Rome: 1569, July-December

Pages 310-319

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 1, 1558-1571. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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1569, July–December

Vat. Lib.
Urb. Lat.
1041. f. 112.
598. News Letter.
“We have letters from London of the 1st inst. which afford good hope of the accord and the traffic, and report the release of the Catholic Ambassador, and that the departure of another fleet of ships for Hamburg was fixed for next August, and that the courier ships had already set sail.”
10 July, 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
vol. i. ff. 29d–30.
599. [Vincent Lauri, Bishop of Mondovi,] Nuncio at the Court of Savoy to [Michael Bonelli,] Cardinal Alessandrino.
“By letters of the 5th and 8th inst. from the Court of France her Most Serene Ladyship [the Duchess of Savoy] has received tidings that the Huguenot army was but four leagues from Angoulême, and our own sixteen leagues from the enemy; and that the accord between the Catholic King and England was believed to be concluded to the dissatisfaction of the French, because in the said accord no mention was made of the Most Christian King; and albeit I deem this improbable by reason of the piety and prudence of his Catholic Majesty; nevertheless, if so it be, one may suppose that the Queen of England was privily persuaded to make this treaty by the said Huguenots of France, who hoped by such a flout to incline his Most Christian Majesty to some scarce honourable peace, for which they greatly yearn.”
15 July, 1569. Turin. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
vol. i. f. 30.
600. The Same to the Same.
Recapitulating the letter of the 15th inst., and adding:—
“As to French affairs, I have now but to send you the enclosed advices, by the absence from which of any mention of the said accord one may hope that the intelligence was not true; but one knows well that in that Court there are not wanting ministers of the first rank who endeavour by all possible means to estrange the King from the valuable and holy friendship of the Catholic King, in order to induce his Majesty to stoop to some disastrous peace with the adversaries of the faith.”
20 July, 1569. Turin. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Lib.
Urb. Lat.
1041. f. 116.
601. News Letter.
… “It has been said that the Queen of England has enlarged the Spanish Ambassador so that he is able to negotiate, but it is not certain whether this is so or not.”
23 July, 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Ibid. f. 129d. 602. News Letter.
“We have letters from London of the 24th of last month reporting that the Catholic Ambassador writes that he was at large and unguarded, but that for all that matters were not going to his satisfaction; and moreover we seem to understand that the Queen is causing the goods that were in the detained ships to be sold.”
1 August, 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Ibid. f. 133d. 603. News Letter.
“We have letters from England of the 2nd inst. reporting that they had good hope that in a few weeks the matters in dispute between the Queen and these countries might be arranged; but nevertheless it seems that she is little inclined thereto, as she is understood to have ordered the goods of private persons detained on the ships to be valued, with intent, as some write, to have them sold, and if this be so, a sorry end is anticipated. The Spanish Ambassador was at large and went to Court, but so likewise did Châtillon.”
8 August, 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Ibid. f. 141. 604. News Letter.
“We have letters from London of the 13th inst. which afford little hope of an accord with these countries. They were busy loading the merchant vessels, that all the fleet might be sent to Hamburg at the end of the month. The courier ships still kept close to the island by reason of the bad weather. Of the goods aboard the detained ships the Queen had sold only a certain quantity of cremisi [cramoisy] for the use and need of the realm.
“It was believed that the Duke of Brunswick would soon be in Flanders with the German cavalry for his Majesty's service.
“The news from France was that the Admiral [Châtillon] was battering Poitiers with eleven cannon, but that the place was well able to hold out.”
22 August, 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Lib.
Urb. Lat.
104 l. ff.
605. News Letter.
… “Advices from Flanders confirm the report that the Queen of England has troubles in Ireland, and that the preparations made were occasioned by the rebellion of those people.
“It is said that Satiglione [Châtillon] is soliciting from the said Queen a loan of 100,000 crowns for the service of the Huguenots, and gives her jewels in pawn.”
24 August, 1569. Pressburg. Italian. Copy.
Ibid. f. 139. 606. News Letter.
