Index: V

Pages 412-414

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 30, 1655-1656. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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Valencia, Spain, English merchants leaving, 88.

Valenciennes [Nord, France], French plans against, 193; defeat of French force besieging, 246; advantage not followed up, 251.

Valenza [Prov. Alessandria, Italy], besieged by duke of Modena, 259; makes adjustment between France and Spain more difficult, 265.

Vane, Sir Henry, sent prisoner to Carisbrooke castle, 264; Cromwell promises to tell reasons for removal, 266.

Vaud, Pays de, Piedmont, Swiss ambassadors on way to, 73.

Vaudois, Valais, Protestants in Savoy, heretics, in Piedmontese valleys:
-, sympathy for, 63; remonstrance with duke about, 66; petition duke for clemency, 77.
-, collection for, in city, 63, 69, 72, 76; fast for, 72, 76.
-, affair delays peace with France, 69, 100; Moreland's representations to Louis about, 70; France not entirely trusted over, 73, 93.
-, differences with likely to be soon adjusted, 74; duke insists agreement shall be advantageous to himself, 76–7.
-, envoy from in England, 76; Cromwell desires settlement of affair, 93.
-, defeated in every encounter, losing heart, 77; Savoy's treatment of moved all Protestant powers, 172.
-, collection for very successful, 87; Cromwell not satisfied, fresh appeal, 88; more deputies from England and Holland about, 99.
-, settlement made for, with French help, 117; English and Dutch proposals for, 120, 123, 131; English and Dutch not pleased with settlement for, 126, 135; French Court managed affair, 131; appeal to England, duke had to receive back, 310.
-, Cromwell reported to have sent money to, 188; prayers in England for those who perished, 197.

Venables, Robert, General:
-, reported dead, 110; arrives in another ship, 116; arrested, 118; Blake fears to share fate, 126.
-, Cromwell hesitates about punishing, 119.

Veneroso, the Governor, submits to Blake turning back Genoese ships, 99.

