28th July.
5th August.
91. The Marquis Of Denia to the Emperor Charles.
[Simancas. Estado. Legajo 8. f. 164. Abstract made for the use of the
Emperor by the Secretary Covos.]
dize que la Reyna ñra Señora esta buena de salud aunque
los dias antes estuvo alterada porque le daño mucho la
soledad que tuvo quando le quitaron las mugeres las quales
se le volvieron y se acabo con su Alteza aunque con trabajo
se vistiese y acostese en cama.
asymismo lo esta la S[eñno]ra infante y recibe muy grand
merced con las cartas de V[uest]ra Mgd. que siempre le deve
que muchos de los que deservieron a V. Mgd. en lo de las
comunidades despues que vieron que su opinion yva cuesta
abaxo se vinieron a V[uest]ro servicio y son mejor tratados que
los servidores que no se devria permitir quedasen sin
castigo. |
He says that the Queen our lady is well, although she
has been suffering some time ago, because her loneliness when
the women were sent away did her much harm. They have
now returned, and her Highness has been prevailed upon,
although with great difficulty, to dress and to go to bed.
The señora Infanta is also well, and is very thankful for
the letters from your Majesty, who always should write
to her.
Many of those who deserted the service of your Majesty in
the time of the commons, and when they saw that their
fortune was waning returned to your obedience, are better
treated than your faithful servants. They should not be
allowed to escape punishment. |
30th July.
92. The Marchioness Of Denia to the Emperor Charles.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Estado. Castilla. Legajo 8. f. 114.
A Su Mt. de la marquesa de denia. a xxx
de jullio.
Sacra Cesarea Catta. Magt.
yo bine aqui como V. Mt. mando a do halle todas las
cosas muy mudadas de como antes estavan. bien se recordara
V. Mt. quanto se contento de la manera y crianza que la
Señora ynfante tenia. y con parecer esto a V. Mt. yo me tuve
por muy bien pagada del trabajo que avia pasado en servir a
Su Alteza. agora poderoso Señor esta todo muy trocado porque
aun que la Señora ynfante sea como la es la persona mas
bien ynclinada que en todo el mundo puede ser la hedad da
ocasion a que las que estan cave Su Alteza dañan algo de lo
que cumple a su servicio y criança. que como la Reyna Nuestra
Señora no dexa entrar adonde Su Alteza duerme a nadie syno
a juana cortes y a su ama y a otras dos o tres que son de la
opinion destas yo no puedo aprovechar como querria en servicio
de la Señora ynfante. y ver esto no es la cosa que menos
pena me da. pareciome que hera obligada de hacello saber a
V. Mt. por mi descargo y para que V. Mt. mande lo que sea
servido. que en verdad Señor a servicio de dios y de V. Mt.
conviene asy. suplico a V. Mt. que esto no se sepa aqui que
yo lo he escripto a V. Mt. porque seria acabar de perder esto
poco que acqui ay. Nuestro Señor Vuestra Cesarea Mt. guarde
bienaventuradamente con acrecentamiento de Su Real corona.
de tordesillas a xxx de Julio 1521.
de V[uest]ra Cesarya Magt. syerva y vasalla que sus pies y
manos besa. la marquesa de denia.
[Sobre :] A la Cesarea Sacra Catta. Magt. del Emperador
y Rey de Romanos y de España y de las ...
N[uest]ro Señor. |
92. To his Majesty, from the Marchioness of
Denia. 30th of July.
Sacred, imperial, and catholic Majesiy,
I returned to this place, as your Majesty had ordered,
and found everything much changed from what it had been
formerly. Your Majesty will remember how satisfied you
were with the manner of bringing up the señora Infanta.
This good opinion of your Majesty was an ample reward for
the labour I had had in serving her Highness. Now, mighty
lord, everything is much changed. Although the señora
Infanta is the best intentioned person in the whole world, her
age gives opportunity to those who are near her Highness to
prejudice in some degree the service and education of her
Highness. The Queen our lady does not permit any one,
except Juana Cortes, and her nurse, and two or three others
who entertain the same opinions, to enter the bedroom of her
Highness. Thus I cannot render myself as useful as I would
in the service of the señora Infanta. To witness this is the
thing which gives me the greatest pain. I thought it my
duty to let your Majesty know it, to relieve my conscience,
and that your Majesty may order what you think may be for
your interest. In truth, señor, duty to God and your Majesty
renders it necessary. I beseech your Majesty that nothing of
what I write to your Majesty may be known here, for that
would be equal to destroying the little [authority] which
I still have.
May our Lord guard your Imperial Majesty in happiness
and increase your royal crown.
From Tordesillas, 30th of July 1521.
Your Majesty's servant and vassal kisses your feet and
The Marchioness of Denia.
[Addressed :] To his imperial, sacred, and catholic Majesty
the Emperor, King of the Romans and of Spain and
of ... our lord. |