Pages 608-612
Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 10, 1603-1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.
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Targone, Pompey, his machines, 99n., fail, 108.
Tartana, Savoyard ship, 470, 494.
Taxis, Juan de, Count of Villa Mediana, appointed Ambassador (1603) from Spain to England, 62;
safe conduct for, granted, 66,
presents to be made by, in England, 127;
arrives in England, 128, 132, 136;
received in audience at Winchester, 142,
question of his powers, 142, 147;
abets Roman Catholics at Southampton, 147;
insults Florentine Ambassador, 147, 158, 175;
negotiates for a London residence, 181;
backs claims of Savoy to precedence over Tuscany, 182;
contests precedence of French Ambassador, 201, 204, 216,
arranges for peace conference without the special envoy (the Constable of Castille), 217, 223;
present in white, with embroidery, at ratification of treaty of peace, 266;
gifts made, and received by, on ratification of peace, 266, 267;
his interview with Duke Ulric of Holstein, 301;
question of his precedence, 312;
banquet given by, to Duke Ulric, 333;
prefers to stop Dutch recruiting, rather than to recruit for Spain, in England, 346;
lingers in England, after arrival of successor, to conclude business of shipping English recruits to Flanders, 408, 410, 416;
departs unsuccessful, 426, 427;
suspected, by French, of acquaintance with Gunpowder Plot, 450;
Terrail, Du. French officer in service of Archduke, 534, 538n.
Terrarnata, Island of, in East Indies, captured by Spaniards from Dutch, 716, 721.
Tes,—, Secretary of M. de Villeroy. óee L'Hoste, Nicholas.
Thames, men-of-war inspected by King in, 55.
“The Sherley Brothers,” cited, 459, 491.
Theobalds (Tibals), co. Herts., King James at, 40, 56;
“Thomas William Good Fortune.” See Ships.
Thou, Jacques Auguste de, his history cited by Sir Henry Wotton, 64.
Throckmorton (Scoghmorton), Sir Arthur, Knt., arrested for complicity in Raleigh's plot, 101.
Toledo, Ferdinand Alvarez de, Duke of Alva, 555.
Toledo, Fernando di, Don, to command infantry to be sent (1607) from Spain to support Pope against Venice, 679.
Tomkins (Tumnechin), Thomas, of Southampton, captain of English ship in Levant, 7;
accused of piracy, 125, 128, 132, 135, 141;
proclamation against, 145, 146;
his case mentioned to King, 166,
Ton, Venetian, “light weight,” 35n.
Torricella, Zuan Battista, supercargo on “Balbi,” exiled from Venice, 414.
Torture, to be applied to “pirate” imprisoned in England, 96;
applied to Gay Faux, 443, 445;
“ Toties,” Papal Bull called, 658 and note.
Toulon, French pirate from, 655.
Tour, Baron du. See Cauchon de Maupas.
Tour d'Auvergne, Henri, de la, Duke of Bouillon, King James' intercession for, with Henry IV., requested by Elector Palatine, 72,
claims of, advocated by English Agent, without instructions, 187;
Henry IV.'s preparation's against, a supposed “blind,” 490, 500;
Henry IV. comes to agreement with, 511.
Trade, Dutch, with England, 233; (Flemish), 658.
-, -, with East Indies. See Indies, East.
-, -, with Flanders, proposal of Archduke to free, 113. 136, 141, 658.
-, -, with France, in broadcloth and kerseys, 145, 343, 359, 370.
-, -, with Pope, in gunpowder, 658.
-, -, with Leghorn, in broadcloth, iron, lead, leather, and tin, 3;
-, -, with the Levant, in currants, 40, 129;
in broadcloth, kerseys, lead, and tin, 129, 175.
-, -, -, Venetian laws directed against, 109;
King James' policy to concentrate at, and through, Venice, 278, 294,
ruined accordingly, and capital transferred to East Indian trade, 364. See “Levant Company.”
-, -, with Tripoli, in cotton and gall nuts, 129, 470.
