Elizabeth: June 1570, 16-30

Pages 269-284

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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June 1570, 16-30

June 16. 1007. The Earl of Morton to Cecil.
In behalf of one John Trollop of the county of Durham, whose hap it was to be in the company of the late rebels, and who has fled; begging that he may be put to his fine and so enjoy his poor living.—Edinburgh, 16 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
June 16. 1008. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Received yesternight letters from the Earl of Morton by Archibald Douglas, who brought also certain instructions the copy whereof he encloses; whom he has returned with answer that he cannot without knowledge of the Queen's pleasure give any advice in these matters. Noted three principal things in his instructions; the one that after a governor were appointed the Queen then would have to deal but with one person settled in authority; another, that they thought it would be best allowed of the Queen if they should appoint the Earl of Lennox Regent at the next convention; the third was that if Her Majesty and the Scottish Queen should proceed in a treaty, it was necessary that the King might be a third party, which could not be without a person who might direct by his authority. Douglas often "remembered" that the rest of the King's Council had written to the Earl of Morton that they conceived the Queen had wholly given up the cause, and therefore they must seek other ways for their own surety. To the first Sussex objected that the appointing of a person to the government without the Queen's knowledge might rather induce her to leave them to themselves. The second seemed to depend upon the first, and so he said little to it. To the third he objected that perhaps foreign princes that sought to treat with Her Majesty in these causes would not allow that the Prince should be a third party in treaty. He then asked Douglas what the Lords meant by the words that they must seek other ways for their own surety, seeing that the Queen had promised that she would provide for it, who answered that they might have what they required either at the Scottish Queen's or the French King's hands. Sussex told him that they might have what words they would require, but that he saw no surety in deed but by the Queen of England, whereunto Douglas agreed for his own opinion. In the end he thought it best that at this convention they should write again to the Queen and seek further answer.—Alnwick, 16 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¾.
June. 1009. Instructions for Archibald Douglas.
He is to crave the Earl of Sussex's good advice in the weighty matter concerning the State, as to what government he esteems best and what person he thinks meetest for the room, in whose respect the Queen of England will continue her favour. He is also to desire him to be a suitor to the Queen for a speedy and resolute answer to the matters committed to the Commendator of Dunfermline. He is also to travail with him for money for the payment of their soldiers. Signed: Morton.
Copy. Pp. 2. Enclosure.
June 17. 1010. Advices from Venice.
Account of the Turkish and Christian fleets.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
June 18. 1011. Philip Ludwig, Count Palatine, to the Queen.
Letter of credence for John Wolff who is sent to her with certain requests from his brother, John, Count Palatine.— Neuberg, 18 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. ½.
June 18. 1012. John, Count Palatine, to the Queen.
His father, Count Wolfgang, having left his estates much encumbered with debt, he begs that she will lend him 400,000 crowns.—Neuberg, 18 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 12/3.
June 18. 1013. The Earl of Northumberland to the Lords of the King of Scots' party.
Begs them to stand his good friends for the obtaining of the favour of the Queen of England, and also that he may have some easement and liberty to recruit himself for awhile.— Lochleven, 18 June 1570.
Copy. Endd. P. 2/3.
June 18. 1014. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
Will proceed according to her commandment to the cassing of the 1,500 and dividing of the rest to the wardens with all the expedition he may. Thanks her for considering so graciously their service. Has passed his time in viewing the frontiers upon the East and Middle Marches, in which the openness of the air has brought him some better health. Will remain here until the discharge be made. Hears that those of Aberdeen refused to receive the Earl of Huntley and his friends. Her rebels seek passage in every part of Scotland, which argues their little hope of present comfort there, and many of the contrary faction seek friendship with her party, which shows small hope of foreign help. For anything that may be done in Scotland she may hold the helm and guide the ship where she lists.—Alnwick, 18 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd Pp 1⅓.
