General Index: P, Q, R

Pages 628-644

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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P., Geoffrey, 284.

P., Gilbert, chamberlain, 206.

Pace’, Geoffrey, son of. See Peter, Geoffrey son of.

Paceio, William de, 219, 298.

Pacy-sur-Eure, Paci, Pasci, Paciacum [Eure], 102, 464.

-, castle of, 470.

-, seneschal of. See Brustesauz, William.

Paenello. See Painel.

Pagana. See Paghill.

Paganellus. See Painel.

Paganus, Payn, 407.

-, chaplain, 274 n.

-, chaplain of William de Braiosa, 396.

-, clerk, 48, 296.

-, dapifer, 461.

-, smith, and Hugh his son, 204.

-, Geoffrey, Godefridus, son of, 59, 66–9, 89, 97, 98, 125, 126, 207, 213, 214, 290, 352, 372, 448, 522.

-, Hugh son of, 204.

-, Ralf, 422.

-, Robert, 317.

-, Robert son of, 65, 344.

-, William, 401.

-, William son of, 302, 303.

-, -, gifts of, 536.

-, -, Galeran son of, 302.

-, -, Agnes wife of, and John, Payn, Robert, William, Agatha, Mathildis, Dionisia and Amelina her children, 302, 303.

-, Richard son of, 536.

Pagava. See Palgrave.

Pagham, Pagaham, John de, bishop of Worcester, 170, 171, 228.

-, -, charter of, 412.

-, Richard de, 510.

-, William de, gifts of, 510.

Parcus Lude, Parcus, Ralf abbot of, 297.

Paghill, Pagana [co. York], church of, 238.

Painel, Paenel, Paganellus, Paganelli, Paeinel, Paynel, Aeliz, wife of Robert de Gant, 443.

-, Fulc, 57, 171, 186, 187, 212, 271, 272, 274, 286, 299, 302, 318, 325, 326, 343, 417, 444, 453, 458, 476, 533, 537, 538.

-, -, charter of, 325,

-, -, Ralf son of, 444.

-, -, William son of and Alienor his wife, 537.

-, -, junior, 538.

-, Gervase, 441, 458.

-, -, charter of, 445 n.

-, Hugh, 163.

-, John, 325.

-, Ralf, 257, 427, 437.

-, -, gifts of, 442, 443.

-, -, Mathildis wife of, 442.

-, -, William and Jordan sons of, 443.

-, Thomas, 325

-, William, 157, 255, 256.

-, -, gifts of. 326, 522.

-, -, Hugh and Fulc sons of, 326.

-, -, archdeacon of Avranches, 69, 102, 326, 441, 538.

Paisfolet, Hugh, 252.

Palestans, Roger, 473.

Palgrave, Pagava [co. Norfolk], chapel of, 403, 404.

Palle Grente, William de, 194.

Palmer, William, 173.

Panbroc. See Pembroke.

Panis, clerk, 146.

See also Paris.

Panillosa villa, Oger de, grant of, 23.

-, -, Gerelm, brother of, 23.

Panneberie. See Pinbury in Duntesbourne.

Panrox. See Penrose.

Pantfield, Penfeld, Pantelle [co. Essex], 162.

-, manor of, 156.

-, little manor of, 157.

Pantol, Pantolf, Pantovus, Pantul, Pantulf, Pautos, A., the clerk, 228.

-, Amicia sister of Hugh, charter of 387.

-, Robert, 142.

-, William, 203, 204, 338, 432.

-, William, of Samella, charter of, 209.

-, -, Burga wife of, 209.

-, -, William Bastard son of, 209.

-, -, William, Roger and Philip sons of, 209.

Papa, Robert, 263.

Papeillun, Turold, 148.

Papillun, Halena, 337.

Paplesham. See Poplesham.

Paravisum, convent of, 393.

Parco, Hugh de, 123.

Paris, clerk, 145.

See also Panis.

Paris, payment at, 383.

-, King’s court at, 1.

-, priory of St. Martin des Champs, 459.

-, -, Theobald prior of, 459.

-, -, monks of, 460.

-, charters dated at, 469, 476, 527.

-, precentor of, Robert de Vitrcio, 361, 363.

Parkiet, Le, Mill of, 148.

Parnel, Robert son of. See Leicester, earls of.

Partes, Hugh, 410.

Parvavilla. See Petitville.

Paschal II., pope, 288.

Pasci. See Paci sur Eure.

Pasci, William de, 464, 465.

Passai, Paseys, Passeium [Orne], forest of, 299, 304.

Patnel, Richard, 142.

Patrick, Patricius, 526.

-, archdeacon (of the diocese of Bayeux), 176.

-, earl. See Dunbar.

-, Engerran, 145.

-, Johanna, 316.

-, Robert, 192.

-, Rodulf, 463.

-, William, 215, 298, 433, 434, 465.

-, -, Gisla wife of, 159.

-, -, -, William son of, 159.

Patteshill, Simon de, justice, 150.

Pauliaco, Rodulfus de, 24.

-, Roger de, 519.

Paulinus, clerk, 321

Paumarius, Robert, 433.

Pautos. See Pantol.

Pavilliaco, Pavilleio, Paviliaco, Paveilly, Ernald de, 377.

-, Reginald de, 35, 70, 379, 515.

-, Roger de, 67.

-, Thomas de, 476.

-, William de, 66.

-, -, Hugh brother of, 66.

Pavilly [Seine Inférieure], bailiffs of, 69.

Pavo, Arnold, 285.

-, Robert, 285.

Payn. See Paganus.

Paynel. See Painel.

Paz, John, canon, 463.

-, Master William de, 322.

Peasemore, Pessemere [co. Berks], 220.

Peatling, Pellingues [co. Leic.], 230.

Pebworth, Pebworte [co. Glouc.], 227.

Peccatum, Robert, 288, 369.

Peche, Pech, Pechiet, Richard, archdeacon, 113.

-, -, bishop of Coventry, 203.

-, -, -, charter of, 205.

Peccho, Richard de and Matilda his wife, 336, 337.

-, -, charter of, 336.

Peckleton, Pequintona [co. Leic], 230.

Pedeleiga. See Pedley.

Pedestra, charter dated at, 186.

Pedicovia. See Pitcombe.

Pedley in East Warlington, Pedeleiga, [co. Devon], 235.

Peete Hall, Peith [in West Mersea and Peldon, co. Essex], 29, 30.

Peissi, Droco de, 25.

-, Osmund de, 4.

Peissiaci. See Poissy.

Peisson, Robert, 116.

Peith. See Peete Hall.

Pellign’. See Prescinneio.

Pellinguis. See Peatling.

Pembroke, Pembroch, Panbroc in Wales, 239.

-, priory of St. Nicholas, 238.

-, -, brethren of, 238.

Pembroke, Gilbert (1st) earl of, 64, 65.

-, -, Richard son of, charter of, 63, 65.

-, -, Isabel wife of, 63 n, 65.

See also Clare, Marescallus.

Pena Burga, Ralf de, 401.

Penchut, Edward de, 387.

Penebery. See Pinbury in Duntesbourne.

Penfeld. See Pantfield.

Pengnart, William, 134.

Pennard, Pennart [co. Glamorgan], church of, 106.

Penneberia. See Pinbury in Duntesbourne.

Penrose, Panrox [co. Monmouth], chapel of St. Thomas, 405.

Penthebery. See Pinbury.

Pepin, William, son of Fulchered de Cadomo, 168.

Pequintona. See Peckleton.

Perceio, Percy, Joscelin de, 199.

-, -, Robert and Roger brothers of, 199.

-, William de, 448 n.

Perche, count of, Geoffrey, 245, 362.

-, -, -, charter of, 366.

-, -, -, Matildis wife of, 366, 472.

-, -, -, -, charter of, 245.

-, -, -, Geoffrey son of, 366.

-, -, Rotrou, 100, 373, 509.

-, son of count of, 4.

Perchia, Pertica, Perticensis, Geoffrey de, 453, 468.

-, Stephen de, 10.

Percy. See Perceio.

Perdita Villa, Tostin de, 210.

Perefita. See Pierrefitte.

Perehie, Ralf de, 78.

Pereis, Humfrey de, 177.

Perella [? La Pérelle], 252.

Pereponte. See Petreponte.

Pereriis, Ralf de, 177.

See also Pirariis.

Perers, Odo de, 336.

Peretot, Reginald de, 449.

Perham, Baldwin de, 49.

Perieres, Marinus de, 324.

-, -, Thomas son of, 324.

See also Pirariis.

Periers, wood of. 95.

Perigord, Petragora, charter dated at, 467.

-, Peter bishop of, 467.

Perregate [co. Sussex], 47, 48.

Perrepont. See Petreponte.

Perreville, Petravilla [Jersey], 349.

Perriers sur Andelle, Pirarios Super Audelam [Eure], charter dated at, 259.

Perrières, Petrariæ [Calvados], priory of St. Vigor (dependent on Marmoutier), 427, 431, 432.

-, Gervase, prior of, 433.

-, Jagur prior of, 432.

-, William, prior of, 430, 431, 432.

Perrot, La, Perot [Charente Inféricure], Order of the Hospital of, 454.

Perseigne, Persenia, abbey of St. Mary, 362, 363.