-, -, with Turkey, King James” neglect of, 169, 175, 278. See “Levant Company.”
-, -, with Venice, in broadcloth, lead, salt fish, and tin, 118;
in corn, 595, 596, 598, 608, 619, 623, 627, 629, 632, 635, 636, 641, 643, 658, 660.
-, -, with Zante, in corn, 22, 23, 57, 126;
in currants, alleged smuggling, 194 (see “Smuggling”);
-, French, with Sicily, in corn, 3, 4,
-, -, with Levant, in leather and oil, 7.
with Smyrna, in cloth of gold, 141;
-, in acorns (volonie), Venetian, 682.
-, in blankets, Venetian, 682.
-, in broadcloth, English with Leghorn, 3;
purple broadcloth, exported from Venice, 309.
-, in chestnuts, Venetian, 51.
-, -, Dutch, with England, 233.
-, in cloth of gold, Venetian, 141.
-, in corn, English, with Ancona, 441.
-, -, -, with Venice, 595, 596, 598, 608, 619, 623, 627, 629, 632, 635, 636, 641, 643, 658, 660.
-, -, -, with Zante, 22, 23, 57, 126.
-, -, French, with Sicily, 3, 4.
-, -, Venetian with Levant, 682.
-, in cotton, English, with Levant, 470.
-, in Cretan wine, English, 109.
-, in currants, English, with Zante, 40, 129, 555;
smuggling practised by English at Zante, 194, 198, 448;
English dislike to prohibition of export of, from Zante, 248;
tax on, levied in England, appropriated to up-keep of embassy in Constantinople, taken for his own use by King James, 278, 295, 306. See “Currant Tax.”
-, in gall nuts, English with Tripoli, 129, 470;
-, in gunpowder, 233, 313, 453, 470, 477, 494, 658.
-, in harquebusses, English, 494.
-, in iron, English with Leghorn, 3.
-, in kerseys, English with France, 145;
with Levant, 129, 175, 470, 494;
-, in leather, English with Leghorn, 3.
-, in lead, English, with Leghorn, 3,
-, in linen, English and Venetian rivalry for, 109.
- in oil, French with Levant, 7.
- -, Venetian with Levant, 15, 51.
- in planks or staves and hoops, English, 195, 196.
- in salt fish, English, from Plymouth, with Venice, 118.
- in saltpetre, 34, 35, 236, 260, 313.
- in silk, English with Smyrna, 194.
-, in sword blades, English, 494.
- in tallow, English, with Levant, 508.
- in thread, English and Venetian, 109.
- in tin, English, home trade in, freed, 78,
- in wax candles, and torches, 23.
- -, Venetian, 14, 15, 24, 25, 57.
- in wool, English and Venetian, 109.
Trade, Free, Secretary Scaramelli's disquisition on, 109;
between England and Flanders, 113, 136, 141;
in East Indies, see Indies, East;
bill in favour of, passes in House of Commons, 233, 236 (see “Monopolies”);
privileges of Hanse Towns denied, “open markets” preferred, 278;
with Venice, 294, 314, 318, 321, 330, 336, 337, 340;
Trapani, ship of, captured, 23, 418.
Treasurer, Lord. See Sackville, Thomas.
- of Scotland. See Hume, George, Knt.
Trentino, troops raised in, by Spain, against Venice, 661.
Tresham, Francis, conspirator, death of, in Tower, 464.
Tripoli, resort of English pirates, 51;
Trivulzio, Teodoro, Count, killed by Count Maurice, 436.
Tumnechin, Thomas. See Tomkins.
Tunis, resort of English pirates, 15, 51, 53, 87, 125.
-, order to Turkish officials of, re piracy, 42, 49.
-, immense profits of Beglierbey of, from conniving at piracy;
-, exclusion of pirates from, desired, 170.
-, outrage, against Turks, by English pirates, near, 237.
-, half the crew of an English pirate, Turks from, 272, 470.
Turkey (1603), French Ambassador to, engaged in trade, 7.
