Spain: Miscellaneous, 1508

Pages 446-451

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 1, 1485-1509. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1862.

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Miscellaneous, 1508

P. R. O.
561. Maximilian, King Of The Romans.
Ratifies the treaty of marriage between Charles Archduke of Austria, &c., and Mary Princess of England, concluded in Calais on the 21st December 1507.—No date. No signature.
Latin. Draft. (fn. 1) pp. 8.
P. R. O. 562. Henry VII.
Binds himself to pay to Charles, Archduke of Austria, 250,000 crowns as dowry of his daughter the Princess Mary, according to the conditions stipulated in the treaty of the 21st December 1507.—No. date. No signature.
Indorsed : "Obligatio Regis Angliœ pro dote."
Latin. Draft, containing some corrections in the wording. pp. 7.
P. R. O. 563. The Mayor Of Calais, and the Merchants Of The Staples.
Bind themselves to be security for the payment of the dowry of the Princess Mary.—No date. No signature.
Indorsed : "Obligatio Majoris et Societatis Stapulœ pro dote."
Latin. Draft, with corrections. pp. 10.
P. R. O. 564. Henry VII.
Bond to pay a penalty of 250,000 crowns, in case that any difficulty should arise on his side by which the marriage of his daughter the Princess Mary with the Archduke Charles should be prevented as soon as the Prince and the Princess should have attained the lawful age.
William Cantuarensis.
T. Surrey. Ri. Wynton.
T. Prior of St. John in Jerusalem.
Ric. Emson.
Ni. West.
Rob. Sheffield.
Humfrey Coningesby.
Ric. Elyot.
Lodowicus Pollard.
John Ernley. (fn. 2)
Indorsed : "Obligatio Regis pro penalitate."
Latin. Draft ; corrected, apparently, in the hand of Nicholas West. pp. 8.
P. R. O. 565. Henry, Prince Of Wales.
King Henry, and Maximilian, King of the Romans, now Emperor Elect, have on the 21st of December last year concluded a treaty, according to which the Archduke Charles is to marry the Princess Mary of England, and in which it is stipulated, among other things, that the King of England is to pay a penalty of 250,000 crowns in case that impediments should arise on his side, by which the marriage, at the time specified in the treaty, should be prevented.
Binds himself to be security for the strict fulfilment of this clause.—No date.
William Cantuar.
Th. Surrey. Ri. Wynton.
T. Prior of St. John in Jerusalem.
Ric. Emson.
Rob. Sheffield.
Nic. West.
Humfrey Conyngesby
Ric. Wyat.
Ludovicus Pollard.
Johannes Ernley.
Indorsed : "Obligatio Principis pro penalitate."
Latin. Badly written draft, with many corrections. pp. 10.
P. R. O. 566. Henry, Prince Of Wales.
The same bond for the penalty of 250,000 crowns.—No date.
Will. Cantuar.
T. Surrey. Ric. Wynt. Giles Daubney.
C. Somerset. Thomas Lovell. Th. Rowthall.
John Huse. Ric. Emson. E. Dudley.
Johannes Yong. (fn. 3)
Indorsed : "Obligatio Principis pro penalitate."
Latin. Draft. pp. 15.
P. R. O. 567. Thomas, Earl Of Arundel, and John, Earl Of Oxford.
Bind themselves as security for the payment of 50,000 crowns as penalty in case that any difficulties should arise on the side of England, which would prevent the marriage of the Archduke Charles with the Princess Mary from taking place at the stipulated time.—No date.
William Cantuarensis.
T. Surrey. R. Winton.
T. Prior of St. John in Jerusalem.
Ric. Emson.
Nicholas West.
Rob. Sheffield.
Humfrey Coningesby.
Ric. Elyot.
Lodovicus Pollard.
Johannes Ernley.
Indorsed : "Obligatio penalis Dominorum."
Latin. Draft. pp. 10.
P. R. O. 568. Thomas, Earl Of Arundel, John, Earl Of Oxford. and the Mayors, Aldermen, &c. of London, York, Norwich, Worcester, Chester, &c.
Bind themselves as security for the penalty of 50,000 crowns, which is to be paid in case that any impediment occur on the side of Henry, by which the marriage between the Archduke Charles and Princess Mary should be prevented.
If such an impediment arises on the side of the Archduke Charles, this bond is to be given back. (fn. 4) —No date.
Will. Cantuar.
T. Surrey. Ri. Wynton.
Giles Daubney. C. Somerset.
Thomas Lovell. Thomas Rowthale.
John Yong. Ric. Emson.
Ed. Dudley. Ni. West.
And other Privy Councillors.
Indorsed : "Obligatio Dominorum et communitatum."
Latin. Draft. pp. 11.
P. R. O. 569. Mayor and Aldermen of London, York, Norwich, Worcester, Chester, Exeter, Coventry, Bristol, Southampton, Boston, Hull, and Newcastle.
Bond for the penalty of 50,000 crowns.—No date.
Willm. Cantuar.
Th. Surrey. Ric. Wynton.
Prior of St. John in Jerusalem.
Ri. Emson.
Ni. West.
R. Sheffield.
Humfrey Conyngesby.
Ric. Elyot.
Ludovicus Pollard.
Joh. Ernley.
Indorsed : "Obligatio Majorum, Aldermannorum, et Communitatum pro penalitate."
Latin. Draft. pp. 11.
P. R. O. 570. Maximilian, King Of The Romans, and Charles, Archduke Of Austria.
Bond of the King of the Romans and of the Archduke Charles to pay a penalty of 250,000 crowns in case that any difficulties on their side should prevent the marriage between the Archduke and the Princess Mary of England from taking place as concluded in the treaty of the 21st of December 1507. —No date. No signature.
