Milan: 1612

Pages 650-652

Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts in the Archives and Collections of Milan 1385-1618. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1912.

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April 18.
G. Inf. 212.
fol. 447.
Bibl. Ambros.,
1043. Robert Webb to Cardinal Federigo Borromeo.
Thanks for recommendation to nuncio of Savoy, who has shown him great courtesy. However, his affair has not succeeded, though he hopes to have the decision soon. Intended to come to Milan, but received letters from his brothers from Rome, which made him go to Genoa on his way thither. Sent his excuses by Don Luigi de Leiva Vique, Count of Monza, asking him to write to Turin in his favour, so that the duke might be gracious to him, as he feels sure he will if the cardinal explains the difficulty he has about going to England, where the people are heretics, to obtain the information required, and the great danger in which he and all his family are by that way. The duke will be glad for the cardinal to ask a favour of him.
Turin, the 18th April, 1612.
April 23.
G. Inf. 214.
fol. 199.
Bibl. Ambros.,
1044. William Bishop and Anthony Champnous to Cardinal Federigo Borromeo.
Reverendissime Domine:
Qui munera in alios ex Dei opt. max. amore conferunt ab ipso quidem merce idem copiosam recipient: non propterea tamen minori gratitudinis vinculo benefactori suo obstinguntur qui eadem beneficia perceperunt. Cum itaque plurima et maxima in Angliam nostram D.V. Rev. existant merita, quod et consilio et auxilio eos adjuverit qui causam Catholicam in Regno illo misere labefactatam sustinere et promovere desudant universos prorsus Anglos qui patriam suam vere amant, sibi divinctissimos habere necesse est; qua propter nos qui in illa vinea Domini multos annos laboravimus et Parisiis jam ad commune patriae nostrae bonum scribendo procurandum a superioribus nostris destinati sumus hac vestra benevolentia auctoritate et presidio mirifice consolati et recreati debitum vobis observantiae nostrae et grati animi officium per praesentes quantum possimus persolvere cupimus Idque nos nostro tantum sed et omnium patrum nostrorum qui in eodem labore versantur nomine. Non enim possumus non in maximi beneficii loco reponere quod nobis exulibus Dominus Noster Jesus Christus talem dederit rerum nostrarum moderatorem et quasi patronum, qui patriam propriam licet clarissimam et pacatassimam et dulcem propinquorum et amicorum omnium consuetudinem reliquerit ut in terra alienas bona sua omnia in pauperes et pios usus expendat. Habetis vobiscum inter coeteros honorandum virum amatissimum fratrum nostrum Thomam Morum, non sanguine tantum magno illi Thomae Moro nostro proximum, sed pietate etiam et religionis zelo ac industria simillimum, indefessum scilicet et fidelissimum Domini nostri in vinea Anglicana operarium cui quicquid consilii, auxilii aut favoris D.V. Rev. prestiterit (sicut plurima jam praestitisse ex ipso accepimus) id totum nobis omnibus et singulis factum fuisse profitemur, eoque proinde nomine D.V. Rev. debitores nos esse constitutos libenter agnoscimus. Per ipsum rerum nostrarum statum et conditionem vobis igitur inotescere curabimus humillime rogantes ut sua erga nos et patriam nostram benevolentiam semper conservare dignetur et manus nostras quotidie ad Deum opt. max. levabimus ardenter ab eo postulantes ut benedictione sua caelestia D.V.R. repleat et ecclesiae suae incolumen diutissime conservet.
Parisii, 23 Aprilis.
[Signed] Gulielmus Bishop.
Antonius Champnous.
June 2.
G. Inf. 210.
fol. 126.
Bibl. Ambros.,
1045. James Forbes to Cardinal Federigo Borromeo.
Has taken his doctorate at Perugia; is now at Rome where Cardinal Arigone has offered him every assistance. Asks for two lines to Cardinal Arigone in his favour. Asks that it may be sent through Sig. Papirio Bartoli. Has decided to devote himself either to the law and advocacy, which is rather a vile labour of itself and not too safe for the conscience, or to literature, for which he has a natural inclination, and may promise himself every success, as he has attended the ordinary morning lectures as well as those of the evening. Will always be ready to devote himself to the cardinal's service.
Rome, the 2nd June, 1612.
Aug. 4.
G. Inf. 212.
fol. 491.
Bibl. Ambros.,
1046. James Forbes to Cardinal Federigo Borromeo.
Has received no reply to his letter of June 2. Begs his reasonable request may not be denied. His prince has married the Princess of Tuscany on condition that he and all his family should live as Catholics. Wishes it were the same in his native country, so that he could enjoy liberty of conscience and be in a place where he could be of some consequence for his faith. Without boasting, he knows two languages, is graduated in law and theology and has seen a great part of the world and is so well born that that alone would serve as a recommendation at home, like Lipsius in his accounts.
Rome, the 4th August, 1612.