Index: T

Pages 764-767

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 17, 1621-1623. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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Tabor in Bohemia:
-, surrender of, 185.
-, tapestries. See arras.

Tarantasia, Archbishop of. See Germonius, Anastasius.

Tarse, Bishop of. See Corsini, Ottavio.

-, cut to pieces in Poland, 123.

Tassis. See Taxis.
-, taxation:
-, extraordinary granted by parliament of Scotland, 121.
-, fears that James may impose of own authority, 198, 210; proposed additional, 219.
-, -, See benevolences; clergy; customs; gabelles; subsidies.

Taxis, Tassis, Counts of, Masters of the Posts, 541.

Teichenau, Henry von, envoy of Palatine to Venice, 286.
-, letter of Palatine introducing, 256.
-, tent, Persian, 160n.

Texel, Netherlands, 290.

Thames, River:
-, difficult to navigate without pilots, 24; arrival of East Indiaman in, 143.

Theobalds [co. Hertford], 261, 268, 621.
-, James gives audience at, 3, 14, 15; Digby and Villiers see James at, 21; James leaves, 31; James at, 218, 228, 265, 294, 329, 565, 572.
-, James's progress to, 85n; speech of James at, 230.
-, proclamation dated at, 163; letters from, 200, 354.

Thiepolo, Domenico, commander of Venetian galley, 34.

Thomas, Captain John, a Scot:
-, levying troops for Venice, 33; troops mustered and found good, 49.

Thompson, a Scot:
-, brings warning about Spanish fleet, 282; imprisoned, 288.

Thurn, Matthias, Count of, Count dalla Torre, 536.

Ticino flints, 139, 309.

Tilbury, co. Essex:
-, Polish levies at, 148.

Tilliee`res, Count of. See Leveneur, Tanneguy.

Tilly. See Tserclaes.
-, tilting, jousts, 305.
-, Charles's delight in, 4, 452; Charles takes part in, 13; at Madrid, for Charles, 614.

Time Vindicated to Himself and His Honours masque of Ben Jonson, 559.
-, tin, 24, 43.
-, Venetian duty on, 25; in England, 431.

-, despatch dated from, 632.
-, tobacco, queen's weed:
-, English burnt at Constantinople, 225.
-, James to have one-third of profits, 378.
-, English love of, 433.
-, cultivation in Virginia, 491.
-, prohibition of Spanish, in England, 524.

Toledo, Archbishop of. See Ferdinand of Austria.

Toledo, —:
-, in command of Spanish fleet, 480.

Toledo y Davila, Don Antonio de, Marquis of Mirabel, Spanish ambassador in France:
-, speaks on Crema road affair, 109; says Spanish kings do not really desire English marriage, 112; remains at Paris, 135; calls on Venetian ambassador, 322; at Toulouse, kept from camp, 356; hot words against Valtelline league, 567.

Tomaso, Prince of Savoy:
-, receives Valaresso, 324.

Torre, Count della. See Thurn.

Toulouse [Haute Garonne, France], 589.
-, sickness at, 131; Louis to see Doncaster at, 339; ambassadors at, 356.
-, despatches dated from, 166, 339, 356, 363.

Tour, Henry de la, Duke of Bouillon:
-, offers French troops for Palatinate, 3; may attack Catholics, 138.
-, said to have helped Mansfelt, 179; Palatine visits, 295.
-, suspected collusion with Mansfelt, 375; quarrel with Louis, 418.
-, Mansfelt indignant with, 420.

Tournon, Captain:
-, Mansfelt sends to Louis, 518.
-, tow, 431.

Tower. See London, the Tower.
-, trade:
-, disposition in parliament to make free, 23.
-, decline of English, 41, 434; English arrangements with Muscovy, 155.
-, reasons of bad markets for English, 249.
-, English with Constantinople, 367; flourishing with East, 393.
-, -, See blankets; Brazil wood; calico; candles; Cephalonia; cheese; cinnamon; cloth; coal; cordovans; corn; cotton; Danzig; earthenware; East Indies; East India Co.; fish; fisheries; flax; flints; flour; fruit; glass; gold; grain; Grocers Co.; Indies; indigo; iron; lead; Leghorn; Levant; Levant Co.; mace; merchants; muscatels; Muscovy; pepper; Persia; raisins; rope; rye; salt; salt fish; saltpetre; silk; silver; skins; soap; spices; sugar; sulphur; Syria; tin; tobacco; West Indies; wine; wood; wool; Zante.

Transsylvania, Prince of. See Gabor.

Trautmansdorff, Maximilian von, Tramestorf:
-, negotiations with Digby, 84, 89, 95.

Treasurer, Lord High, of England.
-, See Cranfield, Lionel; Montague, Henry, Viscount Mandeville.
-, -, of Scotland. See Erskine, John, earl of Mar.

Treliers. See Leveneur, Tanneguy, Count of Tillières.

Trembol, a German, 154.

Tresigni. See Fleurus.

Tressens, Trenio, Treio, Gabriel, cardinal priest of S. Bartholomew in Insula:
-, views on Spanish match, 189.

Tressino, Ottavio, of Vicenza, 101.

Trevisano. See Trivisano.

Treviso [Prov. Treviso, Italy]:
-, despatch dated from, 49.
-, Podesta and captain of. See Bragadin, Antonio.

Trieste [Coastland, Austria], 277.

Triliers. See Leveneur, Tanneguy, Count of Tillières.

Trinity House, master and wardens of, 338n.

Trivisano, Trevisano, Giovanni Francesco, Venetian Secretary in Florence, 355, 471.
-, despatches, 39, 44, 115, 131, 140, 145, 202, 235, 351, 359, 361, 369, 468.
-, -, -, Venetian Secretary at Milan:
-, despatches, 522, 547, 553, 563.
-, letters to, 541.

