Index: U-Z

Pages 673-681

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 14, 1615-1617. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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Ubaldini, Roberto, bishop of Montepulciano, papal nuncio in France, 67.

-, -, -, speaks against Foscarini, 29;

negotiates for peace, 71, 72.

Ubaldino, Petruccio, 286.

Uchin. See Vechin.

United Provinces. See Netherlands.

Union, Princes of the, United Princes, princes of Germany, league of Hall, princes of the assembly. 100, 148, 155, 176, 233, 270, 280, 281, 302, 331, 335, 338, 339, 376, 386, 307, 446.

-, -, opposed to French-Spanish marriages, 4;

friendly to Venice, 8, 209;

reserved, 9;

interest in Cleves, 18.

less keen for French princes, 50;

proposed league with Savoy, 68, 170, 180;

proposed diversion for Venice, 84.

Brunswick to join, 94;

alarmed by Spain, 122:

proposed alliance with Zurich and Berne, 124.

James asked to use influence with. 145, 159;

James writes to, 152, 153.

proposed to join league, 169, 211;

measures for defence, 175.

league against house of Austria, 185:

will help Savoy, 186.

should help peace between Venice and Austria, 204.

Spanish designs against, 207;

anxious to know attitude of James, 208;

mission of Gritti to, 242.

should join league against Spain, 258, 269, 390, 399;

Venice asked to join, 270, 271.

able to help Savoy, 347;

lack money, 354;

may provide a diversion, 355.

asked to help Savoy, 356, 360, 361, 370, 372;

admission of Savoy, 389;

James waiting to hear from, 442.

asked to help Condé, 457;

consider Condé's imprisonment unreasonable, 463.

friendship with Venice, 471, 498;

fear of, in Spain, 493;

meeting of, 495;

wish to help Savoy, 505.

sharp reply to emperor, 514;

opinion of James, 517;

reply to Savoy, 521;

league with, 535;

league with, 535.

will declare for Savoy, 540;

do not send to congratulate Ferdinand, 543.

more concerned to interfere in Italy, 552;

Savoy to negotiate with, 558;

advised to help Savoy, 561.

James offers to assist union of Savoy with, 562;

hopes of Savoy from, 504, 591.

suggested league with Venice, 563, 576;

Wotton advises Venice to send ambassador to, 562.

reported mission of Simon Contarini to, 569.

-, -, ambassador of, to Venice. See Lenk, John Baptist.

-, -, ambassadors to, from Savoy. See Monthori;


-, from the Dutch. See Bergeroti.

Unita, ship, 203, 212, 287.

United Provinces. See Netherlands.

Urbino, troops of, 28.

Urfe, Marquis of, agent of Condé in Italy, 336.

-, -, -, proceeds to Savoy, 127;

views of, 128.

Uscocchi, Uscocks, 86, 103, 115, 131, 137, 140, 145–147, 151, 153, 159, 162, 164, 167, 168, 193, 212, 228, 249, 266, 272, 380, 386, 528, 558, 559, 562, 564, 577.

-, activity of, 427, 501, 513.

-, excesses of, 68, 73, 119, 132, 135, 150, 534.

-, helped by Ferdinand, 369.

-, operations against, 326. 330.

-, promises to remove, 82, 121, 134.

-, Ferdinand will not expel, 519;

honoured at Naples, 525:

only twelve to be punished, 543:

to be employed against Venice, 590.

Usden. See Hensden.

Usher, James, book of, prohibited, 325.


Vacari, Annibal, witness at Foscarini trial, 596.

Valais, 101.

Valenza [Prov. Alessandria, Italy], 455.

Valier, Ottavian, 286.

Valois, Charles de, duke of Angoulême and Count of Auvergne, 337, 338.

Van, Asia Minor, 425.

Van Male, agent of Flanders in England, 268, 396.

Vandenberg. See Bergh.

Vandeput, Vanderput, Giles, Flemish merchant, 334, 602, 603.

Vandermyle, Vandermiller, Cornelius, 161, 183, 568.

