Venice: 1317-1399

Pages 3-39

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 1, 1202-1509. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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1317–1320. “Misti Senato.” v. v. p. 37. 9. The Voyage to Flanders.
Currants and masere, and all other things, may be sent by the Flanders galleys, duty free.
Ib. 172–177. Mission to the King of England (Edward III.); notwithstanding which, galleys may fit out for the Flanders voyage, but their captain to be appointed by the Republic.
Ib. 174. Instructions for the galleys deputed to that voyage.
Ib. 174. The captain to have 6 livres gross per month
Ib. 182. A medical surgeon (unum medicum cirurgise) was given to the captain of the galleys; his salary being paid by the State.
Ib. 184. [The galleys] not to go to England unless the agreement be stipulated.
1319. Nov. 10. Commemoriali, v. ii. p. 66. 10. Statement of Henrico Ferro, that whilst warder of Coron and Modon there arrived at Modon in 1310 a vessel, said to be on its voyage to Rhodes, and landed at Modon two sick men, namely, Dom. Sir John de Dives of England, and a certain chaplain of his. The warder immediately sent physicians, who found that Sir John de Dives had died immediately on landing. He was buried honourably. The chaplain also died the same evening.
The warder and his counsellors, hearing subsequently that the attendants of the said Sir John were wasting his effects, seized what goods they could find, sold them by auction on the market place at Modon, and transmitted the money realized to the Doge, by whose order it was deposited in the procuracy of St. Mark, the amount being from 600 to 700 livres gross.
[Latin, 8 lines.]
Nov. 10. Commemoriali, v. ii. p. 66. 11. Nicoleto Basadona.
Thomas Lauredano sent to England, by Nicoleto Basadona about 10,000 lbs. of sugar and about 1,000 lbs. of candy, and four livres tournois gross, in money, amounting to 3,580 livres. Nicoleto sold the goods in London, and went to St. Botulph's (Boston), where he invested the money in wool, which he shipped on board two “coggos” for Flanders. When on his voyage thither, Nicoleto died a violent death, and the wool was taken by the men of the English coggos. And this we know through Donato degli Albizzi and others from those parts.
[Latin. Printed in part in Marin's Storia Civile Politica, vol. v., p. 306. ]
Dec.? Commemoriali, v. ii. p. 65. 12. Negotiations with Flanders.
That the ambassador on his way to England be commissioned, should he be in Flanders, to visit the community of Flanders, thank them for justice done at our suit, state the grievances to which our merchants and lieges are subjected, and ask redress.
If he should not succeed in obtaining all these things or part of them, to decide whether the galleys should go in the first place to Antwerp, where our subjects were well received last year; and unless our subjects and property obtain the like at Bruges, great peril might befall them.
[Latin. Translated by Marin, vol. v., p. 304.]
1320. March 13. “Deliberazioni,” Grand Council, “Fronesis.” p. 54. 13. Motion made in the Grand Council and cancelled. As some matters remain for completion concerning the affairs of England intrusted to the ambassador sent thither, it is put to the ballot that eight sages be elected, who—together with other three sages elected of yore for those affairs, the Lord Doge, the counsellors, and the chiefs of the Forty—are to have power and liberty to send to the ambassador and give him all such orders as shall seem fit to them concerning the said affairs; disbursing moreover on that account, and repealing acts, as shall be necessary. Whatsoever shall be established and decreed by them, or by the greater part of them, be it enacted, &c.
“Ser”Nicolo Arimondo.
“Ser” Francesco Dandolo.
“Ser” Marino Falier.
Cancelled by order, &c. “Ser” Arrigo Michael.
1320–22. “Misti Senato.” v. vi. p. 43. 14. Negotiations with England.
1. Act that the Doge, counsellors, chiefs, and sages be authorized to transmit instructions to the ambassador in England.
Ib., p. 44. 2. Act that the money for the agreement with England be derived from a duty on each sack of wool. Repeal of the duty aforesaid.
Ib., p. 74. 3. Act that the Venetian ambassador in England be written to, that if unable to complete the agreement for the sum enjoined him, he may spend 50 marks extra.
Ib., p. 79. 4. Act that an answer be sat to the Venetian ambassador in England “Ser” Giovanni de Lege.
1320–21. Jan. 27. “Deliberazioni,” Grand Council, “Fronesis.” p. 87. 15. Motion made in the Grand Council and repealed.
That the moneys required for the agreement and business of England, about which our ambassador, “Ser” Giovanni de Lege, has been written to, be borrowed from the grain chamber, from the funds of private individuals existing there; the grain officials being bound to repay them with interest, by means of the duty of 20 (solidi) gross [groats ?] on each bag of wool for payment of the said debt, as carried in the Senate and court of the Forty.
“Ser” Nicolo Arimondo.
“Ser” Francesco Dandolo.
“Ser” Marino Falier.
Cancelled by order, &c. “Ser” Arrigo Michael.
1321. May 14. “Deliberazioni,” Grand Council, “Fronesis.” p. 94. 16. Motion made in the Grand Council and repealed.
That as the negotiation with England confided to our ambassador, Giovanni de Lege, could not be effected, be it carried that the Lord (Doge), the counsellors, chiefs of the Forty, and proveditors, and the majority of them, intrust the business to such persons as shall seem fit to them, with the same licence as conceded to Giovanni de Lege, both with regard to completion, expenditure, &c. If the Council object, to be repealed.
S. Nicolo Arimondo.
S. Francesco Dandolo.
S. Marino Falier.
S. Giustiniano Giustiniano.
S. Giovanni Calderario, clerk, cancelled the above act by order.
1322–1324. “Misti Senate.” vii. pp. 48, 60. 17. Negotiations with England.
Authority given for making an agreement with the King of England, according to the commission of Pietro Zeno and Perono Giustinian.
1323. April 10. Commemoriali, v. iii. p. 9. 18. Affray at Southampton.
Proclamation from the mayor and corporation of Southampton, narrating an affray between the patrons, merchants, masters, and mariners of five Venetian galleys on one side and the inhabitants of Southampton on the other, accompanied with loss of life and property, whereby the Venetians were liable to proceedings for felony and homicide; but the mayor and corporation announce the grant of a release, in consideration of a certain sum of money received from the merchants of Venice.
[Contemporary registered transcript. French.]
Ib. 2. Similar release, likewise in date of Southampton, 10 April 1323, from Thomas de Rynedone, Roger Acthurne, Villame de Sivale, Riccard Forst, Nichol Sanson, Henry Cole, Stevene de Revetone, Johan de Vestone, Riccard Siver, Riccard Bovert, Henry Forst, Hugh Sanson, Riccard de Suptone, and Henry de Lim, of the town of Southampton.
The document authenticated by the seal of the mayor and corporation of Southampton and witnessed by Jehan de Scures, sheriff of Southampton, and “Sires” Jehan de Lile, Ingeran Berrengar, Jehan de Tycheborn, Roger Vodelock, Rich. de Straon, Edm. de Kendale, and Jehan de Chauconde, chevaliers; Villame Peverel, Villame Vadelok, Johan de Chikeule, Rich. de Byflet, Valter le Poreys, Rich. de Vincestre, Rich. Fromond, Roger le Forester, and others.
[Contemporary registered transcript. French.]
Commeraoriali, v. iii. p. 10. 3. Similar release from Johan de Isle de Wyght, dated London, 10 April 1323. Printed in Rymer, vol. ii, part i., p. 514, but without the following postscript:—
“In the name of God. Amen.
“On the 26th of May 1326, whereas we, Nicolo Lamberteschi, of the Peruzi firm, and Andrea Borgognoni, of the Bardi firm, of Florence, (fn. 1) have presented to the Doge of Venice a letter patent of agreement between the King of England and the Venetian Commonwealth, bearing the King's seal given in Parliament, the Doge directs us to send a copy of the said letter to Venice, and we promise to have it sent at his command without hindrance.
“I, Nicolo Lamberteschi of the Pemzi firm, agree to do as afore written.”
Promissory note given by the Peruzi partners of London to obtain another similar royal letter.
[Contemporary registered transcript. The document is in French, but the postscript in Italian and the memorandum in Latin. (fn. 2) ]
1325. Dec. 6. Commemoriali, v. ii. p. 183. 19. King Edward III.
Release, pardon, and remission to the Venetians, dated Westminster, G Dec. 1325. Of the same tenor as the one in Rymer (vol. ii., pt. i., 516), dated Westminster, 16 April 1323; but the Venetian document bears the following memorandum:—
“Note, that the said letter was furnished with the pendent seal of the said Lord King of England in green wax; on one side of which was his royal majesty enthroned, and round the obverse the words—
✠ Edwardus Dei Gr[ati]a Rex Anglie, Dñs Ybernie, Dux Aquitanie.
And on the other side of the said seal was the royal effigy on horse-back, sword in hand, the surrounding inscription being the same as the aforesaid.”
[Contemporary registered transcript Latin.]
1325. Dec. 6. Commemoriali, v. iii. p. 9. 2. Second contemporary transcript of the foregoing release but without the description of the seal.
ldquo;Misti Senate,” v. ix. p. 35. 20. [Affray at Southampton.]
Draft of the letter sought to be obtained from the King of England through the Peruzi and Acciaioli firm.
1331. Ib. v. xiv. p. 80. 21. The Voyage to Flanders.
Proclamation in favour of the galleys for the Flanders voyage, to the effect that English and Flemish wool imported into Venice overland do pay 25 per cent. duty until after the return of the said galleys ; but thenceforth 3 per cent.
1332. April 23. Ib. v. xv. p. 10. 22. Act that for the benefit of the Flanders squadron the galleys may not by any means go to England.
1333. Dec. 14. Ib. v. xvi. p. 45. 23. Decree of the Senate.
In order that the galleys bound for the Flanders voyage may take full cargoes, and not suffer loss on account of wool brought by land, it is decreed:—
“That English and Flemish wool may not be brought overland from Flanders to Venice after the calends of next March, under penalty of 25 per cent.; though one month after the return of the said galleys, wool may be brought to Venice by land.”
Proclaimed by the crier (præconem), Antonio, on the 15th December.
1339. July 29. “Deliberazioni” Grand Council, “Spiritus.” p. 98. 24. Motion made at the Suit of the Woollen Manufacturers of Venice, that the recent duties imposed on foreign cloths, be extended to foreign wools.
The decree to remain in force for two years, before which expiration, the vicelords and proveditors to give a written statement to the Doge and counsellors of the result of the measure.
In the first place all wools imported into Venice; namely, French, Burgundian, and English, to pay ten livres gross per thousand weight, namely such as shall be bought by the drapers manufacturing at Venice.
German wool to pay six livres gross per thousand weight.
Barbary wool, warped, to pay five livres gross per thousand weight.
Barbary wool, foul, unwashed, to pay two livres gross per thousand weight.
Wool of Cyprus, Candia, Tana, Sicily, Apulia, Sclavonia, and “Judeche,” and coarse wools of every sort, to pay eight livres gross per thousand weight.