-, Adam, abbot of, 363.

-, -, monks of, 362, 363.

Pershore, Persor, Reginald, abbot of, 78.

Pert, Robert de, 351, 357.

Pertica, Perticensis. See Perchia.

Pertice. See Perche.

Pertu (sic) Hugh de, 141, 142.

See also Portu.

Pessemere. See Peasemore.

Petchorda, (Petworth) Corbelinus et Hamelinus de, 233.

-, Robert de, priest, 233.

-, Turstin de, 233.

Peter, 266.

-, canon of Rouen, 13.

-, cardinal [of St. Crysogone] and legate, 118.

-, chaplain, 268, 324, 344, 349.

-, -, of Arthur duke of Britanny, 363.

-, -, of queen Eleanor, 13.

-, clerk, 227, 316, 418, 492.

-, -, of Oteri, 16.

-, master, scribe, 146.

-, monk, 249, 291, 406, 448.

-, parmenter, 24.

-, precentor of Rouen, 3, 72.

-, prévôt, 82.

-, priest, 344.

-, Eustace son of. See Stephen, Eustace son of.

-, Geoffrey son of, 61, 71, 103, 140, 322, 339, 385, 387, 498.

-, -, earl of Essex, 17, 474, 480.

-, -, justiciary of England, 516.

-, Hasoilt son of, 523.

-, Roger son of, 288.

-, Simon son of, 377.

-, William son of, 432.

Peterborough, Burgum, abbot of, 186.

-, -, Benedict, 487.

Petit, Roger, abbot of St. Florent, Saumur, 467.

Petitville, Parvavilla. [Calvados], church of St. Hilary, 534, 535.

Petra, Abraham de, 81.

-, Wermundus de, 81.

Petra ficta, Walter de, 536.

Petragora. See Perigord.

Petrariis, Ralf de, 432.

-, -, Robert son of, 432.

-, Robert son of, Ansquitill de, 131.

Petrariarum. See Perrières.

Petravilla. See Perreville.

Petreponte, Perepont, Perrepont, Petriponte, Hubert de, 175.

-, Hugh de, 134.

-, Richard de, 387.

-, Robert de, 80, 517.

-, -, Godfrey son of, 80.

Petrevalle, Roger de, 134.

Petri [? Potterspury], land of [co. Northants], 299.

Petri Leonis, Hugh, cardinal deacon of St. Angelo, 228.

Petris, Stephen de, 81.

Petrockstow, Petrochestona [co. Devon], 296.

Petroponte. See Petreponte.

Petsoe, Petrosho [in Emberton, co. Buckingham], chapel of, 444.

Pette, land of, 488.

Petworth [co. Sussex], church of, 510.

See also Petehorda.

Pevensey, castlery of, 511.

-, honour of, 434.

Peverel, Peverell, Pevrellus, Piperellus, Pivrelli, Puerelli, Puirellus, 301.

-, Hamo, 234.

-, Herbert, 506.

-, Hugh, 17, 314.

-, Mathildis, charter of, 290.

-, Payn, 198.

-, Richard, 463.

-, -, Hugh and Ranulf brothers of, 463.

-, William, 219, 290, 327, 369, 437, 509, 524.

-, William, of Dover, 27, 127, 352, 464, 518.

-, -, Hamo brother of, 127.

-, -, Payn brother of, 127.

-, William, of Nottingham, 314.

-, -, -, Adelina wife and William son of, 506.

-, -, Robert son of, 506.

Phayum. See Fay.

Philip I., king of France, 328, 426, 438, 470, 471, 529.

-, -, charter of, 1.

Philip (‘Augustus’) II., king of France, 18, 211, 382, 383, 469, 474–476.

-, charter of, 468.

-, notification by, 469.

Philip VI., king of France, inspeximus by, 468.

Philip, archdeacon (of the diocese of Coutances), 325, 330.

-, chancellor, 484.

-, chaplain, 321.

-, clerk, 205.

-, -, of Richard I., 104.

-, precentor, 484.

-, son of the count (? of Namur), 495.

-, (de Carteret), Aalis daughter of, 263.

-, Ralph son of, 337.

Philippa, nun of Fontevrault, 380.

-, maid of honour and kinswoman of queen Joan, 392.

Picale, Walter de, clerk, 276.

Piceium. See Poix.

Pichenoht, William, charter of, 252.

Pichot, Picot, master Peter, 462.

-, Ralf, 230.

-, -, grant by, 63.

-, -, Amfria wife of, 63.

-, Ranulf, 330.

-, William, 228, 308.

-, -, seneschal, 119.

Picquigny, Pinchonio, Girard, vidame de, 64.

Pictavensis. See Poitiers.

Pictavensis, Roger (son of Roger, earl of Shewsbury), 435.

-, -, count, gifts of, 236–9.

Pidecumba. See Pitcombe.

Pidekesville, Reginald de, 462.

Pidele called Hinctune. See Puddle Hinton.

Pierrefitte, Perefita [Calvados], 121.

Pierreval, Petravallis [Seine Inférieure], 1.

Pierreville, Mandevilla, Magnavilla, Mannevilla [Manche], 181.

-, church of St. Mary, 179, 180.

Piers. See Peter.

Pieux, Puix, Podiis [Manche], St. Mary des, 348, 425.

Pigace, John, 148.

-, Nicholas, 148.

Pikehale, Odo de, 278.

Pilardenton. See Pillerton.

Pilardintone. See Pillerton.

Pilesmore, 150.

Pilet, Roger, 139.

Pilevill, Geoffrey, 521.

Pilland in Pilton [co. Devon], 460.

Pilie, William, 440.

Pillerton, Pilardenton, Pilardintone [co. Warwick], 223.

-, Upper and lower, 228.

-, Little, 230.

Pilton [co. Devon], 460.

Pimperne, Pimpre [co. Dorset], manor of, 385, 386.

Pimperne, Geoffrey de, 387.

Pin, Le [Calvados], honour of, 217.

Pin, Le, Pinus [Diocese of Poitiers], Milo of, 389.

Pin. See Pino.

Pinbury in Duntesbourne, Penebery, Panneberie, Penthebery, Penneberia [co. Gloucester], 141, 143, 144, 146, 149, 150.

Pinchonio. See Picquigny.

Pinel, Hamelin, 339.

-, Hamellus de, 538.

-, John, servant of queen Joan, 392.

-, William, 457.

Pinellus, Hamelin son of, 288.

Pinguis, William, 145.

Pinnart, Norman, 59.

Pinus. See Pin.

Pino, Pinu, Pin, Durand de, 217.

-, Matthew de, 178, 194.

-, Maurice de, 123.

-, -, Gilbert son of, 123.

-, Morinus de, 112.

-, Robert de, 217.

-, William de, 60, 113, 115, 128.

Pipard, Walter, 121.

-, Gilbert, 70, 89, 183, 185, 187, 301.

-, -, baron of the exchequer, 402.

-, Robert, 121.

Piperellus. See Peverel.

Pirariis, Pirio, Hugh de, 64, 135, 186, 362, 439.

See also Pereriis, Perieres, Pireris, Piris, Petrariis.

Pirarios super Andelam. See Perriers-sur-Andelle.

Pireris, Roger de, 27.

Piria. See Potterspury.

Piris, Alan de, and Thomas his son, 468.

-, Odo de, 333.

-, Thomas de and Gieva his wife, gifts of, 282.

See also Pirariis.

Piritonia, Walter de, 463.

Piro, Pirou, Piru, R. de, dapifer, 203.

-, Ralf de, 174, 177, 349.

-, Robert de, 205, 344, 440.

-, Thomas de, 205.

-, William de, 288.

Pirou [Manche], 234.

Pisa, William de, almoner, 326.

Piseio, Gralfridus de, 92.

Pitcombe, Pidecumba, Pedicovia [co. Somerset], tithe from, 174, 369.

Pitot, John, 195.

-, Symon, 195.

Piuvrelli. See Peverel.

Plaidanis. See Playden.

Plaisseio, William de, 143.

Plaiz, Ralf de, 517.

Plana Fulgeria. See Pleine Fougères.

Plancha, Geoffrey de, 283.

Planches [Orne], prior of, 458.

Planquery, Planchere, Planchereium [Calvados], church of, 191, 192.

Plantapeluda, William, 318.

Playden, Plaidanis, Pleidene [co. Sussex] 81, 82.

Pleidene. See Playden.

Pleine-Fougères, Fulgerie, Feugerie, Filgerie, Plana Fulgeria [Ille et Vilaine], castle of, 288.

-, tithes at, 416.

-, charters dated at, 271, 272, 283.

See also Fougères.

Pleisseto, Plaisseto, Plessei, Gilbert de, 136.

-, -, canon of London, 31.

Plessis-Grimould, Plausiciaum, Plessecium [Calvados], priory of St. Stephen, 190–6.

-, prior of, Nicholas, 191, 192, 195, 531, 537.

-, -, Ralf, 194, 312.

-, canons of, 192–6.

Pleistowe, Robert de, 462.

Plimtone. See Plympton.

Plouagat, Ploagat [Côtes du Nord], church of, 358.

Plumetot [Calvados], church of, 177.

-, priest of, 177.

Plumetot, Ralf de, 175, 177.

