Index: T

Pages 408-411

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 30, 1655-1656. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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Taillefer, Henri de, seigneur de Barrière, Barriera, agent of Condé in England:
-, offers Condé's services to Cromwell, 39.
-, threatened with arrest for debt, Cardenas intervenes for, 49; expecting to be expelled, 148; told to leave, 195, 207; leaves, 218.

Tangier, Tanger, N. Africa, supposed English designs on, 223.

Tarse, archbishop of. See Rospigliosi, Giulio.

Tartars, reported conquest of China by, 154.

Taunton, Tanton, state ship, in fleet for south, 219; to take Bond to Hamburg, 260n; held up by weather, 262.

taverns, many suppressed, 165.

-, Cromwell imposes new, for army and navy, amount apportioned to districts and terms fixed, 25; much grumbling over, 28, 113, 115, 117.
-, Cromwell's right to levy disputed, 50–1, 61, 65; expedition to Indies to justify, 133.
-, Cromwell thinks of appointing body to impose, 51; much heavier than under kings, 113; increased 60,000l. a month, 137; tax renewed, 233; assignment in advance on, to army, 264.
-, Spanish war will augment, 138.
-, new, for fleet and war, troops to collect, 158; fleet kept out to force people to pay, 241.
-, heavy, for maintenance of army and navy, 214; proposal to double, 230.
-, proposal for tenth and fifteenth, 231.
-, people refuse to pay farthing beyond ordinary, 233; people may refuse to pay even when granted by parliament, 253; people's dislike of, 276.
-, people expect parliament to give relief from, 253; amount raised in, 306.
-, proposed extraordinary on all three kingdoms, 273, 276.
-, proposed levy of money for fleet, 279; up to 120,000l. a month, 288.

-, See also benevolence; excise; tenth and fifteenth.

Telingen, Telinghen, Netherlands, Charles said to be at, 41, 44.

Tenedos, island of, Aegean Sea, Venetians capture, 265, 267, 290.

tenth and fifteenth, suggestion to levy, 231; Council resists, Cromwell gives way over, 233.

Terceira, Terzere, Azores, advices sent to, for Brazil fleet, 84; Spaniards will follow English to, 96.

Terra Nova. See Newfoundland.

Tetuval. See Setubal.

Thames, River:
-, ships leaving stopped, 143; ships cannot mount because of sailors pressed, 175.
-, ship in, from Barbados, 91; Success arrives in, from Blake, 98; frigates from Blake arrive in, 101; ship from Jamaica arrives in, 224.
-, Dunkirkers capture colliers at mouth of, 191; squadron to escort colliers to, 195.
-, Zeelanders prey on ships leaving, 211; Dunkirkers raid right into, 222.
-, ships reach with despatches from fleet, 231, 238; Spanish prisoners and booty expected in, 274.
-, three tides in one day in, 275; great amount of shipping in, 309.

Thorpe, Francis, justice, resignation of, 72n.

Thurloe, John, secretary of state:
-, scant knowledge of foreign affairs, 26; the soul of Cromwell's body, 82.
-, difficulty of access, 26; informed of Sagredo's appointment, 82.
-, falls suddenly ill, 82; in poor health, 186; away on private affairs, 205.
-, has sole control of postal service, profits from, 106; no one to leave London without order from, 128; sees papers of all foreigners arriving, 158; ticket of required for post horses, 267.
-, all acts of state entrusted to, consequent congestion, 132, 142, 186.
-, Giavarina to hand letters of credence to, 181; Giavarina asks for audience, 209, 213, 289.
-, back in London, 208; present at Giavarina's audience, 243; not present at Bordeaux's audiences, 248.
-, Giavarina will urge to write to prevent ships serving Turks, 285; Giavarina presses about reply to requests, 294, 296.

Tichborne, Alderman Robert, lord mayor of London, elected and confirmed, state entry, 280; knighted, 297.

tin, mines at Jamaica, not worked by Spaniards, 97.

Todos los Santos [Brazil, S. America], Penn reported at, 37.

Tomaso, of Savoy, Prince of Carignan, Prince Tomaso, won over by Spain, 253.

Torbay, co. Devon, fleet driven back to by storm, 201; fleet sails from', 204.

Tortuga, West Indies, Spaniards drove English out of, 99.

torture, forbidden by law, 22; used to discover relations of royalists with Charles, 264; used to discover accomplices of conspirators, 295.

Tot, Sot (sic), Count Nicholas, Swedish envoy, leaves Brussels for London, 56; mission of, 64.

Toulon [Var, France], Neuchese reaches at last, 21; great exertions at, to fit out fleet, 42.

Tower. See London, places in and near.

-, English, in Turkish states, considerable, 21; ambassador at Porte for protection of, 160.
-, Cromwell claims measures will increase freedom of, 22; provisions for, in French treaty, 150.
-, proposed bank to increase, 23; Flemings capture English, at Naples, 162.
-, with Spain, a gold mine, loss felt severely, 138, 143; interruption increases number of malcontents, 149.
-, considerations of, did not restrain acts of Blake or Penn, 145.
-, provision for freedom of, in Anglo French treaty, 150.
-, Spaniards offer English advantages for, 173; English ambition to secure, of all the seas, 181.
-, capture of Iviza would destroy Spanish, in Mediterranean, 216.