Vaud, pays du:

claims of Savoy upon. 369;

proposal to renounce, 417, 423, 445, 521.

Vaudemont, count of, 128, 278.

Vechin, Uchin, Gioan de, an Englishman, 557, 570.

Veere [Walchenen, Netherlands], 200.

Veguinal, near Moskanitz, Istria, 423.

Velasco, Don Juan Fernando de, Spanish ambassador in England: offers to Stodder, 341.

Velli, the secretary, 330.

Vendôme, duke of. See Cæsar, duke of Vendôme.

Venice, 15, 43, 54, 56, 62, 75, 77, 78, 83, 84, 86, 146, 237, 253, 293, 403, 417, 529, 593, 601.

-, accused of fomenting Savoy, 527.

-, accused of calling in heretics, 407, 464, 487.

-, affection of Spaniards for, 138.

-, ambassador from, required in England, 511;

to be chosen, 578;

Bon selected, 583;

Coutarini chosen, 584.

-, Queen Anne friendly to, 154.

-, arming of, made pretext by Milan, 316.

-, Arsenal, 590.

-, asked to co-operate in enterprise against Genoa, 423.

-, Avogadori di Comun, 584.

-, blamed for loss of Vercelli, 571.

-, book written against, 34.

-, cannot fight Spain alone, 453;

Spain not making actual war on, 454.

-, Captain of the Great Galleys, 81.

-, Captain General at Sea, 92.

-, Cinque Savii alla Mercantia. 2, 31.

-, complaints of Spain against, 170.

-, consul at Naples, 41.

-, consul of England at, 561.

-, Council of Ten, 255.

-, handles Furietti affair, 42.

-, Orelli case referred to, 409.

-, jewels and armoury shown, 144, 266.

-, custom of wine, 2, 31.

-, -, proposed at Zante, 481, 482.

-, customs, governor of the, 46.

-, doge of. See Bern ho, Giovanni;

Donato, Leonardo;

Memmo, Marc Antonio.

-, difficulties in collecting troops, 249.

-, did not break treaty of Asti, 393;

guaranteed treaty of Asti, 394.

-, disaffection of people of, disproved, 537.

-, dispute with Ferdinand, 84, 127, 140, 156, 161, 162, 176, 209, 248, 295, 369.

-, -, negotiations upon, 150, 159, 185, 228, 298;

attitude towards, 268;

mediation in, 184, 225.

-, English ships for, 533.

-, -, detained at, 563, 567.

-, friendship with England, 114;

asks for declaration from James, 120, 145, 219, 263;

Carleton instructed to help, 146, 147;

James ready to serve, 167, 189;

league with England proposed. 169, 180, 181, 194, 223, 270;

objections to league, 227:

proposal renewed, 242, 273, 562, 563;

answer, 281, 282, 304;

England too far off to help, 308;

chooses ambassador for England, 231;

persists in seeking help from England, 347, 348;

James hurt at refusal of league, 386, 387, 399;

English troops serving, 495;

James holds councils to consider help for, 548;

suggestions of Lionello for help, 548, 549:

councillors try to persuade James not to help, 552;

promises of James, 553–555:

suggested form of declaration, 554.

-, exiles of, 209.

-, fleet encounters galleys of Osuna, 541;

movements, 579.

-, increases forces, 456.

-, Inquisitors of State, 19, 20, 202.

-, -, to investigate case of stolen letters, 253.

-, involved in heavy expenses for defence, 547.

-, James said to have poor opinion of, 594;

said to esteem highly, 604.

-, lead bought by, 183.

-, league suggested to, 530, 539.

-, -, with Dutch, 164, 166, 171, 172, 258;

desires levies from Dutch, 391:

project of league with, 535, 536, 568.

-, league with Grisons, 338.

-, league with Swiss, 22, 33, 151;

approved in England, 148;

opening of passes desired, 186;

wait on France in Grisons, 390.

-, levies French troops. 174.

-, merchants, none in London, 603.

-, mission of Lionello to Scotland to ask for declaration, 545.

-, Milanese insolence to, 327.

-, naval preparations, 466, 519.

