Index: A

Pages 573-580

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 2, 1572-1578. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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Abbeville, the English ambassador at, 108.

Aberdeen, Cathedral Church of, [late] Treasurer and Canon of. See Myrtone, Patrick.

-, diocese of, scholar [Roman Catholic] of, 397.

Achonry, Connaught, see of, 161.

Acri or Acre, Baron d'. See Dacres.

Adrian IV., Pope, bull of, alluded to, 151.

Aerschot (Ariscot, Oroscotto), [Philippe de Croy] Duke of, 179, 300, 313, 356, 483.

-, -, deserts Don John, 334.

-, -, with the Prince of Orange, 341, 349.

-, -, head of the Catholic party in Ghent, 530.

-, -, castle of, 384.

-, -, brother of. See Havré, Marquis of.

Affaitati, Hippolito, 399.

Africa, affairs of, 187, 188.

-, goods brought back from, 524.

-, Moors of, the King of Portugal's proposed expedition against, 199, 286, 302, 325, 508, 513, 558–563. And see Sebastian; see Stucley.

-, -, Elizabeth said to have sent aid for, 412, 413, 447.

African enterprise, the, 149; thought to be laid aside, 329.

-, -, preparations for, 440 (2).

-, -, catastrophe of, 515, 517.

-, -, English captains meaning to join, 520.

Agde (Adda), Bishopric of, given to John Martin, a steward, 507.

Aguilon (Aquilone), Secretary, a prisoner at Brussels, 288.

Alba, Duke of See Alva.

Albany, Duke of. See Stuart, Henry.

Albert, Cardinal Infant of Portugal. See Portugal.

Alcaçova (Alcazzova), [Carneiro] Dom Pedro d', Count of Idanha, overseer of the King of Portugal's revenues, 413, 419, 421, 563, 566, 567.

-, -, demands the arms brought by Stucley for the King of Portugal, 453 (2)

Alcalä de Henares, letter dated at, 289.

-, Fitzgerald's sons at, 532.

-, traveller from, 341.

Alcazar, battle of, 489, 495, 496.

-, -, slaughter at, alluded to, 533, 534.

Alciati, Francis, Cardinal Protector of Ireland, 288, 452 (2), 486.

-, -, letters from, 245, 253, 453 (?).

-, -, note by, 245.

-, -, petition to, 244.

Altenberg (Aldenberg), letter dated at, 347.

Alençon, Francis, Duke of, brother of the French King, afterwards Duke of Anjou, 14, 23, 232, 233.

-, -, proposed marriage of, 8.

-, -, -, with Queen Elizabeth, 32, 114, 115, 118–120, 129, 133, 136, 232, 253, 269, 490, 505, 508, 511, 514, 517–519, 523, 528, 531, 533, 536, 538, 548, 559.

-, -, -, with Queen Catherine's niece [qy. Christine of Lorraine], 8, 133.

-, -, -, with the Queen of Scots, 188.

-, -, -, with the Infanta of Spain, 529, 537, 539.

-, -, to go to assault Sancerre, 81, 82.

-, -, proposed journey of, to England, 115, 119, 122, 129.

-, -, is much disfigured by the small-pox, 115.

-, -, visit of English ambassadors to, 136, 268.

-, -, conspiracy of, 149; confession of, 149–150; accomplices of, 150; cause of his resentment, 150.

-, -, movements of, 175, 177.

-, -, to be called Monsieur, 177.

-, -, said to be “not sound in his head,” 202.

-, -, English ambassador supposed to be treating with, 215.

-, -, reiters and lanzknechts said to be coming for, 234.

-, -, reported to be in custody, 248.

-, -, attempt to poison, 248.

-, -, terms asked by, of the French King, 251.

-, -, suspected design against, 257.

-, -, “does not show himself as yet,” 265.

-, -, going to meet the Queen, 265.

-, -, secret negotiations between Elizabeth and, 269.

-, -, in relation to the King, 278, 401.

-, -, surrounded by those who aided his revolt, 318.

