General Index: V, W, Y

Pages 663-672

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Vacarius, master, 7.

See also Waccarius.

Vaddone. See Whaddon.

Vado, Hugh de, 147.

-, John son of William de, 211.

-, -, Adam brother of, 211.

Vains, Veim, Vein [Manche], manor of, 158, 253.

-, -, mill of, 253.

Val, La, castle of [Mayenne], 424.

Val, abbey of St. Mary du [Calvados], 536–8.

-, -, Bernard abbot of, 180.

Valacia. See Valasse.

Valasse, Le, Valacia, Vallis Azonis, abbey (in Gruchet-le-Valasse, Seine Inférieure) of, 88.

-, Richard abbot of, 117, 171.

Valcellis. See Vaucelles.

Valderi, Robert de, 492.

See also Vaudare.

Valdricus, secretary, 122.

Valeia [Anjou], 418.

Valemont. See Valmont.

Valence, Valentia, document dated at, 356.

Valentiis, Michael de, 152.

Valeran, count. See Meulan.

Valerand. See Waleran.

Valford, Gilbert de, 411.

Valle, de. See Delaval.

Valle Azonis. See Valasse.

Valle Moritonii. See Mortain.

Vallem Rodolii. See Vaudreuil.

Valletorta, Renald de, 437.

Valle Viri. See Vau de Vire.

Vallibus, Vaus, Wallibus, Walz, Waus, Adam de, 62.

-, Godard de, 4, 7, 45, 68, 115, 160, 223n, 224, 241, 242, 269.

-, Hubert de, 72, 208, 242, 463.

-, Ralf de, 103.

-, Robert de, 61.

-, William de, 11, 336, 338, 358, 487.

See also Wals.

Vallium, castle of, 367.

Valmont, Valemont [Seine Inférieure], abbo of, 172.

-, abbot of, Geoffrey, 70.

-, -, -, Nicholas brother of, 70.

-, -, -, Richard brother of, 70.

-, -, -, William brother, 70.

Valnoise, Hugh de, 196.

Valoignes, Vallonnie, Valonie [Manche], 323, 342.

-, chapelry of, 334.

-, charters dated at, 61, 171, 270, 275, 276, 301, 309, 311, 318, 324, 338, 343, 417, 522, 534.

Valoniis, Hamo de, 17.

-, Philip de, 336.

-, -, chamberlain, 491.

-, Robert de, 343.

Valricher in St. Ouen-le-Pin [Calvados], 24.

Val'uoines, Michael de, 153.

Vannecrocq, Wanescrot [Eure], 110, 111.

Vannes, Venetensis, bishop of, 361.

Varengeville. See St. Pierre de Varengeville.

Varennie. See Warenne.

Varon, Fule abbot of, 370.

Varreville, Warevilla, Warrevilla [Manche]. 188, 323.

Varro, Richard, 15.

Vaslin the jew, 359, 360.

Vassy, Baace [Calvados], Robert dean of, 190.

Vattetot, Watertot [Seine Inférieure], church of, 122.

Vatteville, Wattewille [Eure], chapel of St. Mary, 60.

Vaucelles, Valcelle [Calvados], Henry abbot of, 492.

Vaudare, Richard de, 190.

See also Valderi.

Vau-de-Vire, Vallis Viri [Calvados], Guy abbot of St. Sever in, 216.

Vaudreuil, Notre Dame du, Vallis Rodolii, Vallis Ruellii, Rodolium [Eure], charters dated at, 98, 107, 129, 135, 470, 473, 474.

Vauquelin knight of Robert count of Meulan, 85.

Vaus. See Vallibus.

Vauville, Wauvilla [Manche], Richard priest of, 351.

Vdestocum. See Woodstock.

Vegg’, Payn de, 468.

Vehun. See Veim.

Veia [in Broadway, co. Dorset], manor of, 124.

Veim, Vein, Vehun, (Vains) Geoffrey de, chamberlain, 146, 147.

-, Ralf de, 258, 259, 262.

-, Richard de, 271, 282.

-, Robert de, 161, 282.

-, -, William brother of, 161, 282.

-, Thomas de, 147.

-, Master William de, 306.

Veim, Vein. See Vains.

Veiocis, Herbert de, 78.

-, Nicholas de, 102.

Vendes, Venneie [Calvados], 184.

Vendôme, Vendosme, Vindocinum [Loire et Cher], abbey of Holy Trinity, 455.

-, Robert abbot of, 455.

-, count of, Bouchard, 455.

-, -, John, 69, 378, 380, 381.

-, Geoffrey de, 94.

-, Lancelin de, 417.

Vendopere, Hilduin de, 374.

Venetensis. See Vannes.

Vengeons, Veniuns, Weniuns [Manche], 290, 299, 303.

Venoes, Nicholas de, 187.

Venoix, Venuntium [Calvados], 158.

-, marshal of, 157.

Ver, Vier, Wer, Albricus de, 17, 213, 214, 423, 504, 509.

-, Gilbert de, 243.

-, Henry de, 243.

-, Philip le, 318.

-, Robert de, 59, 100, 125, 126, 137, 170, 191, 214, 291, 342, 460, 466, 504, 509, 535.

-, -, constable, 42, 493.

See also Wer.

-, Roger de, 129.

-, Walter de, 311.

Vera, William de, 302.

Verdun, Verdon (Manche), Bertram de, 65, 70, 145, 259, 273, 275, 324, 363, 417, 516.

-, -, charter of, 187.

-, Thomas de, charter of, 189.

-, William de, 284, 325.

