Index: M

Pages 387-396

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 35, 1666-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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Maas. See Meuse.

Maastricht, Mastrich [Prov. Limburg, Netherlands]:
-, suggested for peace congress, 144.

Madame. See Henrietta Anne, duchess of Orleans.

Madrid, Spain, 58, 188, 195–6, 200, 217.
-, despatches dated at, 3, 5, 8, 12–3, 20, 22, 25, 29, 33–4, 39, 43, 48, 55, 59, 67, 75, 80, 85, 90, 91, 93–4, 96–7, 100, 102, 105, 108, 112–3, 116–7, 119, 121–3, 129, 132, 136, 143, 146, 148, 151, 154–5, 163–4, 167, 169, 171–3, 176, 179, 182–5, 187, 189–93, 196–200, 202, 207–9, 212, 214, 216–8, 220, 232, 248, 278, 320.
-, letter from, 320n.
-, Sandwich enters, 4; mission of Novion to suspended, 57.
-, opinion at, about Portuguese negotiations, 59; surprise visit of Southwell to, 83–4.
-, courier from at Paris, 68, 70; replies expected from, 145.
-, Carlingford's proposals sent to, 99; person sent from to London, 154.
-, Castel Rodrigo reports French designs to, 133; money sent from, to Flanders, 144.
-, messenger from Southwell at, 169.
-, Dutch ambassador celebrates Medway raid at; 175.
-, Sandwich goes about sight-seeing, 182.
-, Godolphin leaving, for London, 189; date of his departure, 189n.
-, mission of Gascoign to, 278. the Retiro, 7.

Maes. See Meuse.

Maes, Mateo, commander of the Flanders squadron.
-, operations against Portugal, 149n.

Mahomed IV, Sultan of Turkey, Grand Signor, Grand Turk:
-, demand for use of foreign ships, 43; alleged promise of English ships to, 83.
-, receives Genoese minister, 160n; does not intend to go to Constantinople, 235.
-, presence eagerly desired at Constantinople, 235.
-, prizes English more highly than French, 235.
-, proposed mediation of Harvey with, 236, 322; means to make supreme effort against Candia, 279.
-, appearance at Larissa, 302.

Mainz [Rhein Hessen, German Empire]:
-, work on fortifications at, 232.

Malta, island of:
-, galleys of, leaving Venetian fleet, 301.
-, ship of, 43.

-, sent to Adrianople, 55.

Manchester, earl of. See Montagu, Edward.

Mansfield, —, buccaneer:
-, takes part in capture of Providence, 97n.

Mantua [Prov. Mantova, Italy]:
-, Howard going to, 31.

Marchesini, Giovanni Francesco, Venetian Secretary:
-, mission to Holland and England, 203–4, 213; Mocenigo to follow up, 212; to delay departure and press States for help, 218.
-, letters of credence for Charles, 203, 219; to cross to England, 219.
-, despatches to the Senate, 217–8, 220, 223, 226–7, 231, 233, 237, 278, 314.
-, instructions to, 220, 222, 232, 239.
-, reaches England, sees Arlington, 223; appeals for help, 224–5.
-, indisposed, 223, 225; Arlington's courtesy to, 225, 232; sees Arlington again, 227–8; office approved, 232.
-, audience of king, queen and York, 226; audience of Lord Keeper and Monk, 227–8; sees Rupert and Buckingham, 231.
-, offices to prevent ships serving Turks, 227–8, 233, 239.
-, puzzled by Arlington's remarks, 230; sees Arlington to ask instructions for Harvey, 233–4.
-, Arlington asks how long he is staying, 230; Mocenigo to follow up work of, 239; Mocenigo commends services of, 241.
-, to thank Howard, 232; to return to Hague, 239, 246; and renew offices there, 249.
-, sees Harvey about mediation of peace, 234–6, 237–8; Harvey expresses willingness to, 242.
-, suggestion about intervention for peace, not approved, 239, 247, 322; Mocenigo to clear up ambiguity caused by, 266, 322.
-, to obtain reply from Arlington, 242; trying to get final audience of king, 248; sees king, pleads for help, 253–4.
-, offices and reports referred to, 243–5; does not apply to Mocenigo for money, 255.
-, goes to see Arlington, no better success with, 245; further interview with Arlington and persuasions, 254.
-, cultivating Dutch ambassador, 246; Colbert's gentleman visits, 250.
-, takes leave of queen and York, 254; sets out for Hague, 255; ducali sent on to, 263.
-, efforts to get help from Dutch, 262; back at Hague, waiting for Volpe, 270.
-, Arlington spoke truly to about help, 266; Arlington withholds answer promised to, id.
-, interviews with Temple, 278, 314–6; attentions to Temple, 302; reply to Temple commended, 316.
-, Senate encouraged by reports of, 279; to present memorial at Hague, 286.
-, at Amsterdam, busy over Lunenburg troops, 298; de Witt only holds out hopes to, 302.
-, Mocenigo sends information to, 307, 311, 316.
-, imprisoned, 311; arrested at suit of Sattino, for debts, 324.
-, may get away from Hague about Brunswick troops, 311; going to Lunenburg for despatch of troops, 315, 317, 320.
-, absence causes much harm, 324.
-, interpreter of, 328.