-, praised in England, 486.

-, negotiations at Madrid, 518, 519, 542.

-, Nevers' attitude towards, 127, 128.

-, not to make peace apart from Savoy, 273.

-, offers of service to, 137, 221, 234, 295, 358, 411, 433.

-, -, See Francis Julius;



Joachim Ernest;

Nassau, John Ernest of;






-, operations in Friuli, 409, 551, 559.

-, -, of fleet, 551, 559.

-, opposition to Spain, 307.

-, opens negotiations at Madrid for peace, 442, 450, 458, 468, 469, 478.

-, Osuna's effigy burned at, 576.

-, Palatine's help for, 270.

-, piazza of San Marco, 590.

-, pleased at death of Concini, 502.

-, plot against Genoa, proposed share in. 415, 416.

-, plot of Ferdinand to harass with English adventurers, 557, 558.

-, plot of Osuna against, disclosed by Jacques Pierre, 590.

-, Ponte dei Fuseri, 557.

-, postal accounts, 255–258.

-, proposal to buy Neuchátel, 5.

-, -, to obtain powder and rope from England, 120, 149, 152, 158;

obtain gunpowder, 276, 373.

-, -, -, ships from England, 358, 305;

privateers would serve readily, 363, 364;

cost, 379.

-, proposed league with Mantua, 211.

-, Proveditori beyond Menzo, 152, 188, 319, 326, 531.

-, -, of artillery, 152.

-, -, General in Terra Ferma, 164, 187, 188, 222, 530, 543.

-, -, -, in Dalmatia, 165.

-, -, -, of the Forces, 534, 543.

-, -, of the Arsenal, 183.

-, -, for Istria, 488.

-, -, of the fleet, 456.

-, alle Biave, 580.

-, Razon Nuove, 265, 282.

-, ready to make peace, 275, 276.

-, reported help to French, princes, 105.

-, -, not displeased with English troubles at Constantinople, 430.

-, reputation increased by helping Savoy, 410.

-, requires gunpowder in Holland 193.

-, San Giorgio Maggiore, 228.

-, San Spirito, 228.

-, Savio della Scrittura, 252.

-, Savoy, relations with, 100, 355.

-, -, league with, 28, 77, 78, 267;

endeavours to embroil, 91;

league proposed by duke, 109, 138;

Savoy asks for help, 118, 128, 133, 141, 143, 149, 151;

to uphold treaty of Asti, 136, 137, 216;

Savoy waits upon, 171;

prepared to help Savoy, 177, 192;

supports Savoy with French troops, 218, 219, 229;

wishes James to help Savoy, 306, 330, 356;

reported league with Savoy, 307, 308, 317;

asked to;

help Savoy with loan to make English marriage, 323;

help given to Savoy, 348, 362, 372;

urges James to help Savoy, 366, 367;

suspicion that ma-king use of Savoy, 380, 381;

Savoy will not make peace without, 385, 400;

praised by Savoy, 401;

stands solid with Savoy, 564, 506, 577;

chief support of Savoy, 591.

-, Senate, present chain to Carleton, 46.

-, sends supplies to Zante, 579, 580.

-, terms of peace proposed to, 577;

praised for listening to, 586.

-, ships, foreign made of, 95.

-, proposal to obtain from England, 432.

-, Spain threatens, 179;

Spanish hostility to, 193, 328:

attack of Spain upon, 538, 539.

-, suggested employment of Raleigh, 417.

-, trade with Corfu, 53;

trade with Turkey, customs restrictions upon, 534, 535.

-, trade with England in hands of Flemings, 603.

-, troops, proposal to levy, from England, 157, 182, 431.

-, -, from Flanders for, 227.

-, -, from Holland, voyage of, 448.

-, Turks, might be reduced to appeal to, 332.

-, Union, advised to send ambassador to, 562.

-, warlike operations of, 319, 326, 579.

-, water, Muscorno takes information about bringing to, 603.

-, Winwood criticises, 194.

-, wish to exclude English trade from Levant to, 499.

-, Lord Wotton enemy of, 576.