All coarse wools of the said quality, foul and unwashed, to pay half.
All foreign yarn, spun or unspun, of any sort soever, brought to Venice, and recognised as being of wool of middling quality and rather better, to pay seven livres gross per thousand weight.
Item, that of all wool brought to Venice from any part soever, the writers of the ships do give note in writing to the officials of the Lombard “Table,” as they do the officials of the “Ternaria”; (fn. 3) and the vicelords of the German warehouse to give account to them in writing of all the wool which enters the warehouse; each of the merchants doing the like by what he receives on his own account. The weighers of the steelyard not to weigh, or cause to be weighed, any wool sold or taken, unless the vicelords do first receive the note; and after the weighing of the wool, the weighers to send the weight-note to the vicelords of the Lombard Table, as they do with those of iron.
Item, all the aforesaid woollen drapers to pay the aforesaid duties within two months after the said wool shall have been weighed, under penalty of one fourth of the duty.
Item, any draper of this art who defrauds, and observes not what is aforesaid, to be fined 25 livres per cent. on the value of his wool, and expelled the trade for one year, and not to practise the art, nor cause it to be practised, within that time; and the said vicelords to inspect in person all wools and yarns, and woollen cloths; and those who shall at this present be found to possess the like, must within two months' pay the aforesaid damage.
Item, the penalties to be divided, as in the statute concerning penalties on cloths made in Venice.
1340. April 27. Commemoriali, v. iii. p. 171. 25. Contemporary Minute registered on parchment of an announcement made to the Republic of Venice in the name of King Edward III., by his ambassador, Friar Richard, Bishop of Bisaccia, chaplain to King Robert of Naples.
That Philip de Valois, styling himself King of France, occupies Normandy, the greater and more fertile part of the duchy of Aquitaine, and the counties of Anjou, Saintonge cum insulis, and of Pontoise in Picardy, all which from time out of mind appertained to the kingdom of England.
On this account, King Edward calls upon the said Philip to fight a pitched battle. But for the avoidance of reproach hereafter on account of so much Christian bloodshed, he at the commencement of the war offered, by letter, to settle the dispute either by single combat, or with a band of six or eight, or any number he pleased on each side; or that, if he be the true King of France as asserted by him, he should stand the test of braving ravenous lions who in no wise harm a true king, or perform the miracle of touching for the evil; if. unable, to be considered unworthy of the kingdom of France.
That all these offers were rejected; and as by law divine and human those forcibly and unjustly oppressed are entitled to aid, the said most serene Prince Edward requests from the Doge and Commonwealth of the Venetians the subsidy of 40 or more galleys on hire for one whole year, winter and summer, he being prepared to send such sum as the Doge and Commonwealth may fix, in gold or silver or other merchandise, before they quit the port of Venice.
That King Edward promises to defend the crews and galleys as he would his own person; but that should the request be refused, he earnestly petitions against any aid of galleys or of any other sort being given to the adversary, and that the Doge and Commonwealth will at least remain neutral.
Item, that the Doge and Commonwealth do exhort the Doge of Genoa not to give any subsidy to Philip de Valois.
Item, King Edward offers to Venetian citizens and merchants in England the same immunities as enjoyed by Englishmen.
Item, a perpetual privilege, duly signed and sealed, granting whatever may be required.
By a separate note, the Bishop of Bisaccia was charged in the King's name to request the Doge (Bortolamio Gvadenigo) to send his two sons, or at least one of them, even should he be the favourite, to the English court, promising them every honour, including that of knighthood.
In reply, the Doge expressed regret for the quarrel, and hoped that it would be adjusted; but dread of the Turkish armada of 230 sail rendered it impossible for the Republic to concede any naval subsidy.
That it would be unfitting to write to the Doge of Genoa.
That the privileges in favour of Venetian subjects would be accepted very gratefully; the Doge returning devout and immense thanks for the gracious offers concerning his sons.
[Latin, 140 lines.]
1347. Feb. 20. “Misti Senate” v. xxiv. p. 1. 26. Decree of the Senate concerning four galleys appointed for the Flanders voyage.
1356. Dec. 20. “Misti Senate.” v.xxvii. p. 103. 27. Decree of the Senate concerning the Flanders galleys.
Dec. 20. Ib. 28. Decree and Preliminaries for putting the Flanders galleys on the berth as of yore.
Dec. 24. “Misti Senate,” v. xxvii. p. 106. 29. Amendment to the Motion of the 20th December.
Demand for letters of safeconduct for the Flanders galleys to be made of the Count of Flanders [Louis II. de Maele], of the burgomasters, sheriffs, and council of Bruges ; these four estates being requested to encourage the intercourse between the two countries.
The Venetian consul in Flanders, and the noblemen Dardo Polani and Federico Boni, Venetian citizens, to present the demand for these letters, and to return an answer by the courier, giving also the news of Flanders.
Be the King of England [Edward III.], likewise written to, in such form as shall seem fit to the Signory for the advantage of the undertaking; asking of him a safeconduct as aforesaid. The letter to be sent for transmission to our consul and noblemen as aforesaid; and should there be no consul at Bruges, the two noblemen abovementioned to elect another of our citizens resident there, to provide for the dispatch of a proper messenger to the King, to obtain the safeconduct, and to acquaint us on his return with the reply, and with the news and condition of those parts.
Assurance given to the consul and noblemen aforesaid, that all expenses incurred by them will be defrayed in full.
Dec. 24. Ib. 30. Decree for the dispatch of an envoy to the King of Castile (Don Pedro the Cruel), to demand a similar safeconduct.
Dec. 24. 31. Decree and Orders given for the voyage of the Flanders galleys. [Latin.]
Dec. 29. “Misti Senato,” v. xxvii. p. 107. 32. Decree of the Senate.
Lest the galleys bound for Flanders suffer loss through the wool which might be brought overland, be it ordained and proclaimed that, from the month of March next, the wool of Flanders and England may not be brought to Venice overland, or through towns subject to the commonwealth, under penalty of 25 per cent; but two months after the return of the galleys from Flanders wool may be brought overland as at present.
1357. March 23. Commemoriali, v.V. p. 92. 33. Safeconduct from Edward III. for five Venetian galleys on their voyage towards Flanders, dated Westminster, 23d March, 31st year English reign—18th French reign.
[Latin. In substance the same as in Rymer, vol. iii., part i., p.351.]
1358. March 3. “Misti Senato” v. xxviii. p. 30. 34. Decree of the Senate for fitting out six galleys for the Flanders voyage.
Lest the galleys suffer loss on account of wool brought by land, wool of England and Flanders, sent from Flanders after the month of May, not to be brought to Venice by land, nor through towns subject to our Signory, under penalty of 25 per cent.
Two months after the return of the galleys from Flanders, wool may be brought thence to Venice as at present. The proveditor is charged to make inquiries, and levy the fines, having a share of them as of others appertaining to his office.
1358. May 26. “Misti Senato” v. xxviii. p. 53. 35. Motion made in the Senate and carried.
Letters to be written to the King of England (Edward III.), to the Count of Flanders (Louis de Maele), to the sheriffs and others, and to the consul in Flanders, for the safety and franchises of galleys going to Flanders, and of others to be sent thither hereafter, in such form as shall seem most advantageous for the matter.
1359. Jan. 14. “Misti Senato,” v. xxviii. p. 83. 36. Decree of the Senate.
That to effect the safety of the galleys bound now and hereafter for the Flanders voyage, letters be written to the kings of England, France, and Castile, and to the sheriffs, council, and community (comuni) of Bruges, and elsewhere, in such form and as shall seem fit to the Signory now and hereafter.
[Latin, 3 lines.]
Jan. 14. “Misti Senato,” v. xxviii. p. 84. 37. Decree of the Senate.
Lest the galleys for the Flanders voyage suffer loss on account of wool which might be brought overland, the wool of England and Flanders, conveyed from Flanders after the month of May, not to be brought to Yenice by land nor through towns subject to our Signory under penalty of 25 per cent.; this fine to be irremissible under penalty of 200 livres to any mover or seconder of any motion to the contrary; but two months after the return thence of the galleys, it may be brought to Venice as at present: the proveditors to prosecute those who act to the contrary, and levy the penalties, having a share as of others (the perquisites) of their office.
[Latin, 6 3/2 lines.]
Feb. Archive Miscellany. 38. Statement made by Piero Emo to the Venetian government, narrating a conversation held by him at the commencement of February 1369, with Biachin Tiepolo, who proposed capturing the castle of Trieste for the Republic, with the aid of 100 Englishmen.
[In the Venetian dialect, 30 lines, paper.]
1370. April 22. Commemoriali, v. vii. p. 125. 39. Safeconduct from Edward III. in favour of Venetian subjects, ships, galleys, masters, mariners, &c., &c. Westminster, April 22, 1370.
[Registered transcript, Latin. As in Rymer, vol. iii., part ii., p. 890.]
April 22. Commemoriali v. vii. p. 125. 40. Letters patent from Edward III., acquainting all admirals, captains, warders and others with the grant of his protection to the Doge of Venice and Venetian subjects, vessels, &c., &c. Westminster, April 22, 1370.
[Registered transcript. Latin, 53 lines, parchment]
April 24. Commemoriali, v. vii. p. 125. 41. Edward III. to Doge Andrea Contarini.
Acknowledges the receipt of credentials from the ambassador, Luia Vallaresso. In consequence of the ambassador's oral statement, the King announces having given a safeconduct for Venetian subjects and merchandise, together with a letter under the privy seal, signed on the 3rd April. Westminster, 24th April.
[Registered transcript Latin. In the margin there is a note purporting that the original was in the possession of the State Proveditors.]
April 24. Commemoriali, v. vii. p. 125. 42. Edward III. to Doge Andrea Contarini.
Acknowledges credentials received from the ambassador, Luca de Vallaresso, and concedes his demand for letters of protection and safeconduct for Venetian subjects, their goods, and merchandise on their way to England, on condition of reciprocity, until Easter, and provided the conditions contained in a note delivered under the privy seal on behalf of the Council, dated April 3, be in like manner observed.
Westminster, 24th April, 1470.
[Registered transcript. Latin, 27 lines, parchment.]
Oct. 20. “Misti Senate” v. xxxiii. p. 83. 43. Reply of the Senate to the Demands made by Edward III. of the Ambassador Vallaresso, on his requiring a safeconduct for Venetian ships, coggos, and galleys.
1st demand made by the English Privy Council.—Perpetual good will and amity between the Doge, citizens, and commonwealth of Venice, and the King, realm, and subjects of England.
Answer.—“We and our commonwealth, following the footsteps of our forefathers, ever have been especial lovers of his royal Majesty and his kingdom, and thus are we, and mean to be; and likewise out of respect for his Majesty do we purpose treating his subjects with singular love and good will.”
2d demand.—The said Doge, citizens, &c., do neither openly nor secretly give any succour of men, ships, ammunition, provisions, or other things, to the enemies of the King and his kingdom, in France, Spain, or elsewhere.
