Index: G

Pages 506-508

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 1, 1558-1571. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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Gaglion. See Gaillon.

Gaiazzo [Caiazzo], Bishop of, 81. See Mirto.

-, Count of, 457.

Gaillon (Gaglion), 136, 207.

Galicia, 380, 455.

Galgano, Flaminio, 376.

Galli, Ptolemy, Bishop of Martirano, Archbishop of Siponto, Cardinal of Como, letters from, 30, 175, 178.

-, -, letters to, 155, 156, 158.

Galloway, Elizabeth demands a castle in, 359.

Gambara, Cardinal da, 269.

Gambero, Master of Horse to Pius IV, 30.

Gand. See Ghent.

Gartley, 329, 330.

Gascon soldiers, 220.

Gascony, Viscounts of, 300.

Gaspar, M., 53. See Schenich.

Gaudan. See Gouda.

Gedano. See Danzig.

Gelenda (? Zealand), 455.

Genei, Henry, Papal orders for arrest of, 360.

-, -, instructions for inquisitors concerning, 361.

-, -, will probably give up journey to Italy, 363.

-, -, no news of, at Venice, 367.

Geneva, 22, 248.

-, Mgr. of, 232.

Genoa, 300, 322, 387.

-, merchants of, 293, 328, 329.

Geoffrey, Mr., 146.

German horse, to support Condé, 114.

-, in Normandy, 121, 122.

-, returning home, 134.

Germany, preachers from, in England, 9.

-, agents of Elizabeth in, 23.

-, Protestantism in, 40, 43, 99.

-, Council of Trent and Protestant Princes in, 151, 154.

-, state of religion in, 191, 194.

-, troubles of Emperor with Princes and Diet in, 298, 365. See Saxony.

Ghent, Gand, 11.

-, new imposts in, 455.

Gheri, Philip, Bishop of Ischia, nuncio to Spain, instructions to, 28.

Gianville. See Joinville.

Giavarino, fortress of, 257.

Giblet, Fellow of New College, imprisoned, 67.

-, William, Papal licence for ordination of, 152.

Gibraltar, 387.

Giraldi, 388.

Giustineto, the, 332.

Giustiniana, ship captured by corsairs, 319, 321, 323, 324.

Glasgow (Guasco), 215, 229.

-, Earl of Lennox reported attacked in, 232.

-, Dean of, 373, 443.

-, Archbishop of. See Beaton.

Goldwell, Thomas, Bishop of St. Asaph, 38, 51, 64, 70.

-, -, warden of English Hospital at Rome, 60, 146, 468.

Gomez, Ruy (Ruigomez), Don, 1, 4, 7.

Gonzaga, Cesare, 19.

-, Hercules, Cardinal Bishop of Mantua, 31, 32, 33, 35.

-, -, death of, 123, 157.

-, -, letter from, 38.

-, -, letters to, 37, 40, 47, 48, 51, 54, 56, 59, 81, 100, 119. And see Trent, Council of, legates at.

-, Ludovico, 141.

Gordiello, Father, 467.

Gordon, Jean, wife of Bothwell, pretended divorce of, 373, 442.

Gordon, Earl of. See Huntly.

Gordon, William, Bishop of Aberdeen, 373, 443.

-, -, letter to, 165.

Görz, Goricia, 238.

Gouda, Nicholas de (Gaudan), S.J., nuncio to Mary Queen of Scots, 60, 73, 74.

-, -, illness of, 91.

-, -, letter to, 60.

Gourdan (Gordan), M. de, Captain of Calais, 409.

Gradisca, 238.

Granada, Moors of, 309, 317.

Grand Prior of France (brother of Cardinal of Lorraine), 39, 57, 71.

Granvelle, Antony Perrenot de, Cardinal Bishop of Arras, 28, 34, 51, 53, 54, 114, 117, 125, 137, 139, 152, 158, 164, 175, 367.

-, -, letters from, 119, 134, 141, 143, 156.

-, -, letters to, 22, 152.

Graz, 257.

Grey, Lady Catherine, in danger of execution, 46, 47.

-, -, accouchment of, 51, 52.

-, -, death of, 269.

-, (Gray), Lord, of Wilton, 105.

-, And see Wilton.

Grottaferrata, letter from, 264.

Gualteruzzi, Ugolino, secretary to Cardinal Rusticucci, letters from, 471, 474.

Gualtieri, Sebastian, Bishop of Viterbo, nuncio in France, 17, 22.

-, -, letters from, 41, 42, 45.

Guasco. See Glasgow.

Guerau, Don, Spanish ambassador in England. See Spes.

Gueux, the, join the Huguenots, 313, 406, 410.

-, in the port of Dover, 457.

Guines, 294.

Guise, Duke of, 29, 42, 71, 72, 76, 103, 117, 118.

-, -, Spanish favours to, 29.

-, -, at siege of Rouen, 108, 110, 111.

-, -, and battle of Dreux, 116.

-, -, shot, 120.

-, -, assassin captured, 121.

-, -, death of, 122–23, 127.

-, -, funeral of, 128.

-, Anne, widow of, 199.

-, Louis, Cardinal of, 16, 308, 369.

-, -, illness of, 218.

Guises, the, banishment from court of, demanded, 108.

Guzman de Silva, Don Diego de, Canon of Toledo, Spanish ambassador in England, 182; to be recalled, 273, 278.

-, -, letters from, 273, 274.