-, ambassadors and agents of:—

in Constantinople. See Nani, Almoro.

in England See Barbarigo, Gregorio;

Contarini, Piero;

Correr, Maro Antonio;

Donato, Antonio;

Foscarini, Antonio: Giustinian, Zorzi;

Lionel, Giovanni Battista.

in Florence. See Dominici, Domenico;


Giovanni Francesco.

in France. See Bon, Ottaviano;

Contarini, Piero;

Gussoni, Vicenzo;

Zen, Ottavio.

in Germany. See Giustinian, Zorzi.

in the Grisons. See Dolci, Agostino;

Gussoni, Vicenzo;

Padavin, Giovanni Battista.

in Holland. See Surian, Christofforo;

Lionello, Giovanni Battista.

at Milan. See Antolmi, Antonio;

Vincenti, Antonio Maria.

at Naples. See Spinelli, Gaspare

at Rome. See Contarini, Simone.

in Savoy. See Barbarigo, Gregorio;

Donato, Antonio;

Zen, Ranier.

in Spain. See Gritti, Andrea;

Vico, Pietro.

to the Swiss. See Dolci, Agostino;

Surian, Christofforo.

-, ambassadors and agents to:

of England. See Carleton, Dudley;

Wotton, Henry.

of France. See Brûlart de Leon. Charles;

Canaye, Philip de.

of Savoy. See Seaglia, Count.

of Spain. See Cueva, Alonso de, marquis of Bedmar.

of the Princes of the Union. See Lenk, John Baptist.

-, papal nuncio at. See Gessi, Berlingerio.

Venier, Gieronimo, 562.

Vena, Don Francesco de, 139.

Vercelli [Prov. Novara, Italy], 108, 316, 405, 446, 455.

-, Toledo besieges, 513, 543;

in Spanish hands, 562, 564, 566;

loss attributed to Venetians, 571;

question of restoring. 576;

Savoy requires restitution of, 577;

Spaniards fortify, 586;

importance of, 591.

-, despatch from, 301.

Vercellini, Hieronimo Solditz, 594.

Vere, Sir Francis, 340, 461.

-, Henry de, earl of Oxford, 518, 522.

-, -, wishes to sell property, 395;

offers to serve Venice, 495;

obtains leave to raise levies for Venice, 556;

would have large following, 557;

recommended by James, 562.

-, Sir Horace, 197n;

dines with Carleton and Surian, 295.

-, Sir John, 343n, 370, 461, 495n.

Veringhen. See Wieringen.

Verme, Istria, 305.

Verna, 409.

Verona, 375.

-, rectors of, 409.

Verton, M. Francis de, lord of la Forêt, M. de la Forêt, 262, 266, 273, 284, 288.

-, character of, 246, 247;

copies Foscarini's registers, 277;

sells copies, 278, 294;

paid by Lionello, 298, 304, 318.

-, -, evidence of, 602, 605.

Verua, count of, 91, 133, 143, 397, 417, 475.

-, -, sees Zen, 1;

sends news to Scarnafes, 26;

places no reliance upon James, 171;

Wotton blames, 211;

attends conference of ambassadors, 237;

questions Biondi, 392.

Vespa, Bernardino, 464.

Vicenza, 375, 409.

-, rectors of, 230.

Vice, Piero, Venetian secretary in Spain:

despatches of, 30, 67, 91, 119, 134, 141, 160, 172, 174, 186, 194, 202, 511, 514, 527

Vienna, 187, 501, 568.

-, treaty of, 204, 369, 519, 528.

Villa, 285.

Villa Mediana, count of. See Taxis, Juan de.

Villafranca, Villefranche [Alpes Maritimes, France], 522.

-, magazine of arms at, 26, 37;

English pirate from, 41;

proposed surprise of, 50;

Savoy offers port as haven to English privateers, 292, 437;

suggested as port for English cloth, 334, 394;

feared surprise of, 589.

Villeroi. See Neufville, Nicholas de.