Answer.—General professions of good will; and protest that in all wars and disputes it was the Republic's custom never to interfere between the parties, save for their reconciliation.
3d demand.—That should the Doge become acquainted with anything detrimental to the King he do give notice thereof to his Majesty.
Reply.—Allusion to the great distance between Venice and England and the small reliance to be placed on political intelligence received thence, the intercourse between the two countries being chiefly commercial. The accounts written from those parts often contain false intelligence, as is well known to many English barons and soldiers, who, when in the Venetian territory, heard news of England and of her rivals, which for the most part proved frivolous and mendacious. Therefore, to impart such reports would be detrimental to his Majesty, and might mar that good understanding which the Republic was anxious to maintain with him. The Doge will reply to these demands after Easter, as promised by the ambassador, Luca Vallaresso, in date of London, 24 April, 1370.
[Latin, 107 lines, parchment.]
1374. April 14. “Misti Senato” v. xxxiv. p. 97. 44. Decree of the Senate (fn. 4) for fitting out four galleys for the Flanders voyage.
July 14. “Misti Senato” v. xxxiv. p. 123. 45. Motions made in the Senate concerning an Embassy to England.
It being necessary to provide for the affairs of Flanders, which are important and require immediate attention, it is put to the ballot that, by authority of this Council, a committee consisting ot of the Doge, the counsellors, the chiefs (of the Forty, and the Sages for the Orders, do send a proper person as ambassador to the King of England, with such commission and instructions as shall seem fit to the committee; which is also authorized to take necessary steps for the safety of the galleys and other “vessels bound on the Flanders voyage. All expenses incurred on this account to be defrayed by the merchants engaged in the voyage, in such form as the committee shall determine.
Motion made by the Sages for the Orders,—Leonardo Bembo, Francesco Foscolo, and Bertuccio Contarini.
Ayes, 17.
Amendment proposed and carried by the Sage for the Orders—Giovanni Storlado.
As it is more for our honour that the ambassador be appointed by this Council rather than by a committee,—put to the ballot, that the ambassador be elected in this council by two scrutinies, one being made by the counsellors and the chiefs (of the Forty), with fitting conditions and salary.
Moreover, as these are affairs of merchandise and concern the whole town, be it ordained that the necessary steps be taken by this Council that they may prove more mature and formal.
And forthwith be it carried, that the expenses to be incurred on account of this embassy go to account of average on merchandise, according to the original motion.
Ayes, 59. Noes. 2. Neutrals, 0.
July 18. “Misti Senato.” v. xxxiv. p. 126. 46. Decree of the Senate.
That for the good and safety of our Flanders galleys it be ordered, on account of the news received from our consul at Bruges, that the ambassador to be elected to the most serene King of England, do have for salary 50 livres gross for four months; and should he stay more than four months, let him thenceforth receive 100 light livres per month. He is to keep four upper servants, two pages, a cook, and a secretary waited on by one of the servants of the ambassador.
For expenses of every description, including salaries, he may expend eight ducats per diem.
On the day of his election, or on the morrow, he is to present himself at 9 a.m., and to have a fine scarlet gown made for himself with his salary aforesaid.
He is to depart as soon as possible, being selected out of the magistracies from which it is usual to select ambassadors accredited to crowned heads; nor may he refuse under penalty of 100 livres. (Carried.)
The money, horses, and other necessaries required for this embassy, to be raised by a loan from the grain treasury, and repaid with the usual interest, thus,—
Our consul at Bruges to levy half per cent. on all merchandise and goods conveyed thither by galleys and other coggos and vessels during the whole of the present month of July; and in like manner on all other merchandise and goods conveyed thither hereafter, whether by galleys or ships.
On the return, be our consul aforesaid in like manner charged to levy another half per cent. on all merchandise and goods loaded there in our galleys or ships; this tax to be continued until the entire repayment of the loan to our treasury aforesaid. (Carried.)
Should the aforesaid goods and merchandise be recovered or obtained, the plaintiffs to pay 5 per cent. to by comprised in the sum aforesaid; and before the ambassador's departure, he is to come to this Council for the completion of his commission, and it will be made out as shall seem fit.
Ayes, 33—42.
Proposed amendment:—
That half per cent. be exacted both by sea and land, on goods both going and returning.
The ambassador to have 40 livres gross for four months, and thenceforth 100 livres per month; to keep four servants, two pages, and a secretary waited on by one of the attendants of the ambassador; and he may expend eight ducats per diem.
Ayes, 17.
Proposed amendment:—
That for the first four months the ambassador do receive 40 livres gross, and thenceforth 100 light livres per month.
Ayes, 22—28. Noes, 1. Neutrals, 2—4.
Ambassador elected—Ser Marco Morosini. Eligible—Ser Marco Cornaro.
July 24. “Misti Senato” v. xxxiv. p. 129. 47. Decree of the Senate.
That the commission to the nobleman Marco Morosini, ambassador to the Lord King of England, be made out thus, namely:—
“We, Andrea Contarini, by the grace of God, Doge of the Venetians, &c., &c, commission thee, Marco Morosini, &c., &c., that in the name of Jesus Christ, and of the glorious Virgin Mary his mother, and of our Protector St. Mark, and of the whole heavenly host, to go as our formal ambassador to the most serene and most excellent Lord King of England; with the orders and clauses hereunder particularly stated.
“In the first place on this thy journey, we charge thee to go towards Bruges, where forthwith without any loss of time, through the consul and our merchants, thou wilt acquaint thyself thoroughly both with the old and recent damages.
The former, inflicted in 1370, concerned 19 bales of serges and 4 bales of cloth, value 6,500 ducats, or thereabouts; besides three bales of cloths, valued at. 45 livres tournois gross, belonging to 'Ser' Giovanni Grimani.
“Being fully informed concerning these and the recent damages, all of which are known there in detail; thou wilt there at Bruges take good counsel about drawing up a public instrument or instruments concerning our damages aforesaid, so that they may be all clear, and that in the presence of the Lord King of England, or of his [ministers] no opposition can be made, but the business be dispatched as just.
“Moreover, at Bruges, thou wilt inform thyself whether our consul obtained a safeconduct and indemnity for the recent damages, as we wrote lately very earnestly to the Lord King by our letters special.
“When at Bruges, should it seem fit to thee, thou wilt go without loss of time into the presence of the Lord Count of Flanders, should he be there or thereabout; and after saluting him as becoming in our name, thou wilt earnestly recommend to his magnificence our consul and merchants trading there, in such strong language as shall seem fit to thy wisdom for the good of our subjects.
“Moreover, after conferring with the consul and our merchants, should it seem necessary to thee in any way to ask aid and favour of the Lord Count, for the advantage and dispatch of thy embassy, and of the business committed to thee, thou wilt do in this matter as shall seem most profitable and fit to thee.
“Should the Count of Flanders not be in the province, or near at hand, or so situated that thou canst not speak to him, thou wilt speak concerning the aforesaid matters to his lieutenants as shall seem best to thy wisdom.
“Being fully acquainted with all the aforesaid matters at Bruges promptly and speedily, for the good of the business and without loss of time, as we hope of thee, thou wilt then in good grace, and as quickly as possible, cross over to England and endeavour to have audience of the Lord King. After such offices of respect and salutation as becoming our honour, thou wilt, in such sage and adroit language as shall seem fit to thee, demand of his Majesty [indemnity] for our recent damages, which we have lately requested of his Majesty very earnestly by letter; and likewise for our old damages with respect to those J 9 bales of serges, and 4 [bales] of cloths, as aforesaid, besides the three other bales of cloths; and should any other damage have been done afresh subsequently, thou wilt in like manner demand indemnity for it, and also letters of safeconduct and security for our subjects and galleys, and any other ships soever or property of ours. This, in the most ample, secure, and best form thou canst obtain, and for the longest possible term, for our good and that of our merchants.
“And with regard to obtaining and seeking the aforesaid things, be diligent and attentive, as we fully hope from thee.
“If, after making thy announcement aforesaid, and doing what good thou canst in the matter, thou perceivest the Lord King to be harsh about granting indemnity for the damages aforesaid, old and new; and that he be content to give letters of safeconduct for our subjects, galleys, and vessels, and for Venetian property—in that case rest content with the letters of safeconduct, in good and sufficient form, for the security of the galleys and cargoes. And with regard to the damages old and new, delay and procrastinate with the Lord King and his ministers, until our galleys be dispatched, and utterly beyond his control and power (et de fortia et manibus) (fn. 5); but take good heed lest thy words or promises prejudice in any way our claims for the damages aforesaid, it being our intention that amends and satisfaction be conceded for them, as is just.
“We moreover charge thee—if unable after every possible effort, to obtain indemnity from the Lord King for damages old or new, or even letters of safeconduct—that nevertheless, even then—in such adroit and sage manner as shall seem fit to thee, when acquainted with the particulars—thou do delay to thy utmost and give things time, or employ such other cautious and dexterous means that our galleys may effect their dispatch thence, and be beyond his control and power, as we fully hope from thee.
“We besides charge thee—in case the Lord King mention to thee, that two of our galleys should go and trade towards London—thou shalt then tell his Majesty that we lately answered him on this subject by letter, a copy of which we have sent to give thee for thy information, so that by those arguments and others which shall seem fit to thee thou mayst remove this from the mind of his serenity, as we fully hope from thy prudence.
“It being profitable to abound in caution, and as it may chance that the Lord King of England will be content to make amends for our recent damages, and to grant letters of safeconduct. as demanded of him lately by letter, as thou canst ascertain at Bruges—we inform thee, that in that case, thou must present thyself to the Lord King of England, and inform him that we are much pleased with the extreme justice he has caused to be done us by the indemnity for our recent damages aforesaid, and also by the letters of safeconduct, all which we know proceeds manifestly from the good zeal and sincere disposition of his most serene Majesty; using such good and fair words concerning this matter as shall seem fit to thee for our advantage and that of our merchants. And at the close of thy discourse, thou wilt demand of the aforesaid King indemnity for our old damages aforesaid, and do what good thou canst to obtain amends and satisfaction for them, as is just, so that our subjects may have reason to hold intercourse with his kingdom and frequent it, to the advantage and profit of his royal Majesty. And, should it seem to thee that the letters of safeconduct be too short timed, or in any way defective, or not sufficiently comprehensive, we leave thee at liberty to procure the in for the longest term and as full as possible, for our good and that of our merchants.
“And should amends be obtained, and satisfaction for the damages recent and ancient, and letters of safeconduct as mentioned, after taking honorable leave, thou mayst return to Venice acquainted with everything.”
Amendment made in the Senate by the two counsellors, Pietro Morosini and Luca Valaresso, and by the chief of the Forty, Paulo Falier.
