Index: G

Pages 615-621

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 2, 1572-1578. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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Gaffney, Christopher, heretic Bishop of Ossory, 156.

Gage, John, English exile, recommended to the King of Spain, 69.

Galerio, in charge of archives at Padua, 242, 250.

Galicia, ships to be sought for, in, 428.

-, a port of, the fleet for Ireland to assemble in, 542.

Galli, Ptolemy, Cardinal of Como. See Como, Cardinal of.

Gallionetart or Gullunstarne, M. See Falsterbo, Lord of.

Galtrim (Gallatrini), Baron of, co. Meath, 153.

Galvey, Richard, scholar, alms refused by, 450.

Galway, city of, described, 161.

-, inhabitants of, the greatest heretics in Ireland, 337.

-, port of, 285; ships going to, 337.

Gambarini, Andrea, chamberlain to the nuncio (Sega), at Madrid; representative of the nuncio at Lisbon, 428, 433, 436, 438, 439.

-, -, returns to Madrid, 451.

-, -, order of, alluded to, 453.

Garnicca, Benedict, contadore or treasurer to the King of Spain, 391, 494–496

-, -, payment desired from, 514, 515.

-, (in Spain), to be spoken resentfully to, 526.

Garter, Order of the, bestowed on the French ambassador, 29.

-, -, returned on Emperor Maximilian's death, 302.

-, -, sent to the Emperor Rudolf, 327.

-, -, Knight of. See Denmark, King of.

-, -, creation of, 434.

Gascon troops, going with the King of Poland, 124; in the Low Countries, 181; going to succour Montpelier, 330.

Gasparo, Father, an Englishman, 206.

Gastel [Jean Marmier, Seigneur] de, sent by Don John to Elizabeth, 362, 369.

Gelderland (Guelders), 138.

-, the Prince of Orange retreats into, 55.

-, troops quartered in, 65, 67.

-, recovery of, may be the pretext for an insurrection, 345.

Gemblours, rout of the States' army at, 387.

Geneva, French Protestants withdrawing to, 120.

Geneva Confession, heretics of, aid for French rebels refused by, 184.

-, conference of, 354.

Genevan form of marriage, alluded to, 223.

Genlis (Gianlis, Jan Lis), M., goes to England to crave aid, 22; release of, demanded (on the capitulation of Mons), 52.

Genoa, republic of, 24.

-, Archbishop of, 381, 522, 523.

-, artillery to be sent to, 448.

-, despatches to be left at, 68.

-, envoy from, at Prague, 301.

-, galleys of, 281.

-, letters dated at, 295, 523.

-, -, alluded to, 291.

-, merchants of, money owed to, 422.

-, money to be paid at, 266.

-, -, sent to, 275.

-, physician of, offers to cure the plague, 211.

-, soldiers to be put into, 202.

-, Spanish “ambassadors” at, 323.

-, -, resident at. See Mendoça, Don Pedro de.

-, ship of, 480; fight with, 444.

-, ships for, 381.

Genoese, the, might provide ships for the Irish enterprise, 401.

Geraldines, Don James de. See Fitz Gerald, James Fitz Maurice.

-, Mac Thomas de. See Mac Thomas.

-, Don Thomas de, 158.

German College. See Rome.

-, Guards, serving the French King, 89.

-, mercenaries, in pay of Elizabeth, 550.

-, merchants, 15, 486; Elizabeth wishes to borrow from, 328.

-, Princes. See Germany, Princes of.

-, troops, may be sent to the Netherlands, 12.

-, -, in the Low Countries, 215, 305, 312, 320–323; expected, 356, 392, 393.

-, -, a colonel of. See Polweiler.

-, -, levy of, by Alva, 88, 106.

-, -, expelled from Flanders, 336.

-, -, for the expedition against England, 308, 423.

-, -, to be raised for France, 317.

-, -, coming to or in the service of the States General, 388, 393, 421.

-, -, with the King of Portugal, 491.

-, visionary. See Grebner, Paul.

Germans or German nation, the, in relation to the League, 49.

