Index: Y, Z

Page 421

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 36, 1669-1670. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1937.

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Yarbury, Dr., acting as secretary to Falcombridge:
-, inquires about ceremonial of ambassador's reception, 210; asks about provision of house, 212–3.
-, to act as interpreter for ambassador, 214; at Collegio, 218; announces Falcombridge's arrival, 218–9, 223.
-, returns thanks for courtesies to Falcombridge, asks for Levant advices, 229.

York, county of:
-, petition of cloth workers of, for toleration, 84n.

-, duchess of. See Anne.

-, duke of. See James, duke of York.

Young, Ben., captain of Advice frigate:
-, killed in fight with Algerines, 240, 253.

Ypres, Ipre [Prov. W. Flanders, Belgium]: reception of Madame at, 195.


Zaen, Willem van der:
-, commands squadron sent to Morocco, 29; killed in encounter with Algerians, 49.

Zanobio, Count Verita:
-, comes to London from Paris, 98; leaves for Holland, 109.

Zante, island of, Ionian islands:
-, despatch dated at, 287.
-, letter from, referred to, 264.
-, levies to be sent to, 26; Neptune discharged cargo of gunpowder at, 32, 239.
-, to be paid for, 35.
-, exemptions granted to ships taking munitions to, 27, 35.
-, Mocenigo to send powder to, 36; arrangements for, 91.
-, Leghorn merchant offers to send salt beef to, 37; privileges at, for ships supplying Candia, 81, 91.
-, English hope for good treatment at, 157; Falcombridge represents abuses at, 250.
-, Algerines take three English ships returning from, 189.
-, orders for good treatment of English at, 263; burdens on trade at, 275.
-, English trade in currants at, 269; English ships sailing for, 307–8.
-, convoy waiting for merchantmen at, 316.

-, Proveditore of, 37n, 53n, 263.

-, complaints against, 256; order to, in favour of Harby, 261–2.

-, -, See also Pisani, Ottavian.

Zeeland, Prov. of Netherlands, 33.
-, Spanish ships sequestrated in, 8.
-, Boreel called home by private affairs in, 231; has privilege of nominating ambassadors to England, 233.

Zon, Angelo, secretary to the Senate, 224, 290, 298.