-, -, Baron d'Aubigni sent to, 344.

-, -, movements of, 344, 348, 349.

-, -, people of Hainault “lean towards,” 349.

-, -, good understanding of, with the Queen of Navarre, 351.

-, -, the States General negotiating with, 352, 354, 408.

-, -, Elizabeth has warned the States General against, 353.

-, -, holds Touraine, 357.

-, -, proposed journey of, to Flanders, 441, 448.

-, -, is said to have sent another gentleman to the Estates, 448.

-, -, the English Queen's man has gone to find, 448.

-, -, divers reports concerning, 450, 451.

-, -, proposed renunciation of the Low Countries enterprise by, 450, 451.

-, -, the King of Spain's opposition to his enterprise, 451.

-, -, going to the Low Countries, 479, 482, 483.

-, -, in Flanders, 485.

-, -, reports concerning, 485, 486.

-, -, articles said to be arranged between the English Queen, States General and, 486, 488.

-, -, fortresses to be delivered to, 487.

-, -, said to have made common cause with heretics, 501.

-, -, his need of aid, 501, 502.

-, -, proposed division of territory between Don John and, 504.

-, -, said to be gaining strength, 504.

-, -, title of General of the Army of Flanders bestowed upon, 505

-, -, places of which he means to possess himself, 506.

-, -, the Pope's feelings towards, 506.

-, -, supposed designs of, 506, 507.

-, -, relations of, with the Estates, 513, 614, 519, 528.

-, -, said not to have signed the league with the English Queen, 514.

-, -, believes that the King withholds him from what is most to his honour and advantage, 518.

-, -, proposed visit of, to England, 518, 519, 533.

-, -, is sending Simier to England, 519.

-, -, movements of, discussed, 525, 526.

-, -, in Mons, 528; his need of money, ibid.; relations of, with the King and the Huguenots, ibid.

-, -, is thought to mean to return to France, 529, 531, 539.

-, -, is dissatisfied, both with Flanders and the affair in England, 530.

-, -, still in Flanders, without reputation or satisfaction, 533.

-, -, suggested visit of, to England, 533.

-, -, return of, to France, desired, 537.

-, -, the French King says he will marry either a niece or daughter of the English Queen, 540.

-, -, ambassador of, 543.

-, -, ambassador sent to, by Venice, to dissuade him from going to Flanders, 490.

-, -, envoys to and from, 253.

-, -, envoy from, to England, 248, 518, 523. And see Bacqueville; Porte, M. de la; Simier.

-, -, -, to Don John, 487.

-, -, a favourite of. See Amboise, Bussi de.

-, -, forces of, 450, 507.

-, -, -, capture of Binche by, 526.

-, -, gentleman of the chamber to, 211.

-, -, gentleman sent by, to the French King, 501.

-, -, lands to be under, 488.

-, -, letters from, alluded to, 322.

-, -, major-domo of. See Buonaccorsi.

-, -, messenger sent by, to the Emperor, 234; and to Queen Mother, 536.

-, -, minister of, in Flanders. See Rochepot.

-, -, money provided for, 485, 514.

-, -, negotiations of (former) with Brussels, alluded to, 322.

-, -, servants of, 441.

-, -, towns and fortresses to be delivered up to, 487, 488.

-, -, treaty of accord between the States General and, 489.

-, -, -, terms of, deemed unworthy of a son and brother of Kings of France, 501.

-, -, -, details of, given, 504.

-, -, -, called a League against Don John, 505.

-, -, troops of, 482, 483, 488, 504.

-, -, -, defeated, 451.

Alençon, Duchy of, in Normandy, 251.

Alessandrino, Michael Bonelli, Cardinal Secretary of State, legate at Madrid, 3, 143.

-, -, letter from, 1.

-, -, goes to the French Court, 2, 5, 7.

-, -, marriage negotiated by, for the King of Portugal, 199.

Alexander III., Pope, grant [or confirmation of grant] of Ireland by, to Henry II., alluded to, 241.

