Index: C

Pages 585-594

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 2, 1572-1578. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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Cadiz, letter sent to, 560.

-, persons at, 407, 410, 446, 524.

-, ships at or going to, 407, 408, 413, 419, 444, 480, 481, 517, 520, 521, 561.

-, travellers to or from, 407, 414, 481, 509, 524, 535.

-, troops at, 509, 510.

Caen (Can), news from, 169.

Cœnœ Domini, bull of, alluded to, 527.

Cahir, Theobald, Lord of, 157.

Cahirdunesk or Cahir (Cayr Dunihiesk), a walled town in Desmond, 160.

Caithness (Cathenez), flight of Bothwell to, alluded to, 225.

Caiazzo, Bishop of. See Mirto, Fabius.

Calais, 124, 189.

-, the English preferred to lose, rather than admit a Spanish garrison, 46, 91.

-, English traders at, are returning, 74.

-, intrigue at, 90.

-, English troops going to, 130.

-, surrender of, to Elizabeth, hoped for (in 1562), 130.

-, Flushing esteemed an equivalent for, 138.

-, ships going from, taken, 190.

-, recovery of, projects for or hopes of, 214, 243, 324, 329.

-, held by the French “in contravention” of the last peace, 316.

-, suspicions as to Elizabeth's intentions concerning, 518.

-, Governor of, has sent his nephew to inform the Spanish King of the English preparations, 79.

Calder Castle, near Edinburgh, 224.

Caligari, John Andrew, nuncio in Portugal, 541.

-, -, letters from, 198, 236.

-, -, -, alluded to, 337.

-, -, as collector and commissary or referendary at Lisbon, letters from, 285, 286, 288, 294, 328, 329, 331.

-, -, message to, from the Pope, 293.

-, -, as nuncio in Poland, letter from, 473.

-, -, letter to. 293.

Callan (Callyn), a walled town in Ormond, 157, 158.

Calvin, John, doctrine or religion of, professed in Scotland, 227.

-, -, -, attempt to introduce, at Bois-le-Duc, 488.

-, -, -, declared for, by the people of Ghent, 530.

-, -, a follower of, 223.

-, ministers of the sect of, said to be banished from the Palatinate, 288.

Cam, M., Grand Master of the Horse to the Empress, to be her deputy at the baptism of the French King's daughter, 80, 85, 88, 89; presents offered by, on behalf of the Empress, 90; presents given to, and to his wife, ibid.; said to have named the child Marie, 93.

Cambrai, Archbishop of. See Berlaymont, Louis de, Count of Hierges.

-, Archdeacon of. See Lewis, Dr. Owen.

-, prebendary of. See Allen, Dr. William.

-, canon designate of. See Hall, Richard.

-, postmaster of, letter from, quoted, 43.

-, occupied by the Estates, 335, 342, 343.

-, letters from, 121, 218.

-, news-letters from, 44.

Cambrensis, Giraldus, Historia Hibernica by, summary of the account given in, of the conquest of Ireland, 151.

Cambrésis, fortress of, reports concerning, 450.

Cambridge, University of, feud of, with Oxford, 244.

Cambux, Marquis of, Burghley said to be made, 83.

Camerino, Gregorio de, 436.

Campbell, Archibald, 5th Earl of Argyll, accused by Bothwell of complicity in the murder of Darnley, 237.

-, Colin, 6th Earl of Argyll, plot of, against Regent Morton, 398.

Campeggi, Monsignor, nuncio at Naples, 366.

Camphere (Canfer). See Ter Veere.

Caniliega [by Madrid], letter dated from, 45.

Canobio, John Francis, collector apostolic or protonotary, in Spain, 389.

-, -, letters from, 295, 350.

-, -, letters to, 350, 416, 538.

-, -, -, alluded to, 345, 354.

-, -, money paid or to be paid, by or on account of, 391, 499, 541, 542.

Canterbury, Queen Elizabeth at, 129.

Cantiano, in Italy, 537.

Cape Clear, in Desmond, port of, 158.

Capel, Giles, priest and canon of Bath and Wells, exile in Flanders, prays for a benefice, 178; recommended by the Pope, ibid.