-, tardiness of recognition resented in England, 310.
-, 1655:
-,-, anxious to have particulars of Blake's fleet, 1; orders Sarotti to compliment Blake, 13.
-,-, representations against granting war ships to Turks, 10, 34–5; Spanish desire to help against Turks, 59.
-,-, decision to choose ambassador for England, 10; cannot expect anything if does not send quickly, 22; surprise at delay, 35.
-,-, would be glad of Blake's ships in fleet, 14; friendly disposition to England, 23, 35, 67, 85.
-,-, help for decision of intercourses with England, 30; embassy from would be welcome in England, 31.
-,-, wishes to be advised of Blake's operations, 34; Blake's success of great advantage to, 59, 61.
-,-, Turks sending to complain of England helping, 35; hope of Blake's operations helping, 66.
-,-, new ambassador to Porte to be asked to favour cause of, 47.
-,-, choice of Sagredo as ambassador to England, 61; letter to Cromwell from, 63–4.
-,-, Levant Co. asks to redress grievances at Zante and Cephalonia, 63–4.
-,-, Sagredo has no money from, 73; payment promised to him, 87, 107; solatium for him, 98; remittances to him, 103.
-,-, Fleming trying to get embassy to, 84; proposal to send envoy to, 92.
-,-, hopes for English help against Turks, 86, 110, 145, 149; desires to afford satisfaction to England, 114.
-,-, requires information about duties on currants, 87, 95.
-,-, wishes to know reason of English withdrawal from Naples, 92; English peace with Spain would be good for, 125.
-,-, Swedes visiting, 97; friendship for Dutch, 151, 154; recognition of Dutch ambassadors, 152, 154.
-,-, Sagredo's mission will serve interests, 110; Sagredo explains reason for delay of recognition, 112; representations to Cromwell for, 126.
-,-, Galilee's case recommended to, 115; payment to Galilee promised, 126, 147.
-,-, Sagredo to sound Cromwell about helping, 120, 122; regard shown for arouses hope, 122; Cromwell expresses esteem for, 124, 136; he recommends Paulucci to, 135.
-,-, Spanish ambassador informs of English hostile proceedings, 127–8.
-,-, efforts to get English squadron against Turks, 131, 133; enmity with Spain hinders help for, 133; Sagredo's appeal to Cromwell for, 136; Cromwell promises to consult Council about, 136–7.
-,-, England would be as dangerous a neighbour to, as Turk, 137; reported peace negotiations at Porte, 159.
-,-, desires an ambassador and warship from England, 139; insignificant person employed in, as agent, 143.
-,-, hopeless to expect help from England, 145, 152, 159, 163.
-,-, minister in London likely to have task of mediation, 149.
-,-, Paulucci returning to, 153; choice of Giavarina as resident, 163–4.
-,-, Brandenburg's regard for, 160.
-,-, English prize taken to, 162.
-, 1656:
-,-, wishes to be kept informed of relations of Spain with English, 170; and of designs of fleet for Mediterranean, 173, 179, 188, 192, 229.
-,-, quarrel among Swiss prejudicial to, 172; defence of Adriatic affair of, 218.
-,-, may profit by molestation of Dutch by Turkish corsairs, 175; may secure more advantageous peace through Swedish intervention, 179.
-,-, Cromwell assured of desire for good relations, 177, 188, 221; wishes to satisfy him about Concordia, 179, 194; promises decision 205; letter to Cromwell about, 221, 243; Cromwell thanks, 244
-,-, may get better peace terms from Turk by diversion, 174; great preparations of Turk against, 205.
-,-, Buckingham concludes will not employ him for levies, 189.
-,-, wishes to express regret for Cromwell's illness, 197; Fleming may settle as minister at, 251.
-,-, Cromwell to be moved to help, 206; English attack on Barbary would be of advantage to, 227.
-,-, desires information of Bond's negotiations, 209.
-,-, gives up Principe di Toscana, letter to Cromwell upon, 237, 239, 249, 258.
-,-, letter to Cromwell suggesting help against Turks, 247; Cromwell asked to help, 258.
-,-, victory over Turks reported in London, 255; victory celebrated in London, 257, 281; Cromwell congratulates on victory, 258, 281; Fisher celebrates in poem, 283; reward for, 289–90.
-,-, interest in contemplated envoy to Italy, 260.
-,-, further successes, capture of Tenedos, 265, 267; preparing to meet Turkish offensive, 270.
-,-, Pell speaks of desire to help, 278; Cromwell desires to serve, 291.
-,-, representations against Turks using Christian ships, 278, 285, 290–1; possibility of Cromwell helping Turks against, 279; Cromwell wishes success to, 291; Dutch promise satisfaction to, 292.
-,-, Giavarina asks instructions, if Cromwell made king, 286.
-,-, Cromwell asks to obtain release of English prisoners, 291–2.
-, Captain of the Ships. See Mocenigo, Lazzaro.
-, consul, English, at. See Hobson, John.
-, Council of Ten. 165.
-, doge of, 115.
-, -, See also Contarini, Carlo; Molino, Francesco,
-, fleet:
-,-, desire for English ships in, 14; list of ships in, 41; English ships would render irresistible, 112; efforts to get English ships for, 159, 258.
-,-, capture of Christian ships fighting for Turks, 70; Galilee taken when serving with, 115.
-,-, victory over Turks at Dardanelles, 247, 255–7.
-,-, largely composed of Dutch ships, 285.
-, -, Magistracy of the, 237. merchants of. See merchants, Venetian.
-, Mint, 126.
-, nobles, to accompany Sagredo to England, 77, 103, 121; received in Sweden, 97; returning home, 130.
-, Proveditore General of the Levant Islands, 87, 95.
-,-, report on currant trade at Zante, 104–5; instructions sent to, 113.
-, Proveditori and Savii sopra i Conti. 290.
-, Regolatori alla Scrittura, 290.
-, Sanita, Sagredo stopped by order of, 212.
-, Savii alla Mercanzia, to collect papers on currant trade, 139.
-, ships of. See ships, Venetian.

Vera Cruz [Mexico, N. America], galleons from, reach Cadiz, 131.

Veragua, duke of. See Colon de Portugal, Pedro Nuño.

Vessey, Robert, commander of the Nightingale, 67n.

Vico, Thadio, Venetian Resident at Florence:
-, despatches to the Senate, 193, 219, 223, 235.
-, sends list of English fleet, 219.
-, letters of Consul Armano to, 232 240.

Vienna, Austria.
-, despatches dated at, 149, 153, 156, 165, 170–1, 181–2, 186, 188, 192, 196, 199, 202, 205, 232, 251, 275, 278–9, 287, 289, 294.
-, news from, 206.
-, Rupert at, 156, 289; news of Anglo French treaty at, 192.

Vigo [Pontevedra, Spain], attempt to recover Cullen at, 248n.

Villa Alva, Diego de, governor of Havana, made prisoner by English fleet, 274.

Villefranche, Villafranca [Alpes Maritimes, France], Blake might sail against, 63.

Villere, Leonardo, resident of Parma in France, Fleming speaks to about Venetian recognition, 35.

Villiers, George, second duke of Buckingham, leaves for London to raise troops for France, 189; revenues of, confiscated, 306.

-, John, viscount Grandison, reported suicide, 72.

Vilvorde, Vilvorden, [Brabant, Belgium], Charles withdraws to, 203.

Virginia, N. America, favours holding of San Domingo, 80; proposal to send poorer royalists to, 148.

Viteal. See London, Whitehall.

Vitelock. See Whitelocke.

Vivero, Luis Perez de, count of Fuendalsaña, Fuensaldagna, Charles confers with, at Brussels, 199, 203.

Vizcaya, Biscay, Biscaya, Spain:
-, English merchants withdraw from, 71; plate galleys warned to steer for, 74.
-, export of wool from to England hindered, 104; alarm in at appearance of English fleet, 183.

Volboria. See Wolborg.