Villiers, George:

created master of the horse and viscount Leicester, 104;

made K.G., 190;

quarrel with Hay, 388;

created earl of Buckingham, 412;

admitted to Council, 446, 447;

accompanies king to Scotland, 476;

advises Scarnafes to be more frank with king, 478;

admitted to Council of Scotland, 515;

influence over James, 545;

only Englishman at Scotch parliament, 549.

Vimes, Cornelius de, 55, 137, 217.

Vincenti, Antonio Maria, Venetian Secretary at Milan. 149, 164, 204, 228, 359.

-, -, -, despatches of, 186, 578.

Vipao, River, Friuli, 539.

Vipulzano, Friuli, 319.

Virginia, 252.

-, Gates helps to found, 467.

Vitry, M. de, murders Concini, 494.

Vittorio Amadeo, prince of Savoy, the prince of Piedmont:

Spaniards try to alienate from father, 244;

writes to Scarnafes, 297, 350:

reconciled with Nemours, 359;

brings forces to Piedmont. 367;

vigorous action of, 374, 446;

besieges Gattinara, 389;

takes Crevacuore, 435;

operations of, 455;

goes to Montiglio 486;

proposed restitution of Vercelli to, 577.

Vives, Giovanni, Spanish ambassador at Genoa, 370.

Vizier. See Turkey, officials of.

Voye, M. de la, envoy of the Princes of the Union to Savoy, 68.

Vrino, king at, 25.


Wachtendonk, Wachtendmeq, 341.

Wake, Isaac, English resident in Savoy, 41, 91, 133, 143, 185, 242, 453, 475, 491, 541.

-, -, -, advises prince of Saxony, 1;

confronts Marini, 35;

defends duke, 47;

summoned to conference, 60;

letters of, 68n, 115, 125n, 211n;

sent to Milan, 118, 136, 142, 149;

urges that troops from Milan be not sent to Flanders, 176.

asks help for Savoy, 208;

attends conference of ambassadors, 237;

commended by James, 264.

works for duke, 267;

writes to Wotton, 271;

anti Venetian action, 380, 381.

asked to go to Berne, 417;

goes with Gabaleoni, 445;

Bernese hope will be moderate, 472.

negotiates with Bernese, 511;

goes to persuade duke, 514, 522.

complains that Madrid negotiations concealed from James, 529, 542.

urges preparation for active war, 529, 530;

Dona to wishes to keep well disposed, 544.

asked that may declare James's support of Venice and Savoy, 549.

news sent home by, 570, 571;

communication of Wotton to, 577.

Wales, prince of. See Charles, prince of Wales;

Henry Frederick.

Walgrave, —, agent of the Palatine in England, receives communications from Venetian ambassador, 115, 181, 394;

tells news to Barbarigo, 121, 122;

serious illness, 402.


enlisted by Archduke Albert, 98, 221, 227, 250.

to be sent to Italy, 412;

Spanish levies of, 470.

Walter, tutor of Prince Charles, Foscarini's rudeness to, 595.

Wandernoot, Sieur de, Dutch mercenary, 462.

Wanstead, co. Essex, 303, 362.

-, James at, 262, 302.

wards, king wishes to regain custody of, in Scotland, 477.

weather, remarkable, 431, 443.

Westerbeeck, Leonard, Dutch mercenary, 461.

Wells, co. Somerset:

Foscarini's visit to Queen Anne at, 601, 604.

Wesel, 100, 121, 268.

-, held by Spaniards, 20;

will not be restored. 24, 49;

Spaniards fear attempts on, 148;

Spanish troops return to, 205;

James held responsible for Spanish, possession of, 206, 208;

fortification of, 377, 512.

-, treaty of. See Xanten.

West Indies:

rich cargoes from, at London, 18;

Raleigh to go to, 210.

Westminster, letters dated from, 241, 320.

Weston, Richard, 62n.

-, -, execution of, 58.

whale fisheries, 235.

Wieringen, Veringhen, island, in Zuider Zee, Netherlands, 448.

Wild, Gueild, John, representative of the Levant Company at Zante, 581.

William and Ralph, ship, 515n.