“We have letters from London of the 18th inst. with intelligence that the Queen had again refused the Catholic Ambassador an audience, telling him that she had referred everything to the Council; that she was still causing the goods of the detained ships to be sold, and that she had also issued a proclamation forbidding any of her subjects to deal with the Flemings just as the Duke of Alva had published one here against the English, so that matters promise ill for the accord.
“The fleet for Hamburg will set sail in a few days, the ships being already laden.”
28 August, 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Ibid. f. 151d. 607. News Letter.
… “We have no letters from London, but from persons that have come thence we understand that the projected accord is now entirely despaired of.”
5 September, 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Ibid. f. 147d. 608. News Letter.
“They say here that M. Chiappin Vitelli and an ecclesiastic have been sent from Holland to England to confer with the Queen touching the accord.
“The Duke of Alva is still here and superintends much business.
“From England we learn that Sciatiglione [Châtillon] had six armed ships, in command of which he had placed exiles from Flanders, who were taking on board twenty companies of foot; and it seemed they were bound for Friesland.”
10 September, 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Arch.
Arm. xlix.
Epp. ad Princ.
vol. 14. f. 226.
609. Pope Pius V to Charles IX, King of the French.
Soliciting for the Bishop of Dunblane, an exile for the faith, who desires to minister to the Scottish refugees who are about to settle in France, an abbacy, if or as soon as one be vacant in that kingdom, of the yearly value of 7 or 8,000 francs.
13 September, 1569. Rome. Latin. Copy.
Ibid. ff. 228–33. 610. The Same to Catherine, Queen Dowager of the French, Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine, Legate, and Charles, Cardinal of Bourbon, Legate of Avignon.
Separate briefs soliciting the addressees' good offices with the King on behalf of the Bishop of Dunblane.
13 September, 1569. Rome. Latin. Copies.
Vat. Lib.
Urb. Lat.
1041. f. 157d.
611. News Letter.
… “The Queen of England has allowed the Queen of Scotland to present herself among them, and has written to the Regent of Scotland that he had better receive her in his realm, otherwise she will put 10,000 men into the field to reinstate her.”
23 September, 1569. Lyon. Italian. Copy.
Ibid. f. 175d. 612. News Letter.
… “In the course of three or four days M. Chiappin Vitelli will depart for England as the Catholic King's envoy to confer with the Queen as to the accord.
“It was recently reported that at Brussels there have escaped from prison some that were confined there for sedition.
“They write from London under date the 13th inst. that the Queen was awaiting the Catholic King's envoy, saying she would gladly hear what he had to say; but nevertheless she had given letters of marque to four armed hulks to go privateering under the command of the Bastard of Brederode, the crews of which were all Frenchmen and Flemings and Huguenot exiles.
“The fleet for Hamburg was already some days at sea carrying more than 20,000 bales of cloth.”
24 September, 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Ibid. ff. 161,
613. News Letter.
“Last Thursday M. Chiappin Vitelli departed for London to negotiate with the Queen the restitution of the goods taken from his Catholic Majesty's subjects, and the accord, which, it is supposed, will be facilitated by the defeat of the Huguenots in France.
“We have letters from London of the 1st inst. reporting that it was rumoured there that the Duke of Nortolf [Norfolk], a great personage and much beloved of the people, had taken to wife the Queen of Scotland against the Queen of England's will; and that the Queen of Scotland was a prisoner in a castle, which, if true, might occasion some disturbance in that kingdom.”
8 Oct., 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Lib.
Urb. Lat.
1041. f. 172d.
614. News Letter.
“It is understood that M. Chiappin Vitelli has reached Calais and embarked for London, and that the Queen has sent someone to meet him, and that in that country there is great hope of the accord. They write from London by letters of the 8th inst. that the Queen had caused the place where the Duke of Norcof [Norfolk] was to be invested, and some say that he also is a prisoner and lodged in the Tower.
“Six ships have lately arrived at Zealand from Spain laden with groceries and cremisi.
15 Oct., 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
vol. vii. f. 32d.
615. [John Antony Facchinetti,] Bishop of Nicastro, Legate at Venice to [Michael Bonelli,] Cardinal Alessandrino.