Margate, co. Kent:
-, Dutch attempt landing near, 46n.

Maria Anna, queen regent of Spain: 293.
-, gives audience to Sandwich, 8; Southwell takes leave of, 20; negotiations delayed for feast day of, 43.
-, Embrun's proposals to be communicated to, 42; Sandwich asks to hear intentions, 58.
-, has fresh consultations about proposals of Portugal, 43; English do not altogether disapprove of refusing royal title to Braganza, 84.
-, puzzled by varied opinions of ministers about English proposals, 58; decides on reply to Sandwich, 65.
-, devoting herself to king's education, 71.
-, Sandwich explains delay in negotiating with, 84; anxious to know England's decision, 89; Sandwich wishes to be informed of diligence shown, 95.
-, Fernandez sent to express desire of for negotiations to proceed, 90; Spaniards on watch for office of Sandwich with, 90; to be informed of his office, 95; reply to Sandwich's memorial, 105.
-, does not accept Sandwich's proposal about Portugal, 107; he will accept her verbal approval of treaty, 108; not overlooking the faith in Portuguese negotiations, 116; directs Sandwich to resume juntas, 182.
-, decides to satisfy Sandwich about truce, 128; approves of Pötting's decision to inform emperor, 136.
-, desires Portugal and trade negotiations to be settled together or dropped, 135; Sandwich goes to thank for facilities accorded, 162.
-, letter of Louis to, on claims to Brabant, 161.
-, signs assurances to Portugal, 189; gave full powers to Sandwich, 192; he demands authority from, in writing, 197.
-, orders restitution of English ship, 192.
-, Marquis of Lice made proxy for, at Lisbon, 192, 212.
-, provides Sandwich with money for journey, 193, 196.
-, Sandwich asks to see powers given to Junta by, 199; Sandwich sees on return and thanked by, 217.
-, letter of Charles to, advising peace with France, 217; Colbert says should unite with France, 318.
-, presents of to English and Russian ambassadors, 220; orders help for Venice, 265.

-, confessor of. See Neidhart, John Eberhart.

Maria, Theresa, queen of France:
-, claim to Brabant in right of, 161.

Marie, duchess of Nemours and Aumale, princess d'Omala, Umala, later queen of Portugal, the duchess:
-, to sail from La Rochelle, 6; Beaufort to protect, 11; sails for Lisbon, nuptials celebrated, 26; French fleet escorted to Portugal, 79, 88.
-, escort of, Beaufort supposed to be waiting for, 72; escort of, at Belle Isle, 73.
-, Beaufort going to Lisbon to support, 190; separated from husband, 199; asks for dissolution of marriage, 202.
-, imperious temper, strong for France, 199.

Marseilles [Bouches du Rhone, France]:
-, disturbances at, 27.

Marsh, M. de la, silenced minister of Guernsey:
-, discloses plot against island, 54n.

Martel, M., to buy Dutch war ships for France, 109.

Martinique, W. Indies:
-, Harman's victory at, 189.
-, news from, tobacco crop damaged, 271.

Mas, the Sieur du:
-, reports ships at Amsterdam ready, 139.

Massue, Henri de, Marquis de Ruvigny, Rovigni, Rovigny:
-, sees Queen Henrietta frequently, 116; supposed mission to England to thwart Lisola, 125.
-, to go with Courtin to Breda, 148.
-, engaged about English relations, 168; sent to counteract Lisola, 181.
-, to make liberal offers to win over England, 181; money provided for, 182; to arrange for increase of royal authority, 184.
-, Clarendon's fall may upset measures of, 183; will continue to handle important affairs, 187.
-, suspicion that parliamentarians bribed by, 195.