June 19. 1015. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
The Lords of Scotland that take the King's part conceive that they can have no surety if that Queen return, and from that opinion it will be hard to remove them by any persuasion. Is ready to take the castles of Edinburgh and Dumbarton in twenty days, and to bring all Scotland to the King of Scots obedience in a like time if the 4,000 be continued for that time, and no French enter. Sends copies of a letter from Lethington, and his answer.—Alnwick, 19 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 2. 1016. Maitland of Lethington to the Earl of Sussex.
Has received his letter of 30 May. Has as yet heard nothing of his brother's deliverance, which he trusts to bring about by his own means, nor has he heard of the restitution of his goods, but is fully satisfied with his Lordship's gentle offer. Touching his meaning towards the Queen of England and his dealing with the French, he trusts that he is satisfied by his messages and letters. Has offered both Leicester and Mr. Secretary to employ his credit and labour as it shall please the Queen to command. One point he has not dissembled, and that is, that he altogether mislikes that the Queen should go about to suppress the greater part of the nobility for the pleasure of a faction inferior to them in all respects. Has also wished, by Her Majesty's means, that such an accord might be made between the Queen of Scots and her people as might stand with the honour and surety of Her Majesty and the whole nobility of Scotland, and the continuance of the amity, and that no foreign prince should have occasion to meddle in any matter concerning this isle. Where Sussex writes that his goodwill for a surcease of arms on both sides took no effect for lack of such plain dealing as he looked for, he knows not what lack he found or in whom, for both the points he sought were offered to him before the forces entered Scotland. Where his Lordship makes mention that after the forces were entered he sought a like surcease of arms, wherein he received no answer in writing, but had only Mr. Wrothe's credit, he reminds him that Wrothe brought nothing by writing, but only a letter of credit, and at all times that he brought writing with him he was answered by writing. As to the note of the articles, he refers him to the Marshal, who will testify that the whole substance of both is truly conceived in the note. Is glad that he intends to revoke Her Majesty's forces, as it is not amiss for them to have a breathing time and some rest betwixt one exploit and another. This is the third journey they have made in Scotland since his Lordship came to the Borders, and they have been so occupied in every one of them that (if the amity and good intelligence between the realms permitted) it might well be said of them, as their forefathers were wont to do, that they had reasonably well acquitted themselves of the duty of old enemies, and have burnt and spoiled as much ground in Scotland as any army of England did in one year these hundred years. The rude people of Scotland will sometimes speak rashly after this fashion, but Lethington is content to follow the phrase of his Lordship's language, and say that he has not "been idle for two months in the pursuit of Her Majesty's rebels." Is ready to deal with the Duke and the rest of that side to continue quiet and peace upon the conditions mentioned in Sussex's letter, but fears that there will not be now found such towardness in him as before his country was spoiled and his houses ruined. Mislikes the exception annexed to his promise that he will not use Her Majesty's forces against any person in Scotland, but such only as have been invaders of England and open maintainers of Her Majesty's rebels, as he fears that he will refer the interpretation thereof to himself. Considers that more than enough has been done against Lord Home, and that until the return of the messengers from the Queen of England, no Scotchman should be touched not offering new offence to England. Complains that he has sent commandment to the officers at Coldingham, that his brother should not be answered of any part of his rents.—Dunkeld, 2 June 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 6. Enclosure.
June 16. 1017. The Earl of Sussex to Lethington.