-, not well affected to the King of France, 56.

-, support given by, to the Prince of Orange, 65.

-, choice of, for the next Emperor, discussed, 113.

-, said to be “easily corrupted” with money, 318.

-, refuse a loan to Archduke Matthias, 380.

-, [Protestants] are encouraged by the discord between the Kings of France and Spain, 73; rumours circulated by, 79; will exert themselves for Montmorenci, 174.

Germany, Emperor of. See Maximilian; see Rudolf.

-, the young Princes of. Governor of. See Eucherio.

-, Electors Ecclesiastical of, 24, 385.

-, Princes of, the French King has written to, 45.

-, -, relations of the Prince of Orange with, 111, 112; and measures taken by the French King as to, ibid.

-, -, Count d'Aremberg sent to, 138.

-, -, ambassadors of, in England, have audience, 248.

-, -, the Pope's efforts in regard to, 256.

-, -, briefs to, from the Pope, alluded to, 345.

-, -, envoy to be sent to, from Spain, 378.

-, -, Protestant or heretic, 43; their lack of money, 31.

-, -, -, a measure which would strike terror into, 43; the affairs of France much perplexed in regard of, 50.

-, -, -, are ill-affected to the King of Spain, 56.

-, -, -, may become suspicious, 84, 85.

-, -, -, rumoured negotiation of, with England, 91.

-, -, -, the French desire some of, to be included in the league between France and England, 136.

-, -, -, said to have tried to retard King Henry's departure from Poland, 179.

-, -, -, the Prince of Condé's negotiations with, 183.

-, -, -, will aid the rebels in Flanders, 201.

-, -, -, the Prince of Condé said to be going to, 324.

-, envoy to, from France, 61, 479. And see Fregoso.

Germany, Emperors and Kings of, their protection of the monastery of Ratisbon, alluded to, 556.

-, fairs of, money to be paid at, 196.

-, French Protestants withdrawing to, 120.

-, maritime towns of, English merchants trading to, 192.

-, monasteries in, rights claimed in by the Scots, 272.

-, money sent to, 342.

-, the Pope's suspicions in regard to, 50.

-, Protestants or heretics of, disturbances by, feared, 77; supposed league of, with those of Flanders, 101; danger of the French making a league with, 181; conference of, 354.

-, travellers to, 323.

-, troops levied in, for France [in 1562], 130; [in 1575], said to be coming to serve Monsieur, 211, 215, 234, 248.

Germigny (Geraini), going as French ambassador to Constantinople, 538.

Ghent, Anabaptists put to death in [in 1562], 130.

-, ill state of religious affairs in, 313.

-, the Prince of Orange at, 368.

-, Pacification of, alluded to, 424.

-, people of, 519, 528; commissaries and English ambassador sent to, 530; the Prince of Orange has joined, ibid.

Ghent, Viscount of [Robert de Melun], mission of, to England, 324; vain attack of, on Namur, 341.

Gibbons, John, made canon in the church of St. Peter, Utrecht, recommended to the Archbishop, 232.

-, -, student in the German College in Rome, appointed to a canonry by the Pope, 272.

Gibraltar, Straits of, 480.

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, to command troops for the Low Countries, 22.

Giordano, Paolo, infantry given by, to Stucley, 558.

Giraldus Cambrensis, Historia Hibernica by, quoted, 151, 164.

Glasgow, Darnley resident at, before his death, 222.

-, Archbishop of. See Beatoun.

Glencairn, Earl of. See Cunningham.

Glimes (Celines), M. de, desires no preaching to be tolerated save of the Catholic religion, 488.

Glorierius, Cæsar, request of the Pope concerning, 146.

Glynn (Valle), the Knight of, 158.

Gogar, Baron. See Erskine, Alexander.

Goldwell, Thomas, deprived Bishop of St. Asaph, recommended to King Philip by the Pope, 292.

Goletta, in Tunis, recovery of, by Turkey, 195.

Gondi, or Gondy, Jerome de, sent by the King of France to Salviati, 87; and to Elizabeth, 441.