“Letters from Flanders of the 9th inst. to merchants here report that an Earl of Sofloc (sic) (fn. 1) an Englishman and a most staunch Catholic, a descendant of the second sister of King Henry VIII., father of the present Queen of England, had with the aid of the chief men of the realm liberated from prison and taken to wife the Queen of Scotland, to whom, as descended from the elder of the sisters of the said King Henry, belongs the succession to the English throne; that all the realm was in arms to make this earl King, and that the Queen of England had but two of the chief lords of the realm on her side.”
20 Oct., Venice. Italian. Copy.
Ibid. f. 41. 616. [Michael Bonelli,] Cardinal Alessandrino to [John Antony Facchinetti, Bishop of Nicastro,] Legate at Venice.
“The intelligence from England was received with much satisfaction, which, however, would have been yet greater, if confirmation had been forthcoming from some other quarter, which God grant us, if it be for the weal of that kingdom.”
2 September [sic November], 1569. Rome. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Arch.
Arm. xliv.
Epp. ad Princ.
vol. 14. f. 273.
617. Pope Pius V to Ferdinand, Duke of Alva.
Exhorting him to do what he may in aid of insurgent Catholics in England, and for the liberation of the Queen of Scots and her restoration to the throne of Scotland.
3 Nov., 1569. Rome. Latin. Copy. Printed in Coleccion de Documentos Inéditos para La Historia de España, ed. M. Fernandez Navarrete (1884) vol. iv. p. 514.
Vat. Lib. Urb.
Lat. 1041.
f. 181.
618 News Letter.
“A courier from London to the Duke of Alva has arrived with letters from Signor Chiappin Vitelli, who had thrice had audience of the Queen, and hopes are entertained of a right decision touching the accord.
“It is understood that the Duke of Norcof [Norfolk] is still sequestered, as also the Earl of Arundel, his father-in-law. The Florentine Ridolfi has been set at liberty, as also those two Spanish merchants, giving security for their appearance.”
8 Nov., 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Lib.
Urb. Lat.
1041. f. 152.
619. News Letter.
“They say that the Pope has sent a brief to the Duke of Notcof [Norfolk] exhorting him to take the Queen of Scotland to wife, and assuring him that his Holiness will not fail to aid him against the Queen of England in case of need. The said brief is supposed to have been sent by way of the Duke of Alva.”
12 Nov., 1569. Rome. Italian. Copy.
Ibid. f. 189d. 620. News Letter.
“We learn from England that Signor Chiappin Vitelli had not done any business with that Queen, but was awaiting the return from Spain of one of her ambassadors, and also of a gentleman sent to that Court by the said Signor Chiappin, so that the business of the accord will be protracted.”
19 Nov., 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Ibid. f. 190. 621. News Letter.
“There arrived here yesterday one that left London on the 28th (sic) inst., who reports that Signor Chiappin Vitelli was still awaiting the answer from Spain before arranging the accord with the Queen, and so the business will be protracted.
“He also said that the Bastard of Brederode with some ships of war and two of the Queen's galleons and a galliot was scouring the seas, and doing much mischief; and that in the Northern Province, where the Duke of Norfolk has his estates, there had been a great insurrection of the people, who caused the Mass to be publicly said, and protested their determination to render the said Duke all manner of aid. He is still confined in the Tower with the Earl of Arundel, his father-in-law. The Count of Lemberg [sic Lord Lumley?] had been discharged, as also Robert Ridolfi, but on good security.”
26 Nov., 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Ibid. ff. 205d–206. 622. News Letter.
“A gentleman despatched by Signor Chiappin Vitelli to the Duke of Alva arrived here, and forthwith went to Brussels to wait on his Excellency; and it is believed that the said Signor Chiappin is leaving London without any assurance in regard to the accord. We have letters from London of the 4th inst. to the effect that the rising in the Northern Province was still afoot, and enclosing the following:—
“Copy of a Declaration put forth by the Earl of Northumberland and other Catholic Lords.