What he has uttered frankly to the Earl of Leicester and Mr. Secretary they best know, but is not himself satisfied with his dealing, as there was ever some matter in action attempted that wrought a contrary effect to what was pretended in speech. Where he writes that the Queen goes about to suppress the greater part of the nobility of Scotland for the pleasure of an inferior faction, he reminds him that he himself has allowed of that faction as superior, and liked thereof in all respects. Was easily persuaded that Lethington had no will to draw the French into Scotland until he heard by persons of credit that he had said that ill as his gate was, he would rather go into France to fetch them than that they should stay their coming. Writes again that he had goodwill to procure a demission of Her Majesty's rebels and a surcease of arms on both sides before the forces entered as far as Edinburgh, which took no effect for lack of such plain dealing as he looked for. Declares that the matters in which Wrothe was instructed to deal were in writing, although perhaps Lethington had no desire to require the sight of them; also that whilst he sought to procure a surcease of arms the party that he dealt for began a siege at Glasgow. Complains of Drury's being shot at during a parley near Dumbarton. Lethington guesses rightly of his meaning, for indeed he will reserve to himself the general interpretation of his own commission granted from the Queen for the chastising of such insolent persons in Scotland as have invaded her realm or openly maintained her rebels. As for Lord Home, he has neither overthrown his houses or burnt his country, which proceeds rather from a gentle toleration than his deserts, wherein he has done the Queen the worse service, which he can easily amend if he perceives it to be not more thankfully taken. To conclude, if Lethington had been as ready to have come to Berwick and remain there until the Lords at Linlithgow had sent their messengers to the Queen and delivered assurance in writing for the performance of other articles, as he was to promise the same to Wrothe, neither had the Queen's forces passed further than Edinburgh nor had there been any violence used in Scotland on either side. What good faith has heen observed in the whole course of the cause the world may judge.—Alnwick, 16 June 1570.
Copy. Pp. 2⅓. Enclosure.
June 19. 1018. Charles IX. to Queen Elizabeth.
Her ambassador having required him in her name to send a gentleman who being joined with one of hers, might go into Scotland to arrange for an abstinence from arms between the two parties in that country, he has commissioned the bearer M. De Poigny, a gentleman of his chamber, to come to her for that purpose.—Argenton, 19 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Royal letter.
June 19. 1019. Catherine de Medicis to Queen Elizabeth.
Letter of credence for M. De Poigny.—Argenton, 19 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Royal letter.
June 20. 1020. The Czar of Russia to Queen Elizabeth.
Sends Andro Gregoriwitz Saviena and one of his secretaries in embassy to her, and excuses his long delay in admitting her ambassador, Thomas Randolph, to an audience.—Vologda, 20 June, A.M. 7077. (fn. 1)
Part illegible from damp. Translation. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 20. 1021. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
Advertises her of the dispatch of M. De Poigny. Thomas Fleming has only obtained three barks with munition, powder, and other preparations for the war, besides 7,000 crowns given of the King's liberality to Lord Fleming. Understands that the Cardinal of Lorraine said at the Council board that peace once made here it should be for the reputation of this Crown to declare an open war upon England, seeing that the Queen had supported his rebels against him. They of La Charité have taken Villeneuve-le-Roi, and also near Artenay defeated two cornets of gendarmes, and slain M. St. Remy. The King has again commanded the Marshal De Cosse to hazard battle with the Admiral.—Argenton, 20 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
June 20. 1022. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Sends the same information as is contained in his letter of this date to the Queen. That he may the better understand the account which is made of the Cardinal of Lorraine; lately he feigning himself sick, and lying in the town, had two great barriers made a pretty way from his house and daily of the King's guards to watch the same, that neither carts might pass that way, or any other noise be made to unquiet him, the Queen daily coming to visit him. Is sorry that the Bishop of Ross has gone to the Queen of Scots, and desires that he were rid out of the country, both for the preservation of Her Majesty and the quietness of her realm.—Argenton, 20 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
June 20. 1023. M. De la Noue to the Cardinal of Chatillon.
The enemy having retired his forces from his neighbourhood, he determined to attack a fort at Laçon, wherein were posted four ensigns of foot. Puygalliard, who commanded in those parts, collected his forces to prevent him, amongst which were the regiment of guards, the old bands of Piedmont, and six cornets of gendarmes. La Noue, who had but 200 cavalry and 800 infantry, advanced to the attack, and charging him before he could put his men in order, entirely defeated him, killing or taking nearly all the captains of the two regiments besides 500 harquebussiers slain and 500 prisoners. Laments the death of so many brave soldiers, gentlemen, and captains, and hopes that the King may be induced to accord to a good and sure peace.—La Rochelle, 20 June. Signed.
