Index: E

Pages 502-504

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 1, 1558-1571. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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Edem. See Emden.

Edinburgh, 58, 229, 242, 243, 249, 330, 404, 405, 413, 440.

-, Treaty of, 24, 355.

-, Castle, 14, 202, 240, 373, 442.

-, and see Inchkeith.

-, letters from, 118, 185, 198.

Eduana. See Chalon sur Saône.

Edward IV of England, 266.

Edward VI, of England, 8, 62, 156, 265.

Ehrenbreitstein, Herenbrait Stehin, letter from, 73, 74.

Elbeuf, Marquis d', 39, 71, 103.

Electors, Ecclesiastical, of the Empire, 300.

Elector Palatine, 99, 125.

Elfsborg, letter from, 43.

Elizabeth, Queen of England, 46, 51, 120, 179, 196, 210, 257, 265, 319, 322, 323, 378, 392.

-, Maritime affairs:—

arrests or sinks all ships that conceal their nationality, 260.

ships from Spain arrested and money seized, 293, 295.

all Spanish subjects and ships in English ports to be arrested, 297, 299.

steps taken by Philip II, 300, 302, 308.

fresh seizures but hope of accord, 301, 310, 311.

trade with Flemings prohibited, 312.

bargain with Genoese merchants, 328, 329.

See also Commerce; Corsairs.

-, relations of, with France:—

offers of mediation on occasion of troubles in France, 76, 81, 83, 96.

rumoured rupture of diplomatic relations with France by, 98.

cavalry sent to Havre, 99.

intervention in arms deemed unlikely, 83, 101.

apparent intention to seize Havre and Dieppe, 102, 103.

troops landed in France, 104.

negotiations with Huguenots, 53, 107.

reasons for sending troops to France, 109, 111.

concerted action with Germans probable, 121.

refusal to surrender Havre except in exchange for Calais, 134, 141.

terms of peace, 162.

the Queen's apparently waning zeal for Huguenots, 233.

hopes to acquire Boulogne by their aid, 258, 259.

Cardinal Châtillon forbidden by, to raise troops in England for Condé, 287.

strained relations with Charles IX, 286, 287, 296–7.

supports Huguenots, 288, 289, 294, 298, 300, 306, 307.

crafty policy towards France, 299, 309, 310, 312, 333.

-, relations of, with Papacy:—

Pope urged to declare her illegitimate, 1.

declares herself a Lutheran, ibid.

recalls ambassador at Rome, 7.

waives title of supreme Head of the Anglican Church, 8, 9.

temporizes as to acceptance of Augsburg Confession, 10, 41.

Pius IV accredits nuncios and a Legate to, but to no purpose, 21, 22, 31, 32, 37, 51, 76, 77.

possibility that she will be represented at Trent, 48, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88.

alleged to have exhorted German Princes to be represented at Trent, 90.

condemnation of, by the Council, 130.

proposed deprivation of, 131–2, 135, 137–8.

said to intend submission to the Pope, 268.

excommunicated by Pius V, 328.

-, publication of bull, 332, 335, 338, 342.

attempt to get excommunication revoked, 354–5.

Pope urges Alva to attack, 324.

suggested Papal attack on, 387.

excommunication of, posted on her ambassador's door in Paris, 392.

-, relations of, with Scotland, 25, 41, 42, 51, 53–55, 58, 95, 173, 179, 202, 226, 278, 330–32, 334, 342, 350, 355–59, 363.

annoyed at Spanish negotiations with Scotland, 105.

opposed to Darnley match, 173.

imprisons Darnley's mother, ibid.

vexed by Mary's marriage, 176.

support of Scottish rebels by, 181, 188, 195, 196.

her representative at baptism of James Stuart, 226.

prepared to avenge murder of Darnley, 233, 294.

welcomes Mary, 277.

alleged intention to reinstate Mary, 313.

imprisons Mary, 323.

supports Scottish sectaries, 326, 328, 330.

her terms to Mary, 355, 363, 397.

demands a castle in Scotland, 359.

said to have nominated James Stuart her successor, 369.

pretends to desire an accord with Mary, 402.

See also Mary Queen of Scots.

-, relations of, with Spain:—

recalls ambassador from Spain, 278.

refuses audience to Alva's envoy, d'Assonleville, 301.

does not want war with Spain, 302.

confines Spanish ambassador to his house, 308.

sends ships to salute Spanish fleet, 359.

See also Philip II.

-, relations of, with other Powers:—

suspected league with Denmark, 57, 306.

-, with Denmark, Sweden, Saxony and the Palatinate, 376, 480.

-, with the Queen of Navarre, 154.

-, with Switzerland and German Protestants, 151, 161.

-, her would-be consorts:—

Duke of Saxony, 6.

Philip II (q.v.), 9.

Archduke Ferdinand. See Ferdinand, Archduke.

Archduke Charles. See Charles, Archduke.

Eric XIV of Sweden, 31, 36, 40, 59.

Charles IX, 172.

Lord Robert Dudley (q.v.), 52, 73.