Algiers, 282.

-, proposed enterprise of, 148.

Alicante, 393, 414, 418, 444, 480.

Alkmaar (Alchmar), in North Holland, retreat of the Spanish army from, 133.

Allen, Dr. William, Rector of Douai Seminary and prebendary of Cambrai, letters from, 34, 207, 208, 397.

-, -, letters to, 242, 243, 435.

-, -, news sent by, 506.

-, -, in Rome, 252, 258.

-, -, to return to the Low Countries, 270.

-, -, has withdrawn to Rheims, 435; Queen Elizabeth ill-disposed towards, ibid.

-, -, presence of, wished for at Lisbon, 443.

-, -, reports the expulsion of his seminary from Douai, 559.

-, -, hospice founded by. See Rome, English hospice at.

Altemps, Count Annibale d', 360.

Alum, monopoly of, 507.

Alva or Alba [Ferdinando Alvarez de Toledo], Duke of, proceedings of, 8, 11, 12.

-, -, and the revolt in the Netherlands, 11 et seq.

-, -, the princes of Germany forbid their subjects to serve, 26; will try to recover Mons, ibid. (2).

-, -, proceedings of, 28.

-, -, money said to be sent to, by the Grand Duke of Tuscany, 30.

-, -, offer of, to the French King, 34.

-, -, explanation given to, by Elizabeth, 40.

-, -, the King of France should aid, 43.

-, -, in the field, 44.

-, -, Mons surrenders to, 51; is said to have pardoned all there and made an accord with the Prince of Orange, 51, 52, 55.

-, -, message sent by, 65.

-, -, movements of, 67, 79.

-, -, suggested negotiation by, 74.

-, -, spares no pains to make an accord with England, 78.

-, -, the English Queen reported to be about to make a composition with, 86.

-, -, reported agreement by, in behalf of the King of Spain, with Elizabeth, for mutual commerce, 84, 106, 108–112, 114, 115, 132, 304; and with the Prince of Orange, 111, 112.

-, -, is preparing to attack Haarlem, 100, 121.

-, -, Frenchmen imprisoned by, 100

-, -, burghers of Mons executed by, 105.

-, -, is making fresh levies, 106.

-, -, in relation to the bringing back of Elizabeth into the Roman Church, 115, 116.

-, -, exploits of, commended by the Pope, 125.

-, -, cause of Ireland commended to, 125.

-, -, sends a Flemish gentleman to Elizabeth, 132, 137.

-, -, contributions promised to, 178

-, -, accord made by, with Elizabeth, prolongation of, desired, 236, 238.

-, -, accusations against, 304.

-, -, time of, in the Low Countries, alluded to, 309, 312–314.

-, -, castle built by at Antwerp, 312.

-, -, is opposed to the English enterprise, 352.

-, -, letter to, from the King, alluded to, 117.

-, -, letters to, 125 (2).

-, -, a letter to be written to, 555.

-, -, army of, in Flanders, 44, 78.

-, -, camp of, before Haarlem, 121.

-, -, envoy from, to Elizabeth, 137.

-, -, fleet of, or the Catholic fleet, said to have returned with loss, but to be reconstituted, 98: Holland ships taken by, 99; reported defeat of, 133.

-, -, fort held by, 44.

-, -, son of. See Toledo, Don Frederic of.

-, Ferdinand de, natural son of the Duke, Commendador of Malta, or Prior of the Order of St. John, 249, 304.

-, -, secretary of, sent secretly to treat with Elizabeth, 52.

Amasei, Theofrasto, Castellan of Ostia, letter to, 371.

Ambach, 377.

Ambassadors, English, to France. See Walsingham, Sir Francis; Clinton, Edw., Earl of Lincoln; Somerset, William, Earl of Worcester; Smith, Sir Thos.; Dale, Dr. Valentine; Randolph, Thos.; North, Roger, Lord North; Leighton, Thos.; Paulet, Sir Amyas; Stafford, Sir Edward.