Endd. Copy. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
June 20. 1024. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Desires permission to place two French ships aground in the river of Newport, in the Isle of Wight, for the purpose of caulking and repairing them.—Sheen, 20 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 2/3.
June 22. 1025. The French Ambassador to the Queen.
As he has been unable to obtain an audience on account of her indisposition, he will not trouble her by writing the matters which he has in charge to declare, but will wait for her convalescence.—London, 22 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
June 22. 1026. The Earl of Lennox to Cecil.
Finds the nobility and State here very well bent to the Queen of England's devotion, and promises for his part to set forward all that may tend to her service to the uttermost of his power.—Stirling, 22 June. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓.
June 22. 1027. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Encloses copies of letters. Another convention has been broken off. The Queen of Scots' party is very cold at present; they have small hope of the French coming, and the other side little fear thereof. It is thought by wise men that Lethington's designs not taking effect, he is freed to recover the Queen's favour, and make his surety that way, or to follow the bringing in of the French. The matter contained in his last letter is in another style than the former was, so he is content to follow his humour. Thinks that he would that his dealings with Sussex in these matters were not for a time known.—Alnwick, 22 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
June 14. 1028. Maitland of Lethington to the Earl of Sussex.
Thanks him for the diligence he has made for the recovery of the goods spoiled from him and his friends by Rowland Foster. Finding no lack of goodwill in him, he would be fully content, although he never recovered a groat's worth. On receipt of his letter he wrote to the Duke and the Earls of Huntly and Argyle, and hopes shortly to have an answer to his full contentation. Would be sorry that the Queen of England should show any rigour to the Queen of Scots for the pleasure of a few number her unfriends, led thereunto only for private respects, whom he assures Sussex are nothing able at length to serve her turn in Scotland. Offers to submit his doings to Sussex's judgment. Is not of opinion that the two Queens are incompatible together. If there be anything amiss it is that he sometimes writes too frankly. Trusts that his brother is now set at liberty by exchange between him and the Laird of Howston. The more experience Sussex has of those he has to do with the worse he will like them.—The Blaise in Athol [Blair Athole], 14 June 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2¾. Enclosure.
June 21. 1029. The Earl of Sussex to Maitland of Lethington.
Recapitulates the substance of Lethington's letter of the 14th inst., and thanks him for the good opinion conceived of him. Finds no difference of opinion between them in generalities, but to the end they may the better understand one another would be glad to understand his opinion in the following matters: What the Queen of England may do to the Queen of Scots that he will hold to be rigour. What she may do to satisfy her and breed a unity of the nobility of Scotland. What offers may be made for the surety of her person and State and the quiet of both realms, and what assurance may be made for the performance of those offers. When he has entered plainly and fully into these particulars he shall receive a plain and direct answer, and what Sussex thinks in reason ought to be done in all matters.—Alnwick, 21 June 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2¼. Enclosure.
[June 24.] 1030. Protest of the Emperor Maximilian against the Coronation of the Grand Duke of Tuscany.
The Emperor being informed by letter from the Duke of Florence of his being created Grand Duke of Tuscany by the Pope, and also hearing a report of his intended coronation at Rome, directed his Ambassador resident to privately remonstrate with his Holiness on this infringement of the rights of the empire, and if this was ineffectual, to make a public protestation against the coronation. Notwithstanding this he has been informed by his Ambassador that not only has the Duke been solemnly crowned by the Pope, but that also a sceptre was placed in his hands. The Emperor protests that the said election, together, with the ceremony of coronation, are null and void, as being contrary to the rights and privileges of the Holy Roman Empire, which he has received from his predecessors, and which he is bound to hand down uninjured and intact to his successors.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
June 24. 1031. Reply of Pius V. to the Emperor's Protest.