William, margrave of Baden, 234, 502.

-, -, receives Barbarigo, 7;

Contarini's credentials to, 582.

Willoughby, lord:

offers to serve Venice, 209, 411, 433.

Winchester, bishop of. See Montague, James.

Windsor, co. Berks, 362.

-, James at, 6n, 15n, 17, 23, 250, 253, 297, 301;

letters from, 42;

Foscarini dines at, 605.

-, the 'baroness, 603.

wine, Venetian custom of, 2, 31;

Foscarini keeps household short of, 596;

ambassadors trade in king's licenses for, 509.

Winwood, Sir Ralph, secretary of State, 6, 51, 52, 64, 66, 76, 100, 104, 145, 146, 152, 154, 162, 188, 189, 196, 210, 214, 250, 253, 260, 267, 284, 292, 338, 363, 371, 378, 400, 419, 447, 453, 489, 531, 567.

Scarnafes sees, 26, 27, 87, 93, 163, 243, 244, 249;

interviews Sarmiento and Desmaretz, 31;

sees Biondi, 70;

interviews Barbarigo, 160, 169, 176, 190, 191;

speaks to Courtenay, 164.

asks what Venice wishes, 177–179;

says Venice should enter league, 180:

opinion of action of Venice, 194.

Sarmiento sends to, 181, 184;

dissuades Scarnafes from asking audience, 212.

sees Lionello, 217, 218, 223, 232, 233, 242, 363, 358;

assures Lionello of James's support, 272.

expects war in duchies, 226;

promises help to Scarnafes, 273;

away with James, 274;

sent to Desmaretz, 291.

negotiates with Scarnafes about help for Savoy, 302, 303, 314, 321, 322, 306, 327, 332.

Lionello presses to help Savoy, 306, 307, 309;

thinks England too far off to help, 308.

complains that Savoy has made league with Venice without informing James, 317.

blames Wotton, 328;

urges James to help Savoy, 332;

retort of Desmaretz to, 349.

to arrange to give Scarnafes munitions, 356, 362, 372;

Scarnafes complains to, 361.

writes to Wotton, 370;

thinks Venice no friend to Savoy, 380, 381;

speaks to Scarnafes and Lionello, 385.

accuses Venice, 386, 400;

advises active war against Spain, 387, 453;

gives hopes to Scarnafes, 393.

opinion of archbishop of Spalato, 395;

complains of treatment of archbishop, 402, 403.

sent to Sarmiento, 399:

speaks of arming royal ships, 410:

discusses raid on Genoa, 413, 415, 416.

audiences with Scarnafes, 420–422, 427, 442, 443;

angry at freedom of Scarnafes, 428.

tells Sarmiento to rest content about Raleigh, 436;

told of Madrid negotiations, 450, 451, 458.

remains in London wheal king in Scotland, 460;

objects to king not hearing of Madrid negotiations, 468.

says king would help French princes, 470;

opposed to Spanish marriage, 481, 533.

impatient at receiving no reply from Bouillon, 496;

tells king of Concini's death, 502.

will help negotiations for French marriage, 503;

excluded from Spanish marriage negotiations, 509;

would prefer Charles to marry subject, 510.

wishes to help Savoy, but discouraged, 517;

writes to Wotton, 422;

thinks Madrid negotiations a snare, 529;

in favour, 533.

presses Jesuit to disclose, alleged plot, 539;

not impressed by plot, 538n;

hears Jesuit's tale of plot, 574n.

asks if Venice still reluctant for league, 539;

tries to dissuade Lionello from going to Scotland, 540.

has custody of despatches, 554;

complains of absence of communications from Savoy, 556.

treats Wotton's letters with contempt, 571;

questions Lionello about Wotton's fidelity, 574, 575, 569.

Lionello suggests present to, 571, 572;

Lionello communicates advices to, 585;

reply of, 586.

-, letters of, 166, 523n.

-, letters to, 68n, 125n, 160n, 174n, 211n, 418n, 495n, 532n, 586n.

Wirtemberg, duke of. See John Frederick.