Verdun, [Verdun sur Garonne, Tarn et Garenne; or Le Verdon, Gironde], 392.

Vergin. See Elgin.

Verlero, Nicholas de, 82.

Vernay, Verneia, Vernea, 300, 302, 303.

Verneuil, Verniolum, Vernolium [Eure], churches of, 97, 100.

-, charters dated at, 14, 103, 227, 458, 497.

-, tithes of, 97, 98, 100.

Vernico, William de, 258.

Vernon, Vernun [Eure], 23, 142, 469.

-, castle of, 23, 529.

-, port of, 97, 100.

Vernon, Raber de, 456.

-, Richard (son of William [II.]) de, 35, 101, 309, 318, 469, 537.

-, -, charter of, 317, 336.

-, -, Richard son of, 469.

-, Walter de, 59, 219.

-, William (I.) de, 456.

-, -, gifts of, 23.

-, -, Emma wife of, 23.

-, -, Hugh son of, 23.

-, William (II., brother of Baldwin, 1st earl), 34, 309, 314, 315, 336, 343, 349, 518.

-, -, gifts of, 309, 317.

-, -, Robert de Sancte Marie ecclesia brother of, 314.

-, William (III.), the younger (son of Baldwin 1st earl), 316, 318.

-, -, earl of Devon, 322.

-, -, -, charter of, 321.

-, -, -, Mabel wife of, 321.

Vernu (?), William de, 342.

Verona, documents dated at, 11, 333, 405, 527.

Verson, Versum [Calvados], 249, 251.

-, men of Mont St. Michel at, 268.

Versun, Gelduinus de, 268.

-, -, Roger his brother, 268.

Verundium, charter dated at, 311.

Vescy, Eustace de, 496.

Vesly, Verliacum [Eure], 422.

-, church of, 427.

Vestbiria, Richard de, 411.

Vestona. See Edith Weston.

Veteri Ponte [in Annington near Bramber], church of St. Peter de, 403, 404.

Veteri Ponte, Vezpunt, Robert de, 59, 196, 254.

-, Walter de, 221.

Vexin, Vilcassinum, the French, 1.

-, the Norman, 382, 422.

Vezpunt, Robert de. See Veteri Ponte.

Viariz, John, 342.

Vieilles, Humfrey de, Robert son of, 109.

-, Roger brother of. See Bellomonte, Roger de.

Vieloor, Vielur, John le, 523.

-, Walter de, 523.

Vienne, Warmund, archbishop of, 22.

Vier. See Ver.

Vieriæ, 375.

Vignatz, Vinaz [Calvados], 171.

-, St. Mary of, 207.

Vigne, Robert de la, 440.

Vilariis, Villera, master John de, 13, 62.

Vilcassinum. See Vexin.

Vilers in Auge. See Villers-sur-mer.

Vilers. See Villers Canivet and Villiers-le-Sec.

Vilers, William de, 184.

-, Payn de, 257.

-, Roger de, 27.

Vilissent [? Pelsham in Peasmarsh, Sussex], 81.

Villacanis, William de, 288, 434.

Villadei. See Villedieu.

Villaines, Ernulf de, 39.

Villanus, Hugh, knight, 117, 118, 522.

-, Robert 117.

Villa Osberti, Ærnald de, 406.

Villare. See Villez.

Villedieu-les-Poêles, Villadei [Manche], 201, 283.

Villera. See Vilariis.

Villers-sur-Mer, Vilers in Auge [Calvados] 158.

Villers-Canivet, Vilers [Calvados], chapel of, 215.

Villez-à-Montabard, Villare[Orne], 219, 221.

Villiers-les-Sec, Vilers [Calvados], 290, 299.

Villons-les-Buisons, Villum [Calvados], 148.

Villula, John de, bishop of Bath, 167.

Villum. See Villons-les-Buissons.

Villy, land of, 301.

Viltemunt, R. de, 130.

Vimarius, William, archdeacon of Poitou, 390.

Vinaz. See Vignatz.

Vinaz, Girard de, 238.

-, Godfrey de, 328.

Vinchendone. See Winchendon.

Vindesour. See Windsor.

Vindocinum. See Vendôme.

Vira, Vire, Vireio, Alan de, 434.

-, Albinus de, 145.

-, Ranulf de, 195, 308.

-, Reginald de, 312.

-, William de, 259.

Vire [Calvados], church of, 169, 170, 289.

-, ford of, 193.

Vireio, Alan de, 434.

-, -, Ranulf de, 288, 289, 299, 308.

-, -, William and Roger brothers of, Agnes their mother, Adelina his wife, and Isabel wife of Roger, 289.

-, Ralf de, William and Oliver sons-in-law of, 299.

Viriaco, Roger de, 425.

Virie, William de, 285.

Vitalis, abbot, 22.

-, armarius, 406.

-, butler, 435.

-, the hermit (founder of Savigny), 287, 288.

-, Grossus and Gisla his daughter, gifts of, 509.

-, the monk, 520.

Vitreio, Vitré, Vitreyo, Vitriacum, Alan de 538.

-, Andrew de, 123, 303, 428.

-, -, charter of, 537.

-, Hervey de, 308.

-, Robert de, 279, 286, 473.

-, -, the younger, charter of, 300.

-, -, Andrew son of, 300.

-, Robert de, precentor of Paris, 361, 363.

Vitriacum. See Vitreio.

Vittefleur [Seine Inférieure]. See Witeflo.

Vitulus, Geoffrey, 62.

-, Osmund, 347.

Vivario, Godfrey de, 431, 432.