“As no provision is made for the principal point, and concerning that which is the cause of the whole affair; be our ambassador therefore charged that—should the Lord King of England mention to him that we must traffic in his places with our galleys, and that otherwise he will neither give us a safeconduct nor repair our aforesaid losses—in that case our ambassador shall do all he can with that assiduity which shall seem fit to him that our galleys may be at liberty to go where they please as usual. And if he be unable to obtain this by any means from the Lord King, let him then say, that on the present occasion arrangements have been made, so that with difficulty could anything be done; but lest for the future so great an advantage be lost on this account, we are content that, of the galleys destined by us for that voyage, the amount of one third, or thereabouts, shall traffic in his towns and places: our ambassador endeavouring to stipulate as brief a period as possible, and to arrange for our advantage, obtaining franchises and the usual safeconduct, which he will seek to improve and ameliorate to the utmost. And with this condition be our galleys put up to auction, when proposed for that voyage.”
Ayes 30 28 20.
Noes 17 15 12.
Neutrals 18 21 24.
17 Aug. “Misti Senato.” v. xxxiv. p. 132. 48. Decree of the Senate suspending the Embassy of Marco Morosini.
It being known for certain that our Flanders galleys, and the coggos likewise, have reached the port of Sluys in safety, and as the question of compromise for the damage done to our merchants and citizens by the subjects of the Lord King of England is in a sufficiently fair way, neither was it so considerable as supposed: be it put to the ballot, for the good and advantage of our commonwealth, that the embassy to the Lord King of England, now about to set out, be suspended for the present; and should any thing-be heard hereafter concerning the matters aforesaid, they will be provided for as shall seem most profitable and salutary.
[Latin, Motion made by the Counsellors, and by the Sage for the order, to Giovanni Storlado.]
1375. Jan. 12. “Misti Senato.” v. xxxiv. p. 151. 49. Decree of the Senate for fitting out five galleys for the Flanders voyage.
[Latin, 120 lines.]
Jan. 20. “Misti Senato” v. xxxiv. p. 153. 50. Decree of the Senate, that as the continuance of the Flanders voyage and its increase are much to the advantage of the whole town, and that the franchises for its performance should he maintained and augmented, a committee be appointed to effect this, and to endeavour to obtain a safeconduct from the Lord King of England through a proper person, one of those now about to undertake this present voyage, on such terms, cost, &c., as shall seem fit to the committee; the necessary funds to be supplied by the grain treasury, with the usual interest, to be repaid by a tax on the Majorca and Flanders voyages.
[Latin, 9 lines.]
March 20. “Misti Senato.” v. xxxv. p. 6. 51. Decree of the Senate concerning a safeconduct to be demanded of Edward III.
The nobleman Pietro Bragadino having been sent to Flanders to obtain certain franchises both from the Count of Flanders and from others in those parts, and also to go to the Lord King of England for a safeconduct for our galleys—the captain of the Flanders galleys, when at Bruges, is to make diligent inquiry, through our consul, concerning what said “Ser” Pietro shall have obtained; and should he not have succeeded, the captain to endeavour to effect what remains for completion.
[Latin, 12 lines.]
April 20. Commemoriali, v. vii. p. 199. 52. Letters patent from Edward III. to all admirals, captains, &c., announcing the grant of his protection to five Venetian galleys, commanded by Francesco Giustinian, their masters being Fantin Georgio, Carlo Quirini, Nicolo Soranzo, Nicolo Morosini, and Egidio Morosini.
Westminster, April 20, 1375.
[Registered transcript. Latin, 40 lines, parchment.]
April 25. Commemoriali, v. vii. p. 199. 53. Letters patent from Edward III. to all admirals, &c., announcing the grant of his protection to Venetian vessels and merchants, provided they exhibit testimonials from the Doge vouching for their identity, and that their cargoes be bond fide Venetian property, and do not comprise merchandise belonging to any hostile power. Westminster, April 25, 1375.
[Registered, transcript. Latin, 56 lines, parchment.]
Aug. 17. “ Misti Senato” v. xxxvi. p 132. 54. Repeal by the Senate of the commission given to Marco Morosini, it being known that the Flanders galleys and coggos had arrived in safety at Sluys; that the indemnity demanded for Venetian subjects of England was in a fair way for adjustment, and that the damage had been less than was supposed.
[Latin, 12 lines, parchment.]
1376. Jan. 18. “Misti Senato” v xxxiv. p. 77. 55. Decree of the Senate for fitting out five galleys for the Flanders voyage.
[Latin, 3 lines.]
May 16. Commemoriali, v. viii. p. 12. 56. Nicolo Estense, Marquis of Ferrara, to Doge Andrea Contarini.
Announces news, received on the preceding evening from a trustworthy friend, of the invasion of the territory of Treviso, by Leopold Duke of Austria, and offers the State assistance.
Informs him “that many persons coming from the Bolognese territory report that yesterday the English company traversed well nigh the whole province, coming even to the canal leading from Ferrara to Bologna. To that they did much mischief, and captured many persons on the said territory, and made a great booty of animals.
Given at Ferrara, 16 May 1376.
[Registered transcript. Latin, 14 lines.]
1377. May 7. Mantuan Archives. 57. Sir John Hawkwood to Lodovico Gonzaga, Lord of Mantua.
Announces that he is sending by water for the equipment of his castle of Bagnacavallo a certain quantity of battle axes, arbalastbolts, and divers things, which he requests may be allowed to pass the Mantuan custom houses duty free.
Cremona, 7 May 1377.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 3 lines.]
May 26. Mantuan Archives. 58. Sir John Hawkwood to Lodovico Gonzaga, Lord of Mantua.
Writes that his secretary (cancellarius), Sir John de Cingulo (Belton?), has his attendants and household stuff at Ferrara; and requests that, having constant need of Belton and his attendants, Gonzaga will grant to Belton's servant, John of Naples, a licence permitting the said attendants and property to pass by water through the Mantuan jurisdiction, duty free.
Cremona, 26 May 1377.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 4 lines.]
1378. April 16. Mantuan Archives. 59. Sir John Hawkwood to Lodovico Gonzaga, Lord of Mantua.
Narrates how on that day when passing near Castel Guifre, in the Mantuan territory, which had always been respected throughout by the “company,” certain guards outside that castle seized a lean brown horse with a long star on his forehead, and his hind legs fired (gambis posterioribus coctus), the property of an Englishman one Aban Donfol.
Requests him to send an order to his said subjects for the restitution of the horse and of a small bag and its contents which he carried, and urges him to hold the “company” his friend, as it means to treat him like its master the Lord Bernabo Visconti. Desires a reply.
From the entrenched camp under Verona, 16 April 1378.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 8 lines.]
1378. April 17. Mantuan Archives. 60. Sir John Hawkwood to Lodovico Gonzaga, Lord of Mantua.
Request for a free pass for six barges, on their voyage down the Po to Ferrara, freighted with arms, timber, implements, corn, and other ammunition destined for the use of Hawk wood's town of Bagnacavallo.
Mentions having been informed that the Cardinal of St. Peter's (Francesco Tebaldeschi, prior of S. Pietro in Vincola), was elected Pope.
From “our camp at Piadena,” 17 April 1378.
[Original on paper, Latin, 6 lines.]
April 20. Mantuan Archives. 61. Sir John Hawkwood, Jacopo de Cavalli, and Conrad Deponte to Lodovico Gonzaga. Reply to complaints from him about injury done to his subjects in the territories of Goito, Cenesari, and Rodigo.
Expressions of great surprise, the writers being under the impression that the Englishmen Sir Roger and Sir Thomas had arrived in the Veronese territory at the same time as they themselves entered it with the brigades of the aforesaid.
As the letter however certifies the damages, they lament them to the death, it being their intention and that of their Lord Bernabo (Visconti) to respect the Mantuan territory like the Milanese itself.
They did not receive the letter until the day on which they date their answer, and trust the Lord of Mantua will be pleased to accept this apology as “we John Hawkwood offer as far as in our power to make good the loss, in such wise that your lordship aforesaid may henceforth be deservedly satisfied with said company, and thus are we most strictly enjoined by our Lord,” &c., &c.
(Signed) Johannes Haukuted, cap~nes.
Jacobus de Cavallis, miles.
Conradolus Deponte.
From the camp at Villafranca, 20 April 1378.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 9 lines.]
May 15. Mantuan Archives. 62. Sir John Hawkwood to Lodovico Gonzaga.
In reply to the assertion that the Englishman Sir William twice attacked the Castle of Caneto with his brigade, although he has only two horses there, states that orders had been sent to him and others in those parts, should any plunder have been made, to restore it forthwith, and gives assurance that he will always act so as to satisfy Ludovic Gonzaga; adding that to this effect he had written to the constable, desiring him to treat the Mantuan territory “like that of our Lord the Lord of Milan.”
As to the charge made, that on the preceding day the English company made a foray on the Castle of Ceresari capturing some Veronese footmen, &c., the answer is, that certain outlaws from Verona, skulking through thickets, made their way like footpads to Asola, with the intention of seizing the subjects of the Lord Bernabo, and insulting the “company's” baggage; but the inhabitants of Asola gave chase to the pillagers, who on their way to the enemy's camp were pursued by some of the English company, who came up with them beyond the Castle of Ceresari, and all were captured; no other outrage was committed, save that according to report one man was killed for wounding the English horses. Declares that not having had the slightest idea that the Mantuan territory had been violated, he immediately caused all the prisoners to be released although they deserved severe punishment as pilferers; and promises to quit the Mantuan territory with all his forces on the morrow at the latest, and that whilst in the field, he will assuredly make amends for all damage; requesting the Lord of Mantua to be pleased this time to show all patience for his sake.
Publice, (fn. 6) 15 May 1378.
[Original, on papery Latin, 19 lines.]
May 19. Mantuan Archives. 63. Sir John Hawkwood to Lodovico Gonzaga.
Complains of the seizure by Mantuan subjects of certain cattle sent by Hawkwood from the camp at Gazoldo, and demands their restitution, according to the statement to be made by bearer of the letter, the attendant Astolfo.
Piubega, 19 May 1378.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 4 lines.]
May 20. Mantuan Archives. 64. The Same to the Same.
Credentials in favour of Andrew de Cantella and Adam Sale.
Piubega, 20 May 1378.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 3 lines.]
May 30. Mantuan Archives. 65. John Thornbury to the Lord of Mantua, Lodovico Gonzaga.
Alludes to the accident which had befallen him. Mentions that arrangements have been made for his release, and that he has determined to go to Mantua. Humbly requests a residence or quiet dwelling there, that he may see to his ransom more at ease than in a hostel, declaring himself ready to pay what shall be necessary, &c. (fn. 7)
From the English camp at Villafranca against Verona the penultimate day of May 1378.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 5 lines.]
July 29. Mantuan Archives. 66. William Gold, constable-general in the English camp under Verona, to the Lord of Mantua, Lodovico Gonzaga.
Announces the flight from the camp in the past night of one Ulrei, a German servant of his comrade Jenkin Botarch, taking with him a bay horse, a breastplate, and a flask set in silver belonging to his master; also of the servant of Robert Latham, Mark Doemius, who in like manner took away a horse, a breastplate, and many other things belonging to his master. Requests that if the thieves present themselves at the Mantuan customhouses they be imprisoned.
