Index: H

Pages 373-377

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 35, 1666-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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Hague [Prov. S. Holland, Netherlands]: 56, 61, 101, 301, 304.
-, news from, 19, 51, 159, 297.
-, letters dated at, 31; letters sent on to, 263.
-, despatches dated at, 217, 219, 220, 279.
-, alliance made at, 37n; congress of 1609 at, 150.
-, troops brought to, to keep order, 67.
-, van Beuningen sends account of negotiations to, 78.
-, deputies of Admiralty summoned to, 102.
-, Charles suggests for peace congress, 134; selection announced to States and in Paris, 137.
-, Dutch cool off about, 139; Charles writes accepting, 140.
-, suspicion about Charles' choice of, 137; Charles refuses to appoint another place, 144.
-, Dutch Provinces disagree about, 144; Breda compared with, 146; Ruvigny to frequent, 148.
-, Estrades sent back to, about attack on Brabant, 160; French ambassadors leave for Breda, 180.
-, Count Dona negotiating at, 161; foreign ministers leave Breda for, 177.
-, Temple's arrival at remarked in France, 211; English policy to conduct treaty negotiations at, 213; treaty made at, 215.
-, Marchesini to postpone departure from, 218; he leaves, for England, 223; Marchesini to return to, 239, 246, 248; and renew offices at, 249, 255.
-, Marchesini back at, 270; to present memorial at, 286; attending to question of succour at, 298.
-, Bonstetten leaves, 272; Marchesini may get away from about Brunswick troops, 311, 317.
-, conversations between de Witt and Temple at, 297.
-, Dutch prefer to conduct negotiations at, 307–8; orders from to Boreel, 325.

Hamburg, German Empire:
-, news from, 68.
-, la Roche St. André to enlist sailors at, 140; ship at Leghorn with currants for, 143; claim of English merchants at, on Danish king, 174n.
-, ship of, burned in Elbe, 68n.

Hamillorte, Signor (?): 9.

Hamilton, Amolton, Sir James:
-, horses and equipment of, captured by Ostenders, 191.

Hampton Court, Toncurt, co. Middlesex:
-, king leaves for, 265.

Hanse Towns:
-, efforts to be included in peace, 177.

Harcourt, chevalier d'. See Lorraine, Alfonse Louis de.

Harlinton. See Bennet, Henry, earl of Arlington.

Harman, Sir John:
-, defeats French at Martinique, 189.

Haro, Gaspar de, marquis of Liche, Lice, marquis of Carpio:
-, Sandwich takes a proxy for, from queen, 192; asks for powers to deal with Portuguese, 197; Sandwich suspects of negotiating independently, 199; negotiations with Portugal referred to, 207; chief points arranged with, 212.
-, connected with house of Braganza, 207; released from Belem, 212.
-, reports on Sandwich's negotiations to Madrid, 214; Sandwich in disgrace for signing after, 248n.

Harvey, d'Harvey, Harvis, Harviz, Sir Daniel, English ambassador to the Porte:
-, to replace Winchelsea, 224; recommended to king by Arlington, 230; a friend of Henry Howard, 235.
-, Marchesini to get orders for, about ships, 227; ship taking to stop at Smyrna, 229, 237.
-, suggestion to use as arbitrator for peace, 228–9; interests of Venice commended to, 233; to have instructions for this, 234.
-, fear of Turkish action against if Venice helped, 230, 290, 298; Mocenigo to see that well affected to Venice, 239.
-, Marchesini calls on, 234; raises difficulties, 234–5.
-, goes to see Marchesini about mediation, 236; Marchesini sees again, speaks of mediation, 237–8; ready to mediate, 242.
-, sailing in Leopard, 237; expected time on journey, 238; not to touch at Leghorn, 244.
-, instructions for wanted to prevent ships serving Turks, 239; starts, 245, 249.
-, will see Mocenigo before leaving, for instructions, 242; calls on him, speaks about use of ships and mediation, 244.
-, Mocenigo commends cause of Venice to, 244–5, 262; Mocenigo to cultivate good will of and encourage to help Venice, 247.
-, has order to prevent ships serving Turks, 244, 248, 268; thanks for, 259.
-, to go to Leghorn incognito 244; proposed offices with there, 249.
-, Pasha of Algiers asks for, to compose differences at Tangier, 249.
-, instructed to take up negotiations for Venice, 258; mediation not desired, 261–2.
-, convoy of cloth to give weight to appearance of, 264; voyage delayed by the weather, 271.
-, Arlington interested with, in Levant trade, 266.
-, lands at Cadiz on way out, 278; letters from Leghorn, 322.
-, orders to be changed for a joint protest, 286; took offence at Venice taking peace negotiations out of hands, 322; Arlington refers to change in instructions, 324.
-, Mocenigo asks instructions to mollify, 323; he explains matter to Arlington's satisfaction, 324.
-, fresh commissions for, to help Venice, 328; thanks for, 331.