“We, Thomas Earl of Northumberland and Charles Earl of Westmorland, most loyal vassals of her Majesty, to all that are of the ancient and Catholic religion, greeting: Know that we with other persons of right mind, as well nobles of the realm as of every other quality, have pledged our faith for assurance of this our good purpose. Whereas divers disorderly and wicked men, that are about the Queen, have by their subtle and malignant intrigues made themselves so great and powerful as to condemn God's true and Catholic religion to a subterranean existence in this realm; and thereby have misguided the Queen, distracted the realm, and finally have sought and endeavoured the destruction of the nobility; We therefore have made common cause to resist by force, nay, rather by God's aid and the people's to see if we can apply a remedy to such disorders, and restore all the ancient liberties of God's church and the realm, which being left undone by us would expose us to the hazard of its accomplishment by foreigners, to the scathe and great jeopardy of the state of this our country, which we are all bound to serve.
“Minute of the Principal Knights and Gentlemen that are in arms.
“Earl of Northumberland, Earl of Westmorland, Sir Christopher Emel [sic Neville?], Knight, Mr. Richard Hortain and Mr. Francis his brother, Mr. Thomas Niemes, Mr. Edimont [Edmund] Racilf [Ratclif], Mr. Robert Tempest, Mr. George Fuimborne [sic Swinburne], Mr. Thomas Malort, Mr. Thomas Chenay, Mr. John Hinefild. The demands of these gentlemen are in substance as follows:—
1. The true and Catholic religion. 2. The removal of six persons from the Council. 3. The liberation of some of the imprisoned nobles, to wit, the Duke of Norcof [Norfolk], the Earl of Arundel, and others. 4. The recall to the Council of the old councillors. 5. A general pardon.”
11 Dec., 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
Spagna, vol. iv.
f 105d.
Borgh. I.
vol. 607.
f 153d.
623. Extract from Note addressed to the King of Spain by the Nuncio.
… “His Holiness writes me by the last courier that from intelligence which he has received of the Earl of Suffolk (sic) in England having joined the Queen of Scotland against the Queen of England it might be inferred that some disturbance was likely to ensue in that island; and so he commands me to tell your Majesty that, if this be so, he urges and entreats you to lend all the countenance and support that you may to the Catholic cause, as your goodness and piety incline him to hope you will. And albeit I am informed that the said Earl and his accomplices are the Queen's prisoners, I would not omit to write to you as his Holiness bids me touching this matter, knowing that I shall never meet with any difficulty in obtaining your Majesty's help for the Catholic cause, when occasion shall demand and circumstances favour it.”
12 Dec., 1569. Madrid. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Lib. Urb.
Lat. 1041.
f 200.
624. News Letter.
“The turmoil in England, we understand, still continues, and many thousands of horse and foot are in the field. They have already taken three ports, of which one faces Holland. The Queen was collecting troops and had gotten some pieces of artillery to send against them; but it is thought that if the insurgents have leaders versed in war and the Queen have no foreign troops, she will hardly be able to mend matters. Meanwhile the Duke of Norcof [Norfolk] was a prisoner in the Tower of London and Milord the Earl of Arundel, his father-in-law, was in confinement.
“Signor Chiappin Vitelli has quitted that Court, and is expected here, having been unable to do any good in the matter of the accord, and compelled to depart, because he was none too favourably regarded by the said Court in these troublous times.”
18 Dec., 1569. Antwerp. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
Spagna, vol. iv.
f. 112.
Borgh. I.
vol. 607.
f. 169d.
625. [John Baptista Castagna, Archbishop of Rossano,] Nuncio in Spain to [Michael Bonelli,] Cardinal Alessandrino.
“To your letter of the 4th of November my answer touching English affairs is that I have done my office with his Majesty exactly as you bade me, though I already had information that the Earl of Suffolk (sic), on whom rested all our hopes, is with certain other lords of that realm the Queen's prisoner and in great peril, as Signor Chiappino Vitelli writes to the King, regretting that it should be so because, he says, that it was in these men alone that he found any countenance in his negotiations.
