Rome: April 1575

Pages 201-203

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 2, 1572-1578. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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April 1575

f. 445d.
390. News Letter.
“There arrived at Breda on the feast of our Lady the Count of Suaremburgh [Schwarzenburg] with the answer of the Prince of Orange and of the rebel States to the proposals of the King, so that all these days the Council has been in consultation with him, and this morning he has returned to do what yet remains to make the accord perfect; and it is commonly believed that it is in good case, there being nought to stand in its way but the reluctance of the said States to admit rebellion, as they allege that they did but take arms against the tyranny of the Duke of Alva.
“Throughout these countries proclamation has been made banishing the rebels against the Queen of England, and the like will be done in that realm as to the rebels against our King.”
1 April, 1575. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Lib.
Urb. Lat.
1044. f. 431.
391. News Letter.
“The Count of Swazemburgh [Schwarzenburg] repaired to Dordrecht, where he was gladly received: and by this time he should be in Zealand about the accord, the rebels having just taken time to answer till the 3rd of next month. with which answer Sr. Rosingher [Rassenghien], one of the deputies of the Court, will return here on the 3rd of next month. Nothing is penetrated, the deliberations having proceeded in extreme secrecy; but it is said that all will be sent to Spain, that the King's will may be learned. Meanwhile the country is eaten up by 300 ensigns of foot and companies of horse, as well our own as those of the enemy: nor is there any intermission of fresh preparations for war, for the Governor of Scotland [Morton] gives, in aid of the Prince of Orange, 5,000 foot: and M. de Terlon [Treslong] is named General of our artillery, that he may furnish pioneers and what else is necessary for the service of that artillery which is ever being founded in Malines.
“The Estates of Flanders have revoked the donative granted to his Majesty, because performance fell short of what was promised them, and the people of Brabant will consent to nothing.
“The four English ships have arrived laden with merchandise, after some detention in Zealand, and with the loss of their artillery and munitions.”
8 April, 1575. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
vol. v. p. 100.
392. Jerome [de Federicis, late] Bishop of Martirano, Nuncio at the Court of Turin to [Ptolemy Galli,] Cardinal of Como.
“This morning I have been visited by M. de Cly, by whom I have been certified of the true errand of that gentleman of the Prince of Condé. He says that he brought his Highness in writing all the terms of the peace craved of his Majesty by the rebels, and that he has besought his Highness to be surety for the King, that in the event of peace he will observe all the articles; for they say that they neither will nor can trust his Majesty. And his Highness, he says, made answer refusing their request, and assuring them that he would not become surety even for his own son; and that on the other hand he has sent the said writings to his Majesty, and notified him of this request on the part of the Prince.
“M. de Cly adds that he is informed by the said gentleman that if the peace falls through, the King will make one on disadvantageous terms: because the rebels have more money than his Majesty, and are subsidized by the Queen of England; besides which, the Princes of Germany are resolved to aid them; because they perceive that their own interests are involved; and they will by this means endeavour to get a footing in France.”
10 April, 1575. Turin. Italian.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
vol. viii.
p. 181.
393. [Antonio Maria] Salviati, [late] Bishop [of S. Papoul,] Nuncio in France to [Ptolemy Galli,] Cardinal of Como.
… “Mgr. of Rosces [Ross (fn. 1) ] a Scotsman, whom the Pope commended by brief to his Majesty, has got an order on the Treasurer entitling him to payment of a pension, which will be all he need concern himself about for the future. He shows me letters from his Queen bidding him go to Rome to kiss the Pope's feet, and render him that obedience which is accorded by all other Princes. He also tells me that he will have to crave a dispensation touching the marriages of the said Queen. There is nothing now to retard his departure but the payment of the money, which is to be had from those who have the control of the revenues that his Mistress has in France by reason that she was the wife of a King [Francis II].”
11 April, 1575. Paris. Italian.
Vat. Arch.
Arm. xliv.
vol. 22.
f. 355d.
394. Pope Gregory XIII to [Louis de Berlaymont,] Archbishop of Cambrai.
Commending to his charitable regard the English exiles, and among them in particular the Countess of Northumberland and Francis Inglesfild [Englefield], who after a long residence in Flanders are now banished thence.
15 April, 1575. Rome. Latin. Copy.
The like brief to the Bishop of Liège.
Particolare. (fn. 2)
395. Don Cesare Carrafa to Marco Antonio Colonna.
“We have no intelligence from Constantinople since that which I sent your Excellency last week. His Excellency Soranzo will depart thither in the course of three or four days. There is still news from Flanders that matters are as good as arranged, and the like is said of affairs in France, whence it is reported that that brother of the King is still not sound in his head, and that the Queen Mother had cursed him for some trifle or another, and at the King's instance had returned to bless him. There has arrived here from Vienna Don Diego Manrich, the Empress' major-domo, who goes to Rome to receive the most holy Jubilee. He lodges in the house of the Imperial ambassador.
“From Spain the day before yesterday, I was told by the Catholic ambassador that there is no news whatever; nor is aught known of Don John. As to Genoa it is said that Giovanni Andrea Doria was minded to put there I know not how many soldiers, and that the affair was discovered; but our ambassador says that it is not true. Signor Sforza is well and out of bed, and told me yesterday that he would depart for S. Arcangelo in the course of three or four days.
“Three days ago there arrived here Sir William Russell, son of the Earl of Ubelfort [Bedford], a great lord of England, and one of the Queen's Council of State. He is going to Rome or Naples. Our ambassador makes much of him, as do also the Signory. He dined with me the day before yesterday. His Serenity is a great friend of his father: the Arsenal has been shown him and other things worth a visit, and it has fallen to my lot to be ever with him.”
16 April, 1575. Venice. Italian.
Vat. Lib.
Urb. Lat.
1044. f. 427.
396. News Letter.
… “It is reported and confirmed that the Queen of England has promised the Catholic King 2,000 foot and a good number of ships of war against his rebels of Flanders.”
16 April. 1575. Venice. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
vol. viii.
p. 203.
397. [Antonio Maria] Salviati, [late] Bishop [of S. Papoul], Nuncio in France to [Ptolemy Galli,] Cardinal of Como.
… “La Chartre [Châtre] has returned from England, whither he was sent by the King to apprise that Queen of his marriage, and request confirmation of the League in accordance with the tenour of the Articles, in which there is a provision that in the event of the death of one of the contracting parties, the successor must request confirmation within the year. The said La Chartre reports that as to his Majesty's marriage the Queen told him that she knew that it was made pursuant to the will of the Cardinal of Lorraine, who had ordered it (fn. 3); and as to the League he could elicit no conclusive answer, for she complained that never since the King's return [from Poland] had a word been said to her ambassador about it; besides which, as it was concluded at a, time when the realm of France was at peace, it did not seem reasonable to talk of it now that there are wars in that kingdom.” (fn. 4) 23 April, 1575. Paris. Italian.


  • 1. Cf. Cal. State Papers, Foreign, 1575–7, p. 39.
  • 2. Reference imperfect: so left by Mr Bliss.
  • 3. Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine, died 28 Dec., 1574. The new queen Louise de Vaudemont was wedded in Feb., 1575.
  • 4. Nevertheless the treaty had been renewed by Elizabeth. Cal. State Papers, Foreign, 1575–7, p. 53; and Corresp. Dipl. de la Mothe Fénélon, vol. vi. p. 407.