29 July 1378.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 8 lines.]
1378. July 30. Mantuan Archives. 67. William Gold, constable-general in the English camp under Verona, to the Loud of Mantua, Lodovico Gonzaga. Tells of a certain Janet who had been long at his disposal, and used occasionally to go from Venice to Mantua, having in her possession upwards of 500 florins belonging to him. Earnestly requests the Lord of Mantua to have her detained under safe custody, and to give him notice accordingly.
The camp near Monzambano, (fn. 8) 30 July 1378.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 5 lines.]
July 31. Mantuan Archives. 68. The Same to the nobleman the Captain Jacopo de Cobagnatis at Volta.
Complains of a scarcity of rye for his horses, and asks him for two cart loads of that grain, as his servant whom he sent thither on the preceding day had been unable to obtain any.
The camp at Monzambano, 31 July.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 5 lines.]
Aug. 2. Mantuan Archives. 69. The Same to the Lord of Mantua, Lodovico Gonzaga.
Repeats his demand for the arrest of Janet whom he understands has got to Mantua. Wishes to have diligent search made for her in the hostelries and to be made acquainted with the result, as nothing in the world would give him greater pleasure.
The English camp at Monzambano, 2 August 1378.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 8 lines.]
Aug. 4. Mantuan Archives. 70. William Gold, constable-general in the English camp under Verona, to the Lord of Mantua, Lodovico Gonzaga.
Acknowledges the receipt of a letter from him concerning Janet.
Says, in reply, that he has done, will do, and is ready to do his lordship more honor than any French “Madam.” He therefore requests him to have her detained at his disposal, until he send one of his attendants for her. Apologises for writing to so great and mighty a lord on such a subject, but ventures so to do, thinking his lordship may be able to make use of him in matters of greater moment. Requests orders may be given for the detention of Janet at Mantua, until he send thither his secretary Donato de Bologna, or some one else, to give legal proof of the sums due to him from her.
The camp under Verona, 4 August 1378.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 14 lines.]
Aug. 6. Mantuan Archives. 71. The Same to the Same,
Has received the letter from him, announcing the arrest of Janet of France. Requests that she may be kept at his disposal in some safe place until the arrival of the secretary to urge his claims, the delay being caused by press of business in the camp. Declares that if Janet were not his debtor for 500 gold florins and upwards, he would not write such things, and that if she be put into safe custody he shall consider the obligation so great, that on his uttering a word he will serve him with 500 spears and upwards. The Doge should bear in mind that sweet love overcometh proud hearts. Knows nothing of her husband. Should any expenses be incurred on her account promises immediate payment even to the amount of 1,000 florins, provided she be kept in safe ward. Her assertion that she has a husband is denied, as she was taken away from the writer furtively ; wherefore, though it may be a trifle against the law, yet to settle the matter he requests she may be placed in a nunnery, at his disposal, and not allowed to depart until he sends a servant for her. Should this favour be granted, declares that Gonzaga will oblige not only him, but the whole English company.
The camp under Verona, 6 August 1378.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 21 lines.]
Aug. 6. Mantuan Archives. 72. Sir John Hawkwood to the Lord Lodovico Gonzaga.
One of the chief commanders of the English company, by name Sabraam, was lately robbed in the Mantuan territory of two horses and sundry swords and travelling bags containing property; and whereas the Lord Lodovico gave orders for the entire restitution of the property, a bag, which had been full, and whose contents were notified to the Mantuan secretary, has been returned empty. Therefore demands the missing effects, in such wise that no mischief may ensue, lest Sabraam and the company have cause to do something mutually disagreeable.
The camp at Monzambano, 6 August 1378.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 9 lines.]
Aug. 8. Mantuan Archives. 73. Sir John Hawkwood to the Lord Ludovico Gonzaga.
Acknowledges the receipt of a letter from his lordship, whose envoy, Bertolino de Codelupo, has been to him at Milan complaining of damage done to the subjects and territory of Mantua by his troops.
Expresses regret, and assures Gonzaga that such excesses pain him greatly, as he would fain protect Mantuan territories and subjects like those of his Lord Bernabo. Agreed with Codelupo that when in a fitting place he would cause the company to make amends either wholly or in part; but the present moment is unfitting for this, the brigade being in want, and Hawkwood being compelled to burden it for certain services required by his masters. He therefore urges Gonzaga not to take this amiss, promising indubitably, when he has the company under control in some city or place, to levy the indemnity to his satisfaction, concerning which he has communicated with his lordship's captain of Volta; and concludes with offers of service, &c.
The camp at Monzambano, 8 August 1378.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 16 lines.]
Aug. 9. Mantuan Archives. 74. William Gold, constable-g eneral of the English Company, to Ludovico Gonzaga Lord of Mantua, Imperial VicarGeneral.
Returns thanks for the reply concerning Janet of France, and more thanks for the zeal and love thus demonstrated in his favour. And because love “overcometh all things—since it even prostrates the stout, making them impatient, taking all heart from them, even casting down into the depths the summits of tall towers, suggesting strife, so that it drags them into deadly duel, as hath happened to and befallen me for the sake of this Janet, my heart yearning so towards her, that by no means can I be at rest, or do otherwise and consider the lovers should be succoured—therefore on my bended knees I devoutly beseech your lordship to put everything else aside, and so ordain and command that the said Janet neither may nor can go forth from Mantua nor from your territory until I send for her, as in other letters of yours it was answered me. But let her be detained at my suit, for if you should have a thousand golden florins spent for her, I will pay them without delay; for if I should have to follow her to Avignon I will obtain this woman. Now my lord, should I be asking a trifle contrary to law, yet ought you not to cross me in this, for some day I shall do more for you than a thousand united French women could effect; and if there be need of me in a matter of greater import, you shall have for the asking a thousand spears at my back. Therefore, in conclusion, again and again I entreat that this Janet may be put in a safe place unknown to anybody, and there kept until I send some servant of mine for her with a letter from myself, for I would do more for you in greater matters. And I pray you thwart me not about putting her in a safe place, for you alone and no one else are Lord in Mantua.”
The camp under Verona, 9 August 1378.
P.S. “I beseech by all means, that said Janet may not quit Mantua, but be in safe custody ; and so you will have obliged me or ever.”
[Original, on paper, Latin, 22 lines.]
Oct. 17. Mantuan Archives. 75. Sir John Hawkwood to Lodovico de Gonzaga.
Is sending to Mantua his servant Perino de la Lacta, the bearer, for the purchase of ten cart-loads of Gazoldo wine, for his own use and that of his household.
Requests the Lord of Mantua to grant the necessary licence.
Cremona, 17 October 1378.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 3 lines.]
Dec. 3. Mantuan Archives. 76. The Constable and Captain of the Italian Company of St. George to Lodovico Gonzaga.
Acknowledge the receipt of his lordship's letter of the preceding day, inquiring the cause of the coming of the company into the Mantuan territory. They answer respectfully, that the length of the march prevented them from riding farther yesterday, and that on the morning when they write, their intention of raising the camp was frustrated by the bad weather. On this account they request permission to remain today and tomorrow, but are ready to move with the whole company to any other place his lordship may appoint, and will take with them a Mantuan commissary so that together they may prevent any damage.
Request a safeconduct for three of the company to perambulate Mantua with thirty horse and their arms, going and returning throughout the territory without molestation.
Signed: “Cost~ capitañ Societatis Italicorum S[an]cti Georgij.” From the village of Marmirolo, 3 December 1378.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 9 lines.]
Dec. 27. Mantuan Archives. 77. A Captain and one of the Italian Company of St. George to Lodovico Gonzaga.
Credentials of Uxilettus d'Adilardie charged to make a verbal communication to the Lord of Mantua concerning vintners.
From the camp at Marmirolo, 27 December 1378.
[Original, on payer, Latin, 3 lines.]
Dec. 28. Mantuan Archives. 78. A Captain and one of the Italian Company of St. George to Lodovico Gonzaga.
Announce the wish of some of the company, who say they have been denied admittance, to provide themselves with certain necessaries at Mantua and redeem many of their pledges. Request that for this purpose they may be allowed free ingress and egress from the city.
From the camp at Marmirolo, 28 December 1378.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 4 lines.]
1379. Feb. 18. Mantuan Archives. 79. Count Lucio Lando and Sir John Hawkwood to Lodovico de Gonzaga, Lord of Mantua.
Their Lord (Bernarbo Visconti) has forbidden the prisoners made by them recently at the passage of the Adige to traverse his territory. As the term assigned them for presenting themselves is expiring, Count Lucio, Hawkwood, and his comrades have determined to prolong it, and have therefore accredited with full powers to the Lord of Mantua the noble and prudent man, Ulric Olsteten, the bearer, and request his lordship to admit him and his followers into Mantua, for the purpose of prolonging the term assigned to the said prisoners. As on this account it will behove him. to go to Verona and return with them, request that be and the prisoners likewise may be admitted into Mantua, and that the Lord Ludovic will grant him an escort should it be necessary.
Pontevico, 18 February 1379.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 5 lines.]
Feb. 19. Mantuan Archives. 80. Sir John Hawkwood to Lodovico de Gonzaga, Lord of Mantua.
Announces a slight misunderstanding between him and his Lord the Lord of Milan (Bernabo Visconti), but with God's assistance, hopes to recover his favour, and whatever may be the result will give the Lord of Mantua notice thereof.
Monerino, 19 February 1379.
[Original, on paper. Latin, 5 lines.]
1379. March 2. Mantuan Archives. 81. Sir John Hawkwood to Lodovico de Gonzaga, Lord of Mantua.
Having that morning received his lordship's letter, is riding to Count Lucio to effect the restitution of the property plundered in the Mantuan territory, to which it alludes, and thanks him for giving the company.
Coxletici (sic), 2 March 1379.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 4 lines.]
March 3. Mantuan Archives. 82. The Same to the Same.
Announces the arrival on the preceding day of his son-in-law, Sir William Coggeshal, (fn. 9) from Milan, where he has long resided. He wishes to go to Bagnacavallo with some 60 horse, and therefore Hawkwood requests a safeconduct for him by the bearer.
Caxatici (sic), 3 March 1379.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 4 lines.]
March 24. Mantuan Archives. 83. William Gold, constable-general of the English Company, to Ludovig de Gonzaga, Lord of Mantua.
Writes that, wanting some horses, he is sending to Mantua and Ferrara his beloved comrade, the Englishman Colin Campbell (Anglicum Comolinum Zambalem), for whose passage through the Mantuan territory with 10 horses he requests a safeconduct.
Offers his services, and returns hearty thanks for the great gifts conferred on him when in the county of Mantua.
From the Hospital of St. John's (mansione Sancti Johannis), in the county of Bologna, 24 March 1379.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 6 lines.]
June 6. Mantuan Archives. 84. Sir John Hawkwood to the Lord of Mantua, Lodovico de Gonzaga.
This day a dark bay horse has been stolen from a certain corporal of the company, by name Cipolletta. Requests that, if found, it may be returned for his sake, and according to the statement of the bearer and to what he knows on the subject. Villafranca, 6 June 1379.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 4 lines.]