-, -, letters from, 32, 34, 95.

Capres (Capri), Baron de. See Bournonville, Oudart de.

Capua, Annibale di, nuncio at Venice, afterwards Archbishop of Naples, 385, 387, 393.

-, -, letters from, 462, 484, 490.

-, -, letters to, 464.

-, -, as Archbishop elect of Naples, letter to, 487.

Capuchins, a place of the, near Paris, 503.

Carces, M. de. See Escars, Comte de.

Cardes, Baron de, excluded from the pardon proclaimed at Brussels, 178.

Cardinals. See:
-, Albert, Cardinal Infant of Portugal.
-, Alciati.
-, Alessandrino.
-, Austria.
-, Birague.
-, Borromeo.
-, Bourbon-Vendosme.
-, Buoncampagno.
-, Cervino.
-, Commendone.
-, Como.
-, Este.
-, Farnese.
-, Granvelle.
-, Guise.
-, Hosius.
-, Lorraine.
-, Moroni.
-, Orsino.
-, Pole.
-, Quiroga. See Toledo, Archbishop of.
-, Rambouillet.
-, Rusticucci.
-, Santa Proceda. See Borromeo,
-, Sermoneta.
-, Sirlito.
-, Spinosa.

Cardinals, College of, suggestion made by, to the Pope, 77.

-, -, no Englishman in, 193.

Carega, Nicherosso, ship's master, 410.

Carentan (Quarantan), in Normandy, taken and occupied by Montgomery, 168–170.

-, garrison left in, 172.

-, retaken by Matignon, 178, 180.

Carlingford, Ulster, haven of, 152.

Carlow (Keaharlach), a walled town in Leinster, 157.

Carmelite Order, member of. See Craig, David.

Carmichael, [Sir John,] a prisoner,398.

Carmignano, traveller to, 120.

Carneiro, Don Pedro d'Alcaçova. See Alcaçova.

Carrafa, Don Cesare, letters from, 194, 202.

Carrick (Cnach), in Ormond, a walled town, 158.

Carrigfergus or Knockfargus, Ulster, haven and castle of, 152.

Cartagena, Gio. Andrea Doria going to, 280–282.

Carthage, allusion to, 139.

Carthusian monks, English, “the remnant of those slaughtered by Henry VIII.,” ejected from Bruges, recommendation of, by the Pope, 479.

-, letters of, to the Pope, 569.

-, their removal from Shene to Bruges and migration to St. Quentin, ibid.

-, Prior of. See Chauncey, Maurice.

Cascaes, near Lisbon, 408, 409, 411, 412.

-, captain of, 560.

-, soldiers quartered near, 566.

Casey, Hugh, Bishop of Limerick, old and a fugitive, 161.

-, -, death of, alluded to, 443.

Cashel (Casale), Maurice, Archbishop of, unfavourable reports of, 110; is soliciting aid for Irish Catholics, 110, 125.

-, -, deprivation of, alluded to, 161.

-, Archbishopric of, a fine episcopal see, but not a city, 161.

Casimir. See John Casimir, Count Palatine.

Castagna, John Baptista, Archbishop of Rossano, nuncio in Spain, has audience of the King, 38; leaves the Spanish Court, 45; at Avignon, on his way to Italy, 62; embassy of, alluded to, 255.

-, -, letters from, 2, 6, 12, 17, 27, 34, 45, 62.

-, -, as nuncio at Venice, 120, 198.

-, -, -, letters from, 171, 172, 176, 196, 200, 206, 212, 253, 255, 256.

-, -, letters to, 1, 4, 9, 17, 171, 176, 197, 209, 254.

-, -, courier from, 54.

Castanheda, Ruy Fernandez de, note signed by, 521.

Castellino, Giovanni Paolo, letter to, alluded to, 359.

Castelnau, Michel de. See Mauvissière, Seigneur de la.

Castile (i.e. Spain), ambassador of. See Ambassadors.

-, Commendador Mayor of. See Requesens.

Castilian soldier, gives news of Stucley's death, 516.

-, troops with the King of Portugal, 491, 510, 516.

