Rome: November 1575

Pages 234-237

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 2, 1572-1578. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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November 1575

Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
vol. viii. p. 665.
445. [Antonio Maria] Salviati, [late] Bishop of S. Papoul, Nuncio in France to [Ptolemy Galli,] Cardinal of Como.
“There is a universal and great desire for the accord, the nobles being divided, but unequally, the more part inclining to Monsieur. We know also of reiters and lansknechts that are coming to serve him at the cost of the Queen of England; who has sent them to Germany, there to be placed under commanders of the same nation, being herself unable to make sure that, if she were to let the French have them they would be employed for the service that is desired. Now as these foreigners are coming to the aid of the enemy, the King, constrained by the need of self-defence and of getting foreign levies, that his foes may not have the Germans all to themselves, will raise 11,000 reiters and a good number of Swiss. And when they are here with the other foreigners and without pay, which can by no means be afforded them, for money cannot be found in sufficient quantity, wild work is apprehended.
“Moreover, in any case, it is certain that the realm will experience the evil and disastrous results which everywhere attend the employment of foreign armies and are generated by civil discord.”
3 Nov., 1575. Paris. Italian.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. Germ
vol. lxxii.
p. 612.
446. John [Delfino], Bishop of Torcello, Nuncio at the Imperial Court to [Ptolemy Galli,] Cardinal of Como.
… “His Majesty told me of two men as sent to him by M. d'Alençon and the Prince of Condé, with whom, however, he had not as yet spoken; nor is anything more known of them; and indeed it is doubted whether they have really been sent by the said lords, and in particular by Alençon.
“I have also confirmation from his Majesty of what was written as to Casimir's going with those troops, albeit he says that he thinks they would not be in such numerical strength, and that it is supposed that they have been raised with moneys of the Queen of England.”
5 Nov., 1575. Ratisbon. Italian.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
vol. ix. f. 40.
447. [Ptolemy Galli, Cardinal of Como] to [Nicholas Ormanetto,] Bishop of Padua, Nuncio in Spain.
“The Catholic King's ambassador has at last spoken to the Pope as to the English business, saying that his Majesty had resolved to give his attention to it, and was therefore desirous to know in detail the design and intention of his Holiness, and the means and facilities that we had for the honourable conduct of the enterprise. His Holiness replied that, now that his Majesty had made his mind up, it was necessary for the discussion of details to bring to Rome three Englishmen who are in different countries, which would mean two months' delay. And so we must write to the three at once, hoping that by the end of November two of them at any rate may be here; and in the meantime there is nothing to be done.
“Subsequently in divers conversations that we have had the ambassador has touched on some other points, to wit, to whose advantage his Holiness would wish the acquisition to redound, as it seems very necessary to provide that province with a King, and who should be the captain of the enterprise, observing that he ought to be much in the confidence of his Majesty. As to the first I replied that his Holiness has no other end to serve than the honour and glory of God and the advantage of that realm, and that therefore he will be content that his Majesty choose such person for King as may please him best, purposing to give him in marriage to the Queen of Scotland, for otherwise she would be deprived of that which is her own by indefeasible right, nor perchance would there be the same facility that we hope for in carrying out the enterprise.
“As to the second point it is said that his Majesty may nominate two or three of his confidants, and that his Holiness will choose one; but that it seems to be necessary that all be Italians, if we desire to let it be manifest that the enterprise is done in the name of his Holiness.
“Finally, the ambassador has evinced a desire that the Pope bear some part of the cost; and being answered that in that case it will be fitting that we also have a share of the gain, he seemed to be content that so it should be. But when he afterwards desired us to define our position, and that something in the shape of a capitulation should be draughted between us, his Holiness deemed it better first of all to ascertain what right the Apostolic See has in those two realms of England and Ireland, being principally concerned that the ancient rights and obligations be renewed, and that afterwards there be added thereto new rights and obligations consonant with what shall seem just and meet. And so now with all diligence and secrecy search is being made in ancient writings to discover the truth; which done we shall go forward with the business, and perchance meanwhile the men that are expected will arrive. My purpose has been that you should know what is happening, that when his Majesty touches on it you may not be caught in the dark. And, though his Majesty should not speak of it, you will be able to advert to it, explaining to him the position of the business, and that in fine, in order to make further progress, we must wait till these three matters are settled. However, in the meantime his Majesty will be able to declare his mind as to the points mentioned by the ambassador, and also will have at his disposal in Italy some moneys which are in the control of the ambassador on this account, being, it is said, 100,000 crowns, in order that, when all other arrangements are made, the enterprise may not be deferred for lack of money.”
