Spain: May 1556

Page 267

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 13, 1554-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1954.

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May 1556

269. Mary to the Emperor
May (?) (fn. 1) My Lord and good Father: Jerningham, my Vice-Chamberlain, has returned from your Court. He has not only transmitted to me your affectionate commendations, but has told me that your Majesty was pleased to take in good part the spirit in which I accepted the journey of the King, my husband, to meet your Majesty. He also gave me hopes that the King would shortly return to England. I do not wish to fail to thank your Majesty most humbly for this. I assure you, Sire, that although I am well aware what urgent reasons have made this journey necessary, and although I place your Majesty's prosperity and honour first of all, I cannot but deeply feel the solitude in which the King's absence leaves me. As your Majesty well knows, he is the chief joy and comfort I have in this world. Therefore I can only desire that he may return here as soon as the state of affairs permits, and your Majesty will do me the greatest favour by contributing to this.
Holograph. French.
Vienna, E.1.


  • 1. Sir Henry Jerningham is not recorded as having attended Privy Council meeting between 4 April and 3 May od this year. This undated letter may therefore have been written about the latter date.