Castillo (Castiglio), Antonio, Desembargador (i.e. chief judge), to go as Portuguese ambassador to England, 517.

Castle Island, or Isle of the Earl, a walled town in Desmond, 160.

Castro, Giovanni Antonio de, 379.

Catherine of Austria, quondam regent of Portugal, grand-mother of King Sebastian, obsequies of, alluded to, 562.

Catherine de Medicis, Queen Mother of Prance, message from the Pope to, 9.

-, -, interview of the nuncio with, 12.

-, -, assurances of, to the Pope, 13.

-, -, the administration of affairs in the hands of, as Queen Regent, 23, 31.

-, -, matters put before, 45.

-, -, in relation to Monsieur's proposed marriage with the Infanta, 56–58; and to the Pope's League, 56.

-, -, not in Paris, 70.

-, -, the Legate [Cardinal Orsino] has audience of, 72.

-, -, proposal that the Duke of Anjou's bride be given to, to rear, 73, 76.

-, -, answer of, to the Pope's nuncio, 74.

-, -, high tone taken by, with the English ambassador, 108.

-, -, believes in an accord between Spain and Elizabeth, 111.

-, -, policy of, 111 et seq.

-, -, called Queen Regent, 111 et seq.

-, -, conduct of, while the government is in her hands, 112.

-, -, in relation to the Duke of Alençon's quarrel with his brother, 113, 114; and his; suggested marriage to Queen Elizabeth, 114, 122, 533, 536, j 537 (2).

-, -, congratulations to, on the Duke of Anjou's election to the throne of Poland, 120.

-, -, revived hopes of, as to the English match, 122.

-, -, the project for getting the Prince of Scotland into Lorraine to be imparted to, i 128.

-, -, with the army on its march towards Normandy (? in 1562), 131.

-, -, has gone to Paris, 132.

-, -, ambassador from Elizabeth goes to, 134, 130.

-, -, re negotiations with Elizabeth, 136, 137.

-, -, aspires to the Empire for her sons, 137.

-, -, audience given by, to the Seneschal of Hainault, 138; and to the English ambassador, 142.

-, -, rumoured conspiracy of the Duke of Alençon against, 149.

-, -, in relation to the discord between her sons, 150.

-, -, anxiety of, as to the state of the country, ibid.

-, -, treachery suspected by, 173.

-, -, imprisons Montmorency, ibid.

-, -, the King of Navarre and Duke of Alençon sup with, 175; proceedings of, in Paris, ibid.

-, -, declared Regent on death of Charles IX, until the coming of the King of Poland, 175.

-, -, the ambassadors crave audience of, 176.

-, -, as Queen Regent, need of money by, 177.

-, -, conversation of Frangipani with, 181.

-, -, is averse to a defensive union with King Philip, ibid.

-, -, rumoured offer from Elizabeth to, 182.

-, -, in relation to the Duke of Alençon, 202, 269.

-, -, matter of the Bishop of Ross to be recommended to, 275, 276.

-, -, movements of, 6, 131, 132, 408, 518.

-, -, is trying to persuade Alençon to give up the Low Countries enterprise, 442; he is said to have promised to do so, 450; he appeals to her for aid, 502.

-, -, in relation to his proposed match with Elizabeth, 536, 537 (2).

-, -, in relation to Scottish affairs, 420, 431.

-, -, envoy from England has interviews with, 442.

-, -, proposed conference of, with the King of Navarre, 504, 511.

-, -, said not to know of Alençon's designs, 507.

-, -, in relation to the Prince of Condé's marriage, 517.

-, -, courier sent to, from the King, 523.

-, -, mandatory to, alluded to, 530.

-, -, granddaughters of. See Philip, K. of Spain, daughters of.

-, -, ministers of, advice received from, 56.

-, -, steward to. See Mondreville, M. de.

-, -, and King Henry (their Majesties). See under Henry III.

Catholic nobles, leaving England, 553.

-, princes, should withdraw their ambassadors from Elizabeth, 549; and cease to accord her regal honours, 551.

-, Romans, in prison, 568.

-, Catholics, passim.