-, -, at Bruges, 466.

-, -, to Brussels. See Corbet, Robert. And see pp. 190–192.

-, -, at Antwerp, 180, 235, 243.

-, -, to Don John. See Leighton; see Wilkes.

-, -, to Flanders. See Cobham, Lord; Davison, William; Walsingham, Francis; Wilson, Thomas.

-, -, to the Prince of Orange and the States. See Hastings, Robert; Beale, Robert; Leighton; Rogers, Daniel.

-, -, to the Emperor. See Sidney, Philip; Beale, Robert; Cobham, Sir Henry.

-, -, to Duke Casimir, 393.

-, -, to Scotland. See Randolph, Thomas; Bowes, Robert.

-, -, to Spain. See Cobham, Sir Henry; Wilkes, Thomas; Smith, Sir John.

-, -, French, to England. See a Mothe Fénélon (1568–1575, October); Mauvissière, Seigneur de la (1575, October et seq.); Rambouillet, Cardinal de (1578); Gondi, Jerome de (1578).

-, -, to the Emperor. See Poigny.

-, -, to Flanders, 319.

-, -, to Poland, 133.

-, -, to the Pope. See Rambouillet; Malras; Gondi; Poigny.

-, -, to Turkey. See Noailles (1572); Germigny (1578).

-, -, to Spain, 12, 58, 124.

-, -, to the States General. See Bellièvre.

-, -, to Don John, 486.

-, -, envoy to Germany, 61.

-, -, from the Emperor [Maximilian], to Venice, 202.

-, -, [Rudolf], to Spain, 353.

-, -, -, to Don John, 485.

-, from the Empress, to France. See Cam.

-, Bavarian, to the Pope, 274.

-, (envoy) from the Estates General, to France, 441.

-, from Ferrara, to France, 171.

-, from the Pope. See Legates; see Nuncios.

-, from Portugal, to the Pope. See Silva, Don Joao Gomez de.

-, from Savoy, to France, at the baptism of the French King's daughter, 88–90.

-, -, to Spain, 336, 338.

-, Scottish, to France. See Betoun, Archbishop of Glasgow.

-, from Spain, to England. See Silva, Don Guzman de; Zweveghem; Spes, Guerau de; Mendoza, Bernardino.

-, -, to the Emperor [Maximilian], 9.

-, -, to France. See Çuñiga, Don Diego de; Vargas, Juan de.

-, -, to Genoa. See Idiaquez.

-, -, to the Pope, 202, 231, 234, 369, 420, 445. And see Çuñiga.

-, -, in Portugal, 329, 331, 335, 337, 350, 421, 561, 562, 569. And see Borgia, Don John; Shelley, Sir John.

-, -, to Venice, 194, 195, 202, 203. And see Silva; see Idiaques.

-, from Tuscany, to Spain, 72; to Germany, 29, 111.

-, from Venice, to England (temp. Edw. VI.). See Brescia, Bishop of; proposal to send one to, 529, 540.

-, -, to France. See Michele, Giovanni.

-, -, to the Emperor, 33. And see Tiepols, Signor.

-, -, to the Pope, 107.

-, -, to Savoy, 176.

-, -, to Spain, 72, 279.

-, -, to Turkey (the Bailo), 28.

Amboise, M. Bussi d'. See Bussi d'Amboise.

Amboise, the French King goes to, 5.

-, (Ambues), letters dated from, 2, 3.

Amelia [in Umbria], a native of, 72.

Amsterdam, armies marching towards, 79, 122.

-, siege of, 99.

-, fort near, 246.

-, government of, claimed by the Prince of Orange, 313.

-, besieged by the Prince of Orange, 321.

-, submission of, to the States General, 343.

-, strife amongst the people of, 365.

Amurath III., the new Sultan of Turkey. See Turk, the.

Anabaptists, burned to death in Flanders [in 1562], 130.

Ancona, port of, 401.

-, plot at, 538.

Angelicus, Valerius, secretary to the nuncio in Spain, document countersigned by, 539.