Plympton, Plimtone, Peter canon of, 320.

-, Johel, prior of, 461.

Podio Liborelli, David de, 389.

Podiomaen, Raymund de, 390.

Poerius, David, 461.

Poherius, Robert, 338.

Pohier, Ranulf le, 402.

See also Ponherius; Puier.

Poignant, Roger, 142.

Poiley in Verneuil, Poileium [Eure], 218.

Poilleyo, Polleio, Polei, Maino de, 288.

-, Nicholas de, canon, 305.

-, -, Robert son of, 235, 236.

-, Richard de, 333, 344.

-, -, Basilia wife of, 236.

-, Richard de, archdeacon, 179, 181.

-, Richard de, clerk, 324.

-, -, gift of, 235.

Poissy, Peissiacum, Girard prévôt of, 384.

Poitevin, Peter, burgess of Agen, 393.

Poitiers, Pietavum, 473.

-, prévôté of, 38.

-, charters dated at, 175, 390, 394, 473

-, archdeacon of, William Vimarius, 390.

-, -, Richard, 6, 101, 161, 175, 243, 271–3, 317, 440.

-, bishop of, Gilbert, 376.

-, -, Philip, 210.

-, -, Maurice, 389–91, 394, 472.

-, -, William, 210, 539.

-, Eleanor countess of, charter of, 375.

-, Soronetus mayor of, 394.

-, prévôt of, 382. See Lozaio, William de.

-, St. Ciprian lez, Peter abbot of, 473.

Poitiers, Philip of, bishop of Durham, 71, 362, 363.

Poitou, Pictavia, 402, 450, 475.

-, barons of, 475.

-, officers of, 453.

-, Richard count of, 380, 382.

-, -, charter of, 382.

-, Roger of. See Pictavensis.

-, William count of, 453.

-, lord of, 388.

-, seneschal of, 382, 383, 391, 394, 467.

See also Cella; Mengoti; Monte Mirallo; Tornham.

Poix, Piceium [Picardy], charter dated at, 128.

-, William prior of, 128.

Polcinus, Aichard, 532.

Polestroc, 150.

Polet. See Pollet.

Policott, in Ashendon, Polingtote [co. Bucks] 76, 77.

Polinus, Richard, 347.

Polleio. See Poilleyo.

Pollet, Le, near Dieppe [Seine Inférieure] 75.

Pomainvilla. See Pommainville.

Pominvilla, William priest of, 433.

-, Henry de, 460.

Pomeria, Pomereda, Goslen de, 2.

-, -, gifts of, 536, 537.

-, -, Henry, Roger, Philip, Goslin Ralph, William sons of, and Emma wife of, 536.

-, Henry (I. and II.) de, 125, 214, 215, 460, 537.

-, Ralf (I.) de, 215.

-, -, Jethlan son of, 215.

See also Pomeria, Goslen de.

-, Ralf (II.) de, 214, 217.

-, William de, 260.

Pomers, Richard des, 336.

Pommainville, near Occagnes, Pomainvilla [Orne], church of, 431.

Poncon, Roger, 21, 24.

Ponherius, Roger, 397.

See also Poherius; Puier.

Pont-Audemer, Pons Aldomari, Monsaudomari [Eure], 84, 114, 116–8, 128, 300, 302, 304.

-, fair of, 83.

-, hospital of St. Giles, 83–7.

-, -, grants to, 83–7.

-, -, prior of, 84.

-, sick folks of, 83, 84.

-, -, proctors of, 85.

-, charters dated at, 117, 199.

-, prévôts of, 113.

-, prudhommes of, 84.

Pont-de-l’Arche, Pons Archarum [Eure], 29, 57.

-, charter dated at, 65.

Pont-l’Évêque, Pons Episcopi [Calvados], 121.

Ponte, Anschetil de, 278.

-, Geoffrey de, 320.

-, Hernulf de, 211.

Ponte Achardi, William de, 259.

See also Ponte Archarum.

Ponte Aldomari, Aldemeri, Alarius de, 397.

-, Henry de, 196.

Ponte Archarum, William de, 42.

-, -, chamberlain of king Stephen, 55.

Pontechardon, Pontchardon, Pontecarde, Hugh de, 174.

-, William de, 175.

See also Puncardone.

Pontefracto, William de, 505.

Ponthieu, Pontehium, Pontivium, count of, Guy 22, 346, 400.

-, -, -, Adda wife of, 346.

-, -, -, Robert de Bellême, son-in-law of, 400.

-, -, Ingelram, 37.

-, -, John, 101, 171.

-, -, -, Robert son of, charter of, 211.

-, -, William (Talvas son of Robert de Bellême), 137, 207, 209, 218, 223n, 224, 269.

-, -, -, gifts of, 159, 346, 362.

-, -, -, Agnes (daughter of Count Guy) mother, Ela wife, William and Enguerrand sons, and Mabel daughter of, 346.

-, -, -, John son of, 207.

-, -, -, -, gifts of, 172, 209, 210.

-, -, -, -, John, Robert and William sons of, 172.

See also Belesme; Montgomery; Sées.

Pontius, Richard son of, 135.

Pontius, cellarer of Cîteaux, 297.

Pontivo, Richard de, 337.

Pontoise, Pons Isare, 1.

-, abbey of St. Mellon, 1.

Pontorson [Manche], churches of, 270.

Pontuin, Philip de, 419.

Pope, the, 390.

-, precepts and bulls of, 84, 294, 295.

-, special excommunication by, 354.

See also Adrian, Alexander, Anastasius, Calixtus, Celestine, Clement, Eugenius, Gregory, Honorius, Innocent, Leo, Lucius, Paschal, Urban.

Popelina, 324.

Popevilla. See Pouppeville.

Poplesham, Paplesham, manor of [co. Sussex], 82.

Poree, Richard, 121.

Porchet, Roger, 137.

Pormort, William de, 64.

-, -, Girard son of, 64.

Port, Portu, Adam de, 2, 356, 496.

-, Henry de, 54.

-, Hubert de, 256, 327.

-, Hugh de, 39.

-, Ralf de, 260.

-, Roger de, charter of, 540.

-, Hugh and Robert, brothers of, 540.

-, William de, chaplain of the monks, 440.

See also Pertu.

Portarius, Reginald, 153.

Portbail, Sylvester de, 332.

Porteria, 349.

Porteria, Baldwin de, 349.

Portesmue, Theobald de, provost (? of Portsmouth), 304.

Portesmues. See Portsmouth.

Portis, Roger de, Ralf son of, 118.

-, -, gift of, 118.

-, -, William son of 118.

Porto, Peter, bishop of, 94.

Portslade, Portesladda [co. Sussex], tithe of 405.

Portsmouth, Portesmues, Portesmuth [co. Southampton], 258, 304, 385.

-, charter dated at, 480.

Portu. See Port.

Poses [Eure], 29.

Postebere. See Spettisbury.

Poterel, land of, 254, 261.

-, Gerbert de, charter of, 254.

-, Ralf de, 271.

-, William de, 78.

Poterie, Matthew de la, 118.

Poterna, Henry de, 88.

-, William de, 31.

Potin, Achard, 269.

Potterspury, Piria [co. Northants], 292.

See also Petri.

Pouppeville, Pupevilla [near Varreville, Manche], 188, 323, 534.

Poyvile, Anteme de, 76.

Præbenda, Richard de, clerk of William king of Scots, 491.

Pracriis, Pratariis, Prateriis, Ranulf de, 145, 147, 170.

Pracus. See Pratellis.

Pratariis. See Praeriis.

Pratellis, Praeus [Préaux], Hamo de, 119.

-, John de, 19, 73, 88, 90, 95, 103, 104, 131, 304, 308, 339, 378, 454, 474, 476, 495.

-, -, Peter brother of, 19.

-, -, Roger brother of, 90.

-, Peter de, 29, 104, 131, 163, 196, 215, 339, 363, 495, 496.

-, Roger de, 103, 300, 489, 537.

-, -, seneschal of Richard I., 14.

-, William de, 36, 88, 131, 476.

Praterie. See Presles.

Prateriis. See Praeriis.

Pratis, Gilbert de, 243.

Pratum. See Rouen, Ste. Marie de Pré.

Préaux [Eure], 27, 108, 109, 111, 112, 114, 115.

-, abbey of St. Peter, 108–19.

-, abbot of, Anffrid, 109.

-, -, Michael, 115, 116.

-, -, Richard, 112–14.

-, -, William, 109.

-, Michael, “father” of the monastery of, 114.

-, St. Germain, 110, 112.

Précigné. See Noue, La.

Prescinneio, Prissiniaco, Pressigneio, Precigne, Precigneio, Pellign[eio], Joisber, Joubert de, Josbert de, 381, 382, 453, 455, 467.

-, William de, 388, 496.

Presles, Praterie [Calvados], 196.

Prestewald. See Prestwold.

Prestgate, Presteguet [co. Lancaster], 236.

Preston, John de, 138.

Preston, Prestetona [co. Lancaster], 237.

-, Prestitonia [co. York], 238.

-, [co. Sussex], tithe of, 511.

Prestrevilla, Robert de, 283.

Prestwold, Prestewald [co. Leicester], 216.

Primaldus, chaplain (of William de Braiosa), 396.

-, chaplain of Briouze, 397, 405.

Prissiniaco. See Preseinneio.

Prittlewell, Prituwella [co. Essex], church of, 510.

Provence, marquis of. See Raimund.

Provetal the Jew, 393.

Prudhumme, William, 307.

Puddle-Hinton, Pidele called Hinctune, Bidele, [co. Dorset], manor of, 435, 436.

Pudsey, Hugh, bishop of Durham, 14, 46, 49, 61, 64, 65, 70, 91, 103, 119, 140, 149, 210, 270, 271, 300, 338, 382, 384, 385, 516.

-, -, letters of, 150, 239.

Puerelli. See Peverell.

Puier, Ranulf, 461.

Puinant, William, 191.

Puintel, William de, 401.

See also Punctello.

Puirellus. See Peverel.

Puiset. See Pudsey.

Puit. See Puy.

Puix. See Pieux.

Pullanus, Walter, 384.

Puncardone, Roger de, 463.

See also Pontechardon.

Punctello, Robert de, 400.

-, Unsel Mansellus de, 397.

See also Puintel.

Punz, Geoffrey de, 15.

Purleigh [co. Essex], church of, 513.

Putangle, Osmund de, 23.

Putot [Calvados], chapel of, 161.

-, Alan de, 145.

-, Richard de, 123.

-, William de, 300, 521.

Putrellus, Henry, 337.

Puy near Dieppe, Puit [Seine Inférieure], 75.


Quaire, William, 446.

Quarr, Quarraria, William abbot of, 296.

Quatford, Catfort [co. Salop], church of, 446, 447.

Quatremaris, Geoffrey de, 136.

Quatre-puits, Quartrepuis [Calvados], 148.

Quenchi. See Quinci.

Quengi. See Quinci.

Quetehou. See Jettehou.

Quetevilla, Hugh de, 337.

Queti (sic), Robert de, 217.

See also Quinci.

Quettehou, Kathehulmus, Chetelhulmus, Hulme [Manche], 149.

-, toll of, 142.

Quevilly, Chivili, Chivilleium, Kivilli [Seinc Inférieure], 24, 229.

-, charters dated at, 6, 101, 128, 161.

Quévreville, Caprevilla [Seine Inférieure], 24.

Quillebeuf [Eure], 55.

Quimperlé, Quinperle [Finisterre], Ruallend abbot of, 274.

Quimper, Corispitensis, Geoffrey bishop of, 428.

Quinci, Quenchi, Quengi, Quinciaco, Robert de, 491.

See also Queti.

-, Saiherius, Saherus de, 8, 11, 35, 57, 61, 65, 69, 70, 78, 79, 90, 101, 104, 118, 129, 148, 171, 186, 200, 303, 331, 379, 433, 476, 496, 497, 525.

-, -, junior, 118.

Quinentrensis. See Coventry.

Quinton, Winton, [co. Glouc.], 227.

Quintona. See Kington.


R. chaplain, 203.

-, chaplain of Robert count of Normandy, 257.

-, lay brother, 307.

-, son of the earl (i.e., Brian Fitz Count), 372.

-, serjeant of William son of the earl of Arundel, 344.

Rabace, Ralf, 273.

Rabel, 251, 252.

See also Ratbellus; Tancarville.

Raberius longus, 23.

Roborna, Robert son of Walchelin de, 204.

Racton, Rakintona [co. Sussex], church of, 510.

Raculfe, Hugh de, 484.

Rad…, master, 452.

Raddenoa. See Radnor.

Rading, Hugh de, 16.

Radinges. See Reading.

Radnage, Radena [co. Buckingham], manor of, 377, 384.

Radnor, Raddenoa, 401.

Rado, a monk of Guienoc lord of Monmouth, 409.

Raduella [? Rothwell, co. Lincoln], 216.

Raginard de capella, 418.

Ragnulfus, tailor, 222.

-, -, Robert son of, 222.

Raignaudus, monk of St. Serge, 419.

Raimbald, Odo brother of, 431.

Raimberthome. See Robehomme.

Raimund, 445.

Raimund, duke of Narbonne, count of Thoulouse, marquis of Provence, 10.

Rainald. See Reginald.

Rainard, John, 380.

Rainer, butler, 222.

Raines, William de, 237.

Rainfred, Payn son of, 296.

-, Robert son of, 164.

See also Reinfrid.

Rainold. See Reginald.

Rakintona. See Racton.

Ralega, Ralegh, Hugh de, 461, 462.

Ralerand. See Waleran.

Ralf, 201, 250, 252.

-, almoner, 300.

-, archdeacon, 192, 263, 330, 333.

-, uncle of Henry bishop of Bayeux, 177.

-, brother of St. Giles’, Pont Audemer, 86.

-, the carpenter, 396.

-, chamberlain, 415.

See also Tancarvilla, Ralf de.

-, chaplain, 13, 142, 228, 238, 250, 282, 303, 337.

-, -, of Theobald count of Blois, 374.

-, chancellor, 479.

-, (de Warnevilla), chancellor (of Henry II.), 8, 35, 128.

-, chancellor of Robert duke of Normandy, 1.

-, clerk, 105, 178–80, 209, 227, 320, 411, 433.

- cook, 110.

- count, 39.

-, cubieularius. See Tancarvilla, Ralf de.

-, dapifer, 222, 239, 305.

-, son of the vicomte, 134.

-, brother (? of Roger de Sancto Claro), 344.

-, knight of William Malet, 108.

-, marescaldus, 235, 236.

-, son of the marshal, 479.

-, the moneyer and Gualeran his son, 253, 254.

-, monk, 48, 257.

-, - of Marmoutier, 426.

-, - of St. Florent, Saumur, 397, 407, 409.

-, parvus, 106, 152.

-, -, archdeacon of Meath, 105 n.

-, postel, 103.

-, son of the priest, 63.

-, the priest, Thomas the priest son of, 180.

-, prior (? of Marmoutier), 426.

-, -, of Briouze, 402.

-, - of Gloucester, 7.

-, the priest, 180.

-, scribe of Caen, scriptor (of the Norman Exchequer), 148, 163.

-, seneschal, 123.

-, smith, 150.

-, son of the huntsman, 204.

-, subdean, 311.

-, under-tenant of Robert of Belfou, 169.

-, vicomte, 145, 147.

-, vitulus, 527.

-, Amauri son of, charter of, 335.

-, Geoffrey brother of, 449.

-, Gervase son of, 444.

-, Henry son of, 146.

-, -, brother of William the seneschal, 172.

-, John son of, 504 n, 505.

-, Peter son of, 13.

-, Ralf son of, 527.

-, Richard son of, 463, 490.

-, Robert son of, 300, 387.

-, -, charter of, 25.

-, -, Erembore daughter of, 25.

-, -, Rainbert kinsman of, 26.

-, - (i.e. William), seneschal of Normandy, 537.

-, Turold son of, 3.

-, Walter son of, 160, 461.

-, -, Emma wife of, 460.

-, William son of, 315, 457.

-, William son of (officer of Henry II.), 57, 89, 227, 275, 284, 306, 380, 515, 516, 534, 537.

-, -, baron of the exchequer, 402.

-, -, justiciar of Normandy, 179.

-, -, seneschal of Normandy, 11, 14, 18, 28, 29, 46, 57, 64, 65, 69, 73, 91, 102–104, 106, 119, 145–47, 149, 163, 172, 183, 188, 194, 195, 200, 211, 212, 217, 227, 303, 331, 338, 339, 380–82, 384, 470, 491, 495, 522, 525, 534.

-, -, Robert son of, archdeacon, of Nottingham, 11, 46, 148, 172, 188, 388.

-, -, de Hastinges, 490.

Rambertihulmus, land of. See Robehomme.

Ramburelles, [Somme], altar of, 513.

Ramechinges [co. Sussex], 511.

Rameia, Peter de, 390.

Ramerton, 76.

See also Kametona.

Rames[near Bolbec, Seine Inférieure], 70.

Ramesia, Master Herbert de, 515.

Rampan, Richard de, 299.

Ramundi, William, 344.

Randulf, gifts of, 511.

-, Herbert son of, gifts of, 511.

Ranovilla [? Rauville-la-Place, Manche], church of, 309.

Ranulf, Rannulf, 250, 259, 407.

-, abbot (? of Lessay), 328.

-, archchaplain of Bayeux, 176.

-, baker, 114.

-, burgess, 463.

-, chancellor, (of Henry I.), 2, 27, 55, 59, 97, 124, 287, 288, 313, 352, 354, 356, 506.

See also Raulf, Reginald.

-, chaplain, 276, 422, 457.

-, -, of queen Eleanor, 390.

-, clerk, 320.

-, earl, 259. See Chester, earls of.

-, earl (? Rainald of Cornwall), 264.

-, “excorians porcum,” 436.

-, master, 190.

-, moneyer, 253.

-, monk, 406, 408, 409.

-, -, of St. Florent Saumur, 415.

-, priest, 348, 431.

-, seneschal of Robert count of Mortain. 328.

-, treasurer, 442.

-, vicomte (of the Bessin), 39, 142, 148, 158, 254, 327.

See also Baiocis; Bayeux; Mesehin.

- the scribe, 98.

-, Peter, 440.

-, Robert son of, 180.

-, Roger son of, and Osbert his son, 267.

-, Waleran son of, gifts of, 157, 162, 520.

Ranville, Ranvilla [Cavados], 148.

Ranville (sic), chancellor, 537.

Rapendona, Geoffrey de, 148.

Rapenduna. See Repton.

Raphetot, Adam de, 137.

Rapoliolo, Robert de, 167.

See also Romilleio.

Rasa, 267.

Rasen, West, Rasna, Rasa [co. Lincoln], church of, 442, 443.

Ratbellus, 526.

See also Rabel.

Ratby, Rotebi [co. Leic.], chapel of, 229.

Raterius, 407.

Rattingedane, wood of, 144.

Raulf, chancellor (of Henry I.), 524.

See also Ranulf.

Rauville. See Ranovilla.

Ravershame. See Caversham.

Raveton, Hugh de, 215.

Rawell. See Rowell.

Rawridge [in Up-Ottery, co. Devon], chape of, 17.

Reading, Rading, Radinges, abbey of, 259.

-, abbot of, Reginald, 78.

-, charters dated at, 5, 273.

-, monks of, 230.

Reculey, Le [Calvados], parish of, 194 n.

Redvers. See Reviers.

Redehame, William de, 76.

Redeo, Anschitill de, 184.

Redeveris. See Reviers.

Redgwell, Redeswell [co. Essex], 428.

Redon, Roton, charter dated at, 10.

Redonis. See Rennes.

Redveriis. See Reviers.

Reed, Ruith [co. Hertford], church of, 512.

Reginald, Raginald, Rainald, Rainold, Renald, Reinold, 70, 250, 434, 442.

-, abbot of La Couture, Le Mans, 424.

-, brother of the abbess of St. Amand, 26.

-, bishop of Worcester, 384.

-, brother of empress Maud. See Cornwall, Reginald, earl of.

-, precentor of Bath, 173.

-, chancellor, 41. See also Ranulf.

-, chaplain, 282.

-, - of William I., 148, 397.

-, -, gift of, 54.

-, - William brother of, 54.

-, clerk, 22, 278, 428.

-, comes. See Cornwall, Reginald earl of.

-, son of the countess (or count), 585.

-, cook, 260, 397.

-, brother of Robert le Beden’, 16.

-, hospitarius, 288.

-, Master, 319, 410.

-, magnus, 329.

-, monk, 423.

-, priest, 273.

-, Eustace son of, 377.

-, Guy son of count, 252.

-, monk, Peter nephew of, 236.

-, Tursting son of, and William his brother, 252.

-, William son of, 251.

Reiborne, Peter, priest of, 335.

Reimberhome. See Robehomme.

Reinald. See Reginald.

Reiner, Richard son of, canon, 463.

-, Theobald son of, 463.

Reinfrid, Rainfred, Renfrid, Remfrid, Gilbert son (of Roger son) of, 9, 17, 149, 217, 243, 338, 522.

-, Roger son of, 17, 150, 338.

Reinold. See Reginald.

Remberthomme. See Robehomme.

Remensis, Stephen, 277.

Remfrid, son of. See Reinfrid.

Remigius, bishop of Lincoln, 108, 503.

Remigneio, Hugh de, 495.

Remileio, Robert de, 219.

Remilly, Rumileium [Manche], church of, 185.

Remswast, Gilbert de, 336.

Renaldus. See Reginald.

Ren’d’, chaplain, 379.

Renerius, Gilbert son of, 464.

Renfridi. See Reinfrid.

Rennes, Rhedon, Redon, 301.

-, William cellarer of St. Melaine, 303.

-, Peter archdeacon of, 301, 302.

-, bishop of, Herbert, 90, 210.

-, -, Philip, 301.

-, -, Stephen, 117, 193, 201, 309, 420, 427, 453, 468.

-, charters dated at, 292, 303.

Réole, La [Gironde], priory of St. Peter, 452.

-, prior of. See Folium, Gerald.

-, burgess of, 452.

Repps, Reppes [co. Norfolk], 76, 77.

Repton, Rapenduna [co. Derby], 216.

Resse, John de, 381, 382.

-, Raimon, Renmon de, 381, 382.

Restald, formerly shipmaster of Robert count of Normandy, charter of, 252.

-, Guarin son of, charter of. 408.

Restineio, John subdean of St. Martin de, 93.

Restold monk of Gloucester, 409.

Retellus, Ansquetil, 337.

Retollahage, 76.

Retolvehagh, 77.

Retviers. See Reviers.

Revel, William, 147.

Revesbe, Alan de, 297.

Revesby, Revesbi, abbot of, 296.

Reviers (Calvados), Rivers, Revers, Reveriis, Revariis, Redvers, Redveriis, Redeveris, Retviers, Adeliza or Alice (Peverel, wife of Richard) de, 316, 321, 322, 462.

-, -, gift of, 314.

-, Beatrice de, 215.

-, Baldwin (son of Richard) de, (1st) earl of Exeter or Devon, 462.

-, -, charter of, 314.

-, -, Adeliza wife of, 462.

-, -, Henry, son of, 314.

-, -, Richard (2nd earl), son of, 314, 462.

-, -, Robert, brother of. See Sancte Marie Ecclesia.

-, -, William brother of. See Vernone.

-, -, Richard de, the monk, kinsman of, 462.

-, Baldwin de, (3rd) earl of, 365.

-, -, (Richard, 4th earl), brother of 365.

-, Baldwin (? son of William 5th earl) de, 303.

-, Hugh de, 142.

-, Richard (I.) de, 55, 313, 314, 315, 462.

-, -, Adeliza (Peveral), wife of. See Reviers, Adeliza de.

-, Richard (II., temp. John), de, 163, 312, 340.

Rex Armigerorum, Geoffrey, 428.

Rex, Peter, 123.

-, Unfridus, 316.

Rhebodus, Herbert son of, 431.

Rhedon. See Rennes.

Rheims, Remis, 27.

-, charter dated at, 531.

-, cloth of, 470.

-, archbishop of, 383, 479.

-, -, Dru, 426.

-, -, William, 384, 458.

Ria, Rie. See Rye.

Ria, Rigia, Eudo de, son of Hubert, 233, 327, 328.

See also Eudo dapifer.

-, Hubert de, 256, 456.

-, -, Adam son of, 328, 530.

-, -, Eudo son of. See Ria, Eudo de.

Rie, Ria (Rye, Sussex), Vincent de, 52.

-, Master Helia, Elyas de, 49, 53.

Riallon. See Ruallon.

Ribald, Ralf son of, 274 n.

-, -, Robert son of, 274n.

Ribble, River, Ripa, 236, 237.

Riby, Risebeia [co. Linc.], 237.

Ricer, 304.

Richard I. of England, 123, 138, 150, 209, 211, 212, 312, 340, 378, 388, 389, 392, 394, 468, 472, 476–8, 495, 498, 499.

-, -, charters of, 12, 14, 15, 17–19, 28, 29, 35, 57, 70, 88, 90–92, 95, 103, 104, 106, 119, 143, 149, 162, 172, 183, 188, 195, 200, 210, 226, 227, 243, 246, 247, 278, 283, 303, 339, 355, 362, 363, 384–6, 420, 428, 450, 453, 454, 469, 480, 489, 497, 528, 537.

-, gifts of, 13, 477.

-, change of seal, 88, 91, 385, 498, 537.

-, son of Henry II., 381–3, 391, 420, 428, 433, 468.

-, -, charter of, 450.

-, -, count of Poitou, duke of Aquitaine, charters of, 450, 452, 467.

-, See also Normandy, duke of.

Richard, 21, 159, 448.

-, de—, 49.

-, archbishop of Canterbury, 275, 307, 486.

-, -, charters of, 162, 487–9.

-, -, papal legate, 378, 384.

-, archdeacon (of Coutances), 268, 324, 349, 379, 439.

-, canon, 336, 344, 521.

-, carpenter, 122.

-, chaplain, 76, 82, 282, 317, 337, 357, 370, 428, 432, 461.

-, -, of the abbot of St. Albans, 296.

-, -, of the monks of St. Pierre-sur-Dives, 202.

-, -, of William de Vernon, 309.

-, chamberlain, 26, 387.

-, chancellor (of Geoffrey and his son Henry, dukes of Normandy), 60, 68, 217, 343, 518.

-, clerk, 175, 178, 316.

-, -, of Robert, count of Meulan, 85.

-, constable, 215.

-, cook, 277, 291, 514.

-, count (of Normandy), 141.

-, dapifer, 257.

-, son of the earl (of Gloucester), 161, 186, 193.

-, gemellus, 10.

-, junior, 31, 152.

-, -, canon of London, 152, 153.

-, juvenis, 490.

-, (de Réviers), knight, and William and Baldwin his brothers, 456.

-, leech, 277.

-, master, 72.

-, duke (“marchio”) of the Normans, 458.

-, monk, 48, 144, 273.

-, -, proctor general of St. Evroul, 226.

-, -, kinsman of Baldwin earl of Exeter (i.e., Devon,) 462.

-, - of Fountains, 297.

-, - of Furness, 297.

-, -, of Savigny, 297.

-, dwarf, 111.

-, precentor, 311.

-, baliff of Hugh de Insula, 426.

-, proconsul (i.e., vicomte of the Avranchin), 255, 256.

-, the (king’s) scribe, 64, 242, 370.

-, seneschal, 20, 23, 24.

-, succentor, 176.

-, treasurer (of Chichester), 246.

-, treasurer (of Henry II.), 319.

See also Ely, Richard of.

-, vaccarius and Gilbert his brother, 113.

-, vicomte, 201, 250, 253, 421, 423.

-, a youth, 111.

- (de Clare), Gilbert (eldest) son of, 524.

-, -, gifts of, 509.

-, -, Gilbert (earl of Pembroke), son of. See Clare.

-, Hugh, son of, 113, 335.

-, -, gifts of, 412, 414.

-, -, of Hatton, 414.

-, -, Margaret wife, and William and Robert sons of, 412, 414.

-, -, Reginald brother of, 412.

-, John son of, 253.

-, (of Richard’s Castle), Osbern son of, 135.

-, Ralf son of, 315.

-, Robert son of, 175, 178.

-, -, de Scrotonia, 144.

-, Roger son of, 74, 288.

-, Turstin son of, 158.

-, Walter son of, 23.

-, (de Clare), Walter son of, 124, 524.

-, William son of, 17, 29, 536.

-, -, clerk of Richard I., 363.

Richardivilla, Walter de, 434.

Richeold, maid of queen Joan, 392.

Richerius, porter, 204.

Richemont, Master Roger de, 278.

Richmond, earl of. See Britanny, duke of; Rufus, Alan.

-, archdeacon of. See Chimelle, William de.

Ricold, William son of, 505.

Ridefort, Hachet de, 161.

Ridel, Geoffrey, 160.

-, -, bishop of Ely, 8, 57, 89, 156, 275, 318, 350, 516, 523.

-, -, chancellor, 427.

See also Canterbury, archdeacon of.

-, Gervase, 357.

-, Gilbert, grant by, 77.

-, Hugh, dean, 188.

Ridell, Stephen, chancellor of John, 16.

Rideware, Roger de, 206.

-, William de, 206.

Rievallis. See Rivaulx.

Rigia. See Ria.

Riha, Robert de, 172.

Ringst’, Richard de, 228.

Ringwood, Rinewood, Roger parson of, 351.

Riparia, William de, 72.

Ripe, in Greenstead hundred, [co. Sussex], manor of, 510.

Riponte, Nigel de, 17

Risborough, Risemberga [co. Buckingham], 186, 187.

Risebeia. See Riby.

Riseholme, Rison [co. Lincoln], church of, 329, 330.

-, manor of, 329.

Risemberga. See Risborough.

Risindon, Jocelin de, 277.

Risle, the river, 67.

-, fishery in the, 116.

Risledif, 67.

Rison. See Riseholme.

Riston [co. Norfolk], church of, 512.

Rivallon of Dol, William son of, abbot of St. Florent, Saumur, 400, 405.

Rivallonidis. See Ruallon.

Rivallonius, 426.

Rivallonus Extraneus, 414.

-, monks’ man, 414.

Rivallon. See also Ruallon.

Rivaulx, Rievallis [co. York], abbot of, Ailred letter of, 297.

-,-, Ernald, 362.

-, monks of, 297.

-, Turstin, prior of, 297.

Riveria, Robert de, 457.

Rivers. See Reviers.

Roald, constable of Alan count of Britanny, 291.

-, knight, 438.

Roard, 324.

Robehomme, Remberthomme, Raimberthome, Reimberhome, Ramberti-hulmus [Calvados], 172.

-, church of St. Mary, 172.

-, manor of, 171.

Robert, Rotbert, 20, 266, 346, 413.

-, Orweal his wife, 266.

-, de—, 325.

-, archbishop (of Rouen), 249, 251.

-, archdeacon, 192, 324, 344, 349, 439.

-, le bedan, 16.

-, bishop of Bath, 2, 174.

-, -, charters of, 173, 176.

-, bishop of Worcester, 163.

-, brother of Henry I., 157. See also Normandy, duke of.

-, the butler, 251, 252, 321, 377.

-, -, gifts of, 510, 511.

-, de camera, 25.

-, carpenter, 434.

-, cellarer, 431.

-, chamberlain, 296.

-, chaplain, 72, 88, 136, 145, 178, 209, 227, 268, 300, 329, 377, 401, 461, 504n, 505, 514.

-, -, of Eudo, 328.

-, -, of Richard I., 195.

-, -, of Rouen, 169.

-, - of St. Martin’s, 153.

-, clerk, 136, 227, 296, 316, 448, 504n, 505.

-, -, son of William the, prévôt, 308.

-, constable, 526, 537.

-, cook, 329.

-, “comes,” 350.

-, count, brother of William I., 22, 201.

See also Mortain, count of; Normandy, duke of.

-, dapifer and Herbert, kinsman of, 204.

-, -, of Ansgot de Burewelle, 448.

-, dean, 146.

-, dispensator, 26.

-, almoner, 179, 180.

-, bishop, 234, 422.

-, servant, 406.

-, the king’s son (afterwards earl of Gloucester), 219.

-, -, (son of Henry I. by Edith), 225, 274n.

-, -, Matilda wife of, 225.

-, forester, 70.

-, the harper, 102.

-, karretarius, 304.

-, king of the French, 501.

-, magnus, 117.

-, monk, 21, 228, 401, 435, 523.

-, -, of Byland, 297.

-, -, of Fountains, 297.

-, -, of St. Florent, Saumur, 409.

-, -, of St. Savigny, 297.

-, serjeant of Richard son of Henry II., 467.

-, nephew and William his son, 329.

-, niger, 127.

-, panetarius, 43.

-, the parmenter, 150, 151.

-, the baker, magister son of, 329.

-, porter of the castle, 268.

-, prévôt, 70.

-, priest, 180, 181.

-, priest of Hatton, 412.

-, -, de hospitali, 443.

-, -, of St. Martin’s, 152.

-, prior of Montebourg, 336, 440.

-, prior of Bohon, 440.

-, puer 40 n.

-, de Sigillo, 41, 42, 59, 67, 89, 97-9, 125, 126, 133, 191, 207, 213, 214, 357, 372, 373, 430, 508, 522, 531, 539.

-, -, bishop of London, 292, 374.

-, -, -, and chancellor (?), 364.

-, son of William I. See Normandy, Robert II. duke of.

-, sub-dean of Bayeux, 176, 177.

-, huntsman, dapifer, 336.

-, vicomte, 2, 257, 435.

-, Adela sister of, 426.

-, Alan son of, 510.

-, Gilbert son of, 273.

-, Godfrey son of, 142.

-, Hamo, son of, de Maisnil Ursin, 142.

-, Henry son of, 122.

-, Johel son of, 288.

-, Odo son of, 265.

-, Philip son of, 303.

-, Ralph, son of, 3, 338.

-, Robert son of, 85, 191.

-, son of Ernesius, Robert son of, and Gersenda his mother, 142.

-, monk, Roger brother of, 236.

-, Tetbald son of, 236.

-, Walter son of, 61, 187, 458.

-, William son of, 128, 338.

-, -, brother of 407.

Robert venator, Geoffrey son of, 422.

Robertsbridge [co. Sussex], 82.

-, convent of, 82.

Roboreto, John, 476.

Roca, Walo de la, grant by, 24.

Rocaforte. See Rochefort.

Rocevilla. See Rockfield.

Rocha, Oliver de, 305.

Rochaburgum. See Roxburgh.

Roche d’Andely. See Château Gaillard.

Roche d’Orival [i.e., Château Fouet] Roquetum d’Orival, Rupem de Oirevalles [Seine Inférieure], charters dated at, 104, 119.

Rocheffort, Rocaforte, Rochefordia, Rochefort, Rupeforti, Chales, Chalon, de, 381, 382, 389, 473.

-, Eblo de, 390.

-, Guy, dapifer of, 1.

-, Nivard de, 38).

-, Oliver de, 104.

-, Payn de, 376.

-, Payn de, seneschal of Anjou, 14, 188, 386.

-, -, charter of, 385.

-, -, Nivard, brother of, 376.

Rochella, Roger de (2), 282.

Rochelle, La, Rochela, Rupella, 388, 389, 390, 454.

-, burgesses of, 453.

-, charter dated at, 389.

-, mayor of, 389.

-, prévôt of, 389.

Rocher, Walter, 190.

Rocherol, Anschetil, 113.

Rochevilla. See Rockfield.

Roches, Rupis, William de, 94, 104.

See also Rupe.

Rochesberia. See Roxby.

Rochester, Rovcestria, bishop of. See Glanvill, Gilbert de; Gondulf; John; Walter.

-, charter dated at, 485, 493.

-, Paris, archdeacon of, 441.

Rochford. See Rockford.

Rockfield, Rochevilla, Rocevilla, Rochovilla, Rokevilla, St. Cennfaeladh [co. Monmouth], church of St. Kinephaut, 403–5, 407, 413.

Rockford, Rochford [near Ellingham, co. Hants], 351.

-, chapel of, 351.

Rocque, La [Calvados]. See. St. Stephen.

Rodald, 406.

-, Hamo son of, 416.

Rodes, Gerard de, 496.

Rodolium. See Vaudreuil.

Rodomensis. See Rouen.

Rodric, 392.

Rodulf, burgess, 463.

-, chamberlain, 20, 421, 422.

-, clerk, 514.

-, vicomte, 251.

-, Roger son of, 251.

Roea, 448.

Roech, Roerus de, 380.

Roelent (Rhuddlan), Robert of, 223.

-, -, gift of, 221.

-, -, Roger, brother of, gift of, 221.

-, -, William son of, gift of, 222.

Rofee, Bernard de, 389.

Rogate, La Rogate [co. Sussex], church of, 240.

-, Osbern, priest of, 240.

Rogentona. See Runcton.

Roger, Rotgerius, 3, 159, 266, 326.

-, almoner, 488.

-, brother, almoner of Henry II., 194, 276, 381.

-, archdeacon, 185, 263, 325.

-, -, of Coutances, 263, 325.

-, -, of the archbishop of York, 521.

-, bishop, 250.

-, -, of Salisbury, 2, 27, 42, 124, 168, 213, 214, 290, 313, 323, 355, 356, 369. 437, 503, 506–9, 511.

-, -, -, charter of (?), 83.

-, -, of Worcester, 116, 144, 226.

-, -, -, charter of, 227.

-, (of Ivry) butler (of Normandy), 39, 106.

-, chamberlain, 259.

-, (Pauper), chancellor (of Stephen), 100, 192, 199, 214, 504.

-, Roman cardinal, 399.

-, carpenter, 153.

-, chaplain, 31, 152, 180, 208, 286, 314, 402, 415.

-, vicar of Ottery St. Mary, 16.

-, chaplain of queen Eleanor, 387 n, 390, 394, 451, 473.

-, -, of Henry II., 361.

-, -, nephew of the abbot of Fécamp, 42.

See also Fiscanno, Roger de.

-, -, of Robert earl of Leicester, 199.

-, clerk, 505.

-, carassus, 122.

-, deacon, 409.

-, dispensator, 142, 238.

See also Mala Corona.

-, earl. See Montgomery.

-, forester, 274.

-, huntsman, 233.

-, master, 93, 311, 317.

-, -, canon of Exeter, 279.

-, Magnus, the canon, 102.

-, man of Rainald, 266.

-, “manducans,” 434.

-, monk, 401.

-, niger, 92.

-, porter, 178.

-, prévôt, 259.

-, priest, 315, 346.

-, priest, parson of the church of Magnevilla, 179.

-, segrestarius of St. Mary’s, 27.

-, seneschal of the bishop of Bayeux, 425.

-, son of (Hugh) bishop of Coutances, 20.

-, stepson (privignus) of Hugh, 406.

-, treasurer, 207.

-, the vicomte, 349.

-, de Curcella, Gaudric son of, 369.

-, Gervase son of, 505.

-, Osbert son of, de Calliaco, 466.

-, Ralf son of, 415.

-, Richard son of count (the earl of Shrewsbury), 168.

-, Robert son of, 422.

-, -, (of Clavering), 17, 517.

-, de Beaumont, 25, 422.

-, Warin son of, 258.

-, William son of, 20, 264.

-, -, Hugh brother of, 20.

Rogerville, Rogierville [Seine Inférieure], church of, 61, 62.

Rogi, Bono, abbot of, 10.

Rogiervilla, Roger de, 62.

Rogo, 426.

Rohan, Alan vicomte of, charter of, 523.

-, -, Constance wife of and Alan son of, 523.

-, -, Margaret and Aelizia, daughters of, 523.

-, -, Francesia, wife of, 523.

-, Alan de, 538.

Rohard, serjeant, 148.

Roherii, William, 111.

Roignard, Gosecelin, 467.

See also Roognardus.

Roill’, Elya, 475.

Roisa, sons of, 171.

Roisei, William de, 373.

Roiseium, 232.

Rokevilla. See Rockfield.

Rol (sic), Turstin, son of, grant by, 66.

See also Rou.

Roland, cardinal priest, 216, 269.

Rolland, Rollant, Bartholomew, 386.

-, William, 381, 387.

-, -, Bartholomew, brother of, prévôt of Angers, 381.

Rollestano, Roger de, dean of Lincoln, 366.

See also Rolwestun.

Rolliaco, Ralf de, 442.

Rollos. See Roullours.

Rollos, Richard de, 145, 191.

-, -, charter of, 190.

-, -, Richard son of, 190.

-, -, -, -, charter of, 191.

-, -, Robert, son of, 190.

-, William de, 352.

Rolmara. See Roumare.

Rolvestona, Master R. de, 206.

Rolwestu[n], Master Roger de, 307.

See also Rollestano, Roulvestro.

Roman citizens, 94.

Romaneio, Robert de, 259.

Rome, visits to, 426, 514.

-, the Lateran, documents dated at, 13, 19, 50, 51, 95, 149, 181, 216, 403, 404, 484, 499.

-, -, council of, 50.

Romilleio, Robert de, 170.

-, Adelicia, sister of, 170.

See also Rapoliolo.

Ronceos [? Ronchois, seine Inférieure], parish of, 221.

Roncevaux, abbey of, 392.

-, hospital of, 393.

Rongnart. See Roognardus.

Rongnart. See 325.

Roognardus, Rognart, Roonardus, Peter, 376.

See also Roignard.

-, Absalon, 34.

-, Joscelin, 93.

Roonardo. See Roognardus.

Ropesle, Robert de, 131.

Roquetum d’Orival. See Roche d’Orival.

Ros, 158.

-, Adam de, 357.

-, Geoffrey de, 49.

-, Gregory de, monk, 30.

-, Jordan de, 49.

-, Ralph de, bailiff of the abbey of St. Ouen, Rouen, 30.

-, Richard de, canon, 177.

-, Robert de, 30, 496.

-, William de, 505, 521.

Roscelin, Rosellin, 235, 250.

-, chaplain, 184.

-, the earl of Chester’s tenant, 223.

-, master, 57, 304.

-, -, vice-chancellor of King Richard, 537.

-, -, vice-chancellor of King John, 36.

-, Laurence son of, chaplain, 241.

-, William de, 536.

Rosel, Rosseil, (Calvados) 148, 158.

-, Hugh de, 155, 158, 194, 530, 536.

-, -, Philippa, daughter of, charter of, 182, 183.

-, Nicholas de, 179.

-, Philippa de, 191, 195.

-, -, charter of, 194.

-, Reginald de, charter of, 310.

Rosel, Rossel, Rosellus, Roussel, Goscelin, 116, 118.

-, John, 134.

-, Robert 191, 434, 435 n.

See also Russell.

Rosellinus. See Rosecelin.

Rosetum, Ralf clerk of, 75.

Roskill, Adam son of, 16.

Ross, Rossensis, Reginald bishop of, 491.

Rosseil. See Rosel.

Rotator, Eudo, 407.

Rotbert. See Robert.

Rotebi. See Ratby.

Rotgerius. See Roger.

Rothincona. See Rowington.

Rothomago, Henry de, 337.

Rothomagum. See Rouen.

Rothor, Ralf de, clerk, 310.

Rothwell [co. Lincoln]. See Raduella.

Roton. See Redon.

Rotrefort, Guy de, 82.

Rou, Ralf son of, 510

See also Rol.

Roucella. See Rowell.

Rouen, Rothomagum, Rodomensis, 3, 6, 7, 14, 15, 24, 29, 32–7, 39, 45, 46, 70, 89, 96, 98, 100, 115, 149, 155, 157, 160, 185, 210, 257, 270, 429, 465, 524 n.

-, abbey of Holy Trinity (afterwards Ste. Catherine), 20–4.

-, -, chapel of, 23.

-, -, abbot of, Isembert, 22, 24.

-, -, -, Rainer, 20–3, 25, 37.

-, -, -, Walter, 22.

-, -, brethren of, 20.

-, -, Hugh monk of, 24.

-, abbey of St. Amand, 24–8.

-, -, Emma abbess of, 24, 27.

-, -, Beatrice nun of, 24.

-, abbey of St. Ouen, Sanctus Audoenus, 26, 29–31.

-, -, cemetery of, 60.

-, -, abbot of, 30, 31.

-, -, -, Fraternus, 29.

-, -, -, Geoffrey, 29.

-, -, -, Haimeric, 117.

-, -, -, Nicholas, 166, 197, 327.

-, -, -, Roger, 60.

-, -, -, Sanson, 46, 79.

-, -, -, Reginald prior of, 30.

-, banlieu of, 35, 36.

-, bridge at, the great, 8.

-, cathedral church of St. Mary, 9, 14, 92, 252.

-, -, grants to 1, 2, 4–7, 10, 12–9.

-, -, chapter of, 18, 16, 96.

-, -, chaplaincy in, 10.

-, -, choir of, 1, 12.

-, -, poor clerks of, 12.

-, -, archedeacons of, Amicus, 4.

-, -, -, Bartholomew and Gildo, 5.

-, -, -, Benedict, 327.

-, -, -, Garin, Anglicus, 13, 95.

-, -, -, Gilo, 273.

-, -, -, Osmund, 3.

-, -, -, Bernard son of Ospaet, 438.

-, -, -, Richard and Robert, 15.

-, -, -, Walter de Sancto Walerico, 12, 15, 18.

-, -, -, William de Constanciis, 95.

-, -, canons of, 3, 5, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 62, 95, 326.

See also Dolvilla.

-, -, chancellor of. See Simon; Warnevilla, Ralf de.

-, -, clerks serving at the altar of, 10.

-, -, dean of, 4, 10, 11, 13.

-, -, -, Geoffrey, 3, 5, 7.

-, -, -, John, 15.

-, -, -, Robert, 11.

-, -, -, Waleran, 3.

-, -, secretary of. See. Nicholas.

-, -, treasurer of, Amicus, 11, 15, 72.

-, -, -, Walter de Custanciis, 9.

-, -, -, Ralf de Warnevilla, 5.

-, church of St. Denis, 102.

-, -, St. Gervase, 37.

-, -, St. Katherine, 393.

-, priory of St. Lo, grant to, 89.

-, -, prior of, 46.

-, priory of St. Mary de, Pré, Pratum, grant to, 89.

-, -, -, prior of, 7.

-, -, -, charters dated at, 64, 68, 89, 241, 334, 335.

-, churches and monasteries of, 393.

-, greater church of (i.e. cathedral), 392.

-, commune of, 8, 11, 15, 33, 36.

-, hospital of St. Mary Magdalene, grant to, 90.

-, land at in front of St. Denis, 102.

-, merchant gild of, 34.

-, king’s mills of, 29, 465.

-, mint at, 373, 539.

-, siege of, 92.

-, tolls at, 60.

-, tower of, 219.

-, -, hall of the, 529.

-, charters dated at, 2, 4, 11, 15, 18, 19, 24, 27, 28, 34, 35, 41, 43, 46, 56, 59, 60, 63, 64, 68, 69, 72–4, 88–90, 95, 97–9, 125–7, 132, 133, 137, 139, 140, 163, 207, 208, 218, 225, 241, 242, 253, 271, 278, 323, 335, 342, 352, 355, 365, 373, 374, 387 n, 391, 392, 425, 466, 478, 485, 495, 508, 518, 519, 529, 532, 537, 539.

-, archbishop of, 13, 28, 29, 45, 56, 59, 64, 67, 68, 83, 85, 89, 90, 116–18, 120, 137, 139, 185, 192, 207, 213, 214, 217, 241, 242, 245, 271, 286, 288, 290, 323, 325, 458, 465, 466, 470, 518, 519, 522.

-, -, Geoffrey, 2, 59, 66, 97, 127, 262, 330, 352, 354, 356, 430, 464.

-, -, Godfrey, 218, 219, 354.

-, -, Hugh, 2–5, 27, 32, 34, 41–3, 65, 98, 99, 120, 121, 125, 198, 199, 201, 245, 270, 281, 292, 324, 342, 373, 457, 506, 508, 518, 539.

-, -, -, charters of, 270, 293–5, 356.

-, -, -, letters of, 323, 531.

-, -, John, 165, 197, 429, 431, 520, 529.

-, -, Mauger, Malgerius (son of count Richard the good), 20, 252, 253.

-, -, Maurilius, 25, 80, 120, 253, 422.

-, -, Odo, vidimus of, 229.

-, -, Robert, 22, 37, 249, 250–2.

-, -, -, charter of, 311.

-, -, Rotrou (de Neufbourg), 6, 7, 35, 56, 57 n, 65, 73, 101, 102, 117, 118, 128, 129, 171, 186, 192, 311 n, 324, 338, 379, 439, 440, 458.

-, -, Walter (de Coutances), 11–9, 28, 65, 90, 91, 94, 95, 103, 119, 139, 149, 150, 163, 183, 195, 200, 243, 312, 324, 338, 387, 391, 392, 453, 454, 525, 528, 534, 537.

-, -, -, charters of, 62, 326.

-, -, William, 1, 22, 55, 70, 123, 137, 155, 165, 166, 327, 397, 398, 433, 521.

-, bailiffs of, vidimus of, 125.

-, barons of, 32.

-, chamberlain of, 33.

-, citizens of, 17, 18, 32, 34–6.

-, cordwainers of, 32.

-, justices of, 115.

-, mayor of, Bartholomew, 7, 11, 17.

See also Fergant, Bartholomew; Grossus, Matthew.

-, official of, vidimus by, 32.

-, poor of, 12, 13.

-, serjeants of, 33.

-, shoemakers of, 32.

-, tanners of, 32.

-, vicomte of, 33, 89, 115.

Rougecamp, Rubeus Campus [Seine Inférieure] St. Mary of, 82.

Roullours, Rollos [Calvados], 190.

-, church of, St. Martin, 190.

-, Roger, priest of, 190.

Roulvestro, Master Roger de, 162.

See also Rolwestun.

Roumare, Rolmara, Romara, Rumara, Rummara [Seine Inférieure], 3.

-, church of, 25.

-, forest of, 55, 66, 68, 70, 72.

-, William de, 93, 125, 130, 224.

-, -, charters of, 127.

-, -, earl of Lincoln, 17, 129.

-, -, -, charters of, 2, 92.

Roumois, The, 24, 55.

Rourecestria, Ralf de, 299.

Roures, Gilbert de, 73.

Roussel. See Rosel.

Rouvray, Roureium, Rourerum, Roveraium, Rourara [Scine Inférieure], 466.

-, forest of, 128, 464, 466.

-, officers of, 466.

Rouvres [Calvados], 148.

Rovcestria. See Rochester.

Roveraium. See Rouvray.

Roveruge. See Rawridge.

Rovinton, Walter de, 240.

Rovres, Rovreio, Hugh de, 159.

-, -, Emma wife of, 159.

-, Obert de, 475.

Rowington, Rothincona, [co. Warwick], 230.

Rowell, Roucella, Rawell, [co. Glouc.], church of, 226, 227.

Roxburgh, Rochaburgam, abbey of St. Mary, afterwards Kelso abbey, 356, 358, 527.

Roxby, Rochesberia, co. Lincoln, church of, 442.

Roya, Bartholomew de, 474.

Rua, Richard son of William de, 273.

Ruald, Osbert son of, 139.

Rualend the monk, 267.

Ruallen, afterwards monk, 358.

Ruallon, Riallon, Rivallonidis, Geoffrey son of, 328, 433, 434, 435.

Ruallon Bastard, Mary daughter of, 300, 435.

-, Richard brother of, 300.

Ruallon. See also Ruellan; Rivallon.

Rubeus Campus. See Rougecamp.

Rucheford, Ralf de, 445.

Rucheia, 151.

Rucqueville, Ruscavilla (Calvados), 158.

Rudald, 407.

Rudebia, Robert de, 129.

Ruellen, Walter son of, 523.

Rufford, Ruthfordia, Helyas abbot of, 297.

Rufus, Ruffus, Alan (of Richmond), 25, 397, 426.

-, -, count, 438.

See also Britanny.

-, Alan, 274.

-, Clarenboudus, 9.

-, Girald, 431.

-, Gocelin, 110.

-, Geoffrey, 222.

-, Hugh, 299, 406, 462.

-, John, 177.

-, -, servant of the monks, 128.

-, Odo, 222, 398, 400.

-, -, Roger and Gervase sons of, 222.

-, P. 304.

-, Richard, 361.

-, Robert, servant of the monks, 128.

-, -, nephew of Geoffrey prior of Tiron, 358.

-, Walter, 205.

-, William, 299, 308, 315, 385.

Ruholt [nr. Clairmarais, Pas-de-Calais], charter dated at, 489.

Ruil, Norman son of, 23.

Ruith. See Reed.

Rumara. See Roumare.

Rumelly. See Rumilly.

Rumera, Henry de, 208.

Rumileium. See Remilly.

Rumilly, Rumiliacum [Pas-de-Calais], priory of, 507.

Rummara. See Roumare.

Runcton in North Mundham, Rogentona [co. Sussex], 167, 170.

Runstanvilla, charter dated at, 537.

Rupa, Ralf de, 172.

-, Richard de, 172.

Rupe, William de, 390.

See also Roches.

Rupeforti. See Rochefort.

Rupella. See Rochelle.

Rupem Andely. See Château Gaillard.

Rupem de Oirevalles. See Roche d’ Orival.

Rupibus Peter de, 366, 428.

-, Walter de, 431.

-, William de, 389.

-, -, seneschal of Anjou, 363, 391, 473.

See also Roches.

Rupière, Roger de, 301.

Rupis. See Roches.

Rurentes, Symon de, 489.

Ruscavilla, Ruschavilla. See Rucqueville.

Russé, Guy, prior of, 356.

Russell, Alan, 30.

-, Robert, 434.

Russellus, Randulf, 179.

See also Rosel.

Ruste, Osbert, 151.

Rustington, Rustintune [co. Sussex], church of, 246.

Ruthfordia. See Rufford.

Ruverai, Osbert de, 90.

-, William de, clerk, 9

Rye, Rie [co. Sussex], 42, 53.

-, church of, 49, 50.

-, fair at, 52.

-, hospital of St. Bartholomew, 52.

-, barons of, 52.

-, men of, 42, 43, 52.

-, Robert de, 346.

Ryes [Calvados], manor of, 537.