-, See also Cephalonia; cinnamon; cloth; coal; currants; East Indies; herring fisheries; hides; Indies; lead; Leghorn; Levant; Levant Co.; merchants; oil; pepper; quicksilver; silk silver; sugar; tin; wheat; wine; wool; Zante.

traders. See merchants.

trained bands, of London, turn out for exercises, fine troops, 275.

Trapani, Sicily, English fleet sailing to, 7.

treason, high, house of Stuart and supporters declared guilty of, 269, 276.

Trebarren, Miguel de, commander of the Nostra Senora del Socorro, 222n.

Tredagh, state ship:
-, brings Sagredo to England, 112, 310; in fleet for south, 220.
-, governor of Dieppe annoyed that not saluted by, 112.

Treuto [Italy], Sagredo at, 212.

Tripoli, N. Africa, remainder of Barbary fleet at, 49; fleet gone to, for release of slaves, 252.

-, See also Barbary.

Tromp, Martin van, Dutch Admiral, killed in action with English, 305.

troops. See army.

Tunis, N. Africa, 69.
-, reported release of English slaves by pirates of, 5; talk of Blake going to, for satisfaction, 14, 23, 26; pirates of, take English ship, 39.
-, custom to make settlement with pirates of, 21; Blake drawing near to, 39; he attacks, 49; report of attack, 61; Blake's letters upon, 63; success against, 66, 139.
-, Constantinople applies to, for naval assistance, 49; Blake's operations prevented help to Turk, 63.
-, Blake receives every honour from, 53; Blake to insist on releasing slaves, 58; Blake prepared to repeat lesson of, 71; Blake waiting to see how Turks take affair of, 76.
-, ships may reinforce Blake, 103.
-, desirable that fleet should go against, 206; fleet gone to for release of slaves, 252.

-, See also Barbary.

Turin [Prov. Torino, Italy], Swiss deputies at, 90; Moreland expected at, 105.

Turkey, Porte:
-, report of Chiaus from, for ships, 26; Tartar a feudatory of, 154.
-, danger of taking revenge on English for attack on Tunis, 66.
-, Sweden looking to conquest of by Protestant emperor, 97; Sweden might carry war into heart of, 130, 133; fear of Sweden attacking, 179; incitement for Sweden to attack, 181.
-, danger of increased power by conquest of Crete, 136.
-, English have millions involved in markets of, 152.
-, Venetian ships may not bring goods from, to London, 157.
-, congratulations on Venetian success against, 270, 281; Fisher's poem celebrating, 283.
-, resolution for vigorous prosecution of the war, 270; great preparations, 278, 290.

-, fleet:

serving of English ships in condemned, 29; representations against use of Christian ships by, 278, 290–1.

Blake's victory over at Porto Farina, 49; it will prevent getting reinforcements from Barbary, 59.

capture of Christian ships in, 70–1, 237; English ship served in by force, 162.

Galilee's brave fight with, 115.

Venetian victory over, at Dardanelles, 247, 255–7, 265, 290.

-, Grand Vizier of. See Ipschir Pasha.

-, ships of. See ships, Turkish.

-, Sultan of. See Mahomet IV.

Turks, Ottomans:
-, Blake going to compete for trade with, 7; possibility of English intrigues with, 21.
-, Venetian representations against granting warships to, 10, 34–5; or using English ships, 68.
-, complain of English help to Venice, 25; Venice looks for English help against, 86, 149.
-, Spanish desire to help Venice against, 59; Spanish trade harassed by pirates of, 78.
-, Blake may sail to prevent violence from, 66; Blake waiting to see how take affair of Tunis, 76; reported demonstration against Bendish, 77.
-, alleged agreement of Blake with, against Spaniards, 85.
-, reported ill treatment of Englishmen by, 110; English might attack if Indies relinquished, 117, 122, 125.
-, Galilee made prisoner by, 115.
-, rooted objection of merchants to rupture with, 120, 152, 159, 311; their opposition to, 133–4.
-, English could give Venice ships without irritating, 120; English hesitated long in choosing between Indies and, 125, 133; English regret not having used forces against, 133.
-, Sagredo tries to move powers against, 130, 133, 145, 192; Sagredo to encourage idea of getting English squadron against, 131; Sagredo appeals to Cromwell for help against, 136.
-, England might be as dangerous a neighbour as, 137: English follow example in not responding to embassies, 308.
-, English ships forbidden to serve, 163; representations against their serving, 237, 285; assurances upon, 258.
-, defeat at Aleppo, 179; weakened by internal dissensions, 181.
-, Sweden promises to help Cossacks against, 179; appeal to Sweden to attack, 206.
-, Giavarina speaks of powerful preparations, 205; Fleming promises to move Cromwell about, 206; insinuation for Cromwell's help against, 247.
-, reported defeat of English fleet by in Barbary, 227; English ships captured by, 228.
-, Giavarina suggests combination against, 258; further Venetian successes against, 265.
-, Cromwell asks Venice to exchange English prisoners in hands of, 291–2.
-, Levant Co. have over 4 millions of capital in marts of, 311.

Turner, Christopher, captain of the Harp of Port Louis, 160n.

Tuscany menaced with attack by English fleet, 182.

-, Grand Duke of. See Medici, Ferdinand II de'.

Twysden, Thomas, counsel for Cony, sent to Tower, 62.

Tyne, River, City of Amsterdam wrecked at mouth of, 218n.

Tyrol, Austria, Archduke of the. See Ferdinand Charles.