-, Pierre de, Bishop of Paris, at the baptism of the King's daughter, 89.

-, -, in favour of Montmorenci's imprisonment, 173.

-, -, letter to, 276.

-, -, petition to, 228.

-, -, recommendation to, desired, 275.

-, -, licence for, to ordain, 397.

-, -, Official and Judge Ordinary of. See Lecourt.

Gonzaga, Signor Ottavio, matters discussed with, 310.

-, -, letters to be sent to, 312.

-, -, information sent by, 484.

-, -, his man, 322.

Gonzales, Father Luigi, Governor of King Sebastian of Portugal, 199.

Good, Dr. William [Jesuit missioner], sent to the Tower, 209.

Gorcum or Gorinchem (Gorcon), siege of, 182.

Gordon, Alexander, 3rd Earl of Huntly, 224, 226, 227.

-, -, eldest son of. See Gordon, John.

-, [Elizabeth Keith], Countess of Huntly, mother of Lady Jean, 225, 226, 227.

-, George, 4th Earl of Huntly, 216, 219, 225–227.

-, -, wife of. See Gordon, Elizabeth.

-, -, daughter of. See Gordon, Lady Jean.

-, George, 5th Earl of Huntly, brother of Lady Jean Gordon, 219, 225.

-, Lady Jean, daughter of the 4th Earl of Huntly, marriage of, to the Earl of Bothwell, depositions, &c., concerning, 216–229, passim.

-, -, grandmother of. See Stuart, Jean.

-, John, eldest son of Alexander, Earl of Huntly, husband of Jean Stuart, 224, 226–228.

Gormanstown (Germastone), Viscount of. See Preston, Christopher.

Gouran, in Ormond, a walled town, 158.

Gozzo (Guua), [island near Malta], death of the Prior of Toulouse at, 285.

Graham, John, Earl of Montrose, plot of, against the Regent Morton, 398.

Grange, Lord. See Erskine.

Granvelle, Anthony Perrenot de, Cardinal Bishop of Arras, 314.

-, -, brother of. See Perrenot, Frederic, Seigneur de Champagny.

Gratz (Graz), Archduke Charles at, 301.

Gravelines (Gravelingues), said to have declared for King Philip, 408, 452.

-, troops at, 330.

-, Governor of. See La Motte, Valentine, Seigneur de.

Greek wine, 478.

Gregory the Great, Pope, his conversion of England, alluded to, 81, 116, 212.

Gregory VII., Pope, missions of, alluded to, 212.

Gregory XI., Pope, missions of, alluded to, 212.

Gregory XIII., Pope, in relation to Elizabeth:—Fears that France may be lured by, 13; sentence of deprivation against her, proposed to be put in execution by, 19, 48; hopes that the business against, is being pushed forward, 131; satisfaction of, that her ambassador has been dismissed from Spain, 246, 250; regrets that so good an opportunity has been lost “of chastising that wicked woman,” 297; has no mind to hurt her, not desiring “the death of a sinner,” 307; said to be making a league with France and Germany against her, 323; hope that he will not lose the opportunity of chastising “that accursed woman,” 452; in regard to her match with Alençon, 511, 523, 537; is to be assured that Venice will send no ambassador to her, 530.

-, in relation to the enterprise against and conversion of England, 24, 46, 53, 92, 107, 134, 137, 147, 234–236, 240, 247, 250, 255, 259, 261–264, 266, 267, 279, 283, 297–302, 309, 310, 322, 326, 340–342, 345, 358, 369, 383, 385, 386, 406, 495, 507, 526, 527; choice of the commander left to, 366; desires Don John to take command, 299, 308; suggestion that his Holiness should hold England when taken, 358.

-, in relation to France and the French King, 13, 34, 38, 50–52, 70, 84, 183, 214, 250, 252, 256, 311, 323, 492, 501, 537, 538; and the league between France and England, 12, 17, 18.

-, dispensation for the King of Navarre's marriage with Margaret of France granted by, on conditions, 35.

-, is sending another legate to France, 38; orders sent to, to stop, 50.