- -, Venetian representations to, touching case of English piracy, 13;
bribe to naval authorities of, 13.
- -, local authorities of, imprison English pirate, 14, 15, 25, 26.
- -, willing to buy Spanish goods of pirates, 15.
- -, orders obtained from, by Venetians, touching piracy, 29, 41, 42, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 71.
- -, Imperial letters from, to Queen Elizabeth, touching piracy in Levant, 41, 74,
reference to “capitulations,” 75.
- -, officers of, disregard orders from Constantinople, and trade with and shelter English privateers, 71, 84, 115, 134.
- -, proposal in, to hang Governor of Modon, as an abettor of English pirates, 84, 103.
- -, immense profits of officials of, from conniving at piracy, 85.
- -, French Ambassador in, arms ship which takes English prize, 88, 115, 126.
- -, English Ambassador in, dependent for salary on Levant Company, 91, 276.
- -, Venetian representations re piracy, to Capudan Pasha in, 92.
- -, methods of English Ambassador in, 103, 115.
- -, letter from Grand Vizier of, to King James, mentions “capitulations” of Sultan Murad, and complains of piracy, 115, 126, 161, 168, 169.
- -, English Ambassador in, puts English Consul in irons. See Jonah.
- -, order by Grand Signor for arrest of abettor of English pirates, 134.
- -, English Ambassador in, slighted, on reported conclusion of Anglo-Spanish peace;
proposal of English merchants to withdraw capital from, 158.
- -, King James' expression as to alliance with, 169, 175, 278.
- -, Venetian influence with, considered effectual for suppression of piracy in Mediterranean, by English Privy Council, 170.
- -, death of Sultan of, his successor, 173,
- -, English Ambassador in, represents loss of English influence in, since Queen Elizabeth's death;
caused by Anglo-Spanish alliance, 175.
- -, discussion in England as to value of Levantine trade, 175.
- (1604), new Grand Vizier, 177,
- -, Levant Company and English Ambassador in, 190, 192.
- -, adventures on corn-laden ship owned in, 195, 196, 197.
- -, galleys of, burnt by Englishman, at instance of Grand Duke of Tuscany, off Algiers;
anxiety in England at probable consequences, 216, 220, 223, 236,
- -, Turkish protection for English “pirates,” 218, 231.
- -, ships leave England for, with Secretary of Ambassador, 223.
- -, orders from Sultan to Sanjak of the Morca, for repression of piracy, 252, 253, 254, 255, 262, 263.
- -, death of Grand Vizier of, on road to Belgrade;
- -, English “pirate” manned by Turks, 272.
- -, Secretary to English embassy in, attacked on return to Constantinople, by Venetian Admiral, 273, 289,
heroic defence, 300, 306, 315, 345.
- -, King James proposes to abandon all relations with, 278.
- -, Secretary of English embassy in, presents letters from King James to Sultan;
his probable nomination as Ambassador, 283.
- -, English Ambassador in, declines invitation of Venetian Ambassadors, 293.
- -, candidate favoured in. for throne of Morocco, 297.
- -, English Ambassador in, ordered to “take his policy” from Ambassador at Venice, 304.
- (1605), Venetian representations to, re harbouring of pirates, 322.
- -, the humours of the Sultan of;
- -, change of French Ambassadors in, 342.
- -, peace with Empire desired by, choice of an intermediary;
England not available, being unrepresented at Imperial Court, 350.
- -, trade with, exchanged by English merchant's for more profitable East Indian, 364.
- -, aid against, in Hungary solicited in England by Emperor, 396.
- -, anti-English feeling in, ship arrested as pirate, 437.
- (1606), Sultan alarmed at growth of piracy, disposed to cease relations with English, 466, 477,
advantages to, of English alliance, 477.
- -, reputed English pirate burned, with cargo, at Constantinople, supposed work of Turks, 470 (cf. 437), 485, 517,
English representations to Venice concerning, 537, 539, 540, 541, 553, 565.