The Pope through certain Cardinals complains to the Emperor's envoys that the protest was made at a very inopportune time when, by reason of the threatened attacks of the Turks, union is so necessary in Christendom. Denies that there was ever any intention to diminish or injure the rights of the Empire by the creation of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, and affirms that a saving clause to that effect was inserted in his letters apostolical.—24 June 1570.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 3½.
June 24. 1032. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Sends the copy of a letter from Randolph whereby he may perceive what has been done at the late convention at Stirling, and what is further intended.—Alnwick, 24 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
June 21. 1033. Thomas Randolph to the Earl of Sussex.
Informs him of a convention of the nobility of the King's party at Stirling, where the Commendator of Dunfermline declared the Queen of England's answer. Confirmed all that he said touching that matter, but assured them that she would in no wise accord with the Queen of Scots without good assurance for the young prince and all their safeties. Their long silence manifested the heavy care of their hearts until at Morton's request he declared to them the effect of the Queen's letter of the 10th instant to Sussex, of which there was better liking than of the former declaration. After dinner most of them came to his lodging to confer with him and ask his advice, which he told them he was loath to give in a matter of so great consequence. After debating, it was resolved that they should forbear the manifestation of any authority whatsoever they might privately determine until they might advertise the Queen. They are yet in good mind full of hope. Finds most men bent to lay the charge upon the Earl of Lennox. The expectation of the French grows cold. The Earl of Westmorland and Norton are not yet departed.— Stirling, 21 June 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3¼. Enclosure.
June 24. 1034. The Earls of Lennox and Morton and others to the Privy Council.
The report of the Commendator of Dunfermline being to their small comfort had put great doubt into the hearts of many and greatly encouraged their adversaries, if they had not received some taste how upon some practice espied of late, Her Majesty was disposed to enter into a more sure course. Are greatly hindered for want of a certain regiment established for the King which they have promised shall be no longer delayed than the 10th or 11th of July. Crave their assistance that with a convenient speed it will please the Queen to return her advice anent the same.—Stirling, 24 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
June 24. 1035. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Sends copies of a letter from the Duke and his party to Lethington and one from Lethington to himself. Has requested Randolph to confer secretly with the Earl of Morton and advertise his opinion whether they mean bonâ fide or not with their proposed convention.—Alnwick, 24 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
June 12. 1036. The Duke of Chatelherault and the Earl of Argyle to Lethington.
Marvel what the Earl of Sussex means where he writes that before he put the Queen of England's forces so far in Scotland he thought to have procured a demission of the Queen's rebels and an assurance of [suspension of] arms on both sides, which for lack of plain dealing took no effect, considering they were content to demit as they did the banished Englishmen from them, and would have been contented with a suspension of arms whilst they might have sent to the Queen of England. Complain of the rest of his letter and the stopping of Mr. Gordon. Would be glad if a way were found how they might convene securely to consult and have license to send to the Queen of Scots to know her meaning. Their enemies with their waged forces furnished by the Queen of England are daily burning and harrying.—Dunoon, 12 June 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 12/3. Enclosure.
June 18. 1037. Maitland of Lethington to the Earl of Sussex.
Has written to the different noblemen of the Queen of Scots' party. Encloses an answer which he has received from the Duke and Argyle. To bring this matter to a conclusion he would do well to desire both parties to give assurance not to molest or trouble one another for the space of one month, during which time they may convene without great assembly of people, and where the articles which he requires may be fully resolved and concluded. They must be assembled together before they can direct any notable personages to the Queen of England.—Blair Athol, 18 June 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2¼. Enclosure.
June 24. 1038. Count Montgomery to Cecil.
The bearer has lost his master who has done good service in the army. Desires that the widow may have charge of the children and property, and that nothing may be alienated from the family.—Chagny, 24 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ⅓.
June 24. 1039. M. De St. Simon to Cecil.