-, love of, for the French King, 50.

-, in relation to the suggested royal matches, 51.

-, French King's assurances to, 52; and loving regard for, 317.

-, speech made by, in Consistory, deploring the calamities of France, 214.

-, offer of troops by, to France, 311.

-, makes the French Queen's brother a Cardinal, 356.

-, sends the Bishop of Nazareth to France, 492.

-, in relation to the affairs of the Netherlands, 85, 247–249, 314, 335, 339, 345, 377, 434, 506, 507, 537; has resolved to send Sega to Flanders, 296; would have Alençon diverted from his enterprise, 525.

-, in relation to Scotland and the Queen of Scots, 32, 35, 64, 70, 170, 231, 243, 250, 422, 517, 554, 555; and to the Prince of Scotland, 93, 122, 123, 127, 318, 529.

-, in relation to the proposed enterprise for the conquest of Ireland and England, 231, 286, 287, 311, 344, 358, 367, 395, 400–402, 414, 417, 418, 421, 424, 441, 446, 481, 498, 500, 534, 535, 545, 564, 565.

-, -, commissary or briefs from, suggested or desired, 164, 286.

-, -, aid given or promised by, 337, 361, 366, 370–373, 376, 391, 416, 417, 447, 449, 522, 535, 542; great cost of the enterprise to, 512; thinks he has done enough, but will do what he may, 545.

-, in relation to Fitzgerald as leader of the enterprise, 395, 423, 452, 453, 485, 492, 493, 499, 531, 541, 542, 544, 545, 547.

-, in relation to Stucley as joint leader, 326, 327, 344, 367, 380, 443, 444, 446, 484, 522; urges them to unite to carry on the enterprise, 492, 493; grants by, to Fitzgerald and Stucley, summarized, 558–560.

-, in relation to Stucley's African expedition, 427, 428, 447, 513, 516, 522, 535, 558, 561, 562, 564, 565, 567; said to be amazed at the thwarting of Stucley's Irish voyage by the King of Portugal, 447, 493; orders sent by, to Fontana, 445–447.

-, Ireland in the jurisdiction of, 23.

-, desire of, for peace, 25.

-, his prudence and immense reputation, 31.

-, efforts of, to maintain a good understanding between the Kings of France and Spain, 34, 38.

-, is prayed by the English Catholics to reduce their kingdom to the Catholic Church, 34, 63.

-, league proposed by, of Christian Princes against the Turk and heretics, 37, 38, 45, 49, 56, 60, 77, 84, 101, 106, 385.

-, displeasure of, on the recall of the Spanish fleet, 38.

-, in regard to proposed marriage arrangements, 69, 85.

-, said to have rewarded the slayers of heretics in Italy; and him that shot Admiral Coligni, 77.

-, faculty from, alluded to, 96.

-, Irish bishop received and recommended by, 99.

-, grief of, at the peace made by Venice with the Turk, 99, 107; dismisses the Venetian ambassador, and revokes grants, &c., made to the Signoria, 107; efforts of the Venetians to appease, 113.

-, desires aid for the Catholics in Ireland, 106.

-, in relation to the Prince of Scotland, 122, 123, 401.

-, blessing of, craved, 143.

-, matters put before, 148.

-, absolution from heresy granted by, 171.

-, recommendation to, asked for, 183.

-, in straits for money, 191.

-, proposed visit of Sir R. Shelley to, 207, 209.

-, aid from, for Douai Seminary, 207, 208, 435; his building and endowment of the College, alluded to, 435.

-, desires provision to be made for the Bishop of Ross, 213.

-, recommendation from, prayed for, 244.

-, in relation to the Bishop of Ross, 275, 350.

-, objects to Venice receiving an English ambassador, 254, 256.

-, in relation to Germany, 256.

-, German College established by, at Rome. See Rome.

-, English and Scottish exiles recommended by, 270, 271, 276, 283, 292–7, 350.

-, rights of, in regard to the Scots' College at Ratisbon, 273, 274; abbot appointed by, 325; has resolved to leave arrangements as regards the College to the Scottish nation, ibid.