Viver, Geoffrey, 273.

-, Payn, 273.

-, -, Robert, son of, 278.

-, Peter, 273.

-, Robert, 273.

Vivian, 201.

-, the monk, 448.

Vivinus, bishop, 526.

Vivo Monasterio, Ralph de, 396.

Vol, William de, 441.

Volgrin’, 471.

Volintona. See Bullingtons.

Vonulia, Peter de, 390.

Vrito, Pinel, 239.

Vua, dux, 501.

Vulwic. See Woolwich.

Vura (sic), Robert de, 137.


W., Anschetill brother of, 222.

Wac, Baldwin, 284.

-, -, charter of, 273, 535.

-, Eustace, 316.

-, Hugh, 534.

-, -, charter of, 535.

-, -, Baldwin son of, 534.

-, Hugh, junior, 535.

-, Roger, 535.

Waccarius, canon of Lincoln, 227.

Wace, Richard, 346.

Wach, Richard, 440.

Wacio, brother of G. Burnel, 4.

Waco, William son of, 4.

Wader. See Guader.

Waddington, Wadington, Watintone [co. Lincoln], church of, 216.

-, charter dated at, 308.

Waddone. See Whaddon.

Wadworth, Wade Wrthe [co. York], 16.

Walbert, priest, 431.

Walbruna. See Weybourne.

Walcehan. See Waltham on the Wolds.

Walchelin, Walcelin, Walkelinus, 234, 481.

-, bishop of Winchester, 38, 141, 327, 503.

-, canon, 313.

-, monk, 440.

-, Henry son of, 205.

-, Peter son of, 205.

-, Robert son of, 205.

-, -, de Raborna, 204.

-, -, Thomas brother of, 205.

See also Galchelin.

Walcoil. See Guascolio.

Waldief. See Waltheof.

Waldric, Galdrie, Gualdric, chancellor, 167, 369, 437.

Waldulf, Ralf son of and Ralf his son, 396.

Walegrava. See Wargrave.

Walensis, Robert, son of William (son of Baderon), 407, 408.

-, Alexander, 486.

-, Robert, 505.

-, Richard de, 337.

Walepie, Peter, 277.

Waleran, Galeran, Ralerand, Valerand, 526.

-, archdeacon, 430.

-, archdeacon of Bayeux, 161.

-, dean of Rouen, 3.

-, the vicomte, 522.

-, Gilduin, son of, 128.

-, Osbert son of, 150.

-, William, 79.

-, William, knight, 65.

Walerand (son of Ranulf), charter of, 520.

See also Ranulf.

Walernus, 512.

Wales, 127, 352.

-, tithes in, 369.

Walesby [co. Notts], chapel of, 16.

Walhubert, Ralf de, 535.

Walicherius, Walcherus, 26.

-, Richard son of, 26.

Walinguore. See Wellingore.

Walkelinus. See Walchelin.

Wallemont. See Warlemunt.

Wallibus. See Vallibus.

Walmesgate, Walmesgare [co. Lincoln], church of, 448.

Walo, cook of the monks, 431.

Walpole, [co. Norfolk], 512.

Wals, Granto de, 197.

-, Ralf de, 197.

See also Vallibus.

Walsingham, Adam de, 322.

Waltam. See Waltham.

Walter, Gualterus, Gauterius, Wauterius, Gauterides, 24, 217, 277, 407, 410.

-, bishop of Rochester, 162, 484.

-, chamberlain, 291, 384.

-, canon of Coutances, 341.

-, canon, 408.

-, chaplain, 114, 129, 139, 145, 205, 306, 319.

-, -, of monks, 205.

-, clerk, 152, 178, 320, 321, 514.

-, -, of Bernard de Balliol, 513.

-, -, of Sturminster, 84–6.

-, cook, 173, 408.

-, knight, 526.

-, prior's servant, 79.

-, brother of the bishop of Bayeux, 535.

-, Master, 226, 443.

-, monk of Furness, 297.

-, -, of Lonlay, 399.

-, -, of Marmoutier, 426.

-, prévôt, 221, 222, 415.

-, priest, 25, 416.

-, the sheriff. See Gloucester.

-, “Taillator,” 284.

-, vicomte, 250.

-, Hubert, 240.

-, -, archbishop of Canterbury, 91, 131, 215, 321, 385, 391, 392, 393, 474, 480, 495, 498, 516, 537.

-, -, -, gifts of, 93, 228, 322, 498.

-, -, bishop of Salisbury, 12, 385.

-, -, -, charter of, 129.

-, Peter son of, 505.

-, Ralf son of, 72, 526.

-, Robert son of, 134, 257, 496.

-, W. son of, 240.

-, William son of, 81, 336, 367.

See also Gualterii.

Walterivilla, Geoffrey de, 521.

Waltham, Walter de Ganda, abbot of, 49, 388, 498.

Waltham, Waltam, Walteham [co. Sussex], 167, 170.

Waltham on the Wolds, Walcehan [co. Leicester], 230, 376.

Waltham, Peter de, canon of London, 152.

Waltheof, Waldief, earl, 526.

Walz. See Vallibus.

Wanborough [co. Wilts], 509.

Wance, Wanti, Geoffrey de, 388.

-, Robert de, 388.

Wanchi, Roger de, 63.

Wancy, Walter de, 517.

Wandard, Roger, 114, 119.

Wandebert, clerk, 367.

Wandervilla. See Warnevilla.

Wandregesilum. See St. Wandrille.

Wandrille, St., abbot of St. Peter, Ghent, 501.