Duke of Anjou. See Anjou.

-, letter from, 154.

-, letters to, 21, 22, 24, 76, 149. And see 163. See also Ambassadors; Commerce; Corsairs.

Elizabeth, of Austria, daughter of the Emperor Maximilian II, consort of Charles IX, journey to France, 353, 369.

-, -, coronation of, 406.

Elphin [Ireland], Bishop of. See O'Huyghin.

Ely, Bishop of. See Thirlby.

Emden, 299.

-, naval action off, 454.

-, Count of, 318.

Emel, Sir Christopher. See Neville.

Emly, Bishop of, 468.

Emps. See Ab Emps. See also Altaemps.

Enaghdune, in Ireland, 49.

-, condition of, on death of Mary, 2.
-, Parliament and religion in, 8, 10.
-, preachers from Germany in, 9.
-, prohibition of profane comedies in, 9.
-, tolerant spirit of the Queen, 14.
-, commercial relations between Netherlands and, 171.
-, common people of, consists of husbandmen, shepherds and mechanics, 68.
-, few towns in, ibid.
-, fleet of, activity of, 160.
-, -, strength of, 299.
-, soldiers from, hired by Sweden, 166.
-, volunteers from, in Vienna, 199.
-, ecclesiastical writers of, 184.
-, many Catholics in, 194.
-, singular cross in, ibid.
-, state of religion in, 261, 371.
-, faith of nobles in, 265, 266, 400.
-, lives by export and import of merchandise, 303.
-, inundation and tempest in, 363, 368.
-, Flemish rebels in, 412.
-, notorious difficulty of making war on, 378.
-, suggested commercial interdict on, 335, 338, 347, 349, 350, 364.
-, See also Elizabeth.

Englefield, Sir Francis, at Padua, 15.

-, -, at Louvain, 60.

-, -, at the Spanish Court, 277.

-, Mr., 408.

English Catholics:—
-, inquisitions against, 6.
-, comedies, offensive to, forbidden, 9.
-, hope of conversion of Elizabeth, 19.
-, prominent ecclesiastics in prison, 23, 26, 27, 62–66.
-, refugees in Low Countries, 27, 59, 60, 66, 143, 152, 194, 229, 262, 408.
-, -, at Rome, 60.
-, predominate in north of England, 46.
-, very numerous, 60, 179, 194, 262, 394.
-, report on behaviour of Catholic clergy and account of their sufferings, 61–70.
-, fears lest they should temporise, 78.
-, measures to constrain them to conform, 97, 124.
-, clergy and others confined, 105, 144.
-, boldness of, 119.
-, Emperor intercedes for, 125, 149.
-, Papal mediation for, 148, 163, 229.
-, Papal alms for, 144, 145, 149, 154.
-, better treatment of, after Mary's marriage with Darnley, 173.
-, strife between and Protestants, 180.
-, list of ecclesiastical writers, 184.
-, letter to Cardinal Moroni from English nuns, 253.
-, list of Catholic nobles, 265.
-, Papal agent arrested, 274.
-, animosity of Elizabeth against, 387.
-, Spanish patronage prejudicial to, 274.
-, opposed to war, 301.
-, scheme for securing supremacy of, 387–91.
-, Ridolfi sent to Pope by, 393.
-, persecution of, 124, 143, 261, 274.
-, two thirds of the nobility desire to live as, 447.
-, desire an English Cardinal at Rome, such as was Pole, 371.
-, Duke of Norfolk's letters to Pope and Ridolfi, 393 et seq.

Eric XIV, King of Sweden, 31, 36, 40–4, 56, 59, 83, 84, 99, 166, 368, 376.

-, proposed visit to England of, 42, 46, 47, 52, 53, 54, 65.

-, strained relations with Denmark, 55.

-, a suitor of Elizabeth [q.v.], 56, 71, 180.

-, opposed by Elizabeth's Council, 73.

-, letter from, 42.

Ermland, Bishop of. See Hosius.

Errigal (Riul), 482.

Erskine (Askin), John, Lord, Earl of Mar, governor of Edinburgh Castle, 202, 240.

-, -, as the uncle of the Earl of Murray, 236, 240.

Estaing, letter from, 172.

Este, Hippolytus d', Cardinal of Ferrara, 119, 193.

-, -, legate to France, 39.

-, -, accredited to Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots, 76, 77.

-, -, letters from, 75, 76, 79, 81, 117, 120, 121.

-, -, letters to, 73, 74, 77, 78, 81, 88.

Étampes (Tamps), the French King at, 103.

-, letters from, 102, 128.

-, M. d' (de Tamps), 131.

Etherige, George, professor of Greek at Oxford, deprived, 68.

Eure (Ivers), Baron, a Protestant, 266.

-, in relation to the Ridolfi plot, 400, 412.

Euse (Derry), in Ireland, monastery of, 482.

Everard, Father, Provincial of Jesuits in Lower Germany, 73, 74, 468. And see Mercurian.

Evora, letter from, 70.

Exeter, Dean of. See Reynold.

-, Bishop of. See Turberville.