-, complaint to, by the Knights of Malta, 285.

-, desires the Persian and the Muscovite to be incited against the Turk, 293, 294.

-, views of, in relation to Don John, 297–299.

-, entertainment by, of Stucley, at Rome, supposed reason for, 306.

-, present endeavour of, is only “to form a league with God,” ibid.

-, gives audience to ambassador from Sweden, 311.

-, is prayed to countenance Don John, 335.

-, Dr. Sander prays for aid from, 344; and is commended to, 350.

-, does not wish the King of Spain to be further urged in relation to the English enterprise, 369, 370.

-, movements of, 375.

-, a rebel to, 381.

-, leagues to be concluded by with the Catholic Princes, against Elizabeth and the Turk, 385.

-, distribution of wheat by, to the bakers of Rome, 385.

-, oblation asked by, from Spain, 406.

-, his support and recommendation of the English seminarists, 435.

-, to be pressed to write to the King of Portugal, 443.

-, desires his nuncio at Paris [Dandino] to use his influence on behalf of the Bishop of Mayo, 449.

-, sends the Bishop of Nazareth to France with money, 492.

-, should write to Desmond, 498.

-, sends a letter to [the late] King of Portugal, 500.

-, prayed to maintain a small establishment of Irish priests in Rome, 503.

-, offices done by, in Flanders, attributed to his partiality to Spain, 506.

-, sends commissioners to treat of matters between the Emperor and the King of Poland, 508.

-, in relation to the Spanish clergy, 511.

-, re money lent to Don John, 512.

-, daily report to be made to, concerning the preparations for setting out for Ireland, 522.

-, an Englishman desires to be employed by, 533.

-, in regard to Alençon's return from Flanders, 537.

-, desires to know who are in the pay of the English Queen in Italy, 537.

-, the Bishop of Ross sent by, to the Emperor and the French King, 538.

-, interest of, craved, for a young Irishman, 540.

-, his great expenditure, 545.

-, reasons for his undertaking the protection of the cause against England, 554.

-, is exhorted to expedite the war with England, 558.

-, Stucley commends himself and his son to, 559.

-, English exiles crave succour from, 560.

-, praise of, 562.

-, church given by, to Sega, 542.

-, letters from, 18, 26, 119 (2), 125 (2), 126 (2), 276, 287, 324, 330, 399 (3), 465 (5), 466 (3), 474 (2), 478, 479.

-, -, to the Irish chieftains, 203; to Bishops and prelates, 204.

-, -, alluded to, 170, 210, 345.

-, letters of recommendation from, 119, 126, 178; for the new Scots Abbot at Ratisbon, 324; asked for, 119.

-, letters to, 10, 18, 26, 32, 63, 93, 136, 193, 212, 244, 290, 292, 294, 323, 324, 326, 391, 399 (3), 415, 462, 465 (5), 466 (3), 474 (2), 478, 479.

-, -, alluded to, 12, 93, 205.

-, letters to be shown to, 279.

-, brief of, 527.

-, -, prayed for, 178; given to Fitzgerald, 328.

-, -, alluded to, 12, 63, 135, 286, 534; mandate for, given, 287.

-, account to be given to, 544.

-, brief of absolution sent by, to his legate in France, 43.

-, briefs of commendation by, 202, 304.

-, commissions from, alluded to, 508.

-, correspondence of, summary of, concerning English affairs, 558.

-, audiences granted by, 331.

-, canonries conferred by, 100, 450.

-, a captain sent to, by Stucley, 559.

-, colleges founded by. See Douai; see Rome.

-, in relation to the Knights of Malta. See Malta, Knights of.

-, faculties granted by, 96, 434, 544.

-, fleet of, to go against the Turks and Moors, 286.

-, fund of, for relief of English refugees, 97.

-, galleys of, 259; General of. See Zani.

-, “graces and indulgences attached by … to crucifixes blest by,” 208, 359.

-, grants of money by, 186, 389. And see Irish enterprise.