Wanescrot. See Vannecrocq.

Wanescrot, Richard, 110.

Wannevilla. See Warnevilla.

Wanti. See Wance.

Waram. See Wareham.

Waravilla. See St. Germain de Varaville.

Waravilla, William de, 177.

Warbleton, Warborgultona, Wauburguetone, Warborgeton [co. Sussex], 281.

-, church of, 328, 331.

Ward, Warda, Robert de, 315, 344.

Wardon, Wardona, P. abbot of, 296.

Ware, Wares [co. Herts], 230, 231.

-, Hubert prior of, 227, 229.

Wareham, Warham [co. Dorset], Robert prior of, 387.

Waremanni-Acra. See London.

Warenne, Warethne, Guarethna, Varenne, Garenne, earl, 77, 528.

-, Hamelin earl, 90, 343, 380, 458, 516.

-, -, Isabella wife of, countess, 516.

-, -, William son of, 516, 517, 528.

-, count of. See Mortain, William count of.

-, Reginald de, 343.

-, Rodolf de, 20.

-, -, Beatrice wife of, 20.

-, -, Emma wife of, 20.

-, -, Hugh brother of, 20.

-, William (I., son of Rodolf), de, 141, 148.

-, -, (II.), earl (temp, Henry I.), 2, 41, 42, 98, 125, 133, 137, 155, 198, 213, 214, 259, 287, 288, 330, 352, 504, 508, 524, 540.

-, -, charters of, 74, 222.

-, -, Isabel wife of, 74, 222.

-, -, Ralf son of, 74.

-, -, William son of, 74.

Wares. See Ware.

Warevilla. See Varreville.

Wargrave, Walegrava [co. Berks], church of, 259.

Warham, Robert, 173.

Warin, Garin, Guarin archdeacon, 13.

-, chaplain, 306.

-, chaplain of Robert earl of Gloucester, 521.

-, -, charter of, 174.

-, -, Richard brother of, 174.

-, -, Ansketill nephew of, 174.

-, clerk, 283.

-, Master, 175.

-, the monk, of England, 111.

-, porter of Citeaux.

-, sheriff of Shrewsbury, Hugh son of, 238.

-, Michael son of, 145.

-, Ralf son of, 225.

-, Robert son of, 150, 264.

-, Roger son of, 209.

Warkleigh, Warocle [co. Devon], 167.

Warlanomonte. See Warlemunt.

Warlemont, William de, knt., 146.

Warlemunt, Wallemont, Warlanamonte, Ralf de, 145, 146.

Warlewast, William, bishop of Exeter, Essonia, 290, 460, 524.

Warmington, Warmintone, Warmiton [co. Warwick], 113, 114, 119.

Warmintona, Volvric de, 114.

Warnerius, forester, 20.

Warnevilla, Wannevilla, Wandervila, Wernevilla, Adam de, 115.

-, Ralf de, chancellor, 4, 69.

-, -, treasurer of Rouen cathedral, 5.

-, -, treasurer of York, 7.

-, -, bishop of Lisieux, 470.

Warocle. See Warkleigh.

Warrevilla. See Varreville.

Warwic, Roger de, king's chaplain, 7.

-, Reginald, 161.

Warwich, William de, 189.

Warwick, Waruic, burgesses in, 230.

-, convent of St. Mary, 113.

-, earl of, Gualeran (son of earl Roger), charter of, 119.

-, -, Henry son of Roger de Beaumont, 55, 106, 108, 119, 123, 124.

-, -, -, Margaret wife of, 128.

-, -, Roger (son of earl Henry), 113, 509.

-, -, -, charter of, 114.

-, -, -, Gundreda wife of, 114.

-, -, -, Henry brother of, 113, 114.

-, -, -, Geoffrey brother of, 113.

See also Novo Burgo.

Wascelinus, Robert, 243.

Washington, Gasingetuna, Gassingona, Wassingatune, Wassingetone [co. Sussex], church of St. Mary, 397, 403–5, 409.

Wasingueham, Master Adam de, 131.

Waspal, Robert, 168.

Waspre, Baldwin de, 273.

-, Osmund de, 190.

Wassingatune. See Washington.

Wassingebro, Magister A. de, 498.

Wastels, vineyard called, 117.

Wastine, William de, 535.

Waszo, monk of Bec, 127.

Watertot. See Vattetot.

Watervilla, Robert de, 465.

Watevilla, Galeran de, 300.

Wath upon Dearne [co. York], 275.

-, church of, 269, 276, 278.

-, manor of, 274, 276.

-, prior of, 278.

Wath, St. Mary of. See Eastergate.

Wathelay. See Wheatley.

Watintone. See Waddington.

Watlington. [co. Oxon], 108.

Watteville. See Vatteville.

Wauburguetone. See Warbleton.

Waufre, William, 336.

-, William le, 337.

Waureio, John de, 161.

-, William de, 336.

See also Gaurcio.

Waurin, Roger de, 494.

Waus. See Vallibus.

Wauterius. See Walter.

Wauvilla. See Vauville.

Wauvilla, Richard de, 343.

-, William de, 341.

-, -, charter of, 350.

-, -, William son of, 341.

-, -, Hodierna wife of, 350.

-, -, Richard and Leo sons of, 350.

Waverley, Waverlensis [co. Surrey], abbot of, 297.

Wavry. See Gavray.

Week, Wica [Isle of Wight], 314.

Weletun. See Welton.

Well, Wella [co. Lincoln], 216.

Welle, Hugh de, 131, 139, 278.