Cattaro (Castelnuovo), enterprise of, alluded to, 33.

Caux (Coue), country of, gentlemen of, 189.

Cavalcanti, Guido, negotiates between England and France, 118.

Çayas, Zayas, Gabriel de, Spanish Secretary, 66, 68.

Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, Secretary of State, said to be made “Marquis of Cambux,” 83.

-, -, as Lord Treasurer, Elizabeth's chief minister; conversion of England considered almost impossible by reason of, 117.

-, -, “may be called King of England,” 139.

-, -, seeks to extirpate the Catholic faith, 139, 140.

-, -, reported death of, 148, 170.

-, -, policy and intentions of, 185.

-, -, the Queen's most potent minister, relationship of, to Sir R. Shelley, 207.

-, -, reported to oppose aid being given to the Prince of Orange, 271.

-, -, mention of, 554.

Cerchi, Lorenzo, Sienese, 382, 383.

-, -, at Port Hercole, 436.

Cervia, Bishop of. See Santa Croce.

Cervino, Cardinal, afterwards Pope Marcellus, documents collected by, 242.

Cezimbra, in Portugal, port of, 409.

Chalmer (Ciambre), David, Master of Requests to the Queen of Scots, letter to, 398.

-, William, appointed to the monastery of Herford, 325.

Chalon (Sciallon), M., has come out of La Rochelle, to join Monsieur's army, 98.

Châlons, in Champagne, the King at, 136.

-, letters dated from, 134, 136.

Chambery, 52.

-, letter dated from, 53.

Champagne, devoured by Alençon's troops, 504.

Champagny (Champigny), Seigneur de. See Perrenot.

Charles V., the late Emperor, 165.

-, -, France an obstacle to the course of his affairs, 31.

-, -, would never cede Burgundy and the Low Countries, 66.

-, -, commendation of Don John by, alluded to, 309.

-, -, daughter of, 31.

-, -, sister of. See Portugal, Catherine, Queen Dowager of.

Charles IX., King of France, movements of, 2, 5, 10, 70, 93, 95, 149, 169, 175.

-, will not make war on the King of Spain, 5, 27.

-, negotiation of, with the Pope, 5, 9, 13.

-, is making a great fleet, 8.

-, league made by, with Elizabeth, 10, 17, 31; summary of, 14–16.

-, personal notices of, 10, 14, 22–24, 34, 40.

-, gives audience to the nuncio, 12, 51.

-, declaration of, alluded to, 16.

-, applies to the Duke of Savoy for victuals, 18.

-, reasons against his undertaking a war, 22.

-, presents of, to the English ambassador, 25.

-, is trying to amuse the Huguenots, &c., 27.

-, the rebels in Flanders desire aid from, 28; sends letters to Admiral Châtillon, ibid.

-, envoys sent by, to England. See Foix; see Montmorenci, Sieur de Meru.

-, in relation to his brother's proposed marriage, 31, 61.

-, têete-à-tête of, with the Admiral, 32.

-, alliance of, with Spain, advantages of, 34.

-, and the massacre of St. Bartholomew, 36, 37, 41, 64.

-, his execution of the Admiral, alluded to, 77.

-, orders the Princes of Navarre and Condé to be shut up, 42.

-, must check the Prince of Orange and his party, 42.

-, urged by the Pope to offer aid to Alva, 43.

-, is making a levy, 43.

-, in relation to the League proposed by the Pope; endeavours to persuade him to join it, and his reasons against doing so, 45, 48, 49, 56, 61, 67, 72–76.

-, -, Pope Gregory's love for, 50; desires a legate to be sent to him, ibid.

-, assurances of, to the Pope, 52.

-, -, loathes the Protestants and the English, 57.

-, thanksgiving of, for the massacre, 64.

-, has recalled his ambassador from England, 64.

-, relations of, with the Spaniards, the English Queen, Count Chasimir and his Protestant subjects, 65.

-, zeal of, against the Turk, 72

-, the Nuncio's account of the Legate's interviews with, 72 et seq; is leagued with the Emperor and King of Spain against the Huguenots, 77.

