Venice: 1502

Pages 291-295

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 1, 1202-1509. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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1502. Feb. 4. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta. 819. The Doge and Senate to the Venetian Ambassador in Spain (Domenico Pisani).
Desire him to urge Ferdinand and Isabella not to delay the subsidies for the Christian expedition. He is also to press them to hasten or repeat their entreaties for aid to the Kings of France, England, and Portugal as they had offered to do.
[Italian, 59 lines.]
Feb. 18. DeliberazioniSenato Secreta. 820. The Doge and Senate to Francesco Capello, Venetian Ambassador in England.
Have received a number of his letters, dated from the 1st to the 20th of January, wherein they have remarked certain particulars, so contrary to their expectation and to the requirements of the times and the circumstances that they cannot sufficiently express their displeasure and trouble. Perceive that he had opposed the sending of money to the Pope by the King of England, and had also used unsuitable language at variance with the respect entertained by the State for his Holiness. Have also seen that he spoke of his Cæsarean Majesty with less reserve and moderation than became him. His commission contained no orders of this sort. Are surprised and perplexed, by so much the more as by his last letter they learn the arrangements made by him for a conference with the papal Legate in England for the purpose of discussing these matters. Are therefore very apprehensive lest his next letters also contain matters very annoying to them.
Therefore charge him instantly to enter the presence of the King, to whom he is to say that the State having heard, by their ambassador's letters, of his Majesty's good disposition towards the Christian commonwealth, they applaud him for so holy and necessary a resolution. He is then to expatiate in grave and suitable language on the preparations of the common enemy of the Christian faith, as set forth by the enclosed summary, in accordance with the advices already sent. He is then to exhort the King to provide against so great a catastrophe; urging him, should he not have already done so, to send the money promised to the Pope, there being no doubt but that his Holiness on his part will keep his promise of arming, and aiding the Lord's bark and flock confided to him. When discussing this matter the ambassador is to speak of the Pope respectfully and honourably; and in like manner to express himself suitably and with modesty about the King of the Romans and all other sovereigns, according to the custom of the State.
Ayes, 155. Noes, 4. Neutrals, 0.
[Italian, 60 lines.]
Feb. 23. DeliberazioniSenato Secreta. 821. The Same to the Same.
Wrote to him by the post on the day before yesterday, not without much vexation, as he will have perceived.
Have on this day received four of his letters, written on the 25th, 26th, 27th, and last day of January, narrating his subsequent proceedings. The account has not only much mitigated the previous vexation, but even abundantly satisfied the wishes of the State with regard to his negotiations. Praise him greatly for having comported himself lovingly with the apostolic Legate. Desire him to continue this system, and likewise to make all such demonstrations as may prove the State's observance towards the Pope and the apostolic see. He is to persevere in urging the King to succour the Christian faith, both by sending money and by every other aid, and to use all despatch.
Moreover, having heard of the conclusion of the marriage of the King's daughter (Princess Margaret) to the; King of Scotland, (fn. 1) he is to offer congratulations. He is also to return thanks for the King's loving expressions towards the Signory.
Are persuaded that before the receipt of the present the ambassasadors from the King of Hungary will have arrived in England, and that he will have assisted them to obtain from King Henry the aid demanded by them for Christendom. The more the State ponder this Christian expedition, the more are they convinced of the necessity for aiding the King of Hungary, whose position causes him to be much feared by the Turks.
On this account again charge Capello to urge King Henry not to tail in succouring King Ladislaus, and this reiterated order he is to communicate to the Hungarian ambassadors, that they may know how well affected the Republic is towards his Hungarian Majesty; and on this occasion to remind King Henry that the State has already given the King of Hungary 100,000 ducats, for the aforesaid purpose, and continue paying him a like sum annually, notwithstanding the very great and excessive cost incurred by them and yet current for this Christian expedition.
Ayes, 156, Noes, 0. Neutrals, 0.
[Italian, 39 lines.]