Wellebeof, charter dated at, 290.

Welledona, 230.

Wellefort, 230.

Wellensis. See Wells, Wellis.

Welles, 376.

Wellingore, Walinguore [co. Lincoln], church of, 237.

Wellis, Wellensis, Hugh de, 305, 392.

Wellow, Wellun [co. Notts], 16.

Wells, Welles [co. Norfolk], 156, 162.

Wells, Wellensis [co. Somerset], church of, 130, 131.

-, archdeacon of, Simon, 88, 196, 304, 340, 392.

-, -, T, 320.

-, dean of, Alexander, 130, 131, 277.

-, -, Ivo, 173.

-, -, Richard, 320.

-, bishop of. See Giso.

-, canon of, 131.

-, charter dated at, 173.

-, chancellor of. See Winesham, Roger de.

Wells, Josceline of, bishop of Bath and Glastonbury, inspeximus by, 172.

-, Symon de, bishop of Chichester, letter of, 332.

Wellun, Adam de, 16.

Welsh Bicknor, Biconovria [co. Hereford], church of St. Custeniu, 410, 411, 413.

Welton, Weletun [co. Lincoln], 311.

Wenchenel, Erneisus son of, 167.

Wendene, Simon de clerk and Geoffrey his brother, 490.

Weniuns. See Vengeons.

Wenn’, William, 196.

Wennesval. See Wesnevallc.

Wentwood, Wennescoit, [co. Monmouth], 368.

Wer, Robert de, 137.

See also Ver.

Wernelast, Verlwast, 59.

Werfield. See Worfield.

Wernevilla. See Warnevilla.

Werre [co. Sussex], 26.

Wesnevalle, Wennesval Ralf de, 93.

-, -, Walter brother of, 93.

-, -, William brother of, 93.

-, Robert de, 476, 519.

Westgate, Alice de, 16.

Westgrava, wood of, 144.

Westhampnet, Hantona [co. Sussex], church of St. Peter, 328, 331.

Westlibartune, Alan de, 49.

-, Richard de, 49.

Westmarcha. See Markham, West.

Westmaria, Guy son of, 235.

Westminster, Westmonasterium, council at, 239.

-, king's court at, 150–1.

-, new hall at, 111.

-, charters dated at, 6, 8, 12, 14, 44, 55, 70, 90, 91, 97, 100, 115, 140, 143, 167, 310, 322, 347, 377, 460, 504, 515.

-, abbot of, Vital, 521.

-, -, William, 49.

Weston-on-Avon [co. Glouc.], 227.

Weston [co. Norfolk], 76, 77.

-, church of, 74, 76, 77.

Weston [co. Somerset], church of, 482.

Weston. See Edith Weston.

Weston-sub-Edge, Westonia, Westun [co. Glouc.], church of, 411, 413.

Weston, Westonia, Richard de, 299.

-, William son of John de, charter of, 179, 180.

Westwood priory, Westwod, [co. Worcester], 384.

Weybourne, Walbruna, [co. Norfolk], 216.

Whaddon, Vaddone, Waddone, [co. Buckingham], 187.

-, church of, 74, 75.

-, wood of, 75, 78.

Whaddon, Wadone [co. Cambridge], church of, 512.

Wheatenhurst, Witenehet [co. Gloucester], church of St. Andrew, 167.

Wheatley, Wathelay [co. Notts], church of, 16.

Whitchurch, Witchercha [co. Dorset], church of, 60.

Whitchurch, Wincecere [co. Warwick] tithes of, 108.

Whitchurch, (Oswestry in error), Album Monasterium [co. Hereford], church of, 411, 413.

Whittlesford, Witlesford, Master Walter parson of, 296.

Whitwick. See Wuudewat.

Wiardus, Walter, 445.

Wibert, Benedict son of, gifts of, 509.

Wibetot. William de, 136.

Wibrai. See Guibray.

Wica. See Week.

Wicam [co. Sussex], grange of, 405.

Wicard, 216.

Wicha, Roger de, 144.

Wichelai. See Wikelay.

Wicheton, Henry de, 17.

Wichinghame. See Witchingham.

Widiall [co. Hertford], chapel of, 512.

Widinoc. See Wihenoc.

Wido. See Guido.

See also Rochefort.

Wideford. See Widford.

Wideham, manor of, 434–6.

Widford, Wideford [co. Herts], church of, 226.

Widvilla, William de, 377.

Wifelicote, Henry de, 40 n.

Wiffredus, butler, 507.

Wigendene, land of, in forest of Andredsweald, 502.

Wigerius, Richard son of, 317.

Wight, With, Guittum, Isle of, the Isle, 426.

-, church of Holy Cross in, 358, 527.

-, Wica in. See Week.

Wigornensis. See Worcester.

Wigornia, master Henry de, 17.

-, Philip de, 12.

Wigot, 3.

Wigrin. See Wilgrin.

Wihenoc, Wihenoecus, Guihenoc, Guienoc, Widinoc, Wethenoc, (lord of Monmouth, afterwards a monk of St. Florent, Saumur), 400, 401, 406, 408, 409, 410, 414.

-, gifts of, 406, 407, 409, 413.

-, Raterius son of, 406.

-, Baderon brother of. See Baderon.

-, William nephew of. See Baderon.

See also Monemuta.

Wigston parva, Winquin’ stone, [co. Leic.], 230.

Wik, la, chapel of St. Mary, 269.

-, manor of, 269, 270.

Wikelay, Wichelai, church of, 237.

Wikeolte, John de, 49.

Wilardus, Odo son of, 481.