July 3. Mantuan Archives. 85. The Same to the Same.
Recommends the Englishman, Nicholas Tanfield, who has to go into the Mantuan territory on business, and especially about a prisoner—kept by him in Hawkwood's town of Gazolo (fn. 10) (in t~ra n~ra Gazoli), but now in the Mantuan territory—who has escaped from the hands of Hawkwood's official, Astolfo. Requests that he may be given up or his ransom paid, and will consider anything done for Tanfield in this matter as a favour conferred upon himself. Has come to reside at Bagnacavallo; has 300 spears without pay in the territory of Faenza. Count Lucio remains in the March (of Ancona) with 500 spears, and Hawkwood has placed the rest of his troops in the pay of Tuscany, namely, 600 German spears and 500 English. There are no other news in those parts, hut should anything occur, he will take care to notify it to his lordship.
Bagnacavallo, 3 July 1379.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 11 lines.]
July 7. Mantuan Archives. 86. Sir John Hawkwood to the Lord of Mantua, Lodovico de Gonzaga.
This morning 100 spears of the brigade brought by him from the March (of Ancona) entered the service of the community of Bologna; and the remainder—some 250 and upwards, including spears and archers, under the command of the constable, William Gold, whom for a stipulated sum they were to serve during the whole of the present month—have gone towards Forli and those parts to back certain barons of the Romagna, whose names are a secret, (fn. 11) though they are expected to attack Guido (di Polenta) of Ravenna and Astorre Manfredi. Adds that he himself is remaining at Bagnacavallo with 50 or 60 spears. There are no other news.
Signed: “ Miles Anglicus.”
Bagnacavallo, 7 July 1379.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 9 lines.]
Aug. 28. Mantuan Archives. 87. The Same to the Same.
Requests Ludovico Gonzaga to give licence to convey through the Mantuan territory, from Gazolo to Bagnacavallo, 100 head of animals, great and small, and 500 axes.
Bagnacavallo, 28 August 1379.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 4 lines.]
Sept. 7. Mantuan Archives. 88. Donina Visconti Lady Hawkwood to Ludovico de Gonzaga, Lord of Mantua.
Announces her thorough comprehension of his lordship's letter delivered by her servant, Jacopo de la Credenza. Returns immense thanks for everything and for his lordship's good will, requesting him to send to her on all occasions, she being grateful and ever ready to do what pleases him.
Bagnacavallo, 7 September 1379.
Signed: “Donina ex Vicecomitibus Mediolani, &c., consors D. Joh[anne]s Haucud.”
[Original, on paper, Latin, 4 lines.]
Oct. 18. Mantuan Archives. 89. Sir John Hawkwood to Lodovico Gonzaga.
Returns thanks for what he had done for his service in favour of his factors and servants. Requests to be informed if he can in any way do him pleasure.
The only news he can give are that Dom. Giovanni Alberghettini and his son Almeric lately marched with cavalry by Val di Lamon to attack the Castle of Meddola, (fn. 12) which they would perhaps have soon taken; but Francesco, the brother of Astor (Manfredi), hearing of this, mustered a number of retainers, and succoured the place, intercepting Almeric, the son of Dom. Giovanni, who had collected as many as 500 followers, putting them to flight, killing a good 500, and making many prisoners.
Requests that justice may be done for his servant, Adam Sale, against one Astolfo of Pavia, resident in the Mantuan territory.
Bajnacavallo, 18 October 1379.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 10 lines.]
1380. Jan. 31. Mantuan Archives. 90. Walter Bonet, an English knight, to Ludovico de Gonzaga, Lord of Mantua.
Is sending to his lordship the bearer, his squire and confident, William Soyden, an Englishman, to ask a safeconduct of him for the conveyance from the Cremonese and elsewhere through the Mantuan territory, duty free, of 500 measures of wheat for his own supply and that of his attendants, as far as the Venetian territory, his quarters—he being in the Republic's pay—and likewise of certain other things and provisions; by so much the more as he has already obtained a like favour from his lord, the Lord Bernabo of Milan. He earnestly requests this as a special favour, that he may thus be enabled to live at ease.
Bologna, 31 January 1380.
[Original, on paper, Latin, 5 lines.]
Feb. 4. Venetian Archives, Commemoriali, v. viii. p. 35. 91. Treaty of Reconciliation between the English and German Soldiery on one side and the Italians on the other, in the service of Venice against the Genoese.
Details the affray on the preceding evening at Palestrina between 7 and 8 p.m. The names of the parties to the treaty are as follow:—Sir Walter Benedict, William Cook, Englishmen, Thomas Ellis, marshal of the English, Walter Maine, Robert More, Henricus Runz, Arnoldus de Sambach, Germans, John de Basset (de Berzete) and Cantelupe (Cantelletus) of England, for themselves and in their own names, as also in the name and on behalf of all and each of of their comrades, attendants, and accomplices, whether English or of any other nation, on the one part; and on the other, Giacopo de Pepoli, Checco de' Ordelaffi, Pandolfo de Cavalcaboi, Melchior Vitaliani, Gulielmo de Lisca, Fazio Count of Bruscolo, Bernardo of Cauriaco, marshal of the Italians, Domenico de Bentivogli, Georgio de' Alidosij, Nerio de Sesummo, for themselves and in their own names, and also in the name and on behalf of all and each of their comrades, attendants, and accomplices, whether Italians or of any other nation, &c., &c. Document witnessed by Tadeo Justiniano, knight, Nicolao Contarini, knight, Pietro Mocenigo, Pietro Aimo, Francesco Contarini, Luca Contarini, Bellato Gradenigo, Lorenzo Gradenigo, Andrea Forzate, Joanne Andrea de Roverio, Jacobo de Roverio, Traversio de Monfumo of Treviso, and Pietro de Saracenis, notary.
From the quarter-deck of Doge Andrea Contarini's galley in the harbour of Chioggia, 4 February 1380.
[Contemporary transcript, on parchment, Latin, 65 lines. Published A.D. 1790 by Giambatista Verci, Storia delict Marca Trivigiana, vol, xv., documents, p. 34.]
April 27. Book of Privileges, Venetian Archives, p. 36. 92. Patent from Doge Andrea Contarini for William Gold.
As it is the custom of the ducal prudence liberally to reward valiant and strenuous individuals, liberally granting the requests of such as show themselves devoted to the duchy, &c., and considering the manifold proofs of faith and devotion afforded by the valiant and strenuous man, William Gold, an Englishman, son of the late valiant man William, his prompt affection and ready service, &c. &c., his petition is graciously conceded, namely, that the said William—the necessary form of all the Venetian magistracies and ordinances being observed—be perpetually received as a Venetian citizen, and henceforth considered such in Venice and elsewhere, enjoying all the liberties, benefits, immunities, and honours enjoyed by other Venetian citizens. Thereupon William Gold swore allegiance on the Holy Gospels, and the Doge ordered the present privilege to be made and to be furnished with his pendent golden seal.
27 April 1380.
[Registered transcript, on parchment, Latin, 24 lines.]
June 20. Commemoriali, v. viii. p. 35. 93. Articles stipulated by Doge Andrea Contarini with the Soldiers in the camp under Chioggia, in case they took that city from the Genoese.
Signed by Doge Andrea Contarini and other Venetian noblemen on one part, and by the valiant and noble men, William Gold, Richard Sanfort, and their comrades, in number 22, on the other.
[Transcript, on parchment, Latin, 75 lines. Publ. in the “Storia della Maria Trivigiana,” vol. xv., pp. 41–43.]
July 4. Commemoriali, v. viii. 94. Grant by Doge Andrea Contarini to the valiant man the Englishman William Gold, constable, &c.
Setting forth the valiant service done by him at the siege of Chioggia, for which, observing the fitting forms of the Venetian magistracies, the Doge decrees him an annual pension for life of 500 ducats of good gold; and, relying on his probity, stipulates that, if the State require it, he is to repair to Venice from any place soever in which he may be, such terms and stipend as fitting and fair being conceded him: in testimony of which this patent is made out and furnished with the Doge's leaden seal.
[Transcript, on parchment, Latin, 12 lines.]
1383. March 3. “Misti Senate” v. xxxviii. p. 12. 95. Decree of the Senate.
That in reply to the letter of the King of England, answer be made to his envoy, in conformity with the reply given to the Pope, that we keep ourselves aloof from the business, on account of our position.
[Latin, 3¾ lines.]
1384. Aug. 3. “Misti Senato” v. xxxviii. p. 150. 96. Decree of the Senate announcing intelligence from Flanders, to the effect that all wool and cloths of every sort were to be shipped on board three Genoese coggos, so that the Republic's galleys, which had been fitted out at such great cost, would find no merchandise at all, or but a middling quantity. The captain also writes that he could not complete his cargo, and recommended going to Hampton. Therefore it is put to the ballot that an express be sent to Flanders, desiring him instantly to assemble his council, including all the masters of the galleys and all the merchants; and, should the majority be of his opinion, he is on the return to take the galleys to Hampton, and remain there during such period as shall be determined, loading all goods whether for Leghorn or Venice.
During his stay in England, the captain is earnestly desired not to allow the oarsmen to go on shore, for the avoidance of affrays and mischief.
[Latin, 26 lines.]
1385. Jan. 10. “Misti Senato” v. xxxix. p. 32. 97. Decree of the Senate for fitting out four galleys for the Flanders voyage, to remain 40 days in Flanders, Brabant, or Middleburg; on arriving in which parts the captain is to assemble the masters of the galleys and the Venetian merchants of the place, to the number of twelve in all, who, after carefully considering the state of the country, must determine by the majority, as speedily as possible, to which place—Flanders, Brabant, or Middleburg—they are to go for the advantage of their trade. But if the aforesaid council or the majority deem it for the advantage of all that any part of the galleys should go to any other parts of Flanders, or Brabant, or Middleburg, or to Hampton—in that case they must dispatch them within 20 days after their arrival at the appointed places, always with the understanding that, dating from their arrival at the first port, the galleys may not remain in any other parts where they shall arrive subsequently beyond the 50 days above written.
[Latin, 36 lines.]
1386. May 8. “Misti Senato” v. xl. p. 28. 98. Decree of the Senate.
Heretofore, for the good and advantage of the masters and merchants of our Flanders galleys, it was conceded to their captains and masters that they, together with twelve other noblemen of ours, whilst in the port of Sluys, might by a vote of the majority determine on sending to Hampton a part of our galleys as should seem fit to them. This concession appearing limited to the captains and masters, be it put to the ballot that, for the good and advantage of our galleys bound on this present voyage, their masters be allowed to go to Hampton, or send part of them thither, but not to remain there, or in other places to which they shall go, beyond the 50 days in all conceded them. But, should the captains and masters whilst in those parts find it perilous to go to Hampton, be it left at their option to go or not go, always having regard for the safety of our squadron; the captain being forbidden to remain alone either going or returning.