Mastrich. See Maastricht.

Matthias, royal navy, Dutch burn, 170n.

Mazarin, duke. See Porte, Armand Charles de la.

meat, salted, cargo of, for Candia, 263, 303.

Medici, Cosimo de', grand prince of Tuscany:
-, arrangements for reception, 318; Gascoign offers royal ship for passage, 319; asks king to send ship for, 320n.
-, touring in Portugal, 319.

-, Ferdinand II, de', Grand Duke of Tuscany: 44, 130, 236.

profits by English sending goods overland, 30; and arrest of convoy of Genoa, 96.

distinguished treatment of Henry Howard, 30; Finch informs of victory, 69.

Finch has long audience of, ? about chaplain, 69, 70; and question of chaplain, 123, 124n, 127.

wishes to be on good terms with Rome, 69n; help for Venice, 239, 258.

complains of English not saluting fortress at Leghorn, 156; not likely to make difficulty about salutes, 238.

-, Prince Leopold de'.

nuncio has secret audience of, 124.

Medina Celi, duke of. See Cerda, Antonio de.

-, de las Torres, duke of. See Guzman, Ramire Felipe de.

Mediterranean Sea:
-, Huguenots invite English to shores of, 64.
-, French and Dutch merchantmen for, 80; fleet under Chevalier Paul for, 172.
-, English squadron under orders for, 103.
-, French expect English and Dutch to claim mastery in, 221.
-, Tangier may give England command of trade in, 264.
-, Candia a bulwark of, 284.

Medway, river, co. Kent:
-, Dutch raid on, 170; Renswoude celebrates at Madrid, 175; Colbert recalls insult of, 312.

Meerman, Johan, Dutch ambassador in England:
-, Charles speaks to of peace between crowns, 199; informs commissioners of proposed action to maintain peace, 206.
-, overtures of Lisola and Molina to, 210.
-, a creature of de Witt, 213; Kinschot came in train of, 320n.
-, Temple takes negotiations out of hands of, 213.
-, Marchesini to approach about help for Candia, 222; Marchesini calls on, 227; he expects to hear from, about help, 234.
-, returned from London, reassuring report, 243.
-, intervenes about Swedes victualling Spanish troops from Bremen, 325.

Melo, Don Francesco di, Portuguese ambassador in England:
-, going as ambassador to Holland, 160.

Menezes, Ruy Telles de, Portuguese ambassador to England:
-, despatch of, 119; Marchesini to visit, 222.

merchantmen. See ships.

-, war makes cautious about buying currants, 51; have no commissions to buy currants at Cephalonia, 118.
-, rejoice at prospect of revived trade at Leghorn, 193.
-, discussing Colbert's proposal, 304.
-, one gets Spanish ships seized at Flushing, for debt, 331.

-, English:

one who offers to forward peace, 46; representatives of, at Breda, 159.

threaten to leave Leghorn if trouble about chaplain, 123–4.

at Hamburg, claim on king of Denmark, 174.

help for Venice would disturb because of Levant trade, 231, 234; would inform Turks of help to Venice, 254.

embassy at Porte supported by, would not incur expense for Venice, 235.

trade of in currants, think of going to Morea, 304; Mocenigo to dissuade, 327.

-, French:

Louis informs that purchasing abroad will displease him, 133; alarm at reported rupture with Spain, 146.

-, names of. See Bonelli; Celibi; Dorat; Druenstein; La Medema; Rovelli; Sattino, Samuel.