-, visit of the Cardinal of Lorraine to, 82.

-, banquet given by, in honour of his daughter's baptism, 88.

-, and Philip of Spain, contrary views of, as regards the future of England, 91, 94.

-, in relation to Queen Elizabeth; fear that he may aid her, 92; reports made to, of her evil purpose, 97; in relation to the business of Montgomery, 103, 107–109, 111, 114, 115; cordial letters received from her, 115.

-, La Noue pardoned by, 93.

-, reported to be giving aid to the Scots, 97.

-, proposed league of, with the Spanish King, 101.

-, mortified by the ill success at La Rochelle, 102.

-, procession and thanksgiving by, on repulse of Montgomery's fleet, 103.

-, and the English ambassadors, 107, 108.

-, has sent a messenger to England, 108.

-, warned against Salviati, 110.

-, believes in an accord between Spain and Elizabeth, 111.

-, and the Queen Regent [Catherine], policy of, 111 et seq.

-, may be chosen as the next Emperor, 113.

-, is instructing his ambassador to plead with the Pope on behalf of the Venetians, 113.

-, thinks of recalling the Duke of Alençon from La Rochelle, ibid.

-, Elizabeth sends congratulations to, on the Polish election, 118–120.

-, in relation to the King of Scots, 128.

-, march of, towards Normandy, to repel the English (in 1562?), alluded to, 131.

-, pre-occupation of, with the affairs of Poland, 131.

-, in relation to the business of the Queen of Scots, 131.

-, audience given by, to the Seneschal of Hainault, 138.

-, payment demanded of, by the English ambassador, 141.

-, matters laid before his Council by, 142.

-, rumoured conspiracy of the Duke of Alençon against, 149.

-, money given to, by Paris, 169.

-, negotiations of, for peace, 169.

-, the Pope has written to, on behalf of the Queen of Scots, 170.

-, in relation to Montmorency, 173.

-, should supply the Scots with soldiers, 551; has discontinued his aids to the Queen of Scots, 555, Appendix (1570).

-, illness and death of, 175, 176.

-, orders given by, on his deathbed, ibid.

-, death of, alluded to, 177.

-, obsequies of, celebrated by Elizabeth, 185; ambassador sent by her to condole his death, 189.

-, as the late King, 210, 213.

-, league of, with England, alluded to, 189.

-, letters from, alluded to, 45, 53, 64.

-, letter to, from the Pope, 168.

-, wife of. See Elizabeth of Austria.

-, “Madam,” infant daughter of, 70; approaching baptism of, 80, 86, 87; ceremony of, 88, 89, 92; named Elizabeth, 89; presents sent to, 90, 93; said to be named Marie, 93.

-, brothers of. See Anjou, Duke of; Alençon, Duke of.

-, sister of. See Margaret, Queen of Navarre.

-, artillery captured for service of, 154.

-, courier of, 49.

-, German Guards in the service f, 89.

-, heralds of, 89.

-, household of, at the baptism of his daughter, 89.

-, soldiers of his guard, 41.

-, servants of, salaries of, reduced, 101.

-, the Gentlemen of the Axe, summoned to attend, 169.

-, and Queen Catherine, profuse in their assurances of peace, 28.

-, -, averseness of, to receive a legate, 71.

Chartres, 95.

-, Vidame de. See Maligni.

Châtelherault, the French King at, 317; letter dated at, 318.

Châtelherault, Duke of. See Hamilton, James.

Châtillon, Gaspard de, Seigneur de Coligny, Admiral of France, in Paris, 10, 14.

-, -, the late wars against, 23.

-, -, is collecting troops, 26.

-, -, the King sends letters to, 28; and has private interview with, ibid.

-, -, wishes to induce the English Queen to declare herself, 32.

-, -, suggested murder of, 34.

-, -, murder of, in the massacre of St. Bartholomew, 36, 37, 40.

-, -, death of, alluded to, 51, 62, 77, 175.

-, -, lodging of, Huguenots killed in, 36.

-, -, said to have been master of Rochelle, 331.

-, -, sons of, 137.

-, -, great qualifications of, 183.