10 Nov., 1575. Rome. Draft for cipher. Italian.
Vat. Lib.
Urb. Lat.
1044. f. 692d.
448. News Letter.
“The Comendador Mayor has returned hither where have also arrived two ambassadors from the Queen of England, to treat, it is said, of accord between his Catholic Majesty and [the Prince of] Orange.”
14 Nov., 1575. Antwerp. Copy.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
vol. viii.
f. 572d.
449. Nicholas Ormanetto, Bishop of Padua, Nuncio in Spain to [Ptolemy Galli,] Cardinal of Como.
… “They say the English ambassador will speedily depart. His mission was complimentary with some negotiation about the prolongation of the two years accord made by the Duke of Alva in Flanders with the pretended Queen.”
17 Nov., 1575. [Madrid.] Decipher. Italian.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
vol. viii. f. 577.
450. [Nicholas Ormanetto, Bishop of Padua,] Nuncio in Spain to [Ptolemy Galli,] Cardinal of Como.
… “While the English ambassador was about to take his leave, there has arrived another courier with fresh commissions for him: but, as I am informed by his Majesty, every effort is being made to despatch the business so as to send him away as soon as possible; and I am instant to that end for the reasons which I have already communicated to you. I have not yet learned what instructions he has received by this last courier, nor have I discovered anything more than I have already told you.”
22 Nov., 1575. [Madrid.] Decipher. Italian.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
vol. ii. f. 161.
451. John Andrew Caligari, Nuncio in Portugal to the Same.
… “The Irish Bishop of Cork was earnestly commended to me by the Nuncio of Madrid. I have done him every service in my power that a sick man requires; inter alia, I have procured him safe passage for England on one of the Venetian ships, whence he will readily make his way to Ireland: he has departed with a good wind and a good purpose to do his duty in his church to the honour of God and the weal of those souls, who are in the utmost need thereof. I cannot but bear good testimony to his virtue and zeal for the service of God. All this, I believe, will be gratifying to the Pope.”
23 Nov., 1575. Lisbon. Italian.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
vol. ix. f. 48.
452. [Ptolemy Galli, Cardinal of Como] to [Nicholas Ormanetto,] Bishop of Padua, Nuncio in Spain.
“Along with my letter of the 10th inst. I sent you many particulars about the English business which I shall not rehearse in this, for nothing fresh has happened. Signor Enghilfild [Englefield], of whom you write, is one of those three who are shortly expected at Rome; which was one of the matters which I communicated to you. It was very well done on your part to urge his Majesty not to suffer the English ambassador, who was shortly expected, as you advise me, to tarry in his realms, not to say in his court; and the Pope is extremely desirous that you fail not to redouble your efforts with his Majesty, who otherwise would be taking, as the saying is, the snake to his bosom; for it is well known that the sole cause of the infection of France is to be found in the intrigues of the heretics in that realm, which thirty years ago was as Christian as any other that exists to-day, not to mention the other arguments which you have wisely submitted to his Majesty's consideration.”
25 Nov., 1575. Rome. Draft for cipher. Italian.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. Germ.
vol. lxxii.
pp. 635–6.
453. John [Delfino], Bishop of Torcello, Nuncio at the Imperial Court to Ptolemy Galli, Cardinal of Como.
… “Before his departure from Ratisbon the Emperor wrote to Casimir exhorting him not to go to France; and now he has told me that he has received his answer excusing himself for not being able to tarry on the score of his plighted word, and announcing that he was about to depart with 8,000 horse and 4,000 foot….
“He has also told me that the two that came to Ratisbon were not sent by the Duke of Alençon, but solely by the Prince of Condé to crave his interposition with the King, that the accord might come to pass; and that he had given them an answer in general terms.”
26 Nov., 1575. Vienna. Italian.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
vol. v. p. 396.
454. News Letter.
… “The Comendador had given all the Provinces to understand that they must send, each one, a deputy; and it is supposed that they are thinking of setting on foot the negotiation for the accord.
“The army was still under Sirisca [Zierickzee], and the fleet of Spain in the ports of England not daring to come out, as they know that the Dutch are strong in vessels.”
30 Nov., 1575. Paris. Italian. Forwarded by the nuncio at Turin to the Cardinal of Como.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
vol. viii. f. 582.
455. [Nicholas Ormanetto, Bishop of Padua,] Nuncio in Spain to [Ptolemy Galli] Cardinal of Como.
… “Touching Irish affairs. God grant that the Turk and these pacifications of France hinder not the Pope's holy design, and put not difficulties in the way of this salutary enterprise. It is a matter of great consequence to all those realms and all Christendom to take care that the King of Scotland be not in the power of heretics; and this I have mentioned to his Majesty, who knows the peril and how meet it is to provide against it; but still we arrive not at the remedy.
“This English ambassador is going, and I have a presentiment that he goes without any decision as to his proposals, dismissed with good words and nothing more.”
30 Nov., 1575. [Madrid.] Decipher. Italian.