Indorsed : "Minuta obligationis Regis Romanorum et Principis Charoli."
Latin. Draft, with corrections and additions apparently in the hand of the Archbishop of Canterbury. pp. 2.
P. R. O. 571. Maximilian, Emperor Elect, and Charles, Archduke Of Austria.
Bond to repay the loan of 100,000 crowns which the King of England has promised to pay to the Archduke Charles within twelve days after he should be requested to do so. The repayment is to take place in London within two years after the loan shall have been given.—No date.
Will. Cantuar. T. Surrey.
Ric. Wynton. Giles Daubney.
Thomas Lovell.
Ric. Emson.
E. Dudley.
Johannes Yong.
Nicholas West.
Indorsed : "Minuta obligationis Imperatoris et Principis mutuo solvendo."
Latin. Corrected draft. pp. 7.
P. R. O. 572. Margaret, Archduchess Of Austria, and Duchess Of Savoy.
Binds herself to be security for the penalty of 250,000 crowns which the King of the Romans and the Archduke Charles may incur, according to the stipulations of the treaty of marriage between the Archduke Charles and the Princess Mary, concluded on the 21st December 1507.—No date. No signature.
Indorsed : "Obligatio Principis Dominœ Margaritœ Ducissœ Sabandiœ."
Latin. Corrected draft. pp. 12.
P. R. O. 573. Margaret, Archduchess Of Austria.
King Henry of England has promised by his letters patent, dated the 21st of December last, to pay as a loan to Charles, Archduke of Austria, in the town of London, and within twelve days after he shall have been requested to do so, the sum of 100,000 florins in good gold of just weight. Promises in her name, and in the names of the Emperor Elect, as guardian of Prince Charles, of Charles de Croy, Henry, Count of Nassau, John, Count of Egmont, Ferdinand Egmont, James of Luxemburgh, William de Croy, John of Luxemburgh, John de Berghes, Florence de Croy, Philibert de Veyre, Jean le Sauvaige, the Seigneur de Stanbeke, Jerome Lanwaryn ; and further, of the towns of Antwerp, Brussels, St. Odomari, Bruges, Ypres, Neufport, Amsterdam, Dortrecht, Leyden, Mechlen, and Middleburgh ; that the loan shall be repaid to the King of England within two years, and binds herself to be security for the strict fulfilment of this promise.—No date.
Will. Cantuar. T. Surrey.
Rich. Wynton. Giles Daubney.
Thomas Lovel.
Ric. Emson.
Ed. Dudley.
Johannes Yong.
Nicholas West.
Indorsed : "Minuta obligationis Ducissœ Sabandiœ."
Latin. Draft, with corrections, apparently in the hand of the Archbishop of Canterbury. pp. 10.
P. R. O. B. I. n. 23. 574. Burgundy, Brabant, and Flanders.
The noblemen and towns of Burgundy, Brabant, and Flanders bind themselves to be security for the repayment of the 100,000 crowns which the King of England has promised to pay as a loan to the Archduke Charles during his minority. —No date.
Willm. Cantuar. T. Surrey.
Ric. Wynton. Giles Daubney.
Thomas Lovell.
Ric. Emson.
Ed. Dudley.
Johannes Yong.
Nicholas West.
Indorsed : "Minuta obligationis Dominorum et oppidorum Burgundiœ, Brabantiœ, et Flandriœ."
Latin. Draft, with many corrections and additions, apparently in the writing of the Bishop of Winchester. pp. 7.


  • 1. This and the following thirteen drafts are written on loose paper, and preserved in the Public Record Office in the bundle n. I., Spain. From the state in which the papers now are it is evident that they have been bound. The old paging is still preserved. Internal evidence, moreover, shows that the papers in question have formed part of the Privy Council books of the reign of Henry VII. The drafts are, therefore, the documents in that form which had been approved by the Privy Council. When the documents had to be signed by the King of England, they were sent to him for his approval and signature. If, on the other hand, a document was to be signed by a foreign Prince or by subjects of a foreign Prince, the draft was sent to the King for approval only, and then forwarded to the ambassador at the court for which they were intended, in order that he might request that the document should be signed in the form which had been approved by the Privy Council of England.
  • 2. The signatures of the Privy Counsellors are given in full, because it may be interesting to know who were the persons attending the meetings in which affairs of State were discussed.
  • 3. One or two signatures at the bottom of the document are illegible because the paper is gone.
  • 4. Maximilian is styled in the document Rex Romanorum. These words are, however, crossed, and in their stead written, apparently by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rex Romanorum nunc vero Imperator Electus. Maximilian assumed the title of Emperor Elect in the spring 1508, when he undertook his expedition against Venice. This and the other similar documents seem therefore to have been composed early in the year 1508.