcaya.

-, move of nonconformists against, 84; appeal to king for support, 85; Presbyterians opposed to, 131.
-, proposal to appoint one for Catholics, 105, 127, 294.
-, king means to maintain in Scotland, 128; opposed to remarriage after divorce, 169, 177.

Blanchefort, Charles de, sieur de Crequy, instructions to, against Lorraine, 276n.

Blois [Loir et Cher, France]:
-, despatch dated at, 116.

Blood, Colonel Thomas, leader of attack on Ormonde, 314n.

Bochingan. See Villiers, George, duke of Buckingham.

Bochinzen, Robert, captain of the Scipio, 316.

Bofort. See Vendome, François de, duke of Beaufort.

-, king of, Lisola will not use title, for emperor, 103.
-, queen of. See Elizabeth.

Bologna [Prov. Bologna, Italy]:
-, salt fish taken to by pack mules, 34; Falcombridge travelling via, 204–5.

Bonighen. See Beuningen.

Bonsy, Pierre de, archbishop of Toulouse, French ambassador in Spain:
-, arrival at Madrid, 164; sends Colbert decision about arbitration, 233; Colbert shows letter from, 238.

-, -, bishop of Béziers, Bisiers, later of Toulouse, French ambassador at Venice:

precedent of reception, 213, 223, 227.

-, on authority of Lords and Commons, stir caused by, 121.

Boras. See Sackville, Charles, lord Buckhurst.

Boreel, Borel, John, Dutch ambassador in England, 36.
-, Mocenigo speaks to, about help, 4, 6, 14, 33; promises to write to States, 10, 16; Mocenigo to enlist support, 26.
-, ordered to stay on, 4; entertains king, 24; takes leave, 30; left Kinschot in charge, 48.
-, Mocenigo sees about Sautin affair, 7, 16, 91: Venetian goodwill shown to, 14; and Sautin, 234.
-, States think of sending back, 33; may throw light on payment to Sweden, 92.
-, remains incognito, 101; offers condolences privately, 111.
-, expected to make stable arrangement about Indies trade, 108.
-, presents credentials, message to Mocenigo, 114; relations with ambassadors of crowned heads, 119, 122, 126.
-, Mocenigo to inform of peace with Porte, 119; informed, 129.
-, not pleased at Guldenlow going to Munster, 150; in the dark about van Beuningen, 202.
-, Maffei does not visit, 151, 155.
-, informs Mocenigo of guarantee for Spain, 157; tells him of fleet against corsairs, 181.
-, Charles urges to write for cooperation against corsairs, 161.
-, on the watch about treaty, 185; watching for any move in favour of Orange, 207.
-, to complain of Spanish behaviour over mediation, 194; sceptical of Spanish acceptance of mediators, 230.
-, goes to Dover to pay respects to Madame, 197, 202.
-, van Beuningen incognito in house of, 207; Mocenigo sees van Beuningen at, 220.
-, offers condolences on Madame's death, 229; takes leave, called home by private affairs, 231.
-, encouraged suspicion that Madame poisoned, 235; back in London, 270.
-, represents to Charles danger of French attack on Lorraine, 270; comments on French aggressiveness, 276.
-, intent on Lorraine affair, 288; urges joint action with Spain to stop French encroachments, 292.
-, closely watching movements of Orange, 291; may act with Orange for closer union with England, 296.
-, annoyed at Spain's unwillingness to take resolute action, 292–3; pleased at English decision to arm ships, 295.

Bosnia, Bossina [Yugo Slavia], fear of interference with Venetian trade in, 276.

Bouillon, cardinal de. See Tour, Emanuel Theodor de la.

-, chevalier de, Bouglione. See Tour, Constantin Ignace de la.

Boulogne [Pas de Calais, France], Madame arranged to join Louis at, 199; French Court approaching, 201.

Bourbon Condé, Louis II of, prince of Condé, candidate for Polish crown, 5; Neuburg credited with excluding, 76; advancing on Besançon, 125.

Boyle, Roger, earl of Orrery, Oreri, parliamentary proceedings against, 141; king intervenes for, 142.

Brabant, Spanish Netherlands, expecting fresh taxation, 9.

Bracamonte, Gaspard de, count of Peñaranda, Pegnoranda, appointed to treat with Godolphin, 112; Godolphin speaks strongly to, about mediation, 172; his protest to, 176–7.

Bragadin, Michiel, Proveditore of magistracy all' armar, report on sailors' wages, 308.

Braganza, duke of. See John IV.

Brahe, Nicholas, Swedish ambassador in England, affray at entry of, 96.

Brandenburg, German Empire, margrave of. See Frederick William.

Brazil, S. America.
-, Portuguese debt to Dutch for improvements in, 115; treaty arrangements between Dutch and Portuguese about, 121.

Breda [Prov. N. Brabant, Netherlands], treaty of, 5; reason for conclusion of, 108.

Bremen, Brem, German Empire:
-, payment for troops withdrawn from, 6; Sweden insists on, 14; Spain ready to pay, 16, 62; Sweden offended about, 25; makes no contribution to defence of frontiers, 78.

Bresse, France, province of, troops of, 11.
-, Marsilly kidnapped on frontier of, 68n.

Bridgeman, Sir Orlando, the Lord Keeper, ill, 13, 16.
-, Alberti sees about help, 13; Mocenigo's memorial referred to, 16; question will return to, 20.
-, confidence of Charles in, 16, 198; speeches at opening of parliament, 124, 162, 295.

-, -, nephew of, chosen to be secretary at Venice, 198; falls ill, appointment in abeyance, 216.

Brocaz. See Sackville, Charles, lord Buckhurst.

Brosses, François de, Dutch secretary at the Porte, appointed consul at Leghorn, 24.

Brouncker, Broncard, William, lord, arrest of, Colbert perturbed, 134.

Brunswick Luneburg, Luneburg, dukes of, hopes of including in triple alliance, 22.

-, See also Ernest Augustus; George William.

Brussels [Belgium], 134.
-, news from, 138.
-, robberies near, 7 ; Spanish troops admitted into, 9; complains of troops, 34.
-, nobility of, affected by French edict of confiscation, 21.
-, people force withdrawal of taxes, 36; outcry against taxes at, 52–3.
-, despatches from Madrid brought to, 109, 118; no news of decision from, 142, 145.
-, Gamarra leaves Hague for, 128; frequent despatch of couriers to, 141; Lisola goes to, 146.
-, Don Juan de Toledo assassinated at, 138, 145.
-, proceedings of Spanish ministers at, closely watched, 146.
-, Marquis of Flamarens going to, 266.
-, Hotel de Ville, crowd fires at windows of, 65.

Bruyninx, —, Dutch resident at Frankfort, recalled, 34.

buccaneers, cannot be restrained by government, 46.

Buckhurst, lord. See Sackville, Charles.

Buckingham, co. Buckingham:
-, Sir Richard Temple member for, 270n., 286n.

-, duke of. See Villiers, George.

Bullmay, Captain of royal yacht, will not strike flag to castle of Cronenberg, 296n.

Burghill, F., Howard sends for a safe conduct, 121n.

Burgundy [France]:
-, disturbances in, 125.
-, county of. See Franche Comté.

Butler, James, duke of Ormonde, lord lieutenant of Ireland:
-, dismissed from lieutenancy, 26; outrage on, in London, 314.

-, Thomas, earl of Ossery, Osseri, sent to invite Orange to England, 276, 282.

sets out, 288–9.