Spain: May 1507

Pages 414-417

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 1, 1485-1509. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1862.

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May 1507

11 May.
Pat. R. 22 Hen. VII. p. 1. m. 8.
518. Henry VII.
Confers the place of Custos, or Master of the Hospital at Shirbourn on his beloved Rodriguez Gundisalvi De Puebla, ambassador of Spain, to hold it during the King's pleasure. —Westminster, 11th May 1507.
Latin. 27 lines.
Printed in Rymer.
15 May.
S. E. T. c. I. L. 5. f. 74.
Reasons of the peaceful policy pursued by Henry.
519. Henry VII. to Pope Julius II.
After his accession, by the grace of God, to the Crown of England, has had nothing more at heart than the common peace of Christendom. Has, therefore, concluded treaties of friendship with almost all the Catholic Kings and Princes, and is besides related to all of them by consanguinity or affinity.
Has not adopted his policy of peace because he has been wanting in valour or vigour, in military talent or resources, in soldiers or arms. God be thanked, such has not been the case. But has always been contented with what he possessed, and has never nourished aspirations after conquests, nor even of regaining, by force of arms, such possessions as he is entitled to claim by right. Another cause of his peaceful policy had been that the effusion of Christian blood was repugnant to his very nature. On the other hand, has been always inclined to shed the blood of the enemies of the Catholic Faith, the Turks and other Infidels, in order to avenge all the injuries and cruelties committed by them on Christians, and to reconquer the Holy Sepulchre.
Proposals of Henry for a general war against the Infidels.
Begs the Pope to employ all his great authority in restoring peace to Christendom, a thing which does not seem to be very difficult in this conjuncture. As soon as that shall be effected, the united power of all Christian Princes might be directed against the Infidels. Hopes he will invite all Christian Princes to send ambassadors to Rome, where the necessary preparations of the holy expedition would have to be concerted, the chief commander or commanders elected, the number of soldiers and ships, of engines of war, of horses, &c., the place and time of meeting, the country of the Infidels which would have first to be invaded, the time, how long the war ought to last, &c., would have to be fixed.
Begs the Pope to further the project.
Is ready to take part in the war, and to exhort other Christian Princes to do the same. There never has been so good an opportunity of making war upon the Infidels as at present, as the Pope is wise and strong in body and mind, and the Kings and Princes are disposed to obey him. The Holy Father will earn eternal glory if he avenge the humiliations of centuries on the detestable Infidels.
Hopes to receive soon a letter from the Holy Father, informing him of the time when he ought to send his ambassador.—Greenwich, 15th May 1507.
Latin. Copy. pp. 8.
19 May.
B. M. MS. Vitel. C. XI. f. 53.
520. King Ferdinand Of Spain to De Puebla.
Has received his letters, and those of the King of England, dated the 15th of April. Is very glad to hear such good tidings of Henry, and requests him to continue to write respecting the health of the King.
Postponement of the payment of the marriage portion of Princess Katharine.
Thanks the King for having granted a fresh postponement for the payment of the marriage portion of the Princess of Wales. Promises to send the money as soon as he arrives in Castile without waiting for the expiration of the term granted for the payment. Intends to write more at length by the person who will convey the money to England, and will therefore say nothing further at present.
[A paragraph follows, which begins "In respect to the marriage of the King of England, my brother," but it is not continued.]
Encloses a letter for the King of England in answer to the one he had received from him. Sends likewise the revised credentials for the Princess of Wales, to enable her to act in his [King Ferdinand's] name. He must therefore communicate to her the contents of the letters sent to him, while she, on her part, will communicate to him those which she has received.—19th May 1507.
Signed only by Almazan.
Addressed : "To Doctor De Puebla, his Counsellor and Ambassador."
Printed in Gairdner's Memorials, p. 424.
Spanish. Copy. pp. 2.
19 May.
S. E. T. c. I. L. 5. f. 99.
521. King Ferdinand Of Spain to Henry VII.
Has received his three letters of the 12th of April, and the letters of the Princess of Wales and of De Puebla. Thanks him for the postponement of the payment of the marriage portion. Is preparing for his return from Naples to Spain, and promises to send the money as soon as he shall have arrived in Castile.
Concerning the other business, has written much in detail to the Princess of Wales and to De Puebla, who will make communications to him.
Indorsed : "With Melchior. Draft of the letter to the King of England. Naples, l9th May 1507."
Spanish. Draft. pp. 2.
19 May.
S. E. T. c. I. L. 5. f. 98.
522. King Ferdinand Of Spain to De Puebla.
Has received his letters brought by Melchior. Is pleased that he has communicated to him the good news concerning the King of England.
Opinion of Ferdinand respecting the proposed marriage between Henry and Queen Juana.
Does not yet know whether the Queen of Castile can be persuaded to marry at all ; but if she marries, her husband shall be the King of England, and no other person. The conditions which the King of England offers are as favourable as possible. Besides, the said King is a Prince of great virtue and experience. It would be a consolation to him at his hour of death to know that his daughter, his grandchildren, and his kingdoms would remain under the protection and guidance of such a man as King Henry. The only reason why his reply to the King of England is not a definite answer, is, because it is necessary first to speak with the Queen of Castile.
Marriage of the Prince of Wales.
Title to the Crown of Castile.
Is astonished to hear what the ambassador of the King of France has told the King of England respecting the marriage of the Prince of Wales, and the title to the Crown of Castile. The King of France has written to him, and promised not to make any communications to King Henry with regard to the said marriage, without his consent, because it would be a bad service to undo the marriage of his daughter. As to the title to the Crown of Castile, has never written nor even thought such a thing as the French ambassador has said. Hopes that the King of England is animated by the same sentiments towards him as he harbours towards the King of England, and that Henry will aid him in this business of the marriage of the Princess of Wales, and in all other affairs, whatever Prince they might regard. Love engenders love. If the King of England favour him, he will still more favour the King of England with respect to his marriage with the Queen of Castile, and in all other things. If De Puebla persuade the King of England to remain true to him (Ferdinand) he will render a service to Henry himself.
Wishes to receive a letter signed by Henry, and containing his consent to the postponement of the payment of the marriage portion.
Contained under the cover which bears the indorsement : "Drafts of letters for England. Naples, 19th May 1507."
Spanish. Draft. pp. 3.