-, grossus, Hugh son of, 481.

Wilbraham, Wilburham [co. Cambridge], church of, 269.

Wilcote, Willecote [co. Oxon], 40.

Wildesores. See Windsor.

Wilecote. See Willicot.

Wilee. See Willey.

Wilekin, William, 505.

Wilequer, Willikier, Richard de, 470, 478.

Wilewic. See Woolwich.

Wilfricheston, Osmund de, 202.

Wilfrid, bishop of St. David's, 238.

Wilgrin, Wigrin, Turstin son of, 23, 26.

Willebi, 230.

Willebi, William de, 188.

Willecote. See Wilcote; Willicot.

Willecote, William de, 40.

Willen, Wilinges [co. Buckingham], church of, 444, 445.

Willerwast, William de, 124.

Willey, Wilee [co. Warwick], church of, 113.

William, Guilelmus, Villelmus, 161, 178, 180, 204, 249, 250, 264, 422, 426, 509.

-, I. of England, 1, 2, 20–7, 59, 80, 97, 106, 109, 120, 123, 135, 137, 154, 156, 158, 161, 164, 166, 167, 170, 199, 220, 223, 254, 257, 287, 327, 328, 342, 345, 354, 369, 396, 399, 405, 410, 427, 429, 431, 433, 436, 438, 503, 520, 521, 529, 530.

-, -, charters of, 26, 37, 54, 58, 108, 141–3, 155, 165, 166, 359, 367, 397, 399, 400, 407, 425, 426, 433, 437, 502, 526.

-, gifts by, 66, 67, 147–9.

See also Normandy, duke of.

-, Matilda wife of. See Maud.

-, Henry son of. See. Henry.

-, Richard son of, 341.

-, Robert son of, 255, 421.

-, -, court of Maine, 341, 359.

-, -, charter of, 376.

See also Normandy, duke of.

-, William son of. See William II.

-, Cecily daughter of. See Cecily.

-, Adeliza sister of. SeeAumale.

-, Odo brother of. See Bayeux.

-, Robert brother of. See Mortain.

William II. of England, 1, 2, 10, 32 n, 110, 135, 143, 165, 166, 267, 364, 367–369, 400, 426.

-, -, charters of, 167, 234, 367, 415, 446, 447, 503.

-, gifts by, 74, 77.

-, son of William I., 22, 25–7, 38, 58, 141, 255, 327, 400, 433, 434, 437, 503, 521, 529.

William, king of Scots, charter of, 490.

-, son of Henry I., 113, 352, 353, 372, 506.

-, brother of Henry II., 10, 44, 64, 170, 241, 242, 299.

-, -, charters of, 63, 128, 285, 485.

-, -, gift by, 377.

-, abbot, 250.

-, archdeacon of the diocese of Coutances, 268, 316, 324, 349, 439.

-, almoner, 288.

-, -, of Queen Eleanor, 388.

-, bailli, 277.

-, bastard, 300.

-, bishop of Durham, 38.

-, bishop of London, 21.

-, bishop of Norwich, 78.

-, braconarius, 216.

-, the canon, 16, 190, 263, 300, 377, 412, 429, 440.

-, (? de Tancarvilla) chamberlain, 55, 67, 142, 155, 168, 197.

-, chamberlain, 273, 437.

-, the carpenter, 331.

-, chancellor of William II., 446.

-, chancellor (of Henry duke of the Normans), 214, 446, 519.

-, chaplain, 16, 118, 136, 176, 178, 194, 212, 228, 288, 301, 407, 459, 514.

-, -, proctor of Haliwell, 152.

-, -, of countess Adeliz, 141.

-, -, of Richer de Aquila, 226.

-, -, of Tewkesbury, 144.

-, clerk, 119, 139, 144, 161, 176, 178, 317.

-, -, of Queen Eleanor, 473.

-, -, de camera. See Sancte Marie ecclesia.

-, the cobbler, 16.

-, cook, 189, 475.

-, count (? Willum Rufus), 154.

-, cum barba, 304.

-, uncle of Baldwin count of Flanders, 496.

-, son of earl Robert of Gloucester, 342, 521.

-, son of count Robert of Mortain, 434.

-, brother of count William of Mortain, 285.

-, (de Humeto) constable of Normandy, 131.

-, ‘custos’ 176.

-, dapifer, 448.

-, deacon, 409.

-, dean, 114, 323.

-, dean of Bayeux, 176.

-, brother, 79, 344.

-, brother of Gilbert, 440.

-, “dens durus,” 39.

-, forester, 20, 401.

-, layman, 250.

-, lepus, 347.

-, macecrarius and Osmund his son, 23.

-, master of the novices of Cîteaux, 297.

-, -, -, of the schools, 381.

-, maleconductus, 39, 40.

-, Maledoctus. See Malduit.

-, leech, 278.

-, knight, 111.

-, “minister,” 526.

-, monk, 233, 343, 415, 421, 526.

-, -, of Lonlay, 399.

-, -, of St. Florent, Saumar, 408, 414.

-, nephew and esquire of Geoffrey and Roger sons of Gilbert, 110.

-, nephew of the prior, 316.

-, “palefridus,” 42.

-, parvus, 105, 106.

-, precentor of York, 5.

-, precentor of Cîteaux, 297.

-, le prévôt, 302.

-, the priest, 40, 176, 407, 415.

-, -, de Petri, 17.

-, the reeve, Robert the clerk son of, 308.

-, serjeant of queen Eleanor, 390.

-, son of the archdeacon, 344, 440.

