Index: Q, R

Pages 661-662

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 14, 1615-1617. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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Quaratesi, Francesco, Florentine resident in England, 6.

-, -, -, relations with Barbarigo, 78, 79;

James complains to about Grand Duke, 357;

excites remark by going to Newmarket for audience, 388;

asks leave for earl of Oxford to sell property, 395;

unfriendly to Lionello, 396.

Quester, Matthew de, master of the post, London, 198.

-, -, -, account for letters, 255, 256.

Quinto [Prov. Novara, Italy], 353.


Radcliffe, Robert, earl of Sussex: ready to serve Venice, 433.

Radzivil, duke of, offers to serve Venice, 562.

Ragnsa, 285n, 513, 525, 551, 603.

-, ambassador of. 385.

-, envoys of, at Constantinople, 534.

-, lords of, 73.

-, ships of, 501, 581

Raleigh, Sir Walter:

ready to serve Venice, 210;

proposes Guiana expedition, 413:

negotiations with Scarnafes to:

seize Genoa, 414;

would prefer Genoa expedition to Guiana, 416;

might be employed by Venice, 416, 417;

means to harry Spain, 422;

James will not trust, 434;

Sarmiento complains about voyage of, 436;

proposes Genoa raid, 441;

Lerma complains of, 444;

alarm of Spaniards at, 483;

preparations to leave, 484;

would willingly give up Guiana expedition, 489.

Rambouillot, marques of. See D'Angennes, Charles.

Rasper, Giovanni, courier, 149.

Raspo, Istria, 73, 222.

rates, book of, 89n.


diet of, 207.

diet to be held at, 588.

Ravensberg, 153.

-, Henry of Nassau sent to, 75, 80, 88.

Rees [duchy of Cleves]:

Dutch mean to retain, 20: Maurice going to, 268;

Dutch asked to evacuate, 575.

Reffugé, Emile, 51, 101.

Regola di Perfettione, 103.

religion, those of the. See Huguenots.

Renessi, Captain Giovanni, 128.

revenue, difficulty of obtaining, 38.

Rezimian, Istria, 261.

Rheims [Marne, France], 107.

-, cardinal archbishop of. See Lorraine, Ludovic de.

Rheinberg [Rhenish Prussia], 268, 340, 341.

Rhine, river, 3, 8, 226.

Ricaut, Malaperte, merchant, 602, 603.

rice, 580.

Rich, Robert lord, has patents from Savoy for privateers, 437.

Richecourt [Ardennes, France], 457.

Richelieu, Armand de, bishop of Luçon remonstrates with James, 384.

Richmond, co. Surrey, 350.

-, Prince Charles at, 538, 540.

Ridge, Robert, released in Spain, 174.

Rimini, bishop of. See Gessi, Berlingerio.

Rinaldi, Fra Filippo, rector of the College of Jesuits, Milan, 578.

Riscano, Istria, 474.

Rivoli [Prov. Turin, Italy], 140.

Rizzardo, Giovanni, secretary of the Ambassador Foscarini in England, 107, 144.

-, -, -, praised by Foscarini, 75;

praised by Queen Anne, 96;

takes leave of king, 97;

allowed to visit Wotton, 230:

present of James to, 252.

despatches of, to the Inquisitors of State, 6, 15, 27, 35, 39, 40, 48, 54, 55, 62, 66, 76, 78, 83, 90, 144.

-, -, secretary of the Council of Ten, 441, 489.

-, -, rewarded, 527.

Robbazzi, Robazzi, Ottavio, of Lonæ, valet of Foscarini:

-, -, -, shows Foscarini's letters to Forêt, 277, 278, 285, 294:

arrested, 282;

trial, 287, 288;

proposed sentences, 288,

not allowed as witness for Foscarini, 440;

introduced to Foscarini by Muscorno, 598;

married a Protestant, 602.

Robert, Captain [? Elliot.], 513.

Rocalaura. See Roquelaure.

Rochelle, la [Charente Inferieure, France], 128, 173, 175, 183, 457.

-, assembly of Huguenots at, 184;

Epernon harassing, 338.

Rochester, co. Kent, 198, 351, 358.

-, viscount. See Carr. Robert.

Rochetta, la, Piedmont, 474.

Roe, Sir Thomas, 344n.

-, -, negotiates for silk trade with Persia, 430;

Pindar criticises, 498, 499.

Rohan, Benjamin de, baron of Soubise, M. de Soubise:

offer to Savoy, 184.

-, Henry duke of, 55.

joins Condé, 92, 94, 102, 108;

offers to Savoy, 184.

Romans, king of the, election of, 89, 98, 207, 588.

Rome, 113, 186, 248, 355, 407, 487, 593.

Venetian dispute with, 114;

Venetian representations at, 337;

books censured at, 406

Irish troops from, 426;

proposed transfer of negotiations to, 492:

Wotton seeks information in about Cerronto, 532n;

Roos goes to, 586n.;

letters from, 587, 591;

pasquinade at, 587.

-, troops of, in Flanders, 227.

-, inquisition of, 375.

-, despatches from, 14, 99, 203, 281, 294, 305, 310, 324, 368, 383, 425, 438, 474, 486, 491.

-, Venetian letters and instructions sent to their agents at, 69, 72, 93, 151, 152, 158, 165, 188, 222, 232, 242, 251, 261, 266, 274, 279, 280, 287, 289, 301, 305, 306, 324, 326, 336, 359, 367, 374, 389, 390, 404, 406, 410, 423, 427, 436, 446, 455, 456, 460, 474, 486, 493, 497, 501, 506, 513, 520, 525, 526, 534, 539, 543, 544, 551, 559, 579.

-, ambassadors from. See Nuncio.

-, ambassadors to, of France, 99.

-, -, of Spain. See Borgia, Cardinal Gaspar.

-, -, of Venice. See Contarini, Simone.

Ronigliasco, count of, 244.

Roos, lord. See Cecil, William.

rope, required by Venice in England, 120, 135, 149, 158.

Roquelaure, Rocalaura, Colonel, 448, 461.

Rossi, Giacomo, 557.

-, Pellegrini di, 581.

Rostock, deputies from, to Hague, 221.

Rotterdam Netherlands, 199, 200, 461.

Rouen [Seine Inférieure, France], 408.

Rovigno, Istria, 82.

Rovigo, Italy, 375.

Royal defence, ship, 125, 133.

Royal exchange, ship, 133.

Rayan [Charente Inferieure, France], 55.

Roye [Somme, France]:

Condé attempts, 32.

Royston, co. Hertford:

James at, 38, 43, 65n, 344.

Rubia, Rubbia, Friuli, 462n, 525, 559.

-, Bosco di, 534.

Rubino, Pietro, 173.

Rucani, Dimitri, controller of the customs at Zante and Cephalonia, 99, 579.

-, -, -, suggests custom on oil, cheese, leather and wool, at Zante, 481,

offers to help Zante, 580.

Russell, Lucy, countess of Bedford, declines to give evidence 576.

Rut. Captain John, a Fleming, 41.

Rutland, earl of. See Manners, Francis.