Chauncey, Maurice, Prior of the English Carthusians, letter from, 93.

-, -, and others, petition of, to the Pope, 569.

Chemerault, Sieur de, brings news of the coming of the new King [Henry], 179.

Chenonceaux, the Queen Mother goes to, 6.

Chimay (Simay), Don John near, 427.

Chisholm, William, deposed Bishop of Dunblane, Archdeacon of Vaison, money hoped for by means of, for conveying Prince James out of Scotland, 333, 346, 351.

-, -, proposal to employ, in the business, 423.

Choan, Sgr., Master of the Horse to the Emperor, 134.

Christian Princes, lack of sympathy shown by, to English Catholic exiles, 552.

Cintra (Sintra), the King of Portugal at, 439.

Cistercian Order, General of, 273.

-, -, Protector of. See Moroni, Cardinal.

Civitavecchia, ship from, 559.

-, soldiers at, 361, 364; mutiny of, 375.

-, Stucley starts from, 370, 371, 376, 383, 559.

-, castle of, artillery borrowed from, 417.

-, letters dated at, 371, 373, 374.

-, men and ordnance embarked at, 478.

-, travellers to, 7, 481.

Clancarty, Earl of. See Mac Carthy.

Clanebuy, the fairest part of Ulster, 152.

-, the three lords of, Ulster chieftains, 152.

Clanricarde, Earl of. See Burgh.

-, -, sons of. See Burgh, Ulick and John de

Clement VII., Pope, pronouncement of, alluded to, 192.

Clementino, Antonio, secretary to the nuncio in Spain, 326.

-, -, letters from, 284–287, 315, 316, 331.

Clenoch, Maurice, Bishop elect of Bangor, the Pope writes on behalf of, 126.

Clermont, Annibal de, of Asti or Piedmont, desires to serve Don John, 348.

Cleve, William, Duke of, likely to be instigated to insurrection by the heretics, 345.

-, -, the Emperor sends letters to, 366.

-, -, daughter of, approaching nuptials of, 182.

Cleyburne, Cliburn, Capt. William, attendant on the Governor of Milan, payments to or for, 386 (2), 393.

-, -, nominated for Stucley's captain, 393.

-, -, intelligence received from, 397.

-, -, said to be at Cadiz, 407.

-, -, has raised a company, 426.

-, -, at Lisbon, 482.

-, -, illness of, 483.

-, -, statements by, concerning Stucley, 484, 560, 561.

-, -, death of, 487, 489.

-, -, to be sent to Montane, 563, Appendix.

-, -, says that to go [to Africa] with so small force is to go to death, 566,

-, -, Angelica, wife of, 386 (2), 394.

-, -, sons of, 386 (2).

Cli or Cly, M. de, 1st secretary at Turin, 194, 201.

Clifford, Henry de, Earl of Cumberland, constrained to flee from Scotland, 551.

-, -, letter from, to the Pope, alluded to, 205.

Clinton, Edward Fiennes de, Earl of Lincoln, Lord High Admiral of England, goes to Paris for the Prince of Navarre's wedding, 10 (2), 11, 13, 14, 16.

-, -, is returning to England, 17, 25.

-, -, letters sent to, 28.

-, -, swearing of the peace by, in church, with Catholic ceremonies, 29.

-, -, son of, marriage of, 180.

Clogher, see of, 152.

Clonfert, Connaught, see of, 161.

Clonmacnoise, see of, co. Meath, 153.

Clonmell (Clomell), in Ormond, a walled town, 158.

Cloyne, in Desmond, bishopric of, 161.

Cly, Monsieur de, at Turin, 201.

Cobham (Cobam), Sir Henry, is returning as ambassador to Spain (1575), 185, 210.

-, -, embassy of, 231–233, 235–237, 239.

-, -, departure or dismissal of, 238, 239, 245, 246, 250, 255.

-, -, embassy of, to the Emperor Rudolf, 301 (3), 434, 550.

-, -, -, to Flanders, 466.

-, -, brother of, death of, 232, 233.

-, -, suite of, at Madrid, 231.

Coccona or Coconnas, audiences granted to, by the French King and Queen, 177.