Mesia, Antonio Francesco, de Tobar y Paz, conde de Molina, Molines, Spanish ambassador in England: 90.
-, expects peace to be arranged, 93; remonstrates about attack on Providence, 110.
-, to have special audience on Portugal affair, 115; will have instructions about Portuguese mission to England, 119.
-, active in London, 122; money sent to, to help Catholics, 123; labours for open alliance, 166.
-, points out danger of French occupation of Flanders, 166; obtains levy of English for Flanders, 176; levy raised at great cost, 241.
-, envoy from Madrid reports to, 176; Marchesini calls on, 227.
-, promises restitution of booty taken by Ostenders, 192.
-, thinks Sandwich's negotiations unlikely to end happily, 200.
-, overtures to Dutch ambassadors, 210; French suspect of hand in Anglo-Dutch treaty, 214.
-, waiting for information from Castel Rodrigo, 246; show of friendliness with Colbert, 253.
-, Colbert treats with distinction, 250; watching Colbert closely, 253, 263; staying on, to watch proceedings, 264–5.
-, complains of capture of Spanish ship, from Campeche, 253.
-, Mocenigo notifies of arrival, 261; informed of entry but does not send coach, 274; asks day for visit, 282.
-, difference with Mocenigo over ceremonial, 290–3, 296, 325; Colbert's attitude to, 295–6, 305; Mocenigo asks Colbert to mediate on difference with, 313.
-, cooled off about following king to country, 294; proposes to go into country, 305.
-, Mocenigo cultivates through Alberti, 296, 308; meets in apartments of duchess of York, 305; on good terms together, 308, 325; Mocenigo treated as on a par with, 317.
-, keenly interested in Candia, 308.
-, riot against house of, on Guy Fawkes' day, 321.
-, about to depart, leaving Oñate in charge, 321; Mocenigo meets at Carlisle's house, 326.
-, arrangement with Sweden for victualling troops from Bremen, disowned, 325; does not like proposal for English and Dutch to pay claim, 330.
-, visits exchanged with Boreel, 330; has audience of king, 331.

Messina, Sicily:
-, English squadron at, 155.

Meuse, Maas, Maes, River:
-, English fleet off mouth of, 56n.

Middelburg [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands]:
-, estimate of English losses at, 22; news from, 50.

Milan [Prov. Milano, Italy]:
-, Howard going to, 31.

-, called out to repel landings, 36n.

Minnis island. See Montserrat.

Miranda, Count. See Sousa de Tavares, Don Henrique.

Mocenigo, Lazzaro, captain general of Venice:
-, York asks if ambassador related to, 260, 261n.

-, Piero, Venetian Ambassador to England: 214.

despatches to the Senate, 222–3, 232, 240–1, 244–5, 248, 250–1, 253, 255, 257, 260–1, 263. 265, 267, 269, 271, 273, 276, 279, 283, 285, 287, 290, 293, 295, 297–8, 301, 304, 306, 308, 310, 312, 316–7, 320, 322–3, 325–6, 328–9, 331.

instructions to, 222, 225, 239, 247, 251, 259, 268, 272, 279, 287, 310, 319.

decision to send at once, 212; Giustinian to get passport for, 213; Sandwich asks about, 218; Jermyn to be told of, 219; about to start, 220.

journey of, 222–3, 232–3, 240; arrival will dissipate idea that Venice not cultivating England, 225; courtesy shown to, at Ostend, 241.

to follow up Marchesini's work, 232; king informed of approach, 239.

expected to bring instructions about mediation, 234; to discountenance idea of mediation, 239; to try and remove impression, 247; avoids the subject, 262.

to cultivate ministers, especially Arlington, 239; proposed offices of, 242; pains to cultivate Arlington, 265–6.

Marchesini to supply with information, 239; keeping Marchesini informed, 307, 311, 316.

difficulty in finding house, 240; does not mean to be surpassed by Colbert, 246; heavy cost of gratuities, 275.

Howards offer services to. 240–1; to cultivate Howards, 251.

Harvey calls on before sailing, 244; cultivating leading ministers, 261.

appeals for assistance to meet heavy expenses, 247, 251; consideration promised, 251.

postal officials demand to pay for letters out and in, 249; complies, 319.

avoids visit from Colbert's gentleman, 250; informs foreign ministers of arrival, 261.

preparing for public entry, 250; entry postponed, 265; public entry of, 273–5.

asks instructions about Rupert, 250–1.

represents urgency at Candia, 262, 265; asks for munitions, 277, 290.

gets cargo of meat sent to Candia, 263, 303; stirs Anglesea and gets promise of action, 289, 290.

discountenances idea of peace negotiations, 266.

visited by Colbert and Boreel, 275–6; Colbert satisfied with, 292.

Boreel suggests closer relations between republics to, 277; urges need for succour on Boreel, 294.

no great hope, but will persevere, 290; ready to go to country to see king, 302.

memorial of, 290, 302; asks Colbert's help with king, 293.

difference with Molina over ceremonial, 291–3; meets Molina at York's apartments, 305.

conversations with Colbert on European politics, 293–4, 312–3.

visits Monk, Boreel and Trevor, 295; calls on Temple's wife, 302, 320.

trying to stop diversion of currant trade to Morea, 304; to dissipate misgivings about currants, 319.

calls on York, who discusses Candia, 305; calls on Bridgman and Ormond, 307.

sees Arlington about instructions to Temple, 306–7; renews efforts with Arlington, etc., 310; thanks him, 316.

