1530 (?)
23rd February.
103. The Marquis of Denia to the Empress.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Estado. Castilla. Legajo 12. f. 39. The
postscriplum is holograph.]
S. C. C. Mt.
el officio de labandera de la Reyna nuestra Señora es baco
sobre lo qual hablara a V. Mt. de mi parte Antonio de bosmediano
veedor de Su Alteza. Suplico a V. Mt lo mande proveer
a quien y como el lo dira que es como Su Alteza sera
servida y se ganaran dineros. Ruego a nuestro Señor guarde
V. S. C. C. mt. con acrecentamiento da Su Real Corona bienaventuradamente.
de tordesillas a xxiij de hebrero.
[De letra del marques.] a la Reyna nuestra Señora e tornado
oy a dezyr lo de la confysyon. Su Al. me dyxo que lo
querrya azer pero que no conocya en la orden de Santo
domyngo ninguna persona, yo le dyxe a Su Al. quel provyncyal
pasado y el que agora es son personas onrradas y que de
cualquiera dellos se contentarya. Su Alt. mandome que le
envyase a llamar. yo lo are asy como quyera que syendo
yo tan malo no puedo pensar que por my suplycacyon se aga
cosa tan buena pero encomendarse a a nuestro Señor y pornase
la dyligeneya que convyene. Syervo y vasallo de V.
mt. que sus Reales manos veso. el marques. [Rubrica.]
[Sobre :] A la S. C. C. Mt. de la Emperatriz y Reyna
Nuestra Señora etc.
Sacred, imperial, and catholic Majesty,
The place of laundress of the Queen our lady is vacant.
Antonio de Vozmediano, superintendent of the household of
her Highness, will, in my name, speak to your Majesty about
it. I beseech your Majesty to appoint the person he will
name. Her Highness will be well served, and money will be
spared. I pray our Lord to guard your sacred, imperial, and
catholic Majesty, to augment your royal crown, and to give
you happiness. From Tordesillas, 23rd of February.
[Written by the Marquis :] To day I have again spoken
with the Queen our lady about her confessing. Her Highness
said to me that she would do it, but did not know any one
belonging to the Order of Santo Domingo. I said to her
Highness that the late as well as the present provincial are
honourable men, and that she would be satisfied with either
of them. Her Highness told me to send for him. I shall do
so. Although I am such a bad man that I cannot believe
that for the sake of my prayers so good a thing could be
done, I nevertheless recommend it to God, and shall use all
the diligence necessary. Your Majesty's servant and vassal
kisses your royal hands.
The Marquis. [Sign manual.]
[Addressed :] To her sacred, imperial, and catholic Majesty,
the Empress and Queen our lady, &c.