-, son of the dean, a canon, 440.

-, “teste audax” Geoffrey, son of, 406.

-, treasurer of Bayeux, 531.

-, “tonsus” 437.

-, vavassor, 259.

-, vicar of Joseph the priest, 188.

-, called the wise, 408.

-, Geoffrey son of, 449.

-, Henry son of, 204.

-, de Vado, John son of, 211.

-, Nigel son of, nephew of Robert earl of Gloucester, 42.

-, Otho, son of, 17.

-, Ralf, son of, and William and John his brothers, 483.

-, de Rua, Richard son of, 273.

-, Robert son of, 32, 415.

-, -, archdeacon of Nottingham.

See Ralf, William son of.

-, Peverel, brother of, 506.

-, Roger son of, 16, 299, 444.

-, Sanson, son of, 178.

-, William, son of, 251.

-, -, son of the count (? William Rufus), 252.

William's castle. See Bramber.

-, field, 150.

-, meadow, 151.

Willicot in Preston–upon–Stour, Wilecote, Willecote [co. Glouc.], 227, 230.

Willikier. See Wilequer.

Willingham, Welingheham [co. Cambridge], 512.

Willingham, South, Felingheham, Olnigeham [co. Lincoln], tithe from, 40.

Wilsford, Fillefort [co. Wilts,], 216.

Wil't, H. de, canon of Exeter, 322.

Wiltan, chapel of (nr. Ecclesfield, co. Yorks), 61.

Wiltescria, Nicholas de, 394.

Wilton, Wiltonia, charter dated at, 274 n.

Wilton, Eustace de, 307.

-, Hervey of, gifts of, 511.

-, Master Richard de, 129.

Wilts, archdeacon of. See Sancte Marie Ecclesia, William, de.

-, Edward sheriff of, 54, 141.

See also Salesberiis.

Wimare, Robert son of. See Guimar.

Wimbourn, Wimburne, Winburne [co. Dorset], church of, 196.

-, dean of See Meaulan, Peter de.

Wimund, ‘bonus satis,’ 179.

-, -, Richard ‘nepos, of, 179.

Wimundham. See Wymondham.

Winburgh, Winburgeam, 276.

Winburne. See Wimbourn.

Winburne, Garin de, 62.

Wincecere. See Whitechurch.

Winceles, Winceleio, Alan de, 268, 317.

-, William de, 339.

Winchelsea, Winchenesel [co. Sussex], pontage of, 41.

-, tithe of, 50, 53.

Winchendon, Vinchendone [co. Buckingham], 77, 187.

Winchester, Wintonia, Uintonia, 143, 171 n, 354, 355. See also Gueritho.

-, cathedral church of, 55.

-, church of St. Lawrence, 358, 527.

-, ferm of, 372, 373, 539.

-, the treasury at, 354.

-, charters dated at, 55, 67, 78, 103, 214, 243, 275, 276, 360, 388, 447, 498, 509, 516.

See also Winteham.

-, Jocelin archdeacon of, 55.

-, bishop of. See Blois, Henry of; Etheuold; Giffard, William; Ilchester, Richard of; Lucy, Godfrey de; Walchelinus.

Windemare, 151.

Windesores, Walter de, 278.

Windsor, Wyndlesoria, Wildesores, Vindesour, king's court at, 310.

-, charters dated at, 2, 8, 480, 491.

Winebaud. See Baladone.

Winesham, Master Roger de, 344.

-, -, chancellor of Wells, 279.

Wingham, Ralf de, 488.

Winquin'stone. See Wigston.

Winteham (? Wint [oniam]), charter dated at, 2.

Winterbourne Basset [co. Wilts], church of, 509.

Winterbourne Dauntsey, Wintreburna, Wittremburna, Witeburna [co. Wilts], 66, 69, 71.

-, church of, 162.

Winterbourne Stickland, Winterborna, Winterburn Stikellane [co. Dorset], 344.

-, manor of, 342.

Winterbourne Stoke, Winteburnestok, Withebornestoche [co. Wilts], church of, 54, 56.

Winterslow, Winterslowe, Wintreslewe [co. Wilts], 387.

-, church of, 387.

-, manor of, 387.

Winteworde. See Bentworth.

Winton. See Quinton.

Wintona. See Kington.

Wintonia. See Winchester.

Wintonia, William de, 87.

Wintreburna. See Winterbourn.

Wintreslawe, Wintreslewe. See Winterslow.

Winverdingrung, wood of, 144.

Wirecestria. See Worcester.

Wirsingueham. See Gressingham.

Wisam. See Wyesham.

Wiscumba [? Withycombe, co. Devon], 269.

Wisitone, church of, 366.

Wismundus, cook, 236.

Wistenestune, William de, 49.

Witchercha. See Whitchurch.

Witchingham, Wichinghame [co. Norfolk], 76, 77.

-, church of, 74.

-, -, St. Faith, 76.

-, -, St. Mary, 76.

Witeburna. See Winterbourn Monkton.

Witeflo [? Vittefleur, Seine Inférieure], 46.

Witehano, Alan de, 147.

Witenehet. See Wheatenhurst.

Witeng, John de, 145, 152.

Witevill, 532.

Witfornesel. See Withernsea.

Withame. See Wytham,

Withebornestoche. See Winterbourne Stoke.

Withernsea, Witfornesel [co. York], 238.

Withycombe, See Wiscumba.

Witlesford. See Whittlesford.

Witlos. See Wortley.

Witrehame. See Wythame.

Wittefeld, Robert de, 17, 150.