- -, Turkish ships taken by English pirates, 470,
flying flag of Tuscany, alarm of Levant merchants in England, 483, 517, 560.
- -, gunpowder imported into, from England, 470, 477.
- -, English Ambassador in, anxious to retire;
trade between and England reduced to nothing, 477.
- -, purchases by, of tin and tallow for arsenal, 508.
- -, English Ambassador in, on good terms with Venetian, 567.
- -, appointment of Sir Thomas Glover as English Ambassador in, 617, 624.
Vizier, Dervisch Pasha, done to death in the Seraglio by the Sultan's order;
Murad Pasha succeeds him, with Hassan Pasha as his Lieutenant, 640.
-, -, Venetian explanation to, of quarrel with Pope, the refusal of Republic to break with, 649.
- -, arrival of Sir Thomas Glover, 650.
- (1607), conclusion of peace between, and Empire, English disgust, 654.
- -, Venetian application for redress touching cargo of vessel (“Liona”) burnt by pirates refused by Turks at Modon, 676,
further negotiations touching, 700.
- -, closing of ports of, to English, only care for piracy, 681.
- -, part of the crew of an English pirate, Turks, 682.
- -, “big, fierce dogs,” bought in England, to be sent to, by Venetian Government, 694.
- -, English Ambassador in, tries to appropriate church to Anglican worship, 712.
- -, claim by English to cover commerce with, of other nations, by their flag;
the matter reported to Sir Henry Wotton, who brings it, in lukewarm fashion, to the notice of the Venetian Cabinet;
- -, dislike and disdain of King James for any alliance with, 759 (p. 519).
Turner, Captain William, spy in English service, his arrest at Venice requested by Sir Henry Wotton, 605,
his arrest, 612, 613, 614, 616, 617, 620, 622, 630;
still in prison, reported ill, his proposed release, 696.
Tuscany, Grand Duke of (1603), intermediary in King James the First's negotiations with the Pope, 34.
- - -, proposed loan by, to Scotland, 72.
- - - English exile at court of, in reign of Queen Elizabeth, 91.
-, - - King James' negotiations with, vid Lorraine, 104.
-, - - Ambassador from, arrives in England, 132, 147.
-, - - insults to, and to his Ambassador, by Spanish Ambassador in England, 147, 158, 175.
-, - -, his employment of (Sir) Henry Wotton on a Scottish mission, 172, 291.
-, - (1604), question of precedence of his Ambassador over Savoy, 182.
-, - -, Turkish fort and galleys destroyed by Englishmen in his employment, 216,
annoyance in England, 220, 223, 236;
-, - - obtains licence to export gunpowder from England, 233, 236.
-, - - buys ships in England, on conclusion of peace with Spain, 236, 238.
-, - - (Sir) Henry Wotton's employment by, in Scotland, the occasion of King James' esteem for that gentleman, 291.
-, - - powder exported from England by, 313.
-, - (1605), his well chosen, annual, presents acceptable at English Court, 364.
-, -, - libellous book concerning, suppressed in England, 368, 374.
-, - - gunpowder and cannon bought by, in England, 453, 477.
-, - (1606), English berton, flying his flag, captures Turkish galleon, English annoyance and alarm, 483, 517,
-, - -, buys ships in Amsterdam, attempts to recruit crews in England, 560,
and fails, permission being refused by Privy Council on account of his attacks on Turks, 566.
-, - -, his increasing attention to commercial and naval concerns, 560.
-, - -, buys wheat in Flanders, 566.
-, - -, great court paid by, to King James, 591.
-, - -, wheat bought for, in England, 595, 598, 629.
-, - -, advocates match between Dauphin and the Infanta of Spain, 638.
-, - (1607), favourite of Secretary Franqueza condemned to death for sale to, of State secrets, 678.
-, - -, annual presents from, to King James, arrive, 699.
-, - -, informs King James, by express, of accommodation between Venice and Pope, 720.
-, - -, review of his relations with England, 739 (p. 520).