-, authorization by, for reception into the monastery at Ratisbon, 389.

-, indulgence from, asked for, 120.

-, information sent to, 70.

-, instructions from, 535.

-, -, to his nuncio at Paris, 449.

-, Italian soldiers of, 521.

-, licences from, 389, 397, 439. And see faculties granted by.

-, mandates of, alluded to, 551.

-, matter to be communicated to, 523, 539.

-, memorial sent to, 126.

-, money hoped for from, for the Scottish design, 333; and by the King of Spain, 494, 495.

-, money due to, 524.

-, orders of, re use of property belonging to Stucley, and arms and munitions, 535, 536.

-, orders of, alluded to, 276, 536, 544; asked for, 542.

-, pensions from, alluded to, 558.

-, petitions to, 184, 251, 275, 534, 569; alluded to, 119, 254.

-, prebend promised by, 141.

-, recommendation from, asked for, 294.

-, recommendation to, 4.

-, report to, of mission to Scotland, 145.

-, scheme sent to, for the reduction of England, 81.

-, State of, design upon, 538.

-, writing for perusal by, 560.

-, summary of correspondence of, as to English affairs, 558–560.

-, ambassadors from. See Legates; see Nuncios.

-, collector of, in Spain. See Fontana.

-, commissary of, in Portugal. See San Giuseppi.

-, courier to be sent to, 28.

-, Depositary General of. See Olgiati.

-, secretary of, letters from, 485.

Grey (Gri), Lord [Arthur, Lord Grey of Wilton], going as Camp-Marshal to Normandy [in 1562], 130.

Grimaldi, Monsignor de, 7.

Grimani, [Giovanni], Patriarch of Aquileia, at Venice, 194–196.

Groesbeck, Gerard à, Bishop of Liége, request to, by the Pope, 126.

-, -, could not answer for Don John's safety at Liége, 288.

-, -, endeavours to promote peace between King Philip and the States, 295.

-, -, one of the Imperial ambassadors, 319.

-, -, the Emperor sends letters to, 366.

-, -, letters to, 202, 245, 254, 270, 330, 450.

Grosso, Pietro, 372.

Guadaigne (Guadagni), [Jean Baptiste] Abbé de, may negotiate between the French King and the King of Navarre, 80.

-, -, has returned to the French Court, 441.

Guadaloupe, King Philip at, 289.

Gualterucci, Ugolino, letter to, 6.

Guarras, Antonio, imprisonment of, in England, 350.

Guernsey (Garniso), corsairs at, 98.

Gueux, the [Beggars of the Sea], have taken a place in Zeeland, 8.

-, -, Flushing and the Brill in the hands of, 12.

-, -, ships captured by, 26.

Guevara (Giuara, Juvara), Francisco de, of the Spanish Council of War 407, 425.

-, -, is well disposed to the Irish business, 391.

-, -, information given by, 400.

Guglielmi, Captain Hercole, a Siennese gentleman, 436, 437.

-, -, dispute of, with Stucley, 444.

Guili, Abbey di, 507.

Guin, Robert, priest, licence to, 439.

Guipuzcoa, troops from, 308.

Guise, Cardinal of. See Lorraine, Louis de.

Guise, Henry of Lorraine, Duke of, “execution” done by, at the massacre of St. Bartholomew, 36; his pursuit of Coligni, 41.

-, -, reported victory of, 252.

-, -, movements of, 334, 343.

-, -, sends troops to Don John, 344, 352.

-, -, in relation to Scottish affairs, 423, 431, 432.

-, -, letter to, 465.

-, -, wife of, at the baptism of the King's daughter, 89.

-, House of, the Queen of Scots relation to, 555.

Guises, the, animosity between Montmorenci and, 22.

-, suggested action of, 24.

Guitry (Ghitri), the Sieur de, forces of, 151.

-, -, a prisoner with Matignon, 178.

Guzman, Don Martino de, late of the Chamber of the Emperor Ferdinand, 378.

-, Ramirez, son of the above, to be sent to the Princes of Germany, 378.