Coimbra, the King's college at, under care of the Jesuits, 328.

-, Bishop of, to go with the Irish expedition, 441.

Coligny, Admiral. See Châtillon.

Collin, John, petition of, 244.

Cologne, Koln, Spanish troops going towards, 27.

-, English transferring their business to, 239.

-, letter dated at, 363,

-, merchants of, Elizabeth wishes to borrow from, 328.

-, news-letters from, 329.

-, report from, 347.

-, ambassadors passing through, 424.

-, Archbishop of [Salentine, Count of Isenburg], horsemen of, join Alva's army, 44.

Colombières (Colombier) [François de Briqueville, Baron de], escape of, from the massacre of St. Bartholomew, 36.

-, -, his changes of religion, 169.

Colonna, Marc Antonio, 99.

-, -, proposed as General of the English enterprize, 240, 260–266.

-, -, employment of, by the League, 261.

-, -, goes to Madrid, 285, 286.

-, -, letters to, 194, 202.

-, Pompeo and Prospero, in relation to the English enterprise, 260–267.

Colonnas, the, King Philip will have none of, as leader of the English enterprise, 270, 283.

Comberford (Quemerford), Dr. Nicholas, living at Oporto, 498.

Comet, “a terrific,” seen at Madrid, 349.

Commendador Mayor of Castile. See Requesens.

Commendone, John Francis, Cardinal, Legate to the Emperor and Poland, letters to, 8, 12, 344.

-, -, orders and instructions sent to, 9, 37.

Commissary Captain, the. See San Giuseppi.

Commons, House of, Speaker of. See Bell, Sir Robert.

Como, Cardinal of [Ptolemy Galli], endowment of the English Church at Douai by, 207, 208.

-, -, information from, 407.

-, -, Papal secretary for affairs of State, 205, 292, 294, 344.

-, -, letters from and to, 9–568, passim.

-, -, letters from, alluded to, 562, 568.

-, -, news-letters sent to, 248, 385.

-, -, notes by, 178, 287, 294.

-, -, petition to, mentioned, 439.

-, -, secretary of, 536,

Condé, [Henry de Bourbon] Prince of, at the massacre of St. Bartholomew, 36; said to be kept in the palace by the King, 37, 42; death of, reported, 40.

-, -, hope of reclaiming, to the Catholic faith, 48.

-, -, an accord to be treated of, with (1562), 131.

-, -, said not to be cognizant of the Duc d'Alençon's reported conspiracy, 149; jealousy of, in regard of his wife, ibid.

-, -, aid sent or promised to, by Elizabeth, 154, 184, 211, 248.

-, -, said to have had the King's messenger robbed of his letters, and to be loth that the King was coming from Poland, 179.

-, -, “is a boy without authority, valour, experience or money,” 183; his former efforts to gain the Princes of Germany, ibid.; persuades the “woman of England” and Prince of Orange to send persons to France to stir up the young men, ibid.

-, -, at Basel, at assembly of Huguenot chiefs, &c., 194.

-, -, goes to Heidelberg, 214.

-, -, has not accepted the King's terms, 248.

-, -, is marching towards Paris, 265.

-, -, as commander of the Huguenots, 316.

-, -, apprehensions of, in regard to Alençon, 278.

-, -, said to be asking aid from England and Germany, ibid.

-, -, in Rochelle, 327.

-, -, reported to have offered Rochelle to Elizabeth, 331.

-, -, to be persuaded to break the late peace, 355.

-, -, marriage of, in doubt by reason of difference in; religion, 517.

-, -, in relation to intrigues with Turkey, 538.

-, -, young brothers of, 89.

-, -, gentleman of, sent to Turin, 201.

-, -, messenger from, to the Emperor, 234, 237.

-, -, messenger sent to, 200.

-, -, reiters of, movements of, 215.

-, -, secretary of, executed, 213 (2), 214.

-, Princess of, at the baptism of the French King's daughter, 89.

-, Princess dowager of, ibid.

-, [Louis de Bourbon, late] Prince of, wars of, against the King, 22.

-, -, aid given to [in 1562], by Elizabeth, alluded to, 130, 154.

