Spain: March 1495

Pages 55-56

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 1, 1485-1509. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1862.

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March 1495

12 March.
S. E. T. c. I. L. 2.
95. Ferdinand and Isabella to De Puebla.
Are surprised he has not written since he left for England. He must bring his business to a speedy conclusion and write by this courier.—Madrid, 12th of March 1495.
Indorsed : To "Doctor De Puebla, &c."
Spanish. p. 1.
31 March.
S. E. T. c. I. L. 1.
Articles of the league.
96. League between Pope Alexander VI., Maximilian I., Ferdinand and Isabella, Barbadico in the name of Venice, and Ludovico Maria Sforza. (fn. 1)
1. A league and alliance is concluded between them, to endure 25 years and longer, for the conservation of all the princes and states in Italy, even of those who are now dispossessed of their dominions.
2. The Pope is bound, during the whole period, to keep an army of 4,000 horse and 2,000 foot ; the other members of the league, 8,000 horse and 4,000 foot each, in order to assist one another, each party paying his own expenses.
3. If one member of this league be attacked, all the other members are bound to send such assistance as the case requires, or its equivalent in money ; that is to say, the Pope 30,000 ducats, and the others 60,000 ducats a year. This sum is neither to be augmented nor diminished by the accession of new members. Assistance by sea is to be reckoned as well as assistance by land. If more than one member of the league be attacked at the same time, the assistance of troops or of money is to be divided between them. The state which receives the assistance is to provide the auxiliary troops with lodgings and food, for which the soldiers, however, are to pay.
4. The Pope and the Dukes of Venice and Milan conclude a special agreement, binding on themselves only, to the effect that if one of them be attacked, the other two shall assist him with all the forces they are bound to keep, according to this treaty.
5. The Pope engages to assist the members of the league, not only with temporal, but with spiritual arms (armis spiritualibus).
6. If war has begun, peace cannot be concluded except with the knowledge of all the members. All the members must be included in the peace. If the offender make acceptable offers to the offended member of the league, and subject himself to the jurisdiction of it, the whole league is to decide whether his offers are to be accepted or not. If the offended member be not satisfied with the verdict of the league, he may continue the war, but the other members are not bound to assist him any longer.
7. After the conclusion of the league no member of it is permitted to conclude alliances witn Italian States without the consent of the whole league, which cannot, on any condition, be altered by such alliances.
8. All princes and states to be hereafter admitted into the league on such conditions as the present members of it shall decide.
9. Each member can, within three months, name adherents and clients (adherentes et commendatos) who, however, must be inferior in dignity and power to every one of the members of the league. More powerful princes and states can be admitted, but must contribute according to the conditions on which they are admitted (as in Art. 7).
10. The league must be ratified by all the members within three months.
Proclamation of it.
11. It must be published by the Pope and the Dukes of Venice and Milan on Palm Sunday the 12th of April next, "with great solemnities, processions, demonstrations of joy." The Emperor, and King and Queen of Spain, will proclaim it in a similar manner as soon as possible.
12. If the league conquer towns, fortresses, castles, &c., of which one of the present, or future members, or their adherents and clients, have been dispossessed, they are to be restored to the rightful owners.
13. If any member, or his adherents and clients, offend any other member, or adherent and client, the league is not to be regarded as dissolved by such offence, but the offending party is to be forced to make reparation, as though he were not a member of the league.
14. If war break out between two or more members of the league, the other members must not permit the troops of the belligerents to pass through their territories or give them provisions, &c.
15. No member of the league shall take into his service, captains, &c. who have deserted from any other member of the league. If required, he shall arrest and keep them in prison till they have given back the arms, &c. which they had taken with them, or have come to an understanding with the member whom they have deserted.
King of the Romans.
16. The King of the Romans is permitted, on his way to his coronation in Rome, to pass without impediment through the Italian States of the members of the league, paying for provisions for himself, his servants and his soldiers.
17. The Dukes of Venice and Milan shall follow the King of the Romans to his coronation in Rome, and each of them shall send him 40 helmets (elmettos) as a guard of honour.
Venice, at the Ducal Palace, in the bedchamber of the Duke, 30th of March 1495.
Latin. Copy. pp. 14.


  • 1. Henry VII. afterwards joined the league.