Witteneia, Master Walter de, 145.

Wittremburna. See Winterbourne.

Wittrigeho, wood of, 292.

Wiungle, Guiungle, manor of, 436, 437.

Wivilla, Richard de, 273.

-, William de, 199.

Wivra, Robert de, 123.

Wlchberge [co. Hants], 351.

Wlfledemareis [co. Sussex], tithe of, 50.

Wlfola [co. Sussex], 510.

Wlfricheston. See Wolston.

Wlpe, Magister Reginald, 462.

Wlsi, abbot, 501.

Wlstanus. See Wolstan.

Wlwarditunc. See Wolverton.

Woburn abbey [co. Beds] monks of, 384.

Wodebold, priest, 234.

Wodeburia. See Woodbury.

Wodestoca. See Woodstock.

Wodestrata. See Woodstreet.

Wolstan, Wlstan, bishop of Worcester, 503.

Wolston, Wlfricheston, Wlvricheston [co. Warwick], church of, 202, 206.

-, Sibyl, lady of, charter of, 202.

Wolvel’. See Woolley.

Wolvelay. See Woolley.

Wolverton, Wlwarditune [co. Warwick], chapel of, 414.

Wonastow, St. Wingalous, Guingaloius, Winwalous [co. Monmouth], church of, 403–5, 407, 413.

Woodbury, Wodeburia, Wddebir’, Cudebiria [co. Devon], church of, 269, 279.

-, Ralf, clerk of, 276.

Woodstock, Wodestoca, Wudestoca, Vdesto cum, Odesteca, Udestoc [co. Oxon], charters dated at, 186, 187, 443, 448, 507, 533.

Woodstreet, Wodestrata [London], 156, 162.

Woolfardisworthy, Orfadesora [co. Devon], 235.

Woolley in Chaddleworth, Ouelaim, Oluelay, Wolvel’, Wolvelay, Wuelay, [co. Berks], manor of, 314, 316, 321, 322.

Woolwich, Unluuich, Vulwic, Wilewic, Wullenic [co. Kent], 500–2.

Wooton Underwood [co. Bucks], Vittona, 77.

Worcester, Guigrestensis, Wigornia, Wirecestria, chapter of, 227.

-, charters dated at, 171, 175.

-, possessions in diocese, of, 227.

-, Simon archdeacon of, 226, 228.

-, bishop of, 378, 486. See also Constantiis, John de; Mauger; Pagham, John de; Robert; Roger; Sampson; Wolstan.

-, Ralf prior of, 144.

Worcliva, Richard de, 300.

Worda. See Worth.

Worfield, Werfeld [co. Salop], 447.

-, manor of, 447.

Worms, Wormacia, charter dated at, 17.

Wormsley, Worvesleg’ [co. Hereford], 139.

Worth in Tangmere and Aldingbourne, Worda [co. Sussex], 331.

Wortley, Wirt’, Witlos [co. York], John (rural) dean of, 278.

Worvesleg’. See Wormsley.

Wradeffeld. See Bradfield Chapel.

Wrda. See Ford.

Wroxall, Brocheshalia [co. Warwick], chapel of, 414.

Wudestoca. See Woodstock.

Wuelay. See Woolley.

Wulfkytel, 512.

Wulfric, 108.

-, the reeve, 512.

Wulleuic. See Woolwich.

Wuudeuat [? Whitwick, co. Leic.], 230.

Wychesleya, Umfrey de, 151.

Wyddunsere, 151.

Wyesham, (nr. Monmouth), Wisam [co. Monmouth], chapel of St. Thomas, 404.

Wymondham, Wimundham [co. Leicester], church of, 204, 206.

Wyndlesoria. See Windsor.

Wyre [co. Worcester], forest of, 219.

Wytham, Withame, Witrehame [co. Berks], church of, 76, 77.

Wytrie, Kypping de, 503.


Xanctonensium. See Saintes.


Yarcombe, Articumbe, Erticumbe, Ertincumbe [co. Devon], church of, 267, 269, 279.

-, manor of, 266.

-, Philip, parson of, 279.

Yardley (in error). See Jerdislaia.

Ybernia. See Ireland.

Yeldham, Little, Deldham [co. Essex], 128.

Yllees. See Illiers-l’Evêqne.

Ymmovilla, Ralf de, 92.

-, William de, 92.

Yvo (sic), priest, 105.

York, Eboracum, Ewrehic, gifts in, 442.

-, church of St. Helen, 442.

-, priory of Holy Trinity, 427, 442, 443, 445.

-, -, monks of, 442–5.

-, -, prior of, Hicmar, 445.

-, -, -, Philip, 443, 444.

-, diocese (“parrochiani”) of, 443.

-, charters dated at, 191, 291, 443.

-, archbishop of. See Bishopbridge, Roger of; Gerard; Murdac, Henry; Henry II., Geoffrey son of; Thomas Thurstan.

-, B(e)n(edict) of, Master, 321.

-, Gregory of, Master, 462.

-, Simon de Apulia, chancellor of, 13.

-, William, (of Aumale) earl of, 291.

-, sheriff of. See Baldric, Hugh son of.

-, treasurer of. See Wannevilla, Ralf de.

Yorkshire, churches in 442–3.

Ypra, Ipra, William de, 492, 493.

-, -, gifts of, 484.

Yvetot. See Eventhoth.

Yvrandes, Ivranda [Orne], church of St. Mary, 192–6.

-, charter dated at, 196.


Zachareus, Walter son of, 305.

-, -, Eudo son of, 305.

Zuin, Jordan de, 152.