Condon, Lord Patrick, 158.

Connaught, Lord of. See Burgh, Richard de.

Connaught, kingdom of, founding of, 151.

-, description of: its bishoprics, towns, nobles, &c., 161, 162.

-, President of. See Fitton, James.

-, Lower, Lord of. See Macwilliam.

Connor, see of, 152.

Constantinople, envoy to, from Venice, 202.

-, negotiations at, 506.

-, news from, 28, 385.

-, despatch sent to, by the King of Spain, 514.

-, M. de Germigny going to, as ambassador from France, 538.

Copley, Coply, Thomas, exile for the faith, commended to the King of Spain, 69.

-, -, letter from, 141.

-, -, wife and children of, 69.

-, -, son of, a prebend promised to, 141.

Corbet, Robert, sent to Requesens at Brussels, 237, 243.

Cordova, Bishop of, 191, 192.

Corfu, hospital of, alms collected for, transferred by the Pope to the Knights of Malta, 107.

Cork, Bishopric of, 161.

-, city of, artillery at, 154.

-, -, description of, 159.

-, diocese of, Bishop Tanner goes about freely in, 294.

-, port of, 155, 158, 167.

Cork, deprived Bishop of. See Tanner, Edmund.

-, Protestant Bishop of. See Sheyn, Matthew.

Corneto [near Civitavecchia], boats off, 372.

Corpus Christi, festival of, observance of, by the French Court, 177.

Correggio, a gentleman of, said to be in the pay of the English Queen, 483, 527, 537.

Corsi, Monsignor Rinaldo, Inquisitor of the Knights of Malta, 285.

Corsican soldiers, with Stucley's company, 432; disturbances amongst, 436; murder intended by, 437.

Cossé [—Brisach, Artus de], Marshal of France, at the French court, 13.

-, -, escorts the English ambassador on his departure, 25.

-, -, imprisonment of, 173.

Costello (Makostella), a lord under the Earl of Connaught, 162.

Cotrone (Coitron) in Calabria, 244.

Courcey (Cursey), Lord Patrick de, 158.

Courtrai (Cortrasi), Anabaptists at, burned [in 1562], 130.

Cracow, 124.

-, letters dated at, 133, 474.

Craig (Crayg), David, Professor, of the Carmelite Order, authorization to, for reception into the Scots' monastery at Ratisbon, 389.

Crawford, Earl of. See Lindsay, David.

Creagh, Richard, Archbishop of Armagh, in prison, false accusation against, 568.

Crépi, peace of [in 1544], alluded to, 31.

Crépi in Valois, letter dated at, 132.

Crookhaven (Crouchan) in Desmond, port of, 158.

Crucifixes, blest by the Pope, indulgences attached to, 208.

Cuenca, Bishop of [Didacus de Quiroga], 230.

-, -, as to “the English business,” 142, 186.

Culembourg (Columberch), Count, excluded from the Estates at Brussels, 178.

Cumberland may be wrested from Elizabeth, 19, 21.

-, Earl of. See Clifford, Henry.

Cuniga [or Zuniga], Don Diego de, Spanish ambassador in France, 52, 58, 84, 95, 108.

-, -, at the baptism of the King's daughter, 89, 90.

-, -, believes that the French King is coming to an agreement with Elizabeth and the Protestant princes, 112.

-, -, letters to and from, quoted, 43, 44.

-, or Zuniga, Don Juan de, Spanish ambassador to the Pope, 260, 262, 263, 264, 279, 282, 283, 287, 420.

-, -, in relation to the English enterprise, 270, 280,

-, -, letter to, from King Philip, 264.

Cunningham, [Alexander,] Earl of Glencairn, 238.

Curl, James, merchant of Edinburgh, receiver-general for the Queen of Scots, now exile for religion, deposition of, 218; citation of, 230.

Curraghmore (Corrachmor), Lord of. See Le Poer, John.

Cuthbert, John, servant of the Bishop of Ross, deposition of, 216; citation of, 230.

Cyprus, proposed restoration of, by the Turk, to Venice, 28.

-, still in the Turk's hands, 106.