Harwich, co. Essex:
-, squadron leaves to attack Dutch, 178, 179n.

Hastings, co. Sussex: 72n.

Hastings, Henry:
-, lord arraigned for death of, 9n.

Havre de Grace [Seine Inf., France]:
-, Dutch fleet driven to, 72; Beaufort ordered to, 75; Beaufort reaches, 76; French ships take refuge at, 82.

Hay, Margaret (née Russel) countess of Carlisle:
-, marriage to earl of Manchester, 226.

Haye, Aye, Denis de la, Sieur de Ventelet, Vantelet, French ambassador at the Porte:
-, arrested and made to pay for captured Maltese ship, 43.
-, demands renewal of capitulations, 43; Winchelsea opposes claims, 43–4.
-, Ballarino wishes to be in good books of, 44.
-, reports promise of English ships to Porte, 83.
-, letter to duke of Scione, 160; unfriendly to Venetians, 225.
-, Gobbato satisfies about leaving Adrianople, 221; stirs up Jews against Gobbato, 225.
-, outrageous treatment, by Turks, 235; recall a sign of greater efforts by France, 255; recalled in disgust, 286.

Heemskerk, Hemskerk, Capt. Laurence van:
-, Dutch fear a landing by, 139.
-, Dutch attribute disaster at Vlie to, 139.

-, Dutch burn English ships with, 68.

Henrietta Anne, daughter of Charles I, duchess of Orleans, Madame:
-, Charles writes to of naval battle, 23; and claims victory in, 27–8.
-, Charles tells of fleet preparations, 26, 40, 45; has letters from Charles weekly, 27.
-, refuses to drink king's toast to Dutch, 27.
-, distributes English version of battle, 27; writes asking to levy regiment in England, 188.
-, support to be enlisted for Venetian appeal for help, 203, 212.
-, relationship to, an advantage for Clarendon, 204.

-, Maria, queen mother of England:

Charles writes to of naval battle, 23; sends Jermyn to England, 63; Venice interested in intervention of, 68.

king visits at Colombes to help for peace, 63; peace conferences at house of, 74; English will not listen to advice of, 101.

Louis condoles with on great fire, 80; Jermyn informs about fire, 81.

Sweden has some inkling of peace offices of, 91; believes peace will come before spring, 114.

threat to cut off supplies if remains in France, 101; Signory wishes to know if returning to England, 108; Jermyn brings word of her affairs, 130.

may retire to nunnery of Chaliot, 101; living at Chaliot, 114, 130.

Ruvigny seeing frequently, 116; king goes to with letters from England, 143.

palace of, suggested for peace congress, 137, 139; receives news of signing of peace, 175.

regrets English leaning to Spain, 167.

receives news of birth of prince, 187; Monmouth goes to palace of, at Paris, 214n.

support to be enlisted for Venetian appeal for help, 203, 212.

Colbert brought letters from for queen and duchess of York, 256; some of goods of sent to France, 318n.

Henry II, king of England, 204.

-, III, king of England, 204.

-, duke of Nemours and Aumale, 11n.

herring fishery:
-, Dutch busses ready for, little fear of English, 29; question of issuing permission for, 102.

Hesse Darmstadt, landgrave of. See Louis VI.

Higgons, Sir Thomas:
-, sent with insignia of garter to Saxony, 236.

High Mightinesses. See Netherlands.

Hiorch. See James, duke of York.

Hirschenstierna, Stephen Gambrotius, Swedish secretary in France:
-, suggests Hague for congress, 137; expressions show distrust of France, 164.

Holland, Province of, Netherlands:
-, English will not treat for peace in, 53.
-, French send to buy warships in, 107, 109.
-, could equip squadron with money offered by E. India Co., 122.
-, objects to Hague for conference, 144; desires deputy to congress, 150; appoints deputy, 153.
-, embarcation of troops from, for Candia, 290; Brunswick troops not allowed to sail from, 317.
-, Tron and Giustinian leave for, 309.
-, consents to arrest of Marchesini, 324.

-, States of, Assembly of:

causes frequent arrests to be made, 67; Estrades to represent French services to, 88; send to meet English deputies, 158.

-, See also Netherlands.

Holles, Holis, Hollis, Denzil. baron, English ambassador in France:
-, efforts for release of Salvator del Mondo, 1, 2; thanked for, 48.
-, chosen delegate for peace congress, 147, 158; considered too hot tempered, 149; leaving with full powers, 158; arrives at Breda, 161; claims made by, 165, 168.
-, States consider presenting ultimatum to, 169; complains of Medway attack, 171; withdraws but returns, 174.
-, says he has exceeded powers, 174; says king will remain neutral, 181.
-, efforts for Clarendon's return, 313.