Trevor comes to see, 307; Portuguese minister pays respects to, 313, 317–8; returns visit, 321.

complains of heavy expenses, 309, 317; asks increase of salary, 317, 332.

inventions submitted to, 309. to suggest a levy and get ships, 310.

obtains copy of Council's reply to memorial, 310; copy of reply to, 314.

sees king and renews appeal, 310; king's reply impresses favourably, 311.

tries to induce Colbert to make peace with Molina about ceremony, 313.

covers before king when wearing hat, 317.

to find distinguished person to serve Venice, 317.

exchanges visits with Sandwich, 318; impatience to learn Temple's reply, 320, 322; urges Temple to action, 320.

Modena [Prov. Modena, Italy]:
-, Howard goes to, 31.

Mohun, Mon, Charles, lord:
-, sent to congratulate Mocenigo on arrival, 274.
-, Mocenigo entertains at banquet, 275.

-, prince of, set up by Winchelsea, 222.

-, See also Duca, George; Elias.

Molina, Molines, count of. See Mesia.

-, countess of, waits on queen during attack, 301; Madame Colbert objects to preference shown to, 301, 313.

Molmuth. See James, duke of Monmouth.

Mompelier. See Montpellier.

Mon. See Mohun, Charles, lord.

Monaco, prince of. See Grimaldi, Louis,

-, crowns, 97, 120, 122–3, 127, 133, 144, 168, 174, 193, 197, 227, 231, 263, 279, 308n, 327.
-, doubles, 196, 208, 220.
-, ducats, 222, 240, 259, 260.
-, florins, 236, 241.
-, francs, 46, 91.
-, French livres, 35, 182.
-, lire, 141, 144, 319.
-, piastres, 209.
-, pieces of eight, 132, 162.

Monk, Monch, George, duke of Albemarle, Albeni, Altemar: 15.
-, inspects fleet, punishes captains, 2, 3; force under, in Downs, 7n; sent to attack Dutch, 14; Ruyter refuses to board ship of, 16.
-, quarrel with Clarendon, 110; king intervenes to reconcile, 113.
-, godfather to Prince Edgar, 187.
-, Marchesini calls on, 226; asks particulars of siege of Candia, 227; Mocenigo calls on, 295; he presses needs of Candia on, 298.
-, Mocenigo in difficulty about return visit of, 296; manner of receiving him, 308.
-, troops of disperse mob at Spanish embassy, 321.

Monmouth. See James, duke of Monmouth.

Monreale, bishop of. See Visconti, Vitalian.

Monsieur. See Philip, duke of Orleans.

Montagu, Edward, earl of Manchester, lord chamberlain of the Household:
-, entertains king at Waltham Abbey, 226; absent from Mocenigo's audience, 280.

-, Edward, earl of Sandwich, Sandovich, English ambassador in Spain:

enters Madrid, entertainment, 3; government anxious to please, 8; direction and power in hands of, 20.

relations with Fanshaw, 4; relations with ambassadors, 8; at Fanshaw's death-bed, 25n.

conference with Medina, 7–8, 12.

audience of queen regent, 8; comments on, id.; public audience, 12, 29.

asks for minister to treat with, 13; relations with settled, 20; to demand positive and direct answer, 22.

will have assistance of Godolphin, 20; realises Spaniards wasting time, determined to make a start, 29.

speaks to Zorzi of Portuguese negotiations, 20–1; and of question of Flanders, 21; returns Zorzi's visit, speaks of proposed alliance and mediation, 39.

Junta begins negotiations with, 32; representations upon designs of France, 32–3; second sitting, arguments for adjustment with Portugal, 38–9.

celebrates victory, 33; minimises Dutch success in late battle, 34; Embrun's efforts to spoil negotiations, 41–2, 48, 54.

shows great reserve with every one, 39; frequent conferences with Medina, friendly relations, 58.

Council decides not to cool off about negotiations, 42; gets days appointed for conferences, 43; juntas with slacken, constant interruptions, 55; grows heated, complains of delays, 57; suave answer to, 58.

urgent about adjustment with Portugal, 43; reply to about mediation, uncompromising answer of, 47.