Angers, the French King going towards, 93.

Angiers, 541.

-, letter sent from, 541.

Angoulême, Knight of, talked of, for Admiral, 42.

Angus, Earl of. See Douglas, Archibald.

Anjou, Henry, Duke of, brother of the French King. See Henry, Duke of Anjou.

-, Francis, Duke of. See Alençon.

Anjou, Duchy of, Alençon wishes for, 251.

Antwerp, 192.

-, ambassadors from, sent to Don John, 312, 313.

-, burgesses of, in relation to the doctrine of Calvin, 488.

-, castle or citadel of, plot to deliver, to the Prince of Orange, 147.

-, -, dismantling of, demanded, 312.

-, -, taken, 330.

-, -, Walloons in, have changed the Vice-Warden, and banished the Germans, 334.

-, church of the Jesuits at, 505.

-, crucifix at, broken, 130.

-, English ships at, 201.

-, English traders reported to be returning to, 106.

-, fair of, business done at, 15.

-, letters dated at, 141, 530.

-, -, alluded to, 148.

-, merchants of, goods of, 190.

-, money to be raised in, 365; payable at, 400.

-, news from, 22, 105, 181, 343, 350, 360, 426, 505.

-, news-letters from, 10, 28, 40, 64, 66, 86, 96 (2), 98, 100, 144, 147, 149, 179, 180, 190, 199–201, 204, 205, 212, 235, 239, 240, 243, 245, 246, 248, 249, 252, 324, 358, 359, 365–369, 374, 380, 384, 385, 387, 393, 400, 416, 421, 426, 459, 467–469, 472, 474, 485, 486, 488, 630, 532.

-, sack of (the Spanish Fury) alluded to, 288, 312, 314.

-, travellers to or from, 145, 197, 427, 432, 485.

-, treaty concluded at (Aug., 1578), 489; alluded to, 501.

-, privileges of English merchants in, 15.

-, ships making ready at, to succour Middelburg, 98, 99.

-, an English lord sent to, to treat concerning transport of merchandise, 180.

-, leave desired for English merchant ships to come to, 189.

-, Comendador Mayor in, 233.

-, quitted by the Spanish soldiers, 304.

-, Escovedo comes to, to treat of an accord, 312.

-, state of affairs and temper of the people in, 312, 313, 421.

-, condition of things in, could hardly be worse, 321.

-, German mercenaries in, 320.

-, Archduke Matthias at, 356, 357.

-, is free from the plague, 361.

-, Duke of Alençon and Duke Casimir expected at, 482.

-, burgesses of, desire the doctrine of Calvin to be preached at Bois-le-Duc, 488.

Anvile, Marshal d'. See Damville.

Apostolic See, authority of, in England, discussed, 241, 242.

Aquileia, Patriarch of. See Grimani.

Aragon, King Philip going towards, 118.

Aranjuez (Ransuez), King Philip at, 428.

Ardagh, see of, 152.

Ardcanny (Ardchunby), port of. See Smerwick.

Ardglass (Ariglas), Ulster, 152.

Aremberg, [Charles de Ligne] Count of, sent to the Emperor and Princes of Germany, 138.

Argyll, Earls of. See Campbell.

Arklow (Werclou), port of, 154; the Earl of Ormond's castle at, 156.

Arlon, letter dated at, 311.

Armagh, Archbishopric of, 152, 153.

Armagh (Amchano), Archbishop of See Creagh, Richard.

Arran, Earl of. See Hamilton, James.

Arras (Ares), disturbances at, 392, 527.

-, Bishop of. See Richardot; see Granvelle.

Artois, offered to Alençon, 408.

-, Alençon means to possess himself of, 506.

-, hopes of the return of, to the Catholic religion, 539; and to King Philip's obedience, 543.

Arzila, in Morocco, Portuguese troops at, 489, 496, 509, 522, 535.

-, ships return from, 491.

Ascanio, Monico Antonio di, 383.