Holmes, Sir Robert:
-, commanded expedition to the Vlie, 60n.

Holstein, Holsatia [Denmark]:
-, Dutch troops for, 7; not proceeding, 24.

-, Glucksburg, duke of. See Philip.

-, Sunderburg, duke of. See Augustus Philip; Christian Adolphus.

Hopeful Providence, Hopesal and Providence, English privateer:
-, many captures made by, 140, 141n.

-, of Mocenigo, weather-bound at Rotterdam, 261.

Horst, Ewout van der, regent of Rotterdam:
-, implicated with Buat, 67.

Howard, Barbara, countess of Suffolk:
-, godmother to Prince Edgar, 187.

-, Charles, earl of Carlisle, Carlisse, English ambassador to Sweden:

Dutch get sent about claim on Spain, 326; instructions for, to keep Sweden in triple alliance, 330.

-, Henry, son of the earl of Arundel called earl and duke of Arundel, Rondel, 328.

stay at Florence, 30; travelling to Venice and Milan, 31; leaving Florence for Venice, 34.

means to offer for Venetian embassy, 30; employment as correspondent of Rome considered, 186; would like Venetian embassy, 266.

Clarendon, enemy of, 186.

in Rome, 186; support desired for Marchesini, 203; calls on Marchesini and offers services, 223; Arlington asks how long Marchesini staying, 230; zeal in serving Venice, 244; Mocenigo thanks, 270.

Marchesini to thank for courtesies, 232; Marchesini asks to get Harvey to serve Venice, 235–6; confirms readiness of England to mediate, 242.

acts as interpreter for Mocenigo with Harvey, 245; Mocenigo to cultivate with brothers, 251; to assure of regard, 259.

Mocenigo to remove impressions of, about mediation, 247.

Mocenigo meets with Arlington and thanks, 257; Arlington gets to vouch for his goodwill to Venice, 258.

supports idea of grant of munitions to Venice, 259; Mocenigo sends York news of Candia by, 270.

informs Mocenigo of arrangements for entry, 273; attends him at entry, 273–5; supports him against Craven, 280.
-, attends Mocenigo to audience, 280.
-, letters of Harvey to from Leghorn, 322; to write to Harvey about misunderstanding, 328.
-, proposed mission to Taffilet, 329; may go on to Algiers, 330.

-, Henry, son of Henry called earl of Arundel:

attends Mocenigo at entry, 275.

-, Henry Frederick, third earl of Arundel, 30, 223n, 328n.

-, Philip, the queen's almoner:

desire to serve Venice, 240.

popular and esteemed, 241.

brings Mocenigo word of queen's desire for writ from pope, 328.

-, Thomas, duke of Norfolk, Neufolc, 30, 328–9.

calls on Marchesini and offers services, 223; Marchesini to thank, 232; high in king's favour, 241.

Hubbard, Captain of:
-, squadron of chases galleys with cardinals, 155.

Hubert, of Rouen, Ruberto da Roan, executed for causing great fire, 100.

-, invite English, 64.

Hull, co. York:
-, Smith takes refuge at, 177.

Humber, co. York:
-, Dutch prize taken to, 177n.

-, Rupert approves of attacking Turks from side of, 308.

Huybert, Pieter de, pensionary of Zeeland:
-, appointed deputy to congress, 153.

Hyde, Edward, earl of Clarendon, lord chancellor:
-, no love for Henry Howard, 30, 186; quarrel with Monk, 110; king intervenes to reconcile, 113.
-, parliament wants inquiry into financial administration of, 126; outcry against after Medway affair, 172; parliament opposed to, 181.
-, invites E. India Co. to send deputies to Breda, 158.
-, Ruvigny to try and bribe, 181; fall likely to upset Ruvigny's negotiations, 183; Ruvigny to arrange with, for increasing royal power, 184.
-, strong leanings to France, 181, 204; French regret at fall, 183; fall, reference to, 200.
-, parliament's proceedings against, 184, 194, 204.
-, lays down office without a struggle, 185; hopes that birth of prince will soften parliament towards, 187; party of, secretly favoured by James, 195.
-, in danger of his life, 194; flees to France, 201; thinks of going to Liège, 206.
-, dispute between Lords and Commons over, 201; letter read to parliament and condemned, 204–5.
-, Louis in a dilemma over, 201–2; cordial reception in France, 204; reveals state secrets to Louis, 206.
-, sentenced to perpetual exile, 206; at Montpellier, 267; efforts of friends for, 313.
-, French move for recall of, 267; Arlington refers to disorders caused by, 269.
-, resistance to recall grows stronger, 276; nothing more said about, 300; Colbert thinks return impossible, 312; Colbert's action makes return further off than ever, 323.