In behalf of the widow and children of Mr. Champernoun, who was greatly honoured and esteemed by the whole army down to the day of his death. There is some hope of peace. Chalons-sur-Saone, 24 June. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
June 24. 1040. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
In behalf of a certain Frenchman whose money has been seized at Dartmouth.—Sheen, 24 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
June 24. 1041. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
As the bearer is returning to Rochelle he sends him to know if Her Majesty has any commands for the Queen of Navarre.—Sheen, 24 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
June 26. 1042. M. Brinon to the Bishop of Ross.
Sends letters from the Cardinal of Lorraine to him and the Queen of Scots by this bearer, who can inform him of the news of this country.—Paris, 8 June 1570.
The Bishop of Ross to M. Brinon.
Has received his letter and thanks him for his goodwill towards the service of the Queen of Scots.—London, 24 June 1570.
The Bishop of Ross to the Cardinal of Lorraine.
Merely acknowledges the safe receipt of his letters as he wrote more fully to him yesterday.—London, 25 June 1570.
Copies. Endd.: 26 June 1570. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 26. 1043. Randolph to Cecil.
Informs him of the convention at Stirling and of the disappointment of the nobility at the answer brought by the Commendator of Dunfermline. If there is any truth in them the Queen will find them to be as much at her devotion as ever she did at the late Regent's hands. They are in great perplexity for the uncertainty of their estate.—Edinburgh, 26 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
June 26. 1044. Randolph to the Earl of Sussex.
The Lords have sent the bearer, Mr. Archibald, with full instructions to deal with him. They trust that now that the Queen sees the usage of their adversaries ever under colour of plain dealing to work mischief that they may have her help and assistance in their causes. This is the last hope by such answer as the Queen sends either to have them fully at her devotion or to force them to seek that which may be most convenient to themselves. They recommend their whole cause to Sussex to help them. The perilous dealings of the Bishop of Ross are such, and such intelligence comes daily out of England tending to mischief, that if he remain at liberty and no restraint of the other neither his Lordship's writing or his own words will have long credit here.—26 June 1570.
Copy. Pp. 2.
June 27. 1045. Thomas Genynges to Lethington and Lord Seton.
All things are here in great quiet, and they attend with great preparations the Queen's arrival, who was at Spires on the 8th inst. Desires him to forward letters to the Countess of Northumberland and Mr. Ratcliffe.—Brussels, 27 June. Signed: Thomas Genynges.
June 27. Thomas Genynges to Egremont Ratcliffe.
Mr. Smythe continues at Cologne. Promises to do him every service in his power.—Brussels, 27 June. Signed.
June 27. Thomas Genynges to Mr. George Hackett.
Desires his help in sending this packet into Scotland to the Earl of Huntley.—Brussels, 27 June.
Endd. by Cecil: Copies of letters from Jenye. Pp. 3.
June 27. 1046. John III. of Sweden to Queen Elizabeth.
On behalf of two of his subjects of Flemish origin whose goods have been stayed in England on account of her quarrel with the Low Countries.—Stockholm, 27 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. 2/3.
June 27. 1047. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
It is looked for that shortly a battle shall be stricken. M. Puygalliard has received a great defeat and lost 400 infantry and 150 horse. There is a gentleman sent into England who has been of the religion and also served the Princes of Navarre and Condé, but newly reconciled to the French King. He has taken upon him to do an enterprise for the Queen of Scots about August or September next. Sarlabois, being one of the chiefest captains, has disclosed this, and travailled with Standen to join with him in this enterprise, who, like a faithful subject, has given Norris knowledge hereof. M. Poigny has ample commission to solicit Her Majesty, first, for the delivery of the Queen of Scots; secondly, for liberty to confer with her; and thirdly, thence to go into Scotland.—Paris, 27 June 1570. Signed.
Part in cipher. Add. Endd., with seal. P. 2/3.
1048. Copy of the above.
Endd. P. 2/3.