“I also understand that he writes that he finds no conciliatory disposition on the part of the Queen, which causes it to be feared here that no accord will be reached. The Cardinal [Spinoza] told me that his Majesty will never fail to give countenance and support to the Catholic cause in all places whatsoever, but to tell the truth he cannot stand the expense; and this affair of the Moors, that seemed at first a trifle, has so developed as to occasion very great trouble and cost.
“We cease not to defend Cardinal Borromeo, as his Holiness bids us, and not without cause, for as the course affairs now take in regard to ecclesiastical jurisdiction occasions much trouble, there lack not those that speak to his disadvantage, and we must be ever ready with a counterblast; and as it is not possible to say aught against his life and zeal, all the attacks are directed against his imprudence, rashness, harsh ways, obstinacy, and the like.”
22 Dec., 1569. Madrid. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Lib. Urb.
Lat. 1041.
f. 208.
626. News Letter.
“The intelligence from England by letters of the 12th inst. was as follows:—
“The Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland, with other gentlemen and knights their adherents, were still banded together to maintain the cause of God's Church militant even to the death, or until the victory should be theirs, and never to yield or receive the Queen's pardon in any shape.
“They then numbered 18,000 foot and 4,000 horse, and they had taken several ports, among them the town and port of Hull at the mouth of the great river Humber, and the port of Newcastle, both of the greatest importance.
“The Earl of Arundel was liberated on bail, and the Duke of Norcof [Norfolk] was in the Tower of London under a strong guard of halbardiers. It was said that the Queen of Scotland would be brought to the said Tower. The Queen of England had appointed as her generals the Earl of Luser [Leicester], to wit, Milord Robert, and his brother, the Earl of Veruischi [Warwick], the latter in command of the horse; and in London there had been raised some 1,500 soldiers, for the most part arquebusiers. It is also said that the Queen was minded to show herself on the field in person.
“They were also making ready twelve ships for service on the North coast, being apprehensive lest the insurgents should make some port free, thereby to receive succour from France and Holland.
“It was said that there was some disturbance in Wales, and that in the kingdom of Ireland the voice of disaffection began to be heard; and the opinion prevailed that the people would soon with one accord declare themselves for the Catholic faith, and unite with the rest.
The insurgents made a practice of going in procession, saying Mass daily, and having the crucifix borne before them, their ensigns being inscribed with the words in hoc signum veritatis (sic), and burning all the heretical books that they found.
“They expected of the Catholic part of Scotland a demand of the liberation of their Queen, and, failing that, a declaration of war.
“It was said that the Queen of England had sent to the Duke of Holstein and the Count of Emden for soldiers, but the success of the negotiation is very doubtful.
“The insurgents marched in the spirit of desperate men vowed to live and die for the Church of God; and as to pardon they neither asked, nor expected, nor yet hoped for it; and were firmly resolved to demand of the Queen the restoration of the obedience of the Church of God, liberation of the restrained nobles, peace with the house of Burgundy, the commerce known as free of court (di Corte franco), the dismissal of that council and heretical consistory, and their replacement by Catholic men, and a general pardon of all those that are in prison, or absent from those parts, on account of the Catholic faith.
“There have since arrived some Osterlings, who quitted London on the 13th, and report that the Queen was in hopes soon to arrange matters with these insurgents, and that she had recalled Signor Chiappin Vitelli, and resumed the negotiation of the accord of trade. There are also some that say that the said Queen has routed the said insurgents, and taken one of their chiefs; but this is not certified.”
25 Dec., 1569. Augsburg. Italian. Copy.
Vat. Arch.
Nunt. di
vol. vii. f 69d.
627. [John Antony Facchinetti,] Bishop of Nicastro, Legate at Venice to [Michael Bonelli,] Cardinal Alessandrino.
… “The Signory are in receipt of letters from London which report the insurrection of the people against the Queen as numerically very strong, that they demanded the liberation of the Duke of Nolples [sic Norfolk] and of the Earl of Arundel, and the right to live as Catholics according to the practices of the Holy Roman Church in that realm. God grant them the victory and the consummation that all good people desire.”
31 Dec., 1569. Venice. Italian. Copy.


  • 1. By this curious canard a mythical Earl of Suffolk of the Brandon-Grey line is confounded with the Duke of Norfolk.