-, prince of, christened, 175.

Witgenstein, count of, raising troops, 9.

Wolfgang William, count of Neuburg, Palatine of Neuburg, 205, 235, 408.

-, -, -, rumoured death, 49;

raising troops, 122;

Spanish help for, 206;

demands Cleves, 221;

must be consulted, 396.

Woodowes, Captain, English mercenary, 343n.

-, -, -, serves Venice with Dutch, 461;

distinguishes himself, 462n.

Woodstock, co. Oxford:

James at. 290n;

James to meet queen, prince and councillors at, 556.

wool, 481.

-, trade in, at Constantinople, 534.

Worcester, earl of. See Somerset, Edward.

Wotton, Edward, lord, 531, 603.

-, -, takes seals and staff from Somerset, 65;

yields comptrollership of household to Edmondes, 384n;

excluded from marriage negotiations, 509;

an avowed Spaniard and open enemy of Venice, 576;

James asks about Foscarini's religion, 596.

-, Sir Henry, Fabritio, English ambassador in the Netherlands, 49, 64, 66, 76, 151, 157, 159, 392, 398.

complains of shelving of James's proposals, 3;

returns to England, 12, 24;

reply of States General to, 17;

presents letters to James, 24, 25.

-, -, representations of, ineffectual, 37;

appointed to Venice, 42;

Biondi not to go with, 77;

return of, to Venice, 86;

instructions of, 123, 146, 153, 155, 166, 170.

takes letters to Germany, 152;

opinion upon Foscarini, 165;

departure, 170;

suggested to negotiate league, 171.

-, -, English ambassador at Venice, 180–182, 189, 220, 251, 267, 273, 295, 296, 345, 351, 438, 456, 465, 472, 537, 548, 552, 553, 568, 588.

-, -, -, expected at Milan, 186;

journey of, 196, 202, 212;

negotiates with Palatine, 207, 208.

at Turin, 210;

proposes league to Savoy, 211;

desires disarmament of Spain, 212, 216;

travels slowly, 212.

public reception at Venice, 228;

Rizzardo to visit, 230;

first audience, 238, 250;

reasons for returning to Venice, 238.

proposes league with England, 242, 386;

to discover Smith's secret, 247.

recommends Dingwall, 251;

presents Dingwall, 258, 260, 269.

asks leave to make present to Rizzardo, 252;

asks for Smith's debt from the Council of Ten, 266.

renews proposal for league, 270, 280, 536;

reply to, 281, 282, 304, 309.

instructions to, 272;

influence with James, 297;

changing houses, 321.

introduces duke of Holstein to serve, 278:

and the prince of Saxony, 320, 321.

blamed for not writing, 328;

reports on current events read to, 330, 334, 335, 336;

reply, 330–332.

criticises Spanish policy, 338, 339;

Barbarigo's sons to visit, 339;

did not sincerely help Dingwall, 343.

asked to get help for Savoy, 366, 367;

pope complains of, 368, 374;

reply to Collegio, 370, 371, 374.

Antonio Lando to visit, 381;

Contarini defends, to pope, 383;

presents memorial for Orelli, 408.

to supply information about Gates, 408;

recommends Gates, 467;

offers English troops, 473.

thanks for grace to Englishmen, 466;

told of peace negotiations, 471;

request for archbishop of Spalato refused, 474.

sends early news of peace negotiations, 478;

reports of, 488, 495n;

writes to Carleton, 508;

communications of Senate to, 518, 521.

Smith's money to be paid to, 480;

keeps money paid to Smith, 497, 576.

introduces Holstein, 486;

presents Oxford, 495;

recommends Bell, 522.

sends word of plot divulged by Jesuit of Milan, 530–532.

familiarity with Bedmar excites suspicion, 536, 537;

discredit cast upon, 538n.

says nothing about Madrid negotiations, 541;

asked that may express James's favour to Savoy and Venice, 549.

negotiates for hiring Venice house, 562;

speaks of James's help to Venice and Savoy, 562.

recommends Venice to send ambassador to Princes of Union, 563;

Senate's reply, 564, 565.

presents letters of James and reads his instructions, 566, 567.

instructions to, 566, 567;

letters thrown aside by Winwood, 571;

Winwood questions Lionello upon his character, 574;

Lionello's opinion, 575;

letter on, referred to Cabinet, 589.

discusses peace terms and prefers various requests, 577.

recommends Beresford and Wild, 581;

requests action for release of count of Erbach, 577, 582.

informed of Senate's decision to send ambassador extraordinary to James, 584, 585.

witness at Foscarini trial, 595.