June 28. 1049. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
Sends copies of letters which he has received by Archibald Douglas from the Earl of Lennox and the rest. They have earnestly required him to open to her the peril that grows daily towards them for lack of a settled government, and to procure her answer before the 10th or 11th proximo. They have appointed the Earl of Lennox to be lieutenant until the next convention.—Alnwick, 28 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
June 24. 1050. The Earl of Lennox and others to the Earl of Sussex.
Found such things as the Commendator of Dunfermline and Randolph had in charge to declare to them far besides their expectation, but understand that the Queen perceives herself to be abused by such of their adversaries as deal with her. Beg him to inform the Queen of the danger in which they stand, and obtain her advice for the establishing of their government.—Stirling, 24 June 1570. Signed.
Copy. P. 1. Enclosure.
June 24. 1051. Instructions for Archibald Douglas.
He is directed to repair to the Earl of Sussex and declare the small comfort that they had by the answers brought by the Commendator of Dunfermline and Mr. Randolph. He is to point out the dangers of delay, and to desire the Earl to procure the Queen of England's answer to their requests by the 10th or 11th proximo. He is also to ask for money for the payment of their soldiers. Also to travail with his Lordship for the taking of Lord Semple by Arthur Hamilton, whose life was saved at the taking of Hamilton Castle on condition that he should within six days make his obedience to the King; but 24 hours were scarce past, when the Lord Semple was taken by him.—Stirling, 24 June 1570. Signed by Lennox and other Lords of the King's party.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3. Enclosure.
June 28. 1052. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Livingstone shall depart at his will according to the Queen's pleasure. So long as that which is allowed upon the one day is not allowed upon the next, he knows not how to use discretion, and therefore requires to have plain directions, which he will keep as near as he may. Has written for more money for the discharge of the soldiers. Perceives that some marvelled that he should require 10,000l. at one time. Cecil may now see that if it had been here, the Queen in this discharge had saved the wages of 1,500 men for 20 days. Would rather have 2,000 men with money than 2,500 in this sort. Perceives that he has been informed that the two Earls' houses should be kept as secret receptacles for fugitives out of Scotland. That he may perceive that there can be no such matter he gives the names of all those who have the custody of them. Forwards copies of instructions and letters.—Alnwick, 28 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 29. 1053. Accounts of the Army in the North.
A note of different sums of money delivered to Mr. Treasurer from the first assignment of the army till the 29 June 1570, amounting to 16, 750l.
P. 2/3.
June 30. 1054. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Where Cecil doubts that the French will seek cavillations for the garrisons remaining in Scotland, he assures him that there are only 100 soldiers in Home and 20 in Fast Castle. Lord Home has not passed out of Scotland, but one of the Maxwells has gone into Flanders to procure that the aid from the Duke of Alva should be only in money. Touching his opinion for the discharge of the garrisons on the borders, he thinks that if the Queen of Scots will undertake that all that depend upon her shall keep the peace with England and not receive foreign aid of men or money, then if there be 200 footmen left in the West, 300 in the Middle, and 500 foot and 200 horsemen in the East Marches, the wardens will be able not only to guard the Borders, but if violence be offered to do more hurt than they shall receive. Desires him to procure license for him to repair to Her Majesty, and also that some money may be sent.—Alnwick, 30 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 30. 1055. Sir Valentine Browne to Cecil.
The charges will rise to a great debt unless ready money be sent. Begs him to help him to the money owing for provisions taken by him in London and thereabouts. A number of Captain Reed's soldiers exclaim for want of their pays, they say, behind for two years and three quarters, yet the Queen is not behind with him or his band one quarter. It were good that he were sent down to clear all things.—Alnwick, 30 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
June 30. 1056. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
Has seen the letters and copies sent by him to Mr. Secretary, and finds good cause to allow well of his circumspect dealing. Thinks it good that to the request made for liberty to be given to the Duke and his party to reassemble themselves upon pretence to consult, that answer be made that their late assembly at Linlithgow, where they had her rebels with them, declared that their meaning was before the cause was heard to determine it themselves, so that they must content themselves to be denied unless the other party shall assent thereto; but in the meantime it shall be favourably permitted to them that the contrary party shall take no advantage to molest or trouble them by colour of the authority that they avow for the King. If it were not for the uncertainty of the repair into Scotland of foreign forces, half the number of soldiers that she now maintains would serve to make her party still superior in Scotland.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 3½.