Be the masters bound, under penalty, to receive all the goods of our citizens and merchants, and of others wishing to bring such to Venice, so that by no means may such merchandise remain behind.
[Latin, 12 lines.]
1387. Aug. 19. Register 3. Criminal Court of the Forty. 99. Decree of the Criminal Court of the Forty, authorizing Dominick de Jean, the envoy of the Grand Master of Rhodes, for whose account he lately brought from England to Venice some 8,000 golden ducats for conveyance to Rhodes, that an armament may be made against the Turks, to ship that sum on board the Venetian trading galleys, paying freight as he requests; and this out of love and regard for the Grand Master.
[Latin, 8 lines.]
1388. Aug. 28. Chapter Library of Cividale. 100. Missive from 800 English Soldiers of the Company of St. George to John of Moravia, Patriarch of Aquileia.
Announce that having heard that certain rebels to the Patriarch are meditating war against him, they, prompted by natural affection and anxious to save his territory and honour, have by unanimous consent given credentials to the strenuous knight, Sir Robert de Fetton. He is an English nobleman in waiting on the Queen regnant of England, and will acquaint his paternity that 800 Englishmen of the brigade of St. George, men-at-arms, and archers (of which last there are 260) wish to enter his service, on the terras to be stated by the bearer, &c., &c. Dated the 28th day of August, “in our camp at Serra near Fabriano, in the March” [of Ancona].
Signed by Sir John Armesthorp, John Barry, Robert Loc, Roger Baker, and Richard Swynefor.
[Latin, 20 lines.]
Sept. 16. Chapter Library of Cividale. 101. Pietro Morosini to the Patriarch of Aquileia.
Informs him that he has conferred with the Doge, and that the Signory has made a fitting reply to the Ambassadors from Udine.
Has been visited at Venice by Sir Robert de Fetton, the bearer of the present letter. Sir Robert went in quest of him, knowing him to be the Patriarch's servant, and communicated the proposals of the company. Answered as by the enclosed paper, and suggests that, if approved, the Patriarch should send him his seal, and power to seal with the company, provided permission be given by the Patriarch's senate. After settling, the Patriarch may send Sir John back to him at Ferrara with the seal and permission to conclude; and in the meanwhile the Patriarch will see the course of affairs, and whether the Signory can effect an adjustment.
[Latin, 38 lines.]
1390. Jan. 11. “Misti Senato.” v. xli. p. 52. 102. Decree of the Senate for fitting out three galleys for the Flanders voyage, &c.
The galleys to remain in Flanders, at Sluys, or Middleburg, or Calais (as shall be determined by the captain and masters, or by the majority of them) for fifty days, those of arrival and departure not included; but be the captain and masters at liberty to send one of the aforesaid galleys to Hampton or to the parts of England, not going beyond Hampton, provided they shall have previously remained ten days at the first port made by them (in Flanders) for trading purposes.
[Latin, 130 lines.]
March 4. “Misti Senato.” v. xli. p. 64. 103. Decree of the Senate ordering the payment of 12 livres, 12 solidi and 6 gross to the Englishman, John Chaplet (Zapeleti), captain of the Republic's spears and archers in the territory of Conegliano, for arrears due to his men.
[Latin, 4 lines.]
May 13. “Misti Senato.” v. i. p. 76. 104. Decree of the Senate.
Allowing Fantino Michiel, master of one of the Flanders galleys, having the captain on board, to go to England in the galley bound thither, similar concessions being frequently made to the master of the Beirout galleys.
[Latin, 7 lines.]
1391. Dec. 19. “Misti Senato.” v. xlii. p. 35. 105. Decree of the Senate for the fitting out of two galleys for Flanders voyage, &c., &c.
One of them, on board of which the captain shall be, to go to Sluys, the other to go to London. In those places they are to remain forty days, those of arrival and departure not included. When the galleys shall be off “Caput Doble” the captain so to regulate that all merchandise be taken to the place for which it shall be destined.
[Latin, 140 lines.]
1392. March 29. “Misti Senato.” v. xlii. p. 51. 106. Decree of the Senate.
Whereas the entire cargo of one of the Flanders galleys, and four fifths of the other, consist of goods for Flanders, there being only one fifth for London, the captain of the Flanders galleys is charged, when at “Caput Dople, vel ad S~cum” (sic), to load all the goods shipped for London on board vessels of those parts in charge of as many men from the galleys' crews as may be sufficient. The cost of the ships to be defrayed by the masters.
In case the galleys be unable to make “Caput Dople” or anchor, or should they not find ships there, the captain to act as shall seem best to him.
[Latin, 21 lines.]
Nov. 18. “Misti Senato.” v. xlii. p. 88. 107. Decree of the Senate.
Lord Henry of Lancaster, Earl of Derby, Hereford, and Northampton, Lord of Brecon (ldquo;Breben,” for Breken), the eldest son of the Duke of Aquitaine, and the Lord Duke of Austria, requesting the hull of a galley, with all necessary tackle, to visit the holy places,—Be it put to the ballot that the said Duke and Earl be freely accommodated, the Earl arming the galley at his own cost.
The College of our Signory to provide the galley's hull and its outfit, but on board it no merchandise may be shipped, nor may the Earl take any passenger.
And be this answer and offer made to his ambassadors, they being informed of the cost incurred for the galley and tackle, for which we have declined all payment.
Ayes, 42. Noes, 4. Neutrals, 1.
[Latin, 18 lines.]
Nov. 30. Register, Grand Council, “Leona.” p. 61. 108. Decree of the Senate.
To honour the Earl of Derby, the eldest son of the Duke of Lancaster, “the intimate friend of our Signory, on this his coming to Venice, bound for the Holy Sepulchre, there be expended of the public money, for all costs soever, 360 ducats, in such manner as shall seem fit to the counsellors, chiefs, and sages of the Council, or to the majority, for the honour of our state and benefit of our affairs.”
Motion carried by six counsellors, three chiefs, 34 of the Forty, and three parts and upwards of the Grand Council.
[Latin, 8 lines.]
Dec. 30. “Misti Senato.” v. xlii. p. 90. 109. Decree of the Senate for the fitting out of three galleys for the Flanders voyage, &c. &c.
Two of the three galleys to go to Sluys, the captain to be on board one of them, the third to go to London. In those places they are to remain forty days. The shipper of merchandise for Flanders to load on board the two galleys thither bound, and the shipper for London on board the galley bound for that port. If the London galley have room, and the masters choose to take more goods for Flanders, they may be loaded on board the London galley in such quantity as to complete its cargo; the like system being observed with the galleys bound to Flanders, should they have room.
These goods the captain, when at “Caput Doble,” to convey to Flanders and to London by the ships of those parts, or otherwise as shall seem fit to him, at the risk and expense of the masters, in such wise that all goods be taken to the places for which they shall be loaded.
Item, be the masters bound to send by the first messenger going to Flanders for the necessary safeconducts in full, both for Flanders and London, so that the galleys may go with more safety.
[Latin, 126 lines.]
1393. March 31. Register, Grand Council, “Leona.” p. 64. 110. Decree of the Grand Council.
To honour the Earl of Derby, son of the Duke of Lancaster, on this his return, be there expended one hundred golden ducats of the public money as shall seem fit to the Signory. Motion carried by six counsellors, three chiefs, and 36 of the Forty.
[Latin, 4 lines.]
Dec. 3. “Misti Senato.” v. xlii. p. 139. 111. Decree of the Senate.
Ordering the masters of the Flanders galleys, whether in Venice, Flanders, London, or elsewhere, to be fair in their dealings and receive all goods indiscriminately; and whereas both on the outward and homeward voyage they prevent merchants from landing goods until after the discharge of their own, they shall henceforth allow such to be landed, whether of the same description as the goods belonging to the masters themselves or not, under penalty, &c.
[Latin, 27 lines.]
Dec. 11. “Misti Senato.” v. xlii. p. 142. 112. Decree of the Senate for fitting out three galleys for the Flanders voyage.
One to go to London, the others with the captain to Sluys as usual. As the London galley may have a superabundant cargo, the captain to arrange with its master to be informed by him, by letter, whether he be overloaded; in which case, all the surplus cargo to be sent by the ships of those parts towards “Caput Doble” at the cost of the owners; to which parts, at the fitting time, the captain is to send one of his other galleys, with such method and order that their return be not delayed, the utmost care being had for the safety of the galleys and the goods.
Ayes, 38. 38. Noes, 2. Neutrals, 1. 1.
[Latin, 24 lines.]
1894. March 15. “Misti Senato.” v. xlii. p. 155. 113. Decree of the Senate.
That for the benefit of the galley bound to London and of our merchants, the state do write letters of recommendation to the King of England, the Duke of Lancaster, and others.
[Latin, 12 lines.]
Dec. 30. “Misti Senato.” v. xliii. p. 38. 114. Decree of the Senate for fitting out four galleys for the Flanders voyage of the best in the arsenal.
Two to go to Sluys, and two to London, to remain in those places 50 days, not including the days of arrival and departure; this period not to be exceeded under penalty to the captain of 400 livres, and of 200 to each of the masters, the remission of these fines being prohibited,—any mover or seconder of a motion to that effect incurring a penalty of 400 livres.
Shippers for Flanders to load on board the galleys thither bound, and shippers for London on board the London galleys. But should these last have room, and the masters choose to receive additional freight for Flanders, they may thus complete their cargo, doing the like by the Flanders galleys with regard to London should they have room. When at “Caput Doble” the captain to have these goods shipped for Flanders or London on board the vessels of those parts, or otherwise as shall seem best to him, at the risk and cost of the masters, so that all goods be taken to the place for which destined, providing for their safety in such form as shall seem most advantageous. And lest, from want of money, the galleys be detained in those parts beyond the appointed term, be each of the masters bound, ten days before his departure from Venice, to present the Signory with bills of exchange on Flanders and London for 1,500 ducats, so that the captain of the galleys, when in the aforesaid parts, may receive the amount from those on whom they may be drawn for the succour of the galley crews, should need be; and should the masters not present similar bills, the councillors to stop their freights to the amount required, the State attorneys acting so that the said bills be consigned to the captain of the galleys before his departure.
Before the departure of the galleys, the masters of the two bound to London to be approved in this Council; and the one having a majority of votes to assume the post of vicecaptain when the two galleys part company from the captain off “Caput Doble,” with the same commission and liberty throughout as the captain, who, off “Caput Doble,” will consign to him our bills of exchange drawn here to his order.
To prevent any fraud in paying the crews, the masters to disburse to each man three months' pay in Venice, one month in the lagoons (in canali), and such sum in Flanders and London as shall seem fit to the captain and vicecaptain, &c.; the ducat being paid in money according to the rate of exchange.
The masters to send by the first messenger going to Flanders for the necessary safeconducts both from thence and from London.
Proposed amendment:—That the galleys be three in number—two of which to go to Flanders and one to London.
Ayes, 14. Noes, 0. Neutrals, 1.
[Latin, 137 lines.]