Wriothesley, Henry, earl of Southampton, 245.

-, -, -, accompanies king to Scotland, 476:

desired to command against pirates, 496.


Xanten, Santen, Zanten [Rhenish Prussia]:

treaty of, treaty of Wesel, 24, 49, 100, 121, 219, 238, 254, 317, 375, 377, 382, 407, 418, 424, 575.

-, despaired of, 10, 20, 69;

to be maintained, 37:

Dutch stand to, 70, 75, 81, 206, 220, 376, 396;

Spaniards avoid, 89, 205;

James asks for execution of, 394.


Ynoyosa, marquis of. See Mendoça, Don Juan de.

York, 604, 605.

-, duke of. See Charles, prince of Wales.

York, Jorch, Captain, 411.


Zane, Giacomo, proveditore of Crete, 2, 31.

Zante, 113, 133, 383, 475, 560, 563.

-, archenda brought from, 3112, 313, 346.

-, custom of raisins at, 2, 31.

-, despatches dated from, 81, 99, 203, 212, 392, 585.

-, English merchants at, 577.

-, English representatives of Levant Company at, 581.

-, oil of. 287.

-, plague feared at, 525;

distress of, through plague, 580, 588.

-, proposed new customs at, 481.

-, provisions sent from Venice to, in English ship, 579, 580.

-, proveditore of, 325, 426, 476, 579.

-, -, See Barbaro, Almoro.

-, rectors of, 581.

Zante, Anastasio dal, 581.

Zanten. See Xanten.

Zara, Dalmatia, 526.

Zcherin, Herman lord of, imperial ambassador at Constantinople:

ambassadors asked to visit, 368;

exchanges civilities with Nani, 490;

attends opening of new mosque, 524.

Zeeland, 183, 200, 256, 257, 337, 394, 418.

-, Holstein leaves for, 418;

ships of, weather bound, 430.

Zemino, Istria, 232, 251.

Zen, Ottavio, chosen ambassador extraordinary to France, 173.

-, Ranier, Venetian ambassador in Savoy, 149.

-, -, -, duke entertains, 30.

-, -, -, despatches of, 1, 10, 14, 30, 35, 36, 41, 47, 51, 60, 63, 68, 72.

Zengg, Segna, Croatia, 82, 121, 427.

Zetnin, Istria, 152.

Zevenbergen [Prov. North Brabant, Netherlands], 199.

Ziano, Piedmont, 301.

Zoello, Senator. 162.

Zolanz, postmaster of Antwerp, 255.

Zorton. See Thornton.

Zuniga, Zunica, Don Balthazar, Spanish ambassador in Germany, 486, 578.

Zurian. See Surian.

Zurich, 124, 181, 409.

-, Venetian league with, 8, 22;

attempt to raise troops from, 159;

urge Grisons to ask for destruction of fort Fuentes, 377;

ready to help Grisons against Spain, 370.

-, ambassador of, in France, 338.

-, mercenaries of, 165.

-, Contarini's credentials to, 582.

-, despatches dated from, 16, 28, 40, 55, 186, 202, 274, 369, 398, 472, 511, 514, 527.

-, Venetian instructions to their agents at, 151, 188, 222, 232, 242, 251, 261, 266, 274, 279, 280, 287, 289, 326, 359, 367, 404, 410, 436, 455, 474, 486, 493, 497, 501, 506, 513, 520, 525, 526, 534, 539, 544, 551, 559, 579.

Zurlach, ? Durlach, Baden, 7.

Zustinian. See Giustinian.