April 18. Sanuto Diaries, v. iv. p. 87. 822. News from England that King Henry was in trouble, had ordered the arrest of one of his chamber attendants, and had written to the Hungarian ambassadors on their way to him, that if they were coming for succour against the Turk they were not to proceed, saying that those who are unable to make war upon the Turk should make peace; so no assistance will be obtained.
May 7. Sanuto Diaries, v. iv. p. 91. 823. Receipt of Letters from Francesco Capello, knight, ambassador in England, dated 8th April, stating that the King's eldest son, aged 16, who held the principality of Wales, was dead. He had been married to the daughter of the King of Spain, who was there on the island.
May 30. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta. 824. Recal of the Venetian Ambassador from England.
Decree of the Senate, that as Francesco Capello, ambassador in England, earnestly asks leave to return on account of the urgency of his private affairs; and as his stay there is nut only fruitless but expensive; and, moreover, as the King of France has in like manner recalled his ambassador from England, he do take good leave of his Majesty, and return home.
Ayes, 126. Noes, 9. Neutrals, 0.
[Italian, 7 lines.]
June 8. Misti Consiglio X., vol. xxix. p. 67. 825. Style of “Anglus” used by Philip Visconti, Duke of Milan.
Doge Leonardo Loredano and the Council of Ten confirm privileges in favour of Giovanni Battista Stanga, knight and LL.D., citizen of Cremona, according to grants from Francesco Sforza Visconti, Duke of Milan, dated Milan, 8 March, 1464; and from his son Galeazzo Maria Sforza Visconti, Duke of Milan, dated Pavia, 20 February 1476, respecting all manner of jurisdiction of his estate and castle of Annico. The grant from Francesco Sforza, which is set forth in full, recites an earlier grant respecting Annico, in favour of his councillor, Oldrado de Lampognano, made by “Dominum Ducem Philippum Mariam Anglum socerum et patrem nostrum.” (fn. 2)
[Latin, 240 lines.]
July 20. Correr Museum. 826. Henry VII. to the Venetian Ambassador, Francesco Capello.
Sends to him by the bearer a passport for himself, his attendants, horses, and baggage, authorizing their embarkation at Hampton, according to the request made by him in person to the King, and again repeated by letter.
Acknowledges likewise the ambassador's announcement to the effect that the King of Hungary had written to him certifying the transmission of other letters which the King of Hungary had addressed to King Henry, urging Capello, on the arrival of the papal brief, to solicit payment of the money promised by King Henry to the King of Hungary.
With reference to this matter, King Henry answered the King of Hungary that, after the fulfilment of the terms stipulated in presence of the ambassadors of Hungary and of other powers, and when the papal brief thereupon shall have been sent to him, he will perform his engagement; until then neither in law nor equity can the promised sum be claimed.
His Majesty had also seen the petition given by the bearer of the present to the ambassador in whose letter it was enclosed, requesting the ambassador to intercede with the King for his promotion to a certain prebend. If that prebend had not been already bestowed, the ambassador's wishes should have been complied with; but when an opportunity offers, the King will bear in mind the individual in question, for the ambassador's sake.
Has also received that fine horse of his, which he (the King) believes to be a good one, and returns unbounded thanks; and understanding that the ambassador greatly appreciates hobbies, although there is a great scarcity of them in England, sends one of his own, which he hopes will turn out well.
Woodstock, 20 July 1502.
[Latin, 21 lines.]
Dec. 6. Sanuto Diaries, v. iv. p. 176. 827. English Ambassador to Hungary in Venice.
Noblemen sent to visit the English ambassador, who had been in Hungary and arrived at Venice on the preceding day and lodged at the “White Lion.” Orders given for making him a present.
Dec. 8. Sanuto Diaries, v.iv. p. 179. 828. Audience of the English Ambassador above mentioned.
Audience given by the College to the English ambassador, who had been in Hungary, and is on his way home. Had been honoured by the Signory heretofore. Is a doctor and priest. His interpreter was Andrea Badoer. Said a few words in a low tone, about the love subsisting between his King and the Signory, and vice versâ.
The Doge spoke him fair. He requested that an English doctor, now lecturing at Padua, may be allowed to appoint his own beadle; was told that the matter should be taken into consideration. He was accompanied by Venetian noblemen.


  • 1. The Scotch ambassadors were in England for the purpose of concluding the marriage, but the bride did not quit England until June, 1503. See Hall, pp. 494 and 498.
  • 2. Filippo Maria Visconti, Duke of Milan, reigned from 1412 to 1447.