English awaiting result of negotiations, 53, 57.

promises to guarantee Flanders, 57; exposes trickery of French proposals, 58.

impatient of delays, asks for decision, 57–8; Council considering reply to, 58; queen decides on reply to, 65; dissatisfaction with reply, representations, 66.

speaks of ease of detaching Dutch from France, 59; Embrun's instructions to thwart renewed, 71.

writes to England for instructions, 66; Fernandez sent to sound about Portugal, 84; sent to again, 90.

report of negotiations in Paris, 68; office of Fuentes about, 70.

visits Zorzi, speaks of negotiations, 74; amazed at attitude of Spanish government, 75; complains of Spanish procedure, 93.

speaks contemptuously of Beaufort, 75.

intimates that peace not far off, 75.

surprised by visit of Southwell, 83n; Southwell handed packets to, 84; not very pleased at visit, 85; says nothing about Southwell's visit, 90; refers to Southwell's visit with Zorzi, 94.

expected to answer upon Fanshawe's treaty, 89; denies responsibility for Fanshawe's acts, 93.

sharp reply to Fernandez, 90; Pötting speaks to, has courteous reply on same lines, 90; confidential relations with Pötting, 100.

Spaniards resent silence of, 89; Spaniards on watch for office with queen, 90.

distressed about fire, 90; but glad house escaped, 91; minimises effects of fire to Medina, 92; reply to condolences on, 93.

speaks of Lisola's mission as deceitful, 94; excludes France from peace, 97.

reply from Lisbon reaches, asks for meeting with Junta, 95; busy visiting ministers, chiefly Medina, 97, 102.

working for alliance more than adjustment with Portugal, 97; sends gentleman to Lisbon, 105.

blames corsairs for attack on Providence, 97.

presents paper on Portuguese negotiations, Medina sees about, 104; reception of reply, 105; queen does not accept proposal of, 107; will accept queen's oral approval of treaty, 108.

threatens to go if treaty not signed, 108; distressed and dissatisfied, hopes of glory faded, 112.

prone to bitterness and anger, government unwilling to give fresh offence to, 108.

receives refusal of proposals from Portugal, 111; Council allows Medina to encourage with hopes, 113.

reports Portuguese reply to Junta, 111; representations to, about Portuguese mission to England, 119.

Spaniards demand fulfilment of king's promises from, 111; informed of intention to make representations in London, 115.

remonstrates with Medina about revival of negotiations with France, 114; Medina acting in concert with to thwart Embrun, 116; approves of decision to refuse Junta to Embrun, 117.

making good progress with trade negotiations, 118–9; asks for trade negotiations to be dealt with apart and concluded, 135.

promises to write about Turks using English ships, 120; does so, 131; would like to command fleet against Turks, 131.

regrets Spanish hesitation in accepting alliance, remarks on danger and advantages, 120–1.

resumes negotiations about Portugal, urges decision, 122; queen decides to satisfy about truce, 128.

Peñaranda remonstrates with, about treatment of Catholics, 123; alliance and Portugal under discussion with, 163.

promises about Portugal, 128; interpretation of the obligation, 128–9; all the business of Portugal remains in hands of, 164.

Embrun upset by Spanish dealings with, 129.

Godolphin tells Zorzi about negotiations, 131; heated remarks about Spanish behaviour, 132; constant complaints of, 151, 154.

resents Council's decision to treat of Portugal and trade together, 135; fresh and wider commissions reach 143; resumes juntas, no signs of new business, 151.

reported promise of, 154; supposed more successful, 154; arrangement reached with, 162; making daily progress, 164, 166.

sending a special person to London, 154; goes to thank queen for facilities afforded, 162.

opinion about Breda conference, 154–5.

negotiations with for an alliance, 162; has communicated everything to king, 176.

sends to Portugal for king's opinion, 167; points out change in position and need to be generous, 169; has no further hand in Portugal affair, 173.

affairs stationary, lacks sufficient powers, 171; receives despatch from king, 172.

endeavours to remove impression of Medway affair, 175–6.

without business, sight-seeing, 182; tour postponed for business, 183.

asked to resume juntas, 182; informed of decision about Portugal, 186.

cautious attitude of, 186–7; independent line taken by, 188.

promises accommodating spirit in Portugal, 187; insists on the claim to be treated as king, 188; asked to find out sentiments of Portugal, 190.

confident of success, 189; ample powers given to, 189; St. Romain labouring to thwart, 193.