Aschaffenburg, letter dated at, 136.

Ascolano, Giuseppi, 383.

Askeaton (Asketine), a walled town in Desmond, 160.

Assaroe (Assarvo), Ulster, haven of, 152.

Asti, a gentleman of. See Clermont.

-, residents at, 386 (2), 394.

Athenry (Ardy), in Connaught, burnt in 1572, 162.

Athlone (Allon), town of, burnt, 162.

-, castle of, held by the English, 162.

Atholl, Earl of. See Stewart, John.

Athy (Balathy), a walled town, 157.

Atslowe (Atislo), Dr. Edw., sent to the Tower, 209.

Aubaine, law and custom of, in France, 15.

Aubigny (Hobeni, Ubigni, Obegni), Giles de Lens, Baron d' returns from England, 144 (2); sent into France, 344.

Augsburg, Augusta, 131, 299, 323.

-, Bishop of [Joannes von Knoeringen], will made by, questioned, 205; brothers and heirs of, ibid.

-, confession of, or Augustinian Confession, the Elector Palatine conforms to, 288; demanded by those of Brussels, 352; position of the States General in relation to, 354; heretics of, conference of, ibid.; those of, claims of, 556.

-, letters dated at, 178, 182, 185, 189, 191, 192, 198, 206, 214, 215.

-, news from, 387.

-, news-letters from, 27, 77, 345, 427, 467.

Aumale, [Claude de Lorraine] Due d', reported to be killed before Rochelle, 96.

Aumont (Haumon), Jean d', at the baptism of the King's daughter, 89.

-, -, brother of. See Brion, Comte de.

Austria, Emperor of. See Maximilian.

-, -, the late. See Charles V.

-, Cardinal of [Albert, Archduke of], 375.

-, Catherine of, [sister of Charles V.], regent of Portugal, obsequies of, 562.

-, Charles, Archduke of, 301.

-, -, suggested as a husband for Queen Elizabeth, 500.

-, Elizabeth or Isabel of, widow of Charles IX. See Elizabeth.

-, Prince Ernest of, son of Maximilian, proposed marriage of, to the Infanta of Spain, 33, 35; and to Mary Queen of Scots, 35.

Austria, Don John of, bastard brother of the King of Spain, 5, 185, 202, 539.

-, -, in relation to the King of Spain. See under Philip.

-, -, to go with the fleet to the Levant, 33.

-, -, orders sent to, regarding the fleet, 38–40.

-, -, is to stay in Sicily and prepare for war, 68.

-, -, war of, against the Turk, 72, 165.

-, -, suggested as King of Ireland, 164, 165.

-, -, proposed proceedings of, 142, 148, 170–172.

-, -, proposal to give him the title of King of Tunis, 170.

-, -, overture from the English Catholics, to accept, as their King, ibid.

-, -, suggested marriage of, with the Queen of Scots, 142, 170, 188, 249.

-, -, is urgent as to requirements of the fleet, 174.

-, -, at the Spanish Court, 195, 279, 281–284.

-, -, no more occupation for, this year, 214.

-, -, proposed as Governor of Flanders, 249, 278, 279.

-, -, report [false] that he is going to Sicily, 259.

-, -, money for, 266.

-, -, -, lack of, complained of, 281.

-, -, should go at once to Flanders, 279, 285.

-, -, has repaired to Court, 279, 281.

-, -, journey of, to Flanders, 286–289.

-, -, accord between the States and, 294.

-, -, is exhorted by the Pope to use his influence in regard to Ireland, 287, 308.

-, -, in relation to Stuckley, 294, 297.

-, -, the King's secret orders to, alluded to, 296.

-, -, in relation to the enterprise on England, 297, 299, 300, 301, 308, 309, 317, 322, 326.

-, -, reported discovery of a design against, 300, 320.

-, -, is going to Brussels, 303.

-, -, assumes the government of Flanders, 304.

-, -, matters to be discussed with, 305.

-, -, Flanders well disposed towards, 311.