1395. Feb. 4. Secreta Senato Deliberazioni. v. iii. E. p. 105. 115. Decree of the Senate.
The Marshal of Burgundy appeared in the presence of the Signory, saying that he awaited the Hungarian ambassadors here during 12 days, and as they came not he required an answer for the Lord Duke of Burgundy and the Lords Dukes of Orleans and Lancaster concerning the embassy announced by him.
It is put to the ballot that, as the principals in this matter were not present, no deliberate reply can be given; but on hearing the said ambassadors, the Signory will be sincerely disposed as of yore under similar circumstances.
Ayes, 81. Noes, 0. Neutrals, 0.
Councillors: Ser Marco Falier, Ser Marin Caravello.
[Latin, 14 lines.]
Feb. 27. “Misti Senato.” v. xliii. p. 47. 116. Decree of the Senate.
That as the two galleys bound to Flanders are so loaded with heavy goods as to be unable to ship spices or other light goods, the two galleys bound to Flanders may tranship their heavy goods into the two galleys bound to London, which have not their full cargo, so that those bound to Flanders may take light goods. The captain when at Cap Doble (sic) to send the goods loaded for Flanders on board the London galleys, by one or both of them, or by another vessel, at the risk and cost of the masters, as he shall think fit, as far as St. Catharine's Point (ad Caput Sancte Catarine), or elsewhere; provided the galleys taking those goods do not pass the water mark, so that they may be conveyed from thence to Flanders by the ships of those parts, in such way as shall seem most advantageous to the captain. And in case the goods loaded for London on board the galleys conveying merchandise to Flanders, either at said St. Catharine's Point or at any other spot, become liable to any charge for the conveyance of merchandise to London, the masters to pay all proper costs, so that the merchandise by no means suffer any surcharge on this account.
[Latin, 31 lines.]
March 10. Secreta Senato Deliberazioni. v. iii. E. p. 108. 117. Decree of the Senate.
That the Hungarian ambassadors be answered, that whenever the King of Hungary, with the Dukes of Burgundy, Orleans, and Lancaster, shall proceed against the Turks by land, the Signory will be prepared to cooperate by by sea.
[Latin, 29 lines.]
May 8. Commemoriali, v. ix. p. 96. 118. Richard II.
Registered transcript of letters of safeconduct conceded by Richard II. for Venetian merchants, their merchandise, and six galleys, with other vessels, during six years; dated Westminster, May 8, 19th year of his reign.
By bill of privy seal. Countersigned: “Gamisteds.”
[Latin, 29 lines.]
1396. Jan. 8. “Misti Senato.” v. xliii. p. 190. 119. Decree of the Senate for fitting out four galleys for the Flanders voyage; two to go to Sluys, and two to London. Regulations the same as on 30th December 1394.
[Latin, 159 lines.]
1397. Jan. 2. Misti Senato.” v. xliii. p. 164. 120. Decree of the Senate for fitting out four galleys for the Flanders voyage; two bound for Sluys, and two for London. General regulations as in preceding years, with the following amendment:—
Information having been received that “Caput Doble” is not a port, but a road unsafe (sed statium non bonum), and that 30 miles hitherward there is a good harbour called “Portus Camera” (sic), (fn. 13) —be the captain at liberty to go to “Portus Camera, to “Caput” Doble,” or to some other place which he may consider safer for the transhipment of the merchandise, which, should it fall short of 30,000 weight, the captain is to have conveyed to Flanders and London by the ships of those parts. If the merchandise exceed 30,000 weight, he must have it conveyed to Flanders and London by a galley, namely, the one on board of which the vicecaptain is not, as usual.
[Latin, 144 lines.]
March 8. “Misti Senato.” v. xliii. p. 174. 121. Election of the Vicecaptain.
Scrutiny of the masters of the galleys made in the Senate, for the election of one to exercise the charge of vicecaptain in London, when they part company from the captain at “CaputDoble.”
Vicecaptain elected—“Ser” Jacopo Trevisano.
[Latin, 5 lines.]
1398. Jan. 15. “Misti Senato.” v. xliv. p. 29. 122. Decree of the Senate for fitting out four galleys for the Flanders voyage, two bound to Sluys, and two to London. Regulations as in the preceding year (alluding to “Caput Doble” and “Portus Camera”), with the following additions:—
That the masters of the galleys during the first 35 days after their arrival in Flanders or London be prohibited to freight goods belonging to aliens. During those 35 days, all Venetians wishing to load goods on board the galleys to notify and give in writing to the masters all and whatsoever they may choose to ship.
On the expiration of that period, the masters to be at liberty to freight for whom they please, with the understanding that aliens who shall have loaded goods in Venice on board the galleys shall be entirely on a par with Venetians, for an amount equal to that shipped by them at Venice.
[Latin, 191 lines.]
March 5. “Misti Senato.” v. xliv. p. 35. 123. Decree of the Senate.
Appoint “Ser” Nicolo Bragadino vicecaptain of the galleys bound to London, on their parting company from the captain at “Caput Doble.”
March 13. Register of Privileges. v. i. p. 127. 124. Privilege of Grace [conceded] to Bertram son of the late William Gold.
Registered patent or diploma of Venetian citizenship to the aforesaid from Doge Antonio Venier, granted on account of his fidelity and devotion to the State, and conferring on him all the benefits, liberties, immunities, and honours enjoyed by other Venetian citizens, he having sworn allegiance, and the original document being furnished with the Doge's pendent golden seal.
[Latin, 19 lines.]
Aug. 3. Commemoriali, v. ix. p. 3. 125. Richard II.
Registered transcript of letters of safeconduct conceded by Richard II. at the suit of Antonio Bragadino and Andrea Sisi (Ghisi?), the masters of two Venetian galleys then in the port of London, for the said galleys, and for other masters, galleys, and merchandise bound from Venice to England, &c. Dated Westminster, 3 August, 22nd year of his reign. By the Council.
Duplicate. Countersigned: “Stanley.”
[Latin, 22 lines.]
Dec. 18. “Misti Senato.” v. xliv. p. 76. 126. Decree of the Senate for fitting out five galleys for the Flanders voyage; three bound to Sluys, and the other two to London. General regulations as usual, with the following additions:—
Ten days after the arrival of the captain at Sluys with the three galleys he is to confer with the masters, and, having carefully considered the state of the country, he is then to decide whether all three of the galleys can reasonably expect to obtain full cargoes there,—in which case they are all to remain; but otherwise, if it appear, from lack of goods at Sluys, more advantageous that one should go to London, the third galley is to join the other two in that port, the master placing himself under the command of the vicecaptain there.
Repetition of the clause to the effect that “Caput Doble,” not being a port but a road (stacio), and unsafe; and that as 20 (sic) miles hitherwards there is a good port called “Portus Camera,” the captain shall be at liberty to go to either one place or the other.
[Latin, 251 lines.]
1399. Jan. 14. “Misti Senato.” v. xliv. p. 83. 127. Appointment of Andrea Zane by the Senate to be vicecaptain of the two galleys bound to London.
[Latin, 4 lines.]
Feb. 18. “Misti Senato.” v. xliv. p. 88. 128. Decree of the Senate.
That the Duke of Guilford (ldquo;Gilforth,” Thomas Mowbray), who wishes to visit the Holy Sepulchre, in whose favour the King of England has written, and who asks of us the loan of one of our galleys for the purpose aforesaid, be gratified; we lending him a galley with its gear, as done in like case by others. Carried by five counsellors.
[Latin, 5 lines.]
April 4. “Misti Senato.” v. xliv. p. 94. 129. Decree of the Senate.
Refusal of “Ser” Nicolo Bragadino, who has obtained the safeconducts for the galleys bound to London, to surrender them without payment of the cost, amounting to 40 ducats. Order for acquittal of the debt, and for the proveditors to exact it from the Flanders galleys.
[Latin, 8 lines.]
Sept. 17. Commemoriali, v. ix. p. 96. 130. Letters Patent for Venetian Subjects, their galleys and tarrits from Richard II.
Registered transcript of a letter of safeconduct, &c., conceded by Richard II. at the request of the captain (vicecaptain?) Andrew Zane and of Jacopo Dandolo, master of the two Venetian galleys then in the port of London. Besides general immunities, as a mark of more ample favour, King Richard grants permission for passengers to sell their small wares on the decks of the galleys; namely, glass vessels and earthenware plates, duty free; and also allows each of the passengers to dispose of one barrel of wine, which is not to contain more than 10 gallons. Proviso against fraud, &c. &c. Addressed to admirals, captains, warders and their lieutenants, customs' collectors, keepers of seaports and other maritime places, sheriffs, bailiffs, provosts, &c. To be valid for the next 10 years.
“Teste me ipso apud Westm~ decimo septimo die Septembris anno regni nostri vigesimo tercio.”
Countersigned: “Walt~.”
[Contemporaneous transcript on parchment, Latin, 29 lines.]
Oct. 4. Commemoriali, v. ix. p. 93. 131. Henry IV. King of England to Doge Antonio Venier.
We have by your letters constant proof of your affection, and that of your commonwealth, and desire to reciprocate it when opportunity or fortune offer. As by right of birth, and by the unanimous consent of the Lords and Commons, we possess the royal sceptre, your citizens and subjects need not fear to come to our realms, for we intend to treat them like our own lieges. Write frequently to us relative to the prosperity of your city and of yourself. Written in London the 4th day of October.
[Latin, 11 lines.]


  • 1. For the history of the Bardi and Peruzzi firm, and of their dealings with Edward III., see Ellis's Original Letters, 3d series, i. 39. The failure of these famous merchants seems to have taken place shortly hefore the year 1357.
  • 2. By the index to the Miscellaneous Acts of the Senate, it is seen that the correspondence between the Republic and the Peruzi and Bardi firm about the Southampton iray had commenced in 1324.
  • 3. The “Ternaria” was an office which had control over the weights and measures, the oil duties, &c
  • 4. It appears that during fifteen years, from 1359 to 1374, the voyages of the Flanders galleys were discontinued.
  • 5. By the sequel it appears that the galleys had avoided the English ports, but apparently considered themselves in the power of Edward III. until out of the British Channel.
  • 6. La Piubega in the Mantuan territory on the Seriola Pubblica.
  • 7. Sir John Thornbury seems to have been in the service of the Scaligers and captured by Sir John Hawkwood's company.
  • 8. Monzambano, on the Mincio, to the south of Peschiera.
  • 9. From this it may be inferred that in May 1377, when he married Donina Visconti, Sir John Hawkwood was a widower with a grown-up family.
  • 10. Gazolo, in the Mantuan territory. This is the first mention I have met with of Hawkwood's possessing any other towns besides Bagnacavallo and Cotognola.
  • 11. The chief of these barons was Galeotto Malatesta.
  • 12. Three leagues to the S.W. of Ravenna.
  • 13. “Portus Camera” is styled by Hall (ed. 1809, p. 34), “Camber before Rye.” By that name this seaport seems to have been known in England in A.D. 1503, the fifth year of Henry IV.'s reign. The word “Camera,” may, I apprehend, be translated by “custom house” or “treasury.”