obtains restitution of ship taken by Centurioni, 192; Westcomb says did little for him, 192n.

frequent meetings with ministers, powers confirmed, 192; claims authority in writing, suspicions over, 197.

to go in person to Lisbon, 192, 196, 198; journey delayed opinions about, 195; asks to see powers given by queen to Junta, 199; continues consultations with deputies, 200.

queen sends money for journey, 193, 196; incurs heavy expense of coach, 196; dismisses coach, 197; has coach ready again, 199; not ready, 200; no sign of moving, 202.

may help to settle quarrels of house of Braganza, 193; owing to changes, will await fresh instructions from England, 202; not going, 206.

informs ministers of confirmation of treaty with England, 195.

makes no communication to foreign ministers, 196; speaks to Belegno about journey, 197; Molina thinks negotiations unlikely to end happily, 200.

greatly annoyed at Spanish hesitations and becoming suspicious, 199; suspects that Liche negotiating independently, 199; Spanish suspicions of, 206–7.

loses much by departure of Godolphin, who the true director, 202.

-, sudden decision to go to Lisbon, 207; receives full powers and money, 208.
-, misgivings, no certainty of Portugal, 208; hands empty as regards Portugal, 209.
-, sends gentleman to Belegno, 209; will offer to take fleet to relief of Candia, 218.
-, great welcome in Portugal, 211; acclamations to at Lisbon, 212; entertained at Avero palace, 214.
-, meets deputies appointed for peace, 214; sees queen regent on return, thanked, 217.
-, has leave to return home, 216; preparing to leave, 217; final audience, 218; presents to, 220.
-, honours and acclamations for when passing through Portugal, 217; puffed up by success, 218; heavy cost of embassy, 329.
-, two frigates ready to take, 218; waiting for ships from Santander, 220; goes to Cadiz to embark, 232.
-, sent to Tangier, king displeased with, 248; Back home, importance of report of, 299; Mocenigo exchanges visits with, speaks of conditions in Spain, 318.

-, Ralph, master of the horse to the queen mother, English ambassador to France:

Boreel urges despatch of, 253.

Montbrun, marquis de. See Puy, Jean du.

Montélimar [Drome, France]:
-, lawyer of questioned about correspondence with English, 64.

Montpellier, Mompelier [Herault, France]:
-, Clarendon at, 267.

Montserrat, Minnis island, W. Indies:
-, French capture, 106, 127.

-, Tangier harassed by, 264.

Mordaunt, John, viscount:
-, resigns constableship of Windsor, 308n.

Morea, Greece:
-, English think of getting currants from, 304, 327; crop small and poor, 319.

Morgan, Henry, buccaneer:
-, takes part in capture of Providence, 97n.

-, Sir Thomas, governor of Guernsey:

plot disclosed to, 54n.

Morice, Moris, Sir William, secretary of state:
-, Marchesini speaks to, 231; Mocenigo to foster good will of, 239.

Morley and Monteagle, lord. See Parker, Thomas.

Morocco, N. Africa:
-, movements in, force strengthening of Tangier, 276; Taffilet conquers, 327.

Most Christian king. See Louis XIV.

Moura y Corte Real, Francesco de, marquis of Castel Rodrigo, governor of Flanders:
-, apologises for insult to Dutch resident, 32; tries to alarm Dutch about French projects, 116; Louis writes to States about, 121.
-, considers war inevitable, measures for defence, 122; warns Madrid of impending attack on Flanders, 133; powers to treat with princes of the North, 200.
-, reports fresh and wider commissions for Sandwich, 143.
-, promises to restore Hamilton's horses and to send men to England, 191n.
-, represents union with England, Holland and Brandenburg as easy, 200.
-, Lisola and Molina urge to take definite action, 210; blamed for losses to French, 233.
-, longing for Don John, 233; Molina waiting for action by, 246.
-, uncertain if remaining as governor, 253; succeeded by Velasco, 318n.

Muddiman, Henry:
-, reports landing of English troops at Ostend, 168n.

Munster [Westphalia, German Empire]:
-, Dutch paying off troops raised for war of, 139.
-, bishop of. See Galen, Christopher Bernard von.
-, peace of, 268.

Muscovite, the. See Alexius, Tsar of Russia.

-, Dutch equipping ships for, 37; ships for burned at Vlie, 60.

Mustapha, Caimecan of Adrianople:
-, excuses Winchelsea from going to Adrianople, 41.