-, -, in relation to the States General, 312, 316, 320, 342, 349, 357, 358, 487.

-, -, negotiation of, with Antwerp, 312, 313.

-, -, embassies sent by, to the Prince of Orange, 313.

-, -, Brabant has sent a petition to, 315.

-, -, tries to observe neutrality, 320.

-, -, suspected design against, 320.

-, -, refuses the demands of the Prince of Orange, 321.

-, -, betrayed and distracted, 321.

-, -, his distrust of the people increases, 322.

-, -, money arrangements with, 323, 512.

-, -, sends the Viscount of Ghent to England and Escovedo to Spain, 324, 326.

-, -, retreat of, to Namur, 330, 334, 335, 339.

-, -, surprises the castle of Namur, 334; is deserted by all men, 335; and his life in jeopardy, 336.

-, -, King Philip resolves to supersede, 339.

-, -, goes to Marche en Famine, 341.

-, -, has retreated to Luxemburg, 343, 344, 359.

-, -, proposed aid for, 344, 345, 348, 352, 357.

-, -, information given to, 353.

-, -, Archduke Mathias' accusation against, 359.

-, -, proceedings of, 361, 372, 380, 384.

-, -, embassies of Dr. Leighton to, 361, 365, 366, 374, 377, 385.

-, -, future movements of, 388.

-, -, has assumed the conduct of the campaign, 392.

-, -, in relation to money matters, 406, 407.

-, -, has returned to Louvain, 426.

-, -, further negotiations of Elizabeth with, 427, 485–487.

-, -, his “prudence, vigilance and valour” praised, 433.

-, -, is now lord and master in the country, ibid.

-, -, recall of, would be the ruin of the Catholic faith, 434

-, -, Elizabeth's desire to remove, ibid.

-, -, attack made by, on the Flemish army, 482.

-, -, Elizabeth said to have become partial to, 484, 487.

-, -, the Emperor, English Queen and States General reported to be negotiating with, 485.

-, -, fortresses to be surrendered to, by the States General, 487.

-, -, sends to beg fresh aid from the King of Spain, 495.

-, -, enterprise of, alluded to, 560.

-, -, army or forces of, 342, 378, 392, 401, 490.

-, -, -, sent to succour Namur, 356,

-, -, -, weakness of, 400.

-, -, Articles of peace sent to, by the Estates General, 490.

-, -, parts of the Low Countries to belong to, 504.

-, -, death of, 514, 525, 547.

-, -, plot to murder, alluded to, 543.

-, -, expedition despatched by, to Scotland, alluded to, 547.

-, -, ambassador from, to Elizabeth. See Gastel, seigneur de.

-, -, bills assigned to, 325.

-, -, brief to, 287.

-, -, confessor of, 388.

-, -, courier sent from and to, 338.

-, -, envoys to, from Elizabeth. See Leighton, Dr.; Wilkes, Thomas.

-, -, letters from, 290, 291, 323.

-, -, -, alluded to, 292, 297, 352, 368.

-, -, letters to, 297, 479.

-, -, intercepted letters of or to, alluded to, 312, 364, 365, 368.

-, -, messenger to, 432.

-, -, money provided for by the Pope, 512.

-, -, secretaries of. See Escovedo; see Prada, del.

-, -, supporters of, 380.

-, -, territories taken by, negotiations concerning, 504.

-, -, troops going to, 339, 341.

-, -, troops of, defeat those of Alençon, 451.

Austria, Archduke Matthias of. See Matthias.

Austria, House of, hope in France that the next Emperor may not be of, 113.

Aveiro, Duke of, Admiral of Portugal, 347.

Auvergne, places in, desired by Alençon, 251.

Avignon, 50, 70.

-, letters from, 55, 62–63.

-, news from, 316.

-, the Pope's State of, abuses in, 63.

-, travellers to or from, 53, 62.

Ayamonte, in Spain, Englishmen captured by Turks off, 244.

Ayamonte, Marquis de, Governor of the Milanese, 330.