Trivulzio, Count Teodoro:
-, threatens to yield claims to Leopold or Spain, 234.

Tron, Nicolo. Proveditore of Cerigo:
-, despatch. 285.
-, truce of Dutch with Spain, peace in Flanders, 95, 202.
-, proposals of Peckius to prolong, 4; Savoy expects attempts at renewal, 8, 9.
-, discussed at Hague, 27; English alliance made to maintain, 28; discussed in England. 29.
-, reported extension, 38, 43; Dutch and Spaniards incline to renew, 39.
-, Spain said to be aiming at, 50; Savoy does not look for, 58; may be prolonged, 83.
-, interposition of James for, 109:
-, Infanta disposed to renew, 123

Trumbull, William, English agent at Brussels, 552.
-, going to Union and Spinola, robbed, 16; going for truce, 21; going to remonstrate with Union, robbed, 30; takes letters to Union, 47; negotiating truce, 74.
-, fears of Spinola, 118; presents emperor's letter to Infanta, 155.
-, tells Elizabeth of Infanta's kindness, 160; Digby's confidence to, 161.
-, asks for truce, 256, 281; does not inform Carleton about Schwartzberg, 290.
-, reports Tilly not taken, 330; takes part in Brussels congress, 346.
-, does not believe in armistice, 384.
-, despatches referred to or quoted, 113n, 278n, 373n, 414, 418, 631.

Tserclaes. John, Count of Tilly, 342, 401, 475, 490, 518.
-, attempt on Heidelberg, 175; offers battle to Mansfelt. 180.
-, burns villages near Heidelberg, 306; Mansfelt defeats, 318, 330; withdrawal, 334; opposed to truce, 335; reinforced. 353, 358; takes orders from emperor and Bavaria, 363.
-, ronts Brunswick, 365; Chichester asks to desist from hostilities, 373.
-, follows Mansfelt. 378; keeps Palatinate fortresses short of provisions, 402.
-, emperor orders to take Heidelberg, 414; Infanta writes to stay, 421.
-, besieges Mannheim. 467; Chichester remonstrates with, 469; curt answers, 470, 472; rigour, 486, 487.
-, turns back messengers from Mannheim, 502, 506; takes Mannheim, 505; terms granted by, 507.
-, ordered not to besiege Mannheim, 514, 520; Infanta writes angrily to, 518.
-, leaves force before Frankenthal, 522; removes from Frankenthal, 534; goes to Bremen, 564.

Tunis [N. Africa], 125, 147.
-, agreement of Dutch with, 230.
-, pirates of, 246, 285, 374, 421.
-, -, Turks offer to repress, 348.
-, ravages of plague at, 421, 471, 472.

Turin [Prov. Torino, Italy], 88, 235, 458, 505, 554, 562, 563.
-, despatches dated from, 9, 17, 44, 58, 73, 85, 96, 116, 120, 124, 156, 165, 203, 315, 317, 387, 574, 588, 591, 613, 622.
-, Valaresso at, 324; Countess of Arundel at, 535.
-, Venetian instructions and advices to representatives at, 174, 207.

Turkey, Porte:
-, goods from must go to Venice, 25; army moves to Dniester, 123, 124.
-, proposed reprisals against shipping, 337; proposal to warn English merchants in, 342.
-, proposed removal of mart from, 343; Roe remonstrates with about pirates, 348, 374.
-, alarm in, 375; Venetian treatment of ships, 384; English trade with flourishing, 393; fleet, 394; trade of Venetian islands with, 513.
-, officials of:
-, first Aga, 369.
-, Caimecam, 183.
-, Aga of Janissaries, 225.
-, Captain Pasha, 277.
-, Captain at Sea. See Halil.
-, Grand Vizier, 375.
-, -, See also Ali, Tschlebi; Dilawer Pasha; Husein; Mustapha.
-, Sultan of. See Murad; Mustapha, Sultan of Turkey; Osman II.

Turkey Company. See Levant Company.

Turks, 92, 120, 367, 455, 458.
-, Poles wish to move James against, 2; Poles urge Venice against, 3; James always ready against, 13, 454, 456.
-, decide to help Gabor, 18; merchants fear grant of levies against, 22, 92, 94; prepare for war, 27.
-, James ready to fight, 30; English dislike Gabor because of, 52; danger to Bohemia, 75.
-, Venetian fear of entering Adriatic, 78; may take advantage of divisions of Christendom, 89, 103.
-, possible help to Palatine, 90; Prussia relieved of fear from, 93.
-, Arundel would help Venice against, 100; marching on Poland, 103; hoped to coerce emperor, 112.
-, James helps Poland against, 115; Venetian trade with, 139; Polish levies to serve against, 148.
-, encouraged by Sweden's success against Poland, 149; English silk trade with Persia may harm, 155.
-, league against heretics will drive Hungarians to, 204.
-, Argyle's men to serve in Sicily against, 233; inclined to peace, 311.
-, proposed junction with English, French and Dutch fleets against Spain, 483.
-, Venice avoids offending, 512, 576; Gabor's understanding with, 581; Poland proposes league against, 587.

Tuscany, Florence:
-, Grand Duke of, Interminelli treason with, 98.
-, -, -, See Medici, Cosimo II; Medici, Ferdinand II.
-, -, Dowager Duchess of. See Maria Magdalena of Austria.
-, embassy in London, 100.
-, resident at Milan. 83.

Tuyll, Hendrik van, of Sirooskerken, Dutch commissioner to England:
-, starts, 173.

Tyrol, 286.

Tyrone, Earl of. See O'Neil, Shane.