June. 1057. News from Spain.
In June last, letters came from the King to Petro Verdogo, the Provedero abiding at Grand Malaga, to make provision for 100 ships of high board, 150 galleys, 50,000 footmen, and 7,000 horsemen. The letters purported that they should be employed against the enemies of Christianity. The charges shall be borne by the Pope and King Philip, but whether the power shall be employed against the Turk or against the Protestants no man can tell. Other aids of other Princes and States be promised. Don John of Austria sent to the Providero an excellent engineer, who is making chain shot and shot to open that carry many shot in them, to make destruction of men upon the breaking of brittle [bottles] of annealed earth. There is also at Malaga four gunpowder mills continually making powder. The talk that bursts out amongst them of Spain shows an infested malice to England and a vehement presumption of a meaning to invade it if opportunity serve.
Endd. P. 1.
June. 1058. News from Spain.
The bringer, Nicholas Smythe of Totnes, has been a prisoner in Valencia for 15 months. Gives reports current in that town about the war with the Moriscos. Many daily repair to their camp for avoiding of the great vexations and troubles done by the Inquisition which the Moriscos demand to have taken away. There has been and is great dissension amongst the nobles in the Court of Spain for that divers are reported to be Protestants, amongst whom has been slain the Marquis De Poso with a dag coming out of the King's house by night, and the same Marquis was, by report, a Protestant, and at that very time the King's house at Madrid, where he lay, was set on fire, and also the Cardinal's, for which certain are imprisoned on suspicion. It is reported that there is great likelihood of wars between the King and the Queen's Majesty. There is a great grudge against the King for that he is only governed by the clergy and Ruy Gomez, who is a Portingale born, and was the occasion that the King's son was destroyed; and further, that the clergy is the only occasion that amity is not agreed upon between the Queen's Majesty and the King of Spain. It was reported by certain English prisoners in Bilboa that there were divers letters sent from the Court of Spain to Flanders for the favour of the rebels in England, and for covering of their evil pretence have had feigned letters directed to the Lord of Leicester and others of the Council to "cover their matter if by chance they should meet with some who would seek upon them for such conspiracy."
Endd.: June 1570. Pp. 2.
June. 1059. Advertisements sent to the Cardinal Chatillon.
La Roziere being sent by M. De Brinon, was instructed to pass by Dieppe and to ask the wife of the Corporal L'Apostre if there was any reply to the letters which she had last carried to the Bishop of Ross. She admitted having given him letters from the Cardinal of Lorraine, and that she was soon going over to take letters and news to the Queen of Scots under colour of selling linen to her. She has a sister who lives seven or eight miles from Rye, who has a ship fit for their purpose. There came over with the said La Roziere a Scotchman, who has a sister with the Queen of Scots, and who brings letters and news for her. La Roziere was told that the Queen of Scots had said to her people that she was certain in a short time to have the upper hand of her enemies. Also that they intended to deliver the Queen of Scots, and reckoned on 10,000 English, and that the most part of the nobility was at her devotion. If force did not favour them they would take the Queen of Scots into France, and make a great incursion into England, which would cause war between that country and France. As soon as she is at liberty her party, with the aid of the French, will seize upon the young prince. The Bishop of Ross desired him to assure the Cardinal of Lorraine that the Queen of Scots was in good health and never more gay or in better courage, and to beg the Cardinal to send an answer as soon as possible. The secretary of the French Ambassador told the said La Roziere that Her Majesty often gave them mere speeches, but that they gave her as good, which